BSP Report

1 页码 1 Business Plan IFA-A01 Group 1 2011-5-16 Sebastian Yu 491725 Franky Lai 484387 Anne la Bèl 474428 Jan-Felix Becker 489436 Birgit Giezenaar 490629 Lena Huelser 487066 Frank Wang 483770


Business plan for intelbright company

Transcript of BSP Report

Page 1: BSP Report


页码 1

Business Plan IFA-A01 Group 1


Sebastian Yu 491725 Franky Lai 484387

Anne la Bèl 474428 Jan-Felix Becker 489436

Birgit Giezenaar 490629 Lena Huelser 487066

Frank Wang 483770

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Table of Contents 1.Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 1

2.Internal Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Personal Data ............................................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Company Data………………………………………………………………………….....................10

2.2.1 Hierarchy…………………………………………………………………………………...…….10

2.3 Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………………………..11

2.4 Business Definition..................................................................................................................11

2.4.1 Vision......................................................................................................................................11

2.4.2 Values ………………………………………………………………………………......................11

2.5 Financial position ……………………………………………………………………….................11

2.6 Product introduction …………………………………………………………………..................12

2.7 Product design...........................................................................................................................12

3. External Analysis........................................................................................................................13

3.1 DESTEP Analysis.......................................................................................................................13

3.1.1 Demographic environment...........................................................................................13

3.1.2 Economic Environment..................................................................................................14

3.1.3 Social-cultural Environment........................................................................................16

3.1.4 Technological Environment..........................................................................................17

3.1.5 Ecological Environment..................................................................................................17

3.1.6 Political Environment.....................................................................................................18

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3.2 Competitors Analysis..............................................................................................................18

4.Marketing Plan............................................................................................................................21

4.1 Marketing Strategy.................................................................................................................21

4.1.1 Target Groups....................................................................................................................21

4.1.2 Marketing Position...........................................................................................................21

4.1.3 Marketing Objectives......................................................................................................21

4.2 Market Potential......................................................................................................................22

4.3 Sustainability..............................................................................................................................23

4.4 Marketing Mix............................................................................................................................24

4.4.1 Product...................................................................................................................................24 Product Layers..............................................................................................................24

4.4.2 Price.........................................................................................................................................26

4.4.3 Promotion.............................................................................................................................26

4.4.4 Place/ Physical Distribution.........................................................................................26

4.4.5 Advertisement Analysis..................................................................................................27 Magazines Advertisement......................................................................................27 Website Advertisement...........................................................................................30

5. Logistics...........................................................................................................................................34

5.1 Manufacturing...........................................................................................................................34

5.2 Basic information of product..............................................................................................35

5.3 Cost of Product..........................................................................................................................36

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5.4 Packaging and Shipping.........................................................................................................36

5.5 Storage .........................................................................................................................................37

5.6 Bill of Material............................................................................................................................38

5.7 Material Requirement Planning.........................................................................................41

5.8 Supply Chain...............................................................................................................................42

6. Financial Plan.............................................................................................................................43

6.1 Sales Forecast............................................................................................................................43

6.2 Opening Balance Sheet...........................................................................................................44

6.2.1 Description of Opening Balance Sheet.....................................................................44

6.3 Income Statement.....................................................................................................................45

6.3.1 Description of Income Statement...............................................................................45

6.4 Cash Flow Statement...............................................................................................................46

6.4.1 Description of Cash Flow Statement.........................................................................47

6.5 Closing Balance Sheet.............................................................................................................47

6.5.1 Description of Closing Balance Sheet........................................................................48

6.6 Ratios.............................................................................................................................................49

6.6.1 Current Ratio.......................................................................................................................49

6.6.2 ROE..........................................................................................................................................49

6.6.3 ROA..........................................................................................................................................50

6.7 Break- Even Analysis..............................................................................................................50

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7. Appendix.........................................................................................................................................51

7.1 Questionnaire.............................................................................................................................51

7.1.1 Survey Results....................................................................................................................53

7.2 List of Sources..............................................................................................................................57

7.2.1 External Analysis...............................................................................................................57

7.2.2 Marketing Plan....................................................................................................................58

7.2.3 Logistics.................................................................................................................................58

7.2.4 Financial Plan......................................................................................................................59

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1. Executive Summary

Light is something precious in our everyday life. It guides us through the day. A day has

24 hours but only a certain amount of hours you can make use of daylight until it gets

dark. What we need when this happens, is a lamp, whether you are reading, writing or

just sitting in front of your desk. A lamp is there to keep your room bright and you no

longer have to sit in the dark at your desk.

We as IntelBright want to improve the living environment. We are confident that our

lamp is the right choice for our customers since it provides a healthy living habitat.

Haven’t you ever been in a situation where you have been so sunk into your work that

you did not realize how fast time was passing by? Before you realized it, it was already

getting dark outside and you started to get a headache because you did not turn on your

light at your desk. Or the fact that your child was sitting in front of the desk with no

light and you had to come in to turn on the light. What if you as a parent are not at home?

Don t you think that a lamp which turns on automatically would make things way easier

for you and your family? Our lamp will turn on automatically and you no longer have to

worry that your child might sit in the dark. IntelBright makes it possible for you!

To prevent situations like this, we have created an intelligent lamp. A lamp, that thinks

itself, leaving you with the comfort of knowing that someone takes care of you!

Our unique lamp has a built-in sensor that automatically turns on the lamp when it is

too dark outside to comfortably without artificial light. In addition to this, another

sensor is integrated to sensor movement to turn the lamp on if you sit down at your


IntelBright keeps the living environment healthy and is saving energy at the same time

for you. With our desk lamp, you don t have to deal with issues likes sore eyes anymore.

We make it possible for you to read, write and work in a well-illuminated environment.

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This Business Plan has been written by seven highly motivated students who believe in

the vision of developing an unique desk lamp (IntelBright) to brighten your day as soon

as it get s dark outside. We keep our promises.

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2. Internal Analysis

2.1 Personal Data

“IntelBright” consists of seven people. Our team is a group of vibrant, young and

dynamic people. All of us aim for the success of IntelBright

On the following pages, every team member will be introduced.

Name: Jan-Felix Becker

Student Number: 489436

Nationality: German

Age: 22

Function: CEO

E-mail: [email protected]

Do you enjoy working for this company?

