Brown college

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Brown College

Transcript of Brown college

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Centerfor Alcohol and Addiction St11dies I Institutefor Brain Science I Centerfor Excellence in WomensHealth I Centerfor Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence and

Computation I Centerfor Gerontology and Healt/1 Care

Research I Centerfor the Study of Human Development IInternational Health Institute I Centerfor BiomedirnlEngineering I Center for Co111p11tatio11al Graphics andScientific \'isualization, Science and Teclt11ology ICenrerfor \'isio11 Research I Centerfor Co111p11tational

Molecular Biology I Centerfor Geometric Comp11ting I

The Lefscl1etz Center for Dy11amical Systems I

/ Nanoscale Innovation I Annenberg lllstitlllefor


Enviro1;111e11tal C h nge luitf ative i Center orJE11viro111ne11tal Studies I lnstituteifor Molec11/ar and

I I ' I :

\ J .I I .lI

Reform ·I Ed11cat1onal A l iancefor Et1111ty and Excellence

in the Nation's Schools I folrn Carter Brown Library I

Population Studies and Training Center I TaubmanCenterfor Public Policy I 1Vatso11 lllstit11te for

International St11dies I lnitiati\•e in Spatial Structures

i11 the Social Sciences I Centerfor Statistical Sciences ICenterfor the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America ISwearer Centerfor P11blic Service I Wayland

Collegiumfor Liberal Learning I Cogut HumanitiesCenter I John Nicholas Brown Centerfor the Str1dy ofAmerican Civilization I Centerfor Lang11age Studies ICenterfor Latin Amerirnn St11dies I Harriet W

Sheridan Centerfor Teaching and Learning I

--.- /011ko, ·sk[ nsti'!'._tef"! Archaeology and the




-World I Leadership Alliance I Pembroke Centerfor

Teaching and Researc/1

Judaic Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies


Literary Arts

Literature - Cultures in

English i\larine Biology

i\!athematical Economics


l\Iathematics - Computer ScienceMedieval Cultures

l\liddle East Studies

Modern Culture and Media


Neuroscience .

Philosoph)' /


Physics and Philosophy

Political Science

Portuguese and Brazilian Studies


Public Policy and AmericanInstitutions

Religious Studies

Renaissance and Earl)' fvlodern Studies

Science and Society

Slavic Studies


South Asian Studies

Arts and Performance Studies

Urban Studies

Visual Ari


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Academic s

Freedom can bring a simple rush of relief, like sh edding an overloaded backpack. Or it can

bring a complex kind of joy: t he freedom to fill you r own pack, the responsibil ity to make your

own map, and the satisfaction of heading out on your own terms.

Academically, Brown challenges you to take charge o f your own education and actively

define the person you will become. Wheth er you major (what we call "concent rate») in


or english, your requirements will be as definite and demanding.1s you would e:'l. 'ect from

any leading un iversity. But beyond those requirements, you ma)' venture where , er your

curiosity and passion inspire you to go.

When eveq• student in every class really wants to be there - well, honestly, could there be

a more intense or delightful way to learn? (J\ow you know why surveys show Brown

students as so unaccountably happy.)


At Brown, we want )'O U to take bold intellectua l r isks, and we'll help )'OU do that. You will

experiment with different class schedules at the beginning of each semester during "Shopping

Period.» You may also de,·elop Independent Study Projects (ISPs) and Group Independent

Study Projects (GISPs), collaborating with a professor on a subject of your choosing. Finall}'.

you can take \"irtually any class under ou r "Satisfactoryl:\o Credit" (S/NC) Option. If you

could escape

the burden o f bein g graded, what subjects wou ld you dare to explore?


Hunt fo r the most exciting ideas of your generation - and rou will find most of them glinting

in the unattended spaces that divide academ ic disciplines. At Brown, we offer a spectacular

number of these cross-disciplinary programs and concentrations - from "Business, Entrepreneur

ship, Organizat ions" to "Community Health," from "Urban Studies" to "Science and Society." !


evoh·ed from independent concentration s that students proposed themselves: if you don't

see on e you like, hammer out your own.


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On a certain hill in Providence,c1ever1y disguised by mossy brick

and ancient trees, hums the most constructively irreverent thinking machine in

America . Inspired by their professors, emboldened by each other's ambitions for

change and fueled

by their own sense of purpose, our students ask the kind of questions that propel

them to provocative intellectual destinations. They are eager to absorb every nuance

of the

known - and burning to create the new. And they persistently drive themselves to

create meaningful change in the world, in the company of a un iversity that does the


If 1ill that sounds like}1111, you 'w come to the right place .

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For those interested in pursuing a career in medicine, you may choose to combine the

open curriculum concept of Brown (the College) and the competency-based cu rriculum


of the Warren Alpert t.ledical School in our eight-year Program in Liberal l'>·ledical

Education (PLME, pronounced PLEE-mee).

