BLACK ZERO NETWORK · Ready! Aim! FIRE!!! BANG! BANG! BANG! As one, the frontline soldiers UNLOAD...


Transcript of BLACK ZERO NETWORK · Ready! Aim! FIRE!!! BANG! BANG! BANG! As one, the frontline soldiers UNLOAD...

Page 1: BLACK ZERO NETWORK · Ready! Aim! FIRE!!! BANG! BANG! BANG! As one, the frontline soldiers UNLOAD their MUSKETS - their shots CANNON into the first warriors - knocking some of them
Page 2: BLACK ZERO NETWORK · Ready! Aim! FIRE!!! BANG! BANG! BANG! As one, the frontline soldiers UNLOAD their MUSKETS - their shots CANNON into the first warriors - knocking some of them



Page 3: BLACK ZERO NETWORK · Ready! Aim! FIRE!!! BANG! BANG! BANG! As one, the frontline soldiers UNLOAD their MUSKETS - their shots CANNON into the first warriors - knocking some of them







As one, they dig their spears into the ground and RATTLE their shields - making an even more CAVERNOUS DIN.

SWEEP DOWN through the cliff, taking in the THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of Zulu warriors...

...until we DROP OFF on the dusty battlefield below - where we see an army of a different kind.

Cherry-red uniforms, white helmets glistening in the sun, brightly polished boots and the like.

THE BRITISH ARMY - arranged in the traditional square formation - and totally dwarfed by the encroaching Zulus.

FOCUS on one soldier in particular - battle-hardened, scarred, and confident, right at the front of the square.

This is ALLAN QUATERMAIN - and he seems totally unfazed as the ZULU CHANT washes over them...

QUATERMAINWhat a bloody racket!

SERGEANT BANKS - classic Victorian army man, handlebar moustache and perpetually stiff upper lip - spins around to face him.

BANKSShut up, Quatermain!

QUATERMAINTell that to them, sir!

Banks bristles - but then PRIVATE JENKINS - next along, cheery soul in the wrong career - steps up.

JENKINS‘Ere, maybe we should sing back!

QUATERMAINOh aye, what do you suggest? God Save the Bloody Queen?

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JENKINS(proudly Welsh)

Men of Harlech, I say.

BANKS(eyes bulging)

That’s enough tommyrot from you two - eyes front and mouths shut!

Quatermain gives Jenkins a sidelong look, then tugs his jacket down.

The ROAR from the Zulus gets louder - and the SHADOW they generate SPILLS FORWARD as they CHARGE FORWARDS!

BANKS (CONT’D)Wait! Wait! Hold your fire!

Closer and closer come the Zulus...

BANKS (CONT’D)Ready! Aim! FIRE!!!


As one, the frontline soldiers UNLOAD their MUSKETS - their shots CANNON into the first warriors - knocking some of them down...

...but the rest CHARGE ON, oblivious!

BANKS (CONT’D)Down! Reload! Second row, up!

Smooth as silk, the first row of soldiers drop to their knees, providing a clear line of fire for the next...

BANKS!Ready! Aim!


A Zulu SPEAR SLICES through the air, CUTTING right into Banks’ neck - his blood EXPLODES outward!


Instant retaliation from the British soldiers - but still the Zulus keep coming...


Shot after shot, but still the Zulus advance...

Quatermain’s row’s turn again, and they jump to their feet, ready to fire - when something catches his eye...


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Half-turning to the side, he sees another WAVE of advancing warriors from the right...

...another look, and he sees some more from the left...

SWOOP up into the air to REVEAL the full extent of the problem facing the British...

The British are totally trapped in - there’s waves of Zulus from all sides - the HORNS OF THE BUFFALO!

PLUNGE right on down into the thick of the mayhem as the first WAVE of Zulus get within striking distance of the British - and chaos descends!

Spears and rifles CLASH, LIMBS FLY, and SCREAMS replace the sounds of fighting with the sounds of slaughter...

FOCUS on Quatermain, who, sweat dripping from the brim of his helmet, weaves this way and that, avoiding the grasping arms and stabbing spears...

Finding a Zulu in his way, he BUTTS him hard on the cheek with his rifle - clearing a path to Jenkins, who’s pinned down by two Zulus...

One grabs Jenkins by the shoulders - the other STABS a spear right through his chest!

Horrified, Quatermain dives in, grabbing the killer from behind and SNAPPING his neck, then SHOOTING the other!

But he’s too late, as Jenkins’ crumpled body hits the ground, blood POURING from his chest...

Looking at the chaos unfolding around him, something snaps in Quatermain’s mind...


And he SPRINTS off, avoiding the WHIZZING bullets, head down, PUSHING his way through tangled bodies...

...until he breaks free from the huddle, only to spot another wave of encroaching Zulus heading straight for him...

Turning, he DASHES off towards a ring of tents at the edge of the battlefield - the British camp...

He sprints straight into the closest tent...


...grabbing hold of a nurse who’s busily attending to a WAILING patient...


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The nurse - SARAH QUATERMAIN - thirties, confident, professional - struggles in her husband’s grasp...

SARAHAllan! What do you think you’re playing at?

QUATERMAINCome on! We need to put as much distance between this place and us as we can...

Sarah wriggles some more - finally breaking free - and stares right into Quatermain’s eyes with an unbroken gaze.

SARAHI don’t know what you’ve done, but I’ve still got a job to do here...

She motions with her head towards the patient - Quatermain only just catching sight of him now...

QUATERMAINLeave him. He’s going to die anyway...

(to the patient, an afterthought)


He reaches once more for Sarah’s arm - she’s still conflicted, but weakening.


Maybe against her better judgement, she takes his hand...


And together, they step straight out of the tent and straight into a Zulu warrior!

Warrior might be stretching a point - the Zulu in front of them is nothing more than a teenager, as much terrified as threatening.

As he raises his spear, Quatermain responds with his rifle...

SARAHAllan, stop!

Quatermain turns to his wife in surprise - but she’s giving him another cast-iron stare.

SARAH (CONT’D)Trust me.


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A pause as Quatermain considers his options...

...and then he lets his rifle drop to the ground!

The Zulu’s eyes widen in surprise - he’s unsure exactly what to do now, but there’s an aura of sudden respect in the air.

His gaze flits from Quatermain to Sarah, who gives him an encouraging look and a brief smile.

Reaching a decision, the Zulu raises his spear over his head...

BRITISH SOLDIER (O.S.)Leave ‘em alone, you bastard!

A bedraggled redcoat has wandered onto the scene, rifle at the ready...

SARAHNo, listen...

She PUSHES herself ahead of the Zulu, arms open, eyes desperately pleading...


Right into the way of a bullet - which SMACKS into her exposed stomach!

The Zulu immediately HURLS his spear right into the torso of the redcoat - sending him into a crumpled heap.

Looking over, the Zulu sees Sarah flat on the ground, blood STREAMING from her, Quatermain by her side, cradling her.

QUATERMAINDon’t just stand there, man!

Completely unsure as to his next course of action, the Zulu takes the easy option, and runs off, leaving the Quatermains to their personal drama.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Just...hold on, darling. Hold on.

