C. C. Julian Dec … · MONEY TO LOAN We hare money to loaa to help build homes. Let as gi-n you de...

FRIDAY MORNING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, Classified Ads. Per Word (each Issue) Headers, per word We Are Always On the Job Sundays and Holidays Included If You Want to Buy or Soil See Us.—Information Cheerfully Given. Athens on the Hill Dandy (-room bungalow, almost new; lot 70x170; lawn has sprinkling sys tem Installed; garage , with servants' quarters. Has artistic fence, and fruit and flowers in abua- danoe. Price f 6500 a steal. $4600 cash, balance easy. New Duplex $100 month income. $SSM. (1600 cash. WP have good residency business and oil lots. AUSTIN & AUSTIN 1610 Gabrillo tf T< SWAB BRINGS MORE WATER IN P. B. WELL MACCABEE NOTES An officers' meeting was held at the home of Lt. Com. Tomklna Monday evening. Plans were dis- cussed for the drive for new mem- bers and! also for the winter's work. Light refreshments were served. For Sale * In Fuller-ton, new fi-roon modern bungalow. Four large walnut trees oa tot Will exchange for Torrance property. For further information can at XM5 Redondo Blvd. Cash or terms. tf MONEY TO LOAN We hare money to loaa to help build homes. Let as gi-n you de tail*. * BABCOCK A JONES Real Estate ana Insurance Auditorium Bide. Telephone tU-J Torrance FOR SALE CHINA CABINETS with mirrors. than half price. National cookers, $16. Parlor pool table, cos:. $180, fully equipped, only $». Many Bargains at KING'S FURNITURE Harbor City. FOB SALE—SO feet on Narbonae ave nue, close in, $2100; terms. Also 160x187 feet on 262nd street, price $6600, this week only. Inquire Bmr- ber Shop, 2624 Redondo Btad, Lo- mita. 21* ONE MILK GOAT for sale. $6. 1CM Cypress. Lomita. 21 FOR SALE—60 feet on Narbonne ave nue, $2100; terms. Barber Shop. 2634 Redondo Blvd, Lomita. •« FOR SALE—Chevrolet touring, ISIS. mechanically perfect, good rubber; bargain at $76; terms. 1741 llartina avenue, Torrance. 28* FOR SALE—Trailer camp car. twt> spring beds with mattress, ice box. stove, table—all complete. A. T. Caryi, 2640 Vine St., Lomita. 2*» FOR SALE—1923 Chevrolet tourinr. good condition. D. Q, at Levy's. _2S- FOR SALE—200,000 Winningstadt aad Cannon ball cabbage plants; also Pearl cauliflower plants. RedoaJo 4951. 821 B. First street. Manhat tan Beach. S-ttf: FOR SALE——Horse, wagon, baness. farming implements; reasonable W. L. Reitt, 3028 i'epper street, I_>- „!.„ , S2SXf mita. S2Stf FOR SALE 12x16 portable garage. 176J Andreo St, Torrance. M* FOR SALE—Young Nubian milk goat. or trade for young hens. Registered Nubian buck, "Ye Yankee Flyer," at service. 3065 Weston St_ Lomita. FOR SALE—Hartey Davtdson motor cycle. 1922. Cheap, at 1617 Oak St, Lomita. *»• FOB SALE—2 H acres in Carlsbad: new I-room house; fruit trees* a. good buy. SIM West Miller street. ** 1CELESS REFRIGERATOR——$***• Ice refrigeratora——————_$!«.«• up New •hovels ——————-———»»•*• New National Pressure Cooker*. inortliim slie _______-———I***" Many B*rg» llM' at KING'S The Furniture Man, Harbor City. FOR SALE— Corner lot trtoL »1MO. Inquire Mr. King, Ftaat National Bank. f Hew** ndteneat orer the Peter- son-Barker wlMcat cut of the Tor- ranee badness district wan damp *ned somewhat again Wednesday awning when residents learned that Use wen swabbed for produc tion all night Tuesday without bringing BB anything mare Interest- i ing than ofl-Btreaked mod and water. The jinx that has followed \ this well rross th* day ft was spurt- e«d la still Borered aroaad Toes- day night. Bxnerta declared that *** water is not boUoBt water, but is cossiug in through a easing leak. Adherents to thhr theory still hold «•* hopes for a produeiBg well. The syndicate has not yet decided what steps to take OB the well. Jntereste of hoostera Cor territory «Mt of Torrance as oIl-keariBg bud will center aoo» aromad the Stand ard OQ oMMuy*a Doaetaguei No. 1 OB Oeeu arena*. This well IB BOW down 115* feet and ought to show interesting dereloBinents shortly. The meetings held every Monday in Los Angeles are very Instructive and full of Inspiration. Deputy Su- preme Commander Boetssler is prov- ing herself an able leader. nnmmfi HUB A trlr»honi nMssage reeerred just as we go to picas announces the death of Mrs. C. H. Horney. who foraserly Bred on Pine street. Mrs. Horney aian-d Wedaeeday. Seat. 2C. The funeral wffi he heU at. the Honey hease la WhitOer Friday at Miss Gretehea Nolaad. