BY TlJaatiBGIt^PB *mmm - 10/New York NY Evening...114...

.cam .a noxiAM .7A<iK0if .naoif^ya/: :i>o'j o/ivrav:. sin THE EVENING POST: NEW YORK, MONDAF, MARCH 8, 1869. NATIONAL LIFEfflSDRINCS03. •f IBf I Mil*-* *..,(.. of tB,-'T- HII l\» II 0"PI« « : Flr«t N^lliMial llnik Hull l i u , 1*1111- \r-Hl-PII!A Wkfrf itr .... rr,il •m.ii»« •»« 'Hr • » H- Mnr I* lrait««< l.-.t, «ti« •* .1 i -a . 1 1 fir«.f Mil ...r>- .p .... t< :ar •'» ...'•* •,<• U > *tr*a.. M •»t/S< < W M N i CIAKXBC* a CLUitl, Pre. >• i. JAY LOOA*. CC •!»»-. en* *v*rutls» Cmm. tee »»*E» D •OOi* »!<• Pr-- -,i ZMERaoM W Pkn, Iteirtri sin tnui, T»i» I "mi.mi) alrr lb» f..||..wiax »«•• llhlt^r. . II lea \«IIWM4| I V MM. a ta v . • J«ri»r-J la | ep>e« U l t t l wl i tfUj r e - . a . » a H >. II 11*. a |)«lil>M|i <«ifit4l MI a • .(iva.liiMI I t wMerw l u u m r a ..I pr«imu.a. §« turs»i-lar« larger lti*.ir .»< * asswea other riimi*juii. laar in. aa ar .aaaa.-,. It 4eNnhf aaa* certain laa Ii% i.*,- .... I l l l l llONIf Ml 11,11.11 til • k ' I • I | I i Ito »<»M<-tM mrm •*««. a|i f/-.. w .... :.. Ml. TM«-rw or* asas M n n r < i » « « r i r... rlrll«ii. la l»<- pvilrir. I . » r r » •>••!»• r •• aonltrlMlllK. l**llrl«-o ua > »se i.kru will i ^ii i w i a< Ineu r. a l i c i t l u l l a . u.»a.«« i, ease ri-iir* aia ikr trwnlaiai, ... mj. <<• lu.jr. •>• <o«u i.ialr Hi*- latori-ii «aia l a / • • i lai pay an ratio. Policies. na«t*o a*- uu/o t!i it •«• I• ,».., ... the luaurrd. after it rrrlun H I n'» r ... (Mfi, dwrla* llir au iuun<l lair . .ir .1 •ar-trulh lk« assa.uaal .a m-* Irs "Me Balle,. lb* m m rai« la r k a r t , < f<*r r i s k * us »« the Uvea or i.-maire It laiarn. u o l 10 |>a; dl % I d.-tal. la aallri' balaira, kail al »•• l u w a ca*.i I Hal dial. drsaata a U l k iaaap»>,le. J a t r a a k a * fa., af>a i . •! Mr .a.l aa « . am Para H I M itailAn,- arr un-r>l «••-•••• for ilala .trinity, uliSO r. Mr .sit. aaaa ana 1 J ('. Ora-la, l i n j . r i , awl* err aapll. aiwa. Mar laaaraara wa laa — a« laiurablr irrMi will rrvrelveal. V A llama**** a l M b a r of taraarlM tor B n l i laaa M l l . u e r a . HATCH.FOOTE«\CO li A N K KKS. AMD DIALERS IS GDTfnmrit SrtBntifs, .roM, Stiwlr*, 8K., ll'V AID SELL ALL lASL'kB Or* I a Sa ..<>>.»** AT M A. tf, K E T HATEH <••. ia UMII Mmi, \ r . BUUUIIIK House of J,iY COOKE &co. It. M »8ii MTftt. eor. if Ka*ai *i., S. T. 114 WuU 3d Otreet, PallaOAI-aala. *4» ISU ttroat, WatAiagtM. •i SIT ea. > r. a' (Be xosi u^araJ rarreat pneee. and keep aa \AO* a *u'l auppiv V *iovrrn(Lt-ot Hoods of all Issues, end -zeca's oram toi »arrDa*« %ui a«ia ot SOaaOa A OJ D COLO. *>a ka»r a'(tad lo»u a leiaii ui»ui«il,br laa ac ootiacxliti a "f the DIIS'c <t-*n*ao I >r invaaV aaai in «a«e»ck»'>f-»'-f '."V ».•<* I f l t -r< r Kl n <•«. i*. IU.C>IH "I u«'l " .a I .St-K<-I 'H.r-u«S.»aa lae aa.a»( 1HTKK.>AL EUCVKVlit Itmi'i j \> i ••., K « At r<>. BANKING H0U 8 », V s V O t m raoairaa aaoioot wo ooect a» •la'al. aa4 mtar- Mt aiiowad at vac r a u •»/ f o c i *«r Mat. pa/ aaaata. CBhtlriCAiaa or oftxiair laaaei. oaariaa Utoraal pa>ab.a JB *• saatf or alter laad daiaa. COLL««.TIOI»^ nail « il aviau a -aa C'aiva* 9'ataa. laaajk a'" «*'Ooe [. aatl w jupoaa alao col laciaa a i * a* atiav r>roa.i Ui acaoaatad foa*. UKjIia proa t » eaaeniad lor >a« >n:-a»a« and aaia oi Oota. IK ^ufa.".acL' aod »u.«r »«car tiei _ BtBDh\.«!M!H;STKR&fO., No. 1 Wall Mrert, BANKERS AND BROKEHS. BAT- MIKJAS. miMUB, ^.^'Vl^-^<l>J^V r »»(. I-KITIM a^d »*IM. f > t>.» .aat ac-i *. -1 ou c^u»'ou. lu.vreai a.- ;iiMoa a.'ano Gold Contracts H»*'r« brrt ft* > ' - J r »* '^i f ' * -,>*- *n I' ittrt, lb« --*i i.t tu -i tui ;*i * *r»r-r pr •»»'•»•• ion <">{ on: fotf ;i trmio * ia famii . l>-- lOia-iticieJ U{K<O lh« -r.-Lli B ..a»il. KtKF.Y CLEMS & CD., liauLi-rv 32 Wall .-trect, AT**, thfretorr pr*p»r«-l o up-J tniS mf-r.;^n*li » .J COLD ACCOUNTS: To rrceiTr l.Ot.D oa I KI1>sl I. aiariaj i^ierrataail aab- uel lock <*a at «u£^l . To l»»«e ylli l> I aKIiril \lK-> ot D* r-O^lT. To toake AUV \M ^ ^ i- t' >Ll». a^A i< : .*: -acr an 1 [Ui ».er»" Andl.'^r r i b i a l ' l i ftu-illllra rearrai'.. zva A IKILI) .".AMI •VC^^lv rsj-VE!I>. K . 1 . and -I * -aali-IT. Mini",- I a i l s-w»rk Kajl- ..l . I'-UCJ • •• ieJ i. • • '.r •• r>*) « 1 M -' t «:i I I. • i« * j d IM3.II. Krila , . : .- . i. i . • v . it .1 i_, a. a J. *t ... j - ^. lar- U M A. GO LI, 23 W.i ils. eel Jl \M Hill RI'.KMM) >ll I 4 IS VNTN' II % % Jv, "HI H I AKI UtaaOiii ai-ar I'riara at. C.»PIT«t . . . - . . - > t»i>O.0O0 i , i .i \ - •• % ! MJ;-,»J: He I" N I:"-. A v 1 t \ VIM B far " . s 1 •' -- AXUtlN!£.\ MiSfSrO J P..:.aeat. THrO'X>St< D W4HSE::,.\:!, Collier. VERWILYt A CO., H \ V K KUS, 8t!iia»t «J to No>. •••» • id Is \4N>UI Si, aovuauAZNT 8a.cTjairixs SOLD AND SOLD C O V P O If S. Bl \ sMI -t:L Ot COMatUMOaT. RAILWAY STOCKS, BONOS and Gold, MAKING LIBERAL A l> V I N r • 9. l«Talllk»T t»1 BKP«««IT». Marine Insurance. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE UNION, No. 62 Wall Street. COMBINED CAPITAL, aMaftftO.QOOa OOLI>. TB» IV> wilaaT i- >a-« . t ,-r: . . - ot tat Clt» ol SaA Fiaac *:..'a I ri., .. r fc ,- !ri!« t v -till-of the (. ALiruR* l\ 1N»IK\MIH iklON, io carry oa Ua* oariaeaa ot Mar ae>.. La S e a York, aad Sara aaaoutefl »ao ano-raiaaoJ ta,ir At.uraara. Cai*i Imrtirf fa.. itpittJ. - f7.'>«.to6 nrrVl'lrlH !••- ''•>•• L'ipiUl, it-.** •cci^aUl liarnACt L«., Upiul, Sn»,tM TJUI PiU-lp Cspital, fct!-, *',y*,*-$ inrm.r. la »•«» V.rfc i JOKAS E H X H " J mrlUv * •"* S^ATatat-e. UTTLA «/ Ua Wrtl. 11MI. * Ca>. c L. WADeWoBTR. itm. *i u>« •* c * a, ' , *• **• c * AU4U 1 BAlXoCK. a„_aa kali. A Co. LAWkUB * WAiiaMt. nuim «t*.I.TftCO- »»»»*!«.»*» Tac«- *A*a»Atv>C*. C»M» « CO- iM-A-ra. LoaAa- TW CAIrlFOMI.A P>»—AACft nw-j,rLae. _ r .a a. aaaaa r. Iiai T •• t-ajiaatf ar waia. aaaaa Erie aSTaaT.** « - ^ " - ^ « i - * " "* T * Ih »«a«B»Ta» ale aaraja. aaaaaa- *a*A Coal aa«* ra ira.ort.aa la Ha aaaaa" m . am VZ.'^r7.. _ ratVlea i*aa»*» it aWaT I * * * . laJaraW aw >aa rra> tytaVt-Oa *Vl • • * * • • • taW *B# Maf*l -aaaaAaaa laa At W at BaTaafaaT*. «o rara »>ak« taaaa AMtaraaaa dawaB OJartae aaaaa LAW** * WakKl, AttonMj». -.. . ~. Collections, Howes & Mac v. Bankers, Mi W \ L.L, N T K K K T « v - tintt xinuAmd t<wUiti&> for My f \Jhctnma <m ant/ put of *h Inum <* (lt*<»J». V***. »/r»rrV- mi « rrt 11*1 4UnaTki m ktrosift. ofnee of FI8K & HATCH. Bailers and Dealers ID Goi'it Securities, No 5 Nassau Street. New York. r*?j**ft*w r 9 S«fe Trt«Mr« TVe receive the accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, I and others, subject to check at i sight, and allow interest on balances. We make collec- | tions on all points in the , United States and Canada, and .issue Certificates of deposit ! available in all parts of the Union. We buy and sell at current rates, all classes of Govern- ment Securities, and the Bonds of the Central Pacific Rail- road Company; also Gold and Silver coin and Gold coupons. We buy and sell at the Stock Exchange miscellaneous Stocks and Bonds, on commis- sion, for cash. We offer also the United States Six-per-cent Thirty Year Currency Bonds, issued in aid of the Pacific Railroad, which are widely esteemed by moneyed corporations, as the longest Six-per-cent Govern- ment bond in the market Communications and inquir- ies by Hail or Telgeraph will receive attention. F18K A HATCH JOHN J. CISCO & SON, Hanker*, No. 59 Vail 8treet, New York, 'BBtjlTS BI:<TT HBRS ft C0.*3 BriLDISO ) R.eaiTe GoUl and Cmrreac, oa da»oail, amajaca to check ai air at. i:m«iu mtereat oa .laii, Qalaaeaa at the rata of foareaf iemt per asanaa. credited iaoat.1,. lata Carttti-at , oi Daaoait Haarvaa loor par cat. lo- teiaat. aajab'r oa AeaiaaJ or at Axed aexlod.. N .collate i.oaaa LiacoM promptly ordert for th. parcoaaa asA aaJe ot joid. Ourtrineat aad otk-r ^erortitaa oa eonalaioa. Make eolleetlon. o. all pan. ol laa L'aited Hiatea and Cashda. epsclal Afe: la far the a».e jf the Ptrat MortcacaBoaJa .1 the U H . PaclRr K.tlrva.11 latpaor aad Uailed St.lea Talrt,-! ear all par caat. Carraacj Boa ia. flKAiMll m TKtDG. •soataattB. FlaWT »OAao*aar«8 r » »-«• '. . C.ft* • » ewa 0. aaaiak UM MM 0. IV*eom. laftV Irk* r.ftA-r eo>. U. H. n urn l*'.00i do 1U.IK0 Vir »t. Sa az con KM N. C. bl. a. II* ll'S lit lift*. 1.SH ftftM AM. D. larra Sftaft Hoc ft ~ •.<•* mi.* ac r. ia. C- O.ftlad. Oaai la •V 215 e llt«a 1UK Matwr* . M It Ocnaa Bk l •• * AAll ft . Ill m Bkof Ntft Amar in l i 0*M*ala% Mai 57 I UftCaalaa 0»..".. . ill, I M W.Ua TftL ... *l W»J rUiOaack. Ml Co M<4 1. oa i.o b e fca* 1M ftanaoaa pad * t ^ a».PM Ho. St. *A . « k M oo ... be M lU.Hi do MM. SM do M\ ll'.iaai do Mat 1Mftdaar,b . .. U S ln.iiA du b c Bt% 10u do UH »,»« La. fa. Lor.* «M do Ml* boa TlhJ K* WaDa Farro Kz I* •5.0 do. b e Mia Hor. U Kz 4i I.OM Bklya Sa W. lv r j 4 » L b c HI, SaMerca.Da. ftz 1«H «.«. do .. *» a » . do aad. II* I'M dtll ri M IH 1 »tl Baadtoajlt .1 t o o '•«.. :> . 1*5H »•' do .... . 'lis PIT Can. re *) M So tt M "M •* >n do. . . M "V>V «,(•«.• Hne «b mln a»M 5 Paaaiai K ... 3.. lift lick. 30 S.l. 1»J Lak) Shore K 15 bo< 97 i<M Ch. «> a. L a. . 1 ••• l.Oui Cbi. ft N W. i«i. do . c IL, let 91 111 M A Si. r at Hi , Viuj Tol A Wan. &*• Tol., W ft vVa 61 E^pt bda TT), II M. J l>« a ... Ill 1.1*0 C. ft K. 1. ft & do Ill bh Par KB Ta MS 10U P . V W ft Ub IMt, A.OM «o 94M *«• ft Mc'lm vur) T..i A v» '.1 naOftHtee ell SIS niw ext'd 91 lOu t o l . . C.ftlai S.OOi Am Durk ft Coo. B «S to !00 DaBo. A S . C. BATS DATCIT DZIUBTMEIIT OF tra NATIOBAL PABK hUtB—For thd Mi*-ko«p(AC, Abd prXco- tMTb frmft irr and barrUre, ol SeeantaM of kinda, l»t*Bd'«r Buafta. Stocka aorwift, Wlild AB4 DaiWBii. aad TAlAAblt- JewoU7 of •*•** mtptioe. An Inazatclioo ol tbe TAoitcooatrneted bf 1 br Park Bank .a tfteir new ba Idi ac : i I3? « _ 2 : ;| » - j . I •nil •' ooee coftrace all partlM Utareaud that 5BJ!".?"«JJ. , 33'*;! ! H!*iiH!ii! , i •a;*S 4 sa|S«ff.'»B liff 1 !!!Ui*hl s tbe avoat ftilttot AttAABavblA Mjcunt, had Urea reached, and at aa cxtroMali aioderata annial coat to eacft ihdiridaaJ dtppiltor. Tha ottcen will lake pleaAnre ia aoowioj tbe raait oa apuil- c»Hoc. X.KO Imp. B 10T» OPK.N BOARD of MOCft BIUIKKMS. 10 o'ouaoi A. a. $10.uO» Va a*, aew »7S BM Fort Warn* tv Aa Mer. Ezp Co 44S U« Adaaa Ei "V « HO do h(S I'.ai W V * OO.Kz Ilka » n C'aUeer aao MS IK) Cantua Co 90 l'O do SOU 100 do 90S BW Mariaoaa Pf MS »•• 00 . bt) MS too do. U, xt» hUrlp Mm US aa PaciOc Mail... to \ no do c pt>% *U! 0 lOi-S UM N. T Cea 1>!»S lial do b*. i'l« 900 do c itoS **> do IMS <J Readiaai B... . 9. W 10 Baak. ft Br. Aa 108 tai do left INTW.Iff i. .k M Mil.ftSt. P ««J »•' M AS- P pf.e TIS aa do ns UHS I'd do 1H', 100 do Its', aor Ohioftxii ... sis fttl M.So.ft N I... •)% 1 "i io ..bltf 'X awn do c MS SOU do 95* * » CVere, ft P aS 90 Al) do 80* 900 do MS avO do mi. 900 do b* »\a •M do xf, *<i Cle.ftTol .... IMS ft Lake Shore .... lots iwu do HA 1.1 C B I * Pae. IMS 900 do Its ftai do be It! 100 do IMS »0 do 197 900 Ch. ft N WW v\. Ml Ch. A N. W. pf. 'J ' 900 do c £>', 1M do bo M 1M do. blO 90 BANKING HOUSE OF HENRYCLEWS&CO. 34 H'aU street, Intrreat aVllovurocl '>N DAILT BALAMCKS OP CrBKlBCT OR GOLD r-eraoaa drso.iilic wttn aa raa check al ««ht ia aaa- o u n r r a . v l t h Nai' haaka. leruOcatr. al tiea<al)i aaaad baarln. latareat at avar- aet race*. Co', ectlo^i Made oa all polnla aad Loaaa ae- We boT aad aali at current market trice* V 8. GOV kkHMANT SoJins of ail hataea, aad ezeee'^ 01 dart lor ib- pirchaee ao-t aa a of OOLD aad all hrat c l a a aeea- miaa. DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO. iss r m C1KUULAR NOTES ABD Letters of Credit TRAVELLERS, YVAllAttXat IN &XL PrUNClPhi. ClTlbft Or THB WOKLD JOBN MUNROE & CO, American Bankers, B0. 7 BUB KBIBS, PftBIS, ABO •0. WALL BTKKkT, I.W T0BC, •aa* . .elaai. of ' -.iiiltor Trave. er n all parte >r a irj^r. ac. *c. \l»o toaaerclai Crrdiw. 1A1LROAD IRON TOR SALE BT & (V. HOPKINS & CO. 69 and 7 k Broadway. DIVIDEND iNDTlCKS. ;i.L' • »V JK'nKl' i'ivuiK>:u.-v M I M N i . l u . S l i i com per .bare, payable Uih .a-iaui. at tbe aeracr ol tea riaak ol i auilorm*. Lata? A w ALLhK. u fine at New V.'tl. Karcli<. IW mar- It C-*: -- MKO.V, ttKOKCJIV, FKB. H. II'.. I'lVIIXM', 1o IT r i - Boara nf HI r- o; Hi- Uiciil and Aoat-.rn K l i o a l t'onipan, h^Tetti.. U / ri - .1 . j u . l . j . 1 from tn- fWL'Qrt of tbe i.>atl ».n.'e liecemner I. !»*. of rt>rK li PB« CkNT.. ;.- . .lo.. t.tVti* : «l. l>*)'.h.C JD I j J ^ l i T III.'. : 1^. I he Tran»fer Hooka will be eioaed ffoa Pebrnarr »th t j M,r -i ..... .ad. li . leu : \,+ . .ol. i .iharehoi ierar»il*tered la ihr Sew Yo: k Acer al Ike Nailo B*b^ oi tbi- Kdlia .lie. >' t » \ r'.. MIL I * K.:L!.\1 IS. i n 13 <odtmaril sacreiar» and treasurer f ^— uMll'a »>P TlIM MATIO.ML a.^?i, oiLCoar.a, or S. Y . No.aii ra.iL .run aw Imi, ware* V i>a*. Hi v I I'lMi Mo. i \-Tbe B .«r1 of Tra.t'aaof th •< nmpaaT ba<e iiaia lar de<"areo a I'lVil K> .1 ( arep-r.eai ou ibe capiiA. .lock ol h. I' n>i».-.j. parable at thi* oMce oo Jamaed. Bv trier aaara it -1 at C. «Tl"IB.k)i. Seereiorj. y>- D:V:DKJII».-TMK ATI.A>TK JBV. _ KlKli I.s»'"K l.ic'B COMPABT. Of Brookijn. Laie aevlared tbe r aeni aaaaal D.TUead of HIX PdK I. V NT., parable ou JeutaoJ and free ot zoTernnieBl tax Th,. 1 oaiaan* ar remove oa the **ta laat to their new otHy No. ,> broa-lwar. Howardttoium*a. M.ibr «A. MOKATIO IK'KK, mail r-i BocrelarT SWINGS BANKS. p- CITlZKMtt' SATIMOe BANK. *8 T.—Opaa K^& BtnvuT, ooawaa CII.L Sraaar. IrVSrlT dar for the rreajtloa aad *A,iaeat of aoaay froM ia to V, aiao oa Moadar. Wadaaadaj aad Pnda, rreahua troa I to t o'eloak. BIT P S * 0BBT. latareat, tree froM tax. oa n i a i froaa ft to P.MI Bleak Book, ta m -t n "- aoraaa and rreach^ " eito. r o u o M . PTwaiarav. aZTWTk A. B-*c«. oX"relaT. JjTS tt dlXPKHiMT SATINltS BAN*., AAlOB PLACft. OI-BB DAILY PftOM 19 a >. TO 9 r. a. 1WTBBEPT per eeat. ft eeww to ||,IM raeotvM. J. ft aUxAB. Oaerauarr. TBIUD AVa.NlB 8A.VINO8 •ABB. COB. to IVISII AND 99TW STBBIT. Oara oailr froM i l a t t e l M . aad oo Moaday, WaaaeaUA) aad satoxdi; eTauiaaa troa IMI o'ctack. tebjil/ HOTELS. -HMTOM HOl*B, \|AI>l!W'M AVfcMfc, lUH. TWKMTY airE UTUTI •*T»«BT -Ib« tro*-*-riier lor a eiakcr Of Jwran (oDa-tTlrdJ with Ub*- t*l. McOala* H^4cl la tUld ell*. h«v K-aard, iia- abOTe bo«A«. It haa b*v*u aulai*T*>a »rti haiartvoia-t j iwU-TAjaai»d. ax d ka BOW I*I tU rt*pecu a irt-Hrlf-'ft>: r h o i a* -a •«.(** or UtLgle. taaiwetvuf BANjTY. M.VLLRTr ROOMS AND BOARD. P ABUOK TO LET-HAN IkrtOMELT lorawhed to a awat'raan who »u* i,al1 h >aae wmk a laall .iriral* IA..11T. Pncr par week, with break rart. OM. NctCaborbood of Mb avenue aad bib itreeL Adurwla rl»'Mt. Siaatoa D S.T.P O avariet-a lITANTBIr—BO*BD PU» A OKNTLB- T* aaaa «*o wile .a a naivete l a a n . ua. wiihoai aaarr hoarOera a n n r r a i lotAiioa ebo»* lath at. * M ^, r -*Sr^f *^ ^eMrwaa A. D P.. box J.WJ .• «*t I'.u. INSTRUCTION. MM. «*»•*. C ABJTblft)*l» U l v - i L t L . HthbCU ABD k>UL.l*a aCHOOL WITH PLLMABT UETABTMrJlT ABD liTM.<A»ICM. Boo. *l* mmm * 1 * *** af*. oarr. t. **• TBI LSKPIIUkMO *>AI»aiNUTON FBBNCH VI- I'Orrt T>AI»aiNUTON FBBF a m i n i . , rraaoh. laartaar *» la* har.too ataaawa to* ITw». Waai r w a u M ..... Aca- B »BU>NTpWH PBMAI.K COLLrMIt - board aad Twwiaa. Man a.r , . a r . Pwaila roaotvwt aiaiiiaa. * " • " i lMuii aaa-a aa Ba*v«atowa. rwr.iT.4 T. a.*-. J. MlSCfLLLANKOlJS, Z TBO iirnsiRiriiR ThwaaxjanMilhtaataadrrwa. rraaarrar. Uraad J OB B BTJTOBftBz JIJ/TABT FLMJaftu, The) (old haarkel d o r r ? tbe morn'oK hi9 b:eo alrocg cbiefl, oo account ol the decline of 5 30'a in Loodoa to saH! nee baa alao been made ot the rondttioa ol affair, at Waaaiaftoa to »treo»tlaen the pretblaai. Before the fortaal opeaiaK of the ROOM sale* were naada at IMS. aa advance of '>» Bkr eeat. oa Sa'ardar'a ctoiinB quotation, tbe Brat recorded traaaactioa waa at 1SJ, between which pedat aad 131 \ all th* aaloa hare Mace been Mad*. Cash gold la m good raqBoataftd rate* lor car > lag UATC raatted (rotn one to tbar per cent., with the hvrer at two aad three; In a tingle laatane. a loan waa Made free ot Intone! to both bvrrower aad lender. The wee* apowa with the raooej market mode retelv OM; at atx and M*M per cent., the latter being lh« ruling rate. The hanks, however, are oot rencra.1; atroatr, tbetr couair, depoaitor* hawing tor tome time paat drawn liberally npoa thorn. Owing to the aeareltT of the amalier denomiaa UoLa ol awawJ-ttndara, coaaVderable amonnta oi three per cant. cortiBeatc* hare baea preaent ed to the Sub TreoAor, for redemption; dnrbbg the two tatter dare ol laat week theae looted ap #1,- 1X10,000. Tbe abolishment ol tbe rea-aUr qaarter- 1} tUUoMBts is CAlcolatod to fire tbe nurket gnater neadincM aad to mftke niM mora uni form throogbont tbe year. Commercial paper movca ilowly and the beat names arc submitted to a di'conct of eight per cent. , tbe extreme range ia eicbt to ten. Government bonds ha»a been active at a de- cline ol H to one per cent, on the highest sales o 1 Saturday. Speculative bolder* show a diapoti" tion to Fell, aad In tome InttAoces are making eu" atasementa 'or ruroTe delivery. Tbe decline in the foreign markets has alto, for tbe time at least, checked purchaaea for shipment. In the border atate bund market Misaourts are the feautore and ar* ateAdy at a fractional decline. In south- ern securities Louisiana Levee 0 per cents sold at 7", and 78; a small sale of Grorgisrt*is re- ported at Si). We alao notice a aile of C.liiorom 7s st 135X- Railroad bonds and bank shires were dull and steady. The Union Pacific bands are selling iroely, as are also those ot tbe Rockford, R. ck Island and St Loots Railroad ; large ne jotiatioos for the latter having recently been made in Germany, owing to wuich toe agents have th a day advanced tbe price 'rom 'J?--, to par with accrued intrreat in currency. The epeculalion in railway aharea during the moruiDK has been laiger than tor aomc time past, with the tone of the market strong Price* at the opening were .'» t o % per coot, tugnir than at tbe close Saturday. At tbe morning boards this advance was not lul y milntatned, but after twelve o'clock the market again becaae strong, nod At tbe time of writing the quotation* are tbe highest thus far msde to- day. The features hjve been New York Central and Mi. bigao Southern ; the former, on extreme ri notations, bas ranged between l&»)f and h'al'it, atid tba latter between i»H and 96H . Read- ing baa alao been noticeably active at yilttvi'-,. Next In point of interest have been ROCK I,ULJ, Ptttsburab aad tbe Northwest share*. Mi^ccilanrons stx-ks have abared the /etera', flrmnes J , the priucipal dealing* bmu< been in ManpoaA, Facihc and Cauto.i. Etpre^i alockm ar strung Ine tollow'.iig were the bid* In the Long Room belore the Hrst session of the Open Hoard : New York Central. 15'J'i , Healing, Ul ,; gan Soutoern, a6; Pittsburgh, W9 1 ^ ; Nortu- wehtern, hi-, ; N 'rthwiaiern Preferred, UO 1 ^ ; Rock 127, r'ort Wavue. H^'i . Onto *na MioSMtippt, o3'i; Pacific Mail, l o l 1 ,; Marl jO"a Frcteir^d, ol. Toe talcs at the first Keg alar Board compare aatoHo-STTttb ttoie ot the corrfpjiilirur sessiot Saturdav : Sat MOD Adv. Dec. T B be.-o* fWl . tl6"a 1 H'< - S .' S. V-li „oupo^:. '.-Hi. . US'-. '.I-.* — 1 U. a. >*> coapoiaa. lawL its Hi S ('. S. 5-Xi oupoos l-SA.. UBS H6'» S as.b-ajeonTvinA'iUi'w 1* , 1I9X — S IT. S. A-AO couooa*. 1-en US', 1I*S — S OS 5-* cotroo-ia. ' w , . . . ti»', 119s — S IT. B. l't-su coupoaa. 1 as lObS S TenEeasee M Tetneaaer '*. tew . .. Norih tarolin* aa Nona Carolina Oa, cew wiaMvun M "He* <"•* Li-ntrai ktuoaon BlTeT KratuhaT Mnuiaran .-.onlbera. Wabaah tttsbujvu SortM, jura Ntirthweaterr P-.-trrrad. CleTelaml and Toledo. «~» a ! .'i!.!!' Port * a , n e wiVwankrv and St. Paul. Milwaukeeano^t. P»ul Pf. TSS ): f and M i isair ,. «s VA'eincrii I I.IO . Ti-ie*.rapt .^fi'a Pa-lAv M^IJ laVa .lanp-'-a Pf '•••*•* Adam. s ;vpri^.s Well*. Partro A Co. I.x Vn , r}*- .u P.\j H Mir. I 'linn hxiireee. At Vi.30 the fono'itu: were the quotations: New York Central, 15»\orl*Vi; Keidin^, Ml 4 iil'l>., Micbigan Soutbern. Wi H '<r "o ', , N'or'h weetern, "l 4 , " ^ I N ; Nortliweitern Pr^i.rred, bOTatirOu',;; Cieveutixl and Toledo, 1U6'» a 10 "> ^ ; Rock Island, 187>4'(J127»i': Port Wavce, Wijt \\*\; MJwaukeeand !»t Piul, (»S'**>*i : •»>'- waukee and St. Paul Pieterred, 77 ,a7S; Ohio aLd Mljalaelppi, XV, sXt^ . Pacific Mall, 100S rrflOO 1 *;; Manpoea Prelened, *1.S*33;» : Adams Kipreae, ,(4«9<. At '..30 the following wer* the qaotA totr : New York Central, 180-v.atl*) t ; llu-lson Rivi , 137(iil37S. Reading, »1HC<JI S ; Micingan Southern, 9tJS(irShJ',': Northwest rn, -r^r-il'i; Northwestern Pre'erred, 90%cr'M) j ; Cleveland and toledo, lOiVrlo* 1 ,, Rock Island, U7^i<r I37*i; Ohio and Mississippi, 83^'i***.*, ; Western I'uiou K-iegianb, :i7.i87-, , Psciflc Bail, 100^rir 100%; Mariposa Prelerred, S3^<i33>i; Adams Express, 68y(«f«3^; WeUs, Fargo 4 Co. F.x preea, 81 S •iSi, American Exoreea, Lmtefi ; Mer- cbat'tA' Union Expresa, i7M'0* ,8 X- Tbe following bare been tbe qaotations of gold : 10:00, 18'.»; 10:30, 131^; 11:00, 131H ; H-30, 131K. 12=00, 131 •„; ti», l * l » i ; LOU, 1 S I X ; 1:**. 131H- The following are tbi rates tor foreign ex- change; Pnaae bankers' sterling 09 OAT*. < VAT*. Nlia oa Unoon llSTS* 10* tOOS* 10»S . KHt r»*% 1 *IS * 1 *N lint,* 10SS — *» — ft ltiSftft f<S SlftSaVS 1SS ft lnwtfta ISS » USft*IftM .ft.lbt.ai1 1<S J lo-afto .S . «oM* «>S * ' « * •>'» . S'a* * SBS* »S SOS* «>S 10'. * 11 . IBS * MS 70S* 79S . U S * 71S » B 79S The bank sutement of tbw week compzres as followa with former returns : Depoatta. Loaaa. aaaaa*. Cwcal'a. LM.Ttav Jai*f..l«a.tss.**> JS.MS.lM JiJStaa i-.wa.rti .. unhaja. Sh«.«hU*9 rjM.511 ft.JJt.UI Jj. al.i»* •t. aStMJNl mM*/*i ».**** M,fM..*< HJ.l.tM ! J biTS mSSjM « 5 i . W 7 » t * . . » M MAW.II9 M. ^ee SaklTi.ia* «T*l.Jtl JLJJ .1*1 M.r«J*J reo .. . *_MS SSS^tl.lIt «.*3*.*>l «*«".'»» U.'^ IS » ^ T * i « 5*t.*W.»»l M.'OlAi »MSJ.»S1 ?»-*M?J n..l^.jaa.ift iSiJJJJhf M.a*J.i«J »*.».ija>l lojMi»a« Mar... i*M*J*a la.aM.IU *t..7X»» ts.lli.J0S TLC aver»ges of tbe city baaks tor the p u t • eek cimpare* aa loUowa with tbe preceding re- tutu : Feb. 97. March t>. Diff.r nee.. loan. r»l.S7i S97 BA.tirt.ISM Inc »T17.»-i : p«;ie *J.S;3.«I8 J!a,V*1.9M D»e. MkVBKJ Ci-mkanoa.. . Sa.Mt.wM 9t.97h.HeK Inc OT.HOl Dvpuaiie. ... ltJ.aHa.170 l**.ft>t<tT Dec 1UI.TM Leaai-tendari. MubtvOM ftUoktov Doe. 1.8SJ,riv3 The-- avrragea exhibit tbe KUlowing relation between ;bt reserve auJ the UAbtliiie*: SBWCM SALntSM glO.tSa.0M Dec.$l.MS.9M Leav Twattera. V.SBV OS UlaXM* Dec. l^Sj.aS3 Total newi*.. DeaoMM . ... Cin-whfma. rLawBBtthW- Mp *. It's- &- 1 HE UNIONP/SC1F1C RAILRDAD0OM- PANTS BUNDS are a ftrat mofgage npoa oae ol tbe lor rest Hue* ol railroad la tbe world. 1 be amount will be lea* than $27,000 per mile. Tbe earnit g* 'roe* local hawae**. over a portion of the road laat year arer* over live mlllior dollar* aad atur ita cotwpie'to*, eery this aeasoat, the In- me car t.irooatb traflc of tbe Paciue atate* will in- crease this SUBS to fifteen or twenty millions. The potmenf ol both latere*! aad principal ot tbe tne bi-ads IL kotd is, tbareture, parlectly sure. Tbe present htub price of governBeoM offers a ftvorjble of port unit, to sell and to reinvest in a bond eqnaili aale acd mure valuable oa account of tt.e lungt i pertorbeioie its maturity The ezclavft mil SKH* paw * Profit <tf frxn ten lo tighurn per cent. At the Issue ol bbt so bond* will soon c«ate, parties «ho desue to Invest are inv ted to tuike tbetr aobactiption*at once. Tuey will be received at tbel'Aimpanj's offlce, No. 20 Nassauatreet, aad by Joan J. Cisco * SOB, NO. 69 Wall street and bi banka aud baukeia generally. A pamphlet, with full paiuculara, sent free on application. THE FIRS I MORTGAGE, FI-TT-TBAB Cos- vuriBLi fcsn, of the ROLKrORD, ROCS ISLAND aad ST. 1.0CIS RAILROAD COM- PANT, pay the PBIBCIPLL AXD SBVBS PBB C».ST. I.iTkhBBT— lai FKB. aad 1st Aro.-IN GOLD COIN, ftttol Oovtrnment Tax. Ite notadsare oderod at 97)%, aud accrued in ten-st in currency. Pamp' lets, with mips, ^<Ting till in'ormaUon, seat on application. *U Sonus eubsenbed tor sent by Express tree ol charge. Tbe Bonds may be had or U IT B0DDT. Tieaaurer, 1. Wall atreet, or ot HENRT CLEWS ft CO., baokera, S3 Wall atreet. New York. B1IKI-1 \I»V \VI^I> or eiaftaw, n PB BTBCT oasaa. JOHN DUNCA1V8 SONS, StaVll U I alaa "..are ..4 14th BM. FOR SALE OR LO LEI MEW T O R I C I T Y PSOPBBTl GOVERNMENT LANDS, SKLKCn ki) AND BSTSIKS MADK AT 1HR LOCAL LAND OPBlCBa BT CJA-xLaVllN V. HOW, Bo. 4ft Marline Pile. PeetaMo* Max M.M1B. mart St-I A Lea>p of 100 Fwt Square for Sale e.v «K«.i», SEAB Be STltbhT TWENTY TIAaU) TO BOB. (1MB) *mmm« B - i!M! Iiii •»•> "if, h?5 h'i'ilipr-i i Hiis. Apply to mar! Iw UoBKK MOKOAB, No. I Pine tt. BOM BALB. m BOULEVAHO LOTS, INCLUDING aw* tare, anttre irouis on tha we*, aide, below Mia *t. Abbly to B. B ABFOBD. —SS at Broadwar. M DBB1BABLB LOTS KOR BALK: VIPTH ATiRUI, ». W. corner of > 1 at itreat, about lOSxiJt trot. Ciluubla college leaaaa, St rear*. rnnriBrrl BTBRaT, adjoining 9 W. corner of Jib aveaoi', ili.M. with rliht to nut wiudowa In aide wail, looking out on the avenue. Ill" above will be divided tosnlt poretiaaera. Abl n at 6 St I<1> .J HAAcOCA OU H il»K^ A CO.. 97 William street. IDE WALK. m A URGE AND VALUABLB EXTRA ask nt. brown atone aaOdtag for aale.with a g o o d rent roil, locate.! acar Wall at. aao kxchange Place. Hair can i.u.aln oa bornl ana uorigage. Apply to HOMES MORUA". martStrod _ <i* M) __ _Bo.l PVaeM. C I FOR BALK—* LA B O B PLOT OP L COMMKRUAL AND BANKINO PKOPgHTT on Pine it., between Sauau aad Wllitaa au , with a large iroat oa Wl ilain, lormlug aa " L." all well ranted for oaa Teer. Apply to HOMKK MOtaUAN. man utrod ...•» No. 1 Pin. at. C FOR HALB TUB FtlLLOIFINO bouare aiij iota, by A. M. r.ANNLN'o No UIJUI ITU bl ttr.kl, near Bowery : The fonnt-rT kith .loop brow "tone hoiae and lot On .xclaeai oiown No. > Weal tvui atreet, north aid. of atreet Price, |L .'V . A lav, ion r story bro am atone. hl(b-*toop boo** an 1 lot SS Si. Marks Place (north aidei, fall lot. Price t*S.*M T era* aosy. Alao, three-.tory. attic and baartu.nt and exteattoa brick bouse an a lot. Tt Baal UB street, near the Bowery. ITloe 1**.*** i vary aaay lerata Alao. a plot or around, 113 feet front by III feet deep, withft,*three ator, bilck hou.aa. and Iwo two etory frame botue* ihi-ieon, l-i good order, ou l b . norlh aide of lmat airett. between kth avenue and Boulevard, Pr ce. w o B =• ' ;"o =' tj » o It * Q. O = "1 -- > =T 0 la i mm -a 4 = • Stem-Winding WALTHAM WATCHES. , Taaas waaohaa rsprsiSM Sk* BorTectioe ol Aoawtcaa ladutry. Aa ihayaxeri SotaTa artaruile aad fluiab. tiev win MaWaraaiaed toraa slniawtbaa ear waaca of taraira ' -•. Aa evaaaala* of ear la*a* aaitrtaeat llv aonrtttal. FIRST EDITION HOWARD Ai CO., JBWll I BMP ABB aa.TBatahUTB8. Be. BIB Mrwadarry. H. T. FOR SALE OR TO LET\ m TOMANUrACTCBKBM.-rORBALB, Bat at aaagirtM*. bcW Y or*, a valaabt* Bill property. eaaaily weiladaned lor roitoa. wooiea. aaawr er ethat aaa.i.rtaraieenai.Uoi tare. •*•>«• avl I art na.foar wood ea liB.dii ga—ou. sua »••. i wo isxin.. aad oae I'm ; alone warn ouiw. ktxM; brick raraewhw shop rixll» a atoaa biilli Inx idzi*. ano a commoaloaa atone dwelling, wile >o*( tardea aitaobed. Tbra'li baa a never talllux water power drl»,B aa ovrrahoi wheel of aay reqaire* eta. aa* borae powtr; all acre, of land : vaiy eiaglb a locv ttia ; da lv aerea to the el'y"by H. H KK aad aleam boat. PricessMv Ai>»ij to BUHIH MORGAN, aaais brteo* (ISM) ho.I Pin* at. m AT SUMMIT AND NBW PROVI axB DLaoa-Mcuaia wlUi o.e acre, »i> V, 111. iiuiij.ui, I •crea.tU.P*, cottaaa.xs acr.e, f u,»« , houas.S acren, •e.iaa; fcoeae aM u arw. >.«.**: nou-a.s acres. »a,u« nnu.tit.nt oihera, 9JS^-i'. I 1 4 < , (l..Wi, S-i.iai. Oia.aaM, Sit. **.<•.. sis.uii'i, S't.Uia'. 97>'i. bnudlnz plots CMAKLki- W. WAS.'. BY TELEGRAPH. aw atari. To-day's Aci-rtcwa by ttaa Oabl*—TJnitad State* Bond*, 82 1-2. ?££ZLZ SECOND EDITION. aud lai.d b> the acr<* Stood 7» Cedar «'reeL THE Bin Wl».s Car. BroawBay A Kxcbaage Flace Through to TNew ftreet, 11*4 bv 11" Feat,) Will n* altered late Oaeea. aad Large Boom*, or Balls, t > tall teaauta. For pariieelart. apply to EDWARD MATTHEWS, mallet B o a Haino *T«K|T. TO EiKT, I he Spar ir»o> ai. EiiRlbr Basraeat o' No. 92 BROADWAY, auxioo i\>i-t, WBLX ADAPTED FOR BANKIVO AND INSURA^CB Bllstakaa. Wt.l be lei for a term of Kive Tear* from Mav next. Inqi re .1 the oMce ol Hi»P« FIMB IHSDnVANOR CO. feb.tll OFFICES FOR RENT. Two DottrabM OMeea. with safe*, la the betid!**; of U s SEAMEN S BASK FOE sAVlsaS, C*>B WA4.LASDP8kMI.arS. Boat aoderale to a good leuaui. Apply a; the Bank Tb Wall m e e t . marl St TO I.DT. Ia the Building, Ho. 152 Broadway, FIBB. WkLUVHTlLATED ABD WALL-L1UHTBD ornoaa. Apply oo lb* prealaes to marltw LOBILLABD F1RB IBSUKANCE LO. OFbirart Ttl I.BT M IN KVKMMt PdilT BUILDINO, SS Kt Liberty .trrrt. A|iply a Coaalinz Koom. kve. leb't if § KL baa O. i OK SALB—TUB FOLLOW l>(, rropertv. ror particular, apply to r m . hi kaal tik atreet. Bear lbs Bowery. The nlet of ground at the junction of Khn. Marlon and Spring a'twata. having a frontage oa Bia anJ " aueets of lit leet, wen reated. Prlo. IJ8.SM. sd Martoa Two lou oa a prominent corner la iTth war*, two block* from Bowery, rnce aw^aa. U.aa* (with atomi aad lot Bo. M Flral atraet. near Becoad avenue. Price ftUa*. Tbe three-tiorv ante boo** aad store No. Vt Dlvlalon ati eel (leaachoiu a lib reiMwala), 9:%,M*. A mot of ground r a c i n g thrOUth from Pr nt to Water street. M teal front on eacn. i t i M close to Roosevelt street ferry. Prio* OSsJHi And alao a aauboi of otbers. marl at Mk CilOlfJM LOTS KOtt HALS 1£Z Hy A iiiiUMli Ko 1 I'ui abut. Weal :7th street, between . tb aad lib eib and *tb ave nues. kav-tSTtb street, between Vadlaon and lib. Lriinaton and 'th avaaua. baa. Situ .treat, betweenlt'i an I Madiaon avenue,. TV eat ^alb aire-:, bitwe-n U'h an I t b av m-ies, VIeat S«d .tieel. between ' t'i and sib aveuu •-. Full and Madi.ou av uue lota, aluib * location*. Weai atreet. between Sib a..d lib avenaeJ. West eel. near sih .Venn. Wealiiat alreat, fretwe. nstb and Stb avenaea. 1—1 acparate al SS » • each. Alva, fonriaory brick hoaa* and lot US Ihrvatle .treat. Price, IlkJaWi cask required. OSaaw* , aad pUwr k o w n sad low la QiBoxeni paru of the cily_ mart St aiJ IBT1NGA BBULNAP, 68 WILLIAM B 9 RTaziT. T O » .-ALU lloua. n k. **that..n.t. brick **.»** Hoaaa la W. lata at o a., briek a*MS atom** l a g . MM at., rng. b., b. t H**l HOuar in K 17th •! b. a , brick »».*•» Alao, a anmber of oltaere la this city a.i 1 Hrooalyn. aad Newark. >. J. rtll'STRT RgSIDKSLKS. At rrotoa, oa the Hadaoa STt t*a At Wooobrldge. M. J , . ... II.UO* AI BlotiaiiK la. s J linn al Hvd. P.rk. H. K.. SOS arrea .'I «a Faini ei Nor walk, i; win.. *'B'-rn ^.'.'SM >everal placea al New Briglilon, S. i., for .ale or to let. marl Sleod FOR BALK —IN THIRTY-SKVBNTH slreet. near and weal oi Kitth avenue, a beantilul mi'tiuiu -lied tonr -lor brown stone Uou*..; al, i norove. tui ii La . laaterc 1 '-corated and lo pe' teel order through oul : luimeil ..eaaliio and terms to "nil. K. !I LUULOW * I'll.. il iPlto) Mo. J line .treet. 0 *»> FOR 8ALK-A VKRY SUUKKI »R 4 W:< atorv lo .lib ave. oubruwu atooii hou*c in SM at cloae WlNANa,. lIMtKii A lilt IVKa, II Cedar street. ftn 6ZS SS r** IS7 136 S 94', AftS sill, . si 8<S .liU» lilS li.S \<, •*9S l>, 13HS »1 «6S •*, ns 1 . 