Build your business through referrals


Transcript of Build your business through referrals

Build Your Business Through Networking and Referrals

Mike LeGassickIndependent Financial Adviser with

and co founding director of the Plymouth Business Network

The Business Network that helps you Get Work!

3 of my favourites, but not the best communicators in the world!

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you” Dale Carnegie

“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Zig Ziglar, legendary author, salesman and motivational speaker

Referrals normally don’t just happen by chance!

You need to educate your clients and contacts•Do you ask your existing clients?•You’ve done a great job•They trust you•They like you•They’re your best source of referrals•If you’re not asking, why aren’t you?•Fear of rejection?

•If you are not getting a steady stream of regular referrals from existing clients it probably boils down to 4 things

1. Bad service? (unlikely)2. They don’t know about ALL of the

services you offer3. You’re not asking4. They don’t know you want more

quality clients

You have to be prepared to step out of your comfort zoneYou could be leaving your biggest client on the table!

So why isnetworking so important?

Networking Benefits Opportunities

Leads to new and

future business.

Networking Benefits Opportunities

Leads to new and

future business.


Gives forum to

promote and draw

attention to your

business, cause, or

personal brand.

Networking Benefits Opportunities

Leads to new and

future business.


Gives forum to

promote and draw

attention to your

business, cause, or

personal brand.

Contacts and Relationships

Helps form and

maintain a strong

contact base.


Leads to new and future business.


Gives forum to promote and draw attention to your business, cause, or personal brand.

Contacts and Relationships

Helps form and maintaina strong contact base.

Common Ground

Like-minded people can come together to discuss common interests and opportunities.




Leads to new and future



Gives forum to promote

and draw attention to your

business, cause, or personal


Contacts and Relationships

Helps form and maintain

a strong contact base.

Common Ground

Like-minded people can

come together to discuss

common interests.

Learning Allows you to learn from experienced professionals.

Networking Benefits

• Set a goal to identify who you need

to know and who needs to know you

Who are the decision makers and key

influencers? Where can I meet them? How do I

get into their circles? What is it you want

from the event?

• Prepare questions

Have a few targeted, engaging questions

prepared ahead of time. (focused on their

interests, career path, challenges, the things

they like/dislike about their job, advice they

may have for new professionals).

• Stay informed with current events

Seek out press releases about local

business successes, local and national news

stories and company newsletters.

• Pick a few items to use as emergency

re-starters in case the conversation starts to

dry up.

Target your connections

•Set a goal to identify who you need to know and who needs to know you

Who are the decision makers and key

influencers? Where can I meet them? How do I get into their circles? What is it you want

from the event?

•Prepare questions

Have a few targeted, engaging questions prepared ahead of time. (focused

on their interests, career path, the things they

like/dislike about their job, advice they may have for new professionals).

•Stay informed with current events

Read at least four articles from local

topics, national news, company newsletters, weather information, sports, best sellers list,

and food blogs before event to have some “back pocket” conversation topics handy. Pick

3-5 items to use as emergency re-starters in case the conversation starts to drag.

• Become a social event crasher

Find event’s calendar, listings for public forums and board meetings, local networking groups and grand openings in your local paper.

Join civic clubs, professional business groups, committees, serve on nonprofit boards, become an ambassador for a good causevolunteer with organisations of interest.

Become an event organiser yourself.

Ask to help with the check-in/registration table.

Attend your kid’s events and fund raisers

Plan to attend at least two or three meet- ups a month.

Target your connections

LinkedIn is a fantastic resource to find out about people and companies

• > What are the challenges you've been facing in your industry?

• > What in terests do you have outside of work?

•> Is there anything you need or specifically looking for, in case I happen to know anyone?

• > How did you get involved in...?

• > What made you decide to go into the ___business?

• > To get you a qual i ty referral what questions should I be asking my cl ients in relat ion to your business?

• > What do you love/enjoy most about what you do?

• > How can you assist them?

• > Is there anything you're specifically looking for in that area?

• > What ways have you found to be the most effective for promoting your business/organisation/product?

• > What would make a person/company an ideal client/customer for you?

• > What separates your business/company/organisationfrom the competition?

• > What signif icant changes have you seen take place in your profession/area of expertise over the years?

Ask Powerful Networking Questions

You need to understand and accept thatRelationships take time to


You have to give before you get



Civic associations

Non-profit organisations

Health clubs Support groups

Community organisations Advocacy groups Professional associations

Social/Business networking groups Family and friends

Book clubs Workshops

Historical and art societies

Garden Clubs

Enrichment classes Country Clubs Cultural societies Find something that fits, you enjoy and that you can contribute to

Opportunities come to those who are visible

Try to seek out networkingcommunities

There is an opportunity to learn something new from every person you meet…if you genuinely show interest

in them

They are likely willing to share advice and insight from their

experiences. Generally, people like to talk about themselves so encourage them to do so and talk in their


A great resource on building relationships.... Dale Carnegie’s

How to Win Friends and Influence People

• Networking isn’t, “”Hi, what can you do for me?” but rather: “Hi, let’s get to know each other. What can I do for you?”

• It’s about giving, paying it forward and building long term relationships.

• Get into the mindset of giving to others without the constant expectation of payback

• People inherently have a moral debt of gratitude and will feel the need to reciprocate

• So try to stay on track, be patient and the rewards will come

Networking is not about

selling yourself

• Arrange to meet for a coffee to really find

out about someone’s business

This one simple idea will help to grow your business exponentially over time

Putting business other people’s way is rewarding, considerate and greatly appreciated by the recipient. How do you feel when someone’s gone out of their way to help you?Chances are that you will feel a strong obligation to reciprocate in some way or other.

Refer to newspaper articles and Social Media to highlight accomplishments of

potential connections


Send them a copy of the article with a note attached congratulating them on“What a great job they’ve done and you thought

you would share their success with your contacts” Be different

Give first

Be noticeableJoin a group like The Plymouth Business Network

Get a business card wallet and promote your customersRemain in


Be different

Thanks for listeningPlymouth Business Network

The Business Network that helps you Get Work!


Mike LeGassick