Business Coaching Essentials and Fundamentals

A Time Tested Organizational Coaching Model: A business coach is trained to step over nothing, uncover everything, reveal what’s missing and inspire others in the infinite potential of their client’s success. 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 1 Presented by Gary Henson, President of

Transcript of Business Coaching Essentials and Fundamentals

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A Time Tested Organizational Coaching Model:

A business coach is trained to step over nothing, uncover everything, reveal what’s missing and

inspire others in the infinite potential of their client’s success. 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 1

Presented by Gary Henson, President of

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Gary Bradford Henson: Age 61, 30 year entrepreneur with a dry sense of humor, an inspiration to anyone who knows him, a lover of mankind, a believer in Jesus, a true family man.

You can’t be small around him.

The man behind [email protected]


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Our Vision is a world-class Business Coaching and training resource

born from a clear vision – to cause transformation in the world. Our Mission We are the stand for the transformation of leaders in business. We create new

workplace cultures that are unstoppable. Leaders and their teams look forward to going to work and to the daily challenge of consistently improving their performance.

Our Commitments We are honored to Coach leaders so they experience a greater sense of

fulfillment and we are committed to teaching them the art of developing productive teams.

We commit to provide training and Coaching services that produce extraordinary results.

We are Champions Coaching Champions to cause breakthroughs in the face of daily circumstances. We generate powerful results that make an impact on people’s daily lives personally and professionally.

We commit to hiring creative, progressive employees that are committed to our mission and vision.

We are committed to a fun, family oriented and exciting workplace.  Through our commitment to growth, acknowledgement and personal Coaching of one another, our organization promotes a ‘want to be here’ attitude.

We are a sales-driven organization committed to consistently utilize a scoreboard for measuring and achieving financial goals. 3

Page 4: Business Coaching Essentials and Fundamentals’s Definition Of Business Coaching

What does Business Coaching provide? Coaching is an extraordinary relationship between two or more people that commit to

a common goal or future. The role of the client is to be willing to change their approach to business and be open

to reinventing themselves and their current belief system. The client must be committed not only to change but to learning and growth. The role of the Coach is to discover what the client is passionate about in their

business and personal life. At times, the Coach intervenes when he sees the client drifting or losing focus on their goals. The Coach is always standing in the future that the client wants to create and is totally committed to their success.

Business Coaching by design creates an environment for an organization to see its potential while not being influenced by the past. Organizations are often limited by their own self imposed limitations or fixed positions that prevent taking action or producing bottom line results.

Business Coaching can be powerful for organizations that want to have breakthroughs in areas where they have previously been stuck or experienced unsatisfactory results. has been dedicated to this process Since1989 and remains committed to the development of extraordinary leaders and their teams, regardless of where they are in the process.


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Domains of Knowledge

We Don’t Know We Don’t Know

We KnowWe Know

We Know We Don’t



All Breakthroughs Occur in this Domain

A coach is someone who gets you to do what you don’t want to do so you can be who you want to be.- Dallas Cowboys Coach Landry 5

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When You Change

The Way You Look At Things The Things You Look At Change.


Page 7: Business Coaching Essentials and Fundamentals [email protected] 7

OrdinaryNot CoachableComfortableReasonablePlaying smallAvoiding riskStatus quoFearfulReactiveCommon goalsWIIFMNon-entrepreneurialBlame/make wrongFocus on competitionPaying attention to obviousCircumstances get in the waySelf-centeredOut of integrityExcuses vs. responsibleClosed-mindedAverageSatisfied the way it isStingyUndeclared expectations

ExtraordinaryCreativeBeing unreasonableRisk takerLeveraging others skillsCoachableOpen mindedPassionateFocusedContinuous personal/professional growthHigh level communicationCommittedTeam-orientedGenerousVisionaryEmpowermentCourageousBeing honestBeing in integrity/keeping your wordPossibility thinkingLeadershipFunClear expectationsHumbleAmbitiousDiverseProactiveBalanced

