Boris Letter


Transcript of Boris Letter

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Matt Butler

Team Leader, Planning Regeneration

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, Planning Division,

Transport & Technical Services

Hammersmith Town Hall

King Street

London W6 9JU

City Hall

The Queen's Walk

More london

London SEl 2M

Switchboard: 02079834000

Minicom: 0207983 4458

Web: ref: 2764/AR

Your ref: 2011j02930jOUT

Date: 29 February 2012


Mayor's Office

Dear Matt Butler,

Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999

and 2007; Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008

Shepherd's Bush Market, Peabody And Broadway Centre, Nos.1 - '14 Market Lane,

Former Laundry Site Rear Of Nos.9 - 61 Pennard Road, Land Adjoining Former

Shepherd's Bush Library And Nos.30 - 52 Goldhawk Road W12

I refer to your letter of 17 February 2012 informing me that Hammersmith & Fulham Council is

minded to grant planning permission for the above planning application, subject to conditions andwritten conclusion of a section 106 legal agreement. 1 refer you also to the notice that was issuedon 20 February 2012 under the provisions of article 5(1)(b )(i) of the above Order.

Having now considered a report on this case I am content to allow Hammersmith & Fulham Council

to determine the case itself, subject to any action that the Secretary of State may take, and do not

therefore wish to direct refusal or to take over the application for my own determination.

Boris Johnson

Mayor of London

cc Kit Malthouse, London Assembly Constituency Member

Jenny Jones, Chair of London Assembly Planning and Housing Committee

Ian McNally & John Pierce, DCLG

Colin Lovell, TfL

Javiera Maturana, LDA

Direct telephone: 02079834100 Fax: 02079834057 Email: [email protected],uk

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planning report PDU/2764/02

29 February 2012

Shepherd's Bush Market, Uxbridge Road

in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

planning application no. 2011 /02930/0UT

Strategic planning application stage II referral (new powers)

Town & Coun try P lann ing A ct 1990 (as am ended); G rea ter London A uthority A cts 1999 and 2007;

Town & C oun try P lann ing (M ayor o f L ondon) O rder 2008

The proposal

O utline app lication for redevelopm en t o f Shepherd 's B ush M arket and adjoining land to prov ide

fo r the refu rb ishm ent and enhancem ent o f the m arket, construction o f new build ings ranging

from 2-9 sto reys, p rov ision o f up to 212 residen tial un its, retail/m arke t, food and beverage

spaces, land scap ing , ca r an d cy cle parking .

The applicant

The app lican t is Orion Shepherds Bush Limited and the arch itect is Robin Partington


Strategic issues

O utstand in g issu es rela tin g to retail/town centre uses, housing, affordable housing,

equalities, urban design, sustainable development, transport and noise h av e b een

addressed through rev isions to the app lication , cond itions and the section 106 legal agreem ent.

T he application com plies w ith the L ondon Plan .

The Council's decision

In th is in stan ce H amm ersm ith & F ulham C ou ncil has reso lv ed to g ran t p erm issio n.


T h at H amm e rsm ith & Fu lham Council be adv ised that the M ayor is con ten t for it to de term ine the

case itself, subject to any action that the Secre tary o f S tate m ay take, and does no t therefo re w ish

to d irect re fusal o r d irect that he is to be the loca l plann ing au thority .


1 O n 20 Sep tem ber 2011 the M ayor o f London received docum ents from Hammersm ith &

Fu lham C ouncil notify ing h im of a p lanning app lication of po ten tial strategic im portance to

develop the above site fo r the above uses. Th is w as re ferred to the M ayor under C atego ries 1A

and 1 B of the Schedu le to the O rder 2008:

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.• Category 1A . D evelopm ent w hich com prises o r includes the provision of m ore than 1 s o

houses, fla ts, or houses and fla ts.

• Category 1B: D evelopm en t w hich com prises o r inc ludes the erection of a build ing or bu ild lnqs

outside ' C e n t r a l London and w ith a to tal floorspace o f m ore than 15 ,000 square m etres.

2 O n 17 October 2011 the M ayor considered planning report PDU /2764/01 , and

su bseq uen tly a dv ised H amm ersm ith & Fulham C ouncil tha t the app lication d id not com ply w iththe London P lan, for the reasons se t out in parag raph 100 of the above-m en tioned report; but

that the possible rem edies se t ou t in paragraph 102 of tha t repo rt cou ld address these


3 A copy of the above-m entioned report is attached . The essentials o f the case w ith regard

to the p roposal, the site , case history , strategic p lanning issues and re levant policies and quidance

are as set ou t therein , unless otherw ise stated in th is repo rt. S ince then , the app lication has been

revised in response to the M ayor's concerns (see below ). O n 8 February 2012 H am mersm ith &

Fulham Council decided that it w as m inded to g ran t p lann ing perm ission fo r the app lication , and

on 17 February 2012 it adv ised the M ayor of th is dec ision . U nder the provisions of A rticle 5 o f the

Town & C ountry P lann ing (M ayor of L ondon) O rder 2008 the M ayor m ay allow the draft dec ision

to proceed u nch an ged , direct H am m ersm ith & Fu lham C ouncil under A rticle 6 to refuse the

ap plica tio n o r issu e a d irectio n to H am m ersm ith & Fulham Council under A rticle 7 that he is to act

as the Loca l P lann ing A uthority fo r the purposes of de term in ing the app lication . The M ayor has

un til 1 M arch 2012 to notify the Council o f h is decision and to issue any direction .

4 The env ironm en tal in fo rm ation for the purposes of the Tow n and Coun try P lann ing

(E nvironm en ta l Im pact A ssessm ent) (E ng land and W ales) R egulations 1999 has been taken into

accoun t in the consideration o f th is case .

5 The decision on th is case, and the reasons w ill be m ade availab le on the G LA 's w ebsite


Stage 1 Consultation response

6 A t the consu lta tion stage H amm ersm ith & Fu lh am C oun cil w as adv ised tha t the app lication

d id no t com ply w ith the London P lan , fo r the reasons se t out in paragraph 100 of the above-

m en tioned report; but that the possib le rem ed ies set out in parag raph 102 of that report could

a dd re ss th es e d efic ie nc ie s:

• Retail/Town Centre Uses: Com mitm ents to secu re the continuous operation o f the

m arket du ring construction and to preserve the un ique character o f the m arke t fo llow ing

redevelopm en t. .

• Equalities: C onfirm ation of a rrangem en ts fo r the relocation o f the hostel.

• Housing: C on firm ation of location and qu ality of ch ildren 's p lay sp ace.

• Affordable Housing: V erification o f the v iab ility assessm ent to dem onstrate tha t the

prop osa l represen ts the m axim um ach iev able a fford able h ou sin g.

8 Urban Design: Reconsidera tion o f the m assing along the G oldhaw k R oad frontage and of

the b locks v isib le from Pennard R oad.

e Sustainable Development: Prov ision o f further info rm ation relating to the hea t netw ork

and energy cen tre and reduc tion of surface w ater run-off rates.

• Ambient Noise: Further in form ation dem onstra ting that am bient noise from the railw ays

h as b ee n m itig ated .

• Transport and Parking: review of the levels of car parking on site , suggestedim provem ents to local bus stops and the pedestrian and cycling env ironm en t, and

com mitm en t to secu re various elem en ts via sec tion 106 and p lanning condition .

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Retail/Town Centre Uses

Ma rk et o p er at io n durlna.dezelcnment

7 C oncern w as ra ised at stage 1 tha t the m arket rem ain open and operationa l th roughout all

phases o f dem olition and construction . The applican t w as asked to provide m ore de tailed and

concrete phasing plans w hich address these issues and dem onstrate that all trading w ill be able too p er ate c on tin u ou sl y.

8 D etailed phasing p lans have been subm itted to illu stra te that bo th en trances w ill be kept

open and pedestrian flow s m aintained along the leng th o f M arket Lane throughou t the course o f

the p roposed construction program me and at all tim es .

9 The phasing p lans illu stra te how the m arket w ill continue to func tion th roughout each

phase o f construc tion , inc luding tem porary relocation and accom modation for existing m arket

trad ers a nd reta ilers, d eliv eries, se rv icin g a nd w aste co llectio n a rran gem en ts, c usto m er circ ulatio n

areas (free and safe ), trad ing space & storag e, secu rity (s talls an d w id er m ark et), sig nage ,

em ergency arrangem ents, and how the func tion ing m arket areas w ill be screened from thec on stru ctio n a re as .

10 The section 106 lega l agreem en t ensu res public access to the m arket and ab ility to w alk

betw een Goldhaw k Road and U xbridge Road at all tim es, excep t ou t of trading hours w hen the

app lican t is advised by the Po lice to res tric t access in the in te rests o f security or pub lic safety .

11 The phasing prog ramm e suggests the w orks should last no m ore than 18 m on ths and

prov ides fo r any affected stalls to be adequately relocated fo r th is tem porary period . The applican t

has ag reed to a 3 -year rent 'freeze ' period from the com mencem en t of w orks fo r a ll m arket traders,

along w ith the creation o f a distu rbance fund of £500 ,000 fo r traders as com pensa tion fo r any

'relocation expenses and /o r lo ss of trade .

12 The final a rrangem ents w ill be refined in consu ltation w ith a m arket w orks liaison group

being established by the applican t and m ade up of representatives o f the ow ners, the traders, tow n

centre m an ag er an d o th er stakeho lders.

13 A ll o f the above comm itm en ts are cap tu red and secu red in the sec tion 106 lega l ag reem ent.

O ffice rs a re sa tisfied tha t these m easures w ill ensu re the continued opera tion o f the en tire M arke t

d urin g th e variou s p hases o f deve lo pm en t.

M a rk et o pera tio ns fo llo w in g d ev elo pm en t

14 A t stage 1 m ore info rm ation w as requested to confirm the term s and conditions o f leases

fo r m arket traders follow ing com pletion o f the w orks, and cla rifica tion on how the app licant w ou ld

ensure that the m arket traders w ill be ab le to con tinue operating under a new m anagem en t

s truc tu re. Further deta ils w ere requested regarding how the applican t in tends to retain the un ique

character and na tu re o f Shepherds Bush M arke t in te rm s of s ize , m ix and type o f un its w ith its loca l

independen t traders. .

15 The app lican t has m et w ith rep resen ta tives o f the traders as w ell as w ith C ouncil and GLA

office rs to d iscuss the above.

16 The app lican t subm itted a brie fing pack to the C ouncil in D ecem ber 2011 in w hich it

com mitted to m anaging the m arket in order to prom ote continu ity o f trade, independen t retailing ,local serv ices as w ell as to p rotect the character of the m arket. Th is has also been set out in a

'M a rk et C h arte r'.

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17 The app lican t has agreed to prov ide rep lacem ent sta lls o f equal size, detailing and value to

ex istin g, w ith eq uiv alen t fix tu res and fittings to the ex isting , and a co mm itm ent tha t refu rb ished

arch es w ill be prov ided w ith secure lock-up facilities . A series of p lan nin g conditions requ ire rev iew

and approval by the C ouncil o f a ll p roposed designs for m arket sta lls , canopies, and the bread th o f

the M arket L ane.

18 A ll l ease, ren t and serv ice charge arrangem en ts tha t are inherited from T fL w ill be

honou red , inc lud ing an index-linked ren t rev iew process and a cap on serv ice charge increases.

Such com mitm ents are secured in a section 106 ag reem ent as part o f the iShepherds B ush M arket

Letting s Policy . The applican t a lso agrees to prov ide no less than 25 stalls on term s that are

targeted at S ME /en trepreneurs and those from ethn ic com m unities seek ing low -cost en try , and

w ill a lso prov ide a propo rtion of un its to be let on shorter term tenancies to prov ide a furth er

oppo rtun ity for lo ca l en trepreneurs from local com m unities to en ter th e m arket.

19 The applican t w ill estab lish a m arket steering group m ade up of represen tatives of the

ow ners, the traders, m arket m anager and other stakeholders . The steering group w ill p rov ide a

forum for tenan ts to address com pla in ts and presen t recom mendations to the ow ners on the

m anagem ent and running of the m arket.

20 A ll o f the above prov isions are secured in the section 106 legal agreem en t or by p lann ing

condition , and therefore the concerns and requirem ents se t ou t by the Shepherds B ush M arket

T enants A ssocia tion and the M ayor at stage 1 have been addressed .

