Bridge brochure

Supporting The Development Of Your Career T:020 8529 0548 E:[email protected]



Transcript of Bridge brochure

  • Supporting The Development Of Your Career

    T:020 8529 0548 E:[email protected]

  • What we do

    We are a London based Recruitment Agency who specialise in placing staff in the facilities management market.

    Our client relationships have seen us matching requirements for all levels of management across the UK and Europe.

    Our team can guarantee you a personalised service which offers career support and advice, confidentiality and maximum exposure to the best opportunities in our industry.

  • We are recruitment experts and leaders in our field. We are continuously seeking skilled and qualified professionals to match the requirements of our clients from managerial staff to staff who work in the support function. For example H & S, training, finance, procurement, HR etc.

    The Roles We Recruit For

  • The Sectors We Recruit For

    Our business contacts cover all aspects of the public and private secots which enable us to focus on your exact requirements, skills and experience.

    As part of our service to you, we source opportunites relevent to your background and future aspirations.

  • The Recruitment Process

    What you can do to help us manage your expectations

    Notify us of interviews you are attending Change or contact notification Keep us informed if you change your circumstances View our Website to see vacancies as soon as

    they become available Join our LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter pages for updates

  • Interview Tips The job interview is an opportunity for both you and the employer to appraise and learn more about each other. First impressions are extremely important so you must project a positive image from the onset.

    The interviewer has no intentions to unruffle you or trip you up with trick questions. He or she simply wishes to view you in person and to find out what benefits and qualities you can impart on the company. Obviously, they will also be seeking to satisfy themselves that your skills and experience match the job and person specification.

    During the interview you should have an objective view on how the company can benefit you; and you should have already done your research on the company when you first applied for the job.

    The essential key to interviews is simply being yourself throughout the meeting and confidently so. Remember compatibility works both ways; you are also there to establish how the role could benefit you and your career.

    Preparation For Your Interview

    Interview dos Research the organisation Request a job/ person specification prior to the meeting Prepare questions to ask to show you are keen about the job and company. Sharp

    questions will show that you are proactive and want to make sure that this is the right company for you

    Be on time for the interview Dress appropriately; make an effort to look presentable and well groomed Find out the interviewers name before the meeting

  • Listen carefully and answer questions directly. If you are unclear about a question, askthe interviewer to clarify

    Close the interview by asking how you performed throughout, and if the interviewerrequires clarification in any areas. Remember this could be your only chance of getting that dream job

    Always thank the interviewer for their time and leave on a positive note

    Questions to ask the Interviewer

    These questions are presented only as interviewing guidelines. They are meant to help prepare you for the interview. Some of these questions may or may not be appropriate for your interviewing situation.

    1. Why is this position open?

    2. How often has it been filled in the past five years?

    3. What would you like done differently by the person who fills this position?

    4. What are some of the objectives you would like to see accomplished in this job?

    Google the name of the Interviewer and the Company name you will be amazed how much information you may discover what PR initiatives they have been involved with, recent wins, product launches etc

    See if there are any reports that the Company has been involved in Google search what the Company do who are their competitors etc Conduct yourself politely Maintain eye contact, it shows you are confident and focussed Carry an extra copy of your CV with you, just in case

    Interview dos Cont.

    5. What would you like to see achieved in the next 3 months?

    6. What are some of the long term objectives you would like to see completed?

    7. What are some of the more difficult problems one would have to face in this position?

    8. How do you think these would be best handled?

    9. What type of support does this position receive in terms of people, finances etc?

    10. What freedom would I have in determining my own work objectives, deadlines and methods of measurement?

    11. What advancement opportunities are available for the person who is successful in this position, and within what time frame?

    12. What significant changes do you foresee in the near future?

    13. What accounts for success within the company?

  • Questions you may be asked

    By practicing your responses to some of these

    questions,hopefully you will not be taken off guard if

    asked one of them.

    1. Tell me about yourself (try to hold your response to two minutes).

    2. What do you know about the company? You can use Google to research the Company, try to obtain 5 facts about the Company and what they do to help you.

    3. Why should we employ you?

    4. What do you look for in a job?

    5. How long would it take for you to make a meaningful contribution?

    6. How does this position fit into your overall career plan?

    7. Describe your management style?

    8. Why are you looking for a new career?

    9. How would your colleagues describe you?

    10. How would your boss describe you?

    11. How would you describe yourself?

    12. What are the five most significant accomplishments in your career so far?

  • Second Interview TipsThe second interview comes with an entirely new set of rules in addition to those which govern the first interview. This is because, typically, a second interview involves speaking with a number of people in addition to the one you initially met. Consequently, though there is a degree of familiarity in the air during the second interview, there is also a heightened sense of stress because you're one step closer to snagging the job.

    Here, we'll look at some helpful hints for getting you through your second interview.

    Prepare Like Never Before; Above all else, you'll need to come to this interview even more prepared than you were for the first. That's why taking notes during and after your initial face-to-face meeting is so critical; essentially, you can use those scribbling notes to make a great impression during the next interview phase.