Page 8: Business Coaching Essentials and Fundamentals 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 8

ConsultingReportingThis is broken and needs fixingGood/ BadRight/ wrongInformation (no transformation)Systems in placeBusiness knowledgeOrdinary conversationsSomething’s wrong hereInside of the comfort zoneConservative approach

CoachingCounselingListeningHelpingLife lessonsTeacher/student relationshipAdvisingSharing examplesSupportingProblem solvingOpen communicationMentoring

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Vision and Commitment+

Effective Communication and Keeping Score+

Action Planning and Teamwork

+Leadership and Accountability


Once you achieve results return to vision and commitment and keep following the model over and over again. If you’re not getting to the “results” stage, make sure you are thoroughly putting each of the above pieces in place.


Our Model for Business Coaching

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Management Meeting Agenda

What’s Working ________________________________________________________________________________________

What’s Not Working? ________________________________________________________________________________________

What’s Missing? ________________________________________________________________________________________

What’s Next? ____________________________________________ 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 10

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Our Likely Story Often times we relate to situations, actions or conversations as stories. Stories can seem as though they are the truth. Stories describe how we perceived what happened vs. what actually

happened. Stories create obstacles or barriers that get in the way of our view of reality. Stories can paralyze action and avoid accountability and responsibility. The Business Coach is trained to distinguish with the client what happened

vs. the perception of what happened; the Business Coach then works with the client to distinguish stories in their business that prevent action or results.

The Business Coach works with the client on how to use no-excuse-management to maximize performance of the people and the business.

Who would you be without your story?11

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Our Likely StoryThe “story” is the private and public conversation of justifications, reasons,

explanations, and fixed positions that stand in the way of our being effective. We often trade our “story” for the results we intend. People rarely consider what

would be possible if they were not limited by their “story.” Our “story” obscures the “source” of our effectiveness by locating what happened

outside ourselves. Our “story” has a design that always seeks to make us “right” about the interpretations we are creating. Often, others are made wrong in our “story.” Our “story” can also be a commitment to “looking good” to ourselves, and to what others perceive.

 We accept our “story” as though it were true, valid and “reasonable.” We are “blind”

to our “story.” If we are skillful, we sell our “story” to others. They often buy in, thus creating additional agreement or “reality” about our “story.”

 We seldom notice that our “story” is composed of unexamined assumptions and

ungrounded assessments that produce no distinctly designed action. Ultimately, what we are left with is a life made out of our “story.” The result of this shows up as life not working, or struggle.

 When we are able to distinguish what happened and the meaning we gave to what

happened, then we can take responsibility for creating our “story.” Taking on responsibility frees us from the prison of our “story.”


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Being AccountableAccountability is living by choice rather than living by accident.

Accountability is the opportunity to carve out the future rather than sit back and have it happen to you. Without accountability, there is no committed speech, there are no promises and no declarations. Therefore, there are no breakthroughs. There is, at best, business as usual or the status quo.

 A promise for which you are accountable has power. A promise made from the stand that you are your word engages you as a participant. You cease to be a spectator in your life as your words and actions impact the world. With a promise, you create a condition that supports your commitment rather than your moods.

 When you are accountable to your promises you are your word; thus, your relationship to the world shifts. You find yourself producing results in all areas of your life. The experience is one of joy, fearlessness, irrepressible energy and satisfaction. 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 13

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What It Takes To Be Number One Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that's first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win. Every time a football player goes to ply his trade he's got to play from the ground up—from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their head. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second. Running a football team is no different than running any other kind of organization—an army, a political party or a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win—to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don't think it is. It is a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive games draw the most competitive men. That's why they are there—to compete, to know the rules and objectives when they get in the game. The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules—but to win. And in truth, I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat. I don't say these things because I believe in the "brute" nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour—his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear—is that moment when he has to work his heart out in a good cause and he's exhausted on the field of battle—victorious.”- Vince Lombardi


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What is a TEAM in Business? 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 15

People with a common and well understood purpose and/or mission.