G old haw k R oa d

21 There are 10 businesses on G oldhawk R oad w hich w ill b e affec ted by the proposals. The

redevelopm ent w ill resu lt in a new parade of larger shop units, a lthough the new prem ises w ill

d iffer in size and form at from the ex isting shops. A lthough these businesses have not been

prov ided the sam e assurances as sta llho lders w ith in the m arket, a ll have been offered assistance to

iden tify new prem ises to relocate in or near G oldhaw k R oad , as w ell as an opportun ity to en ter in to

a pre-le t o r pre-purchase space in the redevelopm ent. .

22 The applican t has agreed to prov ide units su itab le for the re location of any of the ex isting

businesses, and has confirm ed that there w ill a t least as m uch space in the new developm ent as

curren tly to accom m odate all o f the ex isting businesses tha t have expressed an in terest in

re tu rn ing to th is loca tion . T hese com m itm ents are secu red in a section 106 agreem ent.

23 The applican t w ill also ex tend the fu ll range of C PO en titlem ents to all traders in the

G oldhaw k R oad units regard less of w hether a C PO is in p lace . This includes a fu ll package of

funding and practica l assis tance to a llow businesses to m ake tem porary or perm anent m oves.

T hese com m itm ents are a lso secured by s106 plann ing obligation .

24 Taking in to account th e comm itm ents m ade above that have been secured by legal

agreem ent w ith regards to phasing , leases, ren t levels , m arket m anagem ent and business

con tinu ity , the p roposals are com plian t w ith L ondon P lan polic ies 4 .8 and 4 .9 .


25 The 201 0 Equality A ct p laces a duty on public bodies, in the exerc ise of their functions, to

have due regard to the need to advance equality of opportun ity betw een persons w ho share a

re levan t pro tec ted characteristic and persons w ho do not share it. T his requ irem ent includes

rem oving o r m in im ising d isad van tages suffered by person s w ho share a re levan t pro tec ted

characteristic that are connected to tha t characteristic and tak ing steps to m eet the needs of

persons w ho share a relevan t pro tec ted characteristic th at are d ifferen t from the needs of persons

w ho do not share it. The A ct defin es pro tected characteristics . The G LA i n the d ischarge of its

p lann ing function m ust engage th is du ty , in so far as it is applicab le to a particu lar case.

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26 The stage 1 report no ted tha t w ith regards to the ob liga tions under the Equa lity A ct, the

C ouncil should satisfy itself that the appropriate conditions o r legal m echanism s w ill be in place to

ensure the com mitm en t o f the app licant to im plem en ting the key m itiga ting actions identified in

th e e qu ality a ss es sm e nt.

27 The C ouncil has considered an Equa lities Im pac t A na lysis (EqIA ) fo r the p roposal, w hich

no tes tha t the developm ent w ill b ring sign ifican t im provem ent o f the area for m ost m em bers o f the

public inc luding pro tec ted g roups, a lthough som e pro tected groups w ill be affected by the

changes .

28 The EqlA has iden tified som e poten tial negative im pacts on those w ith p rotec ted

charac teristics in term s of race, sex (gender) and age. The lack of a ffo rdab le housing is likely to

preven t certain equa lity g roups from being ab le to affo rd housing w ithin priva te ow nership .

H ow ever, th is has been justified on the basis of the subm itted v iab ility appra isal, and fu rtherm ore ,

tha t the schem e could con tribu te to w ider local regenera tion w hich m ay include new affo rdable

housing in the area.

29 The EqlA no ted that the p roposed changes to the m arket and redevelopm en t o f the

G oldhaw k Road shops could poten tially have adverse im pac t on groups w ith pro tected race

charac teristics. H ow ever, taking into account the com mitm en ts secu red in the sec tion 106 lega lag reem ent d iscussed above w ith regards to the m arket and G oldhaw k R oad shops, officers take the

v iew tha t these im pacts do not resu lt in the need to refuse perm ission .

30 A s no ted at stage 1 , the app lican t had ind icated tha t a contribution tow ard the reloca tion

o f the B roadw ay hostel/day centre facility w ill be de livered as part of the s106 p lann ing ob ligation .

M ore detail w as requested on the natu re of th is contribution and the reloca tion o f the facility .

31 The sec tion 106 comm itm ents include approx im ate ly £1 Am tow ards the refu rbishm en t o f a

build ing in L im e G rove to accom modate the existing Peabody hostel and assoc ia ted B roadw ay

serv ices, as w ell as re loca tion costs. T he legal ag reem ent also includes a covenan t tha t ensu res the

developm en t o f the M arket is no t to be com menced until the relocation o f the facility has beencomple ted .

32 Tak ing in to account the provisions of London P lan po licy 3 .1 and 3.16 , the covenants and

requirem en ts set ou t in the section 106 lega l ag reem en t and the consideration given to im pacts on

pro tected groups, o fficers a re sa tisfied tha t the requ irem ents o f the Equalities A ct have been m et

and the proposal com plies w ith the London P lan.

H ou sin g an d affo rd ab le h ou sing

33 A t stage 1 the C ouncil w as adv ised tha t an independen t assessm en t o f the applican t's

financial appraisa l w as requ ired to verify that the cu rrent p roposal can not deliver any affordab le

housing . T he app lican t's financial appra isal has been scru tin ised by valuers appo in ted by the

C ounc il, w ho have concluded that ow ing to the app licant's section 106 com mitm en ts, the schem e

can no t deliver any affo rdab le housing .

34 The section 106 comm itm ents include approx im ate ly £1 Am tow ards the relocation o f the

ex isting hostel fac ility no ted above , and £4 .6m tow ards w orks rela ting to the re fu rbishm en t of the

m arket. H ow ever, g iven the nature of the outline app lication the costs o f the m arke t w orks are

based on general assum ptions. Therefore the section 106 agreem ent includes a provision tha t any

of the funds earm arked fo r the w orks w hich have not been spent on com ple tion w ill be app lied to

a ffo rd ab le h ou sin g.

35 The section 106 lega l ag reem ent a lso ca lls fo r a financial appra isa l on approva l o f thedetailed application , w hich should take in to accoun t a de tailed design of the m arket refu rb ishm ent

in considering the v iab ility o f the schem e. The legal agreem en t p rov ides that any im provem en t to

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v iab ility w hich show s a su rp lus on top of a reasonab le deve loper re tu rn w ill requ ire the app lican t to

p rov ide con tribu tion to the C ounc il to be used tow ards affo rdab le housing .

36 T ak ing in to accoun t the prov isions o f L ondon p lan po licy 3 .13 , the conc lus ion of the

va luers ' repo rt and the prio rities fo r the regenera tion o f the M arke t se t ou t in the C ouncil's C ore

S tra tegy , o ffice rs are satis fied that the affo rdab le housing offer rep resen ts the m ax im um

reasonab le am oun t and com plies w ith the L ondon P lan .

Urban Design

H eigh t. m ass and bu lk

37 A t s tage 1 it w as suggested that the 5 th floo r setback a long the G oldhaw k Road fron tage

o f B lock A would benefit from being pu lled back to the sam e degree as the 6 th floo r setback , to

ensu re the m ass a long G oldhaw k Road is no t seen as overbearing in the con tex t o f the 4 -sto rey

te rrace opposite . A lthough the app lican t has no t p roposed any fu rther changes , fu rther

in fo rm ation has been prov ided to justify the p roposed design and dem onstra te how the schem e

w ou ld have a benefic ia l im pact in key v iew s.

38 The fu rther in fo rm ation illu stra tes how the nearby C onserva tion A reas and ad jacen tB uild ing of M erit w ou ld be com plem en ted and enhanced by the m ore consisten t facade he igh t

along the terrace, stronger enc losu re o f the stree t and appropriate a rticu la tion o f the facades and

roo fllnes . In term s of the im pact on v iew s dow n Pennard R oad , the articu la tion , m assing and

staggered he igh t changes in the b locks v is ib le from Pennard R oad ass is t in m ak ing the

deve lopm en t recessive in those v iew s, allow ing Pennard R oad to rem ain the d is tinc t and dom inant

fea tu re in the fo reg round of the v iew and therefo re that the p roposa l does no t harm the se tting o f

th e C on serv atio n A rea .

S ite layou t and access

39 A t stage 1 c la rification w as sough t w ith regards to w hetherP ennard M ew s w ou ld bepub lic ly accessib le o r on ly accessib le to res iden ts . T he C ounc il no tes in its com m ittee repo rt that

res iden ts o f P ennard M ew s w ill be ab le to access M arke t Lane th rough a lockab le ga te p rov ided

on ly fo r those residen ts, and tha t th is arrangem en t is accep tab le.

40 In te rm s of ch ild ren 's p layspace , the app lican t has confirm ed tha tsu fflc len t playspace can

be accom modated w ith in the illu strative schem e at pod ium leve l com pris ing tw o separa te a reas o f

107m 2 and 133m 2, and w ill be accessib le bo th to residen ts o f the m ew s as w ell as residen ts o f the

flats. The qua lity o f th is space w ill be sub ject to the deta iled design w hich w ill be secu red by

condi t ion .

I nt er na l la y ou ts

41 The S tage 1 report no ted that the ind ica tive flat layou ts on ly a llow ed fo r p rivate am en ity

space fo r less than ha lf o f the res iden tia l un its (89 ). T he app lican t has suggested tha t at the

de tailed design stage there w ill be scope to increase the num ber o f un its w ith p rivate am en ity

space to 109 un its , o r 51 % , b y in corp ora tin g ad ditio na l b alco nies an d lor w i nt er g ar de n s.

42 C oncern w as a lso raised over the p roportion o f no rth fac ing , s ing le -aspec t dw ellings show n

in the ind icative fla t layou ts. T he app lican t has confirm ed that there a re no north -fac ing sing le

aspect un its , that a ll hab itab le room s w ill have w indow s, and that 27 of 75 sing le aspect un its

w ou ld have 'c ranked ' w indow s on to liv ing spaces , bu t that the fina l in te rnal layou ts w ill be sub ject

to de ta iled design a t reserved m atte rs stages w hich w ill seek to im prove the qua lity o f the fla ts.

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43 T ak ing in to accoun t the fu rther in fo rm ation prov ided , and the provisions in the p lann ing

cond itions requ iring fu rther de tails to be addressed at reserved m atters stages, the proposal is

considered to be com pliant w ith the L ondon P lan .

Sustainable Development

44 A t stage 1 , further in form ation w as requested to support the energy stra tegy , includ ing

de tails relating to the rou te o f the hea t ne tw ork , floor area and location o f the energy cen tre. A s

th is is an ou tline app lica tion , the C ouncil has agreed to rev iew and approve the deta il o f the hea t

ne tw ork and energy cen tre prior to com mencem en t and in consu ltation w ith the G LA . This has

been secu red v ia p lann ing condition . The proposals are therefo re com plian t w ith L ondon P lan

p olicies relatin g to clim ate ch an ge m itig atio n.

45 C onfirm ation w as sough t a t stage 1 that the proposal takes all p ractical and reasonab le

m easu res to m anage surface w ater sustainab ly w ith the aim of achiev ing green field run -off rates, in

line w ith L ondon P lan po licy 5 .13. The app lican t has no ted that to achieve zero su rface w ate r

d ischarge soakaw ays w ould be required , and that the contam ination assessm en t fo r the site has

iden tified tha t there w ou ld be a risk of groundw ater con tam ination w ere soakaw ays to be


46 O fficers are satisfied tha t the app licant has dem onstrated that 100% attenua tion is no t

achievab le , and tak ing in to account the p lann ing cond itions se t by the C ouncil requ iring the

app lican t to subm it de tails o f surface w ate r d rainage for approval prior to com mencem en t, the

proposal is com plian t w ith L ondon P lan polic ies 5 .13 and 5 .14.

Ambient Noise

47 A t stage one concerns w ere raised in respec t of po ten tial noise distu rbance from

surround ing transport in frastructure. A pre lim inary noise and v ibration assessm en t o f the p roposed

developm en t has been rev iew ed by the C ouncil, and cond itions have been secu red requ iring

approval o f the detailed p roposals to ensure sound insu lation , room layout, and ex te rna l bu ild ingenvelope ach ieve acceptab le standards of noise a ttenua tion . Th is is acceptab le in line w ith London

P lan p olic y 7 .1 5.

