Business Video Made Simple -...

1 Business video made simple - an exclusive guide for SMEs A short, no nonsense, cut-to-the-chase guide to ensure you’re not left behind by the revolution in business video By Paul Harvey owner of Icarus Media This savvy use of video will equal or out perform productions costing tens of thousands of pounds. You probably remember the old saying; people do business with people not companies. This is as true today as it ever was so a short sincere piece to camera from the person in charge is a powerful way of communicating your company’s products and values. It’s also a great low- cost way to dip your toe into the world of business video. Seeing and hearing directly from someone behind the company is far more reassuring than the most beautifully designed but anonymous web page. And don’t limit it to the top brass. Every company has loyal dedicated employees. Unsung heros who constantly go the extra mile for their customers. Give them a voice and in a few seconds their sincerity and enthusiasm will have far more impact than the most lavish corporate production from your competitors. Don’t worry if they don’t look like a BBC presenter or if they drop their H’s, those are the very things that prove they’re genuine. It will endear them and you to your prospective customer. VIDEOGUIDE Paul Harvey follows his own advice and speaks directly to prospective customers via the Icarus website. The most effective way of using video to promote your business. ICARUS MEDIA guide One Utilising the cheapest and most effective way of using video to promote your business.

Transcript of Business Video Made Simple -...

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Business video made simple - an exclusive guide for SMEsA short, no nonsense, cut-to-the-chase guide to ensure you’re not left behind by the revolution in business video

By Paul Harvey owner of Icarus Media

This savvy use of video will equal or out perform productions costing tens of thousands of pounds.

You probably remember the old saying; people do business with people not companies. This is as true today as it ever was so a short sincere piece to camera from the person in charge is a powerful way of communicating your company’s products and values. It’s also a great low-cost way to dip your toe into the world of business video. Seeing and hearing directly from someone behind the company is far more reassuring than the most beautifully designed but anonymous web page.

And don’t limit it to the top brass. Every company has loyal dedicated employees. Unsung heros who constantly go the extra mile for their customers. Give them a voice and in a few seconds their sincerity and enthusiasm will have far more impact than the most lavish corporate production from your competitors. Don’t worry if they don’t look like a BBC presenter or if they drop their H’s, those are the very things that prove they’re genuine. It will endear them and you to your prospective customer.


Paul Harvey follows his own advice and speaks directly to prospective customers via the Icarus website. The most effective way of using video to promote your business.





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OneUtilising the cheapest and most effective way of using video to promote your business.

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If you can be persuaded to grasp the nettle and do a short piece to camera yourself there are a few things to be aware of to get the maximum effect.

As tempting as it may be don’t talk solely about yourself and the business. Instead

concentrate on the viewers needs and problems and what you can do to solve them. Above all don’t do the big sell. When we meet someone in real life it’s in our nature to make dozens of instant subconscious judgements and video is no different. For the same reason don’t try to be a TV presenter, just be yourself and above all be sincere, after all it’s not what you say that people will judge you on, it’s the way you say it.

If you’re really not comfortable appearing on camera and many people are not, don’t force it. Instead get someone else in the organisation to do it on your behalf. Keep it short, relevant and to the point. Make sure you appear large in the frame as people want to read your expression. If you’re seated always lean slightly forward rather than back as this gives you an air of confidence and authority. One to one-and-a-half minutes duration is about the right length. Anything over two minutes won’t be watched. If you really do have more to say then break it up into bite size chunks and offer them under different headings. I’ve done this on our own website where I wanted to use video to answer Frequently Asked Questions. You can view an example here.

A couple of final pointers for your screen début. Don’t try to read from notes. Glancing down will make you appear shifty and unsure. Neither should you try to remember everything word for word. Instead have a list of bullet points and simply expand on them one by one. This way you should come across as confident, knowledgeable and relaxed.

If you’re still lukewarm about appearing on camera take courage from this. If you know your subject and you are open and honest with the viewer you’ve already claimed the moral high

ground and no one can take it away from you. The viewer will respect you for that.