I enjoy working for this company because it has a very innovative, inspiring and

productive working environment. Our product is truly innovative and will improve the

comfort in your home and working space.

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Name: Franky Lai

Student Number: 484387

Nationality: China

Age: 20

Function: Head of the Finance


E-mail:[email protected]

Why are you working for this company?

I think this company has a great future ahead. We have a very talented and motivated

team. Our product is a high technology product and this product can help people to

protect their eyes. I really like this function of our lamp.

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Name: Lena Huelser

Student Number: 487066

Nationality: German

Age: 21

Function: Marketing Manager


[email protected]

Why are you working for this company?

I really enjoy working for IntelBright because I like the idea of developing an efficient

product, which will help people to improve their working environment. I am proud to

be a part of this company.

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Name: Birgit Giezenaar

Student Number: 490629

Nationality: Dutch

Age: 20

Function: Head of the marketing



[email protected]

Why are you working for this company?

I love working for IntelBright because we prevent that people from getting health issues

by designing and inventing smart thinking lamps.

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Name: ZiHou Wang

Student Number: 483770

Nationality: China

Age: 19

Function: Finance Manager

E-mail: [email protected]

Why are you working for this company?

I’m here in this company because it is consist of a group of young people who are

energetic and motivate, which I always pursue.

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Name: Jianjie Yu

Student Number: 491725

Nationality: China

Age: 22

Function: Head of Logistics


E-mail: [email protected]

What do you think of our lamp?

Our lamp is a fantastic product, especially for business people. It deals with eye issues

during your work.

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Name: Anne Miranda

Student Number: 474428

Nationality: German

Age: 21

Function: Logistics manager


[email protected]

Why are you working for this company?

I really enjoy the work in our company because of my great supportive team who

makes it able for me to work in a pleasant atmosphere.

I like our product because it reduces eye issues like sore eyes and makes it able for

people to obtain a healthy work- and living environment.

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2.2 Company Data

2.2.1 Hierarchy

Our company is divided into three divisions.

Sebastian Yu is the Head of the Logistics Department. He is being assisted by Anne

Miranda. They are responsible for monitoring the whole Supply Chain. The Supply

Chain consists of the Purchasing of our Product, the Transportation towards our Office

and the Distribution to our customers. Furthermore, they monitor the current and

future demand and react of necessary.

The financial department is led by our Financial Manager Franky Lai and supported by

his financial staff. This staff consists of Frank Wang, who also works as a Sales Research

Agent and Jan-Felix Becker. This department is responsible for monitoring all of our

financial matters like creating Balance Sheets, Income Statements and Cash Flow


Birgit Giezenaar works as our Marketing Manager. Her sales staff, Lena Huelser and

Frank Wang supports her in her daily routine. Together they form our marketing team.

The purpose of the marketing team is to focus on future customers and how to address

them in the most sufficient way. For this reason, we have to constantly adapt our

marketing mix to the current market situation.

CEO Jan-Felix Becker

Logistics Sebastian Yu

Anne Miranda

Finance Franky Lai

Frank Wang

Marketing Birgit Giezenaar

Lena Huelser

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2.3 Mission Statement

With our efficient and innovative lamp, we from IntelBright want to brighten up your

daily life and also improve your well-being.

2.4 Business Definition

2.4.1 Vision

In a world full of workaholics and performance pressure we as a company want to

achieve that our future customers are able to improve their work environment and

start to enjoy the time they are spending in front of their desk. IntelBright will lighten

up a typical day of work – in so many ways.

2.4.2 Values

For us as a company it is very important to create a product that suits our customers

best; a product that keeps its promises and improves our customers’ daily life.

IntelBright is a brand that will provide a great service to the customer and customer’s

satisfaction will always be the most important value to us.

2.5 Financial position

Our initial investment in our company was €30,000. This equals to a Paid-In-Capital

amount of €4,285.71. In addition to this investment, we received a €25,000 bank loan

as well. This bank loan has a duration a maximum of one years and an interest rate of


Variable Redemption has been agreed on. Further details can be deduced from the

Financial Part.

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2.6 Product introduction

The idea was to create a desk lamp that sensors movement nearby and turns on

automatically when it gets too dark in the room. This will help the customer to reduce

eye issues due to insufficient light conditions.

These issues, like sore eyes, can be prevented from reading in a well-illuminated

environment. Our lamp will provide a healthy work- and living habitat.

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3. External Analysis

3.1 DESTEP Analysis

3.1.1 Demographic environment

In 2010, around 16.6 million people were living in the Netherlands. This number makes

the Netherlands one of the most crowded countries in the world. Due to its relatively

small size, the population per square kilometre is around 400 people.

On the following graph you can see the population development starting in 1950 with

the most recent numbers in 2010.

Around half of all inhabitants are living in the so-called Randstad, the western part of

the Netherlands with the cities like Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht.

Education is available for everybody and mandatory for children. Due to this fact, more

than 99% of all habitants are capable of reading and writing. In 2007 almost 560,000

students were enrolled in either a University or Hogeschool. This big number compared

to the total number of inhabitants proves that a high number of employees with

Diplomas are working in this country. This makes the Netherlands a very attractive

country for our company.

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The next graph provides an overview over the age groups in the Netherlands. The

largest groups consist of people of the age between 40 and 55 which are in particular

our target group.

3.1.2 Economic environment

The Netherlands is a well-developed country, which is one of the most prosperous

countries within the European Union. In 2008, global financial and economic crisis had

erupted and it influenced the Dutch economy. However, the Dutch economy has been

recovering in the second half of 2009. In 2010, the GDP per capital (current price) in the

Netherlands is US$ 46,418 and this data was the second highest in Europe, the 10th

highest in the world. In recent years, the Dutch GDP per capital for the PPP (purchasing

power parity) increased gradually; in 2010 the Dutch PPP is US$40,777, the 8th in the


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Furthermore, the tertiary sector employs the most people. Overall 79% of all workers

and employees work in this sector.

Although Dutch GDP increased, the rate of unemployment also increased. In 2008, the

rate of unemployment was 2.8%, but in 2010 it increased up to 4.2%, in 2011, the

forecast data about unemployment will level to 4.4%.

