
Union Wages and Hours: Local-Transit Operating Employees July 1, 1962 and Trend 1929—62 Bulletin No. 1354 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Union Wages and Hours:

Local-Transit Operating Employees

July 1, 1962


Trend 1929—62


W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary

BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner

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Union Wages and Hours: Local-Transit Operating Employees

July 1, 1962


Trend 1929-62

Bulletin No. 1354February 1963


BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price cents

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The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts annual surveys o f wage rates and scheduled hours of work for specified crafts or jobs as provided in labor-m anagem ent agreem ents in four industries: Building construction,printing, lo ca l transit, and loca l trucking. The studies present the wage rates in effect as o f July 1 o f each year, as reported to the Bureau by the appropriate loca l labor organizations in each of the cities included in the survey.

Inform ation on the union sca les and hours p re v a il­ing in each city is available in Septem ber of each year upon request to the Bureau1 s regional o ffices as shown on the inside back cover,, A re lease sum m arizing the rates for loca l-tra n sit operating em ployees on a nationwide basis was issued in D ecem ber 1962. This analysis provides additional data and indexes o f the trend of wages and hours for the period 1929“ 62.

This bulletin was prepared by Thomas C. M obley, under the supervision o f John F. L aciskey , in the Bureau1 s D ivision of National Wage and Salary Incom e, under the general d irection of H. M. Douty, A ssistant C om m issioner for Wages and Industrial Relations.


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P age

S um m ary _________________________________________________________________________________ 1S cope and m ethod o f study ____________________________________________________________ 1T ren d o f union s c a le s , 1929—62 ____________________________________S cale in c r e a s e s , 1961—62 ___________________________________________W age s ca le v a r ia t io n s ________________________________________________C ity a v e ra g e s _________________________________________________________Standard w ork w eek ___________________________________________________H ealth, in su ra n ce , and p en sion plans _____________________________Union s ca le s by c ity _________________________________________________

C hart:

P e r ce n t change in union h ou rly w age ra tes o f lo c a l- t r a n s it op era tin g e m p lo y e e s , by y e a r , 1929—62 _____________________________________ 3

T a b les :

1. Indexes o f union h ou rly w age ra tes o f lo c a l- t r a n s itop era tin g e m p lo y e e s , 1929—62 _____________________________________________ 5

2. A v e ra g e union h ou rly w age ra tes o f lo c a l- t r a n s itop era tin g e m p lo y e e s , July 1, 1962, and in c re a s e sin r a te s , July 1, 1961—July 1, 1962 _______________________________________ 5

3. P e r ce n t changes in union w age ra tes and p e rce n t o flo c a l- t r a n s it op era tin g e m p lo y e e s a ffe c te d ,July 1, 1961—July 1, 1962 ___________________________________________________ 5

4. C e n ts -p e r -h o u r changes in union w age ra tes and p e rce n to f lo ca l^ tra n s it op era tin g em p lo y e e s a ffe c te d ,July 1, 1961—July 1, 1962 ___________________________________________________ 6

5. D istr ib u tion o f union op era tin g e m p lo y e e s in the lo c a l- t r a n s itin d u stry by h ou rly w age ra te s , July 1, 1962 ____________________________ 6

6. A v e ra g e union h ou rly w age ra tes o f lo c a l- t r a n s itop era tin g e m p lo y e e s by c ity , July 1, 1962 _______________________________ 7

7. D istr ib u tion o f union lo c a l- t r a n s it op era tin g e m p lo y e e s bystandard w eek ly hour s , July 1, 1962 _____________________________________ 7

8. U nion s ca le s o f w a ges and h ou rs fo r lo c a l- t r a n s itop era tin g e m p lo y e e s , July 1, 1961, and July 1, 1962 ________________________________ 8

^ ^

^ 4

^ N


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Union Wages and Hours: Local-Transit Operating Employees, July 1, 1962

Sum m ary

Wage s ca le s o f union lo c a l-t ra n s it o p ­erating e m p loyees in c it ie s w ith 100,000 or m o r e inhabitants advanced an average o f 10 cents an h our, or 4. 1 p e rce n t, during the year ending July 1, 1962, a cco rd in g to theB ureau o f L abor S tatistics 42d annual su rvey o f such s c a le s .

N egotiated con tra ct p ro v is io n s w hich b e ­cam e e ffe ct iv e sin ce July 1, 1961, resu ltedin sca le in cr e a s e s fo r 96 p ercen t o f the tran sit w o rk e rs co v e re d by the su rvey . H ourly sca le s r o se 8 to 10 c e n ts 1 fo r a fourth o f the w o rk e rs ; 12 to 14 cents fo r a lm ost another fourth; and 6 to 8 cents fo r about a sixth. The advance w as at lea st 14 cents an hour fo r n early a fifth , and le s s than 6 cents fo r a tw elfth.

Union s ca le s averaged $ 2 . 55 an hour fo r a ll lo c a l-t ra n s it operating e m p loyees on July 1, 1962. N egotiated rates v a r ie d fr o m $ 2 . 50 to $ 2. 7 5 fo r n ea r ly half o f the w o rk e rs and fro m $ 2. 25 to $ 2 . 5 0 fo r a fifth . Betw een a fifth and a fourth o f the operating em p loyees had s ca le s o f at lea st $ 2 . 7 5 an hour.

W eekly w o rk sch edu les at s tra ig h t-tim e rates w e re rep orted fo r 95 p ercen t o f the tran sit operating em p loyees included in the B u reau 's study. Such sch edu les av erag ed 40.5 h ou rs , unchanged fro m July 1, 1961. Thepredom inant w ork w eek , 40 h ou rs , w as in e ffe ct fo r 85 o f ev e ry 100 tran sit operating e m p lo y e e s .

P r o v is io n s fo r health, in su ran ce , and pen sion plans financed w holly or in part by the em p loyer w e re contained in la bor-m an ag em en t agreem en ts a ffectin g m o re than 95 p ercen t o f the tran sit operating em p lo y e e s . Health and in surance (w elfare) plans en tire ly financed by em p loyer w ere rep orted fo r a th ird o f the tran sit-equ ipm en t o p e ra to rs . S im ila r ly f i ­nanced pen sion plans p rev a iled fo r tw o -fifth s .

1 F or ease o f reading in this and subsequent d is cu ss io n s o f tabu lation s, the lim its o f the c la s s in terva ls a re designated as 8 to 10 cen ts , 2 to 3 p e rce n t, e tc . , instead o f using the m o re p r e c is e te rm in o lo g y , 8 and under 10 cen ts , 2 and under 3 p e rce n t, e tc .

Scope and M ethod o f Study

Union s ca le s are those ag reed upon through co lle c t iv e bargaining betw een trade unions and e m p lo y e rs , and defin ed as (1) the b a s ic (m inim um ) w age s ca le s (excluding h o liday , vaca tion , or other ben efit paym ents re g u la r ly m ade or cre d ite d to the w o rk e r each pay p e r io d ), and (2) the m axim um sch edu les o f hours at s tra ig h t-tim e ra tes . R ates in e x ce s s of the n egotiated m in im um , w hich m ay be paid fo r sp e cia l qu a lifica tion s or other r e a so n s , are not included .