1x7 I1H _, B'. *i'a 1 OS :«S MS H , n n itorv hlifti - ave. mars »l—SJ t H Ft It MALK—3STU HT., NKAR M Al>l 'M. aon ave.. I awry ln^li -to.'O Uloiv i atoas t-Ou.e. vcri aai.tauli.lty bu t, iVlNANM, H i l k t l l * UK AVK-t. mars .n—St II l!ed*r alreet. ABb, 5TH AVKNUK—TWO VBRY UANH TJ aoine lota :>.r . ^ i e cheaper than any m Bi»rl"t. No rock. he. y lor binding. *Si,S»i each. SOI W .at at.. eor. Jane. II—JJ % 'a s a I'll «B FOR W A L K — I N T W K L F T H STRMKT. E k between uh aadatt avennea.a verv flae toor atorv. broeu atone bug,lab basement booae. so leet wide, la nertect order. Price llH.'ios. Permits of y HOMKK MOKtlAV. msis Sieod a till Bo D Pine «t^ M ST. MARB.S PLAt'K—FOR HALB, A fine tuory foil site bnase, ell lmprovemsnia,ljo.Q<M. It * WM H. HAT BOH.C Fins tt m NBAR STII AVBNIK, ON THIRTY El Kir ii Srakkr i story marble front bouie, Wxss. with exleosion. for sale, rnrnisbed o lv. AS},sua. It WM. ll KATNllB, t Pine at. £ FOR BALK, 1MMKD1ATK POMSMH sio.i-Tbe Srat-claa* hoeaa No. tas-cond aveaae i all improvement*, l'rio* St—ig For permit* apply to TIIOMAS TANNING. No. HI Baal pourt'iat. THRBK TWO. \o<. Ul. 1M tb avenuea. (aooa bwoktr*' do Prini* eoa. tterhxtg do Pane .bankers! Antwerp swlaa Aai*rdaa, Haiuburv Fnaklan. Brea .u Prua.,iaxi taovrra 071.*atAE7 Me,*U.So* Oac.ta,0».«6t MftMAIM UaTtJbalAST Dae Aall.TM MMTbei MsTAetkl lac.. zejbd EaA-eaXra Dee *4, jgj,»A| bajMAMO I _ over baftrwa'v* gla.301419 Btk.m.swO Dee.BS.IS0.BM Br. Edward Ketaeye, of the baakiac acd itaretgv exrbaatr* bouae ot Deraiiirm, Cox ft Kleaaeya, of Ki. h*xu.e Pi*, e, >m ba*a adiauied to nseaber. .btp la laa New Tog* Stack Kxrhaage. KATICwaAi STOCK lttClU.Na-a-AapJk*aU Aw wtB ezpwdst* Me ac-iow at the Cewaaitaae jap by ua Sia t tbetr crodeattaJa to M* ttt. WUaiaai War*, **• M J tn * ""IV.*? early aa aaatbr. *aBa1b*riMS atceaaaalM by letter* o.- reewtnai-ndat'ca wtH recetv* Ike serMeot atvaaUoa. Tb* L .xt ragabw aawottog of »-* aoae* will he oa • CMsDAT. BaixhOtb, at SK wSwatk F. M. CBACBT - £ FOR StlR-THR aiory hlgb al ion brown stone boa.a aad is* « a t i",th atreet setwaea ttb ana ^o eiidM location. Apply to ran Ti WM. EhNSELI. Y. S« Pine atreet. 0*4 HiR MALIi-A PLOT OF GHOUND "ZiS on r lai at .near I.eooar'l. wltn an "L" on i itna tine lan.. being aooo' is feet uont on him si., aad M teel i n t atbarlne Ian*-. Na Bc teel iieep. ou aauie block wtih^ N.wYortLlle nee t'oiupany's new billldttix. J. 11. ..sThlSPIkLD. No. 170 William at. aarSAis— l #2 UAKLKM aol>KS FOR SALB AT B2k auciton on iiltb -t-eet. td aud 1th avenues, by A. II Ml'LLfiB. Aoctioaeer. WFUN K8D AT. tbe lath, at 11 o cloca. at uie kxcaange. in uroadwav. marsgi—i.i |Ca L O T F O R tsALK ON LBXINtzTON 7J.T a,.-., about ceatre of block, a'oal aide, betneeo Oltb and 5r.ih ai. Termaeiuv. e. H. HKaDY, n.wS3t-3S 111 Kasi mill >i. fSj» FOR 8ALK-A VAllAlii.lV CORNER L i . I I . perl, oh Broadway, .of leet oa UroaJway sod in feet on I .. .-oty seventh atreet. martit WM. U. UAYNOH.t Pine st. £ FIRST CLASH FOUR STORY HI.til ttoop browa .ton? front ansned In hard wood, lor aale with o jaaeaaiou. oa Jitj sireel, uiu a r -, \ tiaciiaoB avanae. Hat atr. t a 11 Stu av*aa». aad other <oo.l location, near th: Central Park Prices very modrr .te and teruas *asy. Partlruiara w.tli feoMsieod S. kMokttoOH. Ul ttb avenue. •wzatzii FOR SALB. A brat cl.a* i story brown stone hlgb stoop h jo*e. lus. a ta. aoat tborooxth order, frescoed, and con-p'cle la ever, reap-cl. ['rice $. f ill', one fourth caal Hold beoaua. tbe owner leaves lor ttorope about May IsL Farai aire lor t o e If draliud. For .*raia apoly to FKANt is J * , or S. HASTItUS liHANT is, Btoadtaay. mar JICJJ m SPLKNDID INVKSTMBNT. — F O R aB aa e. tlrat-rlaa bnlldluz and lul oa dr.. idwav, fac ln« tne City Hall Park. 1'aya 11 oer c«nt. mart 9t-S t HAltl.ha IS KZM..S. >N Broadway room 11. B LOFTS TO LRAHR-IN NOS. 12 AND u i I ffsm et. near Jobo atreet. Apuiv to mart It CEORUK il. KAMPsON . IS Cliff at TO IBASM. FOR SI YKARS-THR eoatneaai corne- of ttro ,0 .IT an i i anal .treat n feel on Broadway aad 111 on Canal. Apply ".o UaviD W. BKl i k, IS Chambers .*teet marl IA -1 TO IMAHh FOR A TKRVt OF yaara, ihe ator^ 1 l t aa.. ai Apply lo lebrtlt JNU. LnWiiKY. NO.:II Broadway. i, a alegi LOFTS TO LMT OB LB ASM—OF 'he store M Boekman .treat. Apply la BAHMKat, * A CO.. on the prem'.ee. l.nvi If T O L h T - A VKRt FIMM F«»CM-riTO . m rybizk sloop brown slou* bouse Ssxti, fully and alegaaliT tutBaShed throughout, located ou Kaal .-our- teealb atreet, aear §• Square Tbla bouae Is well worth | c u a month, but aa the owner u ab ml lea. Ing lor I ur i r it will be rroled to a pr vale family for abuo per moatb for one. two or three veara. Apply to HOMkR M'lMOAN mars Steod lllXSi Nu.ll'ioni OPF1CKSTO LKT-IN THB FIRST- claea marble bBlidlna. Vo iS5 nnd 1ST B-oa1%iv. OtSc. a healed by .team, suitable lor law,eta. Brokers. Ac Api l> to TAUUlt* aKa'M, tebkt Steod—33 S7 1-iue street. ft£j TO LKT-IN BROWN BROrHhHS aa A 10.1 h.lidlnj. No. M A 61 Wall slreet oOli. « .nil Bull Una is Die- Apply to the in.rS ItneoJ al>ie for Bankers, Broker, or Lawyers. i 11 ol and thoroughly be.tied by steam. janitor No*.* A ti Wall .'. *SJ TO Ll-T, WITH 1HV FCRMTUHR- KA a new >atory high atooo browu siooe 'ion,- on< sl-k-et nearLe, j«ton a en.i .br,'-class nt tghoorhooj , nonse newly iurni-n ,1 witniu tbe laat six montas A perlect Mti i n-ui for a a-riall p-irsti* fs I il y to w ion cn'v 't will IH' Icaaat for Ctren ye^ri fro n i at Mav next. For oer . i U l » i i c v , a o l > i i TAYLOR a i.l EAItNS, i: 11a.- at OFFICBS OH L.\i.OK ROOMS TO LIT.-the nu uin.' on lltoadway, »x,-hsuito Placn New Slreet. 1-- v .>' feei, l» lo lie alter ^1 nt OtrlCKS or LAIttlK ROnMs. lo suit aon'ica ta. For panicnlara snpiy to kDWArtl) MArTHKWS. uxarSlweod I Broad at reel MB TO LET-THE DKSIKABLK FRONT E L tseeemenl otlires oinsiatlug ol Hire i- ji num . ting rooms, No. a wai 1 atreet, al present occupied oy lae Bouliabie Fire Insurance Coir p*ny. ALMI. Front offlce uwocommunicating room,) sn.l im»m,'ni th building bo. It cedar atreet^ ^ Apply to. mart iw JOHN WAKUKS * nON.SS Wall street. SIXTH AVBNUB STORK PROP- erti, near Fourth street, drslrabld for inve-'ue it. -Til be worth IIHOMA when ihe arenas is extsnded to Wist Broadway, ai propo*ed. Now paving zood iB-crat.*. " KtbUati BlkKK. uarSSt-M 111 Bow.ry. near Prince. m jTiru. FRONT FOUR-STORY Et browa aioae on laadiaoa avenue, aear Aator'a now palace, ia haadaome order, eboap, *4*.'«si. loaaal pnoa. Alao. **th alrewv. nwar StB aveaue, t story, •• feet iront. SaAOSa. the b*s* belli taouae ia the street, aeavy black walaut lalth.Ac DUBK1N A CLINE, mar* It—19 Si* Broadway m 03«,000.—FIBST HOI SK BAST OF aB Badiaon ave., in ttrb s< is one of the most perfoci n-oaSeMof e s a n l e l e a a a evor oaTered in th.. city, la wall worth the aiteauoa ot oae wealing a .uperb bona* tt a mode rate price. Ope*fton ItoS. marl It ; fi FOBSALB-ON MADISON AY BN LB, Sltr-ay Rill, ooe of th* most aolqo*. taateful aad complete la the city l lor tale. wilB elegant iurai al btO.aa. OFFICB8 TO LBT—IN JAUNCSY Conn. Wall st . oa Dm door suitable for Santera or Brokera. kent uioderaie. Aimu .o JOHN F. 1>.»YLK. No. SI ». all atreet, Jaun-ey 1 nun. uir'ni ii TO LbT-WKST *7TH ST., NORTH alee, near Sib i l I, H b. B. H. Honae. ' i l >, and fxlet.siou of 11 leei, uewly p.ilntad and frescoed. In good irdre. AO modem Iranrovemenls. Lott"Z*)l.>. Possraslou mld'le ol A.rli AJOIV lo marl It-tl JOHN COLVILL, Si Read . tt. FIRM' LOFTS TO I BT N BW store, twit anal a'., near Broadwar. Also, 1-story blab stoop bouse Bear Broa Hvsv, modem Improvemeuta, ibi We.t i,ih at. Apply to P. 11. F i t o s I , No. i Croaby strict. martlSt—St A TO LET—NOS. 684 ANDflSiLKX- mgton *v uue. two first ciaM latiry br iwu s oae houses, between ew>th ano 'Tth streeis. alt tbe Baodein in i-rov^in, uin aud tn complete or HT Can be seen onlv by permit: for sod loM-nua apii v to feb« u 1>. n..A.\tiJ. .lMiutii Wu.laiu st £ TO MKNT-UNFURNIHHIiD. 1'ilK BtslSKJiS l-ITBi-OskS, NhA i MRU I.IVVAY. * East Hth street. I'xi U I -ot <S 1 sal street, in>l site. Es.t tUh atreet, near 5th avenue, tlrn-claas property. AL.U. Several valuable plots on I'nlvenlly llac-. Apply to B. H. LlHIL WAI I. mart It ULMI.'I 3 Plue street. e TO LET. the Iwo ai.l'ndlJ ttoies 1*' and lo: Broadway. Apply lo U HI.) Ni, uiariat - .1 IM Bromlway aa BROADWAY stTOHK TO LBP-THr aBkaaeeerhar*. ia view oi oi.viut further ap-towa, wcain let ih-lr short, liou leal with oaae.u, ut aausv siae. an 1 both rraarkao'y well Hinted. dec7 tf AitllA 1 I * at in ink. SO! Hroadway. •ia FIRST FLOOR ANI» BASBMKNT TO Kit l-Lin bunding I it ano lit uroadway-commo li>us oflre* (SMte). rontaining eve-y convenl-nae. and ad ruirsbly adapted for an Insurance t ompaay or 'A^iflv to the NKW TORK LlFk INS. CO.. lit Broad way. febistl IUI ibiiotboat. Apply U> marS jieod ilOS) With early aeawesalon. uOMm: M IKOhB, No. I Pine M. hlli SALE -AN KLKOAS r * ST.>ltY . aoiib side of Sith at.. HI, .-sxa. lot tea. Price brown sioae hLch stoop boose, eoilh side of Slth st., between Lex'Bgton aud Sd area., tXasHSii. Half oa boad aadaortgaze. HOMkR BOROAN. aarssteoa (14BK Bo.lPtae it FOB SALB IN47THST..BKTWBBN _ _ Sth aad ttb ave* . aa eli gai.t < atary brown atote boas*,ea Coiinc* loaaa lot, at 0-^ per aaaaa grou.d oBerest with all the elezaui tural- reat. IP yean* to rua. ture. at a*».tss' Apply 'o tuart Jieod tllTal HOMES MOBOAX. Bo. 9 Pi nest. fi orovi FOR SALB—ON STH Thiityeizhta at., an . with Ih, hirwxtare: extra wide itable if w AVB. boa**. sated. NBAB la perfao* karly oaa- seaaion a* be bad, l'naMt to be bad tram HOdEH MuIiUAH. Bo. 9 Ptas at. U.'.SI aariMeo* * FlfhB SUBSTANTIAL 5 SToRY cornea- atof e or aale oa south atreet. Bear Wail at., r. Prve* *T»,»Mj_ •tOMBB MO BO AN so x fi*. la goo* order, Appiyte Ba.rt*a*a* (ItSt Bo. I Pine sL-ret. to W FOR hALB—HOUSB AND L O T 3 8 1 avzt aWswa.eor.of Maloorrvat. App y hScV' Bread.ay. marstieol-is FOR BALB LB WBST «VU> r brow latere isaab Br*ad wag 9 A superior tsiory browa atone Knx.wa baweaaent '-e. -^VJ*Mb aaw^^tjw^^^-^P^-alo. awjatwft Mas I. For aartueuaieaaa!* i. aUxrTxNtTs U B A B I . mi AT BU BBOAUWA1, ST AN LBT DAT. Broker, aaaala * • * M yoer addreta tha Baal Circa, ar. gBtali- JB FOB HA L B - A FULL BIBB F1BBT- otex* hag* ateo. bow**. Bo. *> West afte asrwew irx^^daw. Haaaa. ex«S. Lot Staiw A Prah. OSSM*. ta. uleasag gaatxiarw* aad etirrav. ... . ^_ Th. lof adtoialng caa be " destrra. lawaxtwoeabailiailM, b**w—n taaaad earl kM three oi s FOR BALB-ONAHUWDBBO FOOT .Trr a. oa Hnray MMI. a Bra akaai twiwuaa* lot. l»ateoO rt cPwMJ > * , |t. 11. LLDLOW AtJ.,1 HI BAhLBM LOTS Fi»HSALM-SPLBN a^b^dtog ^ tor bM*to» fflMMh^p vwto awawBa aJtwaatraak. 9t tO A l5t!l^ACAB?U>tw. B0LSHE ACM I to TwaalarM sbraeL Dasxkag* -wvx?.'? r*a». MS fwt Max. ateaSW water . Feet stiBotiiBM asteaa. Beet mtrv S HrUHK AND HASKMKNT, 115 Lroeard atreet. four doors east of Broadway, size sSziS.i, lo let. Apply ou tb* premise*. let* tf BBOOIaLVN PKIuPBaxtra-. ATTENTION, CAPITALISTS, BI'ILDKBB, ABD OTHERS. Ou WIDNIBDAT. March IS, at kxebaaze Balaarooa. N. Y. by WTCEOFF ALItTLE. Auctioneers Poe.TlVk 8ALB or 3P1 IS DID COBBK.K PBOPFBTT OB MTBTLk AVhNUE. COBNEB HAelLTOB BrRBTT. Tognher with a deau-able residence, which will be told with two lots oa Myrtle aud two oa Hanutto* ave- a are. Alao. BKV9B LOTS ON MTKTLB AVkN Tg, BBWBEBGLER- MOBT AMD VAHa/kHBlLT AYkS. This Is the most des'rsole prcp,rtyon Myrils svenae offered at aactioatoraaay years, and it well wo. thy the auction of BUILD*K9. who wish to erect si res or dwellings, BPhCCiaAToHa, vii wuabkshie apaealataoai CA1 ITa.ulsTS, wue desire a aale luveetaaenl. DRD JI.ISTS. or baiall IMIram aay kind, who wish to secure . lot oa the deaoabie aveua. be.ore it reacie* a prior beyond tbe means ot moderate men. _ Map* ready at 74 Cedar sue**, aad Ml MoaUgae slreet. aroeetiy BE PRESENT AT THB 8HBAT BALE YO-MOBKOW, THURSDAY. ni lbt-r, At the txckat ge baiearoeea. Haw York. BT WYC&orr * UlTLk. ADCTlONkEBS, aad aeeera a port on t thelollowtrgdeslrabla property 99 LOT* on HOpeON AVE. CHOWS! and MOB f OOkahatt *1». s LOTs.,ah«Jxtw..»SCT*DT AVE. t3bPl»NlilDPR..bP»;ci' PAR* LOTS oa SIXTH ATK. MACOMeaadi AKR >LL MHIHS. it LO A OX. Utllli MSB BlMBBT. i LOT oa I "re STKtikT, near the Park. I i . l - oa UAL i li: a 1KBII. near the Park. t L T>. corner aBAXTOB ST. aud TBitrU AYS. t UiYBoo WABktBBST.. iliracuy oapualM -b* Prospect Park. I LOI OB DOCOLASA »T»H»T.aear > » l l H All lb* aba>v* aaalreahie aaeas-rtv win aea lively be ao'.l. L.B. T, aa* lit MoaUg*e«., reefy at tt Cecar Msaara Brewkiy* BktekLVI, m FOR SALB—TUB MLBQANT RB81 jam Seta be.Ms WaMlagie. Avetee. a-w Lafayette. O v e e a a tvxZ**. wah brtak atabas aa Haauaoa streeL i. r• ar. Measa larwa .,» *tury, *f rat *te * aad b*s*k.*>k M. MiaaaiM INK*?: coaiala. 17 ra.aa, 9 bath ror— water claeeta bli'tarevrwoa aad Barglar a larwa. lull Is ebse feet wide. wataaooCtad In Bar et to I story ; P. rtaeo aaal Bay wiadaw eat a ee. aaxtaa* aaa* I. a. pi.ta-alaawkhdowaiaet aar aad yaaJiaUag re aatera u r o e t h o o u Aaays to A. StCEBEtlJ.laJ Wall atraet. or »Y0kOi> ATiriLA, li btoeaaaw* atr***. teo.kiy*- aw*MM--* aa TO l a o s k BaaiiUNt* * MAJTBIN- BOk M s l M u r . M* LOTB AT BAT Binoo Ibebalaaetoftae SaetABF FABM taeea ub aad Sth aver*«, aad CHb a*" 0B* etr*ae*. win be Mild TKURMUAV.Mareb II. a * , at lb*. EsvWaaa* 9*1*1* ia, ill hweaatwav. Mew Tot*, by WTCBOFF A LIllLh lai.iuai Tb«elet*areao taither troa WAlA *T, H. T^jMaa an. wa •ota. whieb ar* alllaz »' trwaOiA** to *».***. law* taw preearty. i an aay naateabi* aetaaw —mm iwaj tars prweanT, NIHa5TY-EIGHr SPiEafDID L0T8, *.T AUCTION, TTJE.DAT. n&aoa 9, 1*69, At 19 o'clock, ai ibe Kxchaaee a* earooa. B. T. A ON HfJDHoN AVbiNUK, CROWN. "JCM<iNTOOMrr>Y ANII M ALBDN k .afk* KTB. la the vlcrn'ty of the OKA D BOCi.hVAB.». and a tew blocks eaatcf New York avenae Lota oa toe New 1 ora Boo'evarca* are Bailing at froa six to eight times aa much aa lot* oa tb* Brooklyn Bonia- varos, tae locauou ol the latter it macs Bore aoae- sihle sad deairahie Q.' l _*..l!"' < 'l tr, !" b,c ">*!> of this .ale at tbe oftca of WT. ROFS * Li I n.K. ancOoa*er», 1S1 MonUzae at.. Brooklyn, aau 711 edai ii.s.j, n m DO NOT BE LATB ATTBBTALB ** ot rToepert Park lou to lake place to-morrow at ihe bxchange bales Uoom, B. V., by W1CKJFF A LITTLE. ABCUoneera The btat aac-loa of Prosoeot Park Lou off .red tbi> Mason oa hixth aveaae, Carroll ai ll Macomb .tree:.; alao, loll on Doualaa*. Braxton, nalttc. Warren and - m e . nth sireeta. Will be sold vtb oet ree< rve. it -.Tillt THE BOAT FROM WALL ZXZ street, N'w York, *n i in J mi aulas yoa will b at Lay Rtdga. Every one will te I yo* where you eah Ohd i.raef ra in to be .1.1 i Match nth. i*M. by Wl CKOPF A LITTLE, .uctioieera. hi.mine the lota aad attaud the sale. Bart It A FOR SALK-MYRTLB AVKNUB aaC LOTS AT ACOTIOB—Tb* best section of lots oa Myrtle avenaa will best-id on WEDNESDAY. March .Sib at Exchange Saearoom, N. Y„ by WwKosF A LIT. TI> . Auiiii'Tin.1 lot* oo Ike aouvb tine between van' derbilt and Clernont arena**. As vacant iota are vary scarce a thlr itreet, this aale ur*aeots s good osoortanity lor luveaimaot Sea aocttoa oalamn. mart St 4*5, FOR 8ALK - THB SOUTHKAST -A- corner ol Cnmberisnd slreet tad Oreeoa aveaae, 75 feet on Cumberland street and 99leet oa Ureaa* avenue. oe h- bat for bBslaesa pernoaaa ta the dry. Ta be told W O v l l i t T , March l a. at ihe New York sale- room, by WYCKOFF * LITTLE, Aaetloaaar*. mart st m FOR SALB—OOlN» FBOM FORTY IX" aocond atreal. New York, lo Wall atr eel takei M nucuiea , from Bay btuce to Wall atrart. It take* M unnniea. Lot* op town New York, usaening al II.M to t*t.*M: at Bay Pldge Iw a law hundred dollar,. Which UibeaafaatUveataeBt? las l e u at Bey ktleg* wui be told by WiCkor r A LITlLk. Auctioneers. THURSDAY, March 1 lib. Be* auetio* advartiseataL mart tt VoR SALB—TbE BLBOANT FOUR- , ttury and bereaenl browu a on. bouss. lit Uutoa et, batwah* Beary aad Cllntoa atreela, Brooklya. lit SH lot. ornaiaeBt .1 grouad. brick -tab e ml, fa»l. wUI fitted up. ooetalning S box and I slsgl* SSSUI, Bower rardeu. giaeMy of laported viae*, lemaat BSBSII aad ronaervatory. Htreet u o n * .i ike eatrancealo Proapect Par . paved with Wleo'son psveTaat; house is in per- lect orr*r. aaalv oa Brsi Boor. Orawiaa rooa sun leet, dirli g room SOaM ; s*cord floor,! oadroom* aad Bath- room : third floor, t bedrooms end bathroba ; foartb floor, I be>lroom anl larce lumber room: Baaemont, k-tiehen iuvreiai>c«ma, htu ldry a .1 b'tliard room, with iaigedty cellar uuderaeail th* whole, oa* and water tbronehoot . bouae aad ontbi!.<ii .ga In perfect order, •atirl i",*!* II.H fael. enc'oaed with high Iran rail. I„.a.wilb eVrrffTS'hs sad fiowsrs. Usui Is about to rare Brooklyn and will tell whVe or part oi furniture. For peralia to view aramtsei snply to •.M. Ll'DLOW A CO., marsiieod iPisi S Pise street. FOR BALB —ON BROOKLYN li-lghu, a Sratclaaa doable bou-e on R m«en street, nib a.t.oi. .iiacheai; built In a superior manner and In fine or er. I' <aeee"ion aooa. Alao. a. vera! ilr telaas real^Si ess ou Co'nabta street, over OOKI i: tbe Bav. aad ii other d a isb eljcauoos tliro xuout lie c ij., a spleadi'l ch sin e for lavwiasati one en'ire b.ock froBt* Ink ' i> the rivar. In tie 1>«>1 io..*llou lu the cliy. with . Diaemfl., in btuidlrgfor atoraae purpo*** ereeieo there. in, s so several warrhouaw on 'be property. Several h'r.rki of Vark ots in the beat location s*rro-in.1'Bg tbe Park also lor sal.. For further partloalars aaoiy to S. HON L LOW. Baal Estate llrakar. It (IS) Moat.gue near 1'ourlet., Brooklyri. e FOR SALB —A FIRST CLASS brown stone on it'ooalyn Heubts. completely rurnlab. d and In One. o r d e i . w i t a a too story brick itable c.sails of stabling I bors.i, with nlontv of carnage room. A c Tbe bouae Is ttiateo on Wl low atreet, re- pute snh allaadera eonveaieacea. For aav paraon J. sirlna a flril-ciaaa i -M.leo . co.veuiast to th? t rrtas tn.s alavoraule .[ fiortan't.- Sor turtbet particulars apr'v to b H'^DLOW Moa agu- st,, noar Court, orto WYCkOFI A LllTLa, ill II (li) fi FOR SALB, CLINTON AVR.-AN <. tart 'story French roof, brown aione. all taa modern improvenieel* ; best loeailoa in the cxtv. For partscalara apply to HALI. A HIVVLSR. marti 21 —JI lki liooiague St., Brookiyu. OT* FOR PALK-ONB OF TUB FINEST A'-,* on Brooklyn Helabt.. The etearaoi .V -I. r. t.aa-niei t and cellar *' (-aaa " atone Iront dweilmz, , i - e 1. ei, looiaina .1 rooms, larg* baitw.,, muMc room, A c Anlahei! In Bar I woods, rep ete with .-very modern lii pio, enient. ami tn tbe moat perfect order. mW^'ssi'&xirw'ivdtiin (O.l fine st f t FOB BA1B-BHOOBLYN PBOP- . eri> The bouse and lot Bo. IS at., oppeaiie ea ABB'aCharcb ground i lot *x.O., honastOxH, three atnrie.,b.lli of f*i ade'pht.brlek. ., roan*, all moo ere 9v. aiaales' walk boa Faitoa '*rry. er to WM D BOWBTHMAN.TS Apply on tb- prfsoiaaea. < W all .ireei. New l ork mu*>t-il C rliH HAIK. IIAV RIDOB TAXKS ar* aboni it peri ol what they are lu th* city. Those who intchaae lots al tbe sale of is* Bay Hiuge lou to be cold THrKMDAV. March 11, will have property within five blinks of tbe ettv. and ye' FSCAPK I ITT TAXATION. Bee WfCBOFr A LITTLk'B An, ion adverilaement in st otbt r column. aarttt fS FOR SALE OR TO LKT-ATLkN 1 V IC miik IiicxStolea, Not. S and t, adjolnlnt Haiolllou per- il. Appi, to WM. N. I'L IKK. maiaAt.i—II ei *'i Inn it. M I OR SALK-A BEAUTIFUL OOUN- ti y seat wttli ia, acres or i splendid Improve- ments , aiioal ou. ho.r'a raaie Horn tbe city by Bud. ativ. Bit Caa be divided taio it .niljiag altea for villas, Ac. Address Hudson Ittver, kvaaiNo POST office, mart l.eoo -J* YALUABLB MANOFACTUHINf* I'KiikaTT FOB halal •• BetiMkeoaT, Coaa. —We offer lor sale that very valaahle proeeriy. annate! pn the coioea ol Beaver aud Middle aire* s.uooaiailnx ol a t.ur sUi.y brli kbatldiag. ia ict lone, on Bo.v,r street with fear t ooe store, ou anifiaar.aadaiargssBoatanMalnrek bniluux i'*l*et ou MMdl. street, witb hlajb onlnaey, foHn.1i v rrK>m» a'd every cooveBience for a flrstclsa Manuia. t o n . a l l . or wiihoal power. These building, are v.ry stroaa and anba'.antlai. ano are within o « block of tha dcnol, or thai ceatre oi bosi nra tbe corner of Beaver and Mate at reel*. Parties wishing flr.t-claa* Mae..]act ry lb every re- tptct located, au . at a price laa lb.a lb* cos' to bul.d such, are requested to call ami see us J. Art. A. STAPLES. No. U Bute street, Bndg.port.Ct. lor further Infonuauje apply lo P. C. CALHOUN. ootlawMtf Feertb National Beak. Wow York. _BB FOR HALE, A T A BAKOAIN, IN ~k— o . e i a r IL aztfaordina'y vatuabl* ettaM of three hundred acres at Cbelaea, state. Island. ipp.Mle h lit a- beihporl, aul .l''i' lor lipprovemeai and th.- water front- age lor mannlacturiBg poipoena. tpp.y to k B. LUDLOW A CO szTttM J*wB__ 11HI (PlWl) 3 PlUC tt. B U B U M B A N S FOlt MARCH, WITH FILL LISTS or COUNTRY PBOPkMTT FOB BALK. IB kSADY. AND WILL BE bkbT TO ANT ADDRESS, BT MAlXoBY B PLACE WsJi.L. AUCTIOBKEBB AND UHOEkitS, maVstt IS LlBEhfY 8T. . i.- aLj li FOB SA1 K-BkAUTlFl'LCOUNTRY seat near Norwalk.c, nu.; large handsome house ai.d II acres of land. Price liiasw IhVlNla * BAXKEAP. •1 s t e e d as Wtuum at. ^ FOR SALB OH TO LBT—AN KLK- xai't coontry reeidenoe at Ravens wood, oo the Kaal Kiver Tbe boex*. M larwa, two .lorlua. atlic and haae, with all atudei-a laiprovaBjenia, aad M tatawbte lor summer or winter occupaucy. Tbe gardener's ubaee It in exix 1. eut order. Tu. stable aad carriage hoaa* la aa atnaily large and romi " for six borate. There the riverirout bailto Is alao a flue bilLard room. Tbe aroiaa^a ceapiiae abeet two aad a half acres, bav- in, a rivet iront ot one hundred and sixty feet: the/ are laid out lo gravel roads aa • walk*, aad oootala thenaeat verMstasa ot made aad ornamental tree*: toere as* BUM grapes aad small fruit* in abundance. Frosting toe omplrte. afforuieg aooouutodatious re ia also a bath had boat-house at lei CBI stone, si is xtxJv leal. There cm atone wall. The property cowuaauoa a floe view M be River aad Bouad. KDMUHD cOrFlN- labia unsod Tl Ceaar tlraat. S I AT BIS BBOADWAT, STANLEY L DAY. Broker, mails tree to yetr addressing Beat at* Circalar. Bar* tapi af. A YALUABLB MILL PHOPBRTf BB ior sel<. a i e a u * lu Bethlabem. Pea... oa line oi CR H ol N.J., luviu-diateiy at Btattoa, with ral road twiiot luonMg in yard, ano well located loraay kiadof manaia, in.lag bnalnesi. betag m the midst oi . eoal oouutri.aud living M cheap. Tb* baildiag la 17X11, leer sterte* high, eebstantiaily batM ot gray tiooe. with w.Ms iwo feei IB lalckneas. aad main floor* 1> feet, beery atreer* and siaie root: th* balkauag will bear aay laacnpUoB of aiacbinary. Engine bona, or atone, uzX. I* bota* power angle*, aad tare* tubaiar boners. Lot BOzlss), Will be told lor l e a than value t price. 9 s.oue A. D. MELLICK.IK. A HRU. maiHteod No. M Plue si., b Y. A LLBW RLLTN PARB. a * _ FOR BALK 11 acre* 01 land ta lawn aad garde*; sloe* aanalira belli la the liaiiaa villa atylo, ooalaias 11 rooms above baeriueul and all the moderu conveniences . cottage, stuue tt* It, Ac., oomaaads a l o * vlaw 01 New Ycrk. Malrn Ulead aud adjacent country ; al lea led In Lieweilya Park. OrhBg*, N.J. For turtbrr parucalars apply to (II BVOMKH MOBOan, t) tine it raiel! CREfHBILl, N. J.—AN BLBOANT new stooe msnsion, t* feet sonars finished eiabo- v.iy lu w*.nut and rueataal, wlia every lai proveBcat. bi tb* owner, tor hie own oaa. Al«o. large stone stable. Inlabed Ih Ho**-' shape aud all other out- bouaea. wubs arret 1.11 ' und'r beaotual cultivation. W ui Pe eeM or leaaad oa tavorablc lar aaa. WALL KIT. HAL! A OO . azahlSIt No. M Chambera atr.el. A I»K HALB—FORBST OROVB PRO nam MUTT.—The Toww Hoa.a. Mansard root, 1. rooms. all tbe modern Improvement. : s city i.-is. aontb aid* P ace, near Boaion Bo.d, Mortisania. AUo, tne large aaanaion on Boston Boad. opposite First street. All m utri Improtemenu. UM, hot and oot* water; I city lot*, l a a t easy. Apply al Bowery. mart.sA .u gmtfOtt SALB—IN TBB YlbUAOB OF "Y"" I'onrheaier, Weatckater Co., * place contain na about liacrat. Itfrontion Grace st., and run* down to UeSoeao Apply te JAMBS F. aBCOB, Bk, msri It—It M Weal atrset, Bew York city. © FOR SALB AT TBNAFLY, NBAR timiwooD. N. J . W M i s c m raoa bast Yoax n< NukTHBKR H a l l . B . . a l . - l l ) v t e K PLACE.-A House with lower, stone Porehea end a Ptaaaa. Mxi> feet Miutled uisou a plot ol ground equal to Uie area 01 IS lull ciiy lots, aid oet la gazsSea, fruit and orna 1. ei.ia. grouaoe, with atoned and xraveilod walk* and ap pioack roads anu pleated with cbolos fruit, nowawxeg shi ube aad shade ireea. The bona fronts soatb on s private aveaae. with Bngle atreet on lae weal aad Clinton av*ua* 1 itadiag 10 ta* aaninlt « ihe PartsaOwa) oa tb* aorah ot It. Railroad ataiiou, cbnrches, schools and storee.withia five minntoa' Ihe bona* command* a view of Pstertoe, Newark, t agie Moaatain, lleraoat, Hackeaaaok River, Slatea land and the CBWre aurro.ndina eoentry. The loeailoa Is the bee, oe the slop* of tea Th. 1. oaa. la eonvealaat l a l i - lt speaking tubs*, belli. Ac and Is in all tt ihoreughlT wAl built aud fluiabed. l.OTH FOR SAI.K.-81S LOTS,WITH Istfi Iroui on Newtown t'reek. near Pennv Bridge, tivn si . . . .a 1. r , s aoutb aide -laieu lalanJ. WM. <t (1 IIIK ZSZ lavrze troui on Brooklyn. Al ill'ii to niatsili- 1 Hi' Wi 1 am «i CTO L r. T. Bu! The tonr uew first•• lass thrte-siorv bilck nool hoaaes. No. i< ti. ri and IN vaoil-ri'M ave bue, Hroa kivi., b.ta.'U Uark and F.uahil./ avenue*, bavtna a.l 'be n. dim impr ivemenia. Two ar.i now rvaii.t for ee- ui an, >. au-1 tne other two will be rr*<iy by March'at '< t .n " - en al a.ivtl-n. bv apniyll-r tn rrouias I onnldaon. 1 .1 pei.ier. at Noa- SS anil i>, and tor lullbcr part', iiala 10 B. BLANCO, libMf NO is^gontb tV'illaua si., N. Y. T i l I. h i . alia No* Sia and sir uraud avenue. Brooklyn, two flrat- . .»•* u.ree-atory an* baaement browa stooe, be iseanl'.Kaih and Lafayette avenue.. Bavlaz all tbe ipoiiert iruproveiLiema aoa in perlect order. Can be seen at aay by applying- at No. t i earn- row. For i. r ... api lv lo B. BLANCO. letMif No. IS South William st., N. Y. furnace, range, hot aad eotd water, waah trays. Baths water rioeata. speaking tubta. bel' WUI be idle' cheap and oa easy terms Apply OB tea aratoasa to otaObOK D. LYMAN, or to K. Il LL'DLoW A CO., No 3 Pine at., M. Y. mars SI-3S M BANKS OF THB HUDSON.—FOR a.i, lo.lo-e BB eat ite. a f.r.i. ol atw acres on toe west sid., near Poeehkeep.i.; excelleat neizhborbood . luazuiftret.i nver view for twenty mllea. commodiona bouae, baro farm bouse and every neceaary onrbolld ixg. trull and ahaae trees. amount ot caah re- qaind . ereat bargain now, aad tne We-i Shore Uaiiroad ai'l and sieat.y In the value of tbe property in leas thaa Binelv i aia Apply to JAMhS I'RICtC. mart It— t tm Hudson street. ABKIVAL OUT. Sot-THAxtT-rON, March 8.—Tbe tteamshtp Bre- men, from New York, krnved to-day. riBABCIAI. Lohooit. Barch 8—11 A. at.—Connote open at MS for money and M S for tbe acconai; Unite! Sate* rive-twenty boad* earner. Stocks easier : Brie, 94s ; lllusote, MS. LONDON, Barch 9-1 r. at. United State* Five- twenty bonds are uraaer at ti\ Siacka quiet. Illi- nois ( eLtra-s, 97S CObTMEBClaX. IJVawjNsriL, March 8—11 A. at.-Cotton-The market open* quiet al the following quotai one : Mlddltn; l'|- lauos, lAutltSd.; Biddling o.-leaue. i l e a , '.'ad The sale* ol the day arc rat mated al Hi.fllO bale*. Brravlstuflb-Wheal, M. M. per rratal for No. S red weaiern. LONDOK, MarcttS.-Linseod oil. £1* per ton 8<u*r, aOa. 96. |ser rwn. for No. ll Dutch sundard. I.ITZBIMOL, March 8—1 r. xt— t ottou itc mar ket is active, and prices have advanced a fraction. Middling upianda. l « s d ; middling Orleana, 1 J'.d. The aale* of the day, It is now thought, will reach It,000 Dales. Brcauaiufie-Wheat, 10a. *d. per c nUI lor California white Provniooa—Bacon, 59a. per cwi. for Cuaiberiaad cat. Lard To* rK»r rwt. Produce—Tallow, 46* M. per cwt. t» r a i h e r k s e a r u liar, h h. B A. BL Ptart. Soso. WeatArr. 7>rv. PI-AMT«B Cov* ...NBW Clear lUiiz.x BW Clear PUBTLAIIS W Clear BOWIOH W Clear Uew BOO NW Clear BurTALO W Cloavdy Cuicaoo K Cloudy rTnaoaas Ckoney NBW least W Haxy PeiL-anawjwia. . IW Hazy WrxatrMOTOti W Ciowdy H u u s t f u i S Cloady FnaTBza«MOKROk.8V\' 1 loud > IUraaoBS SW Cloady (uaaiateToa NI Clear AluIiTl B Cloudy BAVAMWAB NNK Clear Loruvuxk 8 Cloady MOBIL* B Cloady Nzw CMLBAB* B Cloady KzyWarr MR Clear HAVANA NE Clear THB FREE TMADi: MEETING rsebecrtpiieB* aad Bee.latl.aa. St l.i *' «7 .11 *> •a A) Si 11 SJ fi- ll 41 41 S5 M 4' t>> .57 hi 73 1 •«• FOR SALB—A FlHHT-CLAr-H OOUN Mik try s e t , ci mistime af * large, new aad a'ylish I .use slid seven acres of lawn and fro't, beautifully sit Uaii" m ar tbe hater, at Onabla, Westchester county, one hor.r irom Twenty-seventh sir*eL via New Ha, n Ralii'.ad. and only a short distance from the prop j.ed l'oruh sirr Railroad. Will be aold low or exchanged foi productive New York or Brooklya property. Alsti. for sale. Bear the above, a lurnuhcd i ottage. with stanie and one acreot land. marstt HALsTKD A STILkS. « and lo White "' M. FOR HALM AT I'OllitlhU'l'Slh BCa. An eiegant boaae, French roof, in rooms, a., m 'd t rn in, proven eui«, aaa a one staole and coach hoaac aitacuid; count ne aold without the stable il desired . poeaeeeio. In April. For particulars and term,, which can he made reaeonable, .poly to J AMI. I'ltiCh, marS et—10 ret Hudson at. HBI Kit A* PBUPtKrl, ULDBHTABISHBDKBAI. BNTATB AGBNC V AT MO.NTCLA1R. B. J. s-B THB SCBSCRIRBRS HAVINO EK been engaged in the real estate bnatnea, tor the last ten year* at that place, have now on their hooka a tew vaiaabl* placea for aa a and to rent, well worth lb* attea- uor. a persona wtohmg lo pan-base or real at fair prices win he ready on the arrival of tra'n, to show prop-ny. Mn-tcia r Railroad d.pot. For parties. lars send lor circular, oi . ai. ou WM H. HARRIS A CO., febis tf Real Batat* Agents. EtiM SAI.B AT TAMMYTOWIS ai7.»0*. M A HTONK HOUSB, BUILT IN THB moat auhsia tlal inaanri, with atabl* aad carriage boot a aad about two acres of land; apple aad pear tree*, i all tint, Ac. This property baa a large f.onli:» on Boa.twat.a.d Issmrounded bv flrat-claa reaid-uces. lie opportnnity oi iitrcbssing a resp'Ctab'e rei'd i.-e for the above rroderat price on the lav.irtie AVKNUB II' Ai'WAY is seloom offerid. This p.operty It Lss than one mile Irom Ihe Depot. ApulylO s l.MHKIiallS, _mar-5teod-17 ttl Kighlh avenav |V- Krtl.l.bWOOO, N . J . Ml f* WK ARFOIVINO SPECIAL ATTRN- aaaa. lion to the sale oi i.ou.. a aud 1. a near in. deool at er vie wood. N. J . on Uie N or...., ru Ka.lroad, bi. w J or- •ev. em lavorable terms. WALLKtt, BAI.I. A C" . mart! is to chamber straei. VUNKBalM. £ FOR HALE, ON NORTH BROAD war - A handaomr residence ; ihe nonse ooteius It rooms, Willi a lark' attic .nd eel ar under entire bul'ii its: Is vfii rurtiiabsd. with sll modern improvements. i.. i.nib.' tae, water Ac AOM>. S acres of around, laid oat In i w '. wl- h shrunherv nnd orna men lai iree-, uowor anil \* teiaiile zardcu. WHO a fine variety ol fruit; alao, i. ir ai> louse, aud gardber t house. Iwo walls ol eic oet t water and three cietern. oo the prrailse.! a L.auiijui river vie* . is in the heart of Ihe vi lag., and 11 location ha* BOsuprrior Plans and further partlcolars " WABD A OODkN. marl 1st Broadway and I7tb tt.. Union Sqnsre. s FLtkT OB )tm AlllkS FOR SALB IN BAST CHB8TBB, eat of and Bear Mount Veraou depot. New Har.n R . a beauilfal plot of grouad, re* I v fo> Immediate ns*. unit many line abate treat; ground high and com n.aa dins, anu In the Immediate vicinity ol line residences aedatumhar ,i new aud stylish Itailaa villas, erected aim being ertctrd. Tbfcs Is a floe opportunity for a party to pur aha* aad reaatl a TBI* plot*, at a haudeome ad- vancs Apply to koMBH MORUAN, •""3 tteod <1«m No. t Pine stre t. A FOB SALB-A COUNTRY RBSI- BEB d.nce (oa the New Bavea Railroad) wllb about rV'5» • er *e of laeA Taa ooaaut ol a new sWjateoltsge, coi talaans ten rooms, with abundance ol f* D *e t *' peatrtas aa. slots root**; main floor Setsbed •ri ****** •*• sab. etatreaa* black walaat, veraadahs cacti. tecoad it ones, with view of the Sou nd froa Alee, xarewaei a lodg*. rlth tsaseaeet stable. These baildiazs are all uew. built feer rooms, carnage boise. la th' aoat a 'bstae'ial ' n u n r, mainly with hew* eh s- BB a fiit^La 1 '!