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3.1.3 Social/Cultural

The Netherlands is a small country but also a “Business giant”. The Netherlands, a small

country of only 16.6 million of population and 40,000 square kilometres, but creates a

GDP of 6,127 billion dollars per year and is the 16th largest economy in the world. The

success in business has gone hand in hand with the high labour productivity of Dutch

people. And this high labour productivity benefits from the pleasant working

environment and the employees' rights. As we know, the Dutch government and

companies attach great importance to employees’ working state and health. And it's

worth taking a moment to emphasize the holiday and leave system of the Netherlands.

Holidays and Leaves is really one of the most important things in the Dutch life. In

addition to vacations, the Dutch government has established various laws and

regulations to guarantee employees' rights. For example, since 1998, each firm must

hire consultants, responsible for the inspection and supervision of providing the

employees working environment conformed to requirements and related equipment.

Our company is dedicated to create a lamp to reduce eye issues and then keep working

state. So we have the same goal with the government and companies.

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3.1.4 Technological environment

Nowadays, many high technology things are invented; new products come in to the

market very frequent. Especially the lamp, there are many kind of lamps in the market.

In the development of science and technology, more and more people begin to use the

Internet. Online stores become more popular. This opens a whole new way for selling

our product.

The chart below gives an overview over the percentage of people in the Netherlands

that use the Internet.

3.1.5 Ecological

In recent years, as a consequence of rapid economic and population growth, the energy

consumption has increased significantly. As we know, this can give rise to too much

pollutions and environmental degradation. Companies have to pay attention to the

ever-changing environment. Companies are influencing the environment, consciously

or unconsciously.

The Netherlands contribute a great importance to the environment and the government

has established a number of relevant regulations and policies. You can see that the

Netherlands is a well-developed country with a well-developed environment.

Due to the geographical location of the Netherlands, the changes in nature caused by

global warming will have an extraordinary effect. The majority of the Netherlands are

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located under the current sea level. For this reason, a special interest to limit the

damages caused by global warming can be detected.

3.1.6 Political environment

The European Union’s ambition to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by 2020 in

comparison to 1990 has an effect on the Dutch political environment.

EU directives such as the Eco Design Directive were ratified and will have a significant

impact on the electronic market in the future. This directive commits producers of

electronic devices such as office equipment to reduce their energy consumption to 1 to

2 watts at max of they are in stand-by mode. If they are switched off, an upper limit in

consumption of one watt has been established.

Those laws and directives have to be obeyed to have a chance to get a foot into the

Dutch market.

Approval marks like the CE-mark must be obtained. Furthermore, requirements for

directives like the EMV have to be fulfilled.

3.2 Competitors Analysis

Every company has competitors when entering the market.

IntelBright competes with companies offering lighting equipment. Since we will start

our business in the Netherlands, we will compete with companies in the Netherlands

offering lighting equipment. These are our main competitors: Philips, Ikea and


Our main competitor is Ikea. The competition we will face with Ikea is that they offer

different types of desk lamps for a low price. The cheapest lamp Ikea provides can be

bought for €9,99.

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Grono Table lamp

IntelBright is offering just one lamp for €59, 95. We will solve this problem by

designing different lamps in the future. The difference between IKEA and us is that Ikea

is not as technologically advanced as we are. They provide only ordinary lamps which

the customers have to turn on and off. We from IntelBright offer a desk lamp with two

sensors. It turns on automatically it gets dark outside. The other is a movement sensor

that turns on the lamp as soon as the customer sits at the desk.

We also compete with Artemide who offers desk lamps as well. Those lamps have a high

quality and are priced at high prices. These lamps are not made for everyone because of

the high price. Nevertheless, their outstanding design and quality makes them one of

the first choices among households with a higher income.

Artemide provides this desk lamp for 261€

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Compared to Ikea, who offers lamps for everyone, Artemide provides lamps in classical,

minimalistic designs. It is often this design, paired with the outstanding quality that

leads to a customer’s choice towards Artemide.

We compete with Artemide because we offer IntelBright for €59.95 which is a high

price. In addition the quality they offer is excellent which IntelBright offers as well. We

have chosen Artemide because of the fact that they, as well as IntelBright, target high

income households. IntelBright targets families in a high social standard. This is the

reason why we compete with Artemide.

Philips offers desk lamps with the main idea to improve the living environment. The

desk lamp they offer has a remote control with what the customers can decide for how

long they want to lighten the room but so far they did not construct a lamp with two

sensors which automatically turns on if it gets dark and a sensor for movement.

IntelBright and Philips share the idea of an

environmentally friendly company.

This is the remote controlled lamp, Philips offers.

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4. Marketing Plan

4.1 Marketing Strategy

4.1.1 Target Groups

We want to focus on households especially on people who have a home office in their

household and parents who want a safe work environment for their children.

IntelBright prevents eye damage and is a smart and innovative way of helping you or

your children to work safely. We want to target those households because of the

academic education of their parents. Those people are highly educated and are willing

to buy our product.

4.1.2 Marketing Position

During the first year, the IntelBright will be made out of high quality materials and is

not meant to be a cheap lamp, but neither really expensive. We believe that people who

really care about their health are willing to pay more money for a lamp who regulates

the amount of light in the room and in that way prevents permanent eye damage and

other health issues that come along with it. But we are a starting company so the price

will be reasonable and in a good balance with the materials that are used. We will

position ourselves as a small company with a strong product; our goal is to make sure

people recognize the lamp as an IntelBright.

4.1.3 Marketing Objectives

- The first year:

The first year will be tough; we need to promote IntelBright at stores and online. We

can also advertise in magazines and approach customers on fairs. It is important that

we satisfy our customers in the best way we can, so they will tell about the lamp to their

friends and colleagues. The best way of promotion is when people tell it to each other.

The first year we mainly concentrate on promoting our product. Good promotion is

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necessary otherwise IntelBright will fail. We need to convince customer that IntelBright

is really an improvement.

- The second year:

If the promotion in the first year goes well, we can focus on making profit in the second

year. In the first year we will spend a lot of money on advertising. We should continue

with approaching customers and try to increase our number of Sales. Our goal is that

people know our brand and our product, but promotion is still needed in the second

year. If business goes well enough we can start exploring for a new target group. We

want to increase our Brand Awareness

- The third year:

In the third year people will know our product and they are familiar with the brand

IntelBright. We slightly introduce ourselves to the Business Market. Promotion is still

an important task. Our new target groups need a different approach. For this target

group we should advertise in business magazines, newspapers and contact office

supplies companies. The promotion for the household target group will be smaller

because it will be running in the right direction.

