Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana

PALESTINE CHURCH OF CHRIST Box 86 Palestine/ OH 45352 ADDRESS Correction REQUESTED Mission Services P.O. Box 2427 Vnnv«r-?71<= 'TTt.T o-70m..7/lO-7 Non-Profit Organ. S. Postage PAID Palestir. s, Ohio Permit No. 1 AFRICAN MISSION EVANGELISM, In Affiliation with BRIGHT OUTREACH / ifiliiitiilliliiliiitniilHliiiloliilillinljiiii] '"•fttrana^wyiS'Bright taiiiiiy ;HAPPY NEWMYBARf'Ii' -rVvfr I BRIGHTS PREPARE FOR 1997 ' As we prepare ourselves for what is ahead in '97 we must consider some facts: 1) We still have many churches to visit, please schedule us today. 2) We still have a debt of $3600 for travel, medical and furlough expenses 3) July is nearly filled with camps and VBS's, but a couple of Sundays are open 4) We need to raise funds for Ghana Christian College Campus relocation (See back) 5) Air fare of approximately $4000 will be a need before August. 6) We are still seeking funds for our truck fund. $1244 raised so far. Needed: $23,000 Listed below are items we are raising special support to take back to Ghana: Notebook computer and printer E-Mail service Funds for air fare Funds for vehicle Funds for a new motor for the 8 hsp generator A new motor for our freezer - the old is reported to have burned up in our absence 2 good 2000 watt transformers for our electrical items in Ghana that work on 110 power a new fan for our micro wave (we have used it since about 1982) Video heads and head cleaner A 220 volt copier A new cooking stove A new washing machine (the one in current use is a Maytag wringer type but the wringer does not work) Pressing iron Coffee maker Mag lite flashlight Several personal items of summer clothing We know that God will supply everything we need. We trust Him and His people. TIM ON THE ROAD IN THE U.S.A. Tim travels west during the latter part of January, all of February and March. Below is Tim's schedule; Feb. 2 - Irvine, Calif.; Mar. 2 - Open: Feb. 9 - Prescott, AZ; Mar. 9- Diamond, MO; Feb. 16 - Tempe, AZ; Mar. 14-16 - East Prairie, MO. Feb. 23 - Scottsdale, AZ.; There are still several dates open. If you wish to have Tim, please call him or Lois Nichols immediately. Twyla and Tai will be able to travel to Arizona for a couple of weeks. r


missionary newsletters

Transcript of Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana

Page 1: Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana


Palestine/ OH 45352



Mission ServicesP.O. Box 2427

Vnnv«r-?71<= 'TTt.T o-70m..7/lO-7

Non-Profit Organ.U« S. Postage


Palestir. s, OhioPermit No. 1


BRIGHT OUTREACH /ifiliiitiilliliiliiitniilHliiiloliilillinljiiii]

'"•fttrana^wyiS'Bright taiiiiiy —


As we prepare ourselves for what is ahead in '97 we must consider some facts:1) We still have many churches to visit, please schedule us today.2) We still have a debt of $3600 for travel, medical and furlough expenses3) July is nearly filled with camps and VBS's, but a couple of Sundays are open4) We need to raise funds for Ghana Christian College Campus relocation (See back)5) Air fare of approximately $4000 will be a need before August.6) We are still seeking funds for our truck fund. $1244 raised so far. Needed: $23,000

Listed below are items we are raising special support to take back to Ghana:Notebook computer and printerE-Mail service

Funds for air fare

Funds for vehicle

Funds for a new motor for the 8 hsp generatorA new motor for our freezer - the old is reported to have burned up in our absence2 good 2000 watt transformers for our electrical items in Ghana that work on 110 powera new fan for our micro wave (we have used it since about 1982)Video heads and head cleaner

A 220 volt copierA new cooking stoveA new washing machine (the one in current use is a Maytag wringer type but the wringer does not work)Pressing ironCoffee maker

Mag lite flashlightSeveral personal items of summer clothing

We know that God will supply everything we need. We trust Him and His people.