* sewsMaei dwelllaa being doable lethal aad plsaered tbrengboeL a. T**JJI°' 1B 4'!' n *MI of a lew* beaatifuny endalatiae. aaaoeoaavy aasMad sjiuaaalaralxro.'hol foraat area aL"?iLH.*\H^ BM, *r**iB and ass pond Adlotniug ihe •*Vat^5^7'L?^f* > h of aeartv twenty acres, w th roada M IwMy a oodud. eaalala* a aaiatal aoail —tl aver^r.n-ing -trtamt and sp-ings. : tad lit aurface ea. rkabiv varied aad p eturreoae. Tbeve are awo to . ^ f oli Jf ""fT' s-veral acrns of paature l.sra tad a large garden with all BBS ton addition i garden with ^, ^ y n . B|u |B .panuaoce w t *HZ?l'***f*lT iwo xatoaiea' nil trout Noroton p'^y^tlJ***. "aaltrd tad L>arlen, .n New Haven K, V. , !^aJ2aii*!5•• , SMS tb. Boaae. »n a aetrhboraood eatliwly o«osd of eaiaaaeee. with a l.*ataoti uavserpaaaad in ;s c-'inblnatlnn. „, wuBbrlty.beauiy aadeonveulaace. "JlLS*. HlJST , ^ 9tm Iwrsts'se will secure to tbe par '"iT* rrir^?IS* k . , * > *s •*• a aoat proAtaba la,at anil. ror partUubxr, aad per^IM aeely to c. w. BALLABD, li Beat 1MB fcbtl sxai s^iiL . B4L » ^ H T ° BBNT—AT Ba BVdgefleld. l o a n . , a larg* doable koose. Sflv f**t irom, Ma. saru roof. p,.xza al I around. See abed* tree*. * 'It '^\T-* W 1T' P •***, tbe wratre of tbe vulage. T*•»<>. »».S**eatbBa cottage, with feer acres oTtaad Tbtc itacr at a recent coewtrueUon end eitbaxedera lBeiui*a»aa. ibaviii nof BUdB-aaeiviaa aaewbtored by maav one ot tf.e mes- Be.aiuui la NewSncand It la ai-.atee oe e rtngr e. hard sea lew, above tide-waier. aud oaa tans all the aavi-nier-e* of raer. lalaau a la mis ka tb* parity of tb* aunoWbtre aad dry a, a of tbe eliailo. Th. h-at is tem- per, d-by a cold bre, a*, eoaatqaeat epeo tMeteveaed poa'tior. - Its euBlaaeltv lo hew Tor*; uaTera zie il »d. aotage* te peraoi s d. -ii .u« a iicasa t au -mer raidaeee /L ?»l— S-A™**a*Y. I»*.ftWaH str«i 1 LDLOW a CO., No Sitae,!., Bew York. t. or V. B. mart steod (P4IT) I. ar b a . a a . a a * rarvhxawa. let eases laaa. elagesM: tat* oat aa* laproveT: water woa aeeatat* aas-iaz baaswanseiy aaal aniMI.Mti BaaMbil i will Be aetd thetowksrteeef SMaat. Aiy p. noa saaklag a batuMaf- bo-e c. tb. r e » « a ^ e « ^ naarlMae* ». beakers st m FOR BALB—AT DABIBN, OONN., A 'b* beeate-e. eeaavtry M e l a * W a A Cwxaav<sg., t?rfitar' Aiwiy M AV O R A N « A cettaigeatoraal hwawa I H . e a riwaas wtaia, esrlks.4 a ». J.-Is0W PBICBD w^^-m^^ S l-OR SALK-SOMBOFTHE FIABBT Mai.aioue on the liodaon kioocy put oot on bond Morlsaar*. Apply to O. A. Bl.le>, Y'oakera. marl Tt—as er at No. IH creeuwici. st. E FoB SALB-A FINB COUNTRY residence located about I miles from Uahway on *w Jersey MM. and s. mile Irom depot. Couiain. Sn acrea ol good laud, with building! complete. I'rice, OtoAte. Aito. OB* al Bteteu lalaad, 79 acrea. ttook, Ac, 0M.M*. Alao one at PeaksktU, IS acrea, fro.mag Ihe Hadaoa, S-.'o.ism. E. O. LocKk, mart ft 111 Ith at., bet. Broadway and Itb ave FOR SALB AT NBW ARK, N. J . - _ 1 te s-atvry sad basement briuk dweinzsg No. 1>1 ssMnztoa st., coatain* aevea rooma, with gae, hot and cold water, raages. toaiha, A c Ia la complete uroer. bating recently been thoroughly repaired , it centra.iy located, being within ken annates' walk of two depots For further particulars inquire on lb* premi-ea, or of P II rtALLANTiNA. 1S7 Kiv.r ai . marl tl - la' Newark_N. J. s|g| FOR SALB OR KXCUANOE, AT aTS. (irrenwlrh.ct .for unprovad hew York or Brook vn property, a nne country r. .ldencc Honaeoobiaininc :.t robms, carnage house soxSo, wivb 2S acres of land, a niinutei' walk Irom uepot. HENRY M. BAILEY. It—1 X95 Broome tt., from .' to 3. •J-TVoR SALB—A COUNTBY RBSI Ek uenre. Otiialulnz about Sb acrea. si anted to Ihe towi. oi I i lb .u., S ii.ilea trout ll.r cut. oi lbs li .-tot, )'. al l.o.u run.ii a d wn lo ra-t'besler Creek : about ' i.iit. a uom Moaul Vernon and hall mile from Pelnam. vine depute ou New H.veu haiiioad. I be land it beaut. siiuateo. Apply to JAMbb F. BhCOH Ez.. m;. 14 It—li West sireet. sfpYONKBRS PROPERTK—THE •*•' 1 onkeri Real kV.alc Pulletlu wi I give you all the a-aired iBlormatiOb Adnrea, H. w. BASUPOKD, Tonaera, N. Y. lana eodtfaol tDU_ *f| FOR SALB O B T O LBT NBW Bat house* in lb* Park *t Sam .It, N . J . near tbe Mor i is and ksaex uepot. MoanlaiBBir aud beau I if n scenery. Also, a large bnek bouae in the village, suitsbie for a store aud boarding, together with stable*. J. KlkMA. Botumii. N.J.. Bi*r9 4ie.vd-« or t,7*4 P. O, New York. £ TO LEASK FOB THRBB YBARS— Oa IBB BoCLBVARD AT FORT WkBHlNoro.N -1 ao laize uew llrst-claas hauaes, lust coapleicd. with about ai, acre to each boaae : nnaaed with black walnut, tiled halts and ail modern irapiovsaenu . water aad gas tlirougnout, furnace, Ac; saboeS ar. beaoaebt, two- i'cry aad attic, (P reach roof). U issaeat co.iems kitchen, laundry, store room and bi Hard room. First. story, tuiie ol parlor*. diatBg raoa (all quite large i butier't pantry as* library. story, 4 Isrge bed rooms, aaeommnilr.uug, ampipcloaeta, bath room, ac. Alt .c two large spare room*, with nsantelt, ilm n room ano two large loom* for servant*. llazzaon three sloes of hoose. View of Hudson River unsurpassed. Witain three aMa*t*s' walk ot Hndaoa Biver Uaiiroad depot, stable and coach bouae. Rent OVbs*. MAI'.TIN A SMITH, fibi M kl W a a * . atreet. M TO BBNT—ON BTATBN ISLAND, Bear Port Klrhmono Landxaz. aa elegeat reaadeaee eouuiBing 11 room*, partly taroMbed, st seres of iaad. taatetaliy laid eel Mabie aau iTardeaer's Lodge oa Urouada. Tbe piece s eeat view I aarS Meed ea htzo groaad aad esazaaaada a aagalfl eat tijkw iter aaaaa. Apply to B. B. LUDLOW A CO. tatklli I Plae street. m TO LBT—AT IjBTIHSjrTOrT, O N T H B BB. Baawea, for the seaasr atr year, ewe of tbe moat beautual COBBUT seela *• She nyer beak, kboroagaiy fkruiibed. Abeat Ok acrea of aa*. lBYlaH * BBiABAP, SS Wtlliaa at. A TO LBT-ON THB UPPBB TBB- * B rate, aear; Ot,Morris HoUl, B.w Brunton. foar hoesea. two ureishi d AH brve a odera impravemena Fine viaw, abd are aear beta B**TM». _ It—7 A- PBKNTICk, ltf Brosdway. TO LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POS -esa.on, a v.ry lar*. fbgnktbad aaatlon, with largi no*. aiR.vai.wo.eo, L. 1^ oe tha Bast » » « . » w » groonda, i site Mib s! NlNli'S, «*h**tl sit* Sttb at. Kent MSB*. 'P. sr. oppo- iiarttraiar. apply ai FAN. Bowery. Bar* St •AW COUNTBY FHa2"JE°, >"* H na awMBtaa Bivaza—Cwaaallnn. boeya., BBTouab.lieibit*. wli* iv* aerea of Iaad, good garlek. B e e toawhewa* *•*«• Maaw.*sa*woae views. Ac. oa t a s t e d COUNTBY Bi lll< ou Baaxwutug.ale Heed, abaet halt hataaaviur. Plisasnl a a a a a aad be rrated to a prlreto BBBBF oaiy. ON le arubari Apply al lie To XT are at. t TO BBNT FOB THB BUMMBB.- A turultbad cottage and Ten acre* of Iaad, focrteeu from Bew York and eoeveuieat to deeot I'leaaaal law*, frove and atraaav Mood gad 'T^ ^ - f j . ^ latoe. B.w York. « | AT NBW BBIwHTON (BAMILTON I paaa.i—To rem. fai aMi s and BBfi.raaii>td. fease t-< laa Y'ulat, gas. water, aardees, atablea , adaoiad let wtoter or BMazeer riilliati; deetghirully loeaied. M^hugMh, «r.-nf-alfflL'T.I-.aiH Beowdz^ FAUHB. FAB MS FOB SALB WITH P088BB- Htnea E *rea—oee et SM acrea tear Chaeaasa* Bi aairoe*. goee laaa! : prtca. ftl**. ueeoted aoraa. aaavtBe. Oayea. awbMsea. a*, tf aastrwflx oee or ua, aaza**, a a a a haawss,Oae iaaarevau.*nia.BfaAa; ana "BMBAawSOB. ttt Mb u Me-» FABM OH HUDSON RIVBH FOR biL*. Tirwa of Flaeklai, CaiMaze Lae It eg. can. - laaa. Bat laa edvaataee a acre thea half a Bait, af steer Itwtata aad eawAaaaag asyveral vaaaabu — -•—-g alaa. : ahead' aaca at Beds i a as. thaa iM aetata Srwe* i etarzta eeabu aoeac-aad aD The ae ta.i t ewtBeltsBaaa. te g <od erder, (>basBtaet- -a wabv f»ea ra-iretad dtyajT. Aar y te WM A. BUDD, m asvfls* Mb*** ewees. t. r, or oe itjjK* HOUSLES, ETO, WANTED* at^MWrwa-wWilt^^^ sain.aa. I BBVWWBBI Mr. Robert B. Mlnturn oflered the tollowing resolutions at the Free Trade Meeting held at the Merchants' Exchange aad News Room on Saturday afternoon, after the cloae of oar report, which wore onantmo JSIJ adopted : Resolved. That the free-trade (by which we mean an exemption from taxation, except so tar as may be ne ceaaary to pay the debt aad defray tbe ex petite* of gov- ernment) ia In accordance wit* the theory of American lBstltailons, aad ia demanded by the beet iateres u ei tb* COBBtry. Beaolved, That we will do eur uttuost to dieenmlnate the pilactples and promote the practice of free trade as thaa damned. tteeolved. That a committee of Owe he appointed hy the cnalr to co-operate with the American Free- Tradi Leegaw in promoting the object ol the torerotag issaMllsaa. Br. Mintnrn aold that tbe protective lystem Is Injurious to tha true interest* of th* country. " Bat," be sdded, '• we are Interested lo this matter lo sn important point of view—the phil- anttiropic I oelleT« that tbe protocUre ejs'eoa Is unjust to the poor man. It la unjust thst the poor man should be taxed for UM support of aay private Interest whatever. (Applause.) Now It Is the poor man who (eels tbe load. I am tres- turer of tbe kMociation for lmprorlog tbe condition ol tbe poor, whicL does * lsrger ktaonat ol work among tbe poor than any otner association in the country. We have loaud that uotuiiiisuiidiag the extreme mildneM ol the present winter we bave, there has been a greater amount of dtsttees, and we butt had a greater call upon our resour- ces, lbsi. ever belore. Last winter was an exceed- ingly severe one, while tins has been a very Mild oae: yet, notwithstanding this, tne association bas bad more to do tui* season than ever Delore. Why 1* thisf The reason I* plainly Indicated in Mr. Walla's admirable report Mr. Wells tells ns that although Wawes have goo* up, they have by ao mean* advanced In the same proportion tbst the price* al tbe neceaaanet ot Uie have Increased, ao that the poor Man Is worse off than ever belore. Tbe poor-man in this country Is actuAil) worse off than his competitor in Eag land. It M true that be receive! MOM money for bis day's wages, bat It M alao true that hi* day's wages will not procure turn so many ot the neces- saries ot enjoyments ol life. Now, gentlemen, this is all wrong, snd DM be slapped, aad to do this we wsnt ) oar help. It ha* been very truly •aid by tbe previous speakers that free trade, M we ondersUnd It, does not mesa tbe abo- lition of custom house*. Many pssraont will not help us because tbey suppose that Is onr object, and tell n* that our Tlews are Impracticable. Now, that is not what we propose, but only to have a revenue which shall lake as little as poaaible Irom the pockets ol tbe people, and yet pat as much as possible into the tressury ot tbe government. Tbe report* show tbst, while some two tbouaand attiele* are taxed, nearly all Use revenue I* derived trotts thirteen article*. Prom thirteen article* we could get all tbe revenue we need, and tbe two thousand arti- cle* might remain untaxed. Think what an im ptoveiuect that would be. Bat tbe rings In the interest of the protective system keep up tbe old stale ot thing*. Tbey organized and used money to effect their objects. Wc most Imitate tbem in this. We must organize and work and give our money. Mr. Sand* said that the League propoaed to send lecturers into the West, who would require to be paid. While the members o! the LeaaTUc were- willing to do all they could, their ability was suisil, and tbey must look to the merchants of New York for support. As one ot those mer ebants I beg to aay that I will give f 5,000. Ibe following subscriptions were then volun tecred by gentlemen present: Mahlon band*. $o.ia*>; Charles H. Marshall. gVotki : Hubert B. Mlnturn. 0A5HU ; Thomas Uo.laiiii, IL nil ; Wi.liam Jessup A Mane. Eoou: W. D. I I-JW konj : June* M Brown, gl.tiil; Alfred Pen. Jr. aatsi 11. W. T Mall A Co., $.*»i. Daniel C Bait Mi.», I*' , Lout* Yt/indrnnelli-r A Roelker. aiflu. riaitman A Co., gxou; Henry Oi. xinaon. giou : T B Merrick A Co., $100; Ch*. ConuPeveo: Son, glUJ; J Miller £ Houghton, flub: Cart wright*UatTaSon. f 100 a "Free-trader, $8 Total, onAVi. Mr. (has. II M*r<ball, 88 Burling Blip, Is tbe Treasurer o! the League and will receive further contributions. Tbe President appointed tne foUowlng-named gentlemen to be the committee mentioned in the above resolutions: Howard Potter, (jeo. Cabot Ward, Kobt. B. Bint urn, Chas. H. Marshall and Msblon Hands CITY 1NTELLIUENCE. AmaaesBOBta ikia Kvralag. ACADkktT or Music.—"TravUta." 8o'clock. xsOOTB'S TBkATBB —" " '~ " 7S O'clock WAIaaAOK'S TBBAI Sothln..' 8 o'clock. BbOceHAk's TaxtATh tol of Venice." Plrst L OhTmnc TasATB*.—" rii. Fatsi H TBBATB*.—" rieur -a NoabO'a UAKDSB.—" The Forty Tbt. o clock. WOOD'S MI-*BTJB —" izlon" and " Ticket-of Leave Man." IM o'clock. BBOAOWAT TnkaTa*.—Miss Kate Heignuld* In "The Shadow of a Crime." Ts o'clock. WAVBBXZT TaaaTaz. -" LucreaaBorgiA." Burlesque opera. 8 o'clock. Niw YOBB (IBTTJI BqueatriAn aad Qymnaitlc Per- foraaancee. b o'clock. NaTionaL Ai SUZBT or Daaiog—Becond Winter gz- hibtlion. —Cor Fourth ave aud 1 weoly ihlrd at. TaauaAiTT HALL.—Combination Pe-fornunce T h e k s t r r a Marder It JABke LOOi.N NO. I UCILTT 1 Another Important link in tbe chain of circumstantial evidence against James Logan No. S has been supplied by the girl Martha Kllaworth, who Is sick at Black well'* Island Hospital. On Saturday abe was nailed by Deputy Coroaer bhlne and District Attorney Qar Tin, when Me detaileJ to them all the circuaxkstknree that transpired on the morning of the murder between Jamee Logan No. 1 and brraelf. Bbe said that ab. then Informed Logan she was euk. had no money, had no meana of procuring any. and, further, that the landlady, a woman named Bennett, with whom she lived, would Mr* her out of door* and send her to BlaekweU'e lalaLd. To this Logan, who wa* alao without money, reaponaed emphatically, with an oath: "You shan't ge to * hospital: I'm going aw Iowa, aad by Til Btake a r*la*. and be back by tea o'clock " Me did not -etau-a that day, bat on the next day visiied ha. and aa he .Md obtained no mow**. Me was aezu to Ihe hosal- t*J. It Is further charged that Michael Logan whoa *r reeted bad a karge earn of money la his poeaeeeioe with which be intended to sawl Jamr- Logan to California by the nezl a tea mer Aaetbrr Harder. Bhortly before urn* o'clock ycwterday atoralug Me police were noUfled that a woman waa lying dead ta a akanty oa Sixty -sixth street, between Bkghtb and Ninth aveaae*. On vlftttog the place, a w n m s s uaaawd RUZA Calohaa waa found stretobod npoa a baa, bar Body ana head covered with wounds, a* If Me bad bean batten to death. Captain Deime and hi* offlcer* aaarcbed Me at! sera bi* hovel for th* weapon, aaed la canning the wiimaa'e daalb. aad foszad a broom aa aal* broke* ta two aad hii.aasr.rt with blood, «li:k of cord wood, about two Inches thick,towliich adatered both blood aad hair, and a bottle, brokea at th* a*ck. also besmeared with Wood, aad bavyag hair sMirtag to It Tha floor and sides of tbe cabin were beapauered with blood bearing evidence to the awazfai wtrwggi. which had John aUfert, sged alzty four years, a (Isfaa, who lived with the woaaan. and his saa, aged eleven rears were arteatad oa tutptrloe of havtag award*rad the wo man. Tbey deny Ih* acs-Mzulon, aartag OxaMsttowM ef InleaiBwtaie bzMt*. aad that ah* foil dew* taeeaaVS while intoxicated. The body wa* removed te the Borgue, wbrre aa inq***t will be held to-ssorrow kHkwTraaafal arta* Bgkt took phaee ytwtevMy a azaa exaployed ia the Cation. Hotute, named Jaae* Cottarilj. aad Michael Delkaey, aitat "Roddy, the Batcher, b Waah tnttoa MeravM mast doalpr. Alavgsgang of Now York al and Menaka aaal She day and eveniag. s-s-s-s-w-g CA •Wvtoaa at ihe BaWsMDatoh MhfM* a <BaB*ft T.0I-M OoeSy Ma*ueal -oca-ty, i* the I razserali Coeaty Maxttoal Bocaety. ta tb* MM veer of Ma age. u^ad Wvices to the xlMAclair rVe^'aynan C M M , zlaroh 0, a I o'etocfc r. a. Baxabtra W th* aUsex aTtotoeal VBAMJ* aad ef ah* BsirkiaM •IBIISBT. at, an sniafl of th* awzuiy.ara Mviteatotxttoazt Wxahomt fartbrr to 1MB la. (toy* Mar. BBXMBBW atoaat strrv. New 1 ork, at 11 a rjkdr»t OrJJr. rOWLRB-AI V^lh* Beard wf B^B-AIBM ft th* Prbte* "J" SJ*"*. »*d tb* etorgv, are raflatiatd h-hsa-MM." ** " * * " • * * » - * » *• •»»-»» •* M U a O B A V B - O e TtozMaw Msub A aa Haas Martha, w.fe of T-asUarM.armvT^a^atlai .earsaamUawawMw. ^ ^ aaagreve, agafl » WLNTMBOP At Pwa, Brawsa, M Baxartov ath toll tfteavaie WtoMraas ef ta*Tctty,ToTax*a7«x^ ht* saw a DIAMONDS. TIFFAINY & CO, NOK . r »50 tfe 552 BROADWAY, N. Y. Dealers iii aiul importers of Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires, Pearls, aud other Precious Stones, in addition to their large stock of unmounted gem!*, present an uueipialled collection of diamond aud gem jewelry, to which tin y are constantly adding the choicest novelties in settings from Lrondon and Paris, HOUSE IN PARIS, TIFFANY, KKEU »V CO. Arms for Extjiirtalion. 10.000 Spriagfiell Kifled Mtiaketo 5,000 Enfield Hilled Mu«ket* 5,000 KeniiiigioD Urec-cb Ixkading Muskets. ?,0O0 Remiryrtcn Pret-ch T/Ottding C*rbine«. Atumnnition to suit For sale by 8CHUYLKB, HARTLEY * GRAHAM, 19 MAIDEN LANK, NEW YORK. SPECIAL NOTICES. N O T I C B .— Orrioa or m IPKAAT WgATaJUl MABtflB IN9LBABCE CO. (jzzar WasTBha BriLBtaos, bO. II WILLIAM 0TBEET, BgW YOB*.Jaaaary Htk, 1MB By the rrsoluUoo. of th* Directors a Ibis coapany ooBverttag lb* vanow* Bertp l a a a halo Caatiai atork. tb* Company becomes wholly i M u i k COMPAbY. aad POLICY HOI.liklta WILL KOf BB BbllTLKD TO PAxtllCLPATb IB TBk PROF ITS OF TBB COall'A Y. But Po.lctet will be aagatlated. wb*a dearrd. at the Carreat rata* of flrat-claa* Mataai Coaspaaiaa. with a Caah tela'a, aa a* equivalent tor Bcrtp divideuas. Otherwiae tbe lowest aal rasa will b* named La lieu ef a.l tanner dktcoanla. )an»ntecsx9ft RICHABD LATBEB3. PrwSyteat. IBOUITICTB, BULLDBBM, sad laoae aeelru-g lo obtain MARBI.k MAKTELB of aew deelrn*. carefully aelectad with regard te taate. alegaae* and economy, are invited to call at tbe manu factory aad warerooxaa of FIBBER A BIBD. aaartaeda Boa. *1 it* kaat Meeatoa a. a^«»r-» OFUCB OF TUB WABHOB Bh^t TOOL ia. , IB caassiti ST., b aw Yoaa, IT'h February. IMS.-A maaiing u f th* Bharsyho dart a th* Washoe Tool Coaaaay will b* held ea TBCBaUAY, kaach U,lata,Mil v'tkcia.,st taeir oamceiatChamhai it., N T..torlb* parpoae et locreaiu tae caoliai stock or tbe company iroa one haaaww* ana twealy thoaaaad dollars to oB«Jiun*red ah* ei.Bly tbouaand dollars J. D. HCNThB. COE ADAMs. UEbBT S. MOROAH, Malortty cl Iiul.UM QLOliOk WLLALNBaJB. T D. PhLTOB, DAVID 8. DUBCOhia, j T. art. CA mc^-» FOBTOFBICB NoriCB—TUB Ba _~a ma.ia lor kuiope lor the week aadinz atarcu IS, wliibe*capatchedirwa this ones as toiiowa. ri* : on TUsBDAY, *ku>k--l)*Y. TrtciKS.'Ay sad stria DAY. ciosaag at It a, and at the ataUoes a. t ...oaa. A aeoB. U.-ttiC andO.UJ*; D *nd h.ll.S. K *nd is, A.B. .IAMS.-I kkLLl . P at a a l * Mood JOHHF. BBJIMY. I. FAME BOW, NEW YOKE. WHOLEbALh AOk.NT FOB LEADLM. PRoiRLBTART MkDlCTNkB. Doaeatke Palaaas. Boa* Ooapa roretga Perfaa.i CoaogasA FTwach Btaaha. stpalaia *^r"* YOU] lBgi«8 %"SSu All principal xtaaial Watar. Tbe.attei lion ot dealers is calial lorayF.ui-rcai of Fancy and T. I et Ocoda, all ge.aua*, froa neat Bakers x*v- w i l l r e a o v . .Mot May to eilenaivepreaasa, NO. t COLLkUE PLACE. NkW Vuttk. aaarstlM IOITMO MBA'B CUBLBTIA-N Tioz, Ml FLTTB AVB —Boca, gather LHU, at I o'clock. Members and luelr It-tk TREBTOS. ?f. J., FBB. SS, 1800- bOTlCk.-TM Delaware aad Martian Canal aavavalioa Mare* 1*. Junk O. (TEVBwfl, tt BaglBeev ana BBpennieadaat. LOST—* CBUT1FICAT* OF 100 Bkarea of Ohio aad MkaekMlppt MAI.way Com- baay.ho (os.ta tb* aaat -I MokYAM A OOL'LO. lb« public are caotaoae. agaia.. aagotlaiag the same, a tranaier baa been stopped, and measures lazea for in. ia*a* of arw eerUflcat*. WILLIAM* A hvOBTWlCB, SO and it kxehang. riaee, X. Y. Febrrary la. IMS. IMrfB-* wuThsep .•aia IIS, II*. BTATB OF ILLIWOIH, BXBCU- TIT* OTTtc*. •T.tBOFizLn, January MM, laa, •* vlrta. et aas. a aaaa aaaa* waa tb* pro vhwoa* of aa act of tha Legtaaaaare ot laa abate oi Uiusota trued " t i « tn retain.a to tb* pa aaland taieiaaot the bias. Satst.'' apa.eead Fozsraaary EliwS.l. JOHA M. PALMAB. Croverooi of th* State oi Illinois, do hereby notify all whom H aay eoecera, that ou lb. flr*t day of Azsol. lata, AT T a g AMBRlcAri kXCHAbUE hATlOSAL BAKE, IM I B * ClT i ot NEW 10MK. tbe treasurer o, the i-ulr a I In BOM will pay toe beau* of aakd State aaraafkar particularly deazBAted in tbw proe.aaatloe , aad by virtue of aad in ot paid law I oo lartber notify, all whoa it any eoooara, laat th. lbterost opon each and all of said oonda will ccaac Ir m tbe time ot payment eperinr-1 la this notice, to wit. from tbe said IM day ol April, lata, vis. isfc'.ed in parsaAooe ol lae above rented art, be log Hi Iunded Blocs payable after lata, aad B.JlBwTvd as fo'lows : No- i, a, sa, ss. Jl 4*. M, Se. at. ts, a*, at, ISO, 131). 119, Ul, Iti, ltd, 1«. it, 107 IB. lis. 111. 171, tit. ui. us, at. m. ns. 17,. *»i. sai. IWI.JM. let. IH, Ms, ita. IM. too, *M. Ml. MS. MB, ha. art. tit, txx, 40*. IA. 4», IS 1, US, tit, lit, IS,, Its, (la, ttl, t»i, lis. tti, fTS, ass. a,, swi. soi. »«, »i. ¥t. »**, Sot, SC7, sia, S-2 5ve. SHI. M.. StB. SSI. bat. SM. Btl. SM. ttt, tin, m, ITS. 17s. tell, ttl, s u . aeu, try, '.«, .as, ;.;. j, ui, 741, 7%«, 7*!, 7* to«IS ilbciasiv.i.Bil, Rl>, s.l. »47. .»• aay, .ho. sol. (six. sal. rM, saa, aM. M-. *£*, SM. set, as:, sta.awl, .".u, si', all. via, n», si. Alao, IMued pursuant to as act enuilrd " I n act to prevent loss to the slate opon toe Macalis' -r and b-tobbaia Poaua," approved Feb. to, lass, belaz 1.1,1 la Hot. Mm.da. laau.-d 10 James tlolrard. ooanoered I l - ill . i..< . 11-1 V.- . . b d AO. 21 la .>-' ( In lOs.VC), Ol ll.aia,' .'* I, and',lot'. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand ano cause to be axttxed the great anal 01 Mate. Done at the city of bpi ..... oil, una .sin day ol .1 ana an . a. 11. isty JOHN M. PALMAR. Governor B) thctsoreruor: how ABD BctiBZLL, be. retAry of state. lebtl sat CITY OF BMW YO 1th., UK1-A.I.T- raiTaxiT or P lsaavcz. Btsxat or TUX ttt t aivaa or Tazaa. Cocar Hunt, nil, ta c aaa aaaa t-T. PahlM autiee w bansby given khat ail aarrtars 01 Per- sonal lazea BOW IK ae vo be t-a.d a the outc. ul AbDrfW J MMlTH, I-q., At'ovreey or the Cuilectlon ol Arr-anoII'.rtonai laviea. ho. Ua b aaaaa at. and that tbe books relating to tack arrears will be found at .Ad offtce. bo aenaoc bat the said Attorney or the Baoerasgaad a anlbonaed lo leceiva or receipt tor aueh arrears, except la eaaw* of warranta vateee b. reaita. wa«a the Marshal to wboM lbs? I aaaa M aire Mad will have lags, authority to collect tbe amount Incinded therein, aad all s.rua heretofore ksswe* I* the paymeal ul *ay PeraonaJ Taxa aa hen by couaterataisewu. Dated bew York, Januar, 11. IM). laattU BEatatABD SMYTU. Receiver. LECTURBa COOPKK UMlUM FMBB ML' rraaa.—A Metsre oa to. 1'ako. PaeiOc stau- _X wilt, nuu-e.ous views taken by A. J. Boaae.1, kaq., ana Illustrated by Prof W.issuslet's Blsrax.oaaloaes.a-. will be given In the Great Mali oaTCKBDAT aVkhlhG. Marcb Sib, at a 1- m. Admiaeicn Iree. It ABBAM B. HEWITT. Sec y. NIW YOBB UlhTOBK AL Bcx'ikTT.—BpeclAl MeetxBA* WiL be held at tae Library, oa 1 aiauay avaialag. Mare* sth, sat Tbaraday, Marcb uih. at eight o'clock. atV blotuia k. kLLiB. U. U., 01 Charleston. M .-a . win delreer ia...a a aisea - Tbe Aia* sad Obsac s of tae kosnder* of MaMachaectte,' " lhair Tirataae.u 01 In isder* aad DtM*atlen'.s. - ' ANDBkW SAHMIB msrlbV-It BeeordlBg Secretary. ELECTION NOTICES. OFFICB OFAHDIAIS MUT0AL Lira laa. tn or B. )'.. bo. a, IT. k ., kebruary at, IS**.—feotare la hereby g1»e„ iiust the annual aleeiion ror aever 1*11.)-1 TO-C- . v.-ft.. the raraa cit t occaaiouid by Uie etpiracop of tne term ol toe unr* i-iBM. will Uk* place at the oBee ot the Cuaupaa.y,oa •OiDbkiilDAl.alarcAl*. UM. rolls opea at u a. ana! eke** all r.a. hk.Vh) V. GAMAGAN. Beerviary f"liJJix:.l'..r.mari.''AtAls OFFICB O* TUB MBTBOrOLI _ TAB UaaueMT Co_ usin BaoAiswaT ABD tan Biazzr. KB* toaz, March MIL .tab), a, hereby given to tne Bu>. ahosdrr, or the Metrouonian Gs»n«bi company tt the 1 ity o, New York tha. a special election o. uiree bireotor* ot taio oowiaauy will be hem mpaay on tae ad e UM,at 11 o'clock Boon, aad thai la* poll wni lor three hoar* UM at UM oaket ot said campaay on the day of Marca, WM. MEHLLAHAM. Beeratary ol *< arch taataiat. aaaa froa tl to 1 o'clock r ill « ' a MkNBT BAP. Oeeratary OFFICB TBJkOBSMBB'B FIBK . IsiitasciCo. haw Yoaa.Mare* 1 iaws.-lu* Bbnasl elecuoa ior dtrwetortol Uu* company will M held al the oktca. Ibtroav*.), oa TCkBOA Y, Mi open trom 9 I a to 1 r. a larch *. Poll TlMOtflT Y. BaWWB.Ber'y BBCOBP NATIONAL FBTMO LZTW it .-The aaaaal mas nag of Me stock- ... lei tbe eleeuoa of All lllta* fa* akvr eaaaiag year. Mil he hato at t a * 0 * 0 . of tb* company, at titoavilka. Pa., OB WkDMkaOA Y. the ISM kasstsast, et li Wotoca ai JOttA M. BML'CA, J»_,**c'y. way. foarliia BLBCTIOB NOTlCB-BTL'YfB- _ BAST I na r BABCB OotxTAB-v.—The Aa attoe- tor TwwntyAv* ttoavetora aad tkVres li saistiisi ••! mat atBBA. bcettoa win be halo at the oara ol tbe Coaaaay. Be. IM hVBWery. ca TUUBBDAY. MarM 11. MB. at 11 a, asavs^jc ^{^ggf^f-' ..".ii: <w MBW TORK, FBBBUABY KsrBlaaiti- «, II Ua»B«w YartaiA>cAawBaaga awtitdlMCssaaraaj *i 1 beh.Ma>iAa*tt nMibeCoaB%«y.oatl)ltaDAr.aarch MA. Tb* P a i s wtal M aaat flwa MtoI srwlitxax- Tba Traaaatav xaoosavwaiib* t t o M Febraar, MM. aad let A. B. I k H i l ,, MBTBOPOUT*B BTBAMBUIP Coavaay, o m o . or tan kVaoaaTAav, ao aw aoAPWAT, ¥•* toaz, Fabvwsry U. uto-boiicB- Ibe Hill. Mto*cltr of Bew . km*, at oae e'clocl r. Bj Dtrecta-s aa* tbra. inaoaa-'ora^of •tjcitr^ ' -**• *^»•**/•'<•*• of ff •• •pwrwawwaatw7*V|BU ^ A. C. raBaxKlliiBtwrfiffL. BTssB H-V * }y T ;,k .aa aonh laso.ta* VB aVBaxaVAI, atwziwB B, ll —- "•• •• I a. fhaMBhxUhxeM amf *-*-- ^-^^^rtpraaxaoa BY TlJaatiBGIt^PB THE CABI-ET. MR. STEWAltT DEOLIlfES. WANTBD. incATipB WANTED L'sx- *5a* T "" *** T2BstaBKBBB *BD BBO DODWORTh rt DABOIlfOC i»CT«OClaAB8m« aad a an nnltaii Ko Bawy Baaaora of DwclinaUotu and App^iay*- axuwnt*. IBpecbAl Irezmaxcn to uvc m^„ tn , tomu} WA.Hini.To>. MarchB-Uacaacuaoi llepub Mean senstors, held tbia morn ng, tt w „ „, DOtneed that Mr A. T. Su-azri bad notlEed PresldeEt firsot that he must deel ue sccepunw tbe appoint mint nl Secretary ol Uie Treasury, u, vl*w of tbe tact that it would require a repeal of certain laws in order lbs' be rnlrtit ar e ,t, ,,,4 that the policy ot such s course vts douliird by Daany leading lawyers. Itis solves s very grave question, snd will t'tfectuall* restore harmony in Repahcau circle*. A rumor Is enrrent thst Judge Hoar ht* de clioed, or will decline the position of Ait raey- tienefal, sod that Mr. Bon'.well will now be tendered tbe Treasury Ikei-artmeni; and l.vtnaa TrerrtBtac, of New Tori:, be appointed Attorney iieneraJL It .t nnderstood tbst Mr. Stewart favors the *p- pointment ol lhavid A. Wclla to tbe place M KctretAa-y of Treasury BBCOBD I IB-1 IH B WA-HIBOTOB, March b.—Tbe Senate trtllerle* are densely crowded tbtt aftcroooa, 10 the aotid- paUou that another meaeage will be received 'rem the Pret-ldent in relation to the Treaaary im- broglio. IT., thi Aaaocnted Press. 1 WA.atuwoTO.t, March 1.—The Senate Republi- can caucus this momiog sgreed upon tru stand- ing eommillees U> be reported lor the approval ol that body. Tbe subject of tbe Secretary ol the Treasury was mentioned in caucus- but it t a i laid ortr, tt being understood tbst President Grant will with- draw bis recommendation of the Treasury Depart- ment law, in wblcb case Mr. Stewart will nccwo retire from the position A canvass show* tbit If brought to s vote Congee** would over- whelmingly refuse to p*a, the proposed meant-* ol rebel, It it rumored about tbe capltol that Mr. 1* expected to reaign, tins asking way for th* sppolntaent of a Secretary o. the Treasury trom MssMcbnAi tu, in tbe person of Mr. BoutweU, aad calcrjating on the withdrawal ot Mr. Stewart. Tbe appointment ol Lyman Tremslne, oi New Tork, as Attorney Genera! Is also mentioned. There Is much exciternent and Interest every- where concerning the cabinet THE SENATE COMMIT TEES- Changes In ChairmAnsoips. [BpeclAi Deavattch to the Bveniag Poav l WABBISOTOH, March 8.— rteSeBste csuut hs* siranged the standing com x it lee* for tbe pre* eat Congress. Tbe only changes msde tn chairaaaa ship* sre ss Itllowt : Mr. Fessenden, chairman ol the Committee oa Appropriation*, in place of Mr. Morrill of Maine Mr. Morton, chairman of tbe Cera rait tee at Manufacture*, in place of Mr. Spraru*. Mr. Harlan, chairman oi the Committee o* In- dian Allaire, la place of Mr. Henderson. Mr. Gdmunds, chairman of the Committee an Peawioaa, in place of Mr. Van Winkle. Mr. Tate*, chairman of tbe Committee oa Re- volutionary Clalma, 1B place of Mr. Nye Mr. Hamilton, chairman cl the Diatrlct Com miner, In place of Mr. Harlan Mr. Nye, chairman of the Committee aa Territories, in piece of Mr. Yale*. Mr. Stewart, chairman ol the Committee a* Mine* and Mining, in place ol Mr Connee*. Mr. Cattell, chairman ol tbe Library Commit- tee, In [lace of Br. Morgan. MES- LIKOOLD'S PENSION. [BpactAl nssaslrb to tae Eveniag ftyat,) WABEnBOTOli, March K.—Mr. Sumner made another effort to-day to get a bill through tha Senate giving Mrs. Lincoln s pension ol flr* thousand dollars, but the motion to rater II ta the Committee on Pensions prevailed, and tha* he WM not successful. THK HOI 5II (OMMlTTExaS fSpeciAi Desnau-h to use kvenirat Peat.1 WASBIBOTOB, March s Speaker Bltlne wiU not snnouoce the Committees ol tlie House uatB Widresdsy. Pcughkwwpm. Election PocGnKrci-sir., Marcb ft — The official vote ai this city give* l.eorge «organ, tbe democratic Mayor, nioelt-rigbt majority over Robert alee, tfce Republican csndidste. The Republlimas of tbe county btve gained the Hoar of Snpervt*er9 by one naajoriiy. Confederation la Newrfouxtdlaad. ST. JOB.S, March 8.— The Newlaunllaod legu lature on BAturdAy adopted resolutions In tavor of confederation by a large majority. Wstt India Staamar*. HATABA, March 7.—Tb* steamship srrited trom St. NaMirt. The Louisiana sailed from St. Thomas oa the 07th alamo for SL N*saire. Tha Pacific Railway BUJ Signed. Wr-niv.Ti.r, Marcb ».— The report that the Mil prondlng for the grant or land* to the Den- ver Pacloc Railrowd WM not signed by the PraM dent, is a mistake. It li now a law. BULL. BLACK k CO.. NOB. 565 and 567 Broadway. MANTEL 0RUMENT8, TOILET ARTICLES, 0PERA-6LA88E8, PARASOLS. FANS, LEATHER 60008, FAIENCE, PALI88Y, ANO EVERY VARIETY IN JEWELRY ANO 8ILVERWARE. PACIFIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Oiiffv 47t Braa.wa? aaa 72 Wall S4. IA** TB1B COMPABT WIU. WMITE POl.lClkM Ctrwetly te th* inaared. or thraagk br*k*rt, st ss tow rate* a* My aaaad Compaay is una city. OTATTJLEBT JABTJABY I, law*. Caah Capital S200 000 00 turplno 183.623 39 Capital and Bnrplua - - Keavl awatBaw) - - - United Btatei Boado - Booda and Mortgagri - Loaaa on Stocka - - - • Cash TJnpavid Prenuiuni - - Accrued Intereat - - AotrjiMd EanU - - - - Loaaea an Proceii of Ad jaatinerit - - - « 383,683 88 90.0130 00 91,785 00 131.368 66 89,760 00 19.188 78 2.940 00 1.668 00 18.760 00 •383,623,39 A I. B*TfLlLB, f^»xu-»Bt T. 9. aVattJaaalAVm, awBzrBBurw. A PayaBa^ABTaaJal patw-B-l-rmfafWTa M. Uli*, iii.ilit ud Tcm Hiitf IL fo. firs. stwTtgtgt 7 per Ceil. 6oi.s. »WBlaYB lBISiaUB SbOLLABU Ia.B . I I B I E T I E B BB a, saw. LUDLOW TEOBUB, 88 Piae REMOVAisSa BLISS & ALLEN BATE KMMOTKD nam l*T CHABBBBB tarrawaBUBT TO aal BU81NE88 CaCaiyCa-tlk oawfS. . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of BY TlJaatiBGIt^PB *mmm - 10/New York NY Evening...114...