Transport and Parking

48 A t S tage 1 it w as recomm ended that car parking prov ision on site be reduced , that the loca l

h ighw ay authority seek a con tribu tion tow ards im plem enting im provem ents to the pedestrian

env ironm ent, tha t L eg ib le L ondon and bus stop im provem en ts be secu red through the s106

agreem ent, and that consideration be g iven to im proving cyc le links to the p roposed C ycle

Superhighw ay (CSH ) R ou te 9. A longside this it w as requested tha t London U nderg round 's CLU J

in frastructure p ro tection team be consu lted in advance o f any w orks being undertaken w ith in 25mo f th e H am m ersm ith & C ity lin e viad uct, an d th at e lectric v eh ic le ch arg in g p oin ts (E VC P), a d eliv ery

and serv icing p lan (D SP), construc tion logistics p lan (C LP) and travel p lan , all be secu red fo r the

s ite b y c on ditio n.

49 W hile no add itional info rm ation has been subm itted since S tage 1 , it is considered that LB

Hammer smi th & Fu lham 's (L BH F) com m ittee repo rt adequa tely addresses the above concerns, T his

secu res by condition the requ irem en t fo r i) a construction m anagem en t and logistics plan , ii) a site

se rv ic in g an d de livery stra teg y p lan , iii) a car park ing m anagem en t plan inc lud ing details o f EV CP,

iv ) details of secure cyc le sto rage and v) de ta ils o f tax i access arrangem en ts and disab led parking ,

all to be subm itted and approved by the local p lanning au thority p rio r to com mencem ent/ first

occupation on site , The additiona l cond ition w hich has been added post com mittee, w hich requ iresLondon U nderg round 's infrastructure p rotection team to be consulted on the detailed design and

m ethod sta tem en ts p rio r to com mencem ent on site , is a lso supported .

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50 W hile the level o f car park ing hasn 't reduced since S tage 1 which is d isappo in ting , it is

acknow ledged that the proposed level o f provision (0 .4 spaces per un it), is in accordance w ith the

park ing standards contained in both the London P lan and the W hite C ity O pportun ity A rea

plann ing fram ew ork , and is therefore u ltim ately considered acceptable. It is also noted that tak ing

car club and d isab led park ing spaces in to consideration , the ratio d rops to 0.34 spaces per un it,

w hich is though t to be appropriate in th is in stance .

51 The transport related obligations con tained w ith in the s106 H eads o f Term s are also

supported . T his secures £400,000 payab le to the L BH F for the im plem en tation of im provem ents

iden tified in the pedestrian aud it. T his includes upgrading tw o inform al pedestrian crossings and

four bus stops on U xbridge and G oldhaw k R oad , im prov ing pedestrian legibility in the area through

the im plem entation of L eg ib le L on do n sig nage, an d cy clin g accessibility and legibility

im provem en ts from the site to local attracto rs such as the CSH rou te 9 , Th is also inc ludes an

obligation to m on itor and m anage the travel p lan fo r the lifetim e of the developm ent, and one to

restric t residen ts of the developm ent from ob tain ing on-street park ing perm its fo r any ex isting o r

fu tu re con trolled park ing zone (C PZ ), bo th of w hich are supported .

52 Overall, the issues ra ised at stage 1 are now considered to have been satisfactorily

addressed, and this application is therefore acceptable in transport term s and com pliant w ith the

relevan t L on do n P lan tran spo rt po licies.

Response to consultation

53 The Council advertised the application by way of p ress and site notices and letters to

statu tory and non-statu tory consultees, including the occupiers of neighbouring properties, m arket

trad ers, and G old haw k R oad sh op keepers.

54 Ealing Council raised no objection to the proposa l and K ensington and C helsea Council d id

not prov ide a response to consultation . C onditions w ere recom mended by the Env ironm en t

A gency and Tham es W ater. Issues raised by the M etropolitan Po lice and the H am mersm ith &

Fu lham D isab ility Forum have a lso been addressed by condition or w ill be addressed a t rese rvedm atte rs stages. The Council's D esign R ev iew Panel w as supportive of the schem e.

55 A ndrew S laughter M P objected to the p roposals on the grounds of scale, density , parking

im pact, loss o f G oldhaw k Road shops, im pact on m arket traders, lack o f a ffo rdable housing , and

im pact on residents o f L im e G rove of re location of the hostel. The Shepherds Bush M arket

T en ants A sso cia tio n sub mitted a pe titio n w ith 12 5 sign atures, ra isin g con cerns o ver d isturbance

during construction , rent levels, serv ice charges, leases, relocation , design of the m arket and

canop ies, custom er parking and lack of certain ty from the app lican t on m any of the issues above.

56 Represen tations w ere rece ived from 119 local residen ts, businesses and m arke t traders, as

w ell as lo cal am en ity so cieties in clud in g the H am m ersm ith an d F ulham H isto ric B uild in gs G rou p,G reen sid e R esid en ts A ctio n G ro up , G ran ville M an sio ns A sso ciatio n, B rack en bu ry R esid en ts

A sso ciatio n an d th e R esid en ts Am en ities P ro te ctio n A sso ciatio n.

57 O ne lette r w as in support o f the proposa l. The predom inan t objections w ere to the loss of

the shops along Goldhawk Road includ ing A Cooke's p ie and m ash shop ; lo ss o f the hoste l;

shopkeepers no t w anting to m ove; loss of fabric shops w hich are in teg ral to the area 's repu tation

fo r the fashion and costum e industry ; lo ss o f loca l character o f the m arket; insu fficien t retail, food

and drink floorspace; lo ss of access to affo rdab le food and clothing ; risk of no ise and distu rbance

from bars and restau rants; concern over rents, leases and m arket operations during construction;

im pact on local am en ities and in frastructure; im pact of re location o f new hostel in L im e G rove ; and

lac k o f affo rd ab le h ou sin g.

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58 O bjections w ere a lso raised relating to the design of the schem e and im pact on nearby

p rop erties, b uild ing s of M erit an d C on serv atio n A reas; co ncern s o ver ex cessiv e d en sity an d h eigh t;

scale being out o f p roportion w ith su rroundings; loss o f trees; lo ss of p rivacy; lo ss of ligh t; loss o f

o utloo k; o verloo kin g; in suffic ien t park in g fo r m ark et; ex cessiv e p arkin g fo r resid en tial u ses.

59 O bjections w ere a lso raised relating to the Counc il's consulta tion process; lack of

com plia nc e w ith E IA , S usta in ab ility A pp raisal o r S trateg ic E nv iro nm en ta l A sse ssem en t; p ro po sed

com pu lsory purchase o f the shops on G oldhaw k Road; and the ongo ing Jud ic ia l R ev iew fo r the

C ouncil's SPD for Shepherds B ush M arke t. Two petitions o f 70 and 45 signatu res w ere alsosubm itted from the users o f the E ritrean D jeberti C om munity C en tre and C ocoon H ouse (se rving

the Sudanese community), on the grounds tha t they w ere no t consu lted and ob ject to the

dem olition of build ings at M arket A pproach , near the proposal, how ever the bu ild ings at M arket

A pproach do not fo rm part of th is p roposal and are ou ts ide the app lica tion site ,

60 Som e of the issues raised in response to the Counc il's consulta tion on the app lica tion are o f

a local na tu re and have been addressed in the C ouncil's com mittee repo rt, w hilst those of a

stra teg ic natu re have been addressed in th is repo rt and in the stage one report.

Article 7: Direction that the Mayor is to be the local planning authority

61 U nder A rtic le 7 of the O rder the M ayor cou ld take over th is app lica tion prov ided the policy

tests set out in tha t A rtic le are m et. In th is instance the C ouncil has reso lved to g ran t perm ission

w ith cond itions and a plann ing ob liga tion , w hich satisfacto rily addresses the m atte rs raised at

stage" therefo re there is no sound plann ing reason for the M ayor to take over th is applica tion .

Legal considerations

62 U nder the arrangem ents set out in A rticle 5 o f the Tow n and Country P lann ing (M ayor o f

london) O rder 2008 the M ayor has the pow er under A rtic le 6 to d irec t the loca l p lanning au thority

to refuse perm ission fo r a plann ing app lication referred to h im under A rticle 4 o f the O rder. H e

also has the pow er to issue a direction under A rticle 7 tha t he is to ac t as the local p lann ingau thority fo r the purpose of determ in ing the application and any connected app lica tion . The

M ayor m ay a lso leave the decision to the local autho rity . In d irecting refusa l the M ayor m ust have

regard to the m atters set out in A rticle 6 (2) o f the O rder, includ ing the p rincipa l pu rposes of the

G rea te r london A utho rity , the effect on hea lth and susta inab le developm ent, nationa l polic ies and

in te rnational ob ligations, reg ional planning gu idance , and the use o f the R iver T ham es. The M ayor

m ay d irec t refu sal if he considers tha t to gran t perm ission w ou ld be con tra ry to good strateg ic

plan nin g in Greater london. If he decides to direct refusal, the M ayor m ust set out h is reasons,

and the local planning autho rity m ust issue these w ith the refusal no tice. If the M ayor decides to

d irec t that he is to be the loca l p lann ing au tho rity , he m ust have regard to the m atters set out in

A rticle 7 (3 ) and set ou t h is reasons in the d irec tion . The M ayor m ust also have regard to the

guidance se t ou t in G Ol circu lar 1 /2008 when decid ing w hether o r no t to issue a d irec tion underArticles 6 or 7 .

Financial considerations

63 Should the M ayor d irec t re fusa l, he w ould be the p rincipa l party at any subsequent appeal

hearin g o r p ublic in quiry . G ov ern men t gu idance in C ircu lar 03 /2 009 (,C osts Aw ards in App eals and

O th er P la n nin g P ro ce ed in gs ') em phasises tha t parties usually pay the ir ow n expenses a rising from

a n a pp ea l.

64 Follow ing an inqu iry caused by a d irec tion to refuse , costs m ay be awarded agains t the

Mayo r if he has either d irected refusa l un reasonably; hand led a referral from a p lann ing au tho rityun reasonab ly ; o r behaved unreasonab ly during the appea l. A m ajo r factor in decid ing w hether the

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M ayor has acted unreasonably w ill be the exten t to w hich he has taken accoun t o f estab lished

p la nn in g p olic y.

65 Should the M ayor take over the app lication he w ould be responsible fo r ho ld ing a

represen tation hearing and nego tia ting any plann ing obligation . H e w ould also be responsible fo r

dete rm ining any reserved m atters app lications (un less he d irects the council to do so) and

determ ining any approval of details (un less the council ag rees to do so).


66 O utstan ding issu es rela ting to reta il/to wn cen tre uses, h ou sin g, affordable ho usin g,

equalities, u rban design, sustainable developm en t, transport and no ise have been addressed

through rev isions to the application , cond itions and the section 106 legal ag reem ent. The

app lication com plies w ith the L ondon P lan.

for further information, contact Planning Decisions Unit:

Colin Wilson, Senior Manager - Planning Decisions

0207983 4783 email [email protected]

Justin Carr, Strategic Planning Manager (Development Decisions)

0207983 4895 email

Alexandra Reitman, Case Officer

0207983 4804 email [email protected]

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planning report PDU/2764/01

17 October 2011

Shepherd's Bush Market, Uxbridge Road

in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

planning application no. 2011 /02930/0UT

Strategic planning application stage 1 referral (new powers)

Town & C oun try P lann ing A ct 1990 (as am ended); G reater London A uthority A cts 1999 and 2007;

Town & C oun try P lann ing (M ayor of London) O rder 2008

The proposalO utline application fo r phased redeve lopm en t o f Shepherd 's B ush M arket and adjoin ing land to

provide fo r the refu rb ishm ent and enhancem en t of the m arket, p rov ision o f up to 212 residen tial

un its, reta il/m arket, food and beverage spaces, landscaping, ca r and cycle parking.

The applicant

T he app licant is Orion Shepherds Bush Limited and the architect is Robin Partington


Strategic issues

T his ou tline p roposal fo r the regeneration o f the Shepherds Bush M arke t and ad joining land

p ro vid es fo r a re aso na ble mix of uses and accep tab le leve l o f family homes at an ac cep ta ble

density. Further info rm ation should be prov ided regard ing the loca tion o f play space.