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Noland of the Castle aaartB-ents, left Sunday for la* Angeles, where she begins her third year in the Bffiott board ing school for girta. Jereese Hnmphrey of the Castle left Sunday to enter the College of Osteopathy, Los Angeles, for a five yean" eourar. Mrs. Roy Stover gave a dinner party Saturday. Coven were laid for tea. Mrs. 8. K. Noland entertained Mrs. Cole Berthott of DBB Maines. I*_ and Mrs. Wray Btrthott of Los Angeles Tuesday. Mr. and Urn. Law nil Mr. Walker spent Tuesday in LOB An geles. WOMA-PS CPU The forssal opening of the club year wUl be held Monday after noon. Oct. 1. at the home of the president. Mrs. John A. Young. An interesting program has been pre pared and a real treat is In store for the saessheia. Among other things, an art collection will be on display. WANTED—(ML PROPERTY TO SELL OR LEASE We bore bwjcn waiting and cast ajivo you aeUon, BABCOCK A JONES atto BMg. MAN DESIRES CLERICAL WORK, any kind. Box C, Pontoffiee. Tor- WANTED—Good btnit for Boston terrier, am shares. Phone L-tmita 2SS-W. WANTED—General carpenter work, impairing furnttsae. marine linoleum, etc. J- J. IKiatmsa. Brighton Apts- - aim WANTKD—TjptwiHmc of aB kmda. addressinc. Mm, M. I_ Crtnmiugs. S1T-C Fortom Are, Tarranee. tf M-4-tf OIL We pay cash for laud-owner's royalty. If you have royalties for sale. »ee UB. Blair & Sawyer. Rappaport Bldg^ Torrance. Phone 1SS-J- r CORNER LOT, 4»xl40, $275«: goodie- cation. Our listings are good. SCULLY Ik COX Realtors .State Ex. Bank Bldg. AWARD «rtO be (tren to the InffJi-f Datey** Free Ford ___ n am In i ia.m Take to Rock Bottom Stave. J- J. BL.______ ,fJOT TOOK f-tOCT-mgg withMim. Fnuuy e Kmc. Ha-Ulsali - pumttun Stank near Masonic Tt pie. Tormnot tf TWO LOTS in Block 76, Tract, for 11260 each; only »**• cash, balance on contract. uaw* sleep on this one. SCULLY * COX Realtors State Kx B&nk BldK. PhOBeUf-J- CALJL MBS. UMBOX lore a. am. ami attar FOR RENT PBACTICAI. ht A. FXJR RENT—Furnished rooms In new home; suitable one or two •"••*"- ?J2lT men. For one. »26 per .month: ; two.) •»• o Blvd Lomita. «| "* . . |16. 27S» Redondo I-"OR RENT Two-room -, furnished. lilt CabrtUo. WANTED WANTED—Branch Manager __ By large responsible CaUforuta uompuny. Oreat opportunity for re liable, wide-awake person U> amaj five or tan thousand dollars ana upward within next few moutha^»B« grow up with peruuu * ~™ Must be familiar with ritury and able furnish tut to cliaracter. RMulrw vestment m businom. Uon confidential. Addreaa P. Box 8M. Long Bew*. Callftwm*. ••" CARD OF THANKS Mr^aa-l hUn. Bv K. Oaataoa. Mr. and Mm. P. W. Cnartity. »ih.mt. Thanks! Good people of Tor- rance and vicinity, for your patronage on Opening Day of .the Top's Bakery In Paige's Quality Grocery We hope you liked our Cream Puffs with Whipped Cream. We know you will like our Special Home-Made Bread, Pastries and Cakes in the future Baked Fresh Daily in Our Own Ovens Visit us at any time and see our new Ovens and get better acquainted. ORDINANCE Ho. 68 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Number 10. The Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance do ordain as follows: Section 1 Section l of Ordinance Number 10 of the City of Torrance is here by'amended to read as follows: Section 1. That the City of Torrance shall be and the same IB hereby divided into three fire dis- tricts to be known and designated respectively as Fire District Number One. Fire District Number Two. Fire District Number Three. Fire district number one shall comprise the area included within the following boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Block 102 of the Torrance Tract as the same is re- corded In Book 22, Pages 94 and 96 of Maps, of the Records of Los An- geles County, California, with the eastern boundary line of the City of Torrance; Thence westerly and northwest- erly and northerly along the east- erly prolongation of the southerly line of Block 102, said tract, the southerly line of said Block, the