Page 1: BY TlJaatiBGIt^PB *mmm - 10/New York NY Evening...114 WuU 3d Otreet, PallaOAI-aala. *4» ISU ttroat, WatAiagtM. •i SIT ea. > r. a' (Be

.cam .a noxiAM .7A<iK0if .naoif^ya/: :i>o'j o/ivrav:. s i n THE EVENING POST: NEW YORK, MONDAF, MARCH 8, 1869.


• f I B f I Mil*-* * . . , ( . . o f t B , - ' T -

H I I l \ » II 0 " P I « « :

F l r « t N ^ l l i M i a l l l n i k H u l l l i u ,

1*1111- \r-Hl-PII!A W k f r f i t r . . . . r r , i l • m . i i » « •»« 'Hr • » H-M n r I * l r a i t « « < l.-.t, « t i « l « • * .1 i -a .11 fir«.f M i l . . . r > - . p . . . . t< :ar • '» . . . ' • * •,<• U > * t r * a . . M

•»t/S< • < W M N i

C I A K X B C * a C L U i t l , Pre. >• i. JAY L O O A * . CC f » • ! » » - . en* * v * r u t l s »

C m m . tee » » * E » D •OOi* »!<• Pr-- - , i ZMERaoM W P k n , I t e i r t r i s i n t n u i ,

T » i » I " m i . m i ) a l r r l b » f . . | | . . w i a x »«•• l l h l t ^ r . .

