Brazil Real Estate and Land Investment Guide powerpoint

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An introduction to the 'Brazil Real Estate and Land Investment Guide' free resource site for any one interested in entirely non-speculative information on investing in one of the world's fastest growing economies.

Transcript of Brazil Real Estate and Land Investment Guide powerpoint

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• Brazil has received an increased amount of financial media attention in recent years;

• A country that has transformed to becomewidely predicted as a serious global economic force of the future;

• Brazil remained in a relatively healthy positionthroughout the global recession and emergedout of negative GDP much quicker than many developed economies;

• A healthy currency that is no longer pegged to the US dollar;

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• The mortgage market is very lowly leveraged (secured lending represents only 3% of the country's GDP);

• A strong and healthy banking system that has long operated well above the International Basel Accord;

• High international reserve levels;

• Brazil is a member of a diverse world organisations including Mercosul, the G8+5, the G20, SACN and the Cairns Group (with seats at the OECD, OPEC and the UN Security Council likely);

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• Decreasingly cumbersome legal system and new laws that areencouraging buy to let investment;

• Countrywide infrastructural developments expected via programmes such as the Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) which has a investment budget of R$ 1,500 billion;

• Large scale and institutional investors, including Sam Zell, continue their expansion in the country;

• Improving credit agency ratings from Moodys, Fitch and Standards & Poor;

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• Bought to you by the Brazil Real Estate Partners;

• Ruban Selvanayagam (Director) – full time property investor / developer / trader with business interests in Brazil and the UK;

• Specialists in property and land investing in one of the world’s fastest growing economies;

• Detailed investment guidance produced in an entirely non- speculative manner by an organisation with an established understanding of the country;

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Regularly up-to-date guides on relevant topics related to Brazilian

real estate and land including the law, taxation, due diligence, commercial property, the hotel industry, economics and more.

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A range of monthly updated statistical graphs including Brazilian

lending levels, business confidence, interest rates, inflation, construction costs, unemployment, wage levels and more.

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Providing relevant, up-to-date and in-depth statistics for real estate and land investors on each and every municipality of Brazil.

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This part of the site contains interviews with prominent members of the Brazil real estate and land investment industry including

CEOs, university professors and other specialist thought leaders as well as regularly updated articles, hints and tips.

Subscribe to our RSS feed at the bottom right of the page.

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Investment Opportunities

Access the very latest residential, commercial industrial real estate / land opportunities as well as range of property fund,

renewable energy and alternative investments. Please be sure to subscribe at the bottom right to receive our regular bulletins.

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Take advantage of many of the professional solutions we are able to offer Brazilian property and land buyers including bespoke ‘site searching’, feasibility and exit strategy

analyses as well as a range of free services.

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Please take the time to see some of the social and microfinance non-for-profit projects we are supporting. We are happy to

provide direct connections with the relevant organisations to discuss donations as well as potential partnerships.

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• Subscription to the site is completely free and please ensure to add your details to receive our weekly newsletters at the bottom right of all pages of the website;

• Owner Ruban Selvanayagam can be contacted via email at [email protected] or via his Linked-in page (search ‘Ruban Brazil’ and his name will appear);

• We are also active on the Twitter, Facebook and YouTube networks as well as running our own Linked-in forum (see the links at the bottom right of all pages of the site).