Blok 1 Dan Blok 5

BLOK 1 3. The lowest level of knowledge must be achieved by graduate level is... a. syntesis b. analisis c. ... d. aplication 20. Active learning means ... a. students engages to their learning process b. students arrange own curriculum c. students dont need teacher d. students seek own their learning contents 24. key consept of constructivisme... a. students create mental schemes b. students create physical schemes c. single type of experience and data relating to a subject d. the boarder students schema less able to learn 37. critical thinking dalam PBL diutamakan pada proses... a. term clarification b. identify the problem c. analize the problem d. synthesis 40. small group activities outside classroom are also important in creating learning atmosphere. The reason is.... a. enchance learning interaction among students b. students can learn together in the same room without disturbing each other c. students can use the learning facilities together for efficiency d. small group discussion is the most effecting method in learning 41. communication and information technology is very important in creating global learning atmosphere, because...


Blok 1 Dan Blok 5 FK

Transcript of Blok 1 Dan Blok 5

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3. The lowest level of knowledge must be achieved by graduate level is...a. syntesisb. analisisc. ...d. aplication

20. Active learning means ...a. students engages to their learning processb. students arrange own curriculumc. students dont need teacherd. students seek own their learning contents

24. key consept of constructivisme...a. students create mental schemesb. students create physical schemesc. single type of experience and data relating to a subjectd. the boarder students schema less able to learn

37. critical thinking dalam PBL diutamakan pada proses...a. term clarificationb. identify the problemc. analize the problemd. synthesis

40. small group activities outside classroom are also important in creating learning atmosphere. The reason is....a. enchance learning interaction among studentsb. students can learn together in the same room without disturbing each otherc. students can use the learning facilities together for efficiencyd. small group discussion is the most effecting method in learning

41. communication and information technology is very important in creating global learning atmosphere, because...a. we need communication and information technology for learningb. communication and information technology develop more rapid than human intelegencec. artificial intelegence can replace human braind. communication and information technology creative integrated and network amount intelectual around the world

43. the most important thing that you need to support your learning atmposphere is...a. text book or journalb. note bookc. special room with all you need for learning

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d. nothing

55. why we have to effective reading...a. ...b...c. it it one type of is...d. there is a lot of written material to be studied in a short of time

60. Further dimension of in depth reading...a. spesific readingb. critical readingc. skim readingd. through reading

62. In 1936 olympics, a man competed as a women for nazy germany. The nazis obviously expected him to win simply because they are generally bigger,faster and stronger than women.They apparently overlooked the fact that there are big, fast, strong women and he came in fourth.Which of the suggested ttitle is correct for passage above...a. olympic scandalb. gender issuesc. man competies with women came in fourth placed. size and strength of men and women vary

77. the most essential ability to build clinical reasoning...a. building logical thinkingb. building knowledgec. have a lot of experienced. building critical thinking

79. I dropped an egg and it larded on my dog. The egg was boiled and it didnt crack open. This sentence was ineffective because a...a. not easy to readb. convincingc. has phrased. intriguing

84. “He only found to mistake” The statement incorrect due to...a. using modifierb. parallel reffractive constructionc. ...d. grammer

91. proffesional sign,except...a. greed

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b. should decisions makingc. conflict of interestd. impairment

103. if you teach to another you will...a. rememberb. understandc. acquire knowledged. acquire skill

113. The statement “neurons that fire together wire together” it means...a. thinking generate synapse grow upb. information are stored in neuronc. memory stored in grandmother celld. neuron insulated by glial cell

115. someone who has a good thinking process is not influence by changes in other...a. sensitizationb. reinforcementc. punishmentd. habituation

124. first step to make a good journal...a. interpretationb. analysisc. sinthesisd. evaluation

BLOK 52. protein yang menembus membran lipid dan berfungsi sebagai saluran bagit ransport difusi yg dipermudah adalah...a. protein periferb. protein integralc. protein globulard. protein transport

3. the connection between adjacent cells are called...a. carbohidrateb. cell junctionc. cell matrixd. cytofuslener

12. suatu sekuen DNA, yaitu ATGGGCTATCCA berubah menjadi ATGGGCTAACCA. Mutasi yang terjadi pada sekuen tsb adalah...