Sarah tries to speak - but coughs up BLOOD instead, SPLATTERING it over the cheek of her husband.

The blood is quickly washed away by TEARS streaming down, as Quatermain nuzzles into his wife’s broken body.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)(through tears)

It was never supposed to end like this. You were the nurse. You should have been tending me, not the other way round.


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He shuts his eyes tightly for a moment - and when he opens them again, he finds a shadow descended over him.

Looking up, he finds another Redcoat - a Sergeant Major - sternly facing him down.

SERGEANT MAJORWhat is this? We’re getting massacred out here, and you’re on your knees bawling your eyes out like a newborn baby!

QUATERMAINBut sir, my...

SERGEANT MAJOROn your feet, soldier!

QUATERMAINRespectfully, sir? You can piss right off.

The Sergeant Major has no idea how to respond to that. His moustache bristles violently.

SERGEANT MAJOR(spits out the word)


Calmly, Quatermain rises to his feet.

QUATERMAINYou call me a coward, sir? Very well.

He TEARS his jacket in half and turns away from the Sergeant Major and the battlefield.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Then that’s what I’ll be.

And he marches away, through the tatters of his bloodstained uniform, off into the dust.



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A traditional-style village square deep in the sub-Saharan velde - wooden huts and thatched roofs.

But this is no quiet afternoon - it’s a hive of activity, with seemingly everyone in the village crammed into this wide open space.

Closer inspection REVEALS the men are brandishing spears and knives, pushing their way to the front, protecting the womenfolk, sending them into the huts.


As a pride of lions prowls into camp, teeth bared, looking menacing. The king at the top of the pride ROARS!

The villagers look nervously at each other - some cower, others stand strong. But they’re all scared stiff.

Forward come the lions, not fearful in the slightest - the men’s grips tighten around their weapons...


The sound of a shotgun BLASTS through from somewhere in the distance - hard to pinpoint where.

The king of the pride CRASHES to the ground - a deep bullet-wound in its side.

GROWLING, the rest of the pride turns to face their new invisible foe...


Rapid-fire SHOOTING - and PELLETS WHIZZ through the air, each one landing just to the side of a lion’s paw - threatening, but not life-threatening.

Enough to spook the lions, though - they know when they’re outmatched, and scatter.

The villagers can only SIGH with relief, and a little bit of amazement, as they turn to welcome their saviour:


Older than when we last saw him, much more bedraggled, more haggard, more careworn. He’s been living rough.



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He slings his long-barreled ELEPHANT GUN up onto his shoulder as he MARCHES into the village.

As he does so, he gets MOBBED by the gracious villagers, eager to please.

And he loves the attention - smiling, nodding, winking at a couple of the more ebullient supporters.


Out of nowhere, Quatermain’s hat FLIES off, getting lost in the crowd.

A female figure JUMPS down from a nearby tree, rifle in hand. She is GERTRUDE WESTHUIZEN - thirties, fresh-faced, wearing safari gear. A Boer tracker.

Hurrying up to him, she sharply drags him by the sleeve away from the crowd.

GERTRUDEEnough with the crowd-pleasing. Remember why we’re here?

QUATERMAINYes, but it would be rude not to accept their praise. I did chase away the marauding pride, you know.

GERTRUDEA pride which you sent into the village in the first place...

QUATERMAINAnd you think they would know that? I saved the village from the big bad wolf - but this is Africa, I had to improvise.



And with that, he dives back into the throng again, shouting back over his shoulder.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)You wouldn’t understand. You’ve never been adored.

GERTRUDE(with narrowed eyes)



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She steps into the mix again, this time forcibly pushing Quatermain out of the way, and CLEARS her throat.

The crowd turn to face this newcomer - who endears herself to them by speaking in RAPID-FIRE ZULU.

As the crowd listens to her, Quatermain gets ever more anxious and irritated.

Once Gertrude’s finished, the crowd parts, pointing towards one hut in particular.

Satisfied, Gertrude turns back to a sulking Quatermain.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)The old crone lives in that hut over there.

Quatermain says nothing, merely starts to trudge in the direction of the hut, Gertrude right behind him. He gets a chain of beads draped over his neck from an eager villager, but he barely notices.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Don’t be like that.


GERTRUDEAll pouty like a child, just because someone else steals your limelight.

QUATERMAINThat’s not it at all.

(off Gertrude’s “oh really” eyebrow)

Did you actually call her an old crone to the villagers?

GERTRUDEYes. What of it?

QUATERMAINI thought it was a little offensive, that’s all.

GERTRUDEI’ve seen you call women worse.

QUATERMAINWell, maybe I’m mellowing in my middle-age.

By this time, they have reached the old crone’s hut - which is guarded by one of the strongest men in the village, by the looks of him - all waxed muscle. His name is NKOSI.


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Quatermain briefly sizes him up, taking particular notice of what looks like a silver leg-iron around his thigh, before striding straight into the hut - Gertrude makes to follow him, but is stopped by a chunky hand from Nkosi.

She looks at him in frustration - particularly when a frowning Quatermain pops his head back around the door.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Are you serious? You can’t leave me alone in here!

GERTRUDE(looking pointedly at Nkosi)

I don’t believe I have much choice in the matter.

QUATERMAINBut look at her!

We FOLLOW his instructions, as we move into:


The squalid living space of the old crone - all mud floors and rotting wood.

Sitting in the centre of all this is the CRONE herself - a wrinkled figure of decay, with straggly hair and sunken, sightless eyes.

Back at the door, Quatermain is still pleading with Gertrude.

QUATERMAINI have seen corpses that have rotted less than she has!

GERTRUDEAnd I’m the offensive one, hm?

QUATERMAINI retract what I said earlier. Anything human in her has probably decayed away by now.

OLD CRONE(without turning her head)

Perhaps. But at least my hearing remains.

Quatermain turns back to her, agog.

QUATERMAINYou speak English?


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OLD CRONE And you, apparently, speak the obvious.

(waves a hand in his direction)

Now come sit by me and state your business, Mr. Quatermain.

Quatermain throws a rather concerned look over his shoulder as he inches into the hut, carefully taking his place across from the crone.

Nkosi steps across the entrance, barring Gertrude’s view of the goings-on.

QUATERMAINYou know who I am as well?

OLD CRONEIt is not a difficult leap to make. Your arrival here has been rumoured for months.

QUATERMAINI did not realise the grapevine was quite so dense in these parts.

OLD CRONEYou would be surprised.

She creaks her mouth out into a toothless grin - all Quatermain can do is shudder in disgust.

OLD CRONE (CONT’D)I do not know why you are here, however...

QUATERMAIN(little victory)


OLD CRONE...because you do not yet know yourself.


He THROWS his rucksack down onto the ground behind him, unfastening it and reaching inside.

One after another, he produces treasures from within - a golden facemask, a bejewelled crown, a silver goblet...

OLD CRONEI am aware of your exploits...


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QUATERMAINAre you now? Then you’ll also know I’ve been through hell to get these little trinkets...



A FLAMING TORCH lights the way, Quatermain holding it aloft, making careful progress.

He comes across an inlaid crevice in the wall - reaching in, he retrieves a GLISTENING STONE...