The m ain concerns are ensuring that the market operations are no t in terrup ted during

construction , and that the longer-te rm m anagem en t o f the m arket does no t d ilu te the un ique

characte r and na tu re of the m arket. T he lack of affordable housing p ro visio n, arra ng em en ts fo r

th e hostel/day centre and the level o f car parking m ust be addressed . Further concerns are

design and transport re lated , and the app licant is asked to confirm the im pact o f noise from

the H am mersm ith and C ity line on the proposed residentia l units .

O th er is su es , in clu din g access and sustainable development are g en erally in co mpliance w ith

the London P lan, a lthough additional in fo rm ation has been requested on these tw o areas.


T h at H amm ersm ith & F ulham C oun cil b e adv ised th at w hile th e ap plica tion is genera lly accep table

in s trateg ic plann ing term s, the app lication does not com ply w ith the London P lan, fo r the

reasons se t ou t in paragraph 100 of th is repo rt; bu t tha t the possible rem ed ies set out in

parag raph 102 of th is report cou ld address these deficiencies.

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Context. .

67 On 20 Septem ber 2011 the M ayor of London received docum en ts from Hamm ersm ith &

Fu lham C ouncil notify ing h im of a p lann ing applica tion o f poten tia l strategic im portance to

develop the above site fo r the above uses, U nder the prov isions o f The Tow n & Coun tr y P la nn in g

(M ayor o f London) O rder 2008 the M ayor has un til 31 O ctober 2011 to prov ide the Council w ith asta tem en t setting ou t w hether he considers that the app lication com plies w ith the London Plan ,

and his reasons for tak ing that v iew , The M ayor m ay a lso prov ide o ther com ments. This repo rt

sets out info rm ation fo r the M ayor's use in deciding w hat decision to m ake.

68 The applica tion is re ferab le under C ategory 1A and 1 B o f the Schedule to the O rder 2008:

• Category 1A . D evelopm en t w hich com prises o r includes the provision o f m ore than 150

houses, fla ts, o r houses and fla ts.

• Category 7 B: D evelopm ent w hich com prises or includes the erection of a build ing or bu ild ings

outside Cen tral London and w ith a to ta l floo rspace of m ore than 15,000 square m etres.

69 O nce H amm ersm ith & Fulham C ouncil has resolved to determ ine the applica tion , it is

requ ired to refer it back to the M ayor fo r his decision as to w hether to direct refusa l; take it over

for his ow n determ ination; or allow the C ouncil to determ ine it itself.

70 The env ironm en tal inform ation for the purposes o f the Town and Coun try P lanning

(E nv ironm en tal Im pac t A ssessm ent) (E ngland and W ales) R egulations 1999 has been taken into

account in the consideration o f th is case .

71 The M ayor o f London 's statem ent on th is case w ill be m ade ava ilable on the GLA w ebsite


Site description

72 The 1 .93 hecta re site is located in the London Borough of H amm ersm ith - and Fu lham ,

w ith in the W hite C ity O pportun ity A rea and Shepherd 's Bush tow n cen tre w hich is iden tified as a

m etropo litan centre in the L ondon P lan.

73 The site is bounded to the north by Uxbridge Road and to the sou th by G oldhaw k Road ,

bo th of w hich fo rm part of the S trategic Road Netw ork (SRN ). The site is bounded to the w est by

th e H amm e rsm ith & C ity London U nderground line viaduct and the N ew Shepherd 's B ush M arke t,

and to the east by the rear gardens o f 2 -storey hom es on Pennard Road . Pen nard R oad is part of .

the ' bo ro ug h's lo cal high way n etw ork .

74 The site is occup ied by a num ber o f d ifferent build ings w ith a variety of uses. T fL owns and.

m anages the Shepherds Bush M arket, w hich runs north -south th rough the site along the east side

o f the LU L viaduc t. The m arket com prises approxim ately 140 trading businesses as stalls, arches

and sm all retail un its. D irectly w est of ra ilw ay viaduct and sou th o f U xbridge Road is the N ew

Shepherds B ush M arke t, w hich is no t part o f th is plann ing applica tion .

75 The site inc ludes a 2 -storey terrace of shops along G oldhawk Road ; these are proposed to

be dem olished as part o f the plann ing application . The land directly beh ind the shops is occupied

by tw o residential build ings ow ned by the Peabody T rust provldlnq supported accom modation, and

a hom eless persons day centre owned by B roadway. To the north o f these and at the centre o f thesite is land tha t w as purchased by the C ouncil and prev iously occupied by the Spring G rove

Laundry , w hich has been dem olished. The C ouncil also ow ns other sm all parts of the site .

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F ig ur e 1 : E x is tin g s ite (s ou rc e: R o bin P a rtin g to n A rc hite cts )

76 Existing vehicle access to the form er laundry site is via Pennard Road through an arch in

the housing terrace. The m arket has entrances for servicing from Lim e G rove, G oldhaw k Road and

Uxbridge Road. M arket Lane runs down the m iddle of the site betw een the entrances to them arket from G oldhaw k and U xbridge R oads.

77 The site is not in a Conservation A rea, although the Con ingham and Lim e G rove

Conservation A rea is im mediately to the w est of the site and the Shepherds Bush Conservation is

im med iately to the east. T wo Build ings o f M erit (locally listed build ings) adjoin the site: the form er

Shepherds Bush Library to the northeast of the site on Uxbridge Road, and Pennard M ansions to

the east of the G oldhaw k Road frontage.

78 The site has an excellen t public transport accessibility (PTAL) score of 6, on a scale o f 1-6 ,

where 6 is the highest. The nearest London Underground services can be accessed from either

Shepherd 's Bush M arket or G oldhaw k Road stations, w hich are located im mediately to the northand sou th of the site respectively and provide access to bo th the H am mersm ith & C ity an d C ircle

lines. London O verground and C entral line services are also located w ith in an acceptable w alking

distance, being located approx im ately 600 m etres to the east of the site at Shepherd 's Bush

station . The site is also served by num erous bus routes, w ith the nearest stops located outside the

site , on bo th U xbridge and G oldhaw k Roads.

Details of the proposal

79 The proposal is a m ixed-use developm ent on the site of the ex isting Shepherds Bush

M arket, form er Spring G rove L aundry, B roadw ay Cen tre, Peabody sheltered housing and shops

along G oldhaw k Road. The proposal is an outline application w ith 'param eter p lans' w hich definethe scale, layou t and access of new build ings. A design code has been subm itted along w ith

illu strative m aterial to dem onstrate how the design code and param eters plans m ight be


80 The proposal features a new m ixed-use build ing on the southern half of the site , a

residential m ew s w ith live-work units betw een the houses on Pennard Road and the m ain

developm ent, and im provem ents to the ex isting m arket. The m ixed-use build ing w ill replace the

existing terrace of shops along G oldhaw k Road, prov iding retail and restaurant uses at its base,

w ith 4 blocks of residen tial above provid ing 194 flats in a m ix of 1 , 2 and 3-bed units. The retail

base is approxim ately 5m (1-2 storeys) in heigh t, w ith the residential above it ad din g b etw een

another 10-25m (3-8 storeys,) w ith the upper floors setting back from the eastern boundary . Thetotal height w ill be the equivalen t o f approxim ately 5-10 storeys o f developm ent

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F ig ure 2 : P ro po sal a s seen fo rm th e N orth E ast an d S ou th W est (so urce : R ob in P artin gto n A rch itec ts)

81 13 m ew s houses and 5 live /w ork units w ill be de livered to the rear of the hom es on

Penn ard R oad , risin g to ap pro xim ately 2-3 storey s.

82 Th is developm ent w ill be com plem en ted by physical im provem en ts to the m arket itse lf.

M arket L ane w ill be w idened to im prove pedestrian and (lim ited ) veh icular circu la tion . T he

in creased space w ill a llo w the in trod uc tio n o f free-stan ding m arke t sta lls, n ew land scap in g,

d rain ag e, seatin g, an d c an op y stru ctu res.

83 The proposal featu res 83 underg round car parking spaces, up to 457 cycle spaces, and a

servicing yard for the m arke t con tained w ith in the new bu ild ing .

84 Public realm im provem ents are also proposed, inc luding the creation o f a 'shared su rface '

for veh ic les throughout the m arket, and three sm all public spaces, O ne space w ill be focused

around the B ush Theatre , one at the centre o f the site and one partia lly w ith in the new re tail area

w hich w ill be partia lly covered . A ll t he spaces are designed to be flex ib le and cou ld fea tu re cafe

seating , tem porary m arket stalls, perfo rm ance spaces and o ther tem porary uses. T welve new trees

are p roposed as w ell as other landscaped features includ ing seating .

85 The app lican t is in the process o f acqu iring an interest in the m arket from T tL , however theapplican t w ill only enter in to an ag reem en t w ith T tL if planning perm ission fo r th is schem e is


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Case history

Lon don P lan ; P PC 13 , P PS 4

L on don P lan ; th e M ayor's E con om ic D ev elopm en t S tra tegy

Lon don P lan ; P lan nin g for E quality an d D iv ers ity in M eetin g the

s patia l n e ed s of L on do n's d iv ers e c ommu nitie s SPC; D iv ers ity a nd

Equa lity in P la n n in g : A go od p ractice gu id e (DDPM )

L on don P lan ; P PS 3; H ou sin g S PC ; P rov id in g for C biid re« a nd Y ou ng

P eo ple 's P la y a nd In fo rm a l R ec re atio n SPC, Hou sin g S tra te gy ;

In terim H ou sin g S PC ; H ou sin g S PC E iP d raft

L on don P lan ; P PS 3; H ou sin g S PC1Hous in g S tra te gy ; In te rim Hous in g

S PG ; H o usin g S PC fiP d raft

L on don P lan ; P PS 3; H ou sin g S PC ; In terim H ou sin g S PC ; H ou sin g

SPG E iP d ra ft

Lon don P lan ; P PS I

L on don P lan ; P PS l, P PS 1 su pp lem en t; P PS 3; P PG 13 ; P PS 22 ; d raft

P PS P la nn in g for a L ow C arbon Future in a Cha ng in g C lim a te ; th e

Ma yo r's E n erg y S tra te gy ; M a yo r's d ra ft C lim ate C ha ng e M itig atio n

a nd A da pta tio n S tra te gie s; M ay or's d ra ft Wa te r S tra te gy ;

S us ta in ab le Des ig n a nd C on stru ctio n SPC

L on don P lan ; th e M ayor's Am bien t N oise S trategy; P PC 24

L on don P lan ; th e M ayor's T ran sp ort S trategy; P PG 13 ;

L on don P lan ; th e M ayor's T ran sp ort S trategy; P PG 13

86 A pre-p lann ing app lication m eeting was he ld w ith the app licant on 15 M arch 2011 .

Strategic planning issues and relevant policies and guidance

87 T he re leva nt issues a nd corresponding p olicie s are a s follow s:

• R eta il/town centre uses

• R eg eneration

• E q ua l o pp ortu nitie s

• H ousing

• A fforda ble housing

• D ensity

• U rban design

• S us ta in ab le d ev elo pment

• Ambient no ise

• T ransport

• Parking

88 For the purposes of Section 38(6) of the P lanning and C om pulsory Purchase A ct 2004, the

d eve lopmen t p la n in fo rce fo r th e a re a is the sa ve d p olicie s of th e 20 03 H amme rsm ith & Fulham

U nitary D evelopm ent P la n and the 2011 L ondon P la n.

89 T he follow ing are a lso re le va nt m ate ria l considerations:

• T he H ammersm ith & F ulh am Core S tra te gy w hich is sche dule d to b e a do pte d in m id -

O cto be r 20 11 . T he p la nnin g in sp ecto r fou nd th e C ore S tra te gy s ou nd in July 2 01 1 .

