Building Your First Swiftpage Email Newsletter

Swiftpage Training: Building Your First Swiftpage e-Newsletter Todd Viau Lori Feldman @LoriFeldman


GET THE RESOURCES MENTIONED: Publishing an email newsletter is a no-brainer marketing decision. But few companies ever get around to it because they seem to take too much effort to create and maintain. Are you thinking, "I hate getting so many spammy email newsletters in my inbox!" Of course you are! Who doesn't? But what if your newsletter became THE ONE that customers and prospects stopped what they were doing to read? Is that even possible? YES! Readers of The Database Diva's Award Winning email newsletter, for example, contribute thousands of dollars to our top-line revenue each year. They even write us when they don't receive it to be sure they're still on our list! For this Swiftpage training, we'll show you our top 10 ways to create readable business boosting email newsletters. Here are just a few of the 10 you'll learn: * How to copy a Swiftpage template, add your images, "look and feel", then send to contacts in your ACT database * Tips for adding new subscribers to your newsletter list * Free resource for finding top trending articles to demonstrate to readers that you are the SME of your field (especially if you're not a writer. This is a $500-$1,000 value over hiring copywriters!) * How to get extra mileage and exposure for your newsletter by featuring it on your website and social media platforms--with only minutes more of your time * A successful email newsletter case study you can steal and tweak for your company * Need a Swiftpage free trial: * Not sure Swiftpage is the right email service provider for you?

Transcript of Building Your First Swiftpage Email Newsletter

  • 1. Building Your First Swiftpage e-Newsletter Todd Viau Lori Feldman @LoriFeldman

2. ?attachment_id=4288 Download Agenda here: 3. 3 Agenda Benefits of an email newsletter Content ideas Design ideas ACT Database Prep Sending, Tracking and Reporting Resources 4. 5 eNewsletter Benefits 1. Stay top-of mind with customers and prospects 2. Sell more thru upsells and cross sells 3. Generate new leads / Increases the size of your database 4. Get more referrals 5. Promote yourself as the go-to expert in your field 6. Get media coverage 7. Increase website traffic 5. Stephen Trentmann, Sales Manager, Washington Missourian 6 years uninterrupted monthly editions Average 5-12 new quote requests each time Success! 6. Watch this 3-Min. Video on types of email marketing: Email Blast E-Newsletter Drip Marketing 7. This is NOT an eNewsletter 8. Subject Matter Expert Opinion on Key Industry Issue Special Report Resources List Checklists Best of Lists Top 5 / Top 10 Lists Cheat Sheets Hot Tips How Tos Free Consultation Key Employee Interviews Digital Downloads (Audio, Podcast, CD, e-Book, etc.) Product/Service Special Case Study Customer Spotlight Mistakes (Top 3, Top 5, Top 10) Q & A or FAQs Review a Product / Service / Event Special of the Month Surveys Easy Content Ideas: 9. Request for Interview Subject Line: I'd like to interview you for a feature article [[First Name]], Thanks for accepting my request to interview you for a case study about [[Company]]s experience with drip marketing. Id like to interview you by email, and then write an article from your answers. The article will appear on my blog and then will be distributed to all my social media networks and in my newsletter. I am very proud of the work youve done on your database and the success youve had. Id like to share your effort with my other prospects and clients as a way to inspire them to start their own drip marketing campaigns. I know youre very busy, but if you could answer these questions for me, Id greatly appreciate it! (Is 5 business days enough time for you to do it?) You can just hit reply and type your answers underneath the Qs if thats easiest. Interview Questions 1. Tell me about [[Company]]. Where does your company fit in its marketplace? Whats your role in the company? How long have you been in this role? What size is your database? How long have you been using ACT/Swiftpage? (Just a couple of sentences for frame of reference for readers). 2. When we first started working together on your drip marketing, do you remember why you wanted my help? What business problem were you trying to solve? Why couldnt you do it on your own? (OK to give background on what you were doing/did before) 3. What did [[Company]] do to help you with this challenge? 4. What were your results (good or bad)? Were there any surprises in the process we used or with your results? 5. Whats the next step you want to tackle with your database marketing? 6. What 3 tips would you give to other database marketers? 7. Would you please send me a mug shot? Or may I copy pictures off your website? Warmly, Lori Feldman 314-485-4350 10. Content Idea Starters: 11. 47% of emails are read on mobile devices 12. 21 eNewsletter Compelling-O-Meter Create a Swiftpage SPF Record (Resources) Set publishing schedule Each issue sent same day, same time Test to see what days / times work best for your readers Expected Missed if readers dont get it Use the same From Email and Display Name Fun / Forward-Worthy Subject Line: Test variations to see what gets highest opens 13. Cheap Graphics: 14. Swiftpage: Preview Template List 15. Swiftpage: Preview Templates 16. Swiftpage: Naming Convention 17. Swiftpage: Manage Images 18. Swiftpage: Manage Documents 19. Save your eNewsletter List in an ACT Dynamic Group 20. Send 21. Track Your Results over Time 22. Whats Working? Whats Not? 23. 10. CAN Spam Laws US Policy: New Canadian Law: ceac.nsf/eng/gv00521.html 24. More Swiftpage Training: 25 Hacks & Shortcuts - $10 OFF with Promo Code Top Tips & Tricks - $10 OFF with Promo Code Surveys & Web Forms - $10 OFF with Promo Code (FREE) 7 Ways to Use Drip Marketing in Your Business PROMO CODE: Diva10 25. Q&A 314-485-4350 (US) Skype: thedatabasediva [email protected]