...but then he DROPS his torch, REVEALING the floor to be CRAWLING with scavenging BEETLES!



As Quatermain grabs hold of a SHINING SWORD! He tests the weight, impressed - then SWINGS it about a bit - cutting through SPIDERWEBS as he does so!

Satisfied, he steps through a ROCK DOOR - and immediately SCREAMS in PAIN!


YELLING all the way, he CHARGES across the FIREWALK - his feet STEAMING as he does so!



A view from inside the lake looking up, to see Quatermain staring in, stroking his beard, looking highly dubious.

He looks up, his eyes meeting those of Gertrude’s - who’s standing by him, her arms folded.


To the waters breaking, an arm holding up a GOLDEN STATUETTE...

...and then a hand ROUGHLY takes it away - Quatermain’s - as Gertrude CLAMBERS out of the lake, drenched.



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As before.

OLD CRONEYes. You have acquired many great treasures...

QUATERMAINThat’s it. Right there. Many. Not all. There is still one...

OLD CRONEThe Idol of Ideka.

QUATERMAINYes. And apparently you can tell me how to find it.


(creepy smile again)But that is not what you seek.

Quatermain scratches the back of his neck, starting to get very confused by all this.

QUATERMAINI thought you did not know what I wanted.

OLD CRONEA ruse to ascertain your true feelings.

(beat)What you seek can be found by no adventurer.

QUATERMAINStop speaking in riddles, woman!

OLD CRONEYou seek purpose. You strive to acquire these treasures to temporarily remove the pain of your wife’s death.


He JUMPS to his feet - his eyes flashing with anger, a shaking finger pointing threateningly at the crone.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)You do not know what you are saying.


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OLD CRONEI know exactly what I am saying, hence your reaction.

QUATERMAINI have no need to hear this.

Taking a deep breath, he makes for the door - only to freeze like stone upon hearing...

OLD CRONEBut I can tell you how to acquire what you wish.


OLD CRONE (nods)

As well.

She holds out her palm, unclasping her bony fingers to REVEAL a GLASS PRISM.

OLD CRONE (CONT’D)Hold this to the light, and it shall shine in the direction of the Idol.

With that, she THROWS it into the air - Quatermain stoops to catch it, looking her in the eye-sockets.

OLD CRONE (CONT’D)Once you obtain it, you must follow the path down which you are set. Only then can you achieve true happiness.

QUATERMAINBut this will help me find the Idol? That’s all the happiness I’ll need, thank you very much.

And off he marches towards the door again. The crone, distressed, tries to climb to her feet.

OLD CRONEYou must follow the path!

QUATERMAINOr what? Are you threatening me? Because as long as I don’t risk being poisoned by stepping into the rivers of piss flooding towards me from your direction, I do not think I have anything to fear from you!

And out of the door he goes...


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EXT. TRIBAL VILLAGE - CONTINUOUS be immediately hounded by a very nervous yet inquisitive Gertrude.

GERTRUDEWhat happened in there?

QUATERMAIN(holds up the prism)

I have the key to finding the Idol.

GERTRUDEBut what did you say?


Does it matter?

GERTRUDEI heard raised voices and the phrase “rivers of piss” - I’m worrying we’ll get chased out of town...

QUATERMAINWe’re leaving now anyway.

Nodding towards the ring of trees that acts as the village border, he makes a move, only to be stopped by a firm grip on his shoulder courtesy of Nkosi!

NKOSIYou seek the Idol of Ideka. I wish to join you.


No.(off Nkosi’s confused reaction)

I travel alone.

A firm COUGH from Gertrude.


(beat)We travel alone.


NKOSIThere are many dangers in the tomb of Ideka. It is known. I wish to offer my services as bodyguard.


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QUATERMAINNow look here, Sonny Jim, I managed to chase away an entire tribe of lions single-handed...

Another COUGH.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)With some help. What makes you think I need a bodyguard?

With a faint smile, Nkosi CLOSES his grip on Quatermain’s shoulder - then brings his other hand to rest on Quatermain’s waist... a SPLIT-SECOND, he FLIPS Quatermain up and over - leaving him sitting cross-legged on the ground!

Gertrude steps over Quatermain’s dazed body, hand outstretched towards Nkosi.

GERTRUDEWelcome to the team.


The sun is about to set over an expansive grass plain - turning the sky a viciously blood-red.

Quatermain tramples on through the undergrowth, the prism in his hand, batting away insects left, right and centre.

QUATERMAINDamned mozzies.

Behind him, Gertrude and Nkosi walk together, Nkosi watching Quatermain with an amused expression.

NKOSIDoes he ever stop complaining?

GERTRUDEYes. Sometimes he sleeps.

NKOSII would have thought he would be the type to speak during their sleep.

GERTRUDEOh, he does. But at least then he’s not complaining.

She turns to give Nkosi a cheeky grin, but finds he’s hurried on a few paces to bring himself level with Quatermain.


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He places a hand on Quatermain’s shoulder, which is quickly brushed off.

QUATERMAINEnough with the touching. That’s a really annoying habit you have.

NKOSII say we camp here for the night.

QUATERMAIN(turns with a surprised expression)

Do you now? And why’s that?

NKOSIThis is a good location. Food, water, and defensible.

QUATERMAINWe might find a better one yet.

NKOSIBut the light is going.

QUATERMAINNonsense! We can push on for another couple of hours yet!

NKOSIIn what direction?

(off Quatermain’s puzzled look)

Your key works with sunlight, does it not?

Quatermain’s eyes narrow at this.

QUATERMAINAre you trying to be a smart-arse?


Both men are jolted out of their argument by the sound of an ANTELOPE CARCASS hitting the ground beside them!

Gertrude strides towards them, hunting rifle slung casually over her shoulder.

GERTRUDEDinner is served, gentlemen.

(claps her hands)Now go build a fire whilst we can still see each other!

Quatermain and Nkosi share a surprised glance, before turning back to her.


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QUATERMAIN(with no enthusiasm)

Yes, ma’am.


As Quatermain’s eyes slowly open the next morning - he’s lying face down on the ground, dust smothering his cheeks.

Blinking, he sits up - only to be faced by the sudden sight of Nkosi bathing in the river - completely naked!

QUATERMAINJESUS CHRIST! Are you trying to give a man a heart attack?

NKOSIGood morning to you too, Mr Quatermain!

QUATERMAINNever mind that! I can see your unmentionables!

Nkosi breaks out into a wide grin - he’s enjoying Quatermain’s embarrassment here.

NKOSIThis water is lovely and cool. You should join me.

QUATERMAINI cannot say “no” more emphatically or more often.

NKOSIYou will feel better for it!


Gertrude appears from behind a bush she was using to sleep behind, stepping to the river’s edge.

GERTRUDEQuatermain doesn’t do water. I’m surprised you couldn’t tell.

NKOSI(eyes wide)

Really? Are you scared of it?

QUATERMAINNot scared. Just wary. Very wary.

NKOSIThen what is it that you drink?


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That provokes a LAUGH from Quatermain, as he reaches for his hip-flask. Gertrude SNIGGERS as well.

QUATERMAINYou thought this was water? Oh, how little you know me, Nkosi.

Now that he’s been reminded of what he carries, he decides to take a swig.