southwesterly line of Block 103, said tract, the westerly line of Block 104 and 109, said Tract, to the Intersection of the easterly pro- longation of the southerly line of Lot 3, of Block 18, said Tract; Thence westerly along said pro- longation and the southerly line of said Lot 3 to the southwesterly cor- ner of said Lot 3; Thence in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 22, said Block 18; Thence westerly along the south erly line of said Lot 22 and the westerly prolongation thereof and the southerly line of Lot 3, 4 and 5, of BlocE 19, said Tract, to the southwest corner of Lot 3. said Block 19; Thence northerly along the west- erly line of said Lot 3 to the north- west corner of said lot; Thence northwesterly in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 17, said Tract; Thence northerly along the west- erly side of said Lot 6 to the south- erly line of Lot A-17; Thence westerly and northwest- erly along the southerly and south- westerly line of said Lot A-17 to the intersection with the south- easterly line of Lot S-ll; Thence in a direct line northwest- Plans are moving swiftly for the big class initiation to be held Oc- tober 16 in Los Angeles. Torrance review is pledged for 10 members for that class. Let's go. All members having 'copies of the by-laws are urged to have them In at the meeting Friday night. All ^ rates must be in by the 10th of. the month now, instead of the 20th. j but all members can reinstate by | paying before the end of the month without a certificate of good health. Deputy Great Commander Oinn and Deputy Supreme Oominander Boetssler have postponed their visit for this week, but hope to come In the near future. Are You Getting This Paper? MOBDO C. SMITH. erly to the north corner of Lot 9. Block 13, said Tract; Thence northeasterly IB a direct line to the southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Block S. said Tract; Thence southeasterly to the south erly corner of Lot 2. Block 9. said Tract; Thence northeasterly to the east erly corner of said Lot 2; Thence in a, straight nae to the westerly corner of Lot 11. Block 71. said Tract; Thence northeasterly to the north erly corner of said Lot 11; Thence northeasterly and west erly along the northeasterly and northerly sides respeettrety of Blocks 71, 72, 73. 74, 8C. 84. and S3, said Tract, to the east tide of Lot S-25, said Tract; Thence northerly along the east side of said lot S-25 and a north erly prolongation thereof to UM southerly line of the 125-acr* tract occupied by the Pacific Electric Railway car shops; Thence westerly along the sovth- erry side of said 125-acre tract to to the southwest corner thereof; Thence northerly along the west erly side of the said 125-acre tract to the northwesterly corner thereof; Thence easterly along the north erly side of said 126-acre tract to the northeast corner thereof; Thence southerly along the east erly side of said .125-acre tract to the point where it is intersected by the westerly prolongation of the northerly side of the piopeitj of the Llewellyn Iron Works; Thence easterly along the north erly line of said property of the Llewellyn Iron Works and am east erly prolongation thereof to the •east erly line of the Pacific gectric Railway right-of-way. !•• feet In width; Thence southeasterly along the easterly line of said Pacific Btoetrle right-of-way and the southerly pro longation thereof across the street named El Prado to the southerly line of El Prado; Thence easterly along the south erly line of El Prado to the easterly boundary of the City of Torranee; Thence southerly along the east erly boundary of the City of Tor rance to point of beginning. Fire District Number Two shall comprise that part of the City of Torrance lying south of Domlnguex Street, east of Madrid Avenue, and north of Plaza del Amo and not In cluded in Fire District Number O Fire District Number Three shall comprise all the corporate liodts of the Cfty of Torrance not incbsued within Fire Districts One or Two. Seetaom 2 Section 27 of Ordinance No. !