Bud, Not Buddy Chapters 1-5

Bud, Not Buddy Chapters 1-5 A John Newbery award Book IN 2000 Written by: Christopher Paul Curtis


Bud, Not Buddy Chapters 1-5. A John Newbery award Book IN 2000 Written by: Christopher Paul Curtis . The Great Depression: http:// www.history.com/shows/america-the-story-of-us/videos/the-great-depression. Map of route from flint, Mi to grand rapids, mi. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Bud, Not Buddy Chapters 1-5

Page 1: Bud, Not Buddy Chapters 1-5

Bud, Not BuddyChapters 1-5

A John Newbery award Book IN 2000

Written by: Christopher Paul Curtis

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Map of route from

flint, Mi to grand rapids, mihttps://www.google.com/maps/dir/Flint,+MI/Grand+Rapids,+MI/@42.8134297,-85.2296149,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x882378fba5977317:0xc1853a098e33686b!2m2!1d-83.6874562!2d43.0125274!1m5!1m1!1s0x88185460bb502815:0xa593aacb1bd3a8d0!2m2!1d-85.6680863!2d42.9633599

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Blues Music from The Great Depression


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Waterworks Willie: 1

Bud is called this by Thud because he cries so much after dinner.EXAMPLE SENTENCE: Waterworks Willie becomes Bud’s nickname.


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Dirty Deed: 2

the only white man in the band EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The Thug heckles Dirty Deed because he is the only white man in the band, but Deed comes back with wit and confidence.


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Grand Calloway Station: 3

the Calloway’s homeEXAMPLE SENTENCE: Back at the Grand Calloway Station, a.k.a. Calloway's house, Bud shows Calloway the rocks and Calloway goes bonkers because he thinks Bud stole them.


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Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar out of Yourself: 4 the list of rules Bud makes for himself to help him get through and understand tough or unexpected situationsEXAMPLE SENTENCE: Shocked, Bud remembers his, number 39: the older you get, the less you cry… which makes Bud think that whatever is making Calloway cry had to be a tragedy..

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saxaphone: 5

a woodwind musical instrument invented in 1840,usually made of brass and played with a single-reed mouthpiece EXAMPLE SENTENCE: ... Thomas and he told Mr. C take my seat because this kid looks like he could be a pretty good sax player.

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crumble: 6

marked by suitability or rightness or appropriatenessEXAMPLE SENTENCE: Right when I got near the kitchen door I could hear Herman E. Calloway saying, “. . . so that’s how that cookie’s going to crumble.”

Synonym: fall apart

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No number 7 this week….only 29 words.

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pulse: 8 rate at which the heart beats;

EXAMPLE SENTENCE: I had to check your pulse to make sure you were still alive!


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classy: 9

elegant and fashionableEXAMPLE SENTENCE: French always makes things sound a lot classier.


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ruin: 10

to destroy or damage completelyEXAMPLE SENTENCE: The back kitchen door opened, and I thought Herman E. Calloway was coming back to ruin everybody’s fun.


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Day One Directions for Assignment(Slide 6 is done for you as an example)

1. Read the vocabulary, definition, and sentence to yourself.2. Highlight the vocabulary word in both the heading and in

the context sentence any color that still shows up against the background.

3. Highlight the definition a different color that also shows up well against the background.

4. Do this for all 30 words. 5. What you don’t get done becomes homework. Do NOT email to me, yet. Not until after “Day Three” assignment is completed.

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require: 11

to have need of; to expectEXAMPLE SENTENCE:Steady Eddie said, “I was just about to tell him some of the things Herman E. Calloway requires of anybody in his band.”


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embouchure: 12 (This vocab work will NOT be on the CLOZE activity.)

the aperture of a wind instrument into which the player blows directly EXAMPLE SENTENCE:"Once you’ve developed a little wind, and some tone and an embouchure we’ll move on to something a little more complicated.”


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complicated: 13

difficult to analyze or understand EXAMPLE SENTENCE:"Once you’ve developed a little wind, and some tone and an embouchure we’ll move on to something a little more complicated.”


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compromise: 14

to expose or make liable to danger EXAMPLE SENTENCE:Eddie kept talking, “We do that ’cause the boy can play, Mr. C. won’t compromise on his music.”


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prodigy: 15

an unusually gifted or talented young person EXAMPLE SENTENCE:"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming out on this cold November night, this night that will live in history, this night that for the first time on any stage anywhere, you have listened to the smooth saxophonical musings of that prodigy of the reed, Mr. Sleepy LaBone!”


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drift: 16 to move in an unhurried manner


EXAMPLE SENTENCE: Steady held the note for a long time, then made the sax drift away from the rest of the storm of music.