Gertrude shakes her head, but then freezes in place, her eyes fixed on the water Nkosi is standing in.

GERTRUDENkosi! Don’t move a muscle!

She quickly unslings her rifle, aiming it at a spot of water right by Nkosi’s ankle - he remains stock-still, and she...

FIRES! And FIRES again!

Satisfied, she steps into the water, bending down to inspect her handiwork - a dead snake, fangs exposed.

Quatermain peers over her shoulder, then takes another hefty swig from his flask.

QUATERMAINSee what I mean? Bloody dangerous, water. Let’s stay away from it from now on, eh?


Quatermain, Gertrude and Nkosi find themselves confronted by a trickling river - no more than thirty feet across, but stretching out as far as the eye can see.

Nkosi bends down, takes a pebble, and tosses it in - it makes a splash, then settles.

NKOSISee? It is not that deep. I say we paddle through to the other side.

QUATERMAIN(raises an eyebrow)

Not on your nelly.

He looks around, then nods, satisfied at what he sees.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)There’s trees along this riverbank. We can grab some thick branches, make ourselves a raft.

Gertrude and Nkosi look at each other and sigh.


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To later, as the newly-built raft sets forth from one bank of the river - Quatermain sitting carefully in the middle, Gertrude at the front, Nkosi rowing them along.

No sooner have they set off than they reach the other side. Quatermain climbs off the raft, pleased with his idea.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)See? No need to get wet, just takes a little ingenuity, that’s all.

And he sets off, marching proudly through the plain, holding his prism up to the light - a WHITE BEAM shining down from it onto the ground ahead.

As he struts away, Gertrude and Nkosi share a look, and cast the raft adrift.


Quatermain lies asleep on the dusty ground, quietly SNORING away, mouth hanging open.

A little distance away, Gertrude and Nkosi sit by the dying embers of a campfire, eating the last remains of supper.

NKOSIHow do you put up with him?

GERTRUDE(sardonic eyebrow raised)

A careful balance between exasperation and flat-out ignorance.


You say that, but you choose to be here - with him.

GERTRUDERich coming from the man who volunteered to join us.

Nkosi’s smile drops, and he stares deep into the flickering flames as they start to fizzle out.

NKOSII had no choice. The village was a prison for me. You offered a chance of escape.


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GERTRUDEBut that’s what I don’t understand - you were the old crone’s bodyguard. Is that not a position of respect?

NKOSI(shakes his head)

No, you misunderstand. That role was a punishment. I was stripped of everything - power, privileges...

As he tails off, Gertrude looks him up and down with inquisitive eyes - her gaze lingering on that silver leg-iron around his thigh - she’s desperate to ask him why, but she knows better.

Climbing to her feet, she STAMPS out the rest of the fire with her boot.

GERTRUDEReason enough to want to escape, I suppose.


But you have not yet answered my own question.

GERTRUDEWhy I’m here?

She shrugs, turning to look wistfully at Quatermain’s snoozing form.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)You might not think so, but underneath all that buffoonery is the kindest, bravest, most honourable man I’ve ever met.

(takes a moment)He proved that to me once. And I figured that if I stayed with him long enough, I’d get to see it again.

With one last look at Nkosi, she starts to pad away to her own patch of ground for the night.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)And I owe him a debt.

NKOSIWhat kind of debt?

GERTRUDEThe sort that’s a bugger to repay.


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And with that, she vanishes out of sight, leaving Nkosi pondering her words as he lies down on the spot.


Quatermain is standing at the entrance to a gaping maw of a cave carved into a cliff-face.

He’s holding the prism out in front of him - and it’s blazing a trail of WHITE LIGHT right into the cave itself.

QUATERMAINWhy can these things never be somewhere easily reachable?

Gertrude peers over his shoulder.

GERTRUDEYou afraid of the dark now too?


And Nkosi looks over his other shoulder - brows knitted together in confusion.

NKOSIWhy would a tomb be inside a cave?

Quatermain jerks his thumb towards Nkosi as he looks pointedly at Gertrude.

QUATERMAINNow that’s a good question.

He turns to see Nkosi looking at him expectedly.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)What? You don’t think I actually have an answer, do you?

NKOSIYou have more experience than I.

QUATERMAINNot of this.

(puffs out his chest)Let’s go and look, shall we?

Taking a deep breath, he marches into the cave mouth, Nkosi and Gertrude hurrying to keep in step behind him.


No sooner has Quatermain stepped into the cave than he STOPS short, freezing in place.


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Gertrude and Nkosi almost run right into him - but he holds them back with outstretched arms.


Quatermain retracts his arm from in front of her, then points hesitantly downward...

Nkosi and Gertrude follow his lead, peering over, and their eyes widen as we:

TILT DOWN - and then DOWN a bit further - as we realise Quatermain and his crew are teetering on the brink of a gulf that stretches ever downward...


As they speak, we hear a distinctive ECHO as their voices travel down the chasm.

QUATERMAINRight. Now this gets interesting.

Turning away from the drop, he places his rucksack on the ground, unfastening it and retrieving a length of rope, which he drops onto the ground.

Working quickly and professionally, he ties one end of the rope around a nearby rock in a tight knot, pulling the rope with him as he steps back towards the gulf.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)All right, you two stay here and guard the entrance. Hopefully I won’t be too long.

Gertrude and Nkosi look at each other in surprise. Gertrude folds her arms and taps her foot.

GERTRUDEYou really need to develop a better sense of humour.

QUATERMAINWhat? It might not be safe down there.

GERTRUDEAnd when has it ever been safe?

QUATERMAIN(shakes his head)

No. This time, I’m finding it. No ifs, no buts.


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While he’s been saying this, Nkosi has grabbed hold of the rope himself, looking over the edge.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)And what do you think you’re doing?

NKOSITesting the weight.

Quatermain tries to push him off the rope.

QUATERMAINI told you, I’m going alone.

NKOSIAnd what if there’s water down there you have to cross?

Darn it. Quatermain’s beard bristles as he knows that Nkosi has got him there.

QUATERMAINFine. Go ahead.

With a nod, Nkosi takes full grip of the rope, and throws himself into the abyss, quickly bouncing out of sight.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)(turns to Gertrude)

All right, now, hopefully, Nkosi and I will be back...

GERTRUDE(shakes her head)

You really think I would leave you two alone together?


Good point.

He takes up the rope and FLINGS himself over the edge...

Down he goes, ABSEILING with smooth precision - each BOUNCE off the wall propelling him several feet further, until...

He approaches the ground, seeing Nkosi standing waiting to catch him, arms outstretched...

With a YELL, he THROWS himself off the rope, arms and legs FLAILING as he LEAPS...

...CRUNCHING right into Nkosi - sending the two of them SPRAWLING to the ground!

They ROLL AWAY from each other, both of them glaring at the other, eyes narrowed.


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QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)You were supposed to catch me, you fool!

NKOSII was not expecting you to be heavier than you look!

QUATERMAINNo, you’re weaker than you look! Big strapping chap like you should have been able to catch me like a raindrop, not...

This latest argument is interrupted by a BLOOD-CURDLING SCREAM from Gertrude!