• T he H ammersm ith & Fulh am She ph erd s B us h Ma rk et A re a P la nn in g B rie f, w hic h wasa dop te d in O ctob er 2 01 0 a s a sup plem en ta ry p la nn ing do cume nt (S PD ), T he b rie f is

c urre ntly u nd er ju dic ia l re view o n s ix g ro un ds . T he g ro un ds a re : fa ilu re s in re sp ec t o f

co nsu lta tion p ro ce dure ; the con te nt o f the d ocume nt no t b ein g in comp lia nce w ith

re quire me nts for a n S PD ; that the S PD amounts to an A re a A ction Pla n (A A P) a nd

th ere fo re sh ou ld h ave be en sub je ct to the co nsu lta tion re quireme nts fo r a n A AP; tha t a

s tr ate g ic e nv ir onmenta l a sses sment (SEA ) should h ave been under ta ken; th at th e Coun cil

ha s fa iled to com ply w ith the R ace R ela tions A ct 1976; a nd the ap pe arance of fa irness, T he

C ouncil is conte sting the cla im in full, how ever a court da te ha s not ye t be en se t.

• T he dra ft W hite C ity O p portu nity A re a P la nn ing F ramework, w hich u nd erw en t co ns ulta tio n

in A p ril-M ay 2 01 1.

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Land Use Principles, Retail/Town Centre Usesand Regeneration

90 The London P lan identifies Shepherd 's B ush as a 'M etropolitan C en tre '. Po licy 2.15 of the

L ondon P lan seeks to sustain and enhance the v itality and v iab ility of such centres, th rough

intensifica tion o f uses, including housing. T he C ounc il's p lanning brief se ts ou t preferred uses fo r

the site to include an elem en t o f cafes and restauran ts, along w ith residen tial and sign ifican t pub licleisure, a rts, entertainm en t o r cu ltural u se. The com prehensive developm ent o f th is site , w ith a

prov ision of a m ix of uses, includ ing residen tial, restauran ts and reta il space, w ould there fo re be in

acco rdance w ith both L ondon P lan and C ouncil po licy .

M ark et d ev elo pm en t an d reg en eratio n

91 London P lan policy 4.8 Support ing a s uc ce ss fu l a nd d iv ers e re ta il s ec to r seeks to sup po rt

the range of local m arkets, including stree t and farm ers ' m arkets, and prevent the loss of retail and

related fac llltlesth at pro vide essential co nv enien ce and spec ialist sh op ping . P olicy 4 .9 Smal l

Shops sets out that the M ayor w ill consider m echanism s to prov ide o r support affordable shop

un its suitab le for sm all o r independent re tailers. T he C ouncil's p lann ing brief also expects that anyschem e should deliver a m ix of m ostly sm all units and a stra tegy of encourag ing independen t and

specia list shops, " to accom modate the trading area of the ex isting m arket sta lls and un its cu rren tly

operating in the m arket w ith in the regeneration proposals and m aintain its trad itional ro le in the

com munity w hile enhancing its offer w ith a m ore d iverse m ix." The W hite C ity O APF iden tifies the

M arke t as one of three anchors in the tow n centre w hich provides im portant variety w ith in the

tow n centre, and encourages enhancem en t o f the m arket to susta in its trad itiona l ro le in the

com munity and appropria te balance to the offer in the Tow n C entre .

92 The app lican t suggests that the m arket has seen a decline in recen t years, p rov id ing as

ev idence the reduction in the num ber o f stalls and lim ited varie ty o f products and stall types, as

w ell as docum en ting prob lem s w ith the physica l environm ent. T his p roposal specifies m any

physical im provem en ts to address the cond ition and appearance of the m arket, an increase in

floorspace for reta il, m arket sta lls and food and drink establishm ents, as w ell as im provem ents to

the drainag e and serv icing infrastructure. T hese im prov em en ts are w elco med.

93 The proposal also seeks to address the perceived lack of active m anagem ent of the m arket

from the current ow ners/operators. To th is end the applican t in tends to b ring in a specialist

m arket m anagem ent com pany to operate the m arket going fo rw ard, and subm itted a 'M anagem en t

S trategy P lan ' that se ts out a general aspira tion for the future operator. C rucially , how ever, th is

com pany has not yet been appo in ted .

94 W hilst the app lican t has se t out that they are 'de term ined that the regeneration for the

m arket w ill no t fundam en tally change the na tu re and unique character o f the m arket' and thatthey are 'com mitted to ensu ring that the m arket rem ains a loca tion for local and or independen t

businesses: the p roposal does no t se t out how this w ill be ensured . In stead, the applican t

suggests tha t 'the appointed m anagem ent com pany w ill be requ ired to ensu re that the

m arkets[sicJ letth ig policy m eets th is requ irem en t: A m uch m ore specific plan and assu rance o f

how th is w ill be achieved and secured m ust be ag reed to v ia section 106 or p lann ing cond ition , to

ensure that the un ique na tu re and character o f the m arket is protected .

95 The app licant has also subm itted a 'M arket Charter' that sets ou t tha t ren ts w ill not be

increased fo r 3 years from the start of construc tion w ork, and subsequen t to that ren ts w ill no t rise

m ore than 3 .5 -5 .0% per annum , in line w ith the RPI. O fficers are unab le to assess whether the

proposal w ill be satisfactory to m arket lessees and shopow ners be ing affected by the developm en t.M ore info rm ation shou ld be provided prior to the app lication being referred back to the M ayor

w ith de tails on term s and cond itions, ren t leve ls and arrangem ents w hich w ill ensure that the

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traders w ill be able to continue operating under the new m anagem ent structure. Th is should be

secu red via a section 106 agreem ent, and the Counc il shou ld also ensu re v ia the section 106

agreem en t tha t the appropria te m echan ism s w ill be in p lace to con tro l the s ize , m ix and type o f

un its to ensure tha t the un ique characte r and nature o f Shepherds B ush M arket, w ith its loca l

in de pe nd en t tra de rs, is re tain ed .

M a rk et o peratio n d urin g d ev elo pm en t

96 The M arket C harter subm itted by the app lican t m akes a com mitm ent to keep ing the

m arke t open and w ork ing throughou t the investm en t and developm ent period , and carrying out

the developm ent in phases to m aintain con tinuous opera tion o f the m arket. The m anagem en t

stra tegy p lan also sets out that existing traders and shopow ners w ho are affected by the

d ev elop men t w ill b e tem po rarily relo ca ted to ex istin g em pty sta lls or p rem ises. A n illu strativ e

phasing p lan has been subm itted to dem onstrate how this m igh t be achieved , although it is

d ifficult to assess from the subm itted in fo rm ation w hat w ill rem ain operationa l and w hat w ill be

rendered unusable at various tim es, w hich entrances to the m arket w ill rem ain open , and w hether

su fficien t sp ace ex ists to p rov ide existing trad ers an d sh op ow ners w ith suitable alte rn ativ e p rem ises

to ensure con tinuous opera tion of the m arket and businesses th roughout the developm en t period.T he applican t should p rovide m ore de ta iled and concrete phasing p lans w hich address these issues

and w hich dem onstra te that all trad ing w ill be ab le to opera te continuously . A ll o f these prov isions

should be secured via the section 106 agreem en t.


97 F rom 5 April 2011 a new pub lic secto r equality du ty , as set out in Section 149 of the

Equality A ct 2010 (the A ct) cam e in to force . This rep laces du ties under the R ace R ela tions A ct as

w ell as o ther dom estic discrim ination leg islation . T he A ct includes a new single pub lic secto r

equality du ty (the D uty) w hich brings toge ther the p revious race , d isab ility and gender duties and

ex tends coverage to inc lude age, sexua l o rientation , relig ion or belie f, p regnancy and m atern ity

and gender reassignm en t. These are the g rounds upon w hich d iscrim ination is un law ful and are

refe rred to as 'p rotected characte ristics: T he D uty requires lis ted pub lic bod ies to consider the

need to e lim inate d iscrim ination , advance equality o f opportunity and foster good rela tions in all

t he ir f un c ti o ns .

98 Policy 3.1 o f the London P lan , En su rin g e qu al life c ha nc es fo r a ll, se ts out that proposals

shou ld p ro tect and enhance fac ilities and services tha t m eet the needs o f particu la r g roups and

communi t ies .

99 T he application includes an equa lity s tatem ent w hich considers im pac t on priority g roups

re latin g to ag e, d isab ility , faith , g en der, race , sexu al o rien tation an d soc io -eco nom ic depriva tion .

In all areas o f po ten tial im pac t, the assessm ent conc ludes that the im pac t o f the deve lopm en t w ill

be positive. The com mitm en t of the app licant to re ta in a ll the businesses w ith in the m arke t, retain

the d iverse na tu re and appeal o f the m arke t, and ensu re that the traders rem ain trading th rough-

out a re iden tified as key m itigating actions. The app lican t a lso sets ou t tha t it w ill continue to

m on ito r po ten tial im pacts th roughou t the construction prog ram me and once again once the

developm en t is fu lly operational. T he C ouncil should satisfy itself that the appropria te cond itions

o r legal m echan ism s can be im plem ented to ensu re th is com mitm ent is m et.

100 Po licy 3 .16 P ro te ctio n a nd e nh an cemen t of soc ia l in f rast ructure and 3.77 H ea lth a nd S oc ia l

Care fac il it ies resist proposals tha t resu lt in a 1055 of hea lth and socia l in frastructure in areas o f

defined need w ithout realistic proposals fo r re -p rov is lon. It a lso se ts ou t tha t existing fac ilitie s thatm eet the needs o f particu lar g roups shou ld be pro tected .

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101 The indicative prog ram me suggests that the B roadw ay and Peabody facilities w ill be

dem olished in the 3 rd quarter o f 2012 . T he applicant has indicated tha t a sign ificant contribu tion

tow ard the relocation of the B roadw ay hoste l/day centre facility w ill be de livered as part of the

s106 plann ing ob liga tion . N o fu rther de tails o f th is con tribu tion have been provided . M ore detail

on the natu re of th is con tribution and the relocation o f the facility should be prov ided before the

app lication is referred back to the M ayor at stage II.

Housing and affordable housing

102 O f the 212 units proposed, 194 w ill be apartm ents in the build ing above the m arke t. The

rem ainder w ill be in the m ew s behind Pennard Road , of w hich 5 un its w ill be 1 -bed room live-w ork

spaces, and 13 w ill be m ew s houses of either 2 or 3 bedroom s.

103 The proposed housing m ix is as fo llow s:

104 The W hite C ity OAPF sets out an asp iration that at least 20% of all p riva te m arke t housing

is fam ily siz ed . T his p ro po sal ex ceed s th is re qu irem en t.

105 Po licy 3 .6 o f the London P lan sets ou t that "deve lopm en t p roposals that inc lude housing

should m ake prov ision fo r p lay and inform al recreation , based on the expected child popu lationgenerated by the "schem e and an assessm en t of futu re needs." U sing the m ethodo logy w ithin the

M ayor's supplem entary p lann ing guidance 'P roviding fo r C hild ren and Y oung Peop le 's P lay and

In fo rm al R ecreation ' it is an ticipated that there w ill be approx im ately 41 ch ildren w ith in the

developm en t. The gu idance se ts a benchm ark of 10 sq.m . of useable ch ild p layspace to be

prov ided per child , w ith under-S ch ild p layspace prov ided on-site . A s such the deve lopm en t should

m ake p ro visio n for 2 40 sq .m . o f p lay space.

'06 This deve lopm en t assum es that 220 sq . m . o f playspace can be provided on the roo f o f the

podium deck . T his has been noted in the design code; although a plan shou ld be subm itted to

illustra te how 220 sq .m . can be accom modated on the roo f terrace. The applican t should also

add ress ho w child ren liv ing in the m ew s ho using w ill access local playsp ace .

A ffo rd ab le h ou sin g

107 This p roposal does no t include any affordable housing. London P lan Po licy 3A .1 0 requ ires

bo rough councils to seek the m axim um reasonable am oun t o f affordable housing w hen negotiating

on ind iv idual private residen tial and m ix -use schem es. In doing so, each council should have

regard to its ow n overall target fo r the am ount o f affordab le housing prov ision . Po licy 3A .9 states

that such targets shou ld be based on an assessm ent of regional and local housing need and a

rea listic assessm en t of supp ly , and should take account o f the London P lan strategic target that

35% of housing shou ld be social and 15% in te rm ed ia te prov ision , and of the p rom otion of m ixed

and ba lanced com munities. In addition , Policy 3A .1 0 encourages counc ils to have regard to the

need to encourage rather than restrain residen tial developm ent and to the ind iv idua lcircum stances o f the site . T argets should be app lied flex ib ly , taking account of individual site

co sts, th e ava ilability of p ub lic sub sid y an d o th er schem e requ irem en ts.

