Business, work and life; A balance we all seek

BUSINESS, WORK AND LIFE; A BALANCE WE ALL SEEK Vaneet Sood January 8th, 2017 How many of us are so busy in our life and feels as if our brain is a warzone? How many feels there life is a mess and wish for peace more than the money we have been chasing after? How many of us come home after a killing day and feels the chaos we put ourselves into? Economies are unstable and we all are trying to work and earn money like asses. We are bartering our time for money and our peace for a rich lifestyle. We have increased our expectation level to infinity and are forcing our mind to work 24 hours to think of ways to par with our expectations I am a business man and a realtor, as business has been a passion for me and a money yielding cow. I am also working with a firm basically for all the health and insurance benefits. It all looked great on my resume, made me feel productive and a person who knows money. Well, 2016 changed my entire perspective. A little dent in my personal life and I realised everything else was irrelevant if I am not happy in life in general. I have money but at cost of life and precious moments. I don't deny that it’s a fair trade, it is!! But it’s a tough life, especially when you want it all, but cannot manage it well. All the clutter that was building in my head off stress, of what to prioritise, how to take out time for myself and for my family made me question myself. Everyday looked so hard and confusing and I stood unbalanced in life. Every day I asked myself this question "How can be a business owner, an employee, a student and still manage to find time for myself?" I went on youtube and google to find answers and to get some wisdom from philosophers like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Les Brown etc. they showed me a path but no definite answers on how to balance everything. One said to focus on things a person enjoys doing, while other said to kill yourself and make as many sources of income you can to retire rich. Finally I took some time off and voraciously read Rich, multiple books; Think and Grow, Rich Dad Poor Dad, You Were Born Rich and many others. Started documenting whatever I found useful and ultimately summarised it in few steps that helped me balance and take charge back into my own hands and to be a better manager of my own life. Step 1. Clear your mental and physical clutters Take a few days off from everything or from whatever things you can. Spend half a day on simple household chores you have been slacking off because of insufficient time. Remodel your interiors to give your house a brand new fresher look. Decorate with colorful flowers. This will calm you down and ease your chaotic mind. Drink a lot of water and take breaths when you go into panic mode thinking what you left behind. Now, think of what stressed you. Was it work load, relationship or just your mother- in-law? Once you figured it out, write it on a piece of paper. Now write down ways how it could have been different. Read them loud to yourself and you will that you know a

Transcript of Business, work and life; A balance we all seek

Page 1: Business, work and life; A balance we all seek


Vaneet SoodJanuary 8th, 2017

How many of us are so busy in our life and feels as if our brain is a warzone? How many feels there life is a mess and wish for peace more than the money we have been chasing after? How many of us come home after a killing day and feels the chaos we put ourselves into?

Economies are unstable and we all are trying to work and earn money like asses. We are bartering our time for money and our peace for a rich lifestyle. We have increased our expectation level to infinity and are forcing our mind to work 24 hours to think of ways to par with our expectations

I am a business man and a realtor, as business has been a passion for me and a money yielding cow. I am also working with a firm basically for all the health and insurance benefits. It all looked great on my resume, made me feel productive and a person who knows money. Well, 2016 changed my entire perspective. A little dent in my personal life and I realised everything else was irrelevant if I am not happy in life in general. I have money but at cost of life and precious moments. I don't deny that it’s a fair trade, it is!! But it’s a tough life, especially when you want it all, but cannot manage it well. All the clutter that was building in my head off stress, of what to prioritise, how to take out time for myself and for my family made me question myself. Everyday looked so hard and confusing and I stood unbalanced in life. Every day I asked myself this question "How can be a business owner, an employee, a student and still manage to find time for myself?"

I went on youtube and google to find answers and to get some wisdom from philosophers like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Les Brown etc. they showed me a path but no definite answers on how to balance everything. One said to focus on things a person enjoys doing, while other said to kill yourself and make as many sources of income you can to retire rich. Finally I took some time off and voraciously read Rich, multiple books; Think and Grow, Rich Dad Poor Dad, You Were Born Rich and many others. Started documenting whatever I found useful and ultimately summarised it in few steps that helped me balance and take charge back into my own hands and to be a better manager of my own life.