Instantly, both men TURN back towards the chasm - as Gertrude TUMBLES into view - arms and legs WINDMILLING as she TWISTS and TURNS in the air...


He SLIDES to the ground, arms out, ready to catch her...


Down she LANDS - right on top of him, momentarily winding them both.

Gently, he LEVERS her up and ROLLS her onto her back a little away from him, allowing him to clamber to his knees.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)(whispering)

Come on, love, please be all right. Please just be...

Gertrude COUGHS, her eyes FLITTING open for a second, struggling to focus - before settling on Quatermain’s anxious, nervous face.

She just NODS, and Quatermain pulls her into a hug, allowing himself a private smile of relief over her shoulder.

Not for very long, though, as Gertrude pushes her way out of it, shaking her head, trying to get her breath back.

GERTRUDEWas my fault. Them bloody things flew out from nowhere, lost my concentration.

She points up - and we see a FLOCK of BATS FLUTTERING around - enough to throw anyone off.


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Well, next time be more careful.

Gertrude looks at him for a moment - but sees a TWINKLE in his eye.

He offers her a hand up, pulling her to her feet, and then they trudge on.

No sooner have they left the immediate vicinity of the chasm then they encounter Nkosi blocking their path, his arms folded defiantly.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)I wondered where you had wandered off to.

NKOSII saw that you two seemed to need some time, so I explored.

Quatermain looks between where they landed and where they now stand with a raised eyebrow.

QUATERMAINSlow walker, are you?

NKOSIThrough solid stone? Yes.

And he steps aside - REVEALING a STONE DOOR carved into the tunnel wall - and it looks mighty thick - barring a tiny hairline crack down the centre.

Quatermain steps towards it, intrigued, stroking his beard.

QUATERMAIN(taps the crack)

Two stone blocks pressed together never sit comfortably. Shoddy workmanship, if you ask me.

(turns to Nkosi)Want to prove your strength? Now’s your chance, big man.

Nodding, Nkosi steps forward, tensing his muscles, ready to bear the load.

He places his palms flat against the left-hand stone, fingers into the crack, ready to pull...

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)No no, I’ll take that side. You take the other.

NKOSIDoes it make a difference?


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QUATERMAINIf I say so, yes.

Flashing an infuriating smile at Nkosi, Quatermain takes up the same position, leaving Nkosi to shuffle over to the right, where he sets up.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)On the count of three...

But Nkosi has already started to PULL! Quatermain, not to be outdone, begins himself, pulling with all his might...

Both men are STRAINING every sinew, teeth CLENCHED, biceps BULGING out at the strain - SWEAT pouring off them...

No movement at all on the Quatermain side, but Nkosi is having a little joy - albeit not enough to make a difference.

Eventually, both men back away, utterly shattered - they take several deep breaths in a bid to replenish their energy...


A rock SAILS over their heads - and, suddenly, the doors OPEN OUT, GRINDING as they do so!

Quatermain and Nkosi look around in surprise - to find Gertrude standing behind them, her rifle raised.

GERTRUDEDid neither of you fine gentlemen think of looking for a keystone?

She strides past them to stand in the newly-created entrance, then looks back.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Oh, look, you got all hot and sweaty for nothing.

QUATERMAINWhy did you not say something?

GERTRUDE(cheeky grin)

Too much fun.(nods)

Shall we?

Both Quatermain and Nkosi catch up to her, as they look through into:


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An expansive room - the only distinguishing feature being a stone floor carved into tiles, tiny cracks running between each of the rocks.


He makes to step forward, but a concerned Quatermain holds him back.

QUATERMAINNot so fast, boy. I’ve seen this sort of trap before.

NKOSIThis is no trap - it is a room.

QUATERMAIN(shakes his head)

You are such a naive little soul, aren’t you? I have half a mind to let you walk into it.

Gertrude bumps him in the back with a warning elbow. He immediately relents.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)All right, watch and learn.

Motioning the other two back, Quatermain plants his feet right at the entrance to the chamber, taking care not to step into it.

He then LEANS over until his body is over the first stone of the floor, then he gently WAVES his hand back and forth...


Another, irritated, wave from Quatermain - but still absolutely nothing.

Frowning, Quatermain leans back into a standing position, careful not to make eye contact with an amused Nkosi.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)No spears or arrows, then...

(turns to Gertrude)Quick, lend me your rucksack.


QUATERMAINBecause yours has nothing important in it.


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GERTRUDEOh, thank you very much.

She takes her rucksack off and hands it over.

Quatermain CROUCHES down - then THROWS the rucksack like a bowling ball, sending it SKITTERING along the stone tiles until it BUMPS into the wall at the other end.

QUATERMAINNot pressure-activated, either.

GERTRUDESo it is, in fact, just a room?

QUATERMAINNo need to sound so smug about it...

NKOSIBut is it safe to enter?


Nkosi takes a cautious step in - and nothing happens. Quatermain and Gertrude join him.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Best hurry. Just in case.

He sets off at a brisk jog - and the other two match him, stride for stride, as they run over to the end of the chamber, where Gertrude quickly retrieves her rucksack.

Unfortunately, they now find themselves faced by another stone door.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Ah. Door. Right. Everyone, look for a keystone.

GERTRUDEWill a lever do?

Exasperated, Quatermain looks over to find Gertrude standing over a large lever set by the door.

QUATERMAINIf you are trying to irritate me, consider it a job very well done.

GERTRUDEOh, but the job’s not over until I say it is...

Smiling at that, she PUSHES down hard on the lever - and the door SLIDES up - giving them room to step through into...


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Total darkness.

There’s a GRINDING of STONE on STONE - the door is closing back on itself!

QUATERMAINQuick! Rucksack!

The sound of FUMBLING drowns out the grinding - until all drops silent, but for a few heavy breaths.

GERTRUDEYou really have it in for that rucksack, don’t you?

No audible response for Quatermain, but at a guess, he would have shaken his head at that.

NKOSIThis darkness unsettles me.

QUATERMAINAnd me. Look around for...


The sound of a match STRIKING - and as the room is gently illuminated, we see Gertrude holding a lit torch.

Quickly, she passes it over to Nkosi, grabbing another and lighting it for herself.

She’s about to light a third for Quatermain - but as she turns, she finds him holding out a cigar.

GERTRUDEYou’re incorrigible.

QUATERMAINI prefer opportunistic.

Shaking her head, she lights Quatermain’s cigar. He places it to his lips with a satisfied smile, but then...

NKOSII do not believe this is good.

And he’s right - as ahead of them stretches a long, barely lit tunnel filled with glass jars.

One by one, each jar SHATTERS - warmed by the heat from the torches - and their contents ZIP out...


The cigar DROPS from Quatermain’s mouth, forgotten instantly.


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QUATERMAIN(through gritted teeth)

Run like hell.

And with that, he grabs his hat and DASHES into the maelstrom - quickly ENGULFED by a CLOUD of the buzzing beasts...

Gertrude and Nkosi waste no time in following him in - arms FLAPPING wildly from side to side as they get surrounded...

Through the storm the trio wade - heads down, arms out, legs pumping - the insects getting in their eyes, their ears, their mouths...