Brown shares College Hill with the Rhode Island School of Design (RISO, pronounced RIZ-

dee). one of the nation's finest schools of art and architecture. For decades, Brown and RISD

have expanded their s tudents' options by allowing them to cross-register for classes. Student s


have th e opt ion to pursue a joint AB/ BFA degree th rough t he five-year Brown/RISO

Dual Degree Program .

And a recent addition to Brown's campus, the Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the

Creative Arts serves as a catalyst for collaboration between and among the arts, sciences and

humanities. Within the Center, creative thinkers from across disciplines can come together to

work collaboratively, exchange ideas, and create new art forms.


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Once, the people most aware of a professor's research were often the tenure committee.

Today, to the great delight of our faculty and the unending benefit of our students, faculty

research is a team sport, and Brown students can't wait to get out on the field.

Through the Undergraduate Teaching and Research Awards program (UTRA, known

loving!}' as 00- t ra ), you can earn a summer or term -time stipend for helping a professor

conduct research, develop a new course, or teach it. "Through GRPs, or Group Research

Projects, you earn course credit instead.

And because Brown has fewer graduate students than many majo r universities, even the under

classmen can find themselves working with leading professors. Since UTRA began in 1986, it has

engaged more than So% of Brown faculty and more than 1,800 students - bringing new life and

intensity to the classroom, deepening understanding, preparing students for careers tn research

- and incidentally, offering vivid new knowledge to the world.


+ Characterizing Martian Analogs on Earth: Climate Studies for the Red Planet

+ Archaeology of the Ancient World: Tongobriga Excavat ion

+ Brown International Genetically En gineered Machine (iGEM)

+ Radio Astronomy at Brown: The 21em Radio Telescope

+ War and Society: An Annotated Collection of Sources on Greek and

Roman Warfare and Its Impact on Society

+ People Without History: Race and Redevelopment in the Modern US City

+ Brain Representation of Visual Information Across Eye Movements

+ Black Holes, Trumpets, and Turduckening


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You will find at Brown the freedom to build your own flying machine. But if you ever need help

with the blueprint s, you will also find a lot of interesting people eager to help you get off the ground.

As a first-year student , you're assigned both an academic advisor from the faculty and an upper

classman (your "Meiklejohn") to help you make the most of the curriculum . By sophomore

year, you may choose your own faculty advisor. Because Brown prizes teaching, our professors

are strikingly accessible; most students graduate with close and lasting connections to Brown


Your dorm is an equally rich source of support. Each living unit has at least a Resident Counselor,

a Women's Peer Counselor, and a Minorit y Peer Counselor. They serve not as the Voice of Authorit

y, but as an open-door resource. And for practical matters - from getting a flu shot to getting a job

- Brown offers a host of resources , easily accessible on the web.


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SerYing the \ Vorld

Al 146 acres, the Brown campus is plenty big - and the ambitions of our students make it

even bigger. At Brown, community service is something you do because it feels right - and

also because it is inevitably a personal education. And although many students can't imagine

leaving the intellectual pleasures of Brown for a term or two, many others find study abroad a

satisfying complement to their menu of choices at Brown.


Brown is not a "have to" kind of place - so it's especially meaningful that a majority of Brown

students pursue community service. Yfany work through the Swearer Center for Public Service,

which tra ins paid student coordinators to direct teams of student volunteers, serving schools and

agencies throughout Providence, RI. Brown students teach kids to read, inspire teenagers to

create their own radio shows. help adult pr isoners express themselves through theatre, work with

cancer pati ents to heal their psychological scars, and much more. And if you have another idea?

The Swearer Center can help you make it fly.


I f you tug hard enough at our open curriculum, it gets as big as the planet. Approximately one

third of Brown students spend a semester or a yea r abroad, and your financia l aid travels with


The University itself sponsors programs in Brazil, China, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany,

India, Italy, Japan, Spain, and t he United Kingdom.

You can also choose from approved alternative programs in more than three dozen countries.

A nd if your dreams drive you somewhere beyond Brown's established bonds, we urge you

to build a bridge yourself.