Tim travels west during the latter part of January, all of February and March. Below is Tim's schedule;Feb. 2 - Irvine, Calif.; Mar. 2 - Open:Feb. 9 - Prescott, AZ; Mar. 9 - Diamond, MO;Feb. 16 - Tempe, AZ; Mar. 14-16 - East Prairie, MO.Feb. 23 - Scottsdale, AZ.;

There are still several dates open. If you wish to have Tim, please call him or Lois Nichols immediately. Twyla and Taiwill be able to travel to Arizona for a couple of weeks.


Page 2: Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana


Sunday - Pray for Tim, his travels and as he presents the work of GCC in Africa.Monday -Pray for Ghana Christian College - students, faculty, and relocationTuesday - Pray for Twyla and Tai as they continue to teach and go to schoolWednesday - Pray for the Bright family: Kris, Lance, Teresa, Tasha, and Nathan - all in college and /or working.Thursday - Pray for Ghana - stability, peace, and progress in economic, educational, and spiritual challenges.Friday - Ghana ministers and their families whosacrifice and suffer for the cause of Christ.Saturday - Pray for our churches in the United States to become dynamic, evangelistic and mission oriented.

GHANA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE RELOCATION PROJECTSThe College relocation continues at a slow pace as funds are available. There are several projects going on now that you

or your group may desire to share in. They are listed below:1. Bricks or blocks @ 50 cents each.2. Well drilling for the College's own water supply - $6,0003. Electricity Transformer at $25,000 at $50 per kilowatt.

WINDOWS - 97 is the latest project that has come to my attention from the Relocation Committee in Ghana. Listed below are^ thenumber of windows and prices. You or your group may desire to purchase one or several, or just part of one.

1.-14 windows at $155 each.2.-1 window at $110 - a window with 3 bays.3.-2 windows at $55 each.

4.-8 windows at $46 each.5.-4 windows at $30 each.6.-18 windows at $30 each.

7.-2 windows at $55 each.There are more projects involving doors and they include:

1. 22 doors with windows at $290 each.2. 2 panelled doors with windows at $225 each.3. 1 panelled door with windows at $185.4. 24 flush doors at $55 each.

5. 1 panelled door$140.As you can notice there are several projects to fit the budget ofyour group, special offering, oradditional gift. Please pray andconsider this worth project for Ghana Christian College classrooms.


Bal. Jan. 1, 1996 -$1,975.91Income 1996 - $37,058.85Expenses Paid

Out 1996 - $37,038.99Balance of All

Funds - $1,995.77Bills Outstanding $2,814.00 *Total Balance - - ($ 818.23)

^Additional bills came in after the first of theyear expanding outstanding bills to about $3600.


Christmas holidays provided a wonderful time for the Bright family togettogether with their children. All six children andfriends along with Gerald and Helen Bright, grandparents, met on Sunday afternoon in Palestine, Ohio at the Church of Christfellowship room. We enjoyed our "Christmas" dinner, gifts, and good time together. Itwas the first time we had all been togethersince 1989 for Christmas. We met together atchurch camp last July briefly for a few minutes to greet one another and take a fewpictures. We are glad we were able to share and continue to do so with those who are able. It has been a blessing.

YOU MAY CONTACT US: 101 N. Main St., Apt. B, Palestine, OH 45352; Tel: 937-548-7438 or Forwarding Agents:Frank and Lois Nichols, 3900 Koons Rd., New Madison, OH 45346; Tel: 937-977-6718

We thank you all ofyou so much for your love, prayers and faithful financial support. May God give you a productive 1997.Love, TTie Brights

Page 3: Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana

AFRICAN MISSION EVANGELISM, INC.In Affiliation with Ghana Christian College & Seminary

Bright Outreach Forwarding AgentsTim & Twyla Bright Family M/m Frank Nichols

3900 Koons Rd.

Field New Madison, OH 45346P.O. Box 5722

Accra North, Ghana, W. Africa - Tel.; 937-997-6718Tel/Fax: 011 -233-21 -224469


101 North Main St., Apt. BPalestine, OH 45352Tel.; 937-5487438

e-mail; [email protected]


• Purpose of Mission1) To train Christian leaders in Ghana and West Africa2) To assist in new church planting3) To train local church leaders