There’s one or two HISSES of pain as a stinger finds its target - but they’re quickly DROWNED out by the all-pervasive BUZZING...

Eventually, Quatermain breaks from the cloud to be confronted by another door...

Not breaking stride, he SPRINTS full-pelt into it, SHOULDER-CHARGING the door open through sheer force of will!


He SKIDS through the door, brings his head up, and takes a few deep breaths.

Gertrude and Nkosi follow quickly behind - and Quatermain has his rucksack off, ready to jar the door...

...when he sees a switch on this side, too. With a slight smile, he pushes it, and the door SWINGS closed - trapping a few errant mosquitoes in its wake.

NKOSII see the Idol.


He turns - to find the Idol on a raised platform on an island of sorts, surrounded by a criss-cross of RUNNING LIQUID.

Undaunted, Nkosi steps forward - only for Quatermain to hold him back.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Steady, lad. That’s not water we’re dealing with.


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NKOSI(looks him up and down)

No, it is not.

Eyes narrowed, Quatermain takes of a boot and FLINGS it into the nearest river...

...where it MELTS instantly, STEAM PLUMING from its smoking remains!

QUATERMAINAcid. And bloody strong too.

NKOSI(shakes his head)

We do not need to touch it. I can jump across.

Quatermain looks between where they’re standing and the Idol island - doing a quick burst of geometry in his head.

QUATERMAINYou’re a confident chap, I’ll give you that, but there’s no way you’ll make it.

NKOSIThen what do you suggest?

They look around for a moment - before both their gazes settle on a protruding ledge plum in the middle of the distance between them and the Idol.

Quatermain quickly BUMPS Gertrude with his shoulder.

QUATERMAINDo you have a rope?

GERTRUDEYes I do. In my rucksack. Forgive me for not wanting to go back and get it.

QUATERMAINDammit. I used mine to get down that sinkhole.

He mops his brow in frustration.

NKOSII can use the ledge to get across.


You do that, then.

Nkosi, not catching the sarcasm, nods at Quatermain, limbers up for a moment - then FLINGS himself into the air...


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...CATCHING the ledge with both hands, using it to build more momentum - and then he...

SWINGS again - landing in a perfect crouch on the Idol island, just inches from the treasure itself!


Nkosi doesn’t waste any time - he’s immediately up and rushing towards the Idol, when...


He gets CLATTERED into by a FLYING Quatermain - and the two ROLL perilously close to the acid!

Stopping himself just in time, Quatermain reaches over and DRAGS Nkosi back.

Nkosi takes a moment, before getting to his feet, giving Quatermain an angry glare.

NKOSIWhy did you do that? I am capable of retrieving the Idol alone.

Quatermain is still lying flat on his back, looking up with a little cocky smile.

QUATERMAINCouldn’t have you taking all the glory, could I?

He struggles back to his feet, claps the irritated Nkosi on the shoulder, and gently approaches the Idol.

Pausing for a moment, he opens up his rucksack in readiness.

Then, in one fell swoop, he SLIDES the Idol from its pedestal right into his waiting rucksack, which he quickly fastens.

He turns back to see Nkosi waiting for him.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Why are you still here? I have the Idol, you’re no longer needed.

Nkosi narrows his eyes at Quatermain, but he says nothing - merely turns and LAUNCHES himself back into the air.

As we PUSH IN on Quatermain, we see behind him that a switch has been TRIGGERED by the missing Idol - the platform steadily SINKS back into the ground!

Oblivious to all this, Quatermain takes his time, preparing for his own LEAP into the void...


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He takes a good strong run-up, FLINGS himself from the island into the air and CATCHES the stalactite...which CRUMBLES away from him, CRASHING into the acid!


Quatermain’s left CLINGING desperately onto what remains of the stalactite - but even that is breaking away in his hands!

Taking great care not to lose his grip entirely, Quatermain SHRUGS his rucksack from his shoulder and into his hand - then he THROWS it over to Gertrude!

She catches it, but throws Quatermain a look of desperate panic.

QUATERMAINWhat are you waiting for? Go! No use waiting for me!

As he says this, the last of the stalactite DISINTEGRATES - and he DIVES forwards, eyes closed... be GRABBED by the desperately outstretched arms of Nkosi, reaching as far as he can!

Quatermain’s eyes open in SHOCK as Nkosi pulls him back onto solid land.

NKOSII believed I was still needed.


A slight nod from Quatermain - about the highest praise Nkosi could hope to receive.

Quatermain gets back up and immediately hurries over to Gertrude, expectant arm out.

She hands him the rucksack over silently, and he holds her back with a gentle hand.

QUATERMAINYou called me Allan.


QUATERMAINBack then. No-one’s called me that for nine years. Why did you?

GERTRUDE(blushing slightly)

I don’t know, I was panicking.


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QUATERMAINAnd calling me by my Christian name would help matters, would it?

To her credit, Gertrude quickly recovers her faculties - she folds her arms, customary eyebrow raised.

GERTRUDEMaybe. Why did you throw me your rucksack?

QUATERMAIN(slight bristle)

All right. We both did things we regretted afterward. Let’s move on.

With that, he turns - to face the door which is their escape route. Unfortunately, it’s the door back through the mosquito-infested corridor.


(turns back hopefully)Who wants to go first?

Not taking no for an answer, Gertrude forcefully PUSHES him towards the door.

GERTRUDELead by example.

She BUMPS the switch - and the door SLIDES open.

Not missing a beat, Quatermain BREATHES in deeply, then CHARGES into the mayhem - Gertrude right behind him, Nkosi bringing up the rear.


Once again, they find themselves ASSAULTED from all angles - the mosquitos getting everywhere, STINGING, BITING, generally irritating them all the way through the corridor.

Towards the end of the corridor, the door finally within range, Quatermain STOPS abruptly, WHEEZING - causing the other two to RUN into him in a concertina effect.

Down they all go - but Quatermain manages to STRETCH out and GRAB the strap of Gertrude’s rucksack/door-jamb - and gives it a swift TUG!

The door begins its DESCENT towards to the ground - but Quatermain DIVES through - followed by a faster Nkosi!

It’s just about to SLAM down into the floor when Gertrude ROLLS underneath - missing the door by INCHES!


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She’s immediately on her feet, nostrils FLARED - staring through Quatermain!

GERTRUDELeave me for dead in there, why don’t you?

QUATERMAINI could have pressed the switch again, you know.

GERTRUDEThat’s hardly the point!

She gives Quatermain a PUNCH on the arm - and he recoils a little, stunned.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Why did you stop up short, anyhow?

QUATERMAINAll this running. It’s not for me. From now on, nothing we have to run to, from, or for.

GERTRUDEThat limits us a little.

QUATERMAINWorth the risk.

(holds out her rucksack)Your rucksack, madame.

Gertrude takes it from him with a forgiving smile, and the team move on into:


The forbidding entrance to this death trap of a tomb - looking just as still as before.

Bustling through, Quatermain steps onto the first tile... a SPIKE SHOOTS up from the ground beneath!

Nkosi YANKS Quatermain back, as the group get SHOWERED in rubble and dust!


Now that wasn’t happening before.

GERTRUDEYou must have triggered a defence mechanism when you removed the Idol.