• to hereby amended to read as follows: It shall be unlawful for,any per son, firm or corporation, a* owner, architect or contractor, or other- wise, to erect or cause to be erected, or to commence or to proceed with. the erection of any building within Fire District Number Two of the City of Torrance unless said build ing shall conform in all respects to the requirements of this ordinance for a building in either Class "A. "B," "C" or "D" as the same ia more particularly set fprth in this ordinance, except only that sheds, barns and outbuildings of one story and not occupying more than five hundred square feet of ground space, may be erected of "Wooden Construction." provided that BO such building shall be erected with in five f«et of any other bnildin aad provided that the use of an- such building shall not be after wards changed so that it is brooch t Into variant* with this Ordlnann and Branding also that dwellings <> not over !••• asjuare feet of floor surface to be built not closer thn- 29 feet from front street line ar 18 feet from say side street an' not closer than three feet from an Hue, Buy be built <~ "Wooden Const ruction" and brie! chlamey or flue thereof which Is not over 8% inches by 8% laches, in •ide measurement, and not over 12 feet in height, or brick work, may rest upon a One stand having not leas than four Sx4-iach timbers for studding .therefor, which shall rest upon mad sflte of 2rf-inch redwood timbers, said mud sills snail rest upon a foundation of three courses of brick work, built solid, and bava footing four inches larger than stand, which shall be same size as due. the shelf or upper end of said stand shall have two 2i4-ineh joists and be capped with two-inch timbers forming shelf thereto. Also foundation for said building shall be constructed of brick piers not smaller than two courses W 8 inches square and not orer four feet apart, provided that ' the load between, shall* be carried with a timber- of not leas than 2xC inches, set on edge. Seeticm S Ordinance Number 19 of the City of Torranee is hereby amended by adding thereto the following, to be known as section X7a: Section 27a. Bnfldings of either Class "A." "B." -<V* "D" or "X" may be built in Fire District Um ber Three; however, no bnQdtnC at dans "D- or "B" shall be befit to said District nearer than twenty (2»> feet from the street line in tine front of any lot or ten <!•) tent from the street line on the nfde of any tot except that corrugated trot buildings may be wnilt as dose a- ten 1191 feet to any street UK*; no part of any oil derrick shall be built nearer than twenty «20) feet from any street line. Htcliim 4 The City Clerk shall certify V) the adoption of this Ordinance and Shan cause the sane to be pub lished once in the Torranee Herald, and thereupon and thereafter this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect. W. H. GILBERT. President of the Board of Trustees of the drj of Torranee. Attest: ALBERT H. BARTLKTT. dry Clerk. State of California. County of Los Angeles.—as, I. Albert H. Bartlett. City Clerk of the City of Torranee, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Trustee* of the City of Torraaee at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of September. 1923. by the following vote: Ayes: Trust res Fitxhugh. Proctor. Stone and Gilbert. Noes: None. Absent: Tiustee Nash. In Witness Whereof I hare here unto set my hand and official seal of said City. (Seal) ALBERT H. BARTLETT. dty Clerk. Stressing the Importance of the ONE-PIECE FROCKS Always appropriate for any occasion, these Frocks in silk and wool aife rich in interest- ing details. Their moderate pricings are of more than ordinary interest. Our New Styles Are Here Pauline Ladies' Wear Brooks Bldg. Torrance BREA ELECTRIC COMPANY 2171 CRAVENS VONDERAHE BUILDING Day or Night Service For The Oil Fields electrical Appliances C. C. Julian Your last chance to get in on the Refinery project $35 will hold one unit, balance 30 and 60 days Will be in the office until 6 p. m. Rappaport Building, CabriDo Street TORRANCE Do We? We can Worship God in our home Sundays. Do we? We can worship M ia tke wwfc ud at the hmcfcn. Do wet We cam wuskip God «• the MB* ia At Mto. wet We eta worship fai by •ttM»imt the ehueh senie* with on friends. Do we! You wfll fiai a wrtema, each 8udmj at the Lomita Community Church REV. E. Ct-AftK. Pastor

