Business ethics and etiquette

Business Ethics and etiquette Matache Amalia Grupa 8214 An II

Transcript of Business ethics and etiquette

Business Ethics and etiquette

Matache AmaliaGrupa 8214An II


Proper Business introductions

Business meals, parties and Events

Honesty, integrity and loyalty never go out of style

Proper Business introductionsThe initial introduction phase of any business relationship can make or break it. First impressions are crucial in the business world and can have an extraordinary effect on careers and on whole organizations.

Business meals, parties and EventsThe main goal of mixing business with meals, parties, social events ..etc. is to get people to know each other better nurture personal trust and confidence in others whether its between staff and customers or staff of other companies

Somehow, you cannot talk about manners without including ethics, especially in the business world. They are the proverbial “peas in the pod.” Manners, or etiquette, is about more than knowing which fork to use or how to shake hands, and business ethics goes much further than simply reading a company's handbook on policy and procedure.

Good manners and ethics do not come and go, change with the times, or vary from generation to generation. They are what they are, and they can be adopted by anyone. In this case, you can “teach an old dog new tricks,” if you are willing to apply them to your life. Without them, it is difficult to develop trust in the workplace and in the business world.

In business, you cannot have two sets of standards. We have seen this play out in recent years, and many large corporations have fallen like a house of cards, wrecking the lives of those who depended on them. Many people were left with nothing, not even the retirement packages promised them. Sadly, some have taken their own lives because of unscrupulous business practices.

Honesty, integrity and loyalty never go out of style

Honesty, integrity and loyalty never go out of style. They create a cohesion among others and are essential for a healthy business. When we take on a “me-first” attitude, it creates distrust and discord in those around us. To be well-liked and become a successful professional, one should stick to a code of ethics in the workplace. Make your “yes” mean yes and your “no" mean no, so your coworkers know that you are a person of your word and can be trusted

Manners, ethics, loyalty, integrity and honesty—these things never go out of style. They stand the test of time and will help you sleep better at night. Cultivating these practices is always in good taste and will always reflect well on the company and yourself.