The in form ation p resen ted in this bu lletin w as ba sed on union s ca le s in e ffe ct on July 1, 1962, and co v e re d ap p rox im a te ly 64 ,000 lo c a l - tran sit operating em p loyees in 53 c it ie s w ith populations o f 100,000 or m o re . T rack m en and m aintenance w o rk e rs w ere exclu ded fro m the study. O perating em p loyees o f m u n icipa lly owned tran sit sy stem s w e re included if unions acted as the bargaining agents. Data w ere obtained p r im a r ily fr o m lo c a l union o ff ic ia ls by m a il qu estion na ire ; in som e in sta n ces , Bureau re p resen ta tiv es v is ite d lo c a l union o f ­fic ia ls to obtain the d e s ire d in form ation .

The cu rren t su rvey w as d esign ed to r e ­fle c t union w age s ca le s o f lo c a l-t r a n s it o p ­erating em p loyees in a ll c it ie s o f 100,000 or m ore population . A ll c it ie s w ith 500 ,000 or m ore population w ere in cluded , as w e re m ost c it ie s in the 250,000—500,000, group . The c it ie s in the 100,000—250,000 group se le cte d fo r study w ere d istribu ted w id e ly throughout the United States. Data fo r som e c it ie s w e re w eighted to com pen sate fo r c it ie s not su rveyed . To p rov id e ap propria te rep resen ta tion in the c o m ­bination o f data, each g eograp h ic reg ion w as con s id e re d sep ara te ly when c ity w eights w ere assign ed .

A v era ge h ourly s c a le s , design ed to show curren t le v e ls , w e re ba sed on a ll s ca le s r e ­ported in e ffe ct on July 1, 1962. Individualsca le s w e re w eighted by the num ber o f union m em b ers at each rate . T hese av era g es are not design ed fo r p r e c is e y e a r - t o -y e a r c o m ­p a rison s becau se o f fluctuations in m em b ersh ip and in the c la s s ifica t io n s studied. A v era ge c e n ts -p e r -h o u r and p ercen t changes f r o m July 1, 1961, to July 1, 1962, w e re , h ow ev er,based on ’ com p a ra b le quotations fo r the v ariou s c la s s ifica tio n s in both p e r io d s , w eighted by the m em bersh ip re p o rte d fo r the cu rren t (1962) su rvey . The index s e r ie s , design ed fo r trend p u rp o se s , w as s im ila r ly con stru cted .


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T rend o f Union S ca le s , 1929—62The B u reau 's annual studies o f union

w age sca le s fo r lo c a l-t r a n s it operating e m ­p loy ees began in 1921. The y e a r - t o -y e a r m ovem en t o f these s ca le s has been re fle c te d in index fo rm sin ce 1938. The index, w hich in itia lly tra ced the m ovem en t fo r 9 y e a r s , now spans a th ird o f a century. (See table 1 .)

Since 1929, union s ca le s fo r lo c a l-t r a n s it operating e m p loyees advanced each year e x ­cept 19 32 and 1933. The B u reau 's index o f union w age ra tes on a 1957—59 base show s the le v e l o f ra tes r o se fr o m 32 .7 on M ay 15, 1929, to 117.1 on July 1, 1962. * 2 T his in - c re a s e has been at the annual rate o f 3. 9 p ercen t.

The rate o f in c r e a s e , h ow ev er, had v a r ied m ark ed ly during the 33 -yea r span. (See chart.) In cre a se s w e re sm a ll p r io r to the d e p re ss io n y ear o f 1932. The declin e during 1932—33 w as r e v e r s e d by 1934, but w as not fu lly o ffse t until 1937. In 1941, the le v e l o f ra tes w as only 14 percen t above the 1931 le v e l. During W orld W ar II (1941—45), the index o f lo c a l - tran sit ra tes r o se m od era te ly ( 18 . 5 percen t) in the fir s t 3 y e a rs and slightly (2 percen t) in the last 2 y e a r s . G ains w ere 10 p ercen t or m o re in each o f the f ir s t 3 postw ar y e a rs . S u cce ss iv e in cre a s e s in the 1959—62 p er iod resu lted in an aggregate advance o f 84 p e r ­cent. E xcept fo r 1951 and 1952 (K orean ou t­break) , the annual in cre a s e ranged fro m about 2Vz to 6 p ercen t. In each o f the past 4 y ea rs the gain has ap prox im ated 4 p ercen t.Scale In cre a s e s , 1961—62

Changes in w age rates fo r lo c a l-t ra n s it o p e ra to rs resu lt p r im a r ily f r o m l a b o r - m anagem ent n egotia tion s . O f the agreem en ts in e ffe c t on July 1, 1962, in the c it ie s studied, 7 o f ev e ry 8 w e re negotiated fo r at lea st2 y e a rs . Such m u ltiyear con tra cts g en era lly p rov id ed fo r one or m o re in ter im w age in ­c r e a s e s and som e fo r c o s t -o f - l iv in g a d ju st­m ents as w e ll. H ow ever, only those sca le changes w hich actu a lly becam e e ffe ct iv e b e ­tw een July 1, 1961, and July 1, 1962, havebeen included in the su rvey . Som e o f the sca le ad justm ents w e re p rov id ed fo r in c o n ­tra c ts negotiated p r io r to July 1, 1961. D e ­fe r re d in cre a s e s e ffe ct iv e subsequent to July 1, 1962, have been exclu ded fro m the study. Thus, the sca le changes presen ted in this r e p o rt do not r e f le c t the tota l w age advances negotiated in individual agreem en ts during the su rvey year .

2 E ffectiv e w ith this r e p o rt , the B ureau is cu rren tly using 1957—59 as 100 in the c o m ­putation o f the index. When com puted on the 1947—49 = 100 ba se as shown in B ulletin 1313, the index fo r July 1, 1962, is 187 .6 .

In the year ending July 1, 1962, unionh ourly s ca le s fo r a ll lo c a l-t r a n s it operating em p loyees in c it ie s o f 100,000 or m o re p o p ­u lation , advanced 4. 1 p ercen t or 10 cen ts , on the a v era g e .

The advance r e fle c te d gains o f 4 p ercen t f o r su rface car a n d bus o p e r a to rs , and 4.7 p ercen t fo r e levated and subway o p e ra to rs . On a c e n ts -p e r -h o u r b a s is , the in cre a s e in average sca le s w as 9. 8 cents fo r o p e ra to rs o f su rface v e h ic le s and 12. 1 cents fo r e levated and subway equipm ent (table 2).

Union h ourly s ca le s w e re ad justed upward during the 12 m onths ending July 1, 1962, fo r96 p ercen t o f the o p e ra to rs o f su rface ca rs and b u se s , and fo r a ll o p e ra to rs on elevated and subway equipm ent.

