Bringing Parents Along on the VTSS/RtI Journey!. Who am I? What will we talk about today?

Bringing Parents Along on the VTSS/RtI Journey!

Transcript of Bringing Parents Along on the VTSS/RtI Journey!. Who am I? What will we talk about today?

Page 1: Bringing Parents Along on the VTSS/RtI Journey!. Who am I? What will we talk about today?

Bringing Parents Along on the VTSS/RtI Journey!

Page 2: Bringing Parents Along on the VTSS/RtI Journey!. Who am I? What will we talk about today?

Who am I?What will we talk about today?

Page 3: Bringing Parents Along on the VTSS/RtI Journey!. Who am I? What will we talk about today?

The journey can be sour or it can be sweet.It will depend on how you view it!

Think Candy Land!

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You may be asking……

why Candy Land?

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It is a “magical” road to sweet surprises!

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Reality Check!

Wait a minute! Isn’t this magical journey on the

Candy Land road filled with speed bumps?

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Before we move forward, let’s talk about the speed bumps that may slow us down or even get us lost in

Lollipop Woods.

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Some that I have heard…….

• More assessments for our kids• Quick way to get to Special Education

Talk to one or two people sitting beside you to think of other speed bumps you may have heard or think you will hear from parents.

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What’s our next move?

Let’s start by keeping our goal in mind!

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You want parents to be able to understand and articulate VTSS/RtI.

Ultimately, you want your parents to be advocates!

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Start with your teachers.

In Candy Land, Momma Gingertree is the first friendly face

the players encounter.

Your teachers are the first friendly faces

your parents will see.

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Your teachers move us along the VTSS/RTI journey.

They are the primary communicators.

They build goodwill with parents.

They talk about student data.

They share the reasons for assessments.

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Communicators• Parent Teacher Conferences• Data Meetings• Problem Solving Meetings• Leadership Team Meetings

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Goodwill• Parent Brochure• Importance of Interventions &

Enrichment• Recognizing student growth

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Data & Assessments

• Show & share data

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• SWAT Team• School Leadership Team

How can I include parents?

Take a few minutes to brainstorm with one or two people beside you about how

you might include parents.

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Building Capacity

• Show your appreciation!• Interventions & Enrichment• Continued conversation with parent groups

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Other Stakeholders

• Community Members• School Board Members

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In the end……

It’s all about the KIDS!

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Thank You!

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Contact Information

Stacey Leitzel, Director of Elementary Education, Shenandoah County Public Schools

[email protected]