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a. silent mutationb. missense mutationc. nonsense mutationd. ORF mutation

15. intermediat....a. kromatinb. ...

17. most cells can not harnest heat in order to perform work because...a. heat is not a form of energyb. cells do not have much heat, they are relatively coldc. temperature is usually uniform throughout a celld. there are no mechanisms in nature that can use heat to do work

20. final electron acceptor of electron transport chain that functions in oxidative phosporylation is...a. oxygenb. waterc. pyruvatd. NAD+

21. in mitochondria, exergonic redox reactins...a. are the source of energy driving prokaryotic ATP synthesisb. are directly coupled to substrate-level phosporylationc. provide the energy to establish the proton gradientd. reduse c atoms to c oxide

23. the immediate energy source that Atp synthesis for oxidative phosforilation is...a.b.c.d. the difference of H+ concentrate of the opposite side in the inner of membran mitochondria

24. genetic dissease caused by abnormal number of chromosomes is...a. cry-du-catb. down syndromec. hemophiliad. thalasemia

25. if a sperm with extra chromosome fertilizes an egg with normal chromosome, number the resulting zygote will be...a. aneuploidyb. monosomyc. trisomy

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d. poliploidy

26. people with extracopy of the x chromosome is...a. turnerb. downc. klinefelterd. edward

31. a chromosome abnormality caused by rearrengement of part between nonhomologs chromosomes is...a. chromosome inversionb. chromosome duplicationc. chromosome translocationd. chromosome deletion

37. in x-linked dominan cause faulty gen in...a. only maleb. only femalec. female and maled. female just carrier

41. gen yg berpengaruh pada lebih dari 1 fenotip...a. lethal geneb. pleitropic genec. epistasisd. kodominan

47. genetic autosomal disorder, a recessive disordeer that occurs in about 1 of 10000 people, a defective gene on chromosome 12 is responsible...a. cystic fibrosisb. phenyll ketonuriac. angelmans syndromed. huntingtons syndrome

50. a heritable disorders caused by imbalances the globin. The frequency in palembang, south sumatra is 10%....a. beta thalasemiab. sickle cell anemiac. ...d. hemofilia

55. during RNA synthesis the DNA template sequence 5 TAGCTG 3 would be transcribed to produce which of the following RNA sequence...a. 5’ CAGCUA 3’b. 5’ ATCGAC 3’c. 5’ UAGCUG 3’

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d. 5’ CAGCTA 3’

56. the base composition of simples of genomic DNA from several different animals given below. For one sample, you determine the composition of G to be 29,5%. Which of the sample is likely to come for the same spesies?a. 26,7% Cb. 22,5% Ac. 29,5% Td. 20,5% A

57. function of sacroplasmic reticulum is...a. to process and package macromoleculeb. to digest food particle, virus, bacteriac. to build various proteind. to storage of calcium ion

59. why additional poly A tail one eukariot mRNA importanta. ..... degradation

60. what are introns...a. coding regions of DNAb. non coding regions of DNAc. a type of proteind. type of RNA

62. a cell biology student has just isolated a cell with a strong cell walls. The cell is 100 mmikrometer in length. The cell’s DNA is covered with histones. The cell has many internal organelles including one which has green thylakoid membranes. The students has isolated a (an)...a. plant cellb. yeast cellc. fungus celld. bacterium

64. there are five kingdoms of living organisms (monera,protista,fungi,plantae,animalia). Which characteristics differenciate bacteria from other kingdoms...a. possession of a cellulosa cell wallb. possession nucleoidc. possession chloroplastsd. possession a plasma membrane 68. during the s phase of the cell cycle, the cell undergoes one of the following processes...a. produce protein for DNA synthesisb. the spliting apart into 2 daughter cellsc. replication of its DNA that allows the cell to divide into 2 daughter cells

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d. growth and protein synthesis prior to cell divisions

72. apoptosis is program cell death, which...a. is involved in organogenesis affect scatter individual cellb. never respons to amnormal stimulic. chromatin become cocusd. the cells become increase in size

76. yang membedakan asam amino dgn yg lain adalah...a. central A sideb. alfa carboxyl sidec. alfa amino sided. side group

77. setiap asam amino memiliki gugus R (ranrai samping). Asam amino yang termasuk gugus carboxyl adalah...a. asparagineb. methioninc. glisind. ...