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Academic FactsOver 7Q % of our

classeshave 2 0 or fewer students

Brown's Institute for Computational and Experimental Research (ICERM), funded by NSF, is Institutes in the nation and the only one in New England

Brown was founded in

0 0 ( athletescompete on Ivarsity teams

Brown's motto is In D eo Speramus

(In God We Hope)


Brown has the third oldest Engineering program in America

Approximately 6,ooo undergraduates from all

5 0 statesand 93countriesThe university's colors are brown and red

In the Class of 2 0 1 2 , 2 1 % graduated in the Humanities, 2 1 % in Biological Sciences, 18% in Physical Sciences, and 40% in Social Sciences

Brown's Physics Department has

on campus\,....v


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Brown offers over First-Year Seminars, which nroll a maximum of 2 0

students each. Some of our favorite seminar titles:

Phage Hunters, The Simple Art of Murder, Chicken Little or Armageddon?: Past and Future Cosmic Threats, Are There Extra Dimensions Under Your Bed?, Inequalities and Health , Popular Music and Society in Lati n America

Over 2 2 % of Brown students double concentrate

Most common concen t ration:.:

Economics, Biological Sciences, Internation al Relations, History, Political Science, Neurosc ience,and Engineer ing

Brown students really take advantage of the curriculum. Over 8 2 % take at least two science courses, 9 8 % take at least two humanities courses, and 9 2 % take at least two social science courses

The student faculty ratio is

(:.. 1"1-Jr

P with more than

6.8 million items

Approximately 2 ) 3QQ


are available each year

. .Brown awards near!}' 99.5 I l11 l 0 per year in need-based scholarship aid


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Beyond the Classroom

Question: Why does the official University seal show four open books? Possibly because Brown

students are virtually always doing at least four things al once. Beyond academics, we could call

them "extracurriculars;' but that would make them sound more "extra" than they are. Frankly, as a

Brown student, you can help instigate, cook up, corral, finagle, leverage. critique, steer or

refurbish just about anything in the vicinity that matters - experiences that will leave you with a

highly tuned sense of how to get things done in the actual world. We expect you might enjoy

yourself, too.


To connect with the hundreds of student activity groups that give the campus its buzz, one

place to start is the Student Activities Office.

Another is your own head. Although Brown is home to groups covering virtually every inch of

the artistic, literary, theatrical. musical, journalistic, political, international, environmental ,

religious, and ethnic spectrum, we'd be delighted to know if you think we've left something out.

For students

who relish highly competitive Division One Intercollegiate pla}', we field 37 varsity teams. For

those who take their sports more lightly, we offer a wide range of intramural, recreational and

instructional options. And if you prefer to perspire individually, the state-of-the-art Ne lson

Fitness Center debuted in 2 0 1 2 .

When you're almost 2 5 0 years old, you're expected to have a certain dignity and grandeur,

and we do. But we also have the first university band that performs on ice skates, a club that


happil}' teach you to juggle flaming torches, an a cappella group that sings only pirate sea

shanties, and a long tradition of unconnected antics all ascribed to Josiah S. Carberry, legendary

profe,ssor of psychoceramics (the study of cracked pots).


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Residential Life and Community

l n college as in life, you want a balanced djet: a rich variety of coursework. Some nice fresh

research. A tangy salad of activities. The comfort food of friendship. And maybe something

hot and sweet, as well.

What holds it all together? The sturdy platter of everyday (jving - places like the new Stephen

Robert ' 6 2 Campus Center where you eat, sleep, study, hang, play games and every now and

then do absolutely nothing at all.

At Brown, you'll live on campus for at least your first six semesters. As an incoming student, you'll

share a "Freshman Unjt" with 4 0 -6 0 members of your class. (Like all our dorms, each Freshman

Unit includes at least one Residential Peer Counselor, one Minority Peer Counselor, and one

Women's Peer Counselor, and a faculty fellow, as well.) Sophomore and ju nior years, your living

options open up: alone or with your friends, you can enter the lottery for University housing. You

can join one of Brown's i o fraternities, sororities and co-ed Greek societies. Or you can find your

place in one of the nine "theme» houses that focus on shared interests, from a specific language

and culture to art, literature, faith, technology, or the environment. (Theme houses tend to have a

lot of personality.) As a senior, you'll also have the option of living off campus; a little over half of

seniors do. Visit for more information.


I fyou're looking for a meal on campus, you could ask for the Sharpe Refectory or the Verney

Wolley Dining Hall - but you'll sound like a native if you ask for the Ratty or the V-Dub. All

freshmen enroll in the meal plan, which offers kosher and vegetarian options with every meal;

you can use your meal credits at our snack bars as well, open until 2:0 0 AM. I f you have more

specific cravings, the neighborhood boasts an array of small restaurants - or you can use

your dorm's kitchen to whip up something tasty yourself.

A word of advice? Don't bring your car. You won't need it, and you'll go nuts trying to find

a place to park!


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v\Torld and \\Tork

Together with you r classmates, on a certain day in early su mmer, you will pour through the Van

\\fickle gates into the arms of the world. Together, you will zoom and stroll and stride off to an

exh ilarating number of adventures - the kind you get paid for and the kind )'OU don't.


you will discover that not everyone embraces the world with the intrepid curiosity of you and

your friends from Brown.

An d whatever trail ) OU cut - through the underbrush of ordinary expectat ions to the very

height of your abilities - it will belong to nobody but you.

College can be a series of individual experiences, endured for a stack of good-looking grades.