Like you I’m no TV presenter but for all the reasons I’ve just mentioned I felt it necessary to do my own piece to camera. You can view it here. By all means take a look and with a bit of effort I’m sure you’ll be able to do much better.

If a short piece to camera from yourself or another member of the company isn’t quite enough to get your message across you could always try an ‘Explainer Video’.

These short graphics based productions fall between the simple pieces to camera mentioned earlier and the more conventional video production. Based on a speeded up whiteboard presentation they can incorporate still images, typography, audio effects and voice over and are capable of conveying quite complex issues in a very short space of time

As all of the production is centred around building the graphics there’s no actual video shoot so they tend to be quite good value. We recently completed one for a crowd-sourcing project. At just under four minutes it’s longer than most but still holds the attention. Click here to view.

Business video made simple

TwoHow to speak directly and effectively to your prospective customer

ThreeExplainer Videos.A great low cost way of getting your message across

“Explainer videos typically run for between 30 seconds and a couple of minutes. Many companies use them on the landing page of their website as a simple eye-catching way to explain what they do.”





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getting your message across

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business video made simple

FourGetting the right people to work with

Video is no more than an information conduit. For business productions the important thing is understanding how to package the information you’re going to pass down it. These days anyone can make a video. The question is, will it do the job it’s supposed to.


Note that I consistently use the phrase ‘business video’ because right form the start it’s important you understand that video production for business is a vastly different ball game from the world of general video production – one that covers just about every niche imaginable from high street wedding productions to the BBC’s documentary department, neither of which would be a good choice for you the owner of an SME. So why is

that? Well like so many things it’s a case of horses for courses. After all you wouldn’t hire a solicitor who’s never seen the inside of a court, or entrust you company accounts to someone who’s never completed a VAT return. Unbelievably many companies and organisations do just that. They hire people to make a business video that have never been in business themselves, in fact many have never experienced anything outside the world of a 9 to 5 job. Every video production company promotes itself with a showreel but again beware. Beautiful images, flashy

graphics and a pounding music track can be seductive but is it applicable to you and the message you need to get across. The foundation of any company or corporate video is the script and for reasons I’ll be explaining in a moment, even more important is the thinking behind it.

How to cover yourself. Ask the production company you’re considering working with to show you longer examples of productions specific to what you need. Also ask to see examples of scripts and script development. Check their client list to see if they’ve worked for known reputable names. Most important, ask for references from satisfied clients AND follow them up.

According to Google there are 180,000,000 video production companies out there so if you are thinking of calling some here’s why many won’t be the best choice for your business video.





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One of the most frequent mistakes companies make is to assume that the simple act of using video to show products and services via a web site will dramatically increase sales – initially it probably won’t. What it will do however is to help start the process of building a relationship with people who may

eventually become your customers. This is why the short pieces to camera I mentioned earlier are so important and so effective. It’s this relationship building that web designers, video companies and indeed businesses themselves often overlook. Even the most basic piece to camera allows people see who you are and what you stand for. From that they will make other decisions such as do I like this person, do I trust this person, would I do business with this person?

Before we move on to videos that are slightly more involved than those basic pieces to camera, we need to look a little closer at the Internet which, after all, is the most likely way people will get to see your video. There’s a myth about the Internet and challenging it gives us some important clues as to how your video should be

made and why it’s not quite as simple as some may have you believe.

The myth is that people use the Internet to buy goods and services. The truth is they don’t – well not initially. 90% of people using the web right now are searching first and foremost not with the intention of buying but for information. Think back to the last half dozen times you surfed the web. Did you do it with your credit card strategically placed by your side – almost certainly not and for the simple reason that at that stage you were in information gathering mode not buying mode. While this may all sound very confusing, as I said earlier, it’s actually giving us the clearest possible indication as to exactly how you – the owner of an SME – needs to construct your video for maximum effect. That tip is coming up next.

“90% of people using the web right now are searching first and foremost not with the intention of buying but for information.”

business video made simplevideo for the internet

FiveBeware the internet myth





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Based on the information people discover on the web they may well consider buying the product or service you offer…eventually. With that in mind at the end of every sentence I write for a business script I put myself in the position of the viewer and ask two questions. So what? And what’s in it for me? If it doesn’t

pass that test it gets deleted. As harsh as it may sound, until they gain your trust, the person viewing your video is about as selfish as they come. It’s not deliberate, it’s just part of our inbuilt survival mechanism that is doing its best to ensure we don’t get cheated.