• Departure to Ghana, Aug. 23, 1997• Sunday mornings open for speaking include

May 18, June 8, Aug. 3Most evening are open at this time

• Goals

1) To visit and share our work with supporting churches and friends2) Share with family members as often as possible3) Participate in two weddings and two graduations4) To gain new financial support

• Travel Plans

1) Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma during July2) North American Christian Convention, July 1-4, Kansas City, Booth 708

• Our Mission in Ghana since 19911) Tim has taught at Ghana Christian College in the field Practical Ministriesand Theology2) Helped evangelistic teams and evangelists plant 21 new churches3) Served on various committees: Spiritual Life (Sec and Chair.); Staff Welfare (Sec.); Campus

relocation (members and consultant). National Evangelism (consultant)4) Twyla has taught at Ghana International School, secondary education. English Literature and served as a

tutor at Ghana Christian College

• Plans for Future Work

1) Continue teaching at Ghana Christian College2) Continue working with leaders assisting in new church planting3) Surveying new areas in Ghana and West Africa for evangelism

Needs to Accomplish the Work1) To reach our 1997-98 budget of $4000 per month2) Raise funds for the relocation/buildingfund of Ghana Christian College3) Raise added funds for a new truck and personal items

Your prayers and financial assistance are always most welcome. We count on it. They are what enables us to do the jobGod has called us to do in Ghana and in West Africa. Thank you for your help, concern and encouragement. God blessyou. Love, The Brights


Page 4: Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana



EVANGELISM, INC "«*«""SW Budeacli


The Brights will head to the

North American Christian

Convention in Kansas City.

MO. July 1-4. Look us up at

Booth # 708- We'll be glad to

greet, share a few moment or

just spend some time with )'ou.

We are looking forward to

greeting old Bieods and making



Third Term began for

Ghana Christian Collge

during the last week of

April. For the third year

in a row the student

population has exceeded

one hundred strudents.

Graduation is set for

July 19. Another large

class is expected to



The footing for the

first section of the

classroom block has been

completed. The main

road through the campus

has been graded. A

workshop was completein 1996. The CoUege Is

awaiting approval for

final permits to continue



Travels will lake us to

Missouri, Kansas and

Oklahoma at least as we

visit churches, friends,

family and the NACC. We

anticipate a busy and

blessed summer.

June 1 - Centen'ille, IN

June 8- Wisconsin

Junel5-2I- Rushsylvan-

ia.OH (VBS)

June 22 - Mill Creek,


June 29 • Chamois, MO

July 1-4-NACC

July 6-Kansas

July 13 - Driftwood, OK

July 13-16,Camp

July 20-25-So. Hutchin-

son, KS (VBS)

July 27 - Missouri

Aug. 3 • Greenville, OH

Aug. 10-Ada, OH

(Bethel Ch.)

Aug. 17 • Palestine, OH

*Note: There are just a

few possible dates on

Sunday if your would like

Tim & Twyla to come and

share a mission

presetnation. Call today!


Birthdays for Nathan,

Kris, Lance, Tim, Ryan

Smith, and Tasha were

celebrated recently on

April 27. April & Maybirthdays!!





As the summer begins

and progresses the date

for Tim and Twyla's

departure looms closer.

On Saturday. Aijg. 2.3.they willto Africa and continue

their work with training




Ghana Christian College

and Seminary, along with

assisting in new church

planting. Your prayers

are deeply appreciated.

Tai Briehl graduatt^d

from high school May 23

and plans to enter college

in August.

Jne, 1997/Page1



Sunday for Tim as he

speaks to churches

Monday for Ghana's

peace and spirituality

Tuesday for GCC

students' health & jobs

Wednesday for GCC

faculty and new campus

Thursday for Twyla -

strength and good health.

Friday for the Bright

children; their jobs &

school this summer

Saturday for Ghana

preachers and their


Tasha shared weddingvows with Ryan Smith on

Saturday, Mu>" 24. They

reside and work in

Cincinngti, Ohio.

