Brewings Summer 2012 e-version

Summer 2012 Vol. 34 Issue 3 Chapter Meeting @ Rollie s House Saturday, August 18th 1 p.m. Spring Ding Recap Guzzlin with Gator Ro ck n N ew Ul m


Schells Border Batch Tom Terwilliger 1501 180th Street LuVerne, Iowa 50560 Or send it e-mail to [email protected] Any and all newsletter articles will be considered for publication in the Border Batch Brewings. Dave "Gator" Weldy #34047 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Wanted Page 11 Locally Advertised to attract walk-in traffic!

Transcript of Brewings Summer 2012 e-version

Summer 2012Vol. 34 Issue 3

Chapter Meeting @ Rollie s HouseSaturday, August 18th 1 p.m.

Spring Ding Recap

Guzzlin with Gator

Rock n

New Ulm

Chapter OfficersPresident - Dave Gator Weldy # 34047Vice President - Stevan Miner # 12802Vice President Elect - Treasurer - Tom Terwilliger #28855Secretary - Judy Terwilliger #F32049Chaplin - Father Furray Srock #9678Artist - Barry Travis #30938Sgt At Arms - Mark StueberSupply Sergeant - Lori JohnsonNewsletter Editor - Tom Terwilliger #28855Webmaster - Tom Terwilliger #28855Past President - Larry Holm

Dues are $10 per year or $15 for couples and due on Dec, 31 each year. Dues can be sent to Tom Terwilliger, 1501 180th Street, LuVerne, IA 50560

Brewings is the official Brewsletter of the Schell s Border Batch, Chapter #83 of the Brewery Collectibles Club of America. It is published quarterly for chapter members to keep up with all the chapter events and news. All materials appearing in the Border Batch Brewings are written by members of the Schell s Border Batch Chapter, unless otherwise credited. No reimbursement is made for submissions. This publication is not copyrighted and material may be reprinted, provided credit is given to the author and Border Batch Brewings. The Schell s Border Batch Chapter cannot be responsible for any errors which may occur. Border Batch Brewings is printed quarterly. If you have anything you would like to contribute please send your newsletter article to:

Schell s Border BatchTom Terwilliger1501 180th StreetLuVerne, Iowa 50560Or send it e-mail to [email protected] Any and all newsletter articles will be considered for publication in the Border Batch Brewings.

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Hello to all my fellow "Batchers". It's hard to believe we are half- way through the year already. It seems like yesterday when Mr. Holm "handed me the gavel" and sent me on my way. If I'm going to run this thing into the ground, I better get a move on it! On Saturday, June 23 several of the Border Batch members attended the Craft Brew Fest in Winnebago. Except for the crowded tents, it was a great time. There were many different vendors with even more different brews. I didn't find any I liked until I tasted the second one! The 28th one wasn't very good either, but by the time I got to the 32nd one they were tasting good again. Steven"Bear" and Sue Miner were gracious enough to host everyone at their estate/museum. There were tours of the garage, the basement, and my wife even got one of the neighbor lady (Sue's mom's) flower garden. If the brew fest sounded good to you, you should have been at the after-party. The best time I've had in a long time, although I felt a little breeze towards the end of the night! ;) We had a very productive meeting at Mowens (Andy's). I know he liked having us there. It was good to spread the club's joy around town. We talked quite a bit about "that fest to the West". It was put out there that we will try to get a pig to roast. I think that would be a huge draw. People love hog roasts. If you have any leads for somebody to give us a hog or to roast it for us, let myself, Larry Holm, or Dan Stueber know. I think there are plenty of roasters in the club to serve it in. We also got a look at the Stubiefest mugs... Some idiot ordered the mugs too small. They are 14 oz, but look like 7oz. Fill it twice... it's all good!! That's the last time we let that dumba_ _ order the mugs. Better yet, we should impeach him as president! There were a lot of nice Schells items at the auction out at the New Ulm fairgrounds on June 30th. I hope people got some of the stuff they wanted. I was there early in the day just to look, before all the deep pockets showed up.The Aug. 18th meeting has been moved to Rollie Tauer's place. We will finalize Stubiefest plans at this meeting. Please make a note of this. If you show up at Ted's, you may be all alone and you know what they say about people who drink alone: "There's more beer for yourself."( Isn't that what they say?) Food for thought: I can tell if I like a beer after the first sip, but I always drink the whole thing just to be sure! The quote of the newsletter from t.v. show "Cheers": "Can I pour you a beer, Mr. Peterson?" "It's a little early isn't it Woody?" "For a beer?" "NO, for stupid questions!" See you @ the meeting!