4.2 Market Potential

Since the Dutch economy is growing at the moment, we as a company will have a high

market potential.

The economy is growing, salaries are rising and future customers will be willing to

spend more money; especially when it comes to a new and innovative product, which

will make their work environment more pleasant and improve their general well-being.

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4.3 Sustainability

In times of the inevitable global warming it is very important for our company and us to

produce as little Carbon as possible.

Furthermore we only use our own desk lamps throughout our office. These lamps in

combination with energy saving light bulbs help to reduce our energy consumption.

All of our boxes used to ship our products were produced only from recycled cardboard.

If the customer wishes, he or she can order our lamps online with only a little extra

charge to ensure it is transported in a carbon dioxide neutral way. The money collected

will be transferred to an organization, which will support projects all over the globe

that protect the rain forest, plant new trees or help the environment in many ways. We

from IntelBright will double this amount at the end of each year and donate it to various

projects that support sustainable projects in South America or Asia for example.

When it comes to our Office supplies, we only use recycled paper. Using this kind of

paper helps to reduce the deforestation all over the globe.

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4.4 Marketing Mix

4.4.1 Product

4.4.1 Product Layers

Core Product:

Provides Light

Actual Product:

Two Sensors

High-Quality Materials

Attractive Price

Turns automatically on and off

Augmented Product

Fast delivery when purchased online

High Satisfaction Guarantee

Core Product

Actual Product

Augmented Product

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IntelBright will introduce a lamp that is innovative and efficient. The lamp has a modern,

minimalistic design and is simple structured. A light and movement sensor provides

light as soon as needed.

The installed light sensor measures if there is enough light available in the room. The

lamp will not turn on automatically unless the movement sensor also notices movement

in a radius of 1m. Since both sensors are working together, the lamp will shut down as

soon as there is no movement for more than seven minutes. Because our movement

sensor is really sensitive, it is able to differentiate between someone reading and no one

sitting at the desk at all.


The picture below shows the packaging of our product. It consists out of recycled

cardboard and is environmentally friendly. The reason why we preferred a horizontal

packaging is that it will provide more stability and it will be easier for the customer to

take the lamp out of the box. The size of the package will be 17 x 60 x 17 (cm). The

design of the package reflects the simplicity and innovation of our lamp. We chose the

colors green and brown for the logo because it shows the environmentally friendly side

of our company and lamp. Green reflects the nature and sustainability while brown is a

synonym for the earth we live on. The white colored package stresses again the

simplicity of the lamp. All together it represents all the aspects of our company.

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4.4.2 Price

The price for the lamp will be €59,95 if purchased it in our online store.

Retailers would have to pay a price of €45,95 in order to have the lamp in their

assortment. The recommended retail price would be €59,95 as well

4.4.3 Promotion

To promote our Intelbright lamp we decided to promote it in various ways. For the first

year we have a budget of € 60.000 to freely spent on advertisement and promotion, on

average we can spend € 5.000 every month. We focus on parents with children. We

want to advertise and promote our product at places and in magazines that are related

to our target group. We will show our forms of promotion and advertisement on the

next pages together with the costs that come a long.

The main goal of our promotional strategy is to introduce our product to the families.

People need to be aware of the fact that there is a totally new product on the market,

which will help to improve their working conditions dramatically. Not only the special

technology will convince future customers to buy our product but also all the benefits

the lamp provides.

4.4.4 Place/ Physical Distribution

Our Product will be manufactured in China. After they have been shipped to Rotterdam

and transported to our office in Arnhem, we redirect the product to the stores

throughout the Netherlands.

We are also selling our Product throughout our own Website to our customers. This

enables our customers to order their lamp right from their home.

Furthermore we selected the following stores to offer our product:

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Media Market, an electronic supermarket attracts a large number of customers to their

stores. Even though their main focus lies on consumer electronics, we believe that our

lamp is a good addition to their range of goods.

We selected Blokker because this store offers a little bit of everything. You can purchase

a lot of different things there and for this reason we believe to find new customers in

this store

4.4.5 Advertisement Analysis

Why advertise in magazines?

We want to advertise our IntelBright lamp in magazines because in that way we can

reach the target group we focus on. We focus on highly educated people and there are

many magazines available in the Netherlands. Those magazines have a lot of readers

every month, so it is interesting for us, the IntelBright Company, to advertise in these

magazines. There are different kinds of advertisement so there will be a way that suits

us best.

Magazines that will fit our advertisement campaign are the Linda, Vtwonen, Margriet

and other well read magazines. These magazines will fit our advertisement campaign

because they are read by a lot of families and also by a lot of families who can easily pay

the price we set for our IntelBright lamp.

How are we advertising?

The first way of advertising will be a full page in magazines in full color. We will present

a design of our lamp and it will also show our company slogan: “IntelBright – Efficient

and Innovative”. At the bottom of the advertisement we will place the text: “Available at and at selected stores.” People can find the selected stores

in the back of the magazine and there is an electronic store locater based on an area

code search on our website.

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Because of the fact that a whole page advertisement is very cost consuming, our

company will also start to concentrate on smaller advertisements. We will only use a ¼

(vertical) of a page. This is also in full color. The advertisement will show a design of the

lamp and our slogan. Furthermore it will tell the customer “Available at and selected stores.” At the time we start with less and

smaller advertisements most of our customers will already recognize the company

name and logo. The brand awareness will increase.

To make sure that people keep focusing on our lamp we will advertise one more time

with a full-page advertisement. This will take place six months after the first

advertisement took place. People will be refocusing on the product. In magazine Linda

we can only advertise with a full page advertisement, so we choose to do that only two

times. The other magazine, VT Wonen provides us a lot of possibilities.

When are we advertising?

We will do a lot of advertising in the beginning of the selling process. It is important

that business people are aware of the fact that our IntelBright lamp entered the market.

Most of the magazines we chose will appear every month and are mostly spread among

people with an academic degree and interest in new products like our lamp .

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We want to place an advertisement every third month; we start with a whole page in

full color advertisement and then we place a smaller advertisement in the magazine.

How much will it cost to advertise?

The total cost of the advertisement depends on how we advertise. It is attractive to also

advertise in 1/4 V pages together with the full pages and in multiple magazines. The

1/1-page advertisements will be the first advertisement. Over the year we will

advertise two more times, only with smaller advertisements placed.