If you are the Acme Nut & Bolt Company Ltd and I am looking for a nut and bolt supplier I’m not interested in who founded the company, how many years you’ve been in business or to begin with even how low your prices are. However, if nuts and bolts are my current thing I may well be interested in learning how you make them, which types are suitable for which tasks, how stresses are calculated and why did the British Standard Fine become the British Standard Whitworth. The difference of course is information.

Here is the real secret of successful business video. It’s not about the latest HD cameras, it’s not about flashy MTV style graphics and interestingly it’s not even about how big your budget is. It’s the ability to craft a production that provides information while also delivering a subtle but effective sales message.

“Here is the real secret of successful business video. It’s not about the latest HD cameras, it’s not about flashy MTV style graphics and interestingly it’s not even about how big your budget is. It’s the ability to craft a production that provides information while also delivering a subtle but effective sales message.”

business video made simplethe secret sugar coating

Spot the difference

There’s a fine line between providing information and delivering a subtle sales message. Making that line as imperceptible as possible is the key to a successful business video.

SixHow to produce the ultimate business video





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The most effective salesperson for your company is free and only too pleased to help - so why aren’t you using him or her right now?

If a piece to camera from you the business owner is one of the most powerful and cost effective ways of promoting your business then this next tip is right up there

alongside it.The best sales person you will ever have is the

satisfied customer. The sad thing is most of your prospects will never hear the great things they have to say about your company. A short video testimonial ensures they will.

For some reason companies often feel awkward about asking their customers to provide a video testimonial. My experience is that most are more than willing… especially if they get their own company name mentioned on screen. Admittedly some are slightly concerned about their ability to carry it off but I always take time to explain the array of techniques we use to get them looking and sounding their very best. I also make

it very clear that as the producer I’m happy to shoot their piece until they – rather than me – are completely satisfied. It’s placing them in control that convinces even the most sceptical.

“The best sales person you will ever have is the satisfied customer. The sad thing is most of your prospects will never hear the great things they have to say about your company. A short video testimonial ensures they will.”

business video made simplevideo testimonials

SevenMeet your best ever sales person... so why aren’t you using him?

We have ways of making them talk

Not everyone is comfortable appearing on screen but we have a range of techniques that ensure people look and sound their best, as well as feeling comfortable in front of the camera.





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As the name suggests an unseen person narrates a script with video footage overlaid. This technique is usually used in longer productions where large amounts of

information needs to be presented. It’s particularly suited to corporate videos and educational and training productions where accuracy is paramount.

FORGreat for telling a complete story and providing all the facts and large amounts of detail. The voice selected becomes the voice of your company so by choosing carefully you can colour people’s perception of your business or organisation.

AGAINSTThis production can only move at the pace of the voice so compared to other techniques it could be perceived as slow and predictable and dare I say it…these days… slightly dated.


Again as the name suggests a presenter will appear on screen and speak directly to the viewer. This is a good way to engage with the viewer and bring personality and pace to the production. This technique gives us the freedom to ‘cut away’ from the presenter to show whatever it is they are talking about.

FORA great way to give your production or service authority and professionalism. It’s also a good way to present lots of information in an engaging and sometimes entertaining way. The whole concept moves to another level if an actor or actress is used instead of a conventional presenter. This allows the actor to speak directly to a specific audience profile that will identify with him or her e.g. sales people, health and safety managers.

AGAINSTNeeds careful casting and a very detailed and well-constructed script.

“The voice becomes the voice of your company so by choosing carefully you can colour people’s perception of your business or organisation.”

business video made simpleyour options

EightWhat types of video are available to you and what are the differences

Presenter LedProductions

Andrianna Christtoffimakes light work of explaining the complex subject of Electronic Point of Sales to the retail fashion sector.





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A highly effective style of production where video and music are combined to deliver a powerful and emotive message. Minimal but crucial information is often conveyed via on screen graphics.