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fade: 17 to go disappear gradually EXAMPLE SENTENCE:Every once in a while Mr. Jimmy’s trumpet would come in and put his two cents’ worth in, then it would fade away.


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offend: 18

to hurt the feelings of a person EXAMPLE SENTENCE:The Thug said to Dirty Deed, “I’d be offended, man, and I ain’t trying to say that you ain’t good on the eighty-eights, but you know the only reason you got this gig is ’cause you’re Dutch, you’re white and you don’t have the strongest personality in the world.”


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unload: 19

take the load off or out (as in a container or vehicle) EXAMPLE SENTENCE:We unloaded all of the instruments and waited for nighttime to come.


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tidings: 20

information about recent or important events EXAMPLE SENTENCE:He looked at me, shifted his pipe away from the talking side of his mouth and said, “Bud, I know you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but those are found all over the world."


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Day Two Directions for Assignment(If you don’t get this done during class,

it becomes homework. Turn it in to the purple tub.) 1. Go to this website by highlighting, copying, & pasting this address in your

address bar: http://www.vocabulary.com/lists/353629#view=notes 2. Listen to the recording by clicking on the sound symbol. 3. Find the word you are working on, on the list and click on it. It will take you to a

different page. 4. Read the definition. 5. Open a Word Document. Save as “Vocabulary Definitions” 6. Number each word and type the vocab word, then copy and past the word and

the context~definition on a Word Document. 7. Do this for words 6-30. 8. What you don’t get done becomes homework. 9. Email me your paper, “Vocabulary Definitions.”

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velvet: 21

a silky, densely piled fabric with a smooth backing EXAMPLE SENTENCE:As soon as I opened the top that smell of old spit and crumbling-up velvet and mildew came rushing out, it was still great.


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rummage: 22

to search haphazardlyEXAMPLE SENTENCE:"Didn’t I tell you not to do any rummaging around in that room you been sleeping in?”


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disrespectful: 23

exhibiting lack of respect; rude and discourteous EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “You throw a lot of ‘sirs’ around but you’ve still got a real strong, real smart-mouthed, disrespectful streak in you, boy."


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tragedy 24

drama in which the protagonist is overcome by some superior forceEXAMPLE SENTENCE: When you got someone as old as Herman E. Calloway crying you better look around, ’cause you know you’re square in the middle of one of those boiling tragedies


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hue: 25 the quality of color according to its wavelengthEXAMPLE SENTENCE: Mr. Jimmy said, “Well, Grace, to be truthful I did think the boy’s face was a little swole up, but you know how dark it is in the Cabin, and, by God, there are some folks who just naturally have lopsided heads.”


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Most sources of visible light contain energy over a band of wavelengths. Hue is the wavelength within the visible-light spectrum at which the energy output from a source is greatest.

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overboard: 26

taking something to the extremes

EXAMPLE SENTENCE: He was determined that she was going to be the first Calloway to get schooling all the way through college so he thought he had to be strict on her, but he went overboard, Bud, simple as that.


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ornery: 27

having a difficult or contrary dispositionEXAMPLE SENTENCE: "That ornery old man upstairs is very, very hurt right now and I just can’t say where he’s going to land after this news gets through blowing him around.”


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blues: 28

a state of low mood or sad feelings(In Music, a noun meaning a Genre of music)

EXAMPLE SENTENCE: Herman E. Calloway was making everybody feel like they had the blues, it looked like Mr. Jimmy’d just wiped some tears from his eyes too.


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seam: 29

when two pieces come together in a line to form a jointEXAMPLE SENTENCE:Eddie said, “It’s an alto, Bud, there’s a little rust in some of the seams, but that’s to be expected with a horn this old."


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squawk: 30 a harsh, abrupt screamEXAMPLE SENTENCE: The saxophone only squeaked, squawked and groaned, then sounded like it was making up words like ahwronk and roozahga and baloopa.


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Day three Directions for Assignment(slide Number 6 is done for you as an example.)

(If you don’t get this done during class, it becomes homework. Turn it in to the purple tub.)

1. Go to this website by highlighting, copying, & pasting this address in your address bar: http://www.vocabulary.com/lists/353625#view=notes

2. Listen to the recording by clicking on the sound symbol. 3. Find the word you are working on, on the list and click on it. It will take

you to a different page. 4. Read all the synonyms and choose one from the list. 5. Type the synonym for each vocabulary word on its corresponding slide. 6. Do this for words 6-30. 7. What you don’t get done becomes homework. 8. Email your Power Point to me as soon as you get done. It is late after


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Day Four Directions for Assignment

7-up Sentences

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Day five Directions for Assignment(Turn in purple tray…You must get this done at school. You may not take it home to work on.)

Cloze Activity