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108 W here borough councils have not yet set overa ll targe ts as requ ired by Po licy 3A .9 , they

shou ld have regard to the overa ll London P lan targe ts. It m ay be appropria te to consider em erg ing

po licies, bu t the w eigh t that can be attached to these w ill depend on the ex tent to w hich they

have been consu lted on or tested by pub lic exam ination . H am mersm ith & Fulham C ouncil has set

an overall bo rough ta rget o f 40% affo rdab le housing in its Core S trategy , as w ell as a targe t of

40% affo rdab le housing in the W hite C ity O pportun ity A rea.

109 Policy 3A .1 0 is supported by parag raph 3 .52 , w hich urges borough councils to take accoun t

of econom ic viab ility w hen estim ating the appropriate am ount of affordab le p rovision . T he 'T hree

D ragons' developm en t con tro l too lk it is recom mended fo r th is pu rpose . The resu lts o f a too lk it

appraisal m igh t need to be independen tly verified to dem onstrate that the proposa l rep resen ts the

m ax im um reasonable am oun t o f affordab le housing .

110 The applican t has no ted tha t the approach to affordab le housing is a function o f the overa ll

sch em e v iab ility , as w ell as in resp onse to th e C oun cil's priority fo r achiev in g m arke t reg en eratio n

set out in its p lanning brief. The app licant proposes to d irect any section 106 con tribu tions

tow ards the w orks needed to refurb ish the m arket, w hich the M anagem en t S tra tegy P lan no tes w ill

n ot e xc eed £ 5m illio n.

111 A deta iled viab ility assessm en t w as subm itted too la te for o ffice rs to rev iew or have an

independen t assessm en t undertaken in tim e fo r th is report. T he C ouncil has com missioned an

independen t verification of the v iab ility assessm en t. O ffice rs w ill review the resu lts o f the

independen t assessm en t to ensure tha t the p roposed approach is justified .

Densi ty

112 Po licy 3 .4 of the rev ised London P lan seeks to ensu re tha t new deve lopm en ts op tim ise the

po tentia l o f sites, and applies a residen tial density m atrix to ach ieve a sustainab le leve l o f

provision . In cen tral areas w ith excellen t public transport such as the application site , the expecteddensity range wou ld be betw een 140 and 405 dw ellings per hectare. D evelopm en t w ith a h igher

proportion o f fam ily housing w ou ld be expected to rate in the low er end of th is range.

113 U sing the 'G reenw ich ' calcu la tion m ethod, the p roposed density o f the schem e w ou ld be

165 dw ellings per hec ta re . G iven the site 's location and charac teristics, the M ayor w ould norm ally

expect the p roposa l to a im fo r a higher density . H ow ever there a re contex tual constrain ts on the

site (w hich are described w ith in the design and access statem ent and the design com menta ry

be low ), w hich restric t the po ten tial o f the site to de liver a g reate r density of residentia l

deve lopment .


114 G ood design is cen tral to a ll objectives of the London P lan (2011) and is spec ifically

prom oted by the po licies con tained w ith in chap ter seven w hich address both genera l design

princip les and specific design issues. L ondon P lan Policy 7.1 sets out a series of overarch ing

design principles fo r deve lopm en t in L ondon . O ther design po lices in th is chapter and elsew here in

the L ondon P lan inc lude specific design requ irem en ts relating to m ax im ising the po ten tial o f s ites,

the qua lity of new housing prov ision, tall and large-scale build ings, bu ilt heritage and W orld

H eritage S ites, v iew s, the public realm and the B lue R ibbon N etw ork. N ew deve lopm en t is also

requ ired to have regard to its contex t, and m ake a positive contribution to loca l charac ter w ith in its

n eig hb ou rh oo d (p olicy 7 .4 ).

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Loc a l c on te x t

115 A s no ted above, the site is no t in a C onserva tion A rea, a lthough it is located be tw een tw o

Conservation A reas to the eas t and w est. There are no listed bu ild ings on the site o r in the

im m ed iate v ic in ity , h ow ev er th ere are sev era l b uild in gs o f m erit (lo ca lly listed b uild in gs) n earb y. T o

the east o f the site 's no rthern boundary on the U xbridge R oad is the fo rm er Shepherd 's B ushL ib ra ry , a V icto rian lib rary bu ild ing that has been refu rb ished and occup ied by the B ush T heatre

com pany . T o the east o f the s ite 's sou thern boundary on G oldhaw k Road is the locally listed

Pen nard M ansions, a 5 -s to rey V icto rian m ansion b lock w ith shops a t the g round level. B ound ing

the s ite to the east from north to sou th are the rea r gardens to the V ic to rian 2 -sto rey te rrace a long

Pen nard R oad , w hich are w ith in the Shepherds B ush C onserva tion A rea . The ra ilw ay arches o f the

H am mersm ith and C ity L ine v iaduc t fo rm the w este rn boundary to the s ite , and im med ia tely

beyond the arches is a con tem porary developm en t o f 3 -4 sto rey fla ts , as w ell as a 2 -3 s to rey

V icto rian terrace w hich is w ith in the C on ingham and L im e G rove C onservation A rea.

S ite lay ou t an d d esig n ap pro ach

116 The param eters p lan subm itted seeks to secu re and confirm the general site layou t, po in ts

o f access and m ax im um ex ten t o f bu ild ing enve lopes and bu ild ing lines. T he genera l design

princ ip les o f the app lica tion are supported , and the layou t o f the p roposa l is genera lly accep tab le .

T he w idened M arke t L ane w ill p rov lde im proved access and circu la tion spaces, w hilst the add itiona l

p ub lic sp aces w ill p ro vid e w elco me am en ity an d o pp ortu nities fo r seatin g, in fo rm al an d tem po rary

uses . T he im proved serv icing arrangem en ts in the basem en t to the new bu ild ing are w elcom ed .

T he layou t o f the basem en t car park is genera lly good and w ould a llow easy access to residen tia l

co res. T he param eters p lans p rov ide fo r tw o residen tia l en trances o ff M arket Lane, and one off

G oldhaw k Road ; flats in b locks A and B w ould have a com munal en trance from M arket L ane as w ell

as G oldhaw k Road , w hilst b locks C and D w ould share a separate en trance along M arke t L ane .

117 The design code sets ou t tha t the access to P ennard M ew s w ill be secu red by gates a t bo ththe P ennard R oad and M arket L ane en trances, a lthough th is is no t re flec ted in the param eters

p lans. It is unclear w hether the C ounc il has sough t that th is road be pub lic ly accessib le ;

con firm ation shou ld be prov ided tha t the p roposed arrangem en t is w elcom ed by the C ounc il.

H clgh t, m ass and bu lk

118 A s no ted above , the s ite capac ity is p robab ly g rea ter than the p roposed density bu t there

a re con tex tua l in fluences tha t p reven t the s ite from rea lising its fu ll po ten tia l capacity , m ost

notab ly , the sca le o f the te rraced houslnq on Pennard R oad , as w ell as the nearby loca lly listed

build ings . T hese a ll crea te a con tex t w hich has in fluenced the m assing of the p roposa l, w ith the

m ain bu ild ing broken dow n in to fou r b locks w hich them se lves have prog ressive se t-backs crea tinga te rraced effec t tow ards the east. Th is te rrac ing has been inco rpo rated to a llow sun ligh t and

day ligh t In to the pod ium am en ity areas, as w ell as to reduce the im position o f bu lk on the low er-

s ca le re sid en tia l a re as .

119 The proposed m assing ensu res the ta lle r elem en ts o f the p roposal a re sh ielded from most

v iew s and sh ifts m ost o f the bu lk aw ay from the low er sca le areas to the east o f the s ite , how ever,

there a re several areas w here the m assing cou ld be rev iew ed to ensu re it is appropriate ly

responsive to the sensitive local con tex t. The fifth floo r se tback along the G oldhaw k R oad

fron tage o f B lock A would benefit from being pu lled back to the sam e degree as the 6 th f loor

se tback , to ensu re the m ass a long G oldhaw k Road is no t seen as overbearing in the con tex t o f the

4 -s to re y te rrac e o pp osite .

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120 The tow nscape assessm en t no tes that adverse effects wou ld be caused on Pennard R oad

by the proposals. Fu rther e ffo rts to step back and refine the m assing of the upperm ost leve ls of

b locks 8 , C and D should be investiga ted to ensu re the adverse im pacts to the properties and v iew s

in the Conserva tion A rea on Pennard Road are avo ided .

I nt er na l l ay o uts

. 121 A s th is is an outline app lica tion , the app lican thas subm itted illu strative floo rp lans to

dem onstra te ind ica tive fla t layou ts, a lthough these w ill no t fo rm part o f the form al perm ission .

122 The illustrative fla t p lans dem onstrate how a schem e could deliver flats that either m eet or

exceed the m in im um space standards se t ou t in the London P lan , w ith relatively generous 2 and 3-

bed units in particular, a lthough it is d isappoin ting that only ha lf o f the un its could benefit from

p riv ate am en ity sp ace .

123 The app licant has p roposed communal am en ity space on the pod ium of the reta il spaces,

and the illus trative m ateria ls and design code suggest that ch ild ren 's p lay space w ill be

accom modated on these pod ium spaces. A s no ted above, con firm ation that the appropriateam oun t of play space can be prov ided in these spaces is requ ired , and that the p lay space can be

accom modated on parts of the pod ium that w ill no t suffer from overshadow ing a t key tim es of day .

Furtherm ore, the illu stra tive m aterial suggests tha t the shared pod ium am en ity spaces w ill be

accessib le from the com munal en trances , although th is is no t dear on the detailed p lans; the

app lican t should p rov ide fu rther de tail to illu stra te how residents w ill access the com m unal am enity

spaces .

124 The proposals suggest tha t th is illustrative schem e delivers 'p rim arily ' dua l aspec t dw ellings ,

w ith no north-fac ing sing le aspec t dw ellings. T his appears to have been ach ieved in the illu strative

p lans th rough ex tensive use of sp layed or angled w indow s to bedroom s on m any eleva tions, w hich

are also necessa ry to address privacy and overlook ing concerns as the b locks are quite closelyspaced.

125 The provision o f dual-aspec t dw ellings is w elcom ed, how ever w hilst an ang led/sp layed

w indow is likely to p rov ide suffic ient dayligh t for a bed room , in som e cases w here sp layed/angled

w indow s are used fo r the liv ing spaces there is a concern over low levels o f natu ra l ligh t to the fla t.

T he app licant shou ld confirm how m any sing le aspect - and in particu lar north-facing - dw ellings

are likely to be delivered , and also how m any units w ill have a splayed w indow to the m ain liv ing

space. Som e of the illus trative m ateria l a lso suggests that som e bedroom s m ight no t have any

w indow s a t a ll, w hich w ou ld no t be acceptab le . The app lican t shou ld also confirm tha t a ll

h ab itab le roo ms h av e w in dow s.

126 The subm itted design code outlines basic princ ip les o f the design of the e leva tions,

fen estration p attern s, op en ing s, m aterials , an d lan dscap ing featu res. T he p redo minant m ateria ls

are p roposed to be brick or s ilver/bronze co loured alum in ium , supplem ented by o ther m aterials

such as stee l, g lass and render. T he design code and illus trative schem e dem onstra te how these

m ateria ls and details could poten tially resu lt in a contem porary and po lite in terpretation o f the

trad itio nal sty les o f surrou ndin g bu ild in gs. T he C oun cil sho uld satis fy itself tha t su fficien t d etail

and com mitm ent to a h igh standard o f m aterials and deta iling can be secured via the design code

and further conditions. For exam ple, g iven the large areas of brick proposed , the C ouncil should

ensu re that in approv ing m aterials conditions, the b rick type and detailing is o f the highest quality .

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127 London Plan po licy 3 .8 aim s to ensu re that p roposals achieve the h ighest standards o f

accessib ility and inclusion (no t just the m inim um ). Inclusive design princip les - if em bedded into

the developm en t and design process from the outset - help to ensu re tha t all of us, includ ing older

peop le, d isab led and deaf people, ch ildren and young peop le , can use the p laces and spacespro po sed co mfo rtab ly , safely and w ith d ign ity .

