Presentation John Walker George Brown College




Transcript of Presentation John Walker George Brown College

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�Chef School over 1300 students�School of Hospitality & Tourism Management over 1600 students �Continuing Education, Apprenticeship and Community over 7500 students �Food Research Innovation Centre�The Chefs’ House

Student Industry Externships over 1000 Per Year

Full-Time Graduates Since 1967 over 13,000

International Partnerships

Italy ALMA, La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina ItalianaIndia Chitkara Educational TrustPanama Bern Hotels & Resorts China Guilin Institute of Tourism

the facts

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drive change

innovation is…leadership

flexible collaborative


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The DeanThe Dean’’s Circle of Innovation s Circle of Innovation - 47 definitions of innovation and counting

what’s the value proposition?

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4 types of innovation

1.1.Product Product Innovation - A good or service that is new or significantly improved. This includes significant improvements in technical specifications, components and materials, software in the product, user friendliness or other functional characteristics.

2.2.Process Process Innovation - A new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software.

3.3.Marketing Marketing Innovation - A new marketing method involving significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing.

4.4.Organizational Organizational Innovation - A new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.

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the dynamics of innovation

• The Idea?

• The leader?

• The team-who?

• The flexi plan and ongoing learning

• Internal partnership/s and relationship with the core business

• Resources and competition for them

• Collaboration across the organization

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the worst ideas…

the best ideas

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Primary Customers


Students Staff

Direct Customers

who is our customer?

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normal innovation

- We own the learning

- We don’t own the learning, our currency is the credentials we give, we facilitate a journey to get to them based on market needs

- The classroom - The city and the world is our classroom

- Applied research is often left to universities

-Applied research projects are ongoing and celebrated in our annual Innovation Report and Innovation Circle

-Food Research Innovation Centre with product and concept development, nutritional analysis, culinary studio, student externships, Food Scientist and Research Chef

-Applied learning in a teaching restaurant in a somewhat controlled environment

-Applied learning in an open restaurant, The Chefs’ House, where front and back of the house students are centre stage, a choice for the public, celebrates alumni and infuses alternate learning opportunities into curriculum

the difference

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the difference


normal innovation

-Program Advisory Committees to review programs

- Ongoing on line feedback from stakeholder groups , Industry updates, Events, E news, The Dean’s Circle of Innovation

- Connections to Industry through programming of field trips

- Industry residence experts on site, externships in hotels, restaurants, retirement services, farms, food product development and so on

No space to accommodate demand

- Growth in international partnerships . delivering of our credentials overseas

- Continuous intake of students

System wide space equation for allocation of space/traditional location/classrooms

- Flexible space design for all 3 customer demands, transparency in learning, use of technology, on line learning, partnerships in facilities/space with industry

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“If things seem under control, you’re just not going fast enough.”Mario Andretti

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let thediscussionbegin…

thank you