 People who are willing to communicate clearly and effectively.

 People with a common commitment as well as unique concerns with clearly defined individual accountabilities.

  People with an aligned agreement to produce

their collective and individual accomplishments at some mutually agreed upon level of performance.

 People with absolute commitment to an

environment allowing for a balance of communication,

contribution and acceptance.

 People utilizing coordinated action in language to forward their common commitment to accomplishments, relationships and fun.

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Company SurveyName: _________________________ Position/Title: _____________________

All answers will be held in strict confidence. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. Give as much detail as possible. If necessary, attach additional pages.

-How long have you been working at this place of business? How long have you been at your current job description?

-What is it that you like most about your job? What is it that you like least about your job?

-What could take place that would encourage you to become more enthusiastic about coming to work everyday, especially on a Monday morning after a wonderful weekend?

-What changes do you feel would make this business more successful or productive?If you were to become the owner of this business and you could make any changes that you wanted, what would they be?

-What three adjectives do you think appropriately describes the business culture at this time?


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Let’s Assume For Just A Moment That You Are In

Business To Make Money. 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 17

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Job Description OutlinePosition Title:Reports To:Objective:Responsibilities:Position Specific Responsibilities:Standards of Performance: 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 18

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Client Recommended Reading List

All of the below books are available through The Dream Giver: Bruce Wilkinson The Canoe Theory: Hibbard, Hibbard & Stockman, Ph.D. The One Minute Manager: Kenneth Blanchard The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Patrick Lencioni Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: T. Harv Eker What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: Marshall Goldsmith Little Red Book of Selling: Jeffrey H. Gitomer 16x Real Simple Innovation for 16 Times Better Results: Richard Koch Endless Referrals: Bob Burg Leadership 101: John Maxwell Gung Ho: Kenneth Blanchard; Raving Fans; Kenneth Blanchard Crucial Conversations: Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler Good To Great: James Collins & Jerry I. Porras The Four Disciplines of Execution: Stephen R. Covey 100 Ways To Motivate Others: Steve Chandler The Three Laws of Performance: Steve Zafron, Dave Logan


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Reasons to Hire a Business Coach:

Gain an objective opinion of your business. Create a strategic plan that will direct how

your business will grow. Learn how and why leadership is so vital to

business growth and success. Increase the productivity of your business

and employees, now and in the future. Discover skills you didn’t think existed. Exercise the muscle called your mind. Locate what is missing in your plan in

order to develop increased action. Reduce the stress in your personal and

business life. Reach and achieve what you once thought

were unrealistic goals. Hear how others are achieving success in

their business. Cultivate a much larger capacity for

producing exceptional results. Operate as someone who can overcome

ANY obstacle.


Have power over your time instead of time having power over you.

Experience having “fun” in business again. Work from a place of creating rather than

“surviving”. Make a difference in the world in a profound

way. Have greater awareness and greater clarity

around goals and objectives. Experience improved relationships in every

area of your business. Greater capacity to initiate change within your

organization. Increase your competency for conflict

resolution. Become more assertive and make decisions

faster/easier. Increase your ability to develop leaders and

bench-strength. Experience increased retention of key

employees. Attract and develop high performers.

Page 21: Business Coaching Essentials and Fundamentals provides specialized training for client’s employees. Following are a few

examples of the types of trainings companies need.