128 The Design and Access statem en t estab lishes tha t step free access w ill be p rovided to the

proposed residential accom modation , and that in te rnal layouts o f the flats w ill be designed to

L ifetim e H om es standards. D isab led parking is show n to be prov ided the basem ent parking area,

w ith spaces close to lift cores. Illustrative flat layou ts have been subm itted to illu strate the fu ture

approach to fla t layou ts, and the statem ent com mits that 10% of new housing w ou ld be designed

to be w heelchair accessible , or easily adaptable fo r residents w ho are w hee lchair users. A s the

details o f the in ternal layou ts are reserved m atters, th is w ill be a m atte r that the C ounc il m ust

con firm at a later stage . A ll o f these features shou ld be secu red via p lann ing cond ition .

Sustainable Development

129 The London P lan clim ate change po licies set ou t in Chap ter 5 c o ll ec ti ve ly r equ ir e

developm ents to m ake the fullest contribu tion to the m itiga tion of, and adap tation to , c lim ate

change, and to m in im ise carbon diox ide em issions. L ondon Plan Policy 5.2 M i nim is in g c a rb on

d io xid e e miss io ns se ts out an energy h ierarchy for assessing app lications, L ondon P lan Policy 5 .3

S us ta in ab le d esig n a nd c on stru ctio n ensu res future developm ents m eet the h ighest standards o f

sustainab le design and construction , and L ondon P lan Policies 5 .9 -5 .15 prom ote and support

effec tive adap ta tion to clim ate change. Fu rther de tailed policies on clim ate change m itigation and

adap tation are found th roughou t Chap ter 5 and supp lem entary gu idance is a lso g iven in the

L ondon P lan Sustainable D esign and C onstruction SPG .

130 The proposa l is designed to ach ieve BREEAM V ery Good and a Code fo r Sustainab le Hom es

rating of 4 .

C lima te c hang e m itig atio n

131 The app licant has broadly follow ed the energy hierarchy . su fficien t in fo rm ation has been

prov ided to understand the proposals as a w ho le and w hilst the p roposals a re broadly accep table ,

further in form ation is requ ired before the carbon savings can be verified .

Ene rg~ e ff ic ie n c.y s ta nd ar ds

132 Based on the info rm ation provided , the proposed developm en t w ill m eet 201 0 B uild ing

R egulations com pliance th rough energy effic iency alone. A range of passive design featu res and

dem and reduction m easures a re proposed to reduce the carbon em issions of the p roposed

developm ent. B oth air perm eab ility and heat loss param eters w ill be im proved beyond the

m in im um backstop v alues requ ired b y b uild in g reg ulation s. O th er features inc lu de en ergy efficient

ligh ting and m echanical ven tila tion w ith heat recovery . T he dem and for coo ling w ill be m in im ised

through the use of h igh perfo rm ance g laz ing, balconies and solar shad ing to m in im ise solar gain .

D i st ri ct h e at in g

133 W hile there are no existing d istrict heating netw orks w ith in the v icin ity of the proposed

developm en t there are p lans for an area-w ide d istrict hea ting ne tw ork serving the W hite C ity

O pportunity A rea. This area netw ork is un likely to be in p lace prio r to construc tion of the

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proposed developm ent. T he applicant has, how ever, p rovided a com mitm en t to ensuring tha t the

developm ent is designed to allow fu ture connec tion to the p roposed area district energy netw ork

w hen it b eco mes availab le .

134 The app licant is p roposing to install a site hea t network w ith all residential and non-

dom estic bu lld lnq uses connected to the site heat network. A draw ing show ing the route o f the

heat network linking all build ings on the site shou ld be provided. The site heat ne tw ork shou ld besecu red b y c on ditio n.

135 The site heat network w ill be supplied from a single energy centre. Fu rther inform ation on

the floo r area and location o f the energy centre should be provided . The sing le energy cen tre

sh ou ld b e secured by co nd ition .

Com bined H ea t and pow er

136 The app lican t is · proposing to install a 100 kW e gas fired CHP un it as the lead heat source

for the site hea t netw ork. H eat p ro files have been prov ided to illu strate the siz ing . A reduction in

regu la ted C02 em issions o f 133 tonnes per annum (28% ) w ill be ach ieved through th is second parto f th e en ergy hierarchy .

R en ew a ble e ne rg y te ch no lo gie s

137 The app lican t has investigated the feasib ility o f a range of renew ab le energy technolog ies

and is proposing to install 200m 2 ofPV at roof level. A roof draw ing show ing the roof a rea

availab le fo r the installa tion o f pho tovo lta ic panels has been prov ided . A reduction in regu lated

C 02 em issions of 9 tonnes per annum (3% ) w ill be achieved th rough th is th ird e lem en t of the

e ne rg y h ie ra rc hy .

Summa tY

138 The estim ated regu lated carbon em issions of the developm ent are 302 tonnes o f C02 per

year after the cum ulative effect o f energy efficiency m easu reaC l-P and renew able energy has

been taken into accoun t. Th is equates to a reduction o f 142 tonnes of C02 per year in regulated

em issions com pared to a 2010 B uild ing R egula tions com pliant deve lopm en t, equ iva len t to an

ov erall sav in g o f 3 2% .

139 The carbon diox ide sav ings exceed the targets set w ith in Po licy 5.2 o f the London P lan and

there fo re the p roposals com ply w ith L ondon P lan policies rela ting to clim ate change m itiga tion .

Fu rther inform ation relating to the heat netw ork and energy centre should be prov ided befo re the

carbon sav ings can be verified , and the C ouncil shou ld ensure appropriate cond itions are a ttached

to a ny p erm issio n.

C lima te Chang e Ad ap ta tio n

140 London P lan policy 5 .10 Urban g reen ing an d 5 .11 G reen R oofs an d D ev elopm en t S ite

Env i rons set out that developm ent p roposals shou ld integ rate g reen infrastructure, includ ing tree

planting and green roofs.

141 G reen roo fs o r landscaped roo f su rfaces are p roposed on m ost roof surfaces, excep t fo r the

upperm ost levels of the fou r residen tial b locks, w hich w ill be occup ied by pho tovo lta ic panels.

Fu rtherm ore, 12 new trees are p roposed in the design code and the design and access statem ent,

along w ith 'feature ' landscaping . T hese elem en ts, w hich w ill increase the biod iversity on site w hilstalso contributing to a h igh quality environm en t are w elcom ed and should be secured via planning


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142 London P lan policy 5 .13 Sus ta inab le D ra inage seeks to ensu re tha t susta inab le urban

drainage system s (SU D S) are used w here p racticab le, and tha t deve lopm en ts shou ld aim to ach ieve

g reenfield run -o ff rates by m anag ing su rface w ate r run -off as c lose to its source as possib le

th rough a ttenua tion and sto rm w ater m anagem ent. The draft W hite C ity O APF reiterates these

policy ob jec tives, and seeks to ensu re that all new developm en t in the O pportun ity A rea ach ieve

these asp ira tions particu larly in the con tex t o f the p ressu res on the C ounte rs C reek sew er.

143 G iven the operational needs o f the M arke t, the p roposa l is p rim arily hard -landscaped ,

how ever the p roposed green roo fs w ill reduce the am oun t o f im perm eab le su rfaces on the site .

T he sustainab ility statem ent also suggests that perm eable pav ing and underg round sto rage

attenuation tanks w ill also con tribu te to the SU DS m easu res, resu lting in a reduc tion o f 50% of

su rface w ate r runoff. W hilst these m easures m eet the m inim um standards set ou t in the London

P lan , it is unclea r w hether the proposa l can m eet the London P lan and O APF asp iration o f 100%

attenuation . T he app lican t shou ld dem onstrate w hether th is is achievab le .


144 London P lan po licy 7.15 requires that no ise sensitive deve lopm en t shou ld be separa ted

from m ajor sou rces o f no ise w herever p rac ticab le . T he adv ice con ta ined in P lann ing Po licy

G uidance no te 24 (PPG 24): P lann ing and no ise is also re levan t. The M ayor w ill also support new

techno log ies and im proved practices to reduce no ise at sou rce , espec ia lly in road , ra il and air

transport. In add ition standard 5 .2 .1 o f the M ayor's H ousing SPG (E iP draft) states that

developm en ts shou ld avo id sing le aspect dw ellings that a re no rth -fac ing , exposed to N EC C or D O f

con ta in th ree o r m ore bed room s.

145 The m ain po tential strateg ic no ise concerns w ith th is p roposal arise from the no ise exposu re

o f the res idential e lem en ts due to the p rox im ity to the tube line. Po ten tia l adverse im pac ts o f

v ib ration d istu rbance from the railw ay w ill also need be considered . It is unc lear w hether the

facade o f the p roposed developm en t has p rov ided sufficien t attenuation to ensu re tha t thegu ideline in ternal noise leve ls cond itions are m et. T he C ounc il shou ld sa tisfy itse lf that these issues

have been addressed to its sa tisfaction in the proposa ls.


146 A s no ted above , T ransport fo r London ow ns part o f the site and currently opera tes and

m anages the ex isting m arket. In ligh t o f th is in terest, the com ments that fo llow have been

rev iew ed and approved by the G LA t ransport team .

Carpark ing

147 83 car park ing spaces are being proposed fo r the residen tial aspect o f the deve lopm en t,

equating to an overa ll ra tio o f 0 .4 spaces per un it. W hile th is leve l o f p rov ision is in acco rdance

w ith London P lan standards, it is a t the h igher end of w hat is being sough t as part o f the W hite

C ity O pportun ity A rea P lann ing F ram ew ork (O A PF). G iven the s ite 's excellen t P TA L and the

already congested natu re o f the su rround ing h ighw ay ne tw ork , it is s trong ly recom m ended tha t

th is leve l o f ca r park ing is reduced to avo id nega tive im pact on the capacity o f the strateg ic

h ighw ay ne tw ork . It is no ted that occup iers of the p roposed deve lopm en t w ill be inelig ib le fo r an

on-s treet residen ts parking perm it, and th is should be secu red th rough the s1 0 6 agreem en t.

148 9 disab led car park ing spaces are be ing proposed on-s ite , representing 10% of the tota l

spaces to be prov ided , in add ition to tw o car dub spaces . T his leve l o f p rovision is supported . 20%of car park ing spaces are p roposed to be fitted w ith E lec tric V eh icle C harging P oin ts (E VC P's) in

acco rdance w ith L ondon P lan standards, w ith an add itiona l 20% hav ing passive p rov is ion , w hich

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again is supported . T he EV CP spaces should be illu strated on a p lan , w hich a lso iden tifies the

d etails o f th e p ro po sed in frastru ctu re.

149 C ar park ing is proposed to be located in the basem en t o f the residential units. G iven that

th is loca tion is w ith in 25 m etres o f the H am mersm ith & C ity lin e v iadu ct L on do n U nderg rou nd

CLU Jw ill need to be consulted in advance o f any w orks being undertaken , in o rder to ensu re there

w ill be no negative im pac ts on the in teg rity o f the structu re . T his should be secu red by condition .

Im pact on H ighw ay and Pub lic T ransport N etw ork

150 The trip generation and m odal sp lit estim ates for the p roposed developm en t have been

based on TRA VL d ata fo r the residen tial un its, and su rveys carried ou t of the existing site fo r the

other land uses, w hich is considered accep table, how ever a reduction in car parking spaces is

recom mended to avoid im pact on the strategic h ighw ay ne tw ork. It is accep ted that the proposed

deve lopm en t w ould be un likely to nega tively im pact on the pub lic transport ne tw ork w ith in the

v icin ity o f the site .

C yclin g a nd W a lk in g

151 U p to 457 cycle park ing spaces are being proposed for the residen tial un its. This is in

accordance w ith the cycle parking standards set ou t in London Plan Po licy 6.9 , and is therefore

supported . A dditiona l cycle parking is be ing proposed a t street level fo r bo th the traders and

v isito rs to the site , w ith show ers and locker facilities being provided for those w orking a t the

m ark et, w hic h is also su pp orted .

