Brandwagon 03 July 2012 3

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Transcript of Brandwagon 03 July 2012 3

  • 7/31/2019 Brandwagon 03 July 2012 3


    The consumer insight in the latest ad on

    luck playing a role in getting that dream job is certainlyinteresting, but the execution falls short

    Campaign: Find Better


    Company : India

    Agency: Dentsu Marcom

    The Campaign

    The ad opens in an office

    reception, where candidates are

    seated waiting for their interview.One of the candidates casually

    turns to his side and asks theyoung man next to him

    Interview?He smiles slightly

    and nods.The first man smirksand says,Good luck.The second

    man pulls out a horseshoe out of

    his bag and confidently replies, I

    have good luck with me.The otherman reaches into his own bag andholds up a strand of chillies and

    lemon to ward off the evil eye.On

    seeing this, the second man gives asarcastic look,rolls up his sleeve

    and exposes his arm thats

    adorned with lucky charms.Inresponse to this,the other one

    pulls out a large Turkish evil eyeamulet. The man smirks pulling

    something out of his bag.Out of

    his bag appears a woman hismother,who blesses him and gets

    back into the bag. Suddenly, they

    notice a smartly dressed youngman stepping out of the interview

    room with a woman bossaccompanying him.She looks at

    them and says,Thanks,guys.

    Weve found our man. As they

    leaves,one of them says Iska lucksolid hogaand hearing this,the

    lucky man man takes out hisiPhone which has the Monster app

    on screen. The ad ends with a

    voice-over:Get lucky. Get active

    on Find betteraccess,better connections,

    better jobs.

    Our Take

    Do you wear that lucky shirt for a

    job interview? Do you believe in

    luckwhen it comes to your job or

    an important chapter in your life?

    Do you carry every possible lucky

    charm with you in a job interview?

    According to a recent study

    conducted by Monster India,luck

    plays a crucial role in almost every

    sphere of our lives and especially

    in matters related to job search

    and career progression.Monster

    has based this ad on this consumer

    insight.The main objective of

    the campaign is to launch

    Monster.coms new

    positioning, Find Better.

    With its new brand ideology of

    Find Better,Monster India

    aspires to enable employees

    and employers with better

    access, better connections,

    better results.

    The brand has made a

    conscious effort to blend humour

    in the campaign. However, while

    the insight hits the bulls eye,the

    execution doesnt. The ad is

    humorous but does not say why

    Monster is better than other sites,

    or why, when you have reached theinterview stage,Monster would

    give you a winning edge. The

    campaign plays on humour which

    has already been used by in its early ads. The

    brand positioning of Find Better

    is not very clear and we dont see a

    brilliant execution of the insight.

    The visual of the mother coming

    out of the bag is unrealistic and

    exaggerated.However, the ad is

    getting eyeballs because of the

    powerful insight.






    1THE JOB: Its not a job its a

    passion and I like it that way.

    Life is exciting when you are on

    the digital highway. Every second

    spent online is a light year from the

    present one and I love it! I believe that

    with technology and creativity, brands

    can generate content, information and

    services for customers that make

    brands an essential part of their lives.

    With this medium, we can go far

    beyond the borders of conventionaladvertising.

    2THE WEEKDAYS: From the

    moment I step into the office

    building till I reach home, life is a

    big roller-coaster ride and there is

    never a dull moment.

    The morning begins at the war room

    with the creative directors, focusing on

    the new challenges and actions. The

    traditional emphasis on good ideas,

    excellent designs, and a compelling

    story still exists, but new goalposts arecoming up. Integrating the idea fully

    into the business, bringing the

    consumers closer to the brand, and

    giving them a superb experience 24 x7

    is the new goal.

    3THE WEEKEND: A soccer game

    with my sons, a good Montecristo

    cigar with Mozart playing in the

    background are some luxuries that

    help me recharge my batteries.

    4THE TOYS: Galaxy NOTE and the

    XBox are two things I cant stay

    away from.

    5THE LOGOS: Brands make our life

    interesting. They are like the

    toppings on a pizza. And I love

    my brands and spice up my life with

    them. From Breitling to Hugo Boss to

    Salvatore Ferragamo, the list goes


    As told to R

    ohit N





    PARTHO SINHAExecutive Vice President, Creative, Digitas India

    New goalpostsare coming upin creativity

    We aim to be number one inthe luxury car segment by 2015

    In just a few years,luxury car brand

    Audi has moved up to the number two

    spot in the luxury car segment in In-

    dia. The January-March 2012 quar-

    ter saw Audi Indias sales rising by

    41% quarter-on-quarter. And with

    Audi selling only 5,511 units in India

    in the whole of 2011, as compared to

    3,10,000 in China,the potential of the

    Indian market in the segment is quite

    conspicuous. In an interaction withAudi India headMichael Perschke,

    FEs Sukalp Sharma and Rajat

    Guha decode the DNA of the compa-

    nys Indias operations,its marketing

    strategy and what the future holds for

    the brand.Edited excerpts.