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Of course.(then, sheepish)

So how do we get across?

Gertrude holds up a silencing finger as she leans forward, her eyes narrowed.

GERTRUDEI wonder...

Tentatively, she reaches out with a foot, nestling it in the crack between the ruined tile and its neighbour.

Then, careful, she steps forward with her other foot, placing it in the next crack over.

Both feet tilted on their sides now, she extends her arms out for balance as she steadily shifts from one tile to another.

A rogue GUST of wind BREEZES through from the crack in the door ahead - almost sending Gertrude toppling!

Desperately, she leans from one side to the other, trying to regain some semblance of balance!

She just about manages to right herself, and when she looks forward again, there’s a new, more determined than ever stare on her face.

Deciding to pick up the pace, she lightly SKIPS from one crack to the next, right foot, left foot, right, left...

One more, than another...

...and she’s there - back at the entranceway!

Turning back, she readjusts her hat with a great beam - her eyes lighting up.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)You see? All you need do is follow in my footsteps.

Quatermain and Nkosi look at each other with despairing expressions - “all”?

Hesitantly, Quatermain places a foot in the first crack - but he’s a little heavy!

He dislodges some of the gravel on the ground - causing a mini rock-slide!

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Careful! Steady!


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Quatermain tries to extend his arms out like Gertrude, but he’s not got the innate sense of balance. He’s struggling.

QUATERMAINOh, sod this for a game of toy soldiers!

Jamming his hat down hard on his head, Quatermain takes a deep breath - then PLUNGES forward!

Tiles CRUMBLE, SPIKES SHOOT UPWARDS - but Quatermain races on, not looking back, not daring to...

On he goes, darting right and left, dodging the dissolving floor as best he can, getting showered in RUBBLE!

He SKIDS a little on one tile - and he almost loses his balance entirely!

Just about righting himself, he STUMBLES forward onto the next tile, which SHOOTS up, tearing through his one remaining boot - revealing a MACHETE!

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Oh no, you don’t!

And he’s up, brandishing the machete like some kind of beacon, swinging it right and left, fending off the rubble as he makes his way forward...


A crouching form LEAPS over Quatermain’s head, landing neatly on a crack in front of him.


Quatermain looks at him in astonishment.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Since when did you turn into a bloody grasshopper?

Nkosi just gives him a quick look - then LEAPS forward once more, leaving Quatermain swaying uncertainly behind.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Right. That’s how it is.

Once more unto the breach - through he goes, dodging, weaving, diving and rolling...

...until the end is in sight - and with one great surge, he SKIDS forward, sliding to a halt in front of an impressed Gertrude and Nkosi!

GERTRUDEWhat happened to “no more running”?


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QUATERMAIN(gets his breath back)

I missed it.


As the trio steadily climb up the dangling rope towards the cave entrance - Nkosi leading the way, arms and legs moving like pistons.

A FLOCK of BATS FLY OUT and surround Quatermain - who starts SWINGING WILDLY at them with his trusty machete!

QUATERMAINI’ll get you, you little flying rat-bastards!

A SHOUT from down below causes him to come to his senses:

GERTRUDEQuatermain, you fool! You’ll cut the bloody rope!

QUATERMAINYes. Of course.

Looking suitably chastened, he shimmies his way up the rope, GLOWERING at the bats as they circle around him...


With a great effort, Quatermain pulls himself out of the pit and CRUNCHES onto the cave floor!

He’s soon on his feet, though, scrambling around in his sack and making a dash for the entrance...


Out he rushes, the Idol in his hand, and he collapses down to his knees, holding the Idol up to blot out the setting sun!

QUATERMAINAt last! I have it!

A hand CLAPS itself onto his shoulder - Nkosi. Who else. Quatermain turns to face his sometime saviour, sometime nemesis.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Gorgeous, is it not?

NKOSIYes. What will you do now you have it?


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QUATERMAINWhat I do with everything rare and beautiful.

(cheeky grin)Sell it.

Nkosi leans in close, his expression deathly serious. When he speaks, it comes out more as a hiss.

NKOSIAnd Gertrude? Is that your plan for her too?


NKOSIShe is rare and beautiful. Will you sell her as well?

Slowly, hatefully, Quatermain climbs to his feet. When he’s up, he gives Nkosi a withering glare.

QUATERMAINYou really think I’m that cold?

NKOSI(not blinking)


Quatermain rushes forward, throwing the Idol down, grabbing Nkosi by the shoulders and SQUEEZING hard.

QUATERMAINYou’re lucky I haven’t knuckled you on the spot.

(relaxes his grip)She means more to me than any of this, dammit!


The simple question throws Quatermain a little - as we PUSH IN on his eyes...


ON a younger, skinnier Quatermain - crouching in some undergrowth, watching anxiously at the scene unfolding in front of him...

WHIP PAN to REVEAL a Boer village - all caravans and horses - being ransacked by a British Army squadron.


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Chained together in the centre of the chaos are the villagers themselves - including a young Gertrude, looking pale and almost girlish at this juncture.

In front of her is a man so remarkably identical to her that he can only be her twin - LOUIS.

Pacing up and down the line with an alarming efficiency is FOSTER - a British commander with a mean streak and a sneer to match.

FOSTERAll right, then. You know the drill by now.

He raises a revolver, pointing it right at Louis’ temple.

FOSTER (CONT’D)Tell me where he is, and I’ll drop the gun.

Louis does an admirable job of keeping schtum - although behind him, Gertrude is digging her heels in desperately.

FOSTER (CONT’D)I won’t ask again.

LOUISI have no idea of what you are talking about.

FOSTERWrong answer.


He pulls the trigger, and Louis drops to the ground like a puppet with his strings cut.

Gertrude SCREAMS and drops to her knees. Foster grabs her roughly by the throat and HAULS her up, pushing his gun under her chin.

FOSTER (CONT’D)I’ve heard talk of how twins are linked to each other.

(cruel)But don’t worry. I’ll end the pain. One way or another.

It’s at this point that someone decides to TAP Foster on the shoulder.


He turns - to find the barrel of an ELEPHANT GUN pointed right into his face!


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Foster’s head EXPLODES like a balloon filled with blood and guts - not a pretty sight.

Through the misty haze, we see Quatermain standing there, a redemptive look on his face.

Almost pleadingly, a snuffly Gertrude extends her arms out to him - he looks down at her chains.


He CRUNCHES the gun through the metal - BREAKING it with practiced ease.

SHOUTS and YELLS ECHO around - the British are reacting to the confusion of the death of their CO.


As Quatermain looks on with astonishment, Gertrude summons up some determination from somewhere - grabbing his gun off him.

Without hesitation, she aims at a distant stack of British ammunition - and FIRES!

The ammunition EXPLODES like a FIREWORK DISPLAY - a perfect distraction!

Pulling Quatermain behind her, Gertrude rushes into the nearby trees, tearing off into the wild!

When they get a safe distance, Quatermain pulls her back, looking at her with admiration.

QUATERMAINHow did you learn to shoot like that?

GERTRUDEPlenty of practice. Comes with eating off the land.

(looks Quatermain up and down)

I take it you don’t hunt yourself?