BOTTOM'S UP... or top's down (whatever you prefer),Gator

Dave "Gator" Weldy #34047

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ActionThis Schell s tip tray sold recently on ebay for $499.50. The condition was less than perfect but still very displayable. Vance Donner s reaction was wow $500 bucks! what has this hobby come to?

The schell s Border Batch has purchased this pair of schell outdoor sign panels for $595. The Stubies will build some light boxes for them and we ll have two great pieces of schell breweriana to raffle or auction at our christmas party and perhaps next years or maybe this years stubiefest depending on how fast they work and how many beers they drink?

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Your Chapter Needs Your HelpThings needed for Stubiefest, Sept , 2012

Your attendanceYour breweriana for sale for the trade showDonation for fundraiser auction Sat nightSide dish for Sat night supper

Things the chapter needs in general

Vice President Elect to follow Steve Miner when he becomes PresidentNewsletter ideas and contributions

On Sale Now $12.00

Be sure to pick up

your copy of the

Schell s Border

Batch Cookbook

before they re all

gone. It s filled

with great recipes

from many club

members including

some classics.

There are only about

40 books left, so

get one before

they re gone!

Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2012 Mowan s, New Ulm, MN

- Meeting was called to order by President, Dave Weldy at 1:00 pm. Those present were

Ted Stueber, Larry and Vickie Holm, Dan and Barb Stueber, Tom and Judy Terwilliger,

Steve and Sue Miner, Rollie, Dave and Linda Weldy, Willis Schaeffer, Tom and Karla, and

Gary Sprenger.

- The main order of business was Stubiefest. Stubiefest will be held on September 22,

2012 at the Dan and Barb Stueber residence.

o Friday night, pizza night. Bring a frozen pizza to share.

o Saturday

9:00 am Billy beer can shoot

10:00 am to 1 pm Buy, sell, trade session

2:00 pm to 6:00 pm Hayride through beautiful downtown New Ulm

Supper, karaoke, and auction to follow

o Tom and Judy will make flyers for the show and Linda Weldy has agreed to

distribute them.

o Ads will be run in both the New Ulm Shopper and the New Ulm Reminder

o All access passes will be $20. Once again you will need to have a pass to take

part in the hayride. The chapter will purchase cases of beer for the hayride, Tom

& Judy will pick them up.

o Passes will be reduced to $10 after the hayride.

o New this year, you will also receive a commemorative Stubiefest mug included

with your pass. These mugs will be free with a $20 pass and $3 otherwise.

o Judy will donate beef burgers for Saturday s lunch. Saturday evening s meal will

be brats or a hog. Several members suggested roasting a hog this year. Larry

Holm will check into price, etc.

o Reimbursements will be made for cost of beer, brats or hog, buns, and passes.

Other expenses include, karaoke, porta pot, and advertising. Please save your

receipts or send them to Tom and Judy Terwilliger for reimbursement. Also, it

was decided that we will NOT be giving reimbursement for jello and pudding

shots. Sue Miner has agreed to make jello and pudding shots for this year s fest.

o The chapter provides the main meat for Saturday evening s meal. Donations of

side dishes are greatly appreciated.

o Don t forget to bring your auction items.

- No other business was discussed.

- The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 pm.

- The next meeting will take place at Rollie Tauer s residence on August 18th, at 1:00.

Hope to see you all there.

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It s YOUR time to serve your chapter as

Vice President Elect

#5Czech it out at your favorite bar or liqour


Locally Advertised to attract walk-in traffic!