Breanna Keller NDFS 356 Renal Assignment Composition of ...

Breanna Keller NDFS 356 Renal Assignment Composition of items that had nutrients represented by a dash in ESHA: Menu Breakfast Omelet – 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 2 tbs bell peppers, 1 tbs onion, and 1 tbs peanut butter ! cup blueberries and an orange ! cup milk Lunch 3 oz gourmet beef patty – with 2 leaf lettuce wrap and 1 slice tomato ! cup cottage cheese and ! large apple ! cup milk PM Snack 2 chocolate chip cookies Dinner 3 oz pineapple chicken with honey mustard sauce " cup white Rice ! cup water HS Snack ! cup ice cream and ! slice cheesecake Item Name Quantity Kcal Prot (g) Phos (mg) Pot (mg) Sod (mg) Water (g) Peanut Butter, creamy 1 Tbs 100 3.5 58 105 60 .48 Lettuce, leaf 2 Each 10 .67 10 0 .67 53.67 Cottage Cheese ! cup 120 14 170 110 470 94.37 Chocolate Chip Cookie 2 Each 440 4 32 70 320 4.92 Olive Oil 2 Tbs 240 0 0 0 0 0 Honey 1 Tbs 68 0 1 7 0 3.91 Mustard 1 tsp 5 0 7 6 120 0 Ice Cream ! cup 150 3 75 120 35 40.46 Cheesecake ! slice 285 5 37 36 220 0 Sub-Total 1,418 30.17 390 454 1,225.67 202.73 Total 2,608 105 1,299 2,472 1,790 1,228

Transcript of Breanna Keller NDFS 356 Renal Assignment Composition of ...

Page 1: Breanna Keller NDFS 356 Renal Assignment Composition of ...

Breanna Keller NDFS 356

Renal Assignment

Composition of items that had nutrients represented by a dash in ESHA:

Menu Breakfast Omelet – 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 2 tbs bell peppers, 1 tbs onion, and 1 tbs peanut butter

! cup blueberries and an orange ! cup milk

Lunch 3 oz gourmet beef patty – with 2 leaf lettuce wrap and 1 slice tomato ! cup cottage cheese and ! large apple

! cup milk PM Snack 2 chocolate chip cookies Dinner 3 oz pineapple chicken with honey mustard sauce " cup white Rice ! cup water HS Snack ! cup ice cream and ! slice cheesecake

Item Name Quantity Kcal Prot (g) Phos (mg) Pot (mg) Sod (mg) Water (g)

Peanut Butter, creamy 1 Tbs 100 3.5 58 105 60 .48 Lettuce, leaf 2 Each 10 .67 10 0 .67 53.67 Cottage Cheese ! cup 120 14 170 110 470 94.37 Chocolate Chip Cookie 2 Each 440 4 32 70 320 4.92 Olive Oil 2 Tbs 240 0 0 0 0 0 Honey 1 Tbs 68 0 1 7 0 3.91 Mustard 1 tsp 5 0 7 6 120 0 Ice Cream ! cup 150 3 75 120 35 40.46 Cheesecake ! slice 285 5 37 36 220 0 Sub-Total 1,418 30.17 390 454 1,225.67 202.73 Total 2,608 105 1,299 2,472 1,790 1,228

Page 2: Breanna Keller NDFS 356 Renal Assignment Composition of ...

Dialysis – Nutrition For Kidney Care !!"#$%&'%(")'(")*+',%!"#$%&#$'(%!)%!*+,+%%-'.!/$'!0()12)*3!%4'$*3!0$*+%!-*2!#+1&%!5)4#!*(4')+*4!6+4-0$1)%6! 4$! ,$*7+'4! /$$2! )*4$! +*+'3.8! "#$%&#$'(%! -1%$! #+1&%! 5)4#!6(%,1+!,$*4'-,4)$*9!*+'7+!,$*2(,4)$*!-*2!*$'6-1!:)2*+.!/(*,4)$*8!!











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Page 3: Breanna Keller NDFS 356 Renal Assignment Composition of ...

Dialysis – Nutrition For Kidney Care !!"#$%&'%()$#''&*+,%!"#$%&&'()!'&!%!)'*+,%-!$.%$!.+-/&!0'$.!)(&1-+!)#2+)+*$!%*3!4++/'*5!$.+!*+,2#(&!&6&$+)!.+%-$.67!8$!%-&#!.+-/&!$#!)%'*$%'*!9-('3!%*3!+-+1$,#-6$+!:%-%*1+7!!









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Page 4: Breanna Keller NDFS 356 Renal Assignment Composition of ...

Dialysis – Nutrition For Kidney Care

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