Specialized Trainings for Clients 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 21

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Sample 1: Building a Powerful TeamThe purpose of this training is to develop managerial skills that effectively empower employees to engage andParticipate in the company to their fullest extent. Participants are introduced to techniques and strategies todevelop leadership traits that once emphasized and practiced by team members, provide the positive medium forteam members to interact and grow together. After attending the training, participants will know how to observe,listen, communicate, suggest, motivate, analyze and interact with other team members in a positive and professionalmanner.Topics Covered: The relationship between ambition, responsibility, participation An assessment of leadership traits Developing a cohesive, interactive teamLearning Outcomes:  Learn to develop a personal direction that furthers the organization’s goals Learn how to build self-esteem through active participation in your career Be able to assess individual values, and experience personal gratification while having a positive influence on

othersProgram Length: Designed to meet the needs of the organization ½ day $1K min.Audience: Directors, Managers, Team Leaders and Team Members Double for a non-clientSpecial Features: Participants form teams that conduct a new task in a novel environment. The exercise is followed by a debriefingdiscussion. That examines what individual character traits surfaced during the exercise as participants examine theirown traits and assess the traits of others. The purpose of the exercise is to enhance team cohesiveness andconsensus building.


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Sample 2: Strategic Planning Made Easy

The purpose of this training is to develop the basic components of the standard business plan into an action tool thatdictates growth, direction, and pace by measuring intermediate goals and providing for leadership developmentamong all employees. After attending this training, participants will be able to draft a “Practical Business Plan” or“Business Proposal” that focuses on the steps needed to inspire the whole team in their commitment to accomplishthe company’s need for profitability. Participants will also be able to identify the underlying commitments that drivepeople, and assist others in aligning the company’s goals, mission and vision.  Topics Covered:  Identifying Organizational Characteristics of the Business Plan An outline for the Practical Business Plan Presenting the Business Plan Developing the Business Plan Presenting ProposalsLearning Outcomes: Learn how to explore and create distinctions that open avenues for action in team member work, management, and leadership

qualities. Be able to create and present business proposals Be able to create a basic business plan by determining and applying basic questions and answers related to the plan and/or proposalProgram Length: Designed to meet the needs of the organizationAudience: Directors, Teams, Managers, Support Personnel, Sales Staff, and Administrative Staff MembersSpecial Features: Participants form groups that write a Business Plan to create a profitable institution. Participants thenshare their Business Plan with other groups. The course is designed to develop a total team, commitment to build aframework for common goals, and foster a shared team commitment to achieve the goals of the business plan andproposal.


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The purpose of this training is to identify the terms and concepts used to develop strategies that maximizerelationships with customers. Team Leaders and Team Members are introduced to customer values, trends,techniques, and strategies used to acquire, serve and keep customers. After attending this training, participantswill be able to effectively assess, plan, coordinate and manage a customer Service Operation. Topics Covered: Customer Service In Excellence Organizing Your Customer Service Approach The Value of Customer Trends, Strategies, and Techniques Keeping Score of How Well You Reach Your Customer Service GoalsLearning Outcomes: Develop the ability to use customer service terms, concepts and values as a medium to develop the best

organization and marketing plan for customer service Be able to draft and develop a Customer Service Mission Statement Recognize and apply trends and customer assessments for a timely and ever-changing customer service strategy Create a Customer Service self-correcting system that eliminates “bad habits” among those in direct or indirect

contact with customers.Program Length: Designed to meet the needs of the organizationAudience: Directors, Managers, Team Leaders, Team Members, and Human Resources PersonnelSpecial Features: Participants form teams that role-play the customer service relationship. The role-play isfollowed by a group discussion about what training participants observed, their impressions of several customerservice issues such as handling complaints, requesting information, taking orders, handling a customeremergency, and more.