A dvan ces in h ourly w age sca le s betw een July 1, 1961, and July 1, 1962, fo r o p e ra to rso f su rface c a r s and b u se s , rep resen ted gains o f 3 to 4 p ercen t fo r th ree -ten th s o f the w o rk e rs ; 5 to 6 p ercen t fo r a fourth; and 4 to 5 p ercen t fo r a sixth. The gain w as le s s than 3 p ercen t fo r a tenth and 6 p ercen t or m o re fo r a sixth. F o r o p e ra to rs o f e levated and subway equipm ent, the r is e w as 5 to 6 p e r ­cent fo r tw o -fifth s ; 3 to 4 p ercen t fo r a th ird; and 6 to 7 p ercen t fo r a fourth (table 3).

A lthough individual sca le in cre a s e s v a r ie d fr o m 1 to 22 cents an hour fo r su rface equ ip ­m ent o p e r a to rs , r a is e s o f 8 to 10 cents w ere ap p licab le to n ea r ly th ree -ten th s o f these w o rk e rs . S ca les advanced 12 to 14 cents fo r a fifth , and 6 to 8 cents fo r a seventh. R a ise s o f 14 or m o re cents a ffe cted a sixth; and those o f le s s than 6 cen ts , half that m any.

F or elevated and subway c a r s , in cre a s e s o f l l/z cents an hour w ere re co r d e d fo r a fourth o f the o p e ra to rs ; 12 to 14 cents fo r tw o -fifth s ; and 16 cents o r m ore fo r another fourth (table 4).

Wage Scale V a ria tion s

L ab or-m an agem en t agreem en ts fo r lo c a l - tran sit operating e m p loyees g en era lly p rov id e fo r le n g th -o f -s e r v ic e d iffe ren tia ls— an en ­tran ce ra te , one or m o re in term ediate ra te s , and a m axim u m or top ra te . 3 A lthough the

3 This s o -c a l le d top rate actu ally b e co m e s the e m p lo y e e ’ s b a s ic sca le after a sp e cifie d p er iod o f em ploym ent w ith the com pany. It is not a m axim u m rate in the sen se that the com pany m ay not pay m o re .

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BY YEAR, 1929-1962Percent change from preceding year20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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tim e in terva ls betw een r a t e steps v a r ied am ong the 53 c it ie s included in the study, the entrance rate g en era lly applied fo r 3 or 6 m onths o f em ploym ent. Length o f s e r v ice w as not a fa ctor in M em ph is, San F r a n c is c o , and Scranton , w here only single ra tes w ere negotiated.

The entrance or starting rate fo r o p ­e ra to rs o f su rfa ce ca rs and bu ses in the c it ie s su rveyed ranged fro m $ 1. 60 an hour in K nox­v ille to $ 2 . 8 0 in San F r a n c is c o . It ex ceed ed $ 2 an hour in 4 o f e v e ry 5 c it ie s . The top or b a s ic sca le fo r these o p e ra to rs v a r ie d fro m $ 1. 70 in K noxville to $ 2. 90 fo r m ultiunit car o p e ra to rs in B oston . In 2 o f ev e ry 5 c it ie s , the top rate fo r som e w o rk e rs w as $ 2 . 5 0 or m o re . The sp read betw een the entrance and top rates w as 10 cents in a th ird o f the c it ie s and ex ceed ed this am ount in another fourth o f the su rveyed c it ie s .

On July 1, 1962, union s ca le s o f lo c a l -tran sit operating em p loyees in c i t i e s o f 100,000 or m o re inhabitants averaged $ 2 . 5 5 an hour. O p era tors o f su rface ca rs and b u se s , who accou n ted fo r n ine-tenths o f a ll w o rk e rs co v e re d by the su rvey , averaged $ 2 .5 4 ; and those on elevated and subway equipm ent $ 2 . 69 (table 2).

H ourly s ca le s o f $ 2 . 5 0 to $ 2 . 7 5 w ere stipulated in la bor-m an ag em en t agreem en ts fo r a lm ost half o f the su rface car and bus o p e ra to rs ; $ 2 . 7 5 or m o re fo r a fifth; and $ 2 . 25 to $ 2 . 50 fo r another fifth . A m ong o p ­e ra to rs o f e levated and subway equipm ent, n ea r ly th re e -fifth s had s ca le s o f $ 2 . 5 0 to $2 . 7 5 an hour. The n egotiated sca le w as at lea st $ 2 . 7 5 fo r sligh tly m o re than a fourth , and le s s than $ 2 . 50 fo r about a sixth (table 5).C ity A v e ra g e s

City a v e ra g e s , design ed to show cu rren t rate le v e ls , are a ffe cted not only by the w ide v aria tion in the le v e ls o f sca les w hich ex ist in the individual c it ie s but a lso by varia tion s in the p rop ortion s o f union m e m b e rs at each o f the graduated s ca le s w ithin c it ie s . T hese d iffe re n ce s are r e fle c te d in the w eighting of individual ra tes by the num ber o f m e m b e rs at each rate . T h e re fo r e , even though a ll ra tes in two areas m ay be id en tica l, the av era g es fo r the two a rea s m ay d iffe r .

Betw een July 1, 1961, and July 1, 1962,h ourly ra tes in cre a se d in 48 o f the 53 c it ie s included in the su rvey . The in cre a se v a r ied fr o m 1 cent in D es M oines to 22 cents for som e m otorm en on tw o-m an ca rs in P h il­adelphia. A dvan ces w e re 9 cents in about 1 o f ev e ry 6 c it ie s , and at lea st 10 cents for a ll or som e o p e ra to rs in 3 o f e v e ry 10. In­c r e a s e s o f 5, 6, and 8 cents w ere each r e ­ported fo r ap p rox im a te ly 1 o f e v e ry 10 c it ie s .

A m ong the c i t i e s su rveyed , av erage h ourly s ca le s v a r ie d fr o m $ 1. 70 in K noxville to $ 2 . 7 7 in B oston . S ca les av erag ed b e ­tween $2 and $ 2 . 2 5 in 9 c it ie s , $ 2 . 2 5 and $ 2 . 5 0 in 21, and in e x ce s s o f $ 2 . 5 0 an hour in 18 oth ers (table 6).

Standard W orkw eekS tra igh t-tim e w eek ly sch edu les w e re r e ­

p orted fo r su rface equipm ent op era tor s in 48 o f the 53 c it ie s studied. Such w eek ly sch edu les w ere ap p licab le to a ll but 6 p ercen t o f the car and bus o p e ra to rs included in the study. N e g o ­tiated standard w ork w eek s w e r e ' redu ced 2 hours in three c it ie s and 8 hours in another. T hese changes resu lted in a sligh t d ec lin e in the average s tra ig h t-tim e w eek , 40. 5 hours com p a red w ith 4 0 . 6 on July 1, 1961.

The m ost p reva len t w ork w eek con s is ted o f 40 hours and w as in e ffe ct in tw o -th ird s o f the c it ie s studied. F iv e -s ix th s o f the s u r ­face car and bus o p e ra to rs had such sch ed u les . A ll operating em p lo y e e s on elevated a n d subway equipm ent had a 4 0 -h our stra ig h t-tim e w ork w eek (tables 7 and 8).