II l e a \ « I I W M 4 | I V MM. a ta v . • J « r i » r - J la |

ep>e« U l t t l wl i tfUj r e - . a . » a H >. I I 1 1 * . a | ) « l i l > M | i < « i f i t 4 l MI a • . ( i v a . l i i M I I t wMerw l u u m r a ..I p r « i m u . a . §« turs» i - lar« l a r g e r l t i * . i r .»< * asswea

o t h e r r i i m i * j u i i . laar i n . aa a r .aaaa.- , . I t l« 4 e N n h f aaa* c e r t a i n laa Ii% i.*,- . . . . I l l l l l lONIf M l 11,11.11 t i l • k ' I • I | I i

I t o »<»M<-tM mrm •*««. a | i f/-.. w . . . . :.. • M l .

TM«-rw o r * asas M n n r < i » « « r i r . . . r l r l l « i i . l a l»<- p v i l r i r .

I . » r r » •>••!»• r • • a o n l t r l M l l l K . l**llrl«-o u a > »se i . k r u w i l l i ^ i i i w i a <

I n e u r. a l i c i t l u l l a . u.»a.«« i , ease r i - i i r * aia i k r t r w n l a i a i , . . . m j . • <<• l u . j r . • > • < o « u i.ialr Hi*- l a t o r i - i i «aia l a / • • i l a i pay an rat io .

P o l i c i e s . na«t*o a*- u u / o t!i i t •«• I• ,». . , . . . t h e l u a u r r d . a f t e r it r r r l u n H I n'» r .. . ( M f i , d w r l a * l l i r a u i u u n < l lair . . i r .1 • a r - t r u l h l k « assa.uaal . a m-* Irs "Me B a l l e , .

lb* m m r a i « la r k a r t , < f<*r r i s k * us »« t h e U v e a o r i . - m a i r e

I t l a i a r n . u o l 10 | > a ; dl % I d . - t a l . l a a a l l r i ' b a l a i r a , kail a l »•• l u w a ca*.i I H a l d i a l . drsaata a U l k iaaap»>.. l i , le.

J a t r a a k a * f a . , a f > a i . •! Mr . a . l aa « • . a m P a r a H I M i t a i l A n , - a r r u n - r > l « • • - • • • • for ilala . t r i n i t y , u l i S O r . Mr .si t . a a a a ana1 J ( ' . Ora-la, l i n j . r i , awl* e r r a a p l l . a i w a . Mar l a a a r a a r a wa l a a — a« l a i u r a b l r i r r M i w i l l U» rrvrelveal.

V A llama**** a l M b a r o f t a r a a r l M tor B n l i laaa M l l . u e r a .



GDTfnmrit SrtBntifs, .roM, Stiwlr*, 8K., l l ' V A I D S E L L A L L lASL'kB Or*

I a Sa . . < > > . » * * A T M A. tf, K E T H A T E H

<••. ia U M I I M m i , \ r .

B U U U I I I K H o u s e o f

J,iY COOKE &co. I t . M »8ii MTftt. eor. if Ka*ai * i . , S. T.

114 W u U 3d Otreet, PallaOAI-aala. *4» I S U ttroat , W a t A i a g t M .

• i S I T e a . > r. a' (Be xosi u^araJ rarreat pneee. and keep aa \ A O * a *u'l auppiv V

*iovrrn(Lt-ot Hoods of all Issues, end -zeca's o r a m toi »arrDa*« %ui a«ia ot

a l T O O V . l t . S O a a O a A OJ D C O L O . *>a ka»r a'(tad l o » u jt .ee a leiaii u i » u i « i l , b r

laa ac ootiacxliti a "f the DIIS'c <t-*n*ao I >r invaaV a a a i in «a«e»ck»'>f-»'-f '."V ».•<* I f l t -r< r Kl n <•«. i*. I U . C > I H "I u«'l " .a I . S t - K < - I 'H.r-u«S.»aa lae aa.a»( 1HTKK.>AL EUCVKVlit I t m i ' i

j \ > i • • . , K « At r<> .


V s V O t m raoairaa aaoioot wo ooect a» •la'al. aa4 mtar-Mt aiiowad at vac rau •»/ f o c i *«r Mat. pa/ aaaata.

C B h t l r i C A i a a or o f t x i a i r laaaei. oaariaa Utoraal pa>ab.a JB *• saatf or alter laad daiaa.

COLL««.TIOI»^ n a i l « i l aviau a -aa C'aiva* 9'ataa. laaajk a'" «*'Ooe [. v. ie . l i i aatl w jupoaa alao col laciaa ai* a* atiav r>roa.i Ui acaoaatad foa*.

U K j I i a proa t » eaaeniad lor >a« >n:-a»a« and aaia oi Oota. I K ^ufa.".acL' aod »u.«r »«car tiei _

BtBDh\.«!M!H;STKR&fO., No. 1 W a l l Mrer t ,


a^d »*IM. f> t>.» .aat ac-i *. -1 ou c^u»'ou. lu.vreai a.-; i i M o a a . ' a n o

Gold Contracts H»*'r« b r r t f t * > ' - J r»* '^if' * -,>*- *n I' ittrt, lb« --*i i.t tu -i tui ; * i * *r»r-r pr •»»'•»•• ion <">{ on: f o t f ; i trmio * ia f a m i i . l>-- lOia-iticieJ U{K<O lh« - r . - L l i B ..a»il.

KtKF.Y CLEMS & CD., liauLi-rv 32 Wall .-trect,

AT**, t h f r e t o r r pr*p»r«- l o u p - J t n i S mf-r . ;^n*l i » .J

COLD ACCOUNTS: To rrceiTr l .Ot .D oa I KI1>sl I. a i a r i a j i^ierrataail aab-

uel l o c k <*a at «u£^l . To l»»«e y l l i l> I a K I i r i l \lK-> ot D * r-O^lT. To toake AUV \ M ^ i- t' >Ll». a^A i < : .*: -acr an 1

[ U i • » .er»"

Andl . '^r r i b i a l ' l i ftu-illllra rearrai'.. zva A IKILI) .".AMI

• V C ^ ^ l v r s j - V E ! I > .

K . 1 . and -I • * - a a l i - I T . Mini",- I a i l s - w » r k Kajl- ..l . I ' - U C J • •• ieJ i. • • '.r •• r>*)

« 1 M -' t «:i I I. ail . i l • i« * j d I M 3 . I I . K r i l a , . : • . - . i . i . • v . it

. 1 i_, • • a. a • J. *t . . . j - ^. lar-

B« U M A. GO L I , 23 W.i ils. eel

Jl \ M H i l l R I ' . K M M ) > l l I 4 IS V N T N ' II % % Jv, "HI H I AKI U t a a O i i i ai-ar I'riara at.

C . » P I T « t . . . - . . - > t» i>O.0O0 i , i .i \ - •• % ! M J ; - , » J : H e I" N I:"-. • s . l t . )

A v 1 t \ VIM B far " . s 1 •' - -

A X U t l N ! £ . \ M i S f S r O J P . . : . a e a t . THrO'X>St< D W 4 H S E : : , . \ : ! , Co l l i er .

VERWILY t A CO., H \ V K K U S ,

8t!iia»t «J to No>. •••» • id Is \4N>UI Si,

aovuauAZNT 8a .cTja ir ixs

S O L D A N D S O L D C O V P O If S.

Bl \ s M I - t : L O t COMatUMOaT.


M A K I N G L I B E R A L A l> V I N r • 9.

l « T a l l l k » T t»1 B K P « « « I T » .

Marine Insurance.


No. 6 2 Wall Street.


aMaftftO.QOOa OOLI>. T B » IV> wilaaT i- >a-« . • t ,-r: . . - ot t a t Clt» ol SaA

Fiaac * : . . ' a I r i . , . . r f c ,- ! r i ! « t v - t i l l - o f the (. A L i r u R * l \ 1 N » I K \ M I H i k l O N , io carry oa Ua* oariaeaa ot Mar ae>.. La S e a York, aad Sara aaaoutef l »ao ano-raiaaoJ ta, ir At.uraara.

Cai*i I m r t i r f fa.. i tpittJ. - f7.'>«.to6 n r r V l ' l r l H !••- ''•>•• L'ipiUl, i t - . * *

•cci^aUl liarnACt L«., Upiul, Sn»,tM

TJUI PiU-lp Cspital, fct!-, • * ' , y * , * - $ i n r m . r . la »•«» V.rfc i

JOKAS E H X H " J mrlUv * • " * S ^ A T a t a t - e . UTTLA «/ Ua Wrtl. 11MI. * Ca>. i . a r . c L. WADeWoBTR.

i t m . *i u>« •*c *a,',*• **• •c* AU4U 1 BAlXoCK. a „ _ a a kali . A Co. LAWkUB * WAiiaMt.

n u i m «t*.I.T ft CO- »»»»*!«.»*» Tac«-* A * a » A t v > C * . C » M » « C O - iM-A-ra. LoaAa-

T W C A I r l F O M I . A P > » — A A C f t n w - j , r L a e .

_ r . a a . aaaaa r . Iiai T • • t - a j i a a t f ar waia. a a a a a

E r i e a S T a a T . * * « - ^ " - ^ « i - * " " * T *

Ih »«a«B»Ta» ale aaraja. aaaaaa- *a*A Coal

aa«* ra i r a . o r t . a a l a Ha aaaaa" m.amVZ.'^r7.. _ ratVlea i*aa»*» i t aWaT I * * * . laJaraW aw >aa r r a >

tytaVt-Oa *Vl • • * * • • • taW * B # M a f * l -aaaaAaaa laa At W a t BaTaafaaT*.

«o rara »>ak« taaaa AMtaraaaa dawaB OJartae aaaaa

LAW** * W a k K l , AttonMj».

-.. . ~.

Collections, Howes & Mac v. Bankers,

Mi W \ L.L, N T K K K T « ^« v -tintt xinuAmd t<wUiti&> for My f \Jhctnma <m ant/ put of *h Inum <* (lt*<»J». V***. »/r»rrV-

mi « rrt 11*1 4UnaTki m ktrosift.

ofnee of FI8K & H A T C H .

Bailers and Dealers ID Goi'it Securities, No 5 Nassau Street. New York.

r*?j**ft*w r 9 S«fe Trt«Mr«

TVe receive the accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations,

I and others, subject to check at i sight, and allow interest on balances. We make collec-

| tions on all points in the , United States and Canada, and .issue Certificates of deposit ! available in all parts of the Union.

We buy and sell at current rates, all classes of Govern­ment Securities, and the Bonds of the Central Pacific Rail­road Company; also Gold and Silver coin and Gold coupons.

We buy and sell at the Stock Exchange miscellaneous Stocks and Bonds, on commis­sion, for cash.

We offer also the United States Six-per-cent Thirty Year Currency Bonds, issued in aid of the Pacific Railroad, which are widely esteemed by moneyed corporations, as the longest Six-per-cent Govern­ment bond in the market

Communications and inquir­ies by Hail or Telgeraph will receive attention.


JOHN J. CISCO & SON, Hanker*,

No. 59 V a i l 8treet, New York, 'BBtjlTS BI:<TT HBRS ft C0.*3 BriLDISO )

R.eaiTe GoUl and Cmrreac, oa da»oail, amajaca to check ai air at. i : m « i u mtereat oa .laii, Qalaaeaa at the rata of foareaf iemt per asanaa. credited iaoat.1,.

lata Carttti-at , oi Daaoait Haarvaa loor par c a t . lo-teiaat. aajab'r oa AeaiaaJ or at Axed aexlod..

N .collate i.oaaa LiacoM promptly ordert for th . parcoaaa asA aaJe ot

joid. Ourtrineat aad otk-r ^erortitaa oa e o n a l a i o a . Make eolleetlon. o . all pan . ol laa L'aited Hiatea and

Cashda. epsclal Afe: la far the a».e jf the Ptrat MortcacaBoaJa

.1 the U H . PaclRr K.tlrva.11 latpaor aad Uailed St.lea Talrt,-! ear all par caat. Carraacj Boa ia.

flKAiMll m TKtDG. • soataat tB .

FlaWT » O A a o * a a r « 8

r » »-«• '. . C. ft *•» ewa

0 . a a a i a k U M

M M 0 . I V * e o m . laftV

Irk* r . ft A-r eo>.

U. H. n urn

l*'.00i do 1U.IK0 Vir »t. Sa az

con K M N. C. bl. a.


l l ' S

l i t

l ift*.


ftftM A M . D . larra Sftaft H o c ft ~


mi.* ac r. i a .

C - O. ft lad. Oaai l a



e llt«a 1 U K

Matwr* . M It Ocnaa Bk l •• * • A A l l ft . I l l m Bkof Ntft Amar i n l i 0*M*ala% Mai

57 I U f t C a a l a a 0»..".. . i l l , I M W . U a TftL . . . *l

W»J rUiOaack. Ml Co M<4 1. oa i.o b e fca* 1M ftanaoaa pad * t ^

a».PM Ho. St. *A . « k M oo . . . be M lU.Hi do MM. SM do M\ ll'.iaai do Mat 1M ftdaar, b . . . U S ln.iiA du b c Bt% 10u do UH »,»« La. fa. Lor.* «M do Ml*

boa TlhJ K* WaDa Farro Kz I * •5.0 • do. b e T» M i a Hor. U Kz 4i

I.OM Bklya Sa W. l v r j 4 » L b c H I , SaMerca.Da. ftz 1«H

« . « . do .. *» a » . do aad . I I * I'M d t l l r i M IH 1 »tl Baadtoajlt .1 t o o '•«.. : > . 1*5H »•' d o . . . . . ' l i s

PIT Can. r e *) M So tt M "M •* >n do. . .M "V>V

«,(•«.• Hne « b mln a»M 5 P a a a i a i K . . . 3 . . l i f t l i c k . 30 S . l . 1»J Lak) Shore K 1 5

bo< 97 i<M Ch. «> a. L a . . 1 ••• l.Oui Cbi. ft N W. i«i. do . c I L ,

let 91 111 M A Si. r at Hi , Viuj Tol A Wan. &*• Tol., W ft vVa 61

E^pt bda TT), II M. J l>« a . . . I l l 1.1*0 C. ft K. 1. ft & do Ill bh

Par KB Ta MS 10U P . V W ft Ub IMt, A.OM «o 94M *«• ft M c ' l m vur) T..i A v» '.1 n a O f t H t e e e l l SIS

niw ext'd 91 lOu tol . . C. ft l a i S.OOi Am Durk ft Coo. B «S

to !00 DaBo. AS . C.


PABK hUtB—For thd Mi*-ko«p(AC, Abd prXco-tMTb frmft irr and barrUre, ol SeeantaM of kinda, l»t*Bd'«r Buafta. Stocka a o r w i f t , Wlild AB4 DaiWBii . aad TAlAAblt- JewoU7 of •*•** mtptioe. An Inazatclioo ol tbe TAoitcooatrneted bf 1 br Park Bank .a tfteir new ba Idi ac : i I 3 ? « _ 2 : ; | » - j . I •nil • ' ooee coftrace all partlM Utareaud that 5 B J ! " . ? " « J J . , 3 3 ' * ; ! !H!*iiH!ii!,i

• a ; * S 4 s a | S « f f . ' » B

liff1!!!Ui*hl s

tbe avoat ftilttot AttAABavblA Mjcunt, had Urea reached, and at aa cxtroMali aioderata annial coat to eacft ihdiridaaJ dtppiltor. Tha ottcen will lake pleaAnre ia aoowioj tbe raait oa apuil-c»Hoc.


Imp. B 10T»

OPK.N BOARD o f MOCft BIUIKKMS. 10 o'ouaoi A. a.

$10.uO» Va a*, aew »7S BM Fort Warn* tv A a Mer. Ezp

Co 44S U« Adaaa Ei "V « HO do h(S I'.ai W V * OO.Kz Ilka » n C'aUeer aao MS IK) Cantua Co 90 l'O do SOU 100 do 90S BW Mariaoaa Pf M S »•• 00 . bt) MS too do. U , xt» hUrlp Mm U S aa PaciOc Mail... to \ no do c pt>% * U ! 0 lOi-S UM N. T Cea 1>!»S lial do b*. i ' l « 900 do c i toS **> do IMS • <J Readiaai B. . . . 9. W

10 Baak. ft Br. Aa 108 tai do left

I N T W . I f f b» i. .k M Mil. ft St. P ««J »•' M AS- P pf.e TIS

aa do n s

U H S I'd do 1 H ' , 100 do I t s ' ,

aor Ohio ft xii ... sis fttl M.So.ft N I... • ) % 1 "i io ..bltf 'X awn do c M S SOU do 9 5 * * » CVere, ft P aS 90 Al) do 80* 900 do M S avO do m i . 900 do b* » \a •M do x f , *<i Cle. ft Tol . . . . IMS • ft Lake Shore. . . . l o t s iwu do HA 1.1 C B I * Pae. IMS 900 do I t s ftai do be I t ! 100 do IMS » 0 do 197 900 Ch. ft N W W v \ . Ml Ch. A N. W. pf. 'J ' 900 do c £>', 1M do bo M 1M do. blO 90


HENRYCLEWS&CO. 3 4 H'aU street,

I n t r r e a t a V l l o v u r o c l '>N DAILT BALAMCKS OP CrBKlBCT OR GOLD

r-eraoaa drso. i i l ic wttn aa raa check al ««ht ia aaa-o u n r r a . vlth Nai' haaka.

leruOcatr. al tiea<al)i aaaad baarln. latareat at avar-aet race*. Co', ectlo^i Made oa all polnla aad Loaaa ae-

We boT aad aali at current market trice* V 8. GOV kkHMANT SoJins of ail hataea, aad ezeee'^ 01 dart lor ib- pirchaee ao-t aa a of OOLD aad all hrat c laa aeea-miaa.



L e t t e r s of Credi t T R A V E L L E R S , YVAllAttXat IN &XL P r U N C l P h i . ClTlbft O r THB


JOBN MUNROE & CO, American Bankers,

B 0 . 7 BUB K B I B S , PftBIS, ABO • 0 . • WALL BTKKkT, I . W T 0 B C ,

•aa* . .elaai. of ' -.iiiltor Trave. er n all parte >r a irj^r. a c . *c. \l»o toaaerc la i Crrdiw.


& (V. HOPKINS & CO. 69 and 7 k Broadway.

D I V I D E N D iNDTlCKS. ; i . L ' • »V J K ' n K l ' i ' ivuiK>:u.-v

M I M N i . l u . S l i i com per .bare, payable Uih .a - iau i . at tbe a e r a c r ol tea riaak ol i auilorm*.

Lata? A w ALLhK. u f i n e at New V. ' t l . Karcli<. I W mar- It

C-*: - - M K O . V , t t K O K C J I V , F K B . H . II'.. I' lVIIXM', 1o IT r i - Boara nf HI

r- o; Hi- Uiciil and Aoat-.rn K l i o a l t'onipan, h^Tetti.. U / ri - .1 . j u . l . j . 1 from tn- fWL'Qrt of tbe i.>atl ».n.'e liecemner I. !»*. of rt>rK li PB« CkNT.. ;.- . . lo . . t . tVti* J l . l i : « l . l>*)'.h.C JD I j J ^ l i T III.'. : 1 .

I he Tran»fer Hooka will be eioaed f f o a Pebrnarr » t h t j M,r -i . . . . . .ad.

l i . leu : \,+ . . o l . i . iharehoi ierar»i l*tered la ihr S e w Yo: k A c e r al Ike Nai lo B*b^ oi tbi- Kdlia . l ie. >' t » \ r'.. MIL I * K.:L!.\1 I S .

in 13 <odtmaril sacreiar» and treasurer

f ^ — u M l l ' a »>P T l I M M A T I O . M L a.^?i, o i L C o a r . a , or S. Y . No.aii r a . i L . r u n aw I m i , ware* V i>a*. Hi v I I ' lMi Mo. i \ - T b e

B .«r1 of Tra.t'aaof th •< nmpaaT ba<e iiaia lar de<"areo a I'lVil K> .1 ( a r e p - r . e a i ou ibe capiiA. .lock ol • h. I' n>i».-.j. parable at thi* oMce oo Jamaed. Bv trier

aaara it -1 at C. «Tl"IB.k)i. Seereiorj.

y>- D : V : D K J I I » . - T M K A T I . A > T K JBV. _ KlKli I.s»'"K l . i c 'B COMPABT. Of Brookijn . La i e aevlared tbe r aeni aaaaa l D.TUead of HIX PdK I. V NT., parable ou JeutaoJ and free ot zoTernnieBl tax

Th, . 1 oaiaan* a r remove oa the **ta laat to their new otHy No. , > broa-lwar. Howard tto ium*a.

M . i b r «A. MOKATIO IK'KK, mai l r-i BocrelarT

SWINGS BANKS. p - CITlZKMtt' S A T I M O e B A N K . *8

T.—Opaa K ^ & BtnvuT, ooawaa o» C I I . L Sraaar. IrVSrlT dar for the rreajtloa aad *A,iaeat of aoaay froM ia to V, aiao oa Moadar. Wadaaadaj aad Pnda, rreahua troa I to t o'eloak. BIT P S * 0BBT. latareat, tree froM tax. oa n i a i froaa ft to P.MI

Bleak Book, ta m-tn"- aoraaa and rreach^ " eito. r o u o M . PTwaiarav.

aZTWTk A. B - * c « . oX"relaT. JjTS tt d l X P K H i M T S A T I N l t S B A N * . ,

A A l O B PLACft. OI-BB DAILY PftOM 19 a >. TO 9 r . a .

1WTBBEPT • per eeat . ft eeww to | | , I M raeotvM. J . ft a U x A B . Oaerauarr.

T B I U D A V a . N l B 8A.VINO8 •ABB.

COB. to I V I S I I AND 99TW STBBIT. Oara oailr froM i l a t t e l M . aad oo Moaday,

WaaaeaUA) aad satoxdi; eTauiaaa troa I M I o'ctack. t e b j i l /

HOTELS. • - H M T O M H O l * B ,

\ | A I > l ! W ' M A V f c M f c , l U H . T W K M T Y airE U T U T I •*T»«BT - I b « tro*-*-riier lor a e i a k c r Of Jwran (oDa-tTlrdJ with Ub*- t*l. McOala* H^4cl la tUld el l*. h«v K-aard, iia- abOTe bo«A«. It haa b*v*u aulai*T*>a »rti haiartvoia-t j iwU-TAjaai»d. ax d ka BOW I*I tU r t*pecu a irt-Hrlf-' ft >: r ho i a* -a •«.(** or UtLgle.

taaiwetvuf BANjTY. M.VLLRTr


PA B U O K TO L E T - H A N IkrtOMELT lorawhed to a awat'raan who » u * i , a l 1 h >aae

wmk a laall .iriral* IA..11T. Pncr par week, with break rart. OM. NctCaborbood of Mb avenue aad bib itreeL Adurwla rl»'Mt. Siaatoa D S . T . P O avariet-a

l I T A N T B I r — B O * B D P U » A OKNTLB-T * aaaa «*o wile .a a naivete l a a n . u a . wiihoai

aaarr hoarOera a n n r r a i lotAiioa ebo»* lath at. *M^,r-*Sr^f *^ ^eMrwaa A. D P.. box J.WJ .• «*t I'.u.

INSTRUCTION. MM. «*»•*. C ABJTblft)*l»

U l v - i L t L . HthbCU ABD k>UL.l*a aCHOOL WITH P L L M A B T UETABTMrJlT ABD liTM.<A»ICM.

Boo. * l * mmm * 1 * *** a f * . oarr. t. * * •

T B I L S K P I I U k M O *>AI»a iNUTON F B B N C H VI-I ' O r r t T>AI»aiNUTON F B B F

a m i n i . , rraaoh. laartaar *» la* • har.too ataaawa to* ITw». Waai r w a u M . . . . . Aca-

B» B U > N T p W H PBMAI.K COLLrMIt - board aad Twwiaa. Man a.r , .ar . Pwaila roaotvwt

a i a i i i a a . * " • " i l M u i i

aaa-a a a Ba*v«atowa.

r w r . i T . 4

T. a.*-. J.


Z T B O i i r n s i R i r i i R T h w a a x j a n M i l h t a a t a a d r r w a . rraaarrar. Uraad


The) ( o l d haarkel d o r r ? tbe morn'oK h i 9 b:eo alrocg cbiefl , o o account ol the decline of 5 30'a in Loodoa to s a H ! nee baa alao been made ot the rondtt ioa ol affair, at Waaaiaf toa to »treo»tlaen the pretblaai. Before the fortaal opeaiaK of the R O O M sale* were naada at I M S . aa advance of '>» Bkr eeat . o a Sa'ardar'a ctoi inB q u o t a t i o n , tbe Brat recorded traaaactioa waa at 1SJ, between which pedat aad 131 \ all th* aaloa hare Mace been Mad*. Cash go ld la m good raqBoataftd rate* lor car > lag UATC raatted (rotn one t o tbar per cent. , with the h v r e r lo .na at two aad three ; In a t ingle laatane . a loan waa Made free ot I n t o n e ! to both bvrrower aad lender.

The w e e * apowa with the raooej market mode retelv O M ; at atx and M * M per cent. , the latter being lh« ruling rate. The hanks, however, are oo t rencra .1; atroatr, tbetr c o u a i r , depoaitor* hawing tor t o m e t ime paat drawn liberally npoa thorn. Owing t o the aeareltT of the amalier denomiaa UoLa o l awawJ-ttndara, coaaVderable amonnta oi three per cant. cortiBeatc* hare baea preaent ed to the Sub TreoAor, for redemption; dnrbbg the t w o tatter dare ol laat week theae looted a p #1,-1X10,000. Tbe abolishment ol tbe rea-aUr qaarter-1} t U U o M B t s is CAlcolatod t o f i r e tbe n u r k e t g n a t e r neadincM aad t o mftke n i M mora uni form throogbont tbe year. Commercial paper movca i lowly and the beat names arc submitted to a d i ' c o n c t of eight per cent. , tbe ex treme range ia e icbt to t e n .

Government bonds ha»a been act ive at a de­cline ol H to one per cent, on the highest sa les o 1

Saturday. Speculative bolder* show a diapoti" tion to Fell, aad In tome InttAoces are making eu" atasementa 'or ruroTe delivery. Tbe decline in the foreign markets has alto, for tbe t ime at least, checked purchaaea for shipment . In the border atate bund market Misaourts are the feautore and ar* ateAdy at a fractional decl ine. In south­ern securit ies Louisiana Levee 0 per cent s sold at 7 " , and 78; a small sale of Grorgis rt* is re-ported at Si). We alao notice a aile of C. l i iorom 7s s t 135X- Railroad bonds and bank s h i r e s were dull and steady. The Union Pacific bands are sell ing iroely, as are also those ot tbe Rockford, R. ck Island and St Loots Railroad ; large ne jo t ia t ioos for the latter having recently been made in Germany, owing to wuich toe agents have th a day advanced tbe price 'rom 'J?--, to par with accrued intrreat in currency.

The epeculal ion in railway aharea during the moruiDK has been laiger than tor aomc t ime past, with the tone of the market strong Price* at the opening were .'» to % per coot, tugnir than at tbe close Saturday. At tbe morning boards this advance was not lul y mi lntatned, but after twe lve o 'c lock the market again b e c a a e strong, nod At tbe t ime of writ ing the quotat ion* are tbe highest thus far msde to ­day. The features h j v e been N e w York Central and Mi. bigao Southern ; the former, on extreme ri notations, bas ranged between l&»)f and h'al'it, atid tba latter between i » H and 96H . Read­ing baa alao been noticeably active at yilttvi'- , . N e x t In point of interest have been ROCK I , U L J , Ptttsburab aad tbe Northwest

share*. Mi^ccilanrons s t x - k s have abared the /etera' , flrmnesJ, the priucipal dealing* b m u < been in ManpoaA, Facihc and Cauto.i. Etpre^i alockm ar strung

I n e tollow'.iig were the bid* In the Long Room belore the Hrst session of the Open Hoard : New York Central. 15'J'i , Heal ing , Ul , ; gan Soutoern, a6 ; Pittsburgh, W91^ ; Nortu-wehtern, h i - , ; N 'rthwiaiern Preferred, UO1^ ; Rock 127, r'ort Wavue. H ^ ' i . Onto *na MioSMtippt, o 3 ' i ; Pacific Mail, l o l 1 , ; Marl jO"a Frcteir^d, o l .

Toe talcs at the f irst Keg alar Board compare aatoHo-STTttb t t o i e ot the c o r r f p j i i l i r u r s e s s i o t Saturdav :

Sat MOD Adv. Dec. T B be.-o* fWl . tl6"a 1 H'< - S .' S. V-li „oupo^:. '.-Hi. . US'-. '.I-.* — 1 U. a. >*> coapoiaa. lawL i t s H i S ('. S. 5-Xi oupoos l-SA.. UBS H6'» S as.b-ajeonTvinA'iUi'w 1 * , 1I9X — S IT. S. A-AO couooa*. 1-en US ' , 1I*S — S O S 5-* cotroo-ia. ' w , . . . t i» ' , 119s — S IT. B. l't-su coupoaa. 1 a s lObS S TenEeasee M Tetneaaer '*. tew . .. Norih tarolin* aa Nona Carolina Oa, cew wiaMvun M "He* <"•* Li-ntrai ktuoaon BlTeT KratuhaT Mnuiaran .-.onlbera. Wabaah tttsbujvu

SortM, jura Ntirthweaterr P-.-trrrad. CleTelaml and Toledo. «~» a ! . ' i! .!! ' Port * a , n e wiVwankrv and St. Paul. Milwaukeeano^t. P»ul Pf. TSS ): f and M i isair ,. « s

VA'eincrii I I.IO . Ti-ie*.rapt . fi'a Pa-lAv M^IJ laVa .lanp-'-a Pf '•••*•*

A d a m . s;vpri^.s Well*. Partro A Co. I.x — Vn , r}*- .u P.\j H

Mir. I 'linn hxiireee. — At Vi.30 the f o n o ' i t u : were the quota t ions :

New York Central, 15»\orl*Vi; Keidin^, Ml 4

i i l ' l > . , M i c b i g a n S o u t b e r n . Wi H '<r "o ', , N'or'h weetern, " l 4 , " ^ I N ; Nort l iweitern Pr^i.rred, bOTatirOu',;; Cieveutixl and Toledo, 1U6'» a 10 "> ; Rock Island, 187>4'(J127»i': Port W a v c e , Wijt \\*\; M J w a u k e e a n d !»t P iu l , ( » S ' * * > * i : •»>'-waukee and St. Paul Pieterred, 77 , a 7 S ; Ohio aLd Mljalaelppi, XV, sXt^ . Pacific Mall, 1 0 0 S rrflOO1*;; Manpoea Pre lened , * 1 . S * 3 3 ; » : Adams Kipreae, u» , ( 4 « 9 < .

At '..30 the fol lowing wer* the qaotA t o t r : New York Central, 180-v.atl*) t ; l lu- l son Rivi , 1 3 7 ( i i l 3 7 S . Reading, »1HC<JI S ; Micingan Southern, 9tJS(irShJ',': Northwest rn, - r ^ r - i l ' i ; Northwestern Pre'erred, 90%cr'M) j ; Cleveland and t o l e d o , l O i V r l o * 1 , , Rock Island, U7^i<r I37*i ; Ohio and Mississippi, 83^'i***.*, ; Western I'uiou K-iegianb, : i7 . i87 - , , Psciflc Ba i l , 100^rir 100%; Mariposa Prelerred, S 3 ^ < i 3 3 > i ; Adams Express , 6 8 y ( « f « 3 ^ ; WeUs, Fargo 4 Co. F.x preea, 81 S •iSi, American Exoreea, Lmtefi ; Mer-cbat'tA' Union Expresa, i7M'0* , 8 X-

Tbe following bare been tbe qaotat ions of gold : 10:00, 18'.»; 10:30, 1 3 1 ^ ; 11:00, 131H ; H-30, 131K. 12=00, 131 •„; t i » , l * l » i ; LOU, 1 S I X ; 1:**. 131H-

The following are t b i rates tor foreign e x ­change; Pnaae bankers' sterling 09 OAT*. < VAT*.

