Bluemix setup

IBM Bluemix Deploy and run your apps on the cloud Quhan Arunasalam Hackathon@SST 3rd June 2015

Transcript of Bluemix setup

IBM BluemixDeploy and run your apps on the cloud

Quhan Arunasalam

Hackathon@SST3rd June 2015

Sign Up for a Bluemix account

Login and then click on Create an App

Click on Web

Click on SDK for Node.js

Name your app

Ensure that your starter app is running

Hi back!

Click on Overview in the sidebar and then Add Git

Click Continue

Create an Alias

Success! Click Close

Copy the Git URL

Switch over to Koding

In the Terminal type in the following commands:

git config --global "[email protected]"

git config --global "Your Name"

git config --global push.default simple

Commence the cloning

In the Terminal type in the following commands:

mkdir Node

cd Node

git clone

Install the app dependencies

In the Terminal type in the following commands:

cd myappname

npm install

Make a minor modification

Open app.js and modify the following line:

app.listen(appEnv.port, appEnv.bind, function() {

Run your app

In the Terminal type in the following command:

npm start


To be continued