Page 5: Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana

Bright Outreach

E'alestine Church of Christ

Box 86

Palestine, OH 453^

Financial Report,

Fund Balances

-June i, 1997







Stove 1000.00











Special 418.00




Palestine Ch. ofChlst

Permit #l

U.S. Postage Paid

Palestine, OH 45352

Mission ServicesP.O. Box 2427

rV Jqpl' ^^57

Thank you aU so mcuh

sacrificial gifts. May God-biessyouall

Vacation Bible

School stories.

Stories designed tohelp your school sharethe vision and excitingtimes the Brights have inGhana West Africa have

been written. They tellof the events that happento the Brights throughthe "eyes" of mythicalmice who traveled with

Tim, Twyla and familyand shared some of the

exciting events. Thesemice may be constructedby the local churches byusing white socks withpainted faces. Write formore information.


• Funds for 220 volt

copier, approximately,5800.

• Two 2,000 watt

transformers @ $125each.

• Video heads and

cleaner - $30.

• Micro wave fan @$40.

If you can help withany of these projects itwill be greatlyappreciated. Thanks.


The old blue Nissan

truck that has served well

the past five years for theBrights in Ghana is justabout worn out. With

high mileage and parts

,/M, i/ever few weeks, the needfor a new and later model

vehicle Is critical.

More trips areplanned to plant newchurches and helpestalished ones. A

dependable truck willhelp facilitate theaccessability to travel tonew areas.

A new truck costs

approximately $25,000and a good used one willbe $10,000-15.000.

Please pray about thismatter. Perhaps yourgroup may want to buy adoor, wheel or part of it.Your donation will be

very appareciated.






PHONE; 937-548-7438 PHONE: 937-997-6718


Page 6: Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana

Palestine Church of Christ

Box 86

Palestine, OH 45352




Mission ServicesP.O. Box 2427

Non-Profit Org.U.S. PostagePAID

Palestme, OHPermit ft 1


hi misIssue: Brights Arrive in Afnca


After a long day.actually a long week of

traveling 1500 miles,packing and unpacking,delivering and takingthings for shipping, and .

getting the youngestBrights settled inCincinnati Bible College.

Tim and Twyla were off

from the Greater

Cincinnati air port to

West Africa.

The week had a been

extremely busy with all

that packing, dipping

and distributing of ourgoods. Teresa was able tobe the family during the

last week. She was a

great help and we allenjoyed having her withus.

The final day we took

Tai to CBC freshma

orientation. Tim's sister.

Donna, and family werealsf) able to sharc! the day.Tasha ami Ryan.herhusband also came.

Lancx* came as well.

When we won? fitially

off the flight went

smoothly to Zurich,Switzerland where we

had a short three hour

layover. It provided timeenough to get somepostcards and a cup of hotchocolate. Then, we were

off to Accra, Ghana. West

Africa. That flight went

vary welL We arrivedahead ofschedule.

The AME brethren

were waiting for us andhad prepared a wonderfrdreception at the home ofBob and Connie Shefller.

All ofour baggage made itwithout any problems,

and that is an answer to


It was wonderful to be

in our home again. Even

though there has beenand still is much to do, we

are glad to be back andworking in Ghana.



Tai, Nathan and Kris

are all enrolled at

Cincinnati Bible College.

Tai is a FV(«hman,

Nathan a Soph, and Kris

is workinc toward

Tim & Twyla BrightP.O. Box 5722

Accra North, Ghana

West Africa

M/m Frank Nichols Fwd


New Madison, OH 45346


Tel/Fax: 011-233-21-224468;


finishing his degree.

They are all working and

getting into the swing of

college life.

Teresa has completed

foiu* years at Arizona

State University. She

plans to study in FVance

during the Fall Semester.

Her major is business

with a FVench minor.

Our prayers are with as

she travels and takes on

this new challenge.

The Others

Tasha and Ryan bothlive and work in

Cincinnati, Ohio. Lance

lives and works in

Indianapolis.Please pray for them

as they take on new

challenge's, endureloneliness froju peirents,and (X)ntinue to grow asyoung adults.



The College hasaccepted 36 new students.

FYeshman orientation

and registration was

Monday, Sept. 15,1997.109studenis

GCC Update


Late entr>* exams were

held Sept. 2 with

interviews the 3rd.

CoJlese Graduation

The largest graduating

class in the history of theCollege look place July 19.