Transcript of C. C. Julian Dec … · MONEY TO LOAN We hare money to loaa to help build homes. Let as gi-n you de...

Page 1: C. C. Julian Dec … · MONEY TO LOAN We hare money to loaa to help build homes. Let as gi-n you de tail*. * BABCOCK A JONES Real Estate ana Insurance Auditorium Bide. Telephone tU-J


Classified Ads.Per Word (each Issue) Headers, per word —

We Are AlwaysOn the Job

Sundays and HolidaysIncluded

If You Want to Buyor Soil

See Us.—Information Cheerfully Given.

Athens on the HillDandy (-room bungalow, almost new; lot 70x170; lawn has sprinkling sys­ tem Installed; garage , with servants' quarters. Has artistic fence, and fruit and flowers in abua- danoe.

Price f 6500 — a steal. $4600 cash, balance easy.

New Duplex$100 month income. $SSM. (1600 cash.

WP have good residency business and oil lots.

AUSTIN & AUSTIN1610 Gabrillo tf T<



MACCABEE NOTESAn officers' meeting was held at

the home of Lt. Com. Tomklna Monday evening. Plans were dis­ cussed for the drive for new mem­ bers and! also for the winter's work. Light refreshments were served.

For Sale* In Fuller-ton, new fi-roon

modern bungalow. Four large walnut trees oa tot Will exchange for Torrance property. For further information can at XM5 Redondo Blvd. Cash or terms. tf

MONEY TO LOAN We hare money to loaa to help build homes. Let as gi-n you de­ tail*. *

BABCOCK A JONESReal Estate ana Insurance

Auditorium Bide. Telephone tU-JTorrance


CHINA CABINETS with mirrors.than half price. Nationalcookers, $16. Parlor pool table, cos:.$180, fully equipped, only $». ManyBargains at


FOB SALE—SO feet on Narbonae ave­ nue, close in, $2100; terms. Also 160x187 feet on 262nd street, price $6600, this week only. Inquire Bmr- ber Shop, 2624 Redondo Btad, Lo- mita. 21*

ONE MILK GOAT for sale. $6. 1CM Cypress. Lomita. 21

FOR SALE—60 feet on Narbonne ave­ nue, $2100; terms. Barber Shop. 2634 Redondo Blvd, Lomita. •«

FOR SALE—Chevrolet touring, ISIS.mechanically perfect, good rubber;bargain at $76; terms. 1741 llartinaavenue, Torrance. 28*

FOR SALE—Trailer camp car. twt> spring beds with mattress, ice box. stove, table—all complete. A. T. Caryi, 2640 Vine St., Lomita. 2*»

FOR SALE—1923 Chevrolet tourinr. good condition. D. Q, at Levy's. _2S-

FOR SALE—200,000 Winningstadt aad Cannon ball cabbage plants; also Pearl cauliflower plants. RedoaJo 4951. 821 B. First street. Manhat­ tan Beach. S-ttf:

FOR SALE——Horse, wagon, baness. farming implements; reasonable W. L. Reitt, 3028 i'epper street, I_>- „!.„ , S2SXfmita. S2Stf

FOR SALE — 12x16 portable garage. 176J Andreo St, Torrance. M*

FOR SALE—Young Nubian milk goat. or trade for young hens. Registered Nubian buck, "Ye Yankee Flyer," at service. 3065 Weston St_ Lomita. 2»

FOR SALE—Hartey Davtdson motor­ cycle. 1922. Cheap, at 1617 Oak St, Lomita. *»•

FOB SALE—2 H acres in Carlsbad:new I-room house; fruit trees* a.

good buy. SIM West Miller street.**

1CELESS REFRIGERATOR——$***• Ice refrigeratora——————_$!«.«• up New •hovels ——————-———»»•*• New National Pressure Cooker*.

inortliim slie _______-———I***"Many B*rg»llM' at KING'S

The Furniture Man,Harbor City.

FOR SALE— Corner lottrtoL »1MO. Inquire Mr. King, Ftaat National Bank. f

Hew** ndteneat orer the Peter- son-Barker wlMcat cut of the Tor- ranee badness district wan damp*ned somewhat again Wednesday awning when residents learned that Use wen swabbed for produc­ tion all night Tuesday without bringing BB anything mare Interest- i ing than ofl-Btreaked mod and water. The jinx that has followed \ this well rross th* day ft was spurt- e«d la still Borered aroaad Toes- day night. Bxnerta declared that*** water is not boUoBt water, but is cossiug in through a easing leak. Adherents to thhr theory still hold «•* hopes for a produeiBg well. The syndicate has not yet decided what steps to take OB the well.