H ealth, In su ran ce , and P en sion P lansL a b o r-m a n a g e m e n ta g re e m e n ts containing

p ro v is io n s fo r one or m o re health, in su ran ce , and pen sion plans a ffe cted 95 p ercen t o f the lo c a l-t ra n s it operating e m p loyees in the B u reau 's su rvey . 4 Health and in su ran ce plans en tire ly financed by em p loyer contribution s w ere stipulated in con tra cts ap p licab le to th ree -ten th s o f the o p e ra to rs on su rface ca rs and bu ses and sev en -e igh ts o f those on e le ­vated and subway c a r s . P en sion plans s im ­ila r ly fin an ced w ere p rov id ed in agreem en ts fo r tw o -fifth s o f the o p e ra to rs o f su rface equipm ent and tw o -th ird s o f those on elevated and subway equipm ent.

Union S ca les by City

T able 8 p resen ts the union w age s ca le s in e ffe ct on July 1, 1961, and July 1, 1962,in each o f the 53 c it ie s su rveyed . W eek ly hours are a lso shown for c it ie s fo r w h ich a regu lar stra ig h t-tim e w ork w eek w as rep orted .

4 The p reva len ce o f n egotiated health, in ­su ra n ce , and pen sion p ro g ra m s fo r lo c a l - tran sit operating e m p loyees w as f ir s t studied in 1954. In form ation fo r these plans w as r e s tr ic te d to those financed en tire ly or in part by the e m p loy er . P lans fin an ced by w o rk e rs through union dues or a sse ssm e n ts w e re e x ­cluded fr o m the study. No attem pt w as m ade to secu re in form ation on the kind and extent o f ben efits p rov id ed or on the expenditures fo r such ben efits .

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T A B L E 1. In dexes o f un ion h o u r ly w age ra te s o f lo c a l - t r a n is t op era tin g e m p lo y e e s , 1929—62

(1 9 5 7 -5 9 - 100)

1929: M ay 15 . . .1930: M ay 15 . . .1931: M ay 15 . . .1932: M ay 15 . . .1933: M ay 15 . . .


32.733.033.0 32.4


C ) 1948:

July 1 July 1 July 1 O ct. 1 O ct. 1

1934: M ay 15 .1935: M ay 15 .1936: M ay 15 .1937: M ay 15 .1938: June 1 . .

1939: June 1 1940: June 1 1941: June 1 1942: July 1 1943: July 1

31.532.6 32.934.535.5



35.736.1 37.540.242.8



O ct. 1 O ct. 1 O ct. 1 O ct. 1 July 1

July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1July 1 July 1 Ju ly 1 July 1

Date Index

43.143.651.157.763.566.169.273.8 79.3 81.1


1 0 0 .6

104.4108.4112.5 117.1

1 In fo rm a tio n not a v a ila b le .

T A B L E 2. A v e r a g e un ion h o u r ly w age ra te s o f lo c a l - t r a n s it o p era tin g e m p lo y e e s , Ju ly 1, in c r e a s e s in r a te s , July 1, 1961—July 1, 1962

19 6 2 , and

C la s s if ic a t io n July 1, 1962 h o u r ly ra te

In cre a se o v e r July 1, 1961

P e r c e n t C en ts p er hour

A ll lo c a l - t r a n s i t op era tin g e m p lo y e e s _______________________ $ 2 .5 5 4.1 10.0

O p e ra to rs o f s u r fa ce c a r s and b u se s ________________________ $ 2 .5 4 4.0 9 .8E lev a ted and subw ay o p e r a to r s _______________________________ 2 .69 4.7 1 2 .1

T A B L E 3. P e r c e n t ch a n ges in un ion w age ra te s and p e rce n t o f lo c a l - t r a n s i t op era tin g e m p lo y e e s a ffe c te d ,July 1, 1961—July 1, 1962

P e r c e n t o f----

C h an ges in h o u r ly ra te s A llw o r k e r s

O p e ra to rs o f s u r fa ce c a r s

and b u ses

E lev ated and subw ay o p e r a to r s

No change _________________________________________________________ 3.6 3.9In cre a se ___________________________________________________________ 96.4 96.1 100.0

U nder 2 p e rce n t ______________________________________________ .6 .7 .

2 and under 3 p e rce n t _______________________________________ 8.2 9.1 -3 and under 4 p e rce n t _______________________________________ 29.1 28.8 32.04 and under 5 p e rce n t _______________________________________ 14.5 16.0 .85 and under 6 p e rce n t __ _____________________________________ 25.9 24.4 40 .36 and under 7 p e rce n t ------------------------------------------------------------- 12.5 1 1 .0 26.87 and u n d e r '8 p e rce n t _______________________________________ 4 .2 4 .7 -8 p e rce n t and o v e r ___________________________ _______________ 1.3 1.5

N O TE : B e ca u se o f rou n d in g , su m s o f in d iv id u a l p e rce n ta g e s m a y not equal to ta ls .

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T A B L E 4. C e n ts -p e r -h o u r ch an ges in union w age ra te s and p e rce n t o f lo c a l - t r a n s i t o p era tin g e m p lo y e e s a ffe c te d ,July 1, 1 9 6 1 -July 1, 1962

C hanges in h o u r ly ra tes

P e r c e n t o f—

A llw o rk e rs

O p e ra to rs o f s u r fa c e c a r s

and b u ses

E lev ated and subw ay o p e r a to r s

No change _________________________________________________________ 3.6 3.9In cre a se ___________________________________________________________ 96.4 96.1 100.0

U nder 5 cen ts _________________________________________________ 3.0 3.3 _5 and u nder 6 cen ts _________________________________________ 4 .8 5.4 -6 and u nder 7 cen ts _________________________________________ 8 .3 9.2 -7 and u nder 8 cen ts _________________________________________ 7.3 5 .4 25.98 and u nder 9 cen ts _________________________________________ 4.9 5.4 -9 and under 10 cen ts _________________________________________ 21.4 22.9 7.010 and under 11 cen ts _______________________________________ 3.6 3.9 -11 and under 12 cen ts _______________________________________ 1.6 1.8 -12 and under 13 cen ts _______________________________________ 9.5 8.6 18.213 and under 14 cen ts _______________________________________ 13.7 12 .8 2 2 .114 and under 15 cen ts _______________________________________ 7.6 8 .4 -15 and u nder 16 cen ts _______________________________________ 5.0 5.4 1 .216 cen ts and o v e r ____________________________________________ 5.8 3.7 25.6

N O TE : B e ca u se o f rou n d in g, su m s o f in d iv id u a l p e rce n ta g e s m a y not equ al to ta ls .