    For example, let's say that you discovered in your first interview that the company for which you're trying to work is in dire need of someone who can upgrade the externally-distributed corporate newsletter. On your second interview, you can bring examples of the methods you feel could be employed (by you, of course!) in order to take the newsletter to the "next level." It will show that you've done some homework between your first meeting and the second, and also establish that you're a self-motivated go-getter.

    Wear Something Different; You only have one suit? Then buy another one. It's never appropriate to wear the same thing to the first and second interviews (except in the unlikely event that they occur on the same day.) Even if your interviews are weeks apart, opt for a different outfit. Consider it an investment in your employment future.

    Meet and Greet; Remember that you may well be taken on a tour to see where you would be working and to meet potential colleagues. This is your opportunity to make a strong first impression with them; have great eye contact and smile, they will want to see how you interact, head up and exude confidence.

    Remain Professional; Remember, the second interview is just as formal as the first. A common mistake that candidates make at the second and third interview is to become complacent. Go into every interview with the same professional attitude you had at the beginning.

    Draw On Different Examples; If questions come up in this interview that are similar to those asked last time, try to draw on different examples from your experience. Having only one example could suggest that your experience is limited. Before the interview you should try to think of all the questions asked last time and how you could improve or elaborate on the answers you gave. Be sure to be consistent in your answers, drawing on different relevant examples.

  • Reiterate Your "Selling Points" Remember how you primed yourself for your first interview so you could "wow" your prospective employer with the benefits associated with hiring you? Think back to that initial discussion and try to recall exactly what seemed to impress your interviewer(s) the most. Then, make sure you focus on those elements during your second interview.

    Though you might feel odd saying some of the same things over again (especially if one of your interviewers is the person who interviewed you the first time around), know that it's important for you to hit those "unique selling points" a second time hard. After all, this is probably your final chance at the position; use all the arrows in your quiver for the most impact.

    Relax No matter what, it's extremely important that you take a few minutes before your interview to calm your nerves. Walk around the block or do deep breathing exercises. Read a few passages from an inspirational book or call a supportive, cheerful loved one. Do whatever it will take for you to walk through the door with a genuine smile and a firm, assertive handshake.

  • Assessment Interview Days

    What happens at an assessment centre? Assessment centres have always had a place in recruitment; traditionally they were used for bulk recruitment campaigns at graduate or junior level. More recently, there has been a trend towards applying the same techniques to more managerial or sales based positions. So what can you expect when you visit an assessment centre?

    Role Play

    Typically based around a scenario related to the role being recruited, for example, a fact find and negotiation exercise for sales professionals

    You will typically be given a strategy paper thirty minutes prior to the role play exercise, assessing your ability to prioritise and manage your time effectively

    Role play often involves you and two assessors

    It may take the form of two meetings, giving the candidate thirty minutes between the role plays to interpret and ap ly information gleaned from the first meeting

    This exercise tests your ability to perform in the role for which you have applied

    Group Exercise

    Activities undertaken at an Assessment Centre will involve working in groups enabling the employer to assess your teamwork skills, your ability to listen to others and the way you react if your opinion is challenged

    One of the keys to success in group activities is to remember that you will be competing against a set of pre-established standards, rather than against your fellow group members.

    The employer may not necessarily be looking for someone who immediately takes the lead, but perhaps someone who integrates well with others, is willing to take on board the opinions of others and is capable of following instructions

    Candidates are asked to work together as a group towards a stated end goal as the assessors watch and listen

    Each individual may be given a different objective or piece of information to ensure that the exercise does not become too collegiate

    The assessors will be looking for candidates to take control of the situation, draw opinions from the other delegates, keep the group to time, stand their ground (without becoming argumentative) and sucpessfully take the group to its stated goal

  • The assessors will then ask questions to probe around these events evaluating your approach

    to planning, risk analysis, decision making, developing solutions, seeking information,

    developing others,

    customer focus, building relationships and so on

    You are typically assessed against a list of pre-agreed competencies

    Biographical Interview You are interviewed against your CV

    Questioning is targeted around understanding your experience/ responsibilities to date, motivations, why you have made certain moves during your career, what you are looking for from your next role, key successes, qualifications, personal circumstances, current salary and expectations etc

    This is the more 'typical' interview that you have probably already experienced

    Verbal and Numerical Testing Used to give an indication of your ability to process both verbal and numerical information while working to

    a time limit These tests are conducted either prior to or on the assessment day, on or offline You are often given your mark as a percentile rather than a persentage A percentile allows your result to be compared against an appropriate control group where 1 is the lowest

    and 99 is the highest

    Psychometric Testing These are used to help assess your culture fit and psychological make-up There are no right and wrong answers on these tests You should answer questions honestly as opposed to trying to second guess what the client wants to hear

    It is essential to make sure you read and understand each question before attempting to answer it - don't be tempted to rush and risk making careless mistakes

    Presentation Exercise You are typically asked to pre-prepare a presentation, often based around a proposed business plan

    for/approach to your first 6 months in the role that you are applying for While the quality of the slides and content is important, of more importance is the delivery of the

    presentation and your ability to think on your feet when fielding questions You should run through your presentation as many times as possible using your recruitment consultant to

    either cast a critical eye over the slides or by coming into the office to present to him/her

    Some key tips for the effective delivery of a presentation include: using notes but not working from a script; maintaining eye contact with your audience; using visual aids and hand-outs where appropriate, and ensuring that both the introduction and conclusion of your presentation are strong and effective.