78. vasopressin, terdiri dari 9 asam amino, tergolong...a. monopeptidab. dipeptidac. tripeptidad. oligosakaridae. protein

79. protein can be hydrolized by...a. RNAseb. DNAsec. proteased. hydrolase

82. the levels of protein structure are classified into primary structure, secondary structure,tertiary structure and quartenery structure. The most common post translational protein activation are finished on...a. primary structureb. secondary structurec. tertiary structured. quartenary structure

85. enzyme that cut DNA...a. DNA ligaseb. DNA polimerasec. restriction enzyme

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d. reverse trancriptase

92. jika sel hewan atau tumbuhan dipisahkan dari jaringan asalnya, maka ia akan (grow) jika kondisi dan nutrisi nya sesuai 99. lipoprotein is.... a proteina. ...b. ...c. structurald. transport

102. chromatography gas can be used to analyze the different of fatty acid between...a. saturated-unsaturatedb. cis-transc. the amount of atom cd. the amout of atom c

103. streptomycin is...a. disacharideb. polisacharidec. amino sugard. glucosidal

104. lecithin as a prevention of lung physiology disorder in a baby (RDS) is...a. glucolipidb. phospo lipidc. lipoproteind. polypeptide

105. the following is lipoprotein that contains mostly cholesterol ester...a. kilomikronb. VLDLc. LDLd. HDL

106. insulin is a type of....proteina. fibrousb. structuralc. lipoproteind. globular

107. organelles can be identified with the microscope...a. lightb. fluorescentc. electrond. phase contract

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108. which of the following is the organelle that is not resident in the endoplasmic reticulum but it can bind to ER once it begins to synthesize a proteina. lysosomeb. mitochondriac. vesicled. ribosome

109. which of the following is the organelle that store food, water and waste...a. lysosomeb. ribosomec. centrioled. vacuole

110. this organelle type is located in neuron and store neurotransmitter. What’s this organelle’s name...a. vacuoleb. vesiclec. golgid. lysosome

111. organela yg mempunyai peranan penting dalam proses metabolisme heme synthesis dan sterois synthesis adalah...a. golgi pirantib. mitochondrionc. lysosomed. centriole

121. berikut ini penyakit yang diakibatkan mutasi skala besar berupa translokasi dari kromosom...a. sindrom downb. NHLc. autismd. turner sindrom

124. mutasi yg menyebabkan terbentuk molekul baru dan abnormal merupakan mutasi yg menunjukkan ciri fenotip...a. resensib. dominanc. carrierd. tdk jelas

125. sutu mutasi memiliki ciri : errors in amino acids sequence of protein, alter 3D structure (active site), alter protein function(partialy or completely non functional protein). Berdasarkan ciri mutasi tsb maka lokasi mutasi adalah di...a. promoter

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b. intronc. exond. RNA

131. urutan pembuatan DNA rekombinan yg benar adalah...a. ligation-digestion-transformation-expressionb. digestion-expression-transformation-ligationc. digestion-ligation-transformation-xpressiond. digestion-ligation-expression-transformation

136. paradigma sist.biologi memfokuskan pada kedokteran...a. kuratifb. preventifc. rehabilitatifd. promotif

137. difference PCR and sequencing...a. b.c. dd NTPsd.

141. pola replikasi fragmen okizaki butuh primer dan enzym ligase karena proses replikasi terjadi arah...a. 3’-3’b. 5’-5’c. 5’-3’d. 3’-5’

150. salah satu cara mengontrol cultur stem cell adalah...a. mengubah suhub. gen baruc. mengubah pipetd. inserting spesific genetic