Nlia oa Unoon llSTS* 10* tOOS* 10»S . K H t r»*% 1 *IS * 1 *N

l i n t , * 10SS — *» — ft ltiSftft f<S SlftSaVS 1SS ft lnwtfta ISS » U S ft* IftM

.ft.lbt.ai1 1<S J lo-afto .S . «oM* «>S * ' « * •>'» . S ' a * * S B S * » S

S O S * «>S 10'. * 11 . IBS * MS 7 0 S * 79S . U S * 71S » B 79S

The bank s u t e m e n t of tbw week compzres as followa with former returns :

Depoatta. Loaaa. aaaaa*. Cwcal'a. LM.Ttav Jai*f..l«a.tss.**> JS.MS.lM JiJStaa i-.wa.rti

.. • u n h a j a . Sh«.«hU*9 rjM.511 ft.JJt.UI Jj. al.i»* •t. aStMJNl mM*/*i ».**** M,fM..*< HJ.l.tM

! J b i T S mSSjM « 5 i . W 7 »t*..»M MAW.II9 M. ^ e e SaklTi.ia* «T*l.Jtl JLJJ .1*1 M.r«J*J

reo .. . *_MS SSS^tl.lIt «.*3*.*>l «*«".'»» U . ' ^ IS » ^ T * i « 5*t.*W.»»l M.'OlAi »MSJ.»S1 ?»-*M?J n..l^.jaa.ift iSiJJJJhf M.a*J.i«J »*.».ija>l lojMi»a«

Mar... i*M*J*a la.aM.IU *t..7X»» ts.lli.J0S TLC aver»ges of tbe city baaks tor the p u t

• eek c impare* aa loUowa with tbe preceding re-tutu :

Feb. 97. March t>. Diff.r nee.. l o a n . r»l .S7i S97 BA.tirt.ISM Inc »T17.»-i : p«;ie *J.S;3.«I8 J!a,V*1.9M D»e. MkVBKJ Ci-mkanoa.. . Sa.Mt.wM 9t.97h.HeK Inc OT.HOl Dvpuaiie. . . . ltJ.aHa.170 l**.ft>t<tT D e c 1UI.TM Leaai-tendari. MubtvOM ftUoktov Doe. 1.8SJ,riv3

The- - avrragea exhibit tbe KUlowing relation between ;bt reserve auJ the UAbtliiie*: SBWCM SALntSM glO.tSa.0M Dec.$l.MS.9M Leav Twattera. V.SBV OS U l a X M * Dec. l^Sj.aS3

Total n e w i * . . DeaoMM . ... Cin-whfma.

rLawBBtthW-M p *. I t ' s -

& - 1 HE UNIONP/SC1F1C R A I L R D A D 0 O M -P A N T S BUNDS are a ftrat m o f g a g e npoa oae ol tbe lor rest Hue* ol railroad la tbe world. 1 be amount will be lea* than $27,000 per mile. Tbe earnit g* 'roe* local hawae**. over a portion of the road laat year arer* over live mlll ior dollar* aad a t u r ita cotwpie'to*, e e r y this aeasoat, the I n -me car t.irooatb traf lc of tbe Paciue atate* will in­crease this SUBS t o fifteen or twenty mil l ions. The potmenf ol both latere*! aad principal ot tbe tne bi-ads IL kotd is, tbareture, parlectly sure.

Tbe present htub price of g o v e r n B e o M offers a ftvorjble of port uni t , to sell and to reinvest in a bond eqnail i aale acd mure valuable oa account of tt.e lungt i pertorbeio ie its maturity The ezclavft mil SKH* paw * Profit <tf frxn ten lo tighurn per cent. At the Issue ol bbt so bond* will soon c«ate, parties « h o d e s u e to Invest are inv ted to tuike tbetr aobactiption*at once. Tuey will be received at tbel'Aimpanj's offlce, No. 20 Nassauatreet , aad by J o a n J. C i s c o * SOB, N O . 69 Wall street and bi banka aud baukeia generally. A pamphlet, with full paiuculara, sent free on application.

T H E FIRS I MORTGAGE, F I - T T - T B A B C o s -v u r i B L i fcsn, of the R O L K r O R D , R O C S I S L A N D aad ST. 1.0CIS RAILROAD COM-P A N T , pay the P B I B C I P L L A X D S B V B S P B B C » . S T .

I.iTkhBBT— lai F K B . aad 1st A r o . - I N GOLD COIN, ftttol Oovtrnment Tax.

I t e notadsare oderod at 97)%, aud accrued in ten-st in currency.

Pamp' lets, with mips , ^<Ting t i l l in'ormaUon, seat on application.

*U Sonus eubsenbed tor sent by Express tree ol charge.

Tbe Bonds may be had or U IT B 0 D D T . Tieaaurer, 1 . Wall atreet, or ot H E N R T C L E W S ft CO., baokera, S3 Wall atreet. New York.

B1IKI-1 \ I » V \ V I ^ I > or eiaftaw, n PB BTBCT oasaa.

JOHN DUNCA1V8 SONS, StaVll U I a l a a " . . a r e . . 4 1 4 t h BM.




C J A - x L a V l l N V. H O W , B o . 4ft Marline P i l e . Pee taMo* Max M.M1B.

mart St-I

A Lea>p of 100 Fwt Square for Sale e.v «K«.i»,



*mmm« • B - i!M! Iiii

• » • > "if, h?5 h'i'ilipr-i

i Hiis.

Apply to mar! Iw

UoBKK MOKOAB, No. I Pine tt.

BOM B A L B . m B O U L E V A H O L O T S , I N C L U D I N G aw* tare, anttre irouis on tha we*, aide, below Mia *t. Abbly to B. B ABFOBD.

—SS a t Broadwar.


». W. corner of > 1 at itreat, about lOSxiJt trot. Ciluubla college leaaaa, St rear*.

r n n r i B r r l B T B R a T , adjoining 9 W. corner of Jib aveaoi', i l i . M . with rliht to nut wiudowa In aide wail, looking out on the avenue.

Ill" above will be divided tosnlt poretiaaera. Abl

n at 6 St I<1> .J HAAcOCA OU H il»K^ A CO..

97 William street.

I D E WALK. m A U R G E A N D V A L U A B L B E X T R A ask n t . brown atone aaOdtag for aale.with a good rent roil, locate.! acar Wall at. aao kxchange Place. Hair can i . u . a l n oa bornl ana u o r i g a g e . Apply to

HOMES MORUA". martStrod _ < i * M ) _ _ _ B o . l PVaeM.


Pine i t . , between S a u a u aad Wl l i taa a u , with a large iroat oa Wl ilain, lormlug aa " L." all well ranted for oaa Teer. Apply to HOMKK MOtaUAN.

m a n utrod ...•» No. 1 P i n . at.

C F O R HALB — T U B Ft lLLOIFINO bouare aiij iota, by A. M. r.ANNLN'o No U I J U I

ITU bl ttr.kl, near Bowery :

The fonnt-rT kith .loop b r o w "tone hoiae and lot On .xc laea i oiown No. > Weal tvui atreet, north aid. of atreet Price, |L .'V .

A lav, ion r story bro am atone. hl(b-*toop boo** an 1 lot SS Si. Marks Place (north aidei, fall lot. Price t*S.*M T era* aosy.

Alao, three-.tory. attic and baartu.nt and exteattoa brick bouse an a lot. Tt Baal UB street, near the Bowery. ITloe 1**.*** i vary aaay lerata

Alao. a plot or around, 113 feet front by III feet deep, with ft,* three ator, bilck hou.aa. and Iwo two etory frame botue* ihi-ieon, l-i good order, ou lb . norlh aide of lmat airett. between kth avenue and Boulevard, Pr ce.

w o B =• '

; " o = '

tj • » o It * Q. O =

"1 - - > =T 0

l a i mm -a 3» 4 -» = •

Stem-Winding WALTHAM WATCHES. , Taaas waaohaa rsprsiSM Sk* BorTectioe ol Aoawtcaa ladutry. Aa ihayaxeri SotaTa artaruile aad fluiab. tiev win MaWaraaiaed toraa slniawtbaa ear waaca of taraira

' -•. Aa e v a a a a l a * of ear la*a* aaitrtaeat llv aonrtttal.


H O W A R D Ai C O . , JBWl l I BMP ABB aa.TBatahUTB8.

B e . B I B Mrwadarry. H. T .

FOR SALE OR TO LET\ m T O M A N U r A C T C B K B M . - r O R B A L B , Bat at aaagirtM*. bcW Y or*, a valaabt* Bill property. eaaaily wei ladaned lor roitoa. wooiea. aaawr er ethat aaa.i .rtaraieenai.Uoi tare. •*•>«• avl I art na.foar wood ea liB.dii ga—ou. sua »••. i wo isxin.. aad oae I ' m ; alone warn ouiw. ktxM; • brick raraewhw shop rixll» a atoaa biilli Inx idzi*. ano a commoaloaa atone dwelling, wile >o*( tardea aitaobed. Tbra'l i baa a never talllux water power drl»,B aa ovrrahoi wheel of aay reqaire* eta. aa* borae powtr; all acre, of land : vaiy eiaglb a locv ttia ; da lv aerea to the el'y"by H. H KK aad aleam boat. PricessMv Ai>»ij to

BUHIH MORGAN, aaais brteo* (ISM) h o . I Pin* at.

m A T S U M M I T A N D N B W P R O V I axB DLaoa-Mcuaia wlUi o . e acre, » i > V, 111. i iu i i j .u i , I • c r e a . t U . P * , cottaaa.xs acr.e , f u,»« , houas.S acren, •e . iaa; fcoeae a M u a r w . > .« .**: nou-a . s acres. »a,u« nnu.t it .nt oihera, 9JS^-i'. I 1 4 < , (l..Wi, S-i.iai. Oia.aaM, Sit. **.<•.. sis.uii'i, S't.Uia'. 97>'i . bnudlnz plots CMAKLki- W. WAS. ' .

BY TELEGRAPH. aw atari.

To-day's Aci-rtcwa by ttaa Oabl*—TJnitad State* Bond*, 82 1-2.


aud lai.d b> the acr<* Stood 7» Cedar «'reeL

THE B i n Wl».s Car. BroawBay A Kxcbaage Flace

T h r o u g h t o TNew f t r e e t , 11*4 bv 1 1 " F e a t , )

Will n* altered late Oaeea. aad Large Boom*, or Balls, t > tall teaauta. For pariieelart. apply to

EDWARD MATTHEWS, mallet Bo a H a i n o * T « K | T .

T O EiKT, I he Spar ir»o> a i . EiiRlbr Basraeat o'

N o . 9 2 B R O A D W A Y , a u x i o o i\>i-t,


Wt.l be lei for a term of Kive Tear* from Mav next. Inqi re .1 the oMce ol Hi»P« FIMB IHSDnVANOR CO. l

OFFICES FOR RENT. T w o DottrabM OMeea. with safe*, la the betid!**; of U s

SEAMEN S BASK FOE sAVlsaS, C*>B W A 4 . L A S D P 8 k M I . a r S .

Boat a o d e r a l e to a good leuaui . Apply a; the Bank Tb Wall m e e t . marl St

T O I . D T .

Ia the Building, Ho. 152 Broadway, F I B B . W k L U V H T l L A T E D ABD WALL-L1UHTBD

o r n o a a . Apply oo lb* prealaes to marltw LOBILLABD F1RB IBSUKANCE LO.

O F b i r a r t Tt l I .BT

M IN K V K M M t P d i l T B U I L D I N O , SS K t Liberty .trrrt. A|iply a Coaalinz Koom. kve.

leb't if

§ KL baa

O. i

O K S A L B — T U B F O L L O W l > ( , rropertv. ror particular, apply to r m

. hi kaal tik atreet. Bear lbs Bowery.

The nlet of ground at the junction of Khn. Marlon and Spring a'twata. having a frontage oa Bia anJ " aueets of lit leet, wen reated. Prlo. IJ8.SM.

sd Martoa

Two lou oa a prominent corner la iTth war*, two block* from Bowery, rnce aw^aa.

U.aa* (with atomi aad lot Bo. M Flral atraet. near Becoad avenue. Price ftUa*.

Tbe three-tiorv ante boo** aad store No. Vt Dlvlalon ati eel (leaachoiu a lib reiMwala), 9:%,M*.

A mot of ground r a c i n g thrOUth from Pr nt to Water street. M teal front on eacn. i t i M close to Roosevelt street ferry. Prio* OSsJHi

And alao a aauboi of otbers. marl at

Mk C i l O l f J M L O T S K O t t H A L S 1£Z Hy A i i i i U M l i Ko 1 I 'ui a b u t .

Weal :7th street, between . tb aad lib eib and *tb ave nues.

kav-tSTtb street, between Vadlaon and lib. Lriinaton and 'th avaaua.

baa. Situ .treat, betweenlt'i an I Madiaon avenue,. TV eat ^alb aire-:, bitwe-n U'h an I t b av m-ies, VIeat S«d .tieel . between ' t'i and sib aveuu •-. Full and Madi.ou av uue lota, aluib * location*. Weai atreet. between Sib a..d lib avenaeJ. West eel. near sih .Venn. Wealiiat alreat, fretwe. nstb and Stb avenaea. 1—1

acparate al SS » • each. Alva, fonriaory brick hoaa* and lot US Ihrvatle .treat.

Price, IlkJaWi cask required. OSaaw* , aad pUwr k o w n sad low la QiBoxeni paru of the cily_ mart St

aiJ I B T 1 N G A B B U L N A P , 68 WILLIAM B 9 RTaziT. T O » .-ALU lloua. n k. **that. .n.t . brick **.»** Hoaaa la W. lata at o a., briek a*MS atom** l a g . MM at., rng . b., b. t H**l HOuar in K 17th •! b. a , brick »».*•»

Alao, a anmber of oltaere la this city a.i 1 Hrooalyn. aad Newark. >. J.

r t l l ' S T R T RgSIDKSLKS. At rro toa , oa the Hadaoa STt t*a At Wooobrldge . M. J , . . . . II.UO* AI BlotiaiiK la. s J l i n n al Hvd. P.rk. H. K.. SOS arrea .'I «a Faini ei Nor walk, i; win.. *'B'-rn .'.'SM

>everal placea al New Briglilon, S. i., for .ale or to let. marl Sleod

FOR BALK —IN THIRTY-SKVBNTH slreet. near and weal oi Kitth avenue, a beantilul

mi'tiuiu - l ied tonr -lor brown stone Uou*..; al, i norove. tui ii La . laaterc1 ' -corated and lo pe' teel order through oul : luimeil ..eaaliio and terms to "nil.

K. !I LUULOW * I'll.. il iPlto) Mo. J l i n e . treet .


*»> FOR 8 A L K - A VKRY S U U K K I »R 4 W:< atorv lo .lib ave.

oubruwu atooii hou*c in SM at cloae WlNANa, . lIMtKii A l i l t I V K a ,

II Cedar street .

ftn 6ZS SS r * *

IS7 136 S 94 ' , AftS sill,

. si 8<S

. l iU» l i l S l i . S

\<, •*9S

l > , 13HS »1 «6S

•*, ns • 1 .

1x7 I1H

_, B'. *i'a

1 OS :«S M S

H , n n •

itorv hlifti -ave.

mars »l—SJ

tH Ft It MALK—3STU HT., NKAR M Al>l 'M. aon ave. . I awry ln^li -to.'O Uloiv i atoas t-Ou.e.

vcri aa i . t au l i . l t y bu t, iVlNANM, H i l k t l l * UK AVK-t.

mars .n— St II l!ed*r alreet.

ABb, 5TH AVKNUK—TWO VBRY UANH T J aoine lota :>.r .^ie cheaper than any m Bi»rl"t. No rock. h e . y lor b i n d i n g . *Si,S»i each. SOI W .at at.. eor. Jane. II—JJ

% ' a

s a

I ' l l

« B F O R W A L K — I N T W K L F T H S T R M K T . E k between uh aadatt avennea.a verv flae toor atorv. broeu atone bug,lab basement booae. so leet wide, la nertect order. Price llH.'ios. Permits of y HOMKK MOKtlAV.

msis Sieod a till Bo D Pine «t^

M S T . M A R B . S P L A t ' K — F O R H A L B , A fine tuory foil site bnase, ell lmprovemsnia,ljo.Q<M.

It * WM H. HAT BOH.C Fins tt

m N B A R S T I I A V B N I K , O N T H I R T Y E l Kir ii Srakkr i story marble front bouie, Wxss. with exleosion. for sale, rnrnisbed o lv. AS},sua.

It WM. ll KATNllB, t Pine at.

£ FOR BALK, 1MMKD1ATK POMSMH s i o . i - T b e Srat-claa* hoeaa No. t a s - c o n d a v e a a e i

all improvement*, l'rio* St—ig

For permit* apply to TIIOMAS TANNING.

No. HI Baal pourt'iat.

T H R B K T W O . \o< . Ul. 1M

tb avenuea.

(aooa bwoktr*' d o Prini* e o a . tterhxtg do Pane .bankers! Antwerp swlaa A a i * r d a a , Haiuburv F n a k l a n . Brea .u Prua.,iaxi taovrra

071.*atAE7 Me,*U.So* Oac.ta,0».«6t MftMAIM UaTtJbalAST Dae Aall.TM

MMTbei MsTAetkl lac. . zejbd EaA-eaXra Dee *4, jgj,»A| bajMAMO


_ over baftrwa'v* gla.301419 Btk.m.swO Dee.BS.IS0.BM B r . Edward Ketaeye, of the baakiac acd itaretgv

exrbaatr* bouae o t Deraii irm, Cox ft Kleaaeya, of Ki . h*xu.e Pi*, e, >m ba*a adiauied to n s e a b e r . . b t p la laa N e w T o g * Stack Kxrhaage.

KATICwaAi STOCK l t t C l U . N a - a - A a p J k * a U Aw wtB ezpwdst* Me ac-iow at the Cewaaitaae

j a p by u a Si a t tbetr crodeattaJa to M*

ttt. WUaiaai War*, **• MJtn* ""IV .*? early aa aaatbr . *aBa1b*riMS atceaaaa lM by letter* o.- reewtnai-ndat'ca wtH recetv* Ike serMeot atvaaUoa.

Tb* L . x t ragabw aawottog of »-* aoae* will he oa • CMsDAT. BaixhOtb, at SK wSwatk F. M.

C B A C B T -

£ F O R S t l R - T H R aiory hlgb al ion brown stone boa.a

aad is* « a t i",th atreet setwaea ttb ana ^o eiidM location. Apply to

ran Ti WM. EhNSELI. Y. S« Pine atreet.

0*4 H i R MALIi -A P L O T O F G H O U N D "ZiS on r lai at .near I.eooar'l. wltn an "L" on i itna tine lan.. being aooo' is feet uont on him si., aad M teel i n t atbarlne Ian*-. Na Bc teel iieep. ou aauie block wtih^ N .wYortLl l e n e e t'oiupany's new billldttix.

J. 11. ..sThlSPIkLD. No. 170 William at. aarSAis— l

# 2 U A K L K M a o l > K S FOR SALB AT B2k auciton on iiltb -t-eet. td aud 1th avenues, by A. II Ml'LLfiB. Aoctioaeer. WFUN K8D AT. tbe lath, at 11 o cloca. at uie kxcaange. in uroadwav. marsgi—i.i

| C a L O T F O R tsALK O N L B X I N t z T O N 7J.T a,.-., about ceatre of block, a'oal aide, betneeo Oltb and 5r.ih ai. Termaeiuv. e. H. HKaDY,

n.wS3t-3S 111 Kasi mill >i.

fSj» FOR 8 A L K - A V A l l A l i i . l V C O R N E R L i . I I . perl, oh Broadway, .of leet oa UroaJway sod in feet on I .. .-oty seventh atreet.

martit WM. U. UAYNOH.t Pine st.

£ F I R S T CLASH FOUR STORY H I . t i l ttoop browa . ton? front t ioi i .es . a n s n e d In hard

wood, lor aale with o jaaeaaiou. o a J i t j s ireel , u i u a r -, \ tiaciiaoB avanae. Hat atr. t a 11 Stu av*aa» . aad other <oo.l locat ion , near t h : Central Park Prices very modrr .te and teruas *asy. Partlruiara w.tli

feoMsieod S. kMokt toOH. U l ttb avenue .

•wzatzii F O R SALB. A brat cl.a* i story brown stone hlgb stoop h jo*e. lus. a t a . a o a t tborooxth order, frescoed, and

con-p'cle la e v e r , reap-cl. ['rice $. f ill', one fourth caal Hold beoaua. tbe owner leaves lor ttorope about May IsL Farai aire lor t o e If draliud. For . * r a i a apoly to FKANt i s r o . t t - . J * , or S. H A S T I t U S l iHANT i s , Btoadtaay. mar JICJJ

m S P L K N D I D I N V K S T M B N T . — F O R a B aa e. • tlrat-rlaa bnlldluz and lul oa dr.. idwav, fac ln« tne City Hall Park. 1'aya 11 oer c«nt.

mart 9 t - S t H A l t l . h a IS K Z M . . S .

>N Broadway room 11.

B LOFTS TO L R A H R - I N NOS. 12 A N D u i I ffsm et. near Jobo atreet. Apuiv to

mart It CEORUK il. KAMPsON . IS Cliff at

TO IBASM. F O R SI Y K A R S - T H R eoatneaai corne- of ttro ,0 . I T an i i anal .treat • n

feel on Broadway aad 111 on Canal. Apply ".o U a v i D W. BKl i k, IS Chambers .*teet marl IA -1

T O I M A H h — F O R A T K R V t O F yaara, ihe ator^ 1 l t aa.. ai Apply lo

lebrtlt JNU. LnWiiKY. NO. : I I Broadway.

i, a alegi

LOFTS TO LMT O B LB ASM—OF 'he store M Boekman .treat. Apply la BAHMKat, * A CO.. on the prem'.ee. l.nvi If

T O L h T - A V K R t F I M M F « » C M - r i T O . m rybizk sloop brown slou* bouse Ssxti, fully and

alegaaliT tutBaShed throughout, located ou Kaal .-our-teealb atreet, aear §• Square Tbla bouae Is well worth | c u a month, but aa the owner u ab ml lea. Ing lor I ur i r it will be rroled to a pr vale family for abuo per moatb for one. two or three veara. Apply to

HOMkR M'lMOAN mars Steod lllXSi Nu . l l ' i on i

O P F 1 C K S T O L K T - I N T H B F I R S T -claea marble bBlidlna. Vo iS5 nnd 1ST B-oa1%iv.

OtSc. a healed by .team, suitable lor law,eta. Brokers. Ac Api l> to T A U U l t * a K a ' M ,

tebkt Steod—33 S7 1-iue street.

ft£j TO L K T - I N B R O W N B R O r H h H S a a A 1 0 . 1 h . l i d l n j . No. M A 61 Wall slreet oOli. « .n i l

Bull Una is Die-Apply to the in.rS ItneoJ

al>ie for Bankers, Broker , or Lawyers. i 11 ol and thoroughly be.tied by steam. janitor N o * . * A ti Wall . ' .

*SJ TO Ll-T, WITH 1 H V F C R M T U H R -KA a new >atory high atooo browu siooe 'ion,- on< sl-k-et nearLe, j«ton a en.i .br,'-class nt tghoorhooj , nonse newly iurni-n ,1 witniu tbe laat six montas A perlect Mti i n-ui for a a-riall p-irsti* fs I il y to w ion cn'v 't will IH' Icaaat for Ctren ye^ri fro n i at Mav next. For oer . i U l » i i c v , a o l > i i TAYLOR a i.l EAItNS, i: 11a.- at

O F F I C B S O H L . \ i . O K R O O M S T O L I T . - t h e nu uin.' on lltoadway, »x,-hsuito Placn

New Slreet. 1-- v .>' feei, l» lo lie alter 1 n t • OtrlCKS or LAIttlK ROnMs. lo suit aon'ica ta. For panicnlara snpiy to kDWArtl) MArTHKWS.

uxarSlweod I Broad at reel

MB T O L E T - T H E D K S I K A B L K F R O N T E L tseeemenl otlires oinsiatlug ol Hire • i- ji num . ting rooms, No. a wai1 atreet, al present occupied oy lae Bouliabie Fire Insurance Coir p*ny.

ALMI. Front offlce uwocommunicating room,) sn.l im»m,'ni

th building bo. It cedar atreet^ ^ Apply to. mart iw JOHN WAKUKS * nON.SS Wall street.

S I X T H A V B N U B STORK P R O P -erti, near Fourth street, drslrabld for inve-'ue it.

-Til be worth IIHOMA when ihe arenas is extsnded to Wist Broadway, ai propo*ed. Now paving zood iB-crat.*. " KtbUati BlkKK.

uarSSt-M 111 Bow.ry. near Prince.

m j T i r u . F R O N T F O U R - S T O R Y E t browa aioae o n laadiaoa avenue, aear Aator'a now palace, ia haadaome order, eboap, *4*.'«si. l oaaa l pnoa. Alao. **th alrewv. nwar StB aveaue, t story, •• feet iront. SaAOSa. the b*s* bel l i taouae ia the street , aeavy black walaut l a l t h . A c DUBK1N A CLINE,

mar* It—19 Si* Broadway

m 03« ,000 .—FIBST H O I SK B A S T O F a B Badiaon ave . , in ttrb s< is one of the most perfoci n-oaSeMof e s a n l e l e a a a evor oaTered in t h . . city, la wall worth the a i t e a u o a ot oae weal ing a .uperb bona* t t a mode rate price.

Ope* ft o n I t o S . marl It ;

fi F O B S A L B - O N M A D I S O N AY BN LB, Sltr-ay Rill, ooe of th* most aolqo*. taateful aad

complete la the city l lor ta le . wilB elegant iurai al btO.aa.

O F F I C B 8 TO LBT—IN J A U N C S Y Conn. Wall st . oa Dm door suitable for Santera

or Brokera. kent uioderaie. Aimu .o JOHN F. 1>.»YLK. No. SI ». all atreet, Jaun-ey 1 nun. u i r ' n i i i

TO L b T - W K S T *7TH ST. , N O R T H alee, near Sib ar .au . . i l I, H b. B. H. Honae. ' i l >, and fxlet.siou of 11 leei, uewly p.ilntad and frescoed. In good irdre. AO modem Iranrovemenls. Lott"Z*)l.>. Possraslou mld'le ol A.rli AJOIV lo

marl I t - t l JOHN COLVILL, Si Read . tt.

F I R M ' LOFTS TO I B T — N BW store, twit anal a'., near Broadwar. Also, 1-story

blab stoop bouse Bear Broa Hvsv, modem Improvemeuta, ibi We.t i,ih at. Apply to P. 11. F i tosI , No. i Croaby strict. martlSt—St

A TO LET—NOS. 684 A N D flSi LKX-mgton *v uue. two first ciaM latiry br iwu s oae

houses, between ew>th ano 'Tth streeis. alt tbe Baodein in i-rov^in, uin aud tn complete or HT Can be seen onlv by permit: for sod loM-nua apii v to

feb« u 1>. n..A.\tiJ. .lMiutii Wu.laiu st

£ T O M K N T - U N F U R N I H H I i D . 1'ilK BtslSKJiS l-ITBi-OskS,

NhA i MRU I.IVVAY. * East Hth street. I'xi U I -ot <S 1 sal street, in>l site. — Es.t tUh atreet, near 5th avenue, tlrn-claas property.

AL.U. Several valuable plots on I'nlvenlly l lac- .

Apply to B. H. LlHIL W A I I. mart It ULMI.'I 3 Plue street.

e T O L E T . the Iwo ai.l'ndlJ ttoies 1*' and lo: Broadway.

Apply lo U HI.) Ni , uiariat - .1 IM Bromlway

a a B R O A D W A Y s t T O H K T O L B P - T H r aBkaaeeerhar*. ia view oi oi.viut further ap-towa, wcain let ih-lr short, liou • leal with oaae.u, ut aausv siae. an 1 both rraarkao'y well Hinted.

dec7 tf AitllA 1 I * at in ink. SO! Hroadway.

• ia F I R S T FLOOR ANI» B A S B M K N T TO Kit l-Lin bunding I it ano lit uroadway-commo li>us oflre* (SMte). rontaining eve-y convenl-nae. and ad ruirsbly adapted for an Insurance t ompaay or

'A^iflv to the NKW TORK LlFk INS. CO.. l it Broad way. febistl

I U I i b i i o t b o a t . Apply U> marS j ieod i lOS)

With early aeawesalon. uOMm: M IKOhB,

No. I Pine M.

h l l i S A L E - A N K L K O A S r * S T . > l t Y . aoiib side of Sith at..

H I , .-sxa. lot tea. Price brown sioae hLch stoop boose, eoilh side of Slth st.,

between Lex'Bgton aud Sd area., tXasHSii. Half oa boad aadaortgaze .

HOMkR BOROAN. aarssteoa (14BK Bo . lP tae i t

F O B SALB I N 4 7 T H S T . . B K T W B B N _ _ Sth aad ttb ave* . aa eli gai.t < atary brown atote

boas* , ea Coiinc* loaaa lot, at 0 - ^ per a a a a a grou .d oBerest with all the e lezaui tural-reat. IP yean* to rua.

ture. at a*».tss' Apply 'o tuart Jieod tllTal

HOMES MOBOAX. Bo. 9 Pi nest.

fi orovi

FOR SALB—ON STH Thiityeizhta at., an . with Ih , hirwxtare:

extra wide itable if w

AVB. boa**.


NBAB la perfao*

karly oaa-seaaion a* be bad, l ' n a M t to be bad tram HOdEH MuIiUAH. B o . 9 P tas at. U.'.SI aar iMeo*

* F l fhB S U B S T A N T I A L 5 S T o R Y cornea- atof e • or aale oa south atreet. Bear Wail at.,

• r. Prve* *T»,»Mj_ •tOMBB MO BO AN

so x fi*. la goo* order, Appiyte Ba.rt*a*a* (ItSt B o . I Pine sL-ret.

to W

F O R h A L B — H O U S B A N D L O T 3 8 1 avzt aWswa.eor.of Maloorrvat. App y hScV' Bread.ay. mars t i eo l - i s

FOR BALB LB W B S T «VU> r brow latere i s a a b „

Br*ad wag

9 A superior tsiory browa atone Knx.wa baweaaent ' - e . - ^ V J * M b a a w ^ ^ t j w ^ ^ ^ - ^ P ^ - a l o .

awjatwft Mas I. For aar tueua ieaaa!*

i. aUxrTxNtTs U B A B I . mi

AT B U B B O A U W A 1 , S T AN L B T D A T . Broker, aaaala * • * M yoer addreta tha Baal

Circa, ar. gBtali-

J B F O B HA L B - A F U L L BIBB F1BBT-• otex* hag* ateo. bow**. Bo. *> West afte asrwew

irx^^daw. Haaaa. ex«S. Lot Staiw A Prah. OSSM*. ta. uleasag gaatxiarw* aad etirrav. ... . „ ^ _

Th. lof adtoialng caa be " destrra. lawaxtwoeabailiailM, b**w—n taaaad

• ear l kM three

o i

s F O R B A L B - O N A H U W D B B O F O O T .Trr a. oa Hnray MMI. a Bra akaai twiwuaa* lot. l»ateoO r t cPwMJ > * , | t . 11. L L D L O W A t J . , 1

H I B A h L B M LOTS F i » H S A L M - S P L B N a ^ b ^ d t o g ^ tor bM*to» fflMMh^p vwto

awawBa aJtwaatraak.

9t tOAl5t!l^ACAB?U>tw. B0LSHE ACM I t o TwaalarM sbraeL



r*a». MS fwt Max. ateaSW water . Feet stiBotiiBM asteaa. Beet mtrv

S H r U H K A N D H A S K M K N T , 1 1 5 Lroeard atreet. four doors east of Broadway, size

sSziS.i, lo let. Apply ou tb* premise*. let* tf

B B O O I a L V N P K I u P B a x t r a - .


Ou WIDNIBDAT. March IS, at kxebaaze Balaarooa. N. Y. by WTCEOFF ALItTLE. Auctioneers


MTBTLk AVhNUE. COBNEB HAelLTOB BrRBTT. Tognher with a deau-able residence, which will be told

with two lots oa Myrtle aud two oa Hanutto* ave-a are. Alao. BKV9B LOTS ON MTKTLB AVkN Tg, BBWBEBGLER-

MOBT AMD VAHa/kHBlLT AYkS. This Is the most des'rsole prcp,rtyon Myrils svenae

offered at aactioa tor aaay years, and it well wo. thy the a u c t i o n of

BUILD*K9. who wish to erect si res or dwellings, BPhCCiaAToHa, v i i wuabkshie apaealataoai CA1 ITa.ulsTS, wue desire a aale luveetaaenl. DRD J I . I S T S . or baiall I M I r a m aay kind, who wish

to secure . lot oa the deaoabie aveua. be.ore it reacie* a prior beyond tbe means ot moderate men. _ Map* ready at 74 Cedar sue**, aad Ml MoaUgae slreet. aroeetiy


n i l b t - r , At the txckat ge baiearoeea. Haw York.

BT WYC&orr * U l T L k . ADCTlONkEBS, aad aeeera a port on • t thelollowtrgdeslrabla property 99 LOT* on HOpeON AVE. CHOWS! and MOB f

OOkahatt *1». s LOTs.,ah«Jxtw..»SCT*DT AVE. t3bPl»NlilDPR..bP»;ci' PAR* LOTS oa SIXTH ATK.

MACOMeaadi AKR >LL M H I H S . it LO A OX. U t l l l i MSB BlMBBT. i LOT oa I "re STKtikT, near the Park. I i . l - oa UAL i li: a 1 K B I I . near the Park. t L T>. corner aBAXTOB ST. aud TBitrU AYS. t UiYBoo WABktBBST.. iliracuy oapualM -b* Prospect

Park. I LOI OB DOCOLASA »T»H»T.aear > » l l H

All lb* aba>v* aaalreahie aaeas-rtv win aea lively be ao'.l. L.B. T , aa* lit MoaUg*e«. , reefy at tt Cecar M saara


B k t e k L V I , m F O R S A L B — T U B M L B Q A N T R B 8 1 jam S e t a be .Ms WaMlagie. Avetee. a -w Lafayette. Oveeaa tvxZ**. wah brtak atabas aa Haauaoa streeL i . r• ar. Measa larwa .,» *tury, *f rat *te * aad b*s*k.*>k M. MiaaaiM INK*?: coaiala. 17 ra .aa , 9 bath ror— water claeeta bli'tarevrwoa aad Barglar a larwa. lull Is ebse feet wide. wataaooCtad In Bar et to I story ; P. rtaeo aaal Bay wiadaw eat a ee . aaxtaa* aaa* I. a. b- .sy pi.ta-alaawkhdowaiaet aar aad yaaJiaUag re aatera uroethoou Aaays to A. StCEBEtlJ.laJ Wall atraet. or » Y 0 k O i > A T i r i L A , l i btoeaaaw* atr***. teo.kiy*- aw*MM--*

aa T O l a o s k BaaiiUNt* * MAJTBIN-BOk M s l M u r .