Step 1. Clear your mental and physical clutters

Take a few days off from everything or from whatever things you can. Spend half a day on simple household chores you have been slacking off because of insufficient time. Remodel your interiors to give your house a brand new fresher look. Decorate with colorful flowers. This will calm you down and ease your chaotic mind. Drink a lot of water and take breaths when you go into panic mode thinking what you left behind.

Now, think of what stressed you. Was it work load, relationship or just your mother-in-law? Once you figured it out, write it on a piece of paper. Now write down ways how it could have been different. Read them loud to yourself and you will that you know a million ways to do it all differently. Maybe just getting an aid or an assistant can solve most of your problems.

Step 2. Start writing a journal

It is said that "Good ideas come to every mind but only a few minds can put it to reality." Most of us get relevant ideas which can generate us good business or ease of our pressure, but how many of us put effort to pick up a pen and write them down before we forget them? I have lately realised importance of journal writing and it has been magical. I write my tasks, my thoughts, my meetings just whatever comes into my mind. It has not just reduced work load on my thinking mind but also made me more managed. Now I know when I have my meetings, my open house appointment and when can I squeeze a little time to grab a beer with my friends. Your journal need not to have a format, it’s your personal diary, write/draw the way you want it.

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Step 3. Establish Morning Ritual

If you think you have too much on your plate, it won’t be a bad idea to plan tasks ahead. I was fairly surprised to know that all self made billionaires and successful people including Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jake Dorsay, Richard Brandson etc all have one thing in common, they all have a set morning rituals. If you and me believe that we are too busy, well think of these entrepreneurs and tasks they have in hand.

Formula is simple. Set some daily rules, start your day with exercise and meditation, take couple of moments to show gratitude for good things in your life. This will boost up your positivity. Eat a healthy breakfast to charge you for the day. Plan your day ahead, set priorities and cancel out unnecessary things. This will help you yield most out of your day.  And again don't forget to write your journal.

Step 4. Mentally slow down your day

It simply means, cancelling down all the noise and going into a bubble of peace and silence. I have been doing it for months now. Very simple example of how it works is whenever I get too confused on how to handle an issue, I mentally shut down everything, forget that there are people around me and literary pause time in my head. This way I get to think more productively with little noise. You can also use headphones and music to do the same. I follow the same while stuck in traffic. Not only I am calmer now, but also same traffic has become the best place for me to think of tasks coming ahead and rehearse my scripts.

Step 5. Work 6 Days

Many work 5 days and many all 7 days. I believe in 6 days. If you are working with a company that has 5 working days, still utilise 6th day to plan, prepare and visualise coming week. This will definitely make you more productive. If you work all 7 days, I will highly recommend taking a day out. One day (7th day) keep yourself off from all work/business related thoughts and spend time with your family, kids and on yourself. Go watch a movie or play soccer with your kids. This will help you revitalise your body and your brain and will power you for the next busy week. Besides, your family will love you for this.

Step 6. Stay Motivated. Set Goals

If you are determined to make a dent in future, I am sure your motivation levels are sky high. Keep it that way. Simplest way to maintain that adrenaline pumping is to set goals; Short term and Long Term. Short can be daily or weekly goals like" I will definitely finish 2 real estate client meetings by Wednesday". Long term can be building muscle and a beach body before July. One thing more important than setting goals is to track your performance. I personally read my goals twice a day and write down what I have done so far in achieving them. This is a must to be on track. Achievement of these goals makes me so proud and motivated and now I know I can do anything.

Step 7. Share your thoughts

If you are married, share your plans and your thoughts with your spouse on daily basis. This will help them understand what you are going through and will impart them a sense of responsibility to help and motivate you in your journey. If you are single, do the same with your parents so at least your mom is not worried thinking where you are.

This is a great way to get others involved in your mindset. And at times you can find a great advice or a helping hand from people you trust. Next time they won’t fight with you over time, but will help you prepare for your next challenge.

Step 8. You have 2 hands and 24 hours only

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We all want to do more and it’s a great thought. It is a fact that we have only 24hours a day and only 2 hands to work. I have mentioned a few times in this article the importance of planning your day. Another great thought is that good to have more hands on board to work for you to exponentially increase your achievements in the same 24hours. Thank those people everyday so they too can remain motivated and happy in their own personal life.

These steps have changed my life and made me more balanced and controlled person. I am enjoying time at work and still have time for myself. I even plan to pick up flute as a hobby. Ultimate goal in life is to live life right? Be happy and be prosperous.