Jntereste of hoostera Cor territory «Mt of Torrance as oIl-keariBg bud will center aoo» aromad the Stand ard OQ oMMuy*a Doaetaguei No. 1 OB Oeeu arena*. This well IB BOW down 115* feet and ought to show interesting dereloBinents shortly.

The meetings held every Monday in Los Angeles are very Instructive and full of Inspiration. Deputy Su­ preme Commander Boetssler is prov­ ing herself an able leader.

nnmmfi HUBA trlr»honi nMssage reeerred just

as we go to picas announces the death of Mrs. C. H. Horney. who foraserly Bred on Pine street. Mrs. Horney aian-d Wedaeeday. Seat. 2C. The funeral wffi he heU at. the Honey hease la WhitOer Friday at

Miss Gretehea Nolaad. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Noland of the Castle aaartB-ents, left Sunday for la* Angeles, where she begins her third year in the Bffiott board­ ing school for girta.

Jereese Hnmphrey of the Castle left Sunday to enter the College of Osteopathy, Los Angeles, for a five yean" eourar.

Mrs. Roy Stover gave a dinner party Saturday. Coven were laid for tea.

Mrs. 8. K. Noland entertained Mrs. Cole Berthott of DBB Maines. I*_ and Mrs. Wray Btrthott of Los Angeles Tuesday.

Mr. and Urn. Law nil Mr. Walker spent Tuesday in LOB An­ geles.

WOMA-PS CPUThe forssal opening of the club

year wUl be held Monday after­ noon. Oct. 1. at the home of the president. Mrs. John A. Young. An interesting program has been pre­ pared and a real treat is In store for the saessheia. Among other things, an art collection will be on display.

WANTED—(ML PROPERTYTO SELL OR LEASEWe bore bwjcn waitingand cast ajivo you aeUon,


MAN DESIRES CLERICAL WORK, any kind. Box C, Pontoffiee. Tor-

WANTED—Good btnit for Bostonterrier, am shares. Phone L-tmita2SS-W. 2»

WANTED—General carpenter work, impairing furnttsae. marine linoleum, etc. J- J. IKiatmsa. Brighton Apts-- aim

WANTKD—TjptwiHmc of aB kmda.

addressinc. Mm, M. I_ Crtnmiugs. S1T-C Fortom Are, Tarranee. tf


OILWe pay cash for laud-owner's royalty.

If you have royalties for sale. »ee UB. Blair & Sawyer. Rappaport Bldg^ Torrance. Phone 1SS-J- ™ r

CORNER LOT, 4»xl40, $275«: goodie- cation. Our listings are good.


.State Ex. Bank Bldg.

AWARD «rtO be (tren to the InffJi-f Datey** Free Ford

___ n am In i ia.m Take to Rock Bottom Stave. J- J. BL.______ 2«

,fJOT TOOK f-tOCT-mgg withMim. Fnuuy e Kmc. a» Ha-Ulsali - pumttun Stank near Masonic Tt pie. Tormnot tf

TWO LOTS in Block 76, Tract, for 11260 each; only »**• cash, balance on contract. uaw* sleep on this one.

SCULLY * COX Realtors

State Kx B&nk BldK. PhOBeUf-J-

CALJL MBS. UMBOX lore • a. am. ami attar



FXJR RENT— Furnished rooms In new home; suitable one or two •"••*"- ?J2lT men. For one. »26 per .month: ; two.) •»•

o Blvd Lomita. «| "*. . |16. 27S» Redondo

I-"OR RENT — Two-room -, furnished. lilt CabrtUo.

WANTEDWANTED—Branch Manager __

By large responsible CaUforuta uompuny. Oreat opportunity for re­ liable, wide-awake person U> amaj five or tan thousand dollars ana upward within next few moutha^»B« grow up with peruuu * ~™ Must be familiar with ritury and able furnish tut to cliaracter. RMulrw vestment m businom. O« Uon confidential. Addreaa P. Box 8M. Long Bew*. Callftwm*. ••"


Mr^aa-l hUn. Bv K. Oaataoa. Mr. and Mm. P. W. Cnartity.


Thanks!Good people of Tor­ rance and vicinity, for your patronage

on Opening Day of .the

Top's Bakery

In Paige's Quality Grocery

We hope you liked our Cream Puffs

with Whipped Cream.

We know you willlike our Special

Home-Made Bread,Pastries and Cakes

in the future

Baked Fresh Daily in Our Own Ovens

Visit us at any timeand see our newOvens and get

better acquainted.