T A B L E 5. D is tr ib u tio n o f union op era tin g e m p lo y e e s in the lo c a l - t r a n s it in d u stry by h o u r ly w age r a te s , July 1, 1962

P e r c e n t o f—

H ou rly w age ra tes A llw o r k e r s

O p e ra to rs o f s u r fa c e c a r s

and b u se s

E lev ated and subw ay o p e r a to r s

TTriH -r $ l on _ ... 2.0 2 .2$ 1 , QO and nnrlpr $ 1 , Q =1 _ .5 .5$ 1 QR and under $ ?. 00 .7 .8^ 7 .00 and nnHftr 5(1?,.OS .6 .6<(1 ? . 0 S a nr! nnHpr 5(17.10 1.9 2 .1$ 2 .1 0 and under $ 2 .1 5 _____________________________________ 1.6 1.7$ 7 .1 5 nd n nrf e r $ 7 r 7 0 _ _ _ _ __ _______ .5 .6*)1 7 70 anH nnHpr 5(1 7 .7 S ............. 2.7 2.9 _$ 2 ,2 5 and lender $?.,30 8.0 8.8 .<(;?._ SO anH nndftr 5fl 7. SS ______ 1.7 1.9 _$ 2 .3 5 and under $ 2 .4 0 . . . . . . . . . . 4. 9 5. 3 0. 45(17.40 and nnHpr 5(1 7 .4S .... _______ 2 .2 2 .1 3.0$ ? ,4 5 and under $?. .SO . .......... . 2.8 1.9 11.9 7 SO and nnHftr 5(17 SS __ 6.0 6.5 .5

5fl 7 T S S a nd i i nd ft r 5fl ?. T A 0 .. _ _ ________ 14.0 1 2 .1 32.0<(i 7 n0 and nndpr 1? AS 7.5 7.5 7.95(17, AS and nndftr 5(1 ?,.70 _ _______ 10.8 10.4 14.7$ 7 r70 and nndftr 5p7.7S __ ______ 9 .2 10.0 2 .1$ 2 .75 and under $ 2 .80 _____________________________________ 12.5 13.7 .6$ 2 .8 0 and under $ 2 .8 5 _________________________________________$ 7. RS and ovftr _ _ _________


8 .1.1

1 .225.6

N O TE : B e ca u se o f rou n d in g, su m s o f in d iv id u a l p e rce n ta g e s m ay not equ a l 100.

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T A B L E 6. A v e ra g e un ion h o u r ly w age ra te s o f lo c a l - t r a n s it op era tin g e m p lo y e e s b y c ity , July 1, 1962

A tlanta , Ga ______B a lt im o re , Md B irm in g h a m , A laB oston , M a ss ___B u ffa lo , N .Y ____

C ityA v e ra g eh o u rly C ity

A v e ra g eh o u r ly


$ 2 .2 62.492.142.772.41

M em p h is , T enn _____________M ilw au k ee , W is _____________M in n ea p olis—St. P au l, M innN ew ark , N .J _________________New H aven , C onn ___________


ra te

2 .252.662.652.662.51

C h a rlo tte , N .C .C h ica g o , 111 ____C in cin n a ti, O hio C lev e la n d , O hio C o lu m b u s , O hio


N ew O r le a n s , L a ___New Y ork , N .Y _____O klahom a C ity , O klaO m aha, N ebr _______P e o r ia , 111 ___________

D a lla s , T e x _____D ayton , O hio _____D e n v e r , C o lo ____D es M oin es , Iow a D e tr o it , M ich ____

E r ie , Pa ____________G rand R a p id s , M ichH ou ston , T e x _______In d ia n a po lis , Ind ___J a ck s o n v ille , F l a __

K an sas C ity , M o ______K n o x v ille , T enn _______L ittle R o ck , A rk ______L o s A n g e le s , C a li f ____L o u is v ille , K y _________


2.272 . 1 02.27 2.37 2.08


P h ila de lph ia , Pa _______P ittsb u rgh , P a _________P ortla n d , O reg _________P r o v id e n c e , R .I ________R ich m on d , V a __________

R o c h e s te r , N .Y ________St. L o u is , M o ___________Salt Lake C ity , Utah __San A n ton io , T e x ______San D ie g o , C a li f _______

San F r a n c is c o —O akland,S cran ton , Pa ____________S eattle , W ash ___________Spokane, W ash _________S p rin g fie ld , M a ss _____

S y ra cu s e , N .Y __________T o le d o , O h io ____________W ashington , D .C _______

C a lif

2.48 2.73 1.92 2.36 2 .23

2 .542.682.49 2.26 2.06

2.38 2.57 2 .03 2 .08 2.61


2.382.39 2.64

T A B L E 7. D is tr ib u tio n o f u n ion lo c a l - t r a n s i t o p era tin g e m p lo y e e s b y stan dard w e e k ly h o u rs , July 1, 1962

W eek ly h ou rs A llw o r k e r s

O p e ra to rs o f s u r fa ce c a r s

and b u ses

E lev a ted and subw ay o p e r a to r s

A v e ra g e w eek ly h ou rs __________________________________________ 40.5 40.5 40.0

T ota l re p o r tin g stan dard h ou rs _______________________________ 94.8 94.3 100.040 h ou rs _______________________________________________________ 85.1 83.5 100.0O v er 40 and under 44 h ou rs ________________________________ 2.7 2.9 -44 h ou rs _______________________________________________________ 4 .3 4.7 -O v er 44 and under 48 h ou rs _______________________________ .8 .9 -48 h ou rs _______________________________________________________ 1.4 1.6 -51 h ou rs _______________________________________________________ .5 .6 -

P e r c e n t r e p o r tin g no standard h ou rs ________________________ 5.2 5.7

N O TE : B e ca u se o f rou n d in g, su m s o f in d iv id u a l p e rce n ta g e s m ay not equal to ta ls .

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T A B L E 8. Union s ca le s o f w ages and hours fo r lo c a l-tr a n s it operating e m p loy ees , July 1, 1961, and July 1, 1962

(H ours are the sam e fo r both y ea rs un less oth erw ise indicated)

C ity and c la s s ific a t io n

July 1, 1961 July 1, 1962

C ity and c la s s if ic a t io n

July 1, 1961 July 1, 1962












B uses and tr o lle y coa ch es : B uses and tr o lle y co a ch e s :$ 2 .0 7 0 $ 2 .1 6 0 _ F irs t 6 m onths $ 2. 140 $ 2 .2 5 0 40

2. 130 2 . 220 7—1 7. m onths 2 . 190 2. 300 402. 170 2 . 260 1 3—1 ft m onths 2. 240 2. 350 40

19—24 m onths ____________________________________ 2 . 290 2 .4 0 0 40A fter 2 y ea rs ____________________________________ 2. 340 2. 450 40


1 -m a n ca rs and bu ses:F ir s t 6 m onths ____________________________________ 2. 300 2. 400 40 B uses and tr o lle y co a ch e s :

2. 350 2. 450 40 F irs t 3 months 2. 470 2. 540 442. 400 2. 50Q 40 4—1 7. m onths ............. 2. 500 2. 570 44

A fter 1 y ea r _______________________ ________ __ 2. 520 2. 590 44R apid tran sit— Trainm en :

BIRMINGHAM, A L A . F irs t 3 m onths _______ _____ ___________________ 2. 370 2. 440 444—12 m onths _ ___________________________ ;___ — 2 .4 0 0 2. 470 44

B uses and tr o lle y co a ch e s : A fter 1 y ea r _______________________________ ;_____ 2. 420 2. 490 44F ir s t 6 m onths ____________________________________ 2 . 010 2 . 100 2 427—12 m onths ________ ____________________________ 2. 030 2 . 120 2 42 COLUM BU S, OHIOA fter 1 yea r _________ _______________________ __ 2 . 060 2. 150 2 42