A total of 56 graduatedfrom the Degree, Diplomaand Certificate programs.


The development ofthe new campus is

waiting for the land title

to clcjir. Sometimes it

takes up to two yairsbefon' they csin fx-

Page 7: Bright Tim Twyla 1997 Ghana

cleared. Al present

cements blocks for

building classrooms are

being made on the site by

Ghanaian workers.



So much has

transpired during the

first three weeks since

our arrival that it is

difficult to put it in such

as short report. So far we


1) Repaired the truck,

and it is able to be driven.

Repairs included another

engine in good condition

plus several new parts.

2) Painted all inside

rooms of the house except

three. All wall were


3) Had the two old

sofas recovered. They are


4) Received our

shipment of books, Bibles,

used clothes and stove.

The stove has just been

hooked up and it works!

(Sept. 13)

5) Had copier repaired.



7) Picked up ixK)ple atthe air port three times.

8) Preached Sept. 7, atTema -United Christian

Church (Francis Agordzo,

minister). Also, 14 & 21

9) Attcndixl two faculty


10) HeliK>d interview

the late entry students • 25

in all.

11) Attended the

monthly AMU prayer me<'!ing.

12) Shared fellowship

and meals with fellow

missionaries for 7 days.

13) Drove to Kumasi

on business to make

arrangements to move

pereonal effects of a

relocating missionary. (8

hour round trip)

14) Visited the site of

the College's relocation.

Some light work is being

done. Block making @ 50

cents per block.

15) Last but not

least-have had good times

with Twyla, my wife.


The truck fund had

approximate $5000.

However $750 have been

taken out to get the old

one running again. "Old

Blue" has well over

100,000hard miles on it. A

new truck will cost

$21,000 for a 4 wheel

drive. We need about

$17,000 yet to be able to

purchase. Old ones are

for sale but sometimes

one must pay as much as

$15,000. Please pray with

us for the truck God

wants us to have and the

sufTicient funds.


Twyla is back at

Ghana International

School teach English

Literature to Forms 1 - III.

She is also a coordinator

for two of the Forms. She

hasaboul 150Ptudt?nts.

Tim's Classes

Tim wil! tench Church

Adniinistraf ion and

Wisdom IJtcrnturo of the

Old Testament. Tim has

also been named

secretary for the Central

Relocation Committee.

He also continues as a

consultant with the

National Evangelism


Tim also continues on

two faculty committees:

Spiritual Life and Faculty



OF G. C. C.&S.

and other events

Prof. Mannuel Adiei

has taken leave for a year

to complete his Masters

degree at Lincoln

Christian Seminary. He

teaches much of the Old

Testament courses and

serves as the College's

Administrative secretary.We wish him well and

a speedy return.

A full expatriate

facultv: When all mission

famili^ are present it is a

rare. With the return of

the David Kalb family

Sept. 12 all missionaries

are present for the first

time In awhile. Brights,

Kalbs, Rlfes, Dorothy

Eunson, and Brian

Jennings make up the

mission family at Ghana

Christian. Heading theWest African Institute is

Bob and Connie

SheBler. It's great to

have this fellowship.

Enoch Nvndor. FAME

Din-clor of Ghana is also

visilirig the U.S. He is on

a sivaking and fund

niising lour. He is


raising funds for new

church evangelism inGhana. As Chairman of

the National Evangelism

Committee his goal is to

raise enough funds to

place an evangelist in thenew are.a in which to

plant a church. This

takes about $200 permonth. Three to five

years are estimated for a

new church to pay anykind of regular support.

Please Pray

Sun. -Ghana ministers

Mon. Twyla at GIS

Tub. College students

Wed. College FacultyThurs. Ghana's peace

& stability..Fri. Bright children

Sat. Tim, traveling andleaching.



Siyndablo Baianirie

6/1/97 , tM59..34,

Receipts i: 3583.81

fexjienses :6858.15Bai. 9/1/97:185.00

Truck Fund $4500

Thank you so verymuch for your glfls!.


Sept. 7 • Tema

Sept. 14 - Ashaiman

Sept. 21 - Lapaz

Sept. 28 - Mansafo

Oct. 25 - Akatsi

Nov. 8 - Praso