M* LOTB AT BAT B i n o o Ibebalaaetof tae SaetABF FABM

taeea ub aad Sth aver*«, aad CHb a*" 0B* etr*ae*. win be Mild TKURMUAV.Mareb II. a * , at lb*. EsvWaaa* 9*1*1* i a , i l l hweaatwav. Mew Tot*, by WTCBOFF A L I l l L h l a i . i u a i

Tb«e le t*areao taither troa WAlA * T , H. T^jMaa a n . wa •ota. whieb ar* a l l laz »' trwaOiA** to *».***.

law* taw preearty. i an aay naateabi* aetaaw —mm iwaj tars prweanT,

NIHa5TY-EIGHr SPiEafDID L0T8, * . T A U C T I O N ,

T T J E . D A T . n & a o a 9, 1*69, At 19 o'clock, ai ibe Kxchaaee a* e a r o o a . B . T.

A ON HfJDHoN AVbiNUK, C R O W N . "JCM<iNTOOMrr>Y A N I I M ALBDN k .afk* KTB. la the vlcrn'ty of the OKA D BOCi.hVAB.». and a tew blocks eaatcf New York avenae

Lota oa toe New 1 ora Boo'evarca* are Bailing at froa six to eight times aa much aa lot* oa tb* Brooklyn Bonia-varos, tae locauou ol the latter it macs Bore aoae -sihle sad deairahie

Q.' l_*..l!"'<'l tr ,!"b,c ">*!> of this .a le at tbe oftca of WT. ROFS * Li I n.K. ancOoa*er», 1S1 MonUzae at.. Brooklyn, aau 711 edai i i . s . j , n

m D O N O T B E L A T B A T T B B T A L B * * ot rToepert Park lou to lake place to-morrow at ihe bxchange bales Uoom, B. V., by W1CKJFF A LITTLE. ABCUoneera The btat aac-loa of Prosoeot Park Lou off .red tbi> Mason oa hixth aveaae, Carroll ai ll Macomb .tree:.; alao, loll on Doualaa*. Braxton, nalttc. Warren and - m e . nth sireeta. Will be sold v t b oet ree< rve. i t

- . T i l l t T H E B O A T F R O M WALL ZXZ street, N'w York, *n i in J mi aulas yoa will b at Lay Rtdga. Every one will te I y o * where you eah Ohd i.raef ra in to be .1.1 i Match n t h . i*M. by W l CKOPF A LITTLE, .uc t io ieera . h i . m i n e the lota aad attaud the sale. Bart It

A FOR S A L K - M Y R T L B A V K N U B a a C LOTS AT A C O T I O B — T b * best section of lots oa Myrtle avenaa will best- id on WEDNESDAY. March .Sib at Exchange Saearoom, N. Y„ by W w K o s F A LIT. TI> . A u i i i i ' T i n . 1 lot* oo Ike aouvb tine between van' derbilt and Clernont arena**. As vacant iota are vary scarce a thlr itreet , this aale ur*aeots s good osoortani ty lor luveaimaot Sea aocttoa oa lamn. mart St

4*5, FOR 8ALK - T H B S O U T H K A S T -A- corner ol Cnmberisnd slreet tad Oreeoa aveaae, 75 feet on Cumberland street and 99leet oa Ureaa* avenue. oe h- ba t for bBslaesa pernoaaa ta the dry. Ta be told W O v l l i t T , March l a. at ihe New York sale­room, by WYCKOFF * LITTLE, Aaetloaaar*. mart st

m FOR SALB—OOlN» FBOM FORTY IX" aocond atreal. New York, lo Wall atr eel takei M nucuiea , from Bay btuce to Wall atrart. It take* M unnniea. Lot* op town New York, u s a e n i n g al I I . M to t*t.*M: at Bay Pldge I w a law hundred dollar,. Which UibeaafaatUveataeBt? las l e u at Bey ktleg* wui be told by W i C k o r r A L I T l L k . Auctioneers. THURSDAY, March 1 l ib. Be* auetio* advart i sea taL mart tt

VoR SALB—TbE BLBOANT FOUR-, ttury and b e r e a e n l browu a o n . bouss. l i t Uutoa e t , batwah* Beary aad Cllntoa atreela, Brooklya.

• l it SH lot . ornaiaeBt .1 grouad. brick -tab e m l , fa»l. wUI fitted up. ooetalning S box and I s l sg l* SSSUI, Bower rardeu. g iaeMy of laported viae*, l emaat BSBSII aad ronaervatory. Htreet u o n * .i ike eatrancealo Proapect Par . paved with Wleo'son p s v e T a a t ; house is in per­lect orr*r. aaalv oa Brsi Boor. Orawiaa r o o a s u n leet , dirli g room SOaM ; s*cord f loor,! oadroom* aad Bath­room : third floor, t bedrooms end bathroba ; foartb floor, I be>lroom a n l larce lumber room: Baaemont, k-tiehen iuvreiai>c«ma, htu ldry a .1 b'tliard room, with i a i g e d t y cellar uuderaeai l th* whole, oa* and water tbronehoot . bouae aad ontbi!.<ii .ga In perfect order , •at ir l i",*!* II.H fael. enc'oaed with high Iran rail. I„ .a .w i lb eVrrffTS'hs sad fiowsrs. U s u i Is about t o rare Brooklyn and will tell whVe or part oi furniture.

For peralia to view aramtsei snply to • .M. Ll'DLOW A CO.,

marsiieod i P i s i S Pise street.

F O R B A L B — O N B R O O K L Y N li-lghu, a Sratclaaa doable bou-e on R m«en street,

nib a . t .o i . .iiacheai; built In a superior manner and In fine or er. I' <aeee"ion aooa. Alao. a. vera! ilr telaas real^Si ess ou Co'nabta street, over OOKI i: tbe Bav. aad ii other d a isb eljcauoos tliro xuout l i e c i j ., a spleadi'l ch sin e for lavwiasat i one en'ire b.ock froBt* Ink ' i> the rivar. In t ie 1>«>1 io..*llou lu the cliy. with . Diaemfl., in btuidlrgfor atoraae purpo*** ereeieo there. i n , s so several warrhouaw on 'be property. Several h'r.rki of Vark ots in the beat location s*rro-in.1'Bg tbe Park also lor sal.. For further partloalars aaoiy to

S. HON L LOW. Baal Estate llrakar. It (IS) Moat.gue near 1'ourlet., Brooklyri.

e F O R S A L B —A F I R S T CLASS brown stone on it'ooalyn Heubts . completely

rurnlab. d and In One. ordei . wita a t o o story brick itable c . s a i l s of stabling I bors . i , with nlontv of carnage room. A c Tbe bouae Is t t ia teo on Wl low atreet, re­p u t e s n h a l l a a d e r a eonveaieacea. For aav paraon J . sirlna a flril-ciaaa i -M.leo . c o . v e u i a s t to th? t rrtas tn.s i» alavoraule . [ fiortan't.- Sor turtbet particulars apr'v to b H'^DLOW Moa agu- st,, noar Court,

o r t o WYCkOFI A L l l T L a , i l l Mohtaga .a t . II ( l i )

fi FOR SALB, CLINTON AVR.-AN <. t a r t ' s t o r y French roof, brown aione. all taa

modern improvenieel* ; best loeai loa in the cxtv. For partscalara apply to HALI. A H I V V L S R .

marti 21 —JI lki l i oo iague St., Brookiyu.

OT* FOR P A L K - O N B O F T U B F I N E S T A'-, r e j i d . m e * on Brooklyn Helabt . . The etearaoi .V

-I. r. t.aa-niei t and cellar *' (-aaa " atone Iront dwei lmz , , i - e 1. ei , looiaina .1 rooms, larg* b a i t w . , , muMc room,

A c Anlahei! In Bar I woods, rep ete with .-very modern lii p i o , enient. ami tn tbe moat perfect order.

mW^'ssi'&xirw'ivdtiin ( O . l f i n e st

f t F O B B A 1 B - B H O O B L Y N P B O P -. eri> The bouse and lot Bo. IS at., oppeaiie

ea ABB'aCharcb ground i lot *x .O. , honastOxH, three atnrie.,b.lli of f*i ade'pht.brlek. . , roan*, all moo ere i a v i s n n . s u . 9 v . aiaales' walk b o a Faitoa '*rry.

er to WM D BOWBTHMAN.TS Apply on tb- prfsoiaaea. < W all .ireei. New l ork m u * > t - i l

C r l i H H A I K . IIAV R I D O B T A X K S ar* aboni i t peri ol what they are lu th* city.

Those who intchaae lots al tbe sale of is* Bay Hiuge lou to be cold THrKMDAV. March 11, will have property within five blinks of tbe ettv. and ye' FSCAPK I ITT TAXATION. Bee WfCBOFr A LITTLk'B An, • ion adverilaement in st otbt r column. aar t t t

fS FOR SALE OR TO L K T - A T L k N 1VIC miik IiicxStolea, Not. S and t, adjolnlnt Haiolllou per­i l . Appi, to WM. N. I'L IKK.

maiaAt.i—II ei *'i Inn it.

M I OR S A L K - A B E A U T I F U L OOUN-ti y seat wttli ia, acres or l .ad i splendid Improve­

ments , aiioal o u . ho.r 'a raaie Horn tbe city by Bud. ativ. Bit Caa be divided taio i t . n i l j i a g altea for villas, Ac. Address Hudson Ittver, k v a a i N o P O S T office,

mart l . e o o -J*

YALUABLB MANOFACTUHINf* I'KiikaTT FOB halal • • BetiMkeoaT, Coaa. —We

offer lor sale that very valaahle proeeriy. annate ! pn the coioea ol Beaver aud Middle aire* s.uooaiailnx ol a t .ur sUi.y brli kbatldiag. i a i c t lone, on B o . v , r street with fear t ooe store, ou an i f iaar .aadaiargssBoatanMalnrek bni luux i '* l*et ou MMdl. street, witb hlajb o n l n a e y , foHn.1i v rrK>m» a ' d every cooveBience for a flrstclsa Manuia. t o n . a l l . or wiihoal power.

These building, are v .ry stroaa and anba'.antlai. ano are within o « block of tha dcnol, or thai ceatre oi bosi n r a tbe corner of Beaver and Mate at reel*.

Parties wishing • flr.t-claa* Mae..]act ry lb every re-tptct located, au . at a price l a a l b . a lb* cos ' to bul.d such, are requested to call ami see us

J. A r t . A. STAPLES. No. U B u t e street, Bndg .port .Ct .

l o r further Infonuauje apply l o P. C. CALHOUN.

ootlawMtf Feertb National Beak. Wow York.

_BB FOR HALE, AT A B A K O A I N , I N ~k— o . e i a r I L aztfaordina'y vatuabl* ettaM of three hundred acres at Cbelaea, s t a t e . Island. ipp.Mle h lit a-beihporl, aul .l''i' lor lipprovemeai and th.- water front­age lor mannlacturiBg poipoena.

tpp.y to k B. LUDLOW A CO szTttM J*wB__

1 1 H I

(PlWl) 3 PlUC t t .





maVstt IS L l B E h f Y 8T.

. i.-

a L j li

F O B SA1 K - B k A U T l F l ' L C O U N T R Y seat near N o r w a l k . c , nu . ; large handsome house

ai.d II acres of land. Price l i iasw IhVlNla * BAXKEAP.

•1 s teed as W t u u m at.

^FOR SALB OH TO LBT—AN KLK-xai't coontry reeidenoe at Ravens wood, oo the Kaal

Kiver Tbe boex*. M larwa, two .lorlua. atlic and haae, with all atudei-a laiprovaBjenia, aad M tatawbte lor summer or winter occupaucy. Tbe gardener's ubaee It in exix 1. eut order. Tu. stable aad carriage hoaa* la aa atnaily large and romi " for six borate. There the riverirout bailto Is alao a flue bilLard room.

Tbe aroiaa^a ceapiiae abeet two aad a half acres, bav­in , a rivet iront ot one hundred and sixty feet: the/ are laid out lo gravel roads aa • walk*, aad oootala thenaeat verMstasa ot made aad ornamental tree*: toere as* BUM grapes aad small fruit* in abundance. Frosting toe

omplrte. afforuieg aooouutodatious re ia also a bath had boat-house at le i CBI stone, si i s xtxJv leal. There

cm atone wall. The property cowuaauoa a floe view M be River aad Bouad. KDMUHD cOrFlN-labia unsod Tl Ceaar tlraat.

SI A T BIS B B O A D W A T , S T A N L E Y L DAY. Broker, mails tree to y e t r addressing Beat at* Circalar. Bar* tapi

af. A Y A L U A B L B MILL P H O P B R T f B B ior sel<. a i e a u * lu Bethlabem. Pea. . . oa line oi C R H ol N.J., luviu-diateiy at Btattoa, with ral road twiiot luonMg in yard, ano well located loraay kiadof manaia, in.lag bnalnesi. betag m the midst oi . eoal oouutri.aud living M cheap. Tb* baildiag la 17X11, leer sterte* high, eebstantiaily batM ot gray tiooe. with w.Ms iwo feei IB lalckneas. aad main floor* 1> feet, beery atreer* and siaie root: th* balkauag will bear aay laacnpUoB of aiacbinary. Engine bona, or atone, uzX. I* bota* power angle*, aad tare* tubaiar boners. Lot BOzlss), Will be told lor lea than value t price. 9 s.oue

A. D. M E L L I C K . I K . A HRU. maiHteod No. M Plue si., b Y.

A LLBW RLLTN P A R B . a*_ FOR BALK 11 acre* 01 land ta lawn aad garde*; sloe* aanalira belli la the liaiiaa villa atylo, ooalaias 11 rooms above baeriueul and all the moderu conveniences . cottage, stuue tt* It, Ac. , oomaaads a l o * vlaw 01 New Ycrk. Malrn Ulead aud adjacent country ; al lea led In Lieweilya Park. OrhBg*, N.J. For turtbrr parucalars apply to


t) t i n e it


C R E f H B I L l , N . J .—AN B L B O A N T new stooe msns ion , t* feet sonars finished eiabo-

v . i y lu w*.nut and rueataal , wlia every a o d . r u lai proveBcat . b i tb* owner, tor hie own oaa. Al«o. large stone stable. Inlabed Ih H o * * - ' shape aud all other out-bouaea. w u b s arret 1.11 ' und 'r beaotual cultivation. W ui Pe eeM or leaaad oa tavorablc lar aaa.

WALL KIT. HAL! A OO . azahlSIt No. M Chambera atr .e l .

A I » K HALB—FORBST O R O V B P R O nam MUTT.—The Toww Hoa.a. Mansard root, 1. rooms. all tbe modern Improvement. : s city i.-is. aontb aid* P ace, near Boaion Bo.d, Mortisania. AUo, tne large aaanaion on Boston Boad. opposite First street. All m utri Improtemenu. U M , hot and oot* water; I city lot*, l a a t easy. Apply al Bowery. mart.sA .u

gmtfOtt SALB—IN T B B Y l b U A O B O F "Y"" I'onrheaier, Weatckater Co., * place contain na about liacrat. Itfrontion Grace st., and run* down to UeSoeao Apply te JAMBS F. aBCOB, Bk,

msri It—It M Weal atrset, Bew York city.

© F O R SALB A T T B N A F L Y , N B A R t i m i w o o D . N. J . W M i s c m raoa bast Yoax

n< NukTHBKR PLACE.-A House with lower, stone Porehea end a Ptaaaa. Mxi> feet Miutled uisou a plot ol ground equal to Uie area 01 IS lull ciiy lots, i a i .usoa . i t aid oet la gazsSea, fruit and orna 1. ei.ia. grouaoe, with atoned and xraveilod walk* and ap pioack roads anu pleated with cbolos fruit, nowawxeg shi ube aad shade ireea.

The bona fronts soatb on s private aveaae. with Bngle atreet on lae weal aad Clinton av*ua* 1 itadiag 10 ta* aaninlt « ihe PartsaOwa) oa tb* aorah ot It. Railroad ataiiou, cbnrches, schools and storee.withia five minntoa'

Ihe bona* command* a view of Pstertoe, Newark,

tagie Moaatain, l leraoat , Hackeaaaok River, Slatea land and the CBWre aurro.ndina eoentry. The loeailoa

Is the bee, oe the slop* of tea Th. 1. oaa. la eonvealaat l a l i ­ l t

speaking tubs*, belli. A c and Is in all tt ihoreughlT wAl built aud fluiabed.

l.OTH FOR SAI .K. -81S L O T S , W I T H I s t f i Iroui on Newtown t'reek. near Pennv Bridge,

tivn s i . . . .a 1. r ,s aoutb aide - la i eu lalanJ. WM. <t ( 1 IIIK

ZSZ lavrze troui on Brooklyn. Al

i l l ' i i to n i a t s i l i - 1 Hi' Wi 1 am «i

C T O L r. T . Bu! The tonr uew first•• lass thrte-siorv bilck n o o l hoaaes. No. i< ti. ri and IN vaoil-ri 'M ave bue, Hroa kivi., b . t a . ' U Uark and F.uahil./ avenue*, bavtna a.l 'be n. d i m impr ivemenia. Two ar.i now rvaii.t for ee- ui an, >. au-1 tne other two will be rr*<iy by March'at '< t .n " - en al a.ivtl-n. bv apniyll-r tn rrouias I onnldaon. 1 .1 pei.ier. at Noa- SS anil i>, and tor lullbcr part', i ia la 10 B. BLANCO,

l ibMf NO is^gontb tV'illaua si., N. Y.

| » T i l I. h i . alia No* Sia and sir uraud avenue. Brooklyn, two flrat-. .»•* u.ree-atory an* baaement browa stooe, be i s e a n l ' . K a i h and Lafayette avenue. . Bavlaz all tbe ipoiiert iruproveiLiema aoa in perlect order. Can be seen at aay by applying- at No. t i earn- row. For i. r ... api lv lo B. BLANCO.

letMif No. IS South William st., N. Y.

furnace, range, hot aad eotd water, waah trays. Baths water rioeata. speaking tubta. bel'

WUI be idle' cheap and oa easy terms Apply OB tea aratoasa to otaObOK D. LYMAN, or to

K. Il LL'DLoW A CO., No 3 Pine at., M. Y. mars SI-3S

M B A N K S O F T H B H U D S O N . — F O R a.i, l o . l o - e BB eat ite. a f.r.i. ol atw acres on toe

west sid., near Poeehkeep.i .; excelleat neizhborbood . luazuiftret.i nver view for twenty mllea. commodiona bouae, baro farm bouse and every neceaary onrbolld ixg. trull and ahaae trees. amount ot caah re-qaind . ereat bargain now, aad tne We-i Shore Uaiiroad ai'l and sieat.y In the value of tbe property in leas thaa Binelv i aia Apply to JAMhS I'RICtC.

mart It— t tm Hudson street.


Sot-THAxtT-rON, March 8.— Tbe tteamshtp Bre­men, from New York, krnved to-day.


Lohooit. Barch 8—11 A. at.—Connote open at M S for money and M S for tbe acconai; Unite! Sate* rive-twenty boad* earner. Stocks easier : Brie, 94s ;

lllusote, M S . LONDON, Barch 9 - 1 r. at. United State* Five-

twenty bonds are uraaer at t i \ Siacka quiet. Illi­nois ( eLtra-s, 97S •

CObTMEBClaX. IJVawjNsriL, March 8—11 A. at . -Cotton-The market

open* quiet al the following quotai one : Mlddltn; l' |-lauos, lAutltSd.; Biddling o.-leaue. i l e a , '.'ad The sale* ol the day arc rat mated al Hi.fllO bale*.

Brravlstuflb-Wheal, M. M. per rratal for No. S red weaiern.

LONDOK, MarcttS.-Linseod oil. £1* per ton 8<u*r, aOa. 96. |ser rwn. for No. l l Dutch sundard.

I.ITZBIMOL, March 8—1 r. xt— t ottou — i t c mar ket is active, and prices have advanced a fraction. Middling upianda. l « s d ; middling Orleana, 1 J'.d.

The aale* of the day, It is now thought, will reach It,000 Dales.

Brcauaiufie-Wheat, 10a. *d. per c nUI lor California white

Provniooa—Bacon, 59a. per cwi. for Cuaiberiaad cat. Lard To* rK»r rwt.

Produce—Tallow, 46* M. per cwt.

t» r a i h e r k s e a r u l i a r , h h. B A . BL Ptart. Soso. WeatArr. 7>rv.

PI-AMT«B Cov* . . .NBW Clear l U i i z . x BW Clear PUBTLAIIS W Clear BOWIOH W Clear Uew BOO NW Clear BurTALO W Cloavdy Cuicaoo K Cloudy r T n a o a a s — Ckoney NBW l e a s t W Haxy PeiL-anawjwia. . IW Hazy WrxatrMOTOti W Ciowdy H u u s t f u i S Cloady FnaTBza«MOKROk.8V\' 1 loud > IUraaoBS SW Cloady (uaaiateToa N I Clear A l u I i T l B Cloudy BAVAMWAB NNK Clear Loruvuxk 8 Cloady MOBIL* B Cloady Nzw CMLBAB* B Cloady KzyWarr MR Clear HAVANA NE Clear

T H B F R E E T M A D i : M E E T I N G

rsebecrtpi ieB* a a d B e e . l a t l . a a .

St l.i

*' «7 .11 *> •a A) S i 11 SJ fi­l l 41 41 S5 M 4' t>>

.57 h i 73


•«• FOR SALB—A FlHHT-CLAr-H OOUN Mik try s e t , ci mistime af * large, new aad a'ylish I .use slid seven acres of lawn and fro't, beautifully sit Uaii" m ar tbe hater, at Onabla, Westchester county, one hor.r irom Twenty-seventh sir*eL via New Ha, n Ralii'.ad. and only a short distance from the prop j.ed l'oruh sirr Railroad. Will be aold low or exchanged foi productive New York or Brooklya property.

Alsti. for sale. Bear the above, a lurnuhcd i ottage. with stanie and one acreot land.

marstt HALsTKD A STILkS. « and lo White "'

M . F O R HALM A T I ' O l l i t l h U ' l ' S l h BCa. An eiegant boaae, French roof, in rooms, a., m 'd t rn in, proven eui«, aaa a one staole and coach hoaac aitacuid; count ne aold without the stable il desired . poeaeeeio. In April. For particulars and term,, which can he made reaeonable, .poly to J AMI. I'ltiCh,

marS et—10 ret Hudson at.

H B I Kit A* P B U P t K r l , U L D B H T A B I S H B D K B A I . B N T A T B A G B N C V

AT MO.NTCLA1R. B. J. s-B T H B S C B S C R I R B R S H A V I N O EK been engaged in the real estate bnatnea, tor the last ten year* at that place, have now on their hooka a tew vaiaabl* placea for aa a and to rent, well worth lb* attea-uor. a persona wtohmg lo pan-base or real at fair prices win he ready on the arrival of tra'n, to show prop-ny. Mn-tcia r Railroad d.pot. For parties. lars send lor circular, oi . ai. ou

WM H. HARRIS A CO., febis tf Real Batat* Agents.

EtiM S A I . B A T T A M M Y T O W I S a i 7 . » 0 * .

M A HTONK HOUSB, B U I L T IN T H B moat auhsia tlal inaanri, with atabl* aad carriage

boot a aad about two acres of land; apple aad pear tree*, i all t i n t , Ac. This property baa a large f . o n l i : » on

B o a . t w a t . a . d Issmrounded bv flrat-claa reaid-uces. l i e opportnnity oi i i trcbssing a resp'Ctab'e rei'd • i.-e for the above rroderat price on the lav.irtie A V K N U B I I ' Ai'WAY is seloom offerid. This p.operty It Lss than one mile Irom Ihe Depot.

ApulylO s l.MHKIiallS,

_mar-5teod-17 ttl Kighlh avenav

| V - K r t l . l . b W O O O , N. J . Ml

f* WK A R F O I V I N O S P E C I A L ATTRN-aaaa. lion to the sale oi i.ou.. a aud 1. a near in. deool at er vie wood. N. J . on Uie N or...., ru Ka.lroad, bi. w J or-•ev. em lavorable terms. WALLKtt, BAI.I . A C" .

mart! i s to chamber straei.


£ F O R H A L E , O N N O R T H B R O A D war - A handaomr residence ; ihe nonse oo te ius It

rooms, Willi a lark' attic .nd eel ar under entire bul'ii i t s : Is vfii rurtiiabsd. with sll modern improvements. i.. i.nib.' tae, water Ac AOM>. S acres of around, laid oat In i w '. wl- h shrunherv nnd orna men lai iree-, uowor anil \* teiaiile zardcu. WHO a fine variety ol fruit; alao, i. ir ai> louse, aud gardber t house. Iwo walls ol eic oet t water and three cietern. oo the prrailse.! a L.auiijui river vie* . is in the heart of Ihe vi lag., and 11 location ha* BOsuprrior Plans and further partlcolars " WABD A OODkN.

marl 1st Broadway and I7tb tt.. Union Sqnsre.

s F L t k T O B )tm A l l l k S FOR SALB IN B A S T C H B 8 T B B , e a t of and Bear Mount Veraou depot. New H a r . n

R . a beauilfal plot of grouad, re* I v fo> Immediate ns*. unit many line abate treat; ground high and com n.aa dins, anu In the Immediate vicinity ol line residences a e d a t u m h a r ,i new aud stylish Itailaa villas, erected aim being ertctrd. Tbfcs Is a floe opportunity for a party to pur a h a * aad reaatl a TBI* plot*, a t a haudeome ad-vancs Apply to k o M B H MORUAN,

•""3 tteod <1«m No. t Pine stre t.

A FOB SALB-A COUNTRY RBSI-BEB d.nce (oa the New Bavea Railroad) wllb about rV'5» •e r*e of laeA Taa i a a o v e n a . a u ooaaut ol a new sWjateoltsge, coi talaans ten rooms, with abundance ol f*D*et*' peatrtas aa . slots root**; main floor Setsbed •ri ****** • * • sab. etatreaa* black walaat , veraadahs cacti. tecoad it ones, with view of the Sou nd froa

Alee, xarewaei a lodg*. rlth tsaseaeet stable. These baildiazs are all uew. built

feer rooms, carnage boise. la th' aoat a 'bstae'ial ' n u n r, mainly with hew* eh s-BBa f i i t^La 1 ' !* sewsMaei dwelllaa being doable lethal aad plsaered tbrengboeL a. T**JJI°'1B4'!'n*MI of a lew* beaatifuny endalatiae. aaaoeoaavy aasMad s j i u a a a l a r a l x r o . ' h o l foraat area aL"?iLH.*\H^BM,*r**iB and ass pond Adlotniug ihe •*Vat^5^7'L?^f*>h of aeartv twenty acres, w th roada M IwMy a oodud. eaalala* a aaiatal aoail —tl aver^r .n - ing -trtamt and sp-ings.:tad lit aurface

ea . rkabiv varied aad p eturreoae. Tbeve are awo to . ^ f o l i J f ""fT' s-veral acrns of paature l.sra tad a large garden with all

BBS ton addition

i garden with ^ , y n . B | u | B . p a n u a o c e w t*HZ?l'***f*lT iwo xatoaiea' n i l trout Noroton p ' ^ y ^ t l J * * * . " a a l t r d tad L>arlen, .n New Haven K , V. , !^aJ2ai i*!5•• , SMS t b . Boaae. »n a aetrhboraood eatliwly o«osd of eaiaaaeee. with a l.*ataoti uavserpaaaad in ;s c-'inblnatlnn. „, wuBbrlty.beauiy aadeonveulaace. " J l L S * . H l J S T , ^ 9 t m Iwrsts'se will secure to tbe par ' " i T * rrir^?IS*k. ,*>*s • * • a aoat proAtaba l a , a t a n i l . ror partUubxr, aad per^IM aeely to

c . w. B A L L A B D , l i Beat 1MB fcbtl

sxai s ^ i i L . B 4 L » ^ H T ° B B N T — A T B a BVdgefleld. loan. , a larg* doable koose. Sflv f**t irom, Ma. saru roof. p,.xza al I around. See abed* tree*. * 'It ' ^ \ T - * W 1 T ' P •***, *» tbe wratre of tbe vulage. T*•»<>. »».S**eatbBa cottage, with feer acres oTtaad T b t c itacr at a recent coewtrueUon end eitbaxedera l B e i u i * a » a a .

ibavi i i n o f BUdB-aaeiviaa aaewbtored by maav one ot tf.e mes- Be.aiuui la NewSncand It la ai-.atee oe e rtngr e. hard sea lew, above tide-waier. aud oaa tans all the aavi-nier-e* of raer. lalaau a la mis ka tb* parity of tb* aunoWbtre aad dry a, a of tbe e l ia i lo . Th. h-at is tem­per, d-by a cold bre, a*, eoaatqaeat epeo tMeteveaed poa'tior. -

Its euBlaaeltv lo hew Tor*; uaTera zie il »d. aotage* te peraoi s d. -ii .u« a iicasa t au -mer raidaeee / L ? » l — S - A ™ * * a * Y . I»*. ft WaH str«i 1 LDLOW a CO., No S i t a e , ! . , Bew York.

t. or V. B.

mart steod (P4IT)

I. ar ba .aa .aa* rarvhxawa. l e t eases laaa. elagesM: tat* oat aa* laproveT: water w o a aeeatat* aas-iaz baaswanseiy aaal aniMI.Mti BaaMbil i will Be aetd • the tow ksrteeef SMaat. Aiy p. noa saaklag a batuMaf-b o - e c . t b . r e » « a ^ e « ^ *£

naarlMae* » . beakers st

m F O R BALB—AT D A B I B N , OONN. , A ' b * beeate-e. eeaavtry M e l a* W a A Cwxaav<sg.,

t?rfitar' A i w i y

M A V O R A N « A cettaigea tor aal

hwawa IH.ea r i w a a s w t a i a ,

e s r l k s . 4 a



S l - O R S A L K - S O M B O F T H E F I A B B T Mai.aioue on the liodaon kioocy put oot on bond

Morlsaar*. Apply to O. A. Bl.le>, Y'oakera. marl Tt—as er at No. IH creeuwici. st.

EF o B S A L B - A FINB COUNTRY residence located about I miles from Uahway on *w Jersey MM. and s. mile Irom depot. Couiain. Sn

acrea ol good laud, with building! complete. I'rice, OtoAte.

Aito. OB* al Bteteu lalaad, 79 acrea. ttook, A c , 0M.M*. Alao one at PeaksktU, IS acrea, fro.mag Ihe Hadaoa,

S-.'o.ism. E. O. LocKk, mart ft 111 Ith at., bet. Broadway and Itb ave

F O R SALB A T N B W A R K , N. J . -_ 1 te s-atvry sad basement briuk dweinzsg No. 1>1 ssMnztoa st., coatain* aevea rooma, with gae, hot and

cold water, raages. toaiha, A c Ia la complete uroer. bating recently been thoroughly repaired , it centra.iy located, being within ken annates' walk of two depots For further particulars inquire on lb* premi-ea, or of

P II rtALLANTiNA. 1S7 Kiv.r ai . marl tl - la' Newark_N. J.

s|g| F O R S A L B O R K X C U A N O E , A T aTS. (irrenwlrh.ct .for unprovad hew York or Brook vn property, a nne country r. .ldencc Honaeoobiaininc

:.t robms, carnage house soxSo, wivb 2S acres of land, a niinutei' walk Irom uepot. HENRY M. BAILEY. It—1 X95 Broome tt., from .' to 3.

•J-TVoR SALB—A COUNTBY RBSI E k u e n r e . Ot i ia lu lnz about Sb acrea. si anted to Ihe towi. oi I i lb .u., S ii.ilea trout l l . r cut. oi lbs li .-tot, )'. al l . o . u run . i i a d wn lo r a - t ' b e s l e r Creek : about ' i.iit. a u o m Moaul Vernon and hall mile from Pelnam. vine depute ou New H . v e u ha i i ioad . I be land it beaut. s i iuateo . Apply t o J A M b b F. BhCOH Ez . .

m;. 14 It—li e» West sireet.

s f p Y O N K B R S P R O P E R T K — T H E •*•' 1 onkeri Real kV.alc Pulletlu wi I give you all the a-aired iBlormatiOb A d n r e a , H. w . BASUPOKD, Tonaera, N. Y. l a n a eodtfaol tDU_

*f| F O R SALB O B TO L B T — N B W B a t house* in l b * Park *t Sam . I t , N . J . near tbe Mor i is and ksaex uepot. MoanlaiBBir aud beau I if n scenery. Also, a large bnek bouae in the village, sui tsbie for a store aud boarding, together with stable*.