Sample 3: Excellence In Customer Service

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Sample 4: High Impact LeadershipThe purpose of this training is to define the principles and values of leadership in your organization. Specialemphasis is on how to develop a culture that capitalizes on the diverse leadership characteristics within theteam. Participants will learn how to create leadership strategies that will enable them to properly manage asolution-driven work environment. After attending this training, participants will gain insight for using change asan opportunity to apply effective leadership principles. Topics Covered: The “Key” to Success The Value of Leadership Leadership Principles versus Leadership Techniques The Empowerment of Change The Characteristics of an Effective Leader How to develop a “Solution-Driven” Work EnvironmentLearning Outcomes:  Learn to identify opportunities to implement leadership principles Be able to identify a properly developed leadership strategy Be able to execute leadership strategies that are appropriate Assess team and individual team member behaviors and apply the appropriate leadership strategy for maximum team

effectivenessProgram Length: Designed to meet the needs of the organizationAudience: Directors, Managers, Manager Trainees, Team Members, and Human Resources PersonnelSpecial Features: Participants form “departments” which are tasked with the development of a leadershiptraining program for the organization’s administration department. At the completion of the exercise eachdepartment will demonstrate to other participants how their team achieved the goals of the exercise; whatproblems, if any, there were in achieving an effective training program.


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The purpose of this training is to educate and empower leaders with the tools to make the team members/employees ofthe organization accountable. More specifically, participants will learn the various areas in their business thatcommunicates the level of accountability desired by the leader. After attending this training, participants will be able to identify what type of culture they want their organization to be and what areas to develop in their business to support andimplement accountability. With time and consistent accountability, participants will see an increase in employeeaccountability that transforms into improved client services and increased profits.Topics Covered: How to Create an Accountability Culture Ways for Leaders to Enforce Accountability How to Make your Organization Proactive How to Create Employee Buy-in How to Create a Highly Effective TeamLearning Outcomes:  Identify the areas within your business that need further development in order to support the future of your organization Be able to turn your mission, vision and company commitments into living documents that define and guide the culture of your

organization Understand how Coaching will create success with your employees and clients Learn the strategies and skills that will pump new life into your business Program Length: Designed to meet the needs of the organizationAudience: Directors, Managers, Executives, Team Leaders, and Sales MangersSpecial Features: Participants will be able to present specific and current accountability issues facing their organization tothe group in order for the entire group to enact problem-solving techniques. This activity will encourage brainstorming andfurther discussion about how to detect dysfunctional office behavior.


Sample 5: Holding Employees Accountable

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The purpose of this training is to develop sales skills that successfully and consistently grow your business. This training isdesigned to transform the average sales person into a confident sales team member. For the more experienced salesperson, this training is designed to fine-tune and expand their sales skills, making their sales all the more powerful. Afterattending this training, participants will be able to apply several successful and key techniques that will grow yourbusiness. Topics Covered: The Sales Game Establishing Relationships Listening Under Promise and Over Deliver Motivational TechniquesLearning Outcomes: Be able to keep measure goals in focus Be able to successfully land the sale Learn to recognize shared values among team members Learn how to control the direction of the conversation Be able to establish winning long-term relationships with clients/customersProgram Length: One full dayAudience: Sales Persons, Directors, Managers, Team Leaders, and Team MembersSpecial Features: Participants learn all the guidelines and benefits to winning the sales game. Participants areencouraged to present situations that they have encountered in a variety of sales situations in order to brainstormalternate ways of turning a cold or warm lead into a sale. Questions, outlines and methods of keeping track of leads arepresented to attendants in order to maximize their selling.


Sample 6: Training a Successful Sales Team

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The contract between the coach and organization is key to laying the

foundation for the way the coaching relationship works and creating powerful agreements and goals


Letter of Agreement 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 28

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Letter of AgreementCompany Name: _________________________________________________________Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: (_____) ________-_____________ Fax: (_____) ________-_____________  Email: __________________________________________________________________  The following outlines the objectives of the project, and our business terms and conditions. The

natureof our work is to include you, our client, in a Coaching program that is unique to you and your

specificbusiness. Specific Measurable Results (these are specific desired outcomes you, the client, defineand are looking to see happen in order to know that you are on track with the Coachingprogram):