    Behavioural Event Interview You will be asked to discuss 2-3 specific events in your career to date, that is, either key successes or events that didn't have the desired outcome

  • Other Tips Include Ask whether the client is willing to fund transport/ hotels Often travelling down the night before and staying in a local hotel will mean you are fresher and

    therefore perform better on the day Arrive within plenty of time on the day There's nothing worse than running in late when the day has already begun- these

    assessment days run strictly to time Use all coffee and lunch breaks to speak to assessors and create an impact Ask intelligent questions and show an interest in them and their business Remember that you are assessed across a number of exercises It is rare that any candidate performs well in all of the exercises so accept that some parts of the day

    will go better than others Do not crumble if one exercise goes badly

    In Conclusion In general, you should do your best to relax and enjoy the Assessment Centre as much as you can, whilst remembering that you may be under observation at all times, even in seemingly informal situations. Try to be yourself at all times and show the employer that you have confidence in yourself and in your ability to perform the job for which you are applying.

  • Bridge is an independent and well

    established employment service which offers

    professional and expert recruitment solutions

    to a range of organisations in the facilities

    management industry.

    We have continuously invested in our

    business and infrastructure, working

    proactively to raise the industry standard and

    general outlook of employment services. As

    such, we are able to boast a reputation which

    is based on integrity, quality and results.

    By delivering above and beyond the average,

    we have attracted a team of experts to work

    for Bridge and join us in our bid to offer a first

    class recruitment service. Ensuring any

    experience with us is a positive and unique


    Our services have been proven to be value

    added and time saving and it is our strategy

    to strengthen our core processes and

    continue to place the highest performers to

    the field of FM.

    About Us


    Working with you

    Working with you to deliver a tailor made

    recruitment solution to meet all individual

    and corporate requirements

    Bridge is always seeking ways to improve

    our status and remain a leading force in this

    competitive industry and therefore we align

    our services with the code of practices

    relevant to our industries and business

    community. This allows Bridge to meet the

    service expectations for job seekers and

    employers alike.

    Our MissionStatement

  • Never has it been more important to hire

    someone who not only matches the job and

    person specification but who can also

    identify with the same cultural aspirations,

    ethos and the corporate personality of your

    business. The effectiveness of this process is

    one not to be underestimated.

    The cost of making the wrong decision will

    not only place financial strain on your

    business but it will also disrupt the positive

    energy with your existing and performing

    team. To enhance your business plan and

    growth strategy, it is essential to find a

    Business Partner whose track record is built

    on a strong foundation of market intelligence

    and recruitment and retention expertise.

    We offer our Clients the following:

    Up to date knowledge of the performing

    professionals relevant to your industry

    High level and flexible methodologies

    tailored to meet the specific and individual

    requirements of our Clients

    Our services are governed by best practise

    Talent management expertise

    A fully managed recruitment process

    Rigorous CV Screening process - including

    eligibility, qualification and background


    On request Post Placement Reviews

    The introductions that we offer are based on

    the following:




    Our Services

  • We have worked in partnership with Bridge for a number

    of years, and have benefitted from there vast experience

    and professionalism.

    The philosophy at Bridge Recruitment fits perfectly with

    my requirements. They've managed an ideal blend of

    friendly enthusiasm with honest professionalism and it's

    provided me with excellent candidates for several years.

    Their preliminary research is thorough; their appraisal of

    an individual's credentials is accurate and their ability to

    identify a potential employee that will actually integrate

    successfully within our Company is refreshing! Bridge

    Recruitment are deservedly our preferred service partner

    in this sector.

    Over the past three or four years I have been working

    with Daniel at Bridge to recruit staff for our area of

    business. Over this time Daniel has gained a very good

    understanding of my requirements and the sort of people

    that I would like to work with. This, for me makes the

    process more efficient and narrows down the range of

    candidates I need to see saving me lots of time. All in all

    my experiences with Bridge recruitment has been very

    good to the point of me using Bridge as my first and often

    only point of contact.

    Bridge Recruitment has been a partner of Facilicom for

    over three years now. During that time the service

    received from our dedicated Account Manager has been

    excellent. Our relationship with them is a strong one.

    Before beginning a search for a candidate Bridge always

    take the time to fully understand our brief and our

    expected candidate profile. Bridges approach to person-

    ally meeting all candidates prior to introducing them to

    us ensures that as well as the individuals capability has

    been assessed, their cultural fit with our organisation has

    been taken into account. Subsequently, all candidates we

    see are of good calibre. Id thoroughly recommend them.


  • Telephone 020 8529 0548

    Fax020 8524 6348

    [email protected]

    AddressBridge Recruitment Unit A, 112 Station RoadChingfordLondonE4 6AB

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