Building an events system - National Gallery of Victoria at SIUC 2011

Building an Events System in Matrix

Transcript of Building an events system - National Gallery of Victoria at SIUC 2011

Building an Events System in Matrix


>  Jonathan Luker Senior Web Designer National Gallery of Victoria

>  Rick Lannan Technical Consultant Squiz

NGV  Australia  At  Federa0on  Square  

NGV  Interna0onal  St  Kilda  Road  

Top  Arts:  VCE  2010  Gustave  Moreau  and  the  Eternal  Feminine  The  Naked  Face:  Self-­‐portraits  Unnerved:  The  New  Zealand  Project  Luminous  Ci0es  Stormy  Weather:  Contemporary  Landscape  Photography  Harrell  Fletcher:  The  sound  we  make  together  (Melbourne)  Endless  Present:  Robert  Rooney  and  Conceptual  Art  Mari  Funaki:  Objects  John  Davis:  Presence  Contemporary  encounters  Lace  in  Fashion  Imagining  the  Orient  European  Masters:  Städel  Museum,  19th–20th  Century  Light  Play  Australian  Made:100  Years  of  Fashion  TimelinesPhotography  and  Time  Tea  and  Zen  Top  Arts:  VCE  2009  Rupert  BunnyAr0st  in  Paris  

Tours  Talks  Classes  and  Workshops  Live  art  a^er  dark  Films  Out  and  About  Kids  Members  Symposiums  

Clemenger  BBDO  Auditorium  [Ground  Level]    Informa0on  Desk  [Ground  Level]    Robert  Raynor  Gallery  [Ground  Level]    Persimmon  café  &  bistro  [Ground  Level]    Exhibi0on  Space  [Level  2]  Great  Hall  [Ground  Level]    Group  /  Schools  Entrance  [Ground  Level]    Front  of  NGV  [Ground  Level]    Federa0on  Court  [Ground  Level]    Temporary  Exhibi0on  Space  1  [Ground  Level]    NGV  Members  Lounge  [Ground  Level]    Grollo  Equiset  Garden  [Ground  Level]    Gallery  Kitchen  [Ground  Level]    Waterwall  [Ground  Level]    NGV  Shop  [Ground  Level]    An0qui0es  &  Oceanic  Art  Galleries  [Ground  Level]    14th-­‐16th  Century  Galleries  [Level  1]    16th-­‐17th  Century  Galleries  [Level  1]    Educa0on  Theatre  [Level  1]    Study  Gallery  [Level  1]    18th-­‐19th  Century  Galleries  [Level  2]    20th  Century  Gallery  [Level  3]    19th-­‐Mid  20th  Century  Gallery  [Level  2]    Pain0ng  &  Sculpture  [Level  2]    Balcony  /  Decora0ve  Arts  Passage  [Level  2]    Myer  Fashion  &  Tex0les  Galleries  [Level  2]    NGV  Educa0on  Studios  [Level  1]    Decora0ve  Arts  Gallery  [Level  3]    Contemporary  Design  Galleries  [Level  3]    Exhibi0on  space  [Level  1]    

17th-­‐18th  century  galleries  [Level  2]    Meet:Informa0on  Desk  [Ground  Level]    Meet:Front  of  NGV  Interna0onal  [Ground  Level]    Asian  Temporary  Exhibi0on  Space  [Level  1]    Ground  Level  [Ground  Level]    Meet:  North  Foyer  [Ground  Level]    Great  Hall  /  Federa0on  Court  [Ground  Level]    19th  Century  Gallery  [Level  2]    NGV  Interna0onal  (enter  via  Waterwall)  [Ground  Level]    Photography  Gallery  [Level  3]    Educa0on  Theatre  [Level  1]    Temporary  Exhibi0on  Space  1,2,3  [Ground  Level]    Persimmon  Cafe/Bistro  [Ground  Level]    17-­‐18th  Century  Galleries  Level  2]  Informa0on  Desk  [Ground  Level]    Theatre  [Ground  Level]    NGV  Shop  [Ground  Level]    Schools  /  Group  Entrance  [Ground  Level]    Foyer  [Ground  Level]  Indigenous  Galleries  [Ground  Level]    Informa0on  Desk  &  Ticke0ng  [Ground  Level]    NGV  Members  Lounge  [Level  1]    Educa0on  Studios  [Level  1]    Exhibi0on  space  [Level  2]    Foyer  [Level  2]    Exhibi0on  space  [Level  3]    Foyer  [Level  3]    Myer  Fashion  &  Tex0les  Gallery  12  [Level  2]    Gallery  11  [Level  2]    Galleries  15  &  16  [Level  3]    

The brief

>  Redevelop What’s On system

>  Distributed authoring for non-technical users

>  Store What’s On data in Matrix

>  Push What’s On data to: •  Existing Website

•  New Website

•  Info Screens

The process

>  Analysis > Wireframes > Build Spec > Design > Build

The process

>  Analysis > Wireframes > Build Spec > Design > Build

The process

>  Analysis > Wireframes > Build Spec > Design > Build

The process

>  Analysis > Wireframes > Build Spec > Design > Build

The process

>  Analysis > Wireframes > Build Spec > Design > Build

Technical overview

>  Standard pages

>  Asset listings

>  Search pages

>  Asset builders

>  What’s On JavaScript API >  To manage What’s On data

>  Custom API that uses the Matrix JavaScript API


>  Let’s see the system in action

How is the data used?

>  Website >  Info Screens >  Newsletters >  iPhone App >  Print

What else is NGV doing?

>  Other projects the NGV has running in Matrix

Question Time