On average we spend: 32.640.80 / 12 = 2720.06 € every month.

The total advertisement cost for the magazine vtwonen is showed below in the table.

Whom can we reach?

Vtwonen is spread under 148.316 people every month, 42.677 people have a contract

on the magazine, the rest are mainly individual buys. Together with advertisements in

other magazines we can reach a lot of people. Most families have a magazine at home or

read magazines at the waiting room at the doctors or dentist. A lot of people will see our


Design Costs 120 € incl. Taxes

Full color 1/1 page vtwonen 11.800 € excl.


Full color 1/4 V page vtwonen 3.540 € excl. taxes

6% Taxes over 11.800 € 708 €

6% Taxes over 3.540 € 212,40 €

Appearance full color 1/1 page 2

Appearance full color 1/6 page 2

Total cost advertisement

32.640,80 €

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30 Online Advertisement

The online advertisement has increases dramatically over the last years. More and

more possible customer can be addressed by advertisement placed on websites for

example. We from IntelBright want to use this opportunity.


Why promote at fairs?

An interesting and costs saving way of advertisement is creating a stand on a fair where

we can introduce our product. Our target groups are families. The best way to get in

contact with them is at a place where they are all together. A lot of families come

together at fairs, so it is a perfect opportunity for us as IntelBright to introduce our

IntelBright lamp. Fairs for the beginning of the school year are held mainly during the

summer months of the year; the advantage is that we can choose which fairs we want to

attend and which not.

How do we use our stand?

It is important that we use our stand in the right way, so the future customers whom

visit our stand completely understand the meaning of our product. We do not need a big

stand, around 6m² is big enough. We need a place to store the lamps so people can

experience the IntelBright lamp themselves. Next to this we need a spot where we can

give information about the price and a place to explain how our lamp works. Here we

can hand out flyers of our IntelBright lamp with information over the lamp and the

costs. Those flyers are ordered online with 50.000 pieces per time, the total cost for

50.000 pieces is € 2.253,85 incl. taxes.

When are we promoting on fairs?

The time of promotion depends on the dates of the different fairs. To lower the costs it

is better if a few of the company owners were to represent our company on the stand.

For this reason we do not need to hire any people. Based on this knowledge we have to

Page 36: BSP Report


see when we as staff of IntelBright are available. We are willing do as many fairs as

possible in a year.

How much would it cost?

The cost for a stand on a fair is variable, but we can create a guideline by using

information of the “Business fair Oss and surrounding area”. There are cost for the

rental of the stand, depending on the amount of space you need, costs for the use of

energy and your need to eat.

The flyers for the fairs are also used for the companies visits, so they are not showed in

the individual tables but in the end cost list.

The table below shows the total cost for a stand on a fair for two days.

Stand 5m² (100 € per m²) 500 €

Energy use (2000 W) 110 €

Food (40 € per day) 80 €

Number of Fairs attended per



Total cost stand business


4140 €

In-Store Promotion:

Why promote in stores?

An attractive way to address people is to promote and demonstrate our product in

retail stores we want to sell our product. People are there to buy something, so their

mind is set on buying, if you give a good demonstration people are more willing to buy

because they see what the advantage of our product is.

How do we promote in stores?

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We can create a little stand, like we do on the fairs. People can walk to it, look at the

lamp and try it out. But because it’s sometimes really busy at stores like the media

market we can choose to get people attention by using a microphone. People will look

what is going on. We will give the people a short demonstration and provide them of

the information they need. We can also hand out flyers we also use for the fairs.

When are we promoting in stores?

The best days to promote in stores are the Saturday, Thursday nights and the buying

Sunday. The buying Sunday is once every month. At those days there are a lot of people

in the city to do shopping and it is the perfect opportunity to address people. It’s not

necessary to promote the whole day, early in the mornings it will not be so busy as in

the midday.

In the beginning it is wise to give more demonstrations because we need to create

brand awareness. We can create this by showing the product to future customers.

How many would it cost?

We need to pay for the flyers, but we can share these cost with the fairs. The advantage

of this way of promotion is that it is really cheap. We should call the companies in

advantage and make appointments with them when we can stand where, in which store.

It depends on the store if you need to pay money, mostly it is not needed, because when

you give the demonstrations people will buy more, so there is something in advantage

for them too.

Page 38: BSP Report



We want to place full color advertisements on billboards among the biggest and most

crowded places in the Netherlands. Cities like Amsterdam, Utrecht or Rotterdam are

promising markets.

The estimated costs for this campaign are approximately €23,219.2 The campaign

would last only two weeks but would increase our sales noticeably.

Below you can find an overview over our marketing expenses.

Overview of all the Marketing activities Costs

Magazine Advertisements € 32.640,80

Fairs € 4140

Billboards € 23219.3

Page 39: BSP Report


5. Logistics

5.1 Manufacturing

We still set up our manufacturing base in China as so many international companies

have done. Production costs are very attractive in comparison to other countries. Our

Logistics department’s goal is to try our best to cut the cost and increase efficiency and

effectiveness. All of our items of products will be manufactured in Shenzhen,

Guangdong Province, China.

This picture shows the distribution of the company manufactures lamps in Guangdong

Province, China. Guangdong province has a well-developed light industry and is proud

of its ports from where goods are shipped to everywhere in the world.

All production and assembling process of our lamps will be finished in Shenzhen,

Guangdong Province, China. After packaging, they are ready to be shipped to the


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5.2 Basic information of product

Our lamp is a unique product designed for businessmen. The size of our lamp is 223mm

x 525mm x 200mm, which is neither too big nor too small. The lamp will meet the need

for professional lighting for business people, but will also show the taste and the simple

design business people are looking for.

Size 223 mm x 525 mm x 200 mm Material Aluminum Color Silver Weight 1 KG

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5.3 Cost of Product

We have spent a lot of time on research part since the choices are really extensive in

China. Our Chinese Manager Sebastian also stays in contact with Chinese companies

directly. Although it won’t cost a lot in China, we put a special emphasis on quality. After

our research, we got this data.

Lamp Body 5€

LED 1.50€

Sensors 2€

Other costs 4€

Total Costs 12.50€

A. As we said before, there are a great number of lamp manufacturing company in

Guangdong province, China. Most of them manufacture the primary lamp themself.

For this reason, we can purchase the primary lamps at a very low price because of

the competition between these companies.