B uses and tr o lle y coa ch es :F irs t 26 w eeks _____________ ___________________ 2. 420 2. 470 40

BOSTON, MASS. A fter 26 w eeks __________________________________ 2. 470 2. 520 40

1 -m a n c a rs and bu ses: D A L L A S, T E X .F ir s t 3 m onths ____________________________________ 2. 395 2. 485 404—6 m onths _______________________________ ___ _____ 2. 515 2. 605 40 B uses and tr o lle y coa ch es :

2. 550 2. 640 40 Fi rst yea r 2. 070 2. 1402. 598 2 . 688 40 A fter 1 year 2 . 150 2 . 220

A fter 1 yea r ____________ ________________________ 2. 695 2. 785 40P .C .C . su r fa ce lin es o p e ra to rs : DAYTO N , OHIO

F ir s t 3 m onths ____________________________________ 2. 515 2. 605 404—6 m onths ________________________________________ 2. 638 2. 728 40 Buses:7—9 m onths ________________________________________ 2. 670 2. 760 40 F irs t 6 m onths __________________________________ 2 . 200 2 . 290 40

2. 715 2. 805 40 7—12 m onths 2. 250 2. 340 40A fter 1 y ea r ______________________________________ 2. 813 2. 903 40 2. 300 2. 390 40

Rapid tran sit lin es:G uards: DEN VER, COLO.

F ir s t 3 m onths ___________________ ___ ______ 2. 273 2. 363 404—6 m onths _____________________________________ 2. 395 2 .4 8 5 40 B uses and tr o lle y co a ch e s :7—Q m onths 2. 433 2. 523 40 F i r s t 3 m o n th s 2 . 160 2 . 280 4010—12 m onths ..................... . 2. 478 2. 568 40 4—12 m o n th s _ ... 2. 170 2 . 290 40A fter 1 y ea r _ _ _ 2. 578 2 . 668 40 13—18 m onths ___ 2 . 180 2. 300 40

M otorm en : 19—24 m onths 2 . 190 2. 310 40R o a d ....................................... 2. 638 2. 728 40 A ft e r 7. y e a r s 2 . 200 2. 320 40Y ard ____________________________________________ 2. 695 2. 785 40

P la tfo rm m en: DES MOINES, IOW AW ard ers _______________________________________ 2. 418 2. 508 40G atem en _______________________________________ 2 .4 7 8 2. 568 40 B uses:

F irs t 3 m onths __________________________________ 2. 270 2 . 280 40B U F F A L O , N. Y. 4^12 m onths . __________ ______________________ 2. 300 2. 310 40

A fter 12 m onths ________________________________ 2. 350 2. 360 40B uses:

F ir s t 3 m onths ____________________________________ 2. 300 2. 360 40 D E TR O IT, MICH.4—12 m onths -------- ------------------------------------------ — 2. 330 2. 390 40A fter 1 y ea r ______________________________________ 2. 350 2 .4 1 0 40 B uses:

F irs t 6 m onths 2. 410 2. 475 407—12 m onths _ __________________________________ 2. 460 2. 525 40

C H A R L O T T E , N . C . A fter 1 y ea r ______________________ ____________ 2. 510 2. 575 40Night buses __________________________________ 2 . 610 2. 675 40

B u ses:F ir s t 2 m onths ____________________ ______________ 1.650 1.710 - ER IE , P A .3—6 m onths ________________________________________ 1 .700 1.760 -A fter 6 m onths ____________________________________ 1 .750 1.810 - B uses:

F irs t 6 m onths __________________________________ 2. 140 2 . 210 407—12 m onths ___________________ _______________ 2 . 210 2 . 280 40

CHICAGO, IL L . A fter 1 year _ __________________________________ 2. 240 2. 310 40

B uses: GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.F ir s t 3 m onths _____________________ _____________ 2 . 620 2. 710 404—12 m onths _________________________________ ___ 2. 650 2. 740 40 Bus e s :A fter 1 year: F irs t 3 m onths ... . 1 . 960 2 . 000 48

Da y s 2. 670 2. 760 40 4—1 7. m o n th s 2 . 010 2. 050 48N ig h ts ----h e f o r e 7. a . m . 2. 700 2. 790 40 A ft e r 1 yea r _ ........ 2 . 060 2 . 100 48Nights— a fter 2 a .m . ________________________ 2. 720 2 . 810 40

E lev ated and subway ra ilw ays: HOUSTON, T E X .M otorm en (reg u la r) ______________________________ 2. 576 2. 651 40M otorm en (extra ): B uses:

F i r s t 3 m o n th s ............ 2. 522 2. 597 40 F irs t 3 m onths .... .......... 2 . 090 2 . 190 421 /24—1 2 m onths . .. 2. 531 2 . 606 40 4—9 months 2 . 120 2 . 220 421/zA ft e r 1 y e a r .................................. 2. 576 2. 651 40 1 0—1 5 months .. . 2 . 150 2. 250 42V 2

C o n d u c t o r s ( r e g u la r ) 2. 531 2 . 606 40 A ft e r 1 5 m o n th s 2 . 180 2 . 280 42V ZC on du ctors (extra ):

F ir s t yea r _________________________ __________ 2. 513 2. 588 40 INDIANAPOLIS, IND.A fter 1 year ______________________________ ___ 2. 531 2 . 606 40

G uards (extra ): B uses and tr o lle y coa ch es :F ir s t 3 m onths ________________________________ 2 .4 8 5 2. 560 40 F irs t year _______________________________________ 2 . 220 2. 300 404—12 m o n th s . 2. 495 2. 570 40 1—2 y e a r s ...... 2. 240 2. 320 40A ft e r 1 y e a r 2. 504 2 . 579 40 A ft e r 2 y e a r s 2 . 290 2. 370 40

See footn otes at end o f table .

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T A B L E 8. Union s ca le s o f w ages

City and c la s s ifica t io n


B uses :F ir s t 3 m onths ___________________4—6 m onths ------------------------------------A fter 6 m onths ___________________


B u s e s :F irs t 4 m onths -------------------------------5—8 m onths ________________________9—12 m onths ------------------------------------A fter 1 y e a r ------------------------------------


B u s e s :F ir s t y e a r ----------------------------------------Second y ea r -------------------------------------A fter 2 y e a rs ______________________

L IT T L E ROCK, ARK.B u s e s :

F irs t 6 m onths ----------------------------------7—12 m onths ---------------------------------------13—18 m onths ------------------------------------A fter 18 m onths _____________________


1 -m an ca rs and b u s e s :F ir s t 6 m onths _____________________A fter 6 m onths ----------------------------------


B u s e s :F ir s t 3 m onths -------4—6 m onths --------------7—12 m onths ________A fter 1 y e a r -------------

M EM PHIS, TENN. B uses and tro lle y co a ch e s :

D r iv e rs ___________________________


B u s e s :F irs t y e a r


B u s e s :F irs t 9 m onths ___________________________________10—18 m onths ---------------------------------------------------------A fter 18 m onths -----------------------------------------------------


1 -m an c a rs and b u se s :F ir s t 6 m onths ___________________________________