ORDINANCE Ho. 68An Ordinance Amending Ordinance

Number 10.

The Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance do ordain as follows:

Section 1Section l of Ordinance Number 10 of the City of Torrance is here­ by'amended to read as follows:

Section 1. That the City of Torrance shall be and the same IB hereby divided into three fire dis­ tricts to be known and designated respectively as

Fire District Number One.Fire District Number Two.Fire District Number Three.Fire district number one shall

comprise the area included within the following boundaries:

Beginning at the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Block 102 of the Torrance Tract as the same is re­ corded In Book 22, Pages 94 and 96 of Maps, of the Records of Los An­ geles County, California, with the eastern boundary line of the City of Torrance;

Thence westerly and northwest­ erly and northerly along the east­ erly prolongation of the southerly line of Block 102, said tract, the southerly line of said Block, the southwesterly line of Block 103, said tract, the westerly line of Block 104 and 109, said Tract, to the Intersection of the easterly pro­ longation of the southerly line of Lot 3, of Block 18, said Tract;

Thence westerly along said pro­ longation and the southerly line of said Lot 3 to the southwesterly cor­ ner of said Lot 3;

Thence in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot 22, said Block 18;

Thence westerly along the south­ erly line of said Lot 22 and the westerly prolongation thereof and the southerly line of Lot 3, 4 and 5, of BlocE 19, said Tract, to the southwest corner of Lot 3. said Block 19;

Thence northerly along the west­ erly line of said Lot 3 to the north­ west corner of said lot;

Thence northwesterly in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 17, said Tract;

Thence northerly along the west­ erly side of said Lot 6 to the south­ erly line of Lot A-17;

Thence westerly and northwest­ erly along the southerly and south­ westerly line of said Lot A-17 to the intersection with the south­ easterly line of Lot S-ll;

Thence in a direct line northwest-

Plans are moving swiftly for the big class initiation to be held Oc­ tober 16 in Los Angeles. Torrance review is pledged for 10 members for that class. Let's go.

All members having 'copies of theby-laws are urged to have them Inat the meeting Friday night. All

^ rates must be in by the 10th of. themonth now, instead of the 20th.

j but all members can reinstate by| paying before the end of the monthwithout a certificate of goodhealth.

Deputy Great Commander Oinn and Deputy Supreme Oominander Boetssler have postponed their visit for this week, but hope to come In the near future.

Are You Getting This Paper?


erly to the north corner of Lot 9. Block 13, said Tract;

Thence northeasterly IB a direct line to the southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Block S. said Tract;

Thence southeasterly to the south­ erly corner of Lot 2. Block 9. said Tract;

Thence northeasterly to the east­ erly corner of said Lot 2;

Thence in a, straight nae to the westerly corner of Lot 11. Block 71. said Tract;

Thence northeasterly to the north­ erly corner of said Lot 11;

Thence northeasterly and west­ erly along the northeasterly and northerly sides respeettrety of Blocks 71, 72, 73. 74, 8C. 84. and S3, said Tract, to the east tide of Lot S-25, said Tract;

Thence northerly along the east side of said lot S-25 and a north­ erly prolongation thereof to UM southerly line of the 125-acr* tract occupied by the Pacific Electric Railway car shops;

Thence westerly along the sovth- erry side of said 125-acre tract to to the southwest corner thereof;

Thence northerly along the west­ erly side of the said 125-acre tract to the northwesterly corner thereof;

Thence easterly along the north­ erly side of said 126-acre tract to the northeast corner thereof;

Thence southerly along the east­ erly side of said .125-acre tract to the point where it is intersected by the westerly prolongation of the northerly side of the piopeitj of the Llewellyn Iron Works;

Thence easterly along the north­ erly line of said property of the Llewellyn Iron Works and am east­ erly prolongation thereof to the •east­ erly line of the Pacific gectric Railway right-of-way. !•• feet In width;

Thence southeasterly along the easterly line of said Pacific Btoetrle right-of-way and the southerly pro­ longation thereof across the street named El Prado to the southerly line of El Prado;

Thence easterly along the south­ erly line of El Prado to the easterly boundary of the City of Torranee;

Thence southerly along the east­ erly boundary of the City of Tor­ rance to point of beginning.