    The last quarter of FY 12 has seen

    Audis rise to the second position

    in the luxury car segment in In-

    dia.What can we expect next ?

    Our ambition is to become number

    one,not number two. Number two is

    an important step towards that goal.

    We have always said that our objec-

    tive is to be number one by 2015,but

    the way things are going,we might be

    able to achieve that target earlier.We

    are going to open many more dealer-

    ships over the next two quarters.We

    thought that once we have the third

    quarter and the dealers,then we can

    aim for number two.But it happenedin the first quarter itself,which was

    beyond our expectations. In India,in

    2015,we plan to sell at least double the

    amount we plan to sell this year,

    which would mean that we are look-

    ing at anything between 16,000-20,000

    units for 2015.

    How is marketing for a luxury au-

    to brand different from that of

    any other car brand?

    The conventional above-the-line,be-

    low-the-line combine might not be

    necessarily enough for the luxury

    segment.For luxury, you need a sig-

    nificant amount of classical above-

    the-line brand building, you need

    significant amount of events for peo-

    ple to touch and feel the brand and it

    also helps in breaking into peer

    groups.Then the digital space is also

    extremely important now. New di-

    mensions include social media.

    Then theres peer-to-peer market-

    ing. And all of this needs to be sup-

    ported with a public relations strate-

    gy. You might follow the brand for a

    certain period of time but you will

    start believing in it when consistent-

    ly over many touch points you feel

    that the brand is on the right track.You need to put all the pieces of the

    puzzle together to create an image

    for the brand.A modern brand needs

    15-20 different touch points.

    How has Audis marketing strate-

    gy changed?

    We have doubled our marketing

    spends from last year. We are going

    from a pull model to a push model,

    which means that we also move to a

    different target audience now. Since

    the last couple of years,we were deal-

    ing with people who already were con-

    noisseurs of luxury. So they got the

    M-B-A degree step-by-step: they had

    the M Mercedes, then they got the

    B BMW, and finally the A Audi.

    Now we have people who are directly

    going for the A.Thats where the mar-

    keting needs to be a little different as

    you need to give these new customers

    what I call edutainment.

    We dont see mass market adver-

    tising and marketing by Audi In-

    dia. You are not even relying on

    any brand ambassadors.

    As a brand we dont have brand am-

    bassadors. What we have are brand

    fans or brand loyalists. Somebodylike a John Abraham is a brand loyal-

    ist.Ravi Shastri,for example,is an old

    Audi loyalist.So much so that he was

    called Ravi AudiShastri .But the mo-

    ment you give someone the title of a

    brand ambassador, it means there

    are a 100 others out there whom you

    havent made brand ambassadors.As

    for mass marketing, we didnt do a

    brand campaign in 2011,stil l we end-

    ed up winning 22 awards, including

    three brand awards. Its not neces-

    sary that you play on all channels of

    mass media to be recognised by a rele-

    vant audience. Classical above-the-

    line print marketing always gives

    certain tangible returns. You cant

    substitute print marketing. Howev-

    er,TV is not a direct response format,

    until you get into digital TV where

    people can click and we can get en-

    quiries.Online,on the other hand,is a

    direct and active tool.Online is some-

    thing well be driving stronger in the

    times to come, and we would look at

    more creative ways to engage with

    the customers and social media

    would again be an important tool

    there. Well be converting some of

    our above-the-line spends to online

    and social.As for our current market-ing spend,60% is print,15% would be

    traditional online spend,15% social

    media and alternative digital, and

    10% would be television.

    The luxury auto segment used to

    be a narrow band earlier.But now

    there are sub-segments. How have

    you seen them evolve?

    There are sub-segments from the

    buying behaviour point of view.The

    first target audience is the connois-

    seurs. Then there are those who

    might not have a background as such

    in luxury but were able to make mon-

    ey.They might not know every single

    thing about luxury or brands but

    they have the means and want to en-

    joy luxury products. Then you have

    the first-time luxury buyer who

    comes from an upper middle-class

    background. Then you have people

    who based on a certain buying deci-

    sion want to become a part of a cer-

    tain audience of society.