List all results you want from the coaching relationship below.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Continued . . . Terms and Conditions: The following clarifies our business relationship regarding Client responsibility, fees and paymentschedule, and other legal considerations we have included. Client Responsibility: We request that you be responsible for the following activities:  Ensuring people are available for Coaching sessions. Providing suitable facilities for group and individual Coaching sessions. Providing suitable facilities and food for workshops and group Coaching sessions. Fees and Payment Schedule: The professional fees for this program are $____________ plus any out-of-pocket expenses. We agree

toObtain prior authorization if our out-of-pocket expenses are going to exceed $____________ in anycalendar month. Expenses are due upon receipt. Payment fees are to be made as follows: $____________ upon acceptance of this agreement and ________________ every 30 days followingAcceptance of this agreement for a total of twelve consecutive months.Conditions:Both parties acknowledge and agree that during the term of this agreement and in the course of theduties hereunder, (, shall have access to and become acquainted withinformation concerning the operation and process of the Client, including manuals, policies,

proceduresand other information that is owned by the Client and regularly used in the operation of the Client’sbusiness as well as the information of the Client’s trade secrets.


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Continued . . . The Client acknowledges sole responsibility for the Client’s employees, contractors,agents, supervisors, officers and directors and for any decisions, actions or conduct arising out of or inany way relating to’s Services performed hereunder.The Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold and it’s partners and employees free andharmless from any and all suits, actions, claims or liability arising out of or in any way related’s services provided hereunder.Either party may terminate this agreement by giving four weeks written notice of cancellation. Confidentiality Guarantee: specifically agrees not to misuse, misappropriate or disclose any trade secrets, directly orindirectly, to any other person or use them in any way either during the term of this agreement orthereafter, except as necessary for the duties described in this agreement.Both parties acknowledge the sensitive nature of a Coaching relationship; hereby agrees tohold in strict confidence content, proprietary actions, information and structures of the Client’s businessthat may be encountered during Coaching sessions. Should the Client wish to execute a separateagreement of confidentiality of the Client’s choosing, agrees to execute such an agreement.Unanticipated Services: Additional work requested and not covered by the scope of this agreement willbe issued a change order. agrees to issue a change order for the client’s approval prior toimplementation of the service. agrees that if a service is provided without initial approval fromthe client, the client will not be responsible for the payment of said services. This letter may be a madea contract by both parties dating and signing below. Agreed by: ______________________________________________ ___/___/___ For: Date Accepted by: ______________________________________________ ___/___/___ For: Client Date


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Powerful Ground Rules for Coaching

 I agree to keep my appointments with my Coach. If, for reasons beyond my control, I am unable to keep an appointment, I agree to communicate this immediately to my Coach.

I agree to hold my phone calls and give the Coach my undivided attention during Coaching sessions.  I agree to take responsibility for and complete each project assignment.  I agree to take responsibility for creating results from my participation with my Coach rather than

the Coach providing me with results.  I acknowledge that the results I experience are in direct relationship to the goals, specific

measurable results, and critical promised actions I set and commit to.  I acknowledge that my Coach does not judge me or my employees to be either “right or wrong” or

“good or bad” and I will, therefore, ask questions, make comments, and fully participate in the dialogue with that in mind. I will encourage my employees to do the same.

 I will be responsible for making the Coach aware of any employee disputes that occur during the Coaching process.

 I agree that part of this program is acknowledging myself and my employees for participating fully with the Coaching process.

 I agree that the Coach is not here to Coach me in the direction that I think I need to be Coached.  I agree to share Coaching with other business owners and executives in order to experience the

powerful lesson of enrollment.  I acknowledge that the Coaching process is sometimes emotional and I agree to keep the promises

made to myself, my business, employees and my Coach.  ________Initial here


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When You Change The Way You Look At Things, The

Things You Look At CHANGE.

Wayne Dyer 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 33

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Thanks for taking time

today!Great coaching & God bless, Coach Gary 800-983-7769/ [email protected] 34