Fire District Number Two shall comprise that part of the City of Torrance lying south of Domlnguex Street, east of Madrid Avenue, and north of Plaza del Amo and not In­ cluded in Fire District Number O

Fire District Number Three shallcomprise all the corporate liodts ofthe Cfty of Torrance not incbsuedwithin Fire Districts One or Two.

Seetaom 2Section 27 of Ordinance No. !• to

hereby amended to read as follows:It shall be unlawful for,any per­

son, firm or corporation, a* owner, architect or contractor, or other- wise, to erect or cause to be erected, or to commence or to proceed with. the erection of any building within Fire District Number Two of the City of Torrance unless said build­ ing shall conform in all respects to the requirements of this ordinance for a building in either Class "A. "B," "C" or "D" as the same ia more particularly set fprth in this ordinance, except only that sheds, barns and outbuildings of one story and not occupying more than five hundred square feet of ground space, may be erected of "Wooden Construction." provided that BO such building shall be erected with­

in five f«et of any other bnildin aad provided that the use of an- such building shall not be after wards changed so that it is brooch t Into variant* with this Ordlnann and Branding also that dwellings <> not over !••• asjuare feet of floor surface to be built not closer thn- 29 feet from front street line ar 18 feet from say side street an' not closer than three feet from an

Hue, Buy be built <~ "Wooden Const ruction" and brie! chlamey or flue thereof which Is not over 8% inches by 8% laches, in •ide measurement, and not over 12 feet in height, or brick work, may rest upon a One stand having not leas than four Sx4-iach timbers for studding .therefor, which shall rest upon mad sflte of 2rf-inch redwood timbers, said mud sills snail rest upon a foundation of three courses of brick work, built solid, and bava

footing four inches larger than stand, which shall be same size as due. the shelf or upper end of said stand shall have two 2i4-ineh joists and be capped with two-inch timbers forming shelf thereto. Also foundation for said building shall be constructed of brick piers not smaller than two courses W 8 inches square and not orer four feet apart, provided that ' the load between,

shall* be carried with a timber- of not leas than 2xC inches, set on edge.

Seeticm SOrdinance Number 19 of the City of Torranee is hereby amended by adding thereto the following, to be known as section X7a:

Section 27a. Bnfldings of either Class "A." "B." -<V* "D" or "X" may be built in Fire District Um­ ber Three; however, no bnQdtnC at dans "D- or "B" shall be befit to said District nearer than twenty (2»> feet from the street line in tine front of any lot or ten <!•) tent from the street line on the nfde of any tot except that corrugated trot buildings may be wnilt as dose a- ten 1191 feet to any street UK*; no part of any oil derrick shall be built nearer than twenty «20) feet from any street line.

Htcliim 4The City Clerk shall certify V) the adoption of this Ordinance and Shan cause the sane to be pub­ lished once in the Torranee Herald, and thereupon and thereafter this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect.

W. H. GILBERT. President of the Board

of Trustees of the drj of Torranee.

Attest: ALBERT H. BARTLKTT.dry Clerk.

State of California. County of LosAngeles.—as,I. Albert H. Bartlett. City Clerk

of the City of Torranee, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Trustee* of the City of Torraaee at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of September. 1923. by the following vote:

Ayes: Trust res Fitxhugh. Proctor. Stone and Gilbert.

Noes: None. •Absent: Tiustee Nash.In Witness Whereof I hare here­

unto set my hand and official seal of said City.

(Seal) ALBERT H. BARTLETT. dty Clerk.

Stressing the Importance of the

ONE-PIECE FROCKSAlways appropriate for any occasion, these Frocks in silk and wool aife rich in interest­ ing details. Their moderate pricings are of more than ordinary interest.

Our New Styles Are Here

PaulineLadies' Wear

Brooks Bldg. Torrance



Day or Night Service For

The Oil Fields"» electrical Appliances

C. C. JulianYour last chance to get in on the Refinery project $35 will hold one unit, balance 30 and 60 daysWill be in the office until 6 p. m.

Rappaport Building, CabriDo Street TORRANCE

Do We?We can Worship God in our home

Sundays. Do we?We can worship M ia tke wwfc ud at the hmcfcn. Do wetWe cam wuskip God «• the MB* ia At Mto. O» wetWe eta worship fai by •ttM»imt the ehueh senie* with on

friends. Do we! You wfll fiai a wrtema, each 8udmj at the

Lomita Community ChurchREV. E. Ct-AftK. Pastor