Combines two mediums to deliver a strong and often emotive message. Excellent for team building and mood setting for conference openers. Visually very appealing as it provides the option for a fast paced production.


Because of the pace it may be difficult for the audience to sustain interest for more than a couple of minutes so really limited to short productions. A music license may be required.

You can view a health and safety conference opener of this style here.


As mentioned earlier these are graphics based productions that do not necessarily require camera footage.

FORAn entertaining, effective and inexpensive way to tell your story fast.

AGAINSTCurrently considered very cool but due to that very fact will probably be overtaken by the next big thing within a year or so. For that reason if you’re thinking one may be ideal for your needs now would be the time to do it.

Again you can view an explainer video here

“Music based productions are very effective but the cost of using your favourite track is likely to be prohibitive.”

business video made simpleyour options

Actors are a great way to convey large amounts of information in a way that really engages the viewer.





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Current statistics show that no matter how attractive your website the hard come by visitor will spend on average less than eight seconds on your site before moving on….unless they discover something that holds their attention. One of the

best ways of grabbing their attention of course is video and probably the best reason for including it on your landing page but like most things it’s never that simple. The visitor may not click on your video to play it. If you really want to use video to capture attention it may be best to have it set to auto-play. This means that the video will trigger immediately the page opens. The downside is that it may distract them from reading your carefully prepared text or worse still, simply irritate them. On our site we’ve used a slider - a web site device at the top of the page that automatically plays a series of videos – to show short samples from our showreel that are intended to catch the visitors eye. The important point is that non of these rely on audio to understand what’s going on. Instead they’re accompanied by a very low level music track that the visitor shouldn’t find too intrusive if they’re either not interested or want to read more of the text. More

important video that needs full audio such as my piece to camera has been placed lower down the page. Again you can see how this has been done by visiting our about us page.

Always try to keep your main video ‘above the fold’ – the point at which the visitor needs to scroll down the page.

A final but important point about website video. Always have it linked to the page rather than playing on an external source such as You Tube. You’ve spent a great deal of time and perhaps money getting the visitor to your site so you don’t want to be sending them anywhere else – they may not come back.

“visitors will spend on average less than eight seconds on your site before moving on….”

business video made simplegrabbing that fickle website visitor

NineUsing video to keep visitors where you want them - on your website

A video with life saving information but you still have to persuade people to watch it.





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The thing about video production, particularly for business, is that there is always more than one way of approaching a project – but it all depends on what the customer wants to spend. When given a budget we always try to provide at least three options. What you can get for the indicated amount,

what you can expect to get if you pay a little less and what’s available if you decide to pay slightly more. That way clients get a range of options and the opportunity to make decisions based on known financial facts.

Shooting straightforward video isn’t particularly expensive. Costs begin to mount as you add in other items such as extra crew, presenters, voice-over artists and extended post production (editing) due to special effects. Large productions can run

into tens of thousands of pounds. At the other end of the scale you should be able to get a basic but good quality production comprising a days shoot and a two-day edit for less than a couple of thousand pounds.

As an example of a low budget video this beautiful production for the Coffee One chain cost well under £2,000. This wasn’t because the client had a particularly low budget but due to the fact that a large shoot would have been intrusive. The shoot was low key and took place over the course of one day. Post-production was similarly straight forward and only required three days hence the price.

“ For some reason people often feel that they will get a better price by not revealing their budget or even giving an indication of what they want to spend. The problem is then that we have no starting point around which we can make suggestions.”

Business video made simplethe small matter of cost

NineYou like the idea of a well produced company video but what will it cost?

Paul Harvey is the person behind Icarus Media a UK based video production company. Before moving into video via the BBC in the mid 1990’s he worked at an international level as one of the UK’s leading advertising and fashion photographers. Over the course of his career he has worked in over fifty countries on assignments for some of the worlds best known brands. In addition to his video work he is also a writer, broadcaster and visiting lecturer in photography. Please feel free to email him directly with any queries on business video at [email protected]. You are also welcome to give him a call on 0800 077 6722





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© Icarus Media 2015