152 The B arc lays Cycle Superh ighw ay (CSH ) R ou te 9 w ill run along the A312 Ham mersm ith

Road , located approx im ately a 3 m inute cycle from the site . In add ition , a lthough it is no t yet

fixed , C SH route 10 is also expected to run nearby. In itia l design w ork has com menced and

developm en t m ust p rom ote and facilita te it's com pletion in accordance w ith policy 6.9 o f theLondon Plan . C onsidera tion shou ld therefo re be g iven tow ards w hat im provem ents m ay be

requ ired to p rovide a safe and conven ien t cycle link from the proposed deve lopm en t to these

rou tes, both o f w hich w ou ld help fac ilita te cycling to and from the site in the fu tu re. Further

d iscussion w ith regards to th is w ou ld be w elcom ed .

153 A s requested at the pre-applica tion stage, an audit o f the local pedestrian environm ent has

been undertaken, including a condition su rvey of bus stops located w ith in the v icin ity of the site .

T his has iden tified a num ber o f a reas in need of im provem en t, and given the likely increase in

pedestrian activ ity in the area as a resu lt of th is developm ent, it is recom mended tha t the local

h ighw ay autho rity seeks a con tribution tow ards im plem enting som e of the m easures identified , in

particula r those w hich w ou ld im prove pedestrian accessib ility in the area, by ensuring that the

appropriate dropped kerbs and tactile pav ing are in place, a longside sa fe pedestrian crossing

points, in accordance w ith policy 6 .10 of the London P lan.

154 The prov ision of Leg ib le London signage has also been iden tified as a w ay of im prov ing

pedestrian w ayfind ing in the area. This should also be secu red through the s106 agreem en t, as a

w ay of im proving and fac ilita ting w alking in the area. T he app lican t should actively approach T tL

and the council in o rder to develop an appropriate strategy for the area including calculating the

am oun t o f con tribution and de tailed d ra fting o f any s106 obligations.

155 A num ber o f im provem ents to local bus stops have also been iden tified , and it i s ther e fo r e

requested that a contribu tion tow ards these is secu red through the s106 agreem ent, in order to

encourage the increased use o f pub lic transport to and from the site , in accordance w ith po licy 6 .1o f the London Plan . A s a gu ide, a new bus she lte r includ ing associated highway works would cost

approxim ately £12,000, w hile the prev ision of bus coun tdow n costs approxim ate ly £10 ,000 , and

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further d iscussions in re lation to th is, includ ing the p rec ise requ irem en ts o f the site w ould

th ere fo re b e w elcom ed .

156 A s part o f the W hite Clty O APF , a developm ent in frastruc tu re fund ing strategy (D IFS) is

cu rrently being undertaken , w ith the purpose o f estab lish ing an appropria te deve lopm ent ta riff fo r

the area . O nce th is has been established, it is understood tha t in the futu re , con tribu tions w ill besough t tow ards p rov id ing step -free access a t W hite C ity L U station , w hich w ill m ake bo th Tube

lines serv ing the Shepherd 's B ush area fu lly accessible . W hile th is w ork is still a t an early stage , the

borough is strong ly encouraged to seek a con tribu tion from th is developm en t tow ards the

im plem entation of th is, w hich w ill be pooled w ith con tribu tions from other developm ents in the O A

as they com e forw ard .

T ra ve l P la n

157 A travel p lan has been prepared in support o f th is deve lopm en t w hich outlines a good

range of s ite-w ide objectives, targets and m easu res. It is therefore recom mended that th is

docum en t is secured , m anaged , m on ito red and enforced th rough the sl 06 ag reem ent. Includ ing ,

secu ring an am oun t o f m oney per residen tial un it in the s106 agreem ent. A detailed trave l p lan for

each use w ill be requ ired m ov ing fo rw ard .

T ra ffic M anagem en t A ct

158 Shou ld th is app lica tion be gran ted plann ing perm ission, the developer and their

rep resen ta tives are rem inded that th is does not d ischarge the requirem en ts under the T raffic

M anagem en t A ct 2004. Form al no tifications and approval m ay be needed fo r both the perm anen t

h ighw ay schem e and any tem porary h ighw ay w orks requ ired during the construction phase o f the

deve lopment .

A lte rn ativ e O lym pic R ou te N etw ork

159 Goldhaw k Road and Shepherds Bush G reen w ill fo rm part o f the A lternative O lym pic R ou te

N etwork (A ORN ) during the period of the O lym pic and Paralym pic G am es in 2012 . W hile th is is

not in tended to be the m ain rou te for the G am es fam ily veh ic les travelling to the diffe rent venues,

it m ay how ever still be frequen tly used as a back -up . A s such , there m ay be restrictions on w hat

on highw ay w orks can be undertaken during th is period , and the applicant shou ld therefore consu lt

w ith T fL prio r to any w orks tak ing place on site w hich m ay im pact on the A ORN .

S erv ic in g a nd C o ns tru ctio n

160 It is recom mended that a construc tion log istics p lan (CLP), w hich seeks to m inim ise theim pact o f the deve lopm en t on the highw ay netw ork during the course o f construction , be secu red

fo r the site by condition , in acco rdance w ith Po licy 6 .14 of the London P lan . A draft de livery and

servicing p lan (D SP), w hich seeks to rationa lise serv ic ing veh ic le m ovem ents once the site is

operational, has already been produced fo r the site , and it is recom mended tha t the

im plem entatio n o f th is is secu red b y co nd ition .

161 The London U nderg round infrastructure p rotec tion team w ill also need to be consulted in

advance o f any changes be ing m ade to the railw ay v iaduct, no m atter how m inor, in o rder to

ensu re that the changes are unlikely to im pact on the sa fe ty of the structu re, either in the sho rt o r

the long term . A s such a detailed construction m ethod sta tem ent w ill need to be produced in

consu lta tion w ith LU in advance o f any w orks com mencing on site . It is recom mended tha t th is isalso secu red by condition and the developer should seek adv ice from T fL as to the necessary

w ord in g o f th is co nd itio n.

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162 Further d iscussions are recomm ended w ith regards to the p roposed level o f car park ing on

site in o rder to avoid negative im pacts on the capacity of the strategic h ighw ay netw ork ; along

w ith suggested im provem en ts to local bus stops and the pedestrian and cycling env ironm en t that

ensure com pliance w ith L ondon P lan po licies 6 .1 , 6 .9 , 6 .10, 6 .13 and 6.14 ; and som e use o f

p la nn in g c on d iti on s.

local planning authority's position

163 The local au tho rity is part owner o f the site . C ouncil p lann ing officers have engaged in p re-

application d iscussions w ith the developm en t team . O fficers are positive abou t the applica tion ,

bu t share the M ayor's concerns on several issues, inc lud ing the details re la ting to the continued

operation of the m arket and the viab ility assessm en t.

legal considerations

164 U nder the arrangem ents set ou t in A rticle 40f the Tow n and Country P lanning (M ayor o fL ondon) O rder 2008 the M ayor is required to p rov ide the local p lann ing authority w ith a sta tem ent

setting out w hether he considers that the application com plies w ith the London P lan, and h is

reasons for taking that v iew . U nless notified otherw ise by the M ayor, the C ouncil m ust consu lt the

M ayor again under A rtic le 5 of the O rder if it subsequen tly reso lves to m ake a dra ft decision on the

application , in order tha t the M ayor m ay decide w hether to a llow the dra ft dec ision to proceed

unchanged, O f d irect the Council under A rticle 6 o f the O rder to re fuse the app lica tion , o r issue a

d irec tion under A rticle 7 o f the O rder that he is to act as the local plann ing autho rity for the

purpose o f de term ining the app lica tion . There is no ob ligation at th is p resen t stage for the M ayor

to ind icate his in tentions regarding a possib le direction , and no such decision should be in ferred

from the M ayor's statem en t and com ments.

Financial considerations

165 There are no financia l considerations at th is stage .


166 London P lan po licies on re ta il/tow n cen tre uses, equal opportun ities, housing , affo rdab le

housing , density , u rban design , access, sustainab le developm ent, am bien t noise, transpo rt and

park ing are re levant to th is app lication . T he application com plies w ith som e of these po licies bu t

no t w ith o thers, fo r the fo llow ing reasons:

• Retail/Town Centre Uses: The m ix of uses and effo rts to streng then the m arke t are

w elcom ed , how ever m echan ism s to secure con tinuous opera tion during developm en t and

preserve the m arke t's un ique character m ust be c larified and secu red via lega l agreem en t.

• Equalities: A n equa lity statem ent and assessm ent has been subm itted . The C ouncil

shou ld ensu re tha t the m itiga tion m easu res p roposed to address iden tified im pacts w ill be

secured in the appropriate m anner. Confirm ation of a rrangem ents fo r the re location of the

ho ste l sh ould be p rov ided.

• Housing: The am oun t and m ix of housing is appropriate , and there is a sa tisfactory

am ount of fam ily housing for the proposed tenu re , although the location o f ch ildren 's p lay

sp ace m ust b e co nfirm ed .

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• Affordable Housing: There is no justification for the lack of a ffordable housing . A

v iab ility assessm en t m ust be independen tly verified to ensu re the proposal rep resents the

m ax im um ach iev ab le affo rd ab le h ou sin g.

• Density: The density p roposed is appropriate to the local context and physica l site


• Urban Design: A lthough the layou t is generally accep tab le, the applicant should

reconsider the m assing a long the G oldhaw k Road frontage and of the b locks v isib le from

Pennard R oad . T he reliance on ang led w indow s to liv ing areas needs further exp lo ra tion ,

an d the lim ited pro vision of p riva te am enity space fo r larg er un its is d isap po in tin g.

• Access: The proposa ls com mit to delivering all hom es to L ifetim e hom es standard and

10% as w heelchair accessible . T he C ouncil should secure a ll de tails v ia p lanning condition

o r at rese rv ed m atters stag es.

• Sustainable Development: T he proposa ls com ply w ith L ondon P lan policies rela ting toclim ate change m itigation , a lthough further info rm ation relating to the heat netw ork and

energy centre shou ld be provided befo re the carbon savings can be verified . The app lican t

shou ld im prove the an ticipated reductions in surface w ater run -off ra tes.

• Ambient Noise: C onfirm ation is required to ensure am bien t no ise from the ra ilw ays is

p rop erly ad dressed in the d esig n o f the residential p ro perties.

• Transport and Parking: Further d iscussions are recom mended w ith regards to the

p roposed level o f car park ing on site in order to avo id nega tive im pacts on the capacity of

the strategic h ighw ay netw ork; a long w ith suggested im provem ents to local bus stops and

th e p ed estria n an d cy clin g en viro nm en t.

167 W hilst the app lication is b road ly acceptable in strateg ic plann ing term s, on balance, the

application does no t com ply w ith the L ondon P lan.

168 The follow ing changes m igh t, however, rem edy the above-m entioned deficiencies, and

could possib ly lead to the app lication becom ing com pliant w ith the L ondon Plan :

• Retail/Town Centre Uses: C om mitm en ts to secu re the con tinuous operation of the

m arke t during construction and to preserve the unique character o f the m arket fo llow ing

redeve lopment .

• Equalities: C onfirm ation of arrangem en ts fo r the reloca tion o f the hostel.

• Housing: C onfirm atio n of location an d q uality o f child ren 's p lay sp ace.

• Affordable Housing: V erification of the viab ility assessm en t to dem onstrate tha t the

p rop osal represents the m axim um ach iev ab le a ffo rd able h ousin g.

• Urban Design: R econsideration of the m assing along the G oldhaw k Road fron tage and of

the b locks v isib le from Pennard R oad.

• Sustainable Development: Provision of fu rther in form ation rela ting to the heat ne tw ork

and energy cen tre and reduction o f su rface w ater run-off rates.

• Ambient Noise: Further in form ation dem onstra ting that am bient noise from the railw aysh as b een m itig ated .

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• T ransport and P ark ing : rev iew of the leve ls o f ca r park ing on site , suggested

im provem en ts to loca l bus stops and the pedestrian and cyc ling env ironm en t, and

com m itm en t to secu re various e lem en ts v ia section 106 and p lann ing cond ition .

for further information, contact Planning Decisions Unit:

Colin Wilson, Senior Manager - Planning Decisions

0207983 4783 email [email protected]

Justin Carr, Strategic Planning Manager (Development Decisions)

0207983 4895 email

Alexandra Reitman, Case Officer

0207983 4804 email [email protected]

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