B. The LED energy-saving bulb and the sensor are the core part of our lamp. We chose

high-quality parts over cheaper and less comparable parts.

C. As to the other costs, they include packaging, shipping and the assembly of our


5.4 Packaging and Shipping


Our lamp size is 223mm x 525mm x 200mm. In addition to this, our lamp is detachable.

We decide to choose the 170mm x 600mm x 170mm size for the packaging boxes.

Our lamps are fragile. For this reason we put soft foam at both sides of the box to

minimize the risk of damage during transportation

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We choose a standard 20 foot container for shipment. Its capacity is about

29, 03 m³, which is enough to transport 1500 of our lamps.

Package size 17 x 60 x 17 cm

Container size (20GP) 5.69 x 2.34 x 2.18 m

Batch size 500

Shipping fee €937

Shipping cost per product €937/1500= €0,62

We use the “JC Trans Group” in China as our shipping partner. According to the present

price, the regular fare for a 20GP container from Shenzhen to Rotterdam is $1350

which equals to €937. This number includes delivery from the harbour of Rotterdam to

our office in Arnhem.

The following link refers to the website of “JC Trans Group”.

5.5 Storage

The shipping service from “JC Trans Group” is “door to door”. When the products arrive

in Rotterdam, they will be transported to our warehouse address that we give them in

advance. Once they arrive at the warehouse, the quantity and the quality of the boxes

will be checked. We will rent two rooms in Arnhem, Gelderland 6825BS. The exact

address is Ijsselburcht 3, Arnhem, Gelderland, 6825 BS.

One room will be used for our office and the other one will serve as a warehouse. The

office suites will be supplied with carpeting, power-, telephone- and internet

Page 43: BSP Report


connections and the rent for each room is €500 per month. So our rental expenses per

month are €1,000.

The Headquarter of Flexas, the company that owns our offices, is located in the United

Kingdom. Our offices and warehouse are located in Arnhem.

Page 44: BSP Report


5.6 Bill of Material

Level Part number Description Quantity 0 101 IntelBright 1 1 201 LED energy-

saving bulb 1

202 Primary Lamp 1 203 Sensor 2 2 301 Switch 1 302 Lighting slab 1 303 Frame 1 304 Wire 1 3 401 Lamp base 1 402 Lamp stent 1 403 Lamp cover 1

Page 45: BSP Report


Final product 101

IntelBright lamps

Part 201

LED energy-saving bulb


Part 202



Part 203


Part 301


Part 302

Lighting slab

Part 303

The frame of

IntelBright lamp

Part 304


Part 401

Lamp base

Part 402

Lamp Stent

Part 403

Lamp cover

Page 46: BSP Report


5.7 Material Requirement Planning

The lead time is four weeks. This time was set after our research had been completed. It

will take the manufacturing company around 6 days to get the components, production

and assembling process done. The shipping from Shenzhen to Rotterdam takes about

23 days. This brings us to the LT(Lead Time) of four weeks.

Month July August September October November December

Gross Requirement

510 540 610 700 800 865

Projected on Hand

800 290 1250 640 1940 1140 275

Net Requirement

250 60

Planned order Receipt

1500 2000

Planned order Release

1500 2000 1500

Month January February March April May June

Gross Requirement

830 790 760 690 640 580

Projected on Hand 945 155 895 205 1065 485

Net Requirement 555 605 435

Planned order Receipt

1500 1500 1500

Planned order Release

1500 1500

Page 47: BSP Report


5.8 Supply Chain

Page 48: BSP Report


6. Financial Plan

6.1 Sales Forecast

8315 Units are planned to be sold in the first year. This number was calculated due to

our research.

Number of inhabitants in the Netherlands


Number of Households 7,400,000

% of households with an income >€40,000


Number of households with an income >€40,000


Number of households with a couple and children earning > €40,000 a year


Market Share in % 1,25

Number of Lamps sold 8315

Sales Forecast

Month Number of Sales Online Store

Number of Sales to Retailer

Revenues Online Store

Revenues Retailer


July 150 360 8992.50 6375

August 160 380 9592 16182 6750

September 190 420 11390.50 17081 7625

October 230 470 13788.50 18879 8750

November 270 530 16186.50 21126.50 10000

December 285 580 17085.75 23823.50 10812.50

January 270 560 16186.50 26071 10375

February 250 540 14987.50 25172 9875

March 230 530 13788.50 24273 9500

April 210 480 12589.50 23823.50 8625

May 200 440 11990 21576 8000

June 180 400 10791 19778 7250

Total 2625 5690 157368.75 237786 105973.50

Page 49: BSP Report


6.2 Opening Balance Sheet

Opening Balance Sheet July, 1st, 2011

Debit Credit

Current Assets

Current Liabilities 10,000.00 €

Accounts Payable

Cash 44,000.00 €

Long-Term Debt

Inventory 10,000.00 € Bank Loan 25,000.00 €

Prepaid Rent 3,000.00 €

Prepaid Insurance 3,000.00 € Owner’s Equity

Paid in Capital 30,000.00 €

Office Supplies 650.00 €

Fixed Assets

Fixtures & Furniture 4,350.00 €

Total Assets 65,000.00 € Total Liabilities 65,000.00 €

6.2.1 Description of Opening Balance Sheet

Our company starts business on 1st, July 2011.

Our paid in capital is €30,000. In addition to our Paid in Capital, we also received a bank

loan of €25,000

We also need the warehouse and insurance for our product, and these two things we

need to pay each three months.