Or it can be much, much more than the sum of its parts, a kaleidoscope of interlocking

insights and

connections that reveals the beautiful, dynamic patterns of a meaningful life - in a dazzling

shade of Brown.


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THE CLASS OF 2 0 1 2

65% went directly into full-time employment

24% attended graduate/professional school

1 1% chose Iravel/volunteer work/other

+ • o o o o • • o o o e • O • • • • • • O e O • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • oo • • + 0 0 0 0 0 0 • O e o o o • • • • • • • • • • • o U • • o • • •





Teaching + Education

Fine Arts


Public Health


8 0 % of Brown graduateswho applied to medi calschool were admitted -the national admission rate is 4 5""·

91 % of Brown graduateswho applied to law schoolwere admitted - the nationaladmission rate is 74.6°0.

o • • • • • • • > • < O O O o O o o o O o • o O o o O O • • o o O O o o • O • • • • O o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 • r • 0 0 0 0 • • 0 0 0 • • 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • o o • < O O o • O O O O O U -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o H O O • • o o o O O O o o o o o 0 0 0 o o < 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • o o o o o o o o o o e O O • h o O O O O O




• Finance + Banking

• Science + Research

• Consulting

• Technology

• Sports + Entertainment

• Communications + Media

• Healthcare + Public Health

• Arts + Arts Admin istration

• Law/ Legal Services

• Advertising, Market ing + Public Relations

• Construction , Manufacturing + Retail

• Community Activism + Organizing

• Engineering




Carnegie Endowment Junior Fellowship

David J. Zuccon i ' ;5 Fellowship

• Fulbright Fellowship

Performing Arts

• Fasset Fellow for Providence Singers 2 0 1 2 - 13

Post-Graduate Studies

• Anne Crosby Emery Fellowship

• Center for Arabic Studies Abroad (CASA ) Fellowship

• Harry S. Truman Scholarship

• Harvey Baker Fellowship

• Rhodes Scholarship

• Winston Churchill Scholarship


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«Brown's distinctive approach to education demands that students take responsibility for their own intellectual and creative development. As a result, our graduatesare prepared to thrive as independent, innovative leaders in a wide range of careers.»



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B•oston Providence



e New York

New England

The crocuses come out first. Then the flip-flops. Then a green mist of hopeful leaves and the

blush of the magnolias. (Technically they're false magnolias, but we'll take what we can get.)

Frisbees arc

by like the official Universi ty bird. Just for contrast, the occasiona l suited administrator hurries past.

At a certain lime of year, you tu rn onto t he Main Green and there's n o point in resisting the slow

motion loveliness, the sense of arriving at th e happiest, most welcoming un-party you've ever

seen .

Perched at the top of College Hill, the University is blessed with first -rate sunsets and centuries of

beautiful buildings. It nestles among the most gracious neighborhoods in Providence - or,

frankly, anywhere. From the top of the Science Library, you can actually see the Bay.

For an eclectic mix of funky shops. upscale boutiques, independent movie theaters, cool book

stores, ethni c restaurants, and cafes - the unique and the pleasantly corporate - stroll to nearby

Thayer Street. (Please note that at Brown , any place in Rhode Island deser ves the term "nearby.")

Just down the hill, Providence proper boasts ambitious new restaurants and one of the largest, hip

pest malls in New England. By train, bus or car, Boston is an easy day trip (ju st over an hour),

and you can plug into the cultural and professional intensity of New York in less than three and a


Really, what more could you ask than to go to school at the intersect ion of Hope and Power streets?


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Applying to Brownbrown.edufgofadmission

Brown is a member of the Common Application Consortium, and first-year applicants may apply

for admission under Early Decision or Regular Decision. Early Decision is a plan under which

students apply by No\"ember 1 and receive an admission decision by mid-December. This is

intended for stu dents who consider Brown their top choice and therefore are willing to make a

binding commitment to attend Brown if admitted. Early Decision is reserved for applicants who

have not applied to any

other Early Decision program. Under our Regular Decision plan, studen ts apply by January 1 and

are not ified of their decisions by April 1 . Regular Decision applicants may appl)' to multiple

schools at the same time, and ha\'e the opportunity to choose Brow n among other options, if


financialaid.brown .edu

Brown's financial aid policies are designed to enrich our campus community by ensuring that no

student who has earned the opportunity to be at Brown will encounter cost as a barrier. Brown's

need-blind admission policy means that an applicant's ability to pay for education will not be a

factor in our admission decision. The policy applies to all freshman applicants who are US

citizens o r Permanent Residents. Eligibility for financial aid at Brown is based solely on need, and

we are committed to meeting 1 0 0"<> of demonst rated financial need for all u ndergraduates.

Brown, as a member of the Ivy League, does not offer financial aid based on academ ic ach

ievement, athletic ability, or any other form of merit.


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