J. KlkMA. Botumii. N .J . . Bi*r9 4 i e . v d - « or t,7*4 P. O , New York.


- 1 a o laize uew llrst-claas hauaes, lust coapleicd. with about ai, acre to each boaae : nnaaed with black walnut, tiled halts and ail modern irapiovsaenu . water aad gas tlirougnout, furnace, A c ; saboeS ar. beaoaebt, two-i'cry aad attic, (P reach roof). U issaeat co . iems kitchen, laundry, store room and bi Hard room. First. story, tuiie ol parlor*. diatBg raoa (all quite large i butier't pantry as* library. story, 4 Isrge bed rooms, aaeommnilr .uug, ampipcloaeta, bath room, ac. Alt . c two large spare room*, with nsantelt, ilm n room ano two large loom* for servant*.

l lazzaon three sloes of hoose. View of Hudson River unsurpassed. Witain three aMa*t*s' walk ot Hndaoa Biver Uaiiroad depot, stable and coach bouae. Rent OVbs*. MAI'.TIN A SMITH,

fibi M kl Waa*. atreet.

M TO B B N T — O N B T A T B N I S L A N D , Bear Port Klrhmono Landxaz. aa elegeat reaadeaee

eouuiBing 11 room*, partly taroMbed, st seres of iaad. taatetaliy laid ee l Mabie aau iTardeaer's Lodge oa Urouada. Tbe piece s

eeat view I

aarS Meed

ea htzo groaad aad esazaaaada a aagalfl eat tijkw iter aaaaa . Apply to

B. B. LUDLOW A CO. tatklli I Plae street.

m TO LBT—AT IjBTIHSjrTOrT, ON T H B BB. Baawea, for the s e a a s r atr year, ewe of tbe moat beautual COBBUT seela * • She nyer beak, kboroagaiy fkruiibed. Abeat Ok acrea of a a * .

lBYlaH * BBiABAP, SS Wtlliaa at.

A T O L B T - O N T H B U P P B B T B B -* B rate, aear; Ot,Morris HoUl, B .w Brunton. foar hoesea. two ureishi d AH brve a odera impravemena Fine viaw, abd are aear beta B**TM». _

It—7 A- PBKNTICk, ltf Brosdway.

TO L E T , W I T H I M M E D I A T E P O S -esa.on, a v.ry lar*. fbgnktbad aaatlon, with largi no*. aiR.vai.wo.eo, L. 1^ oe tha Bast » » « . » w » groonda, i

site Mib s! NlNli'S, «*h**tl sit* Sttb at. Kent MSB*. ' P .

sr. oppo-iiarttraiar. apply ai FAN.

Bowery. Bar* St

•AW COUNTBY F H a 2 " J E ° , > " * H n a awMBtaa B i v a z a — C w a a a l l n n . boeya.,

BBTouab.lieibit*. w l i * i v * aerea of Iaad, good g a r l e k . Bee toawhewa* * • * « • Maaw.*sa*woae views. Ac. oa tas ted

C O U N T B Y Bi

l l l <

ou Baaxwutug.ale Heed, abaet halt hataaaviur. Plisasnl a a a a a aad be rrated to a prlreto BBBBF oaiy.

O N le

arubari Apply al l ie


XT are at.

tTO BBNT FOB THB BUMMBB.-A turultbad cottage and Ten acre* of Iaad, focrteeu from Bew York and eoeveuieat to deeot

I'leaaaal law*, frove and atraaav Mood gad

' T ^ y a r - o . t o . ^ - f j . ^ latoe. B.w York.

«| A T N B W B B I w H T O N ( B A M I L T O N I paaa. i—To rem. fai a M i s and BBfi.raaii>td. fease t-< l a a Y'ulat, gas. water, aardees, atablea , adaoiad

let wtoter or BMazeer r i i l l i a t i ; deetghirully loeaied.

M^hugMh, «r . -nf-a l f f lL'T.I- .a iH Beowdz^


F A B MS F O B SALB W I T H P 0 8 8 B B -Htnea E *rea—oee et SM acrea tear Chaeaasa* Bi

aairoe*. goee laaa! : prtca. ftl**. ueeoted aoraa. aaavtBe. Oayea. awbMsea. a * , tf aastrwflx oee or ua,

aaza**, a a a a haawss,Oae iaaarevau.*nia.BfaAa; ana

"BMBAawSOB. ttt Mb u

M e - »

F A B M OH H U D S O N R I V B H F O R b i L * . Tirwa of Flaeklai, CaiMaze Lae It e g . can.

- l a a a . Bat laa edvaataee a acre thea half a Bait, af steer Itwtata aad eawAaaaag asyveral vaaaabu — -•—-g alaa. : ahead' aaca at Beds i a a s . thaa i M aetata Srwe* i etarzta eeabu aoeac-aad aD The ae t a . i t ewtBeltsBaaa. te g <od erder, (>basBtaet- -a wabv f»ea ra-iretad dtyajT. Aar y te WM A. BUDD,m asvfls* Mb*** ewees. t . r , or oe i t j j K *


at^MWrwa-wWilt^^^ sain.aa. I BBVWWBBI

Mr. Robert B. Mlnturn oflered the tollowing resolutions at the Free Trade Meeting held at the Merchants' Exchange aad News Room on Saturday afternoon, after the cloae of oar report, which wore onantmo JSIJ adopted :

Resolved. That the free-trade (by which we mean an exemption from taxation, except so tar as may be ne ceaaary to pay the debt aad defray tbe ex petite* of gov­ernment) ia In accordance wit* the theory of American lBstltailons, aad ia demanded by the beet ia teres u ei tb* COBB try.

Beaolved, That we will do eur uttuost to dieenmlnate the pilactples and promote the practice of free trade as thaa damned.

tteeolved. That a committee of Owe he appointed hy the cnalr to co-operate with the American Free-Tradi Leegaw in promoting the object ol the torerotag issaMllsaa.

Br. Mintnrn aold that tbe protective lystem Is Injurious to tha true interest* of th* country. " Bat," be sdded, '• we are Interested lo this matter lo sn important point of view—the phil-anttiropic I oelleT« that tbe protocUre ejs'eoa Is unjust to the poor man. It la unjust thst the poor man should be taxed for UM support of aay private Interest whatever. (Applause.) Now It Is the poor man who (eels tbe load. I am tres-turer of tbe kMociation for lmprorlog tbe condition ol tbe poor, whicL does * lsrger ktaonat ol work among tbe poor than any otner association in the country. We have loaud that uotuiiiisuiidiag the extreme mildneM ol the present winter we bave, there has been a greater amount of dtsttees, and we butt had a greater call upon our resour­ces, lbsi. ever belore. Last winter was an exceed­ingly severe one, while tins has been a very Mild oae: yet, notwithstanding this, tne association bas bad more to do tui* season than ever Delore. Why 1* thisf The reason I* plainly Indicated in Mr. Walla's admirable report Mr. Wells tells ns that although Wawes have goo* up, they have by ao mean* advanced In the same proportion tbst the price* al tbe neceaaanet ot Uie have Increased, ao that the poor Man Is worse off than ever belore. Tbe poor-man in this country Is actuAil) worse off than his competitor in Eag land. It M true that be receive! MOM money for bis day's wages, bat It M alao true that hi* day's wages will not procure turn so many ot the neces­saries ot enjoyments ol life. Now, gentlemen, this is all wrong, snd D M be slapped, aad to do this we wsnt ) oar help. It ha* been very truly •aid by tbe previous speakers that free trade, M we ondersUnd It, does not mesa tbe abo­lition of custom house*. Many pssraont will not help us because tbey suppose that Is onr object, and tell n* that our Tlews are Impracticable. Now, that is not what we propose, but only to have a revenue which shall lake as little as poaaible Irom the pockets ol tbe people, and yet pat as much as possible into the tressury ot tbe government. Tbe report* show tbst, while some two tbouaand attiele* are taxed, nearly all Use revenue I* derived trotts thirteen article*. Prom thirteen article* we could get all tbe revenue we need, and tbe two thousand arti­cle* might remain untaxed. Think what an im ptoveiuect that would be. Bat tbe rings In the interest of the protective system keep up tbe old stale ot thing*. Tbey organized and used money to effect their objects. Wc most Imitate tbem in this. We must organize and work and give our money.

Mr. Sand* said that the League propoaed to send lecturers into the West, who would require to be paid. While the members o! the LeaaTUc were- willing to do all they could, their ability was suisil, and tbey must look to the merchants of New York for support. As one ot those mer ebants I beg to aay that I will give f 5,000.

Ibe following subscriptions were then volun tecred by gentlemen present:

Mahlon band*. $o.ia*>; Charles H. Marshall. gVotki : Hubert B. Mlnturn. 0A5HU ; T h o m a s Uo.laiiii, I L n i l ; Wi . l iam J e s s u p A Mane. Eoou: W. D. I I - J W konj : J u n e * M Brown, g l . t i i l ; Alfred Pen . J r . aatsi 11. W. T Mall A Co. , $.*»i. Daniel C Bait Mi.», I * ' , Lout* Yt/indrnnelli-r A Roelker. aiflu. r ia i tman A Co. , gxou; Henry Oi. xinaon. g iou : T B Merrick A Co. , $100; C h * . ConuPeveo: Son, glUJ; J Miller £ H o u g h t o n , f l u b : Cart wright*UatTaSon. f 100 a "Free-trader, $8 Total , o n A V i .

Mr. (has. II M*r<ball, 88 Burling Blip, Is tbe Treasurer o! the League and will receive further contributions.

Tbe President appointed tne foUowlng-named gentlemen to be the committee mentioned in the above resolutions: Howard Potter, (jeo. Cabot Ward, Kobt. B. Bint urn, Chas. H. Marshall and Msblon Hands

CITY 1 N T E L L I U E N C E .

AmaaesBOBta ikia Kvra lag . ACADkktT or Music.—"TravUta." 8o'clock. xsOOTB'S TBkATBB —" " '~ " 7 S O'clock WAIaaAOK'S TBBAI Sothln. . '

8 o'clock. BbOceHAk's TaxtATh tol

of Venice." Plrst L OhTmnc TasATB*.—" rii. F a t s i H T B B A T B * . — " rieur -a NoabO'a U A K D S B . — " The Forty Tbt. o clock. WOOD'S MI-*BTJB —" izlon" and " Ticket-of Leave

Man." IM o'clock. BBOAOWAT TnkaTa*.—Miss Kate Heignuld* In "The

Shadow of a Crime." Ts o'clock. WAVBBXZT TaaaTaz. - " LucreaaBorgiA." Burlesque

opera. 8 o'clock. N i w YOBB (IBTTJI — BqueatriAn aad Qymnaitlc Per-

foraaancee. b o'clock. NaTionaL Ai SUZBT or Daaiog—Becond Winter gz -

hibtlion. —Cor Fourth ave aud 1 weoly ihlrd at. TaauaAiTT HALL.—Combination Pe-fornunce

T h e k s t r r a M a r d e r It JABke LOOi.N NO. I UCILTT 1

Another Important link in tbe chain of circumstantial evidence against James Logan No. S has been supplied by the girl Martha Kllaworth, who Is sick at Black well'* Island Hospital. On Saturday abe was nailed by Deputy Coroaer bhlne and District Attorney Qar Tin, when Me detaileJ to them all the circuaxkstknree that transpired on the morning of the murder between Jamee Logan No. 1 and brraelf. Bbe said that ab . then Informed Logan she was euk. had no money, had no meana of procuring any. and, further, that the landlady, a woman named Bennett, with whom she lived, would Mr* her out of door* and send her to BlaekweU'e lalaLd. To this Logan, who wa* alao without money, reaponaed emphatically, with an oath: "You shan't

ge to * hospital: I'm going aw Iowa, aad by Til Btake a r*la*. and be back by tea o'clock " Me did not -etau-a that day, bat on the next day visiied h a . and aa he .Md obtained no mow**. Me was aezu to Ihe hosal-t*J. It Is further charged that Michael Logan whoa *r reeted bad a karge earn of money la his poeaeeeioe with which be intended to sawl Jamr- Logan to California by the nezl a tea mer

A a e t b r r H a r d e r . Bhortly before urn* o'clock ycwterday atoralug Me

police were noUfled that a woman waa lying dead ta a akanty oa Sixty -sixth street, between Bkghtb and Ninth aveaae*. On vlftttog the place, a wnmss uaaawd RUZA Calohaa waa found stretobod npoa a baa, bar Body ana head covered with wounds, a* If Me bad bean batten to death. Captain Deime and hi* offlcer* aaarcbed Me at! sera bi* hovel for th* weapon, aaed la canning the wiimaa'e daalb. aad foszad a broom aa aal* broke* ta two aad hii.aasr.rt with blood, • «li:k of cord wood, about two Inches thick, to wliich adatered both blood aad hair, and a bottle, brokea at th* a*ck. also besmeared with Wood, aad bavyag hair sMirtag to I t Tha floor and sides of tbe cabin were beapauered with blood bearing evidence to the awazfai wtrwggi. which had

John aUfert, sged alzty four years, a ( I s f a a , who lived with the woaaan. and his saa, aged eleven rears were arteatad oa tutptrloe of havtag award*rad the wo man. Tbey deny Ih* acs-Mzulon, aartag OxaMsttowM ef InleaiBwtaie bzMt*. aad that ah* foil dew* taeeaaVS while intoxicated. The body wa* removed te the Borgue, wbrre aa inq***t will be held to-ssorrow

kHkwTraaafal arta* Bgkt took phaee ytwtevMy a azaa exaployed

ia the Cation. Hotute, named Jaae* Cottarilj. aad Michael Delkaey, aitat "Roddy, the Batcher, b Waah tnttoa MeravM mast doalpr. Alavgsgang of Now York


and M e n a k a aaal She day and even iag .



•Wvtoaa at ihe BaWsMDatoh MhfM*a<BaB*ft


OoeSy Ma*ueal -oca-ty, i* the I razserali

Coeaty Maxttoal Bocaety. ta tb* MM veer of Ma age. u ^ a d W v i c e s to the xlMAclair rVe^'aynan C M M , zlaroh 0, a I o'etocfc r. a . Baxabtra W th* aUsex aTtotoeal VBAMJ* aad ef ah* BsirkiaM • I B I I S B T . a t , an sniafl • of th* awzuiy.ara Mvitea to txttoazt Wxahomt fartbrr to 1MB la . (toy* Mar. BBXMBBW atoaat strrv. New 1 ork, at 11 a rjkdr»t OrJJr.

r O W L R B - A I

V^lh* Beard wf B^B-AIBM ft th* Prbte* "J" S J * " * . »*d tb* etorgv, are raflatiatd

h - h s a - M M . " * * " * * " • * * » - * » * • •»»-»» •* MUaOBAVB-Oe TtozMaw Msub A aa —

Haas Martha, w.fe of T-asUarM.armvT^a^atlai .earsaamUawawMw. ^ ^ aaagreve, agafl »

WLNTMBOP At Pwa, Brawsa, M Baxar tov a t h toll tfteavaie WtoMraas ef ta*Tctty,ToTax*a7«x^ ht* saw a


T I F F A I N Y & C O , NOK .r»50 tfe 552 BROADWAY, N. Y.

Dealers iii aiul importers of Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires, Pearls, aud other Precious Stones, in addition to their large stock of unmounted gem!*, present an uueipialled collection of diamond aud gem jewelry, to which tin y are constantly adding the choicest novelties in settings from Lrondon and Paris,



Arms for Extjiirtalion. 10.000 Spriagfiell Kifled Mtiaketo

5,000 Enfield Hilled Mu«ket*

5,000 KeniiiigioD Urec-cb Ixkading Muskets.

?,0O0 Remiryrtcn Pret-ch T/Ottding C*rbine«.

Atumnnition to suit For sale by




Orrioa or m I P K A A T WgATaJUl MABtf lB I N 9 L B A B C E CO.

( j z z a r WasTBha B r i L B t a o s , b O . I I W I L L I A M 0 T B E E T ,

B g W Y O B * . J a a a a r y Htk, 1MB By the rrsoluUoo. of th* Directors a Ibis c o a p a n y

ooBverttag lb* vanow* Bertp l a a a halo Caatiai atork. tb* Company becomes wholly i M u i k COMPAbY. aad POLICY HOI.l iklta WILL KOf BB B b l l T L K D TO PAxt l lCLPATb IB T B k PROF ITS OF T B B COall'A • Y.

But Po.lctet will be aagatlated. wb*a dearrd . at the Carreat rata* of flrat-claa* Mataai Coaspaaiaa. with a Caah t e l a ' a , aa a* equivalent tor Bcrtp divideuas. Otherwiae tbe lowest aal r a s a will b* named La lieu ef a.l t a n n e r dktcoanla.

) a n » n t e c s x 9 f t RICHABD L A T B E B 3 . PrwSyteat.

I B O U I T I C T B , BULLDBBM, sad laoae aeelru-g lo obtain

MARBI.k MAKTELB of aew deelrn*. carefully aelectad with regard te taate. alegaae* and economy, are invited to call at tbe manu factory aad warerooxaa of

FIBBER A BIBD. aaartaeda Boa. *1 it* kaat Meeatoa a .

a^«»r-» O F U C B O F T U B W A B H O B B h ^ t TOOL ia. , IB c a a s s i t i ST., b aw Yoaa, IT'h February. I M S . - A maaiing uf th* Bharsyho dart a th* Washoe Tool Coaaaay will b* held ea TBCBaUAY, kaach U,lata,Mil v ' t k c i a . , s t taeir oamceiatChamhai it., N T.. tor lb* parpoae et l o c r e a i u tae caoliai stock or tbe company iroa one haaaww* ana twealy thoaaaad dollars to oB«Jiun*red ah* ei.Bly tbouaand dollars

J. D. HCNThB. COE ADAMs. UEbBT S. MOROAH, Malortty cl

I i u l . U M


T. art. CA

mc^-» F O B T O F B I C B N o r i C B — T U B B a _ ~ a ma.ia lor kuiope lor the week aadinz atarcu IS, w l i ibe*capatched irwa this o n e s as toiiowa. ri* : on TUsBDAY, * k u > k - - l ) * Y . TrtciKS.'Ay sad s t r i a DAY. ciosaag at It a , and at the ataUoes a. t . . . oaa . A a e o B . U.-ttiC a n d O . U J * ; D *nd h . l l . S . K *nd is, A.B. . IAMS.-I k k L L l . P at

a a l * Mood



Doaeatke Palaaas. Boa* Ooapa rore tga Perfaa.i CoaogasA FTwach Btaaha . stpalaia

*^r"* Y O U ]

lBgi«8 %"SSu

All principal x t a a i a l Watar. Tbe.attei l ion ot dealers is ca l ia l lo ray F . u i - r c a i of

Fancy and T. I et Ocoda, all ge.aua*, f r o a neat Bakers x*v- w i l l r e a o v . .Mot May to e i l e n a i v e p r e a a s a , NO.

t COLLkUE PLACE. NkW V u t t k . aaarstlM


LHU, at I o'clock. Members and luelr It-tk

T R E B T O S . ?f. J. , F B B . SS, 1 8 0 0 -bOTlCk.-TM Delaware aad Martian Canal

aavavalioa Mare* 1*. J u n k O. (TEVBwfl,

tt BaglBeev ana BBpennieadaat.

L O S T — * C B U T 1 F I C A T * OF 100 Bkarea of Ohio aad MkaekMlppt MAI.way Com-

baay.ho (os.ta tb* a a a t -I MokYAM A OOL'LO. lb« public are caotaoae. agaia.. aagotlaiag the same,

a tranaier baa been stopped, and measures lazea for i n . ia*a* of • arw eerUflcat*.

WILLIAM* A hvOBTWlCB, SO and it kxehang. riaee, X. Y.

Febrrary la. IMS. I M r f B - *


.•aia IIS, I I * .


laa, • * vlrta. et aas. a aaaa aaaa* waa tb* pro vhwoa* of aa act of tha Legtaaaaare ot laa abate oi Uiusota trued " t i « t n retain.a to tb* pa aaland ta ie iaaot the bias. Satst.'' apa.eead Fozsraaary E l iwS . l . JOHA M. PALMAB. Croverooi of th* State oi Illinois, do hereby notify all whom H aay eoecera, that ou lb . flr*t day of Azsol. lata, AT T a g AMBRlcAri kXCHAbUE hATlOSAL BAKE, IM I B * ClT i ot NEW 10MK. tbe treasurer o, the i-ulr a I In BOM will pay toe beau* of aakd State aaraafkar particularly deazBAted in tbw proe.aaatloe , aad by virtue of aad in ot paid law I oo lartber notify, all whoa it any eoooara, laat th . lbterost opon each and all of said oonda will ccaac Ir m tbe time ot payment eperinr-1 la this notice, to wit. from tbe said IM day ol April, lata, vis. isfc'.ed in parsaAooe ol lae above rented art, be log Hi Iunded Blocs payable after lata, aad B.JlBwTvd as fo'lows : No- i, a , sa, ss. Jl 4*. M, Se. at. ts, a*, at, ISO,

131). 119, Ul, Iti, ltd, 1«. i t , 107 IB. lis. 111. 171, tit. ui. us, at. m. ns. 17,. *»i. sai. IWI.JM. let. IH, Ms, ita. IM. too, *M. Ml. MS. MB, h a . art. t i t , txx, 40*. IA. 4 » , IS 1, US, t i t , l i t , IS,, Its, (la, t t l , t»i, lis. tt i , fTS, ass. a , , swi. soi. »«, »i. ¥t. »**,

Sot, SC7, sia, S-2 5ve. SHI. M.. StB. SSI. bat. SM. Btl. SM. t t t , tin, m, ITS. 17s. tell, t t l , s u . aeu, try, ' .«, .as, ;.;. j , ui, 741, 7%«, 7*!, 7 * to«IS i lbc ias iv . i .B i l , Rl>, s . l . »47. .»• aay, .ho. sol. (six. sal. r M , saa, aM. M- . *£*, SM. set, as:, sta.awl, .".u, s i ' , all. via, n » , s i .

Alao, IMued pursuant to as act enui l rd " I n act to prevent loss to the slate opon toe Macalis' -r and b-tobbaia Poaua," approved Feb. to, lass, belaz 1.1,1 la Hot. Mm.da. laau.-d 10 James tlolrard. ooanoered I l - i l l . i . .< . 11-1 V.- . . b d A O . 21 l a . > - ' ( I n l O s . V C ) , O l l l . a i a , ' . ' * I, and bo. to', lot'.

In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand ano cause to be axttxed the great anal 01 Mate.

Done at the city of bpi . . . . . o i l , una .sin day ol .1 ana an . a. 11. isty

JOHN M. PALMAR. Governor B) thctsoreruor:

how ABD BctiBZLL, be. retAry of state. lebtl sat C I T Y O F B M W YO 1th . , UK1-A.I .T-ra iTaxiT or P lsaavcz. Btsxat or TUX t t t

t aivaa or Tazaa. Cocar H u n t , n i l , ta c aaa aaaa t-T. PahlM autiee w bansby given khat ail aarrtars 01 Per­sonal lazea BOW I K a e vo be t-a.d a the outc. ul AbDrfW J MMlTH, I-q., At'ovreey or the Cuilectlon ol Arr-anoII'.rtonai laviea. ho. Ua b aaaaa at. and that tbe books relating to tack arrears will be found at .Ad offtce.

bo aenaoc bat the said Attorney or the Baoerasgaad a anlbonaed lo leceiva or receipt tor aueh arrears, except la eaaw* of warranta vateee b. reaita. wa«a the Marshal to wboM lbs? I aaaa M aire Mad will have lags, authority to collect tbe amount Incinded therein, aad all s . r u a heretofore ksswe* I* the paymeal ul *ay PeraonaJ Taxa a a hen by couaterataisewu.

Dated bew York, Januar, 11. IM). laattU BEatatABD SMYTU. Receiver.

LECTURBa COOPKK UMlUM FMBB M L ' rraaa.—A Metsre o a to. 1'ako. PaeiOc stau-

_X wilt, nuu-e.ous v iews taken by A. J. Boaae.1, kaq., ana Illustrated by Prof W.issuslet 's Blsrax.oaaloaes.a-. will be given In the Great Mali o a T C K B D A T a V k h l h G . Marcb Sib, at a 1- m. Admiaeicn Iree.


N I W Y O B B U l h T O B K AL Bcx'ikTT.—BpeclAl MeetxBA* WiL be held at tae

Library, oa 1 aiauay avaialag. Mare* sth, s a t Tbaraday, Marcb u i h . at eight o'clock.

a t V b l o t u i a k. kLLiB. U. U., 01 Charleston. M .-a . win delreer i a . . . a a aisea - Tbe A i a * sad Obsac s of tae kosnder* of MaMachaectte,' " l h a i r Tirataae.u 01 In isder* aad DtM*atlen'.s.-' ANDBkW S A H M I B

msr lbV-I t BeeordlBg Secretary.


Lira laa. t n or B. )'.. bo. a e . - . a i . a . , IT. k ., kebruary at, IS**.—feotare la hereby g1»e„ iiust the annual aleeiion ror aever 1*11.)-1 TO-C- . v.-ft.. the raraa cit t occaaiouid by Uie etpiracop of tne term ol toe unr* i-iBM. will Uk* place at the oBee ot the Cuaupaa.y,oa •OiDbkiilDAl.alarcAl*. UM.

rolls opea at u a. ana! eke** all r . a . hk.Vh) V. GAMAGAN. Beerviary


OFFICB O* TUB MBTBOrOLI _ TAB UaaueMT Co_ u s i n BaoAiswaT ABD

tan Biazzr. K B * t o a z , March MIL .tab), a, hereby given to tne Bu>. ahosdrr, or the Metrouonian Gs»n«bi company tt the 1 ity o, New York tha. a special election o. uiree bireotor* ot taio oowiaauy will be hem

mpaay on tae a d e UM,at 11 o'clock Boon, aad thai la* poll wni lor three hoar*


at UM oaket ot said campaay on the day of Marca,

WM. MEHLLAHAM. Beeratary

ol *< arch taataiat. aaaa froa tl to 1 o'clock r

ill « ' a

MkNBT B A P . Oeeratary

OFFICB TBJkOBSMBB'B FIBK . I s i i t a s c i C o . haw Yoaa.Mare* 1 iaws.-lu*

Bbnasl elecuoa ior dtrwetortol Uu* company will M held al the oktca. I b t r o a v * . ) , oa TCkBOA Y, Mi open trom 9 I a to 1 r. a

larch *. Pol l

T l M O t f l T Y. BaWWB.Ber'y

B B C O B P N A T I O N A L F B T M O LZTW i t . - T h e aaaaal mas n a g of Me stock-

. . . l e i tbe e l eeuoa of All l l l t a * fa* akvr eaaaiag year. M i l he hato at ta* 0 * 0 . of tb* company, at titoavilka. Pa., OB WkDMkaOA Y. the ISM kasstsast, e t l i Wotoca ai

JOttA M. BML'CA, J»_,**c'y. way. foarliia

BLBCTIOB NOTlCB-BTL'YfB-_ BAST I na r BABCB OotxTAB-v.—The Aa attoe-

tor TwwntyAv* ttoavetora aad tkVres li saistiisi ••! mat atBBA. bcettoa win be halo at the oara ol tbe

Coaaaay. Be. IM hVBWery. ca TUUBBDAY. MarM 11. MB. at 11 a , asavs jc ^{^ggf^f-'

. . " . i i :

<w MBW T O R K , F B B B U A B Y

KsrBlaait i -« ,

II Ua»B«w YartaiA>cAawBaaga awtitdlMCssaaraaj *i 1 beh.Ma>iAa*tt n M ibeCoaB%«y.oat l ) l taDAr.aarch MA. Tb* P a i s wtal M aaat flwa M to I srwlitxax-

Tba Traaaatav xaoosavwaiib* t t o M Febraar, MM. aad

let A. B. I k H i l ,,

M B T B O P O U T * B B T B A M B U I P Coavaay, o m o . or tan kVaoaaTAav, ao aw

aoAPWAT, ¥ • * toaz, Fabvwsry U. u t o - b o i i c B -Ibe —

H i l l . M to* cltr of Bew . km*, at oae e'clocl r. B j

Dtrecta-s aa* tbra. inaoaa-'ora^of

• t j c i t r ^ ' -**• *^»•**/•'<•*• o f

ff • • •pwrwawwaatw7*V|BU A. C. raBaxKlliiBtwrfiffL.

BTssB H - V * } y • • T ; , k .aa aonh laso.ta*

V B a V B a x a V A I , a t w z i w B B , l l — - " • • • • I a . fhaMBhxUhxeM amf * - * - -

^ - ^ ^ ^ r t p r a a x a o a

B Y TlJaatiBGIt^PB



WANTBD. i n c A T i p B W A N T E D L'sx- *5a* T " " ***

T 2 B s t a B K B B B * B D BBO

DODWORTh rt DABOIlfOC i»CT«OClaAB8m« aad a an n n l t a i i Ko

Bawy Baaaora of DwclinaUotu and App^iay*-axuwnt*.

IBpecbAl Irezmaxcn to uvc m^„tn, tomu}

WA.Hini.To>. MarchB-Uacaacuaoi llepub Mean senstors, held tbia morn ng, tt w „ „ , DOtneed that Mr A. T. Su-azri bad notlEed PresldeEt firsot that he must deel ue sccepunw tbe appoint mint nl Secretary ol Uie Treasury, u, vl*w of tbe tact that it would require a repeal of certain laws in order lbs' be rnlrtit ar e ,t, , , ,4 that the policy ot such s course v t s douliird by Daany leading lawyers.

I t i s solves s very grave question, snd will t'tfectuall* restore harmony in Repahcau circle*.

A rumor Is enrrent thst Judge Hoar ht* de clioed, or will decline the position of Ait raey-tienefal, sod that Mr. Bon'.well will now be tendered tbe Treasury Ikei-artmeni; and l.vtnaa TrerrtBtac, of New Tori:, be appointed Attorney iieneraJL

It .t nnderstood tbst Mr. Stewart favors the *p-pointment ol lhavid A. Wclla to tbe place M KctretAa-y of Treasury


WA-HIBOTOB, March b.—Tbe Senate trtllerle*

are densely crowded tbtt aftcroooa, 10 the aotid-paUou that another meaeage will be received 'rem the Pret-ldent in relation to the Treaaary im­broglio.

IT., thi Aaaocnted Press. 1 WA.atuwoTO.t, March 1.—The Senate Republi­

can caucus this momiog sgreed upon tru stand­ing eommillees U> be reported lor the approval ol that body.

Tbe subject of tbe Secretary ol the Treasury was mentioned in caucus- but it t a i laid ortr, tt being understood tbst President Grant will with­draw bis recommendation of the Treasury Depart­ment law, in wblcb case Mr. Stewart will nccwo retire from the position A canvass show* tbit If brought to s vote Congee** would over­whelmingly refuse to p*a, the proposed meant-* ol rebel,

It it rumored about tbe capltol that Mr. l i . t r 1* expected to reaign, t ins asking way for th* sppolntaent of a Secretary o. the Treasury trom MssMcbnAi tu, in tbe person of Mr. BoutweU, aad calcrjating on the withdrawal ot Mr. Stewart.

Tbe appointment ol Lyman Tremslne, oi New Tork, as Attorney Genera! Is also mentioned.

There Is much exciternent and Interest every­where concerning the cabinet


Changes In ChairmAnsoips.

[BpeclAi Deavattch to the Bveniag Poav l

WABBISOTOH, March 8.— rteSeBste c s u u t hs*

siranged the standing com x it lee* for tbe pre* eat Congress. Tbe only changes msde tn chairaaaa ship* sre ss Itllowt :

Mr. Fessenden, chairman ol the Committee oa Appropriation*, in place of Mr. Morrill of Maine

Mr. Morton, chairman of tbe Cera rait tee at Manufacture*, in place of Mr. Spraru*.

Mr. Harlan, chairman oi the Committee o* In­dian Allaire, la place of Mr. Henderson.

Mr. Gdmunds, chairman of the Committee an Peawioaa, in place of Mr. Van Winkle.

Mr. Tate*, chairman of tbe Committee oa Re­volutionary Clalma, 1B place of Mr. Nye

Mr. Hamilton, chairman cl the Diatrlct Com miner, In place of Mr. Harlan

Mr. Nye, chairman of the Committee aa Territories, in piece of Mr. Yale*.

Mr. Stewart, chairman ol the Committee a* Mine* and Mining, in place ol Mr Connee*.

Mr. Cattell, chairman ol tbe Library Commit­tee, In [lace of Br. Morgan.


[BpactAl nssaslrb to tae Eveniag ftyat,) WABEnBOTOli, March K.—Mr. Sumner made

another effort to-day to get a bill through tha Senate giving Mrs. Lincoln s pension ol flr* thousand dollars, but the motion to rater II ta the Committee on Pensions prevailed, and tha* he WM not successful.


fSpeciAi Desnau-h to use kvenirat Peat.1

WASBIBOTOB, March s — Speaker Bltlne wiU

not snnouoce the Committees ol tlie House uatB


Pcughkwwpm. Elect ion PocGnKrci-sir., Marcb ft — The official vote ai

this city give* l.eorge «organ, tbe democratic Mayor, nioelt-rigbt majority over Robert alee, tfce Republican csndidste. The Republlimas of tbe county btve gained the Hoar of Snpervt*er9 by one naajoriiy.

Confederation la Newrfouxtdlaad. ST. JOB.S, March 8.— The Newlaunllaod legu

lature on BAturdAy adopted resolutions In tavor of confederation by a large majority.

W s t t India Staamar*.

HATABA, March 7.— Tb* steamship srrited trom St. NaMirt.

The Louisiana sailed from St. Thomas oa the 07th alamo for SL N*saire.

Tha Pacific Ra i lway BUJ Signed. Wr-niv.Ti.r, Marcb ».— The report that the

Mil prondlng for the grant or land* to the Den­ver Pacloc Railrowd WM not signed by the PraM dent, is a mistake. It li now a law.

BULL. BLACK k CO.. N O B . 5 6 5 and 5 6 7 B r o a d w a y .






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