Page 50: BSP Report


6.3 Income Statement

F.Y. 2011/12 July August September October November December January February March April May June

Sales Revenues €

418,824.25 €

25,534.50 €

27,053.00 €

30,689.50 €

35,385.00 €

40,540.00 €

43,736.75 €

41,918.50 €

39,800.50 €

38,142.00 €

34,645.50 €

32,208.00 €


Costs of goods sold €

103,937.50 €

6,375.00 €

6,750.00 € 7,625.00 € 8,750.00 €

10,000.00 €

10,812.50 €

10,375.00 € 9,875.00 €

9,500.00 € 8,625.00 €

8,000.00 € 7,250.00

Gross margin €

314,886.75 €

19,159.50 €

20,303.00 €

23,064.50 €

26,635.00 €

30,540.00 €

32,924.25 €

31,543.50 €

29,925.50 €

28,642.00 €

26,020.50 €

24,208.00 €


Operating expenses:

Miscelleaneous Expenses € 8,400.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00 € 700.00

Prepaid Rent € 12,900.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 3,000.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 3,000.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 3,000.00 € 0.00 € 3,900.00

Office Supplies € 3,000.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00 € 250.00

Wages €

198,000.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €

16,500.00 €


Marketing Expenses € 60,000.00 €

5,000.00 €

5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 €

5,000.00 € 5,000.00 €

5,000.00 € 5,000.00

Mobile phones € 4,200.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00 € 350.00

Transportation Expense € 3,600.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00 € 300.00

Depreciation € 1,087.50 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 1,087.50

Insurance € 12,600.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 3,000.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 3,000.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 3,000.00 € 0.00 € 3,600.00

Kamer Van Koophandel € 144.00 € 144.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00

Total Operating expense:

€ 303,931.50

€ 23,244.00

€ 23,100.00

€ 23,100.00

€ 29,100.00

€ 23,100.00

€ 23,100.00

€ 29,100.00

€ 23,100.00

€ 23,100.00

€ 29,100.00

€ 23,100.00

€ 31,687.50

EBIT € 10,955.25 -€

4,084.50 -€

2,797.00 -€ 35.50 -€

2,465.00 € 7,440.00 € 9,824.25 € 2,443.50 € 6,825.50 €

5,542.00 -€

3,079.50 €

1,108.00 -€ 9,766.50

Interest € 675.00 € 104.17 € 95.83 € 95.83 € 95.83 € 95.83 € 95.83 € 62.50 € 29.17 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00

EBT € 10,280.25 -€

4,188.67 -€

2,892.83 -€ 131.33 -€

2,560.83 € 7,344.17 € 9,728.42 € 2,381.00 € 6,796.33 €

5,542.00 -€

3,079.50 €

1,108.00 -€ 9,766.50

Tax(25.5%) € 2,621.46 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 2,621.46

Net Income € 7,658.79 -€

4,188.67 -€

2,892.83 -€ 131.33 -€

2,560.83 € 7,344.17 € 9,728.42 € 2,381.00 € 6,796.33 €

5,542.00 -€

3,079.50 €

1,108.00 -€


Page 51: BSP Report


6.3.1 Description of Income Statement

On our income statement, at the beginning of our first business year, we need to make

investments. For this reason, we have higher expenses in operating.

After the first month, everything starts to go more steadily. On the other side, because

of the season factors, our sales revenues have some fluctuation throughout the year,

with the result that we will have different numbers of products being produced.

Because of we have the same operating expense every month, except the first month, ,

we have a negative EBT and we don’t need to pay tax for those months.

In total, at the end of our first business year, our net income is €7658.79, it will be the

added as retained earnings to our closing balance sheet.

Page 52: BSP Report


6.4 Cash Flow Statement

B.O July August September October November December January February March April May June

Operating Activities: Inflow:

Sales from retailer

€ 16,542 € 17,461 € 19,299 € 21,597 € 24,354 € 26,651 € 25,732 € 24,813 € 24,354 € 22,056 € 20,218

Sales from online store

€ 8,993 € 9,592 € 11,391 € 13,789 € 16,187 € 17,086 € 16,187 € 14,988 € 13,789 € 12,590 € 11,990 € 10,791


€ 0 € 26,134 € 28,852 € 33,088 € 37,783 € 41,439 € 42,838 € 40,720 € 38,602 € 36,943 € 34,046 € 31,009

Total inflows

€ 8,993 € 26,134 € 28,852 € 33,088 € 37,783 € 41,439 € 42,838 € 40,720 € 38,602 € 36,943 € 34,046 € 31,009


Suppliers Paid € 10,000

€ 18,750

€ 25,000

€ 18,750

€ 18,750 Miscellaneous Expenses € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700 € 700

Prepaid Rent € 3,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 3,000 € 0 € 0 € 3,000 € 0 € 0 € 3,000 € 0 € 3,900

Office Supplies € 650 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250 € 250

Wages € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500 € 16,500

Marketing Expenses € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000 € 5,000

Utilities € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180 € 180

Phone &Internet € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350 € 350

Transportation Expense € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300 € 300

Insurance € 3,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 3,000 € 0 € 0 € 3,000 € 0 € 0 € 3,000 € 0 € 3,600

Tax (25.5%) € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 2,621

Kamer Van Koophandel € 144 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0

Total outflows

€ 33,424 € 23,280 € 42,030 € 29,280 € 48,280 € 23,280 € 29,280 € 42,030 € 23,280 € 48,030 € 23,280 € 33,401

Net cash flow from operating activities -€ 24,432 € 2,854 -€ 13,179 € 3,808 -€ 10,497 € 18,159 € 13,558 -€ 1,311 € 15,322 -€ 11,087 € 10,766 -€ 2,392

Financing Activities:

Net cash flow from financing activities

-€ 2,104 -€ 96 -€ 96 -€ 96 -€ 96 -€ 8,096 -€ 8,063 -€ 7,029 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0


Bank Loan € 25,000 Equity € 30,000 Outflow:

Bank Loan Interest

€ 104 € 96 € 96 € 96 € 96 € 96 € 63 € 29 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0

Bank Loan Payoff

€ 2,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 8,000 € 8,000 € 7,000 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0

Total Outflow € 2,104 € 96 € 96 € 96 € 96 € 8,096 € 8,063 € 7,029 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0

Net cash flow

-€ 26,536 € 2,758 -€ 13,274 € 3,712 -€ 10,593 € 10,063 € 5,495 -€ 8,340 € 15,322 -€ 11,087 € 10,766 -€ 2,392

Beginning cash

€ 44,000 € 17,464 € 20,223 € 6,948 € 10,660 € 67 € 10,130 € 15,625 € 7,286 € 22,607 € 11,520 € 22,286

End cash

€ 17,464 € 20,223 € 6,948 € 10,660 € 67 € 10,130 € 15,625 € 7,286 € 22,607 € 11,520 € 22,286 € 19,894

Page 53: BSP Report


6.4.1 Description of Cash Flow Statement

We distribute our Products via two channels. One is our own online store where we

receive all revenues directly at the end of the month. No payment on account is possible.

Revenues from our retailer partner are recognized in the following month.

The only Inflow we receive in July is the revenues from our Online Store. The revenues

from the Retailers will be received next month.