A fter 1 y e a r ------------------------------------------------------------Subw ay:

M otorm en :F ir s t 6 m onths -------------------------------------------------7—12 m onths ___________________________________A fter 1 y e a r ___________________________________

P la tform m en ---------- ----------------------------------------------


B uses :F ir s t 3 m onths -------------------------------4—12 m onths ------------------------------------A fter 1 y ea r ------------------------------------


1 - m an ca rs and b u se s :F irs t 6 m onths ------.------------------------7—12 m onths ------------------------------------A fter 1 y ea r ------------------------------------

2 - m an c a r s :F irs t 6 m onths -------------------------------7—12 m onths ------------------------------------A fter 1 y e a r ------------------------------------

and hours fo r lo c a l-tr a n s it operating e m p loy ees , July 1, 1961, and July 1, 1962— Continued

July 1, 1961

July 1, 1962 July 1, 1961

July 1, 1962



Hours per

w eek1

City and c la s s if ic a t io n Rateperhour






B uses :$ 1 .830 $ 1 .980 3 40 Avenue B and E ast B roadw ay

1 . 880 2. 030 3 40 T ran sit C o :1. 930 2 . 080 3 40 F ir s t 6 m onths ______________________________ $ 2 . 180 $ 2 . 300 40

7—12 m onths ----------------------------------------------------- 2 . 260 2. 380 4013—24 m onths ________________________________ 2. 330 2. 450 40A fter 2 y e a rs -------------------------------------------------- 2. 465 2. 585 40

B rook lyn Bus D iv is io n ; B rook lyn2. 215 4 2. 215 40 D iv is ion No. 2; Manhattan Bus2. 235 4 2. 235 40 D iv is io n :2. 255 4 2 .2 5 5 40 F ir s t 6 m onths ______________________________ 2. 400 2. 530 402. 270 4 2 .270 40 7—12 m onths ----------------------------------------------------- 2. 530 2. 670 40

A fter 1 y e a r ----------------------------------------------------- 2. 663 2 . 810 40Queens Bus D iv is ion :

F ir s t 6 m onths ------------------------------------------------ 2. 400 2. 500 407—12 m onths ----------------------------------------------------- 2. 530 2. 630 40

1 . 600 1.600 48 A fter 1 y e a r __________________________________ 2. 663 2 .7 3 0 401.650 1. 650 48 F ifth A venue C oach :1. 700 1. 700 48 F ir s t 6 m onths _______________________________ 2. 270 2. 400 40

7—12 m onths __________________________________ 2. 390 2. 520 4013—24 m onths -------------------------------------------------- 2. 450 2. 580 40A fter 2 y e a rs -------------------------------------------------- 2. 570 2. 700 40

1. 720 1. 720 51 G reen L in e s :F ir s t 6 m onths ------------------------------------------------ 2. 430 2. 520 40

! ' nin j? i 7—12 m onths ----------------------------------------------------- 2. 480 2. 570 40l 97 n 13—18 m onths ________________________________ 2. 550 2. 640 401. 870 1. 870 51 A fter 18 m onths ______________________________ 2. 710 2 . 800 40

Ja m a ica B u ses, Inc. :F ir s t 6 m onths ------------------------------------------------ 2. 235 2. 365 407—12 m onths __________________________________ 2. 315 2. 445 40

” " in 2. k ?n . 1 3—18 m onths ________________________________ 2. 385 2. 515 40' A fter 18 m onths ________ ___________________ 2. 520 2. 650 40* Manhattan—B ron x S u rface

A uthority :F ir s t 6 m onths ------------------------------------------------ 2. 270 2. 400 407—12 m onths ----------------------------------------------------- 2. 390 2. 520 40

2 . 060 2. 140 40 13—24 m onths -------------------------------------------------- 2. 450 2. 580 402. 140 2 . 220 40 A fter 2 y e a r s -------------------------------------------------- 2. 570 2. 700 402 . 190 2. 270 40 Queens T ran sit C orp . :2 . 210 2 . 290 40 F ir s t 6 m onths ______ _______________________ 2. 205 2. 335 40

7—12 m onths ----------------------------------------------------- 2. 285 2. 415 4013—18 m onths ________________________________ 2. 355 2. 485 4019—24 m onths -------------------------------------------------- 2. 425 2. 555 40A fter 2 y e a rs ________________________________ 2. 495 2. 625 40

2 . 190 2.250 40 Schenck T ra n sport C o. :F ir s t 9 m onths ------------------------------------------------ 2 . 080 2 . 210 4010—18 m onths ________________________________ 2. 140 2. 270 40A fter 18 m onths ______________________________ 2. 350 2. 480 40

Steinway T ran sit C orp . :2. 530 2 . 620 40 F ir s t 6 m onths ________________ ____________ 2. 205 2. 335 402. 570 2 . 660 40 7—1Z m onths __________________________________ 2. 285 2 .4 1 5 40

13—18 m onths -------------------------------------------------- 2. 355 2. 485 4019—24 m onths ________________________________ 2. 425 2. 555 40A fter 2 y e a rs -------------------------------------------------- 2. 495 2. 625 40

S u rface T ra n s it:2. 540 2. 590 40 F ir s t 6 m onths -------------------------- ------------------- 2. 045 2. 175 402. 570 2 . 620 40 7—12 m onths ----------------------------------------------------- 2 . 220 2. 350 402 . 610 2 .660 40 13—18 m onths ________________________________ 2. 320 2. 450 40

A fter 18 m onths ---------------------------------------------- 2 .4 9 5 2. 625 40T r i-B o r o C oach C orp . :

F ir s t 12 m onths ______________________________ 2 . 220 2. 350 4013—18 m onths ________________________________ 2. 410 2. 540 40

2. 350 2. 480 40 A fter 18 m onths ---------------------------------------------- 2. 520 2. 650 402. 440 2. 570 40 Subw ay:2. 540 2. 670 40 C o n d u cto rs :

F ir s t p osition :F ir s t y e a r ________________________________ 2, 400 2. 528 40

2. 350 2. 480 40 A fter 1 y e a r ------------------------------------------------ 2. 462 2. 593 402 .4 4 0 2. 570 40 S econd p osit ion ------------------------------------------------ 2. 352 2 .4 7 8 402. 540 2. 670 40 M otorm en :2. 540 2. 670 40 Road :

F ir s t y e a r ________________________________ 2 . 802 2. 965 40A fter 1 y e a r _______________________________ 2. 867 3. 033 40

Y a rd :F irs t y ea r -------------------------------------------------- 2. 672 2. 830 40

2. 380 2. 440 40 A fter 1 y e a r ------------------------------------------------ 2. 735 2. 895 402 .410 2. 470 40 P la tform m en :2. 450 2. 510 40 F ir s t y e a r ____________________________________ 2 . 262 2. 383 40

A fter 1 y ea r ----------------------------------------------------- 2. 300 2 .4 2 3 40

2. 390 2 .440 40 OKLAH OM A C ITY , O KLA.2 .420 2. 470 402 .450 2. 500 40

1 -m an ca rs and b u se s :2. 320 2. 370 40 F irs t 6 m onths __________________________________ 1. 750 1 . 800 5 432. 350 2. 400 40 7—12 m onths ______________________________________ 1 . 800 1. 850 5 432. 380 2 .430 40 A fter 1 y ea r ______________________________________ 1 . 880 1. 930 5 43

See footn otes at end o f table.