At the end of June we will invest money in insurance as well as rent. Due to our well-

going business, we have decided to rent an additional room in our office to the prepaid

rent costs have gone up together with the costs for the prepaid insurance. Both assets

are for three months.

6.5 Closing Balance Sheet

Closing Balance Sheet June 30th, 2012

Debit Credit

Current Assets Current Liabilities

Cash € 19,894 Accounts Payable € 18,750

Accounts Receivable € 18,380

Inventory € 6,063 Long-Term-Debt

Prepaid Rent € 3,900 Bank Loan € -

Prepaid Insurance € 3,600

Office Supplies € 1,310

Owners Equity

Fixed Assets Paid In Capital € 30,000

Fixtures & Furniture € 4,350

Accumulated Depreciation € -1,088

Retained Earnings € 7,659

€ 3,263

Total Assets € 56,409 Total Liabilities € 56,409

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6.5.1 Description of Closing Balance Sheet

The Bank loan of €25,000 has been fully paid off.

A net income of €7,659 is the result of the first year in business.

There is €18,750 on open account. This was the last shipment of 1500 lamps in this

business year. 1015 of them have already been sold while 485 are stored as inventory

in our office.

The last month of sales from retailers is debited as Accounts Receivable. The money will

be collected in the first month of the upcoming business year.

Fixtures & Furniture have been depreciated by 25%.

6.6 Ratios

6.6.1 Current Ratio

Current Ratio is calculated by current assets divided by current liabilities, it is used to

evaluate our company’s liquidity. So, for our company:

Current Ratio= Current Assets/ Current liabilities= 53,146.29/ 18,750.00=2.83

6.6.2 Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity (ROE)

Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity is calculated by net income divided by average

common stockholders’ equity. Because of the beginning stockholder’s equity is same

with final stockholder’s equity, so our company’s ROE is:

ROE= Net Income/ Average Common Stockholders’ Equity = 7,658.79 /30000= 14%

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6.6.3 Return on Assets (ROA)

Return on Assets is calculated by net income divided by average total assets, so our

company’s ROA is:

ROA=Net Income/ Average Total Assets= 7,658.79 / [( 56,408.79 + 65,000)/2]=12.6%

This means our assets generate profits is effectively.

6.7 Break-even Analysis

Our fixed costs equal € 324647.5

Our variable costs are € 12.50

Break Even Point: Fixed Costs / (Sale Price-Variable Cost)

324647.5/ (59,95-12,5)= 6842

Page 56: BSP Report


7. Appendix

7.1 Questionnaire

Questionnaire for IntelBright

Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. We are a new lamp company.

We will produce a smart lamp in the future, which is able to sense the light conditions

in your room. This lamp also notices movement so it will automatically turn itself on as

soon as you begin working on your desk.

First of all we want to do a market survey and we would really appreciate your

participation in this survey.

Please choose the answer, which suits best for you.

Gender:□Male □Female Age: ____

Q1. What kind of company are you working for?

□ Service □ Not working □ Retail business □ Own company □ Other____________

Q2. How long are you working at your desk at your office per day?

□ 0-3hours □3-6hours □6-9hours □Over 9 hours

Q3. How long do you work at home per week?

□ 0-2hours □2-4hours □4-6hours □Over 6 hours

Q4. How often do you use your computer when you are working?

□ Never □ 1-2 days a week □ 3-5 days a week □ 7 days a week

Page 57: BSP Report


Q5. Do you have headaches or eye issues when you are working? If so, what do

you think causes your issues?

□ No □ Sometimes □ Yes, because of □ Computer □ Not enough Light □

others ______________

Q6. Do you protect your eyes and if so, with which means?

□ Glasses □ Sufficient Light □ Others _____________ □ No

Q7. How often do you forget to turn on the light when you are working?

□Never □Not often □Sometimes □Always

Q8. Would you be interested in a lamp that turns itself on and off automatically?

□Yes □No

Q9. If you have a lamp, what functions for the lamp do you want it to have?

(Multiple answers possible)

□ Light and Movement Sensor □ Protect eyes □ Appealing design

□ Energy-friendly □ No other functions □ Others


Q10. Would you be interested in customizing your lamp?

□ Yes □ No

Q11. How much money would you be willing to pay for a lamp?

□Under €30 □€30—€60 □€60—€90 □Over €90

Thank you for your time and your participation.

Page 58: BSP Report


7.1.1 Survey Results Graph

We handed out questionnaires on the street to people who have a job and received 200

answered questionnaires. The results are showed below:

Total amount of time people spend at a desk per day





Type of company people work for









21% 16.67%







2% 0 0 0 0.00%











Service Manufacturer Retail Other




more than 9 hours

Page 59: BSP Report


We see that most people in service business and about 21% works in retail business.

Among those, more than 50% of the people work at a desk for more than three hours a

day. The needs of light at their desks is huge.

More than 70% of the people said that they have headaches and eye issues while

working on the desk, and these problems are mostly caused by long-time working with

insufficient lightness.

The following figure shows how often people forget to turn on the light when it gets

dark outside.

This graph indicates that most people have ever forget to turn on the light. Base on this

fact, IntelBright offers a solution with lightness sensor.












never seldom sometimes always

Page 60: BSP Report


How many people are interested in IntelBright and willing to buy

In the beginning of our business, we want to focus on the first target segments

(business people), who spend most of their time working on a desk, the majority of

them is at such an age that eye issues come easily, caused by poor lighting, etc.

65% 60%

10% 10%

25% 30%












Students Business People


Unwilling to Buy

Willing to Buy


45% 30%


How much (EUR) at most that people would be willing to

pay for an Intelbright

under 30



over 70

Page 61: BSP Report


Furthermore, once business people are attracted by IntelBright, they will recommend

or even directly buy IntelBright for their family, especially their children, who also

spend a lot of time studying on a desk, because our product is able to protect their eyes.

Finally, we will be able to build a stable and strong brand image that IntelBright is the

symbol of smart lamp, eye-care and eco-friendly.

Page 62: BSP Report


7.2 Lists of sources

7.2.1 External Analysis




DAAD, Studienführer Niederlande



Social/ Cultural

Page 63: BSP Report




Competitors Analysis;filterState0=LIVIN


7.2.2 Marketing Plan

Marketing Mix



7.2.3 Logistics

Page 64: BSP Report


7.2.4 Financial Plan

Sales Forecast