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T A B L E 8. Union s ca le s o f w ages and hours fo r lo c a l-tr a n s it operatin g e m p lo y e e s , July 1, 1961, and July 1, 1962— Continued

City and c la s s ifica t io n

July 1, 1961

July 1, 1962

C ity and c la s s ifica t io n

July 1, 1961

July 1, 1962









w eek1


B uses: 1 -m an ca r s and bu ses:$ 2 .250 $ 2 .2 9 0 45 First. 6 m onths $ 2. 250 $ 2 .3 2 0 40

2 . 280 2. 320 45 7—12 m o n t h s __ ____ 2. 350 2. 470 402. 320 2. 360 45 A fter 12 m onths ..... .. . . . 2. 450 2. 570 40


B u ses:B u ses: F ir s t 6 m onths _ ______________________________ 1. 900 1 . 960 44

2. 130 2 . 190 44 A fter 6 m onths 1 . 980 2. 040 4410—18 m onths ______________ _____________________ 2. 150 2 . 210 44A fter 18 m onths ________________________________ 2. 170 2. 230 44 SAN ANTON IO, T E X .

B uses:P H ILA D E LPH IA , P A . F irs t 6 m onths ________________________ ____ __ 1 . 880 1 . 880 40

7—12 m onths 1. 960 1 . 960 4013—18 m onths ____________________________________ 2 . 020 2 . 020 40

1 -m an ca rs and bu ses: A fter 18 m onths ...... .. 2 . 100 2 . 100 40F ir s t 6 m onths _ ___________________ ___________ 2 . 280 2 .4 0 0 407—12 m onths ______________________________________ 2. 330 2 .4 5 0 40 SAN DIEGO, C A L IF .13—18 m onths _ _ __ _ 2. 380 2. 500 40A fter 18 m onths ________________________ 2 .4 3 0 2. 550 40 B u ses:

2 -m an ca rs : F ir s t 3 m onths __________________________________ 2 .4 2 0 2. 510 402 . 180 2. 300 40 4—12 m onths 2. 470 2. 560 402. 230 2. 300 40 T h erea fter 2. 520 2 .610 40

13—18 m onths ______ _________________________ 2 . 280 2 .4 0 0 40A fter 18 m onths (m otorm en only) _ ___________ 2. 330 2. 550 40 SAN FR A N C ISC O -O A K LA N D , C A L IF .A fter 18 m onths (con d u ctors ) ___ ___________ 2. 330 2. 500 40

E lev ated , h ig h -sp eed and subway lin es : San F ra n c is co :C on du ctors: B uses and tra ck le ss t r o lle y s , and cab le

F ir s t 6 m onths _______________________________ 2 . 180 2. 300 40 gripm en and con d u ctors ______________________ 2. 701 2. 797 407—18 m onths ____ __ _____ ________ _______ 2. 230 2 .4 0 0 40 Oakland:A fter 18 m onths __ _____ _____ ________ _ 2. 330 2 .4 5 0 40 B u ses:

O p era tors: F irs t 6 m onths ........ 2. 500 2. 640 40F ir s t 6 m onths 2 . 280 2 .4 0 0 40 A fter 6 m onths 2. 550 2 . 690 407—18 m onths _________________________ ___ 2. 330 2. 500 40A fter 18 m onths __ _________________________ 2 .430 2. 550 40


PITTSBU RG H , P A . B u ses:O p erators and extra m en _____________________ 1. 950 1. 950 40

1 -m an ca rs and bu ses: S E A T T L E , WASH.F ir s t 3 m onths ___________________________________ 2 .4 9 5 2. 555 404—12 m onths _______ _____________________ ____ 2. 585 2. 645 40 B u ses:A ft e r 1 y p a r 2. 640 2. 700 40 F ir s t 6 m onths ... . . . . . . 2. 515 2. 615

B u ses: A fter 6 m onths ___ 2. 580 2 . 680 -B rentw ood M otor C oach:

F ir s t 6 m onths ________________________ 2 . 190 2. 300 43 SPO K AN E, WASH.7—12 m onths ________________________________ _ 2 . 290 2 .4 0 0 43A fter 1 y ea r ______________ ___________ _____ 2 .4 1 0 2. 520 43 B u ses:

F ir s t 6 m onths . . ... .. 2. 070 2 . 120 -7—12 m onths 2 . 120 2. 170 -

P O R T L A N D , OREG. A fter 1 year 2. 170 2 . 220

B uses and tr o lle y co a ch e s : SPR IN G FIE LD , MASS.F irs t 3 m onths ________________________________ _ 2. 340 2 .4 2 0 404—6 m onths ____ _ ____ ______ 2. 365 2 .4 4 5 40 B u ses:7—1 7. m onths 2. 390 2 .4 7 0 40 F irs t 3 m onths . . . . 2 . 110 2. 150 40A ft e r 1 y p a r 2 .420 2. 500 40 4—12 m onths ....... . 2. 165 2. 205 40

A fter 1 yea r ..... . . . . ............ 2 . 210 2. 250 40


B u ses: 1 -m an ca rs and b u ses:F ir s t 3 m onths 2 . 100 2 . 210 40 F irs t 6 m onths 2 . 110 2 . 190 41 V44 —12 m onths ___ _____ 2. 130 2. 240 40 7—12 m onths 2 . 150 2. 230 41 V4A fter 1 y ea r 2. 150 2 . 260 40 A fter 1 yea r 2. 310 2. 390 4 l 7 4


B u ses: B uses:F ir s t 3 m onths ___ ______ 1 . 900 1. 980 6 44 F irs t 6 m onths 2. 250 2. 340 404—1 2 m onths ___ _______________ 1. 950 2. 030 6 44 7—12 m onths ........ 2. 270 2. 360 40A fter 1 year ... . _ . _. . 2 . 000 2 . 080 6 44 A fter 1 y ea r ...................... 2. 300 2. 390 40


B u ses: Bus op e ra to rs :F irs t 3 m onths _____________________ 2. 230 2. 230 40 F ir s t 3 m onths ... . ........ 2. 415 2. 565 404—1 2 m onths ..................... 2 . 290 2 . 290 40 4—12 m onths . . 2. 455 2. 605 40A fter 1 yea r _ __________ 2. 310 2. 390 40 A fter 1 y ea r _______ 2 .4 9 5 2 . 645 40

1 H ours p er w eek are shown on ly fo r those c it ie s that rep orted a regu lar w ork w eek a fter w hich p rem iu m o v e rtim e w as paid .2 4 4 -h ou r w orkw eek on Ju ly 1, 1961.3 4 8 -h ou r w orkw eek on July 1, 1961.4 T h is rate in e ffe ct p r io r to Ju ly 1, 1962; new sca le in n egotiation at tim e o f su rv ey .5 4 5 -h ou r w orkw eek on July 1, 1961.6 4 6 -h ou r w ork w eek on July 1, 1961.

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