QUATERMAINI’m relatively new to the wild life.

Gertrude accepts this with a nod.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Are you sure you’re all right?


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GERTRUDENo. And I can never be. But from the looks of it, you need me more than I need you...

As she says this, we CROSS-FADE TO:


Gertrude, as she emerges from the cave, a hopeful smile one her face - which Quatermain returns, abruptly taking his hands off Nkosi.

GERTRUDESo that’s that, then?


(tosses the Idol in his hand and catches it)

This’ll turn a fair profit. Some more smokes, a bit of a top-up for the old flask. Maybe even an harem.

(strokes his beard)Been a while since I had a good harem.

Gertrude and Nkosi share a sidelong glance.

NKOSIAnd what of the path?


GERTRUDEThe path that old crone urged you to follow?

QUATERMAINNonsense. You’ve known me years - when have I ever danced to the tune of fate?

(jerks his head at Nkosi)Anyway, it’s all a load of old claptrap dreamed up by a witch doctor with nothing better to do.

(beat)I’ll be damned if I follow her orders.

Without any warning, he marches off towards the setting sun, head down.



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Gertrude and Nkosi hurry to catch up with him.

Behind them, they fail to notice a PILLAR of SMOKE rising from where they’ve come from...


The sun has almost set now, burning its fiery last, as the bedraggled trio find themselves confronted by a clearing.

As they step forward, two GUARDS JUMP into view - spears raised at waist-level!

But it’s how they’re dressed that catches the eye - the two strong African warriors are decked out in tartan KILTS - each with their own sporran!

Gertrude and Quatermain look at each other in stunned shock.

GERTRUDEAre you seeing what I’m seeing?

QUATERMAINI think I’ve died and gone to Bedlam.

GUARDHalt! State your business!

Bless him - he can only speak in broken English - but he’s even trying to put on a Scottish accent.


I’m Allan Quatermain, I’m here to...


Are you the Scourge?


The guard’s about to elaborate when there’s movement from behind him...

OLD MAN(thick Scottish accent)

Leave off, McInowo. They’re three men, not an army.

And into view steps ROBERTSON - aged yet defiant, balding yet dignified. He’s also clearly a few loaves short of a bakery - he may even be wearing his kilt inside out. Best not to check.


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ROBERTSON(notices Gertrude)

Two lads and a lass, sorry. Forgive me, ma’am.

Gertrude, still slightly stunned by the whole situation, curtsies a little sarcastically at Robertson.

ROBERTSON (CONT’D)I suppose it’s too much to ask if any of you are from the old country?

Quatermain COUGHS, then steps forward, much to Gertrude’s surprise.

QUATERMAINI’m half Scottish, yes.

Robertson’s face cracks into a monstrous grin, then he steps forward and CLAPS Quatermain heartily on the back, almost knocking him flying.

Behind him, Nkosi struggles to stifle a smile.

ROBERTSONThis is better than I’d hoped! Come with me to my wee abode!

As he bodily drags Quatermain into the clearing, he gestures to McIlowo with his other hand.

ROBERTSON (CONT’D)Laddie, see that our guests are properly fed and watered. We’re honoured tonight!

Gertrude looks at Nkosi with a look that’s almost, but not quite, fear...


Robertson’s abode is a standard hut, really, still thatched and daubed, but he’s adorned it with elements of Scottishness that pretty much completely ruin it.

The walls are draped in Scottish flags - and there’s a set of bagpipes hanging off one of them which Quatermain is desperately trying to avoid looking at, for fear of Robertson breaking them out for an impromptu session.

As it is, the two men are sitting in front of a desk, Quatermain relaxed, Robertson eager, sitting forward.


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ROBERTSONSorry if I’m a bit overbearing, laddie, but it’s been so long since I’ve had the pleasure. We’re a little remote out here.

QUATERMAINYou’re aware this isn’t Scotland, then?

ROBERTSON(toothless smile)

I know what you’re thinking. Old Robertson, mad as a hatter. I might be old, but I’m nae mad.

He taps his finger repeatedly into his temple like a woodpecker, calling into question his statement.

ROBERTSON (CONT’D)Go on, ask me how old I am.


ROBERTSONNeither have I! That answer your question?

QUATERMAIN(sotto voce)

I never asked one.

Robertson RAPS his knuckles on his desk excitedly.

ROBERTSONYou fancy a drink, lad?

QUATERMAINWas hoping you’d say that.

He bends down to retrieve his trusty hip-flask, at about the same time that Quatermain CLANKS some glasses down.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Here you go. This has served me well.

Leaning forward, he pours a measure into both their glasses. Robertson immediately GULPS his down, then pulls a face.

ROBERTSONThat’s rat piss, that is!

To do him credit, Quatermain’s only mildly offended. As Robertson retreats towards the back of the hut, Quatermain drinks up - and still enjoys his.


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But that’s when Robertson CLONKS down his own bottle - covered in dust and cobwebs.

ROBERTSON (CONT’D)Now this? This is proper whisky.

He pulls off the stopper, and a jet of SMOKE WISPS out. Despite himself, Quatermain is impressed...


Gertrude and Nkosi, meanwhile, are sitting around a scruffily-made campfire, joined by the rest of the tribe.

The tribespeople all wear kilts, and some have even dyed their hair ginger. The sum total of all this is complete embarrassment.

It’s mealtime - and everyone’s heartily tucking into what’s out in front of them - except for Gertrude and Nkosi, who chew infrequently and with great distaste.

NKOSIWhat is this?

GERTRUDEI think it’s supposed to be haggis.

NKOSIWhich is?

GERTRUDEBetter not to ask.

They chew on in silence for a moment.

NKOSIIt tastes like an old boot.

GERTRUDEMight be. If Quatermain comes out of there shoeless, we’ll know you’re right.

And they continue to chew. It might take a while.


The bottle of whisky is now nearly drained - and both Robertson and Quatermain are thoroughly plastered.

Rosy-cheeked, swaying around, arms around each other’s shoulders, they’re belting out the chorus to “Scotland the Brave” - or at least Robertson is. Quatermain’s lapsed a little into “Men of Harlech”...


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ROBERTSON...shivering are the ranks of steel, dire is the horseman’s wheel, victorious in battlefield, Scotland the brave!

Thoroughly spent, he collapses down into his chair. Quickly silencing himself, Quatermain clambers towards his own.


So...why are you here then?

QUATERMAIN(equally bleary)

I’m...a salesman.


QUATERMAINI find things, and then I sell them.

ROBERTSONAye? Anything that’s any good?

QUATERMAINSee for yourself.

He reaches into his rucksack, pulls out the Idol of Ideka, and tosses it onto the desk.

Robertson leans forward, peering at it - and then his eyes widen!

Suddenly overcome with energy, he rummages in his sporran for a moment, pulling out, much to Quatermain’s relief, a pair of glasses, which he puts on before inspecting the Idol again.

ROBERTSONI dinnae bloody believe it...


Gertrude, Nkosi and the rest of the tribe are still sitting around the campfire. Mercifully, the haggis has long since been abandoned.

Taking the opportunity, Gertrude sidles over to McIlowo, Nkosi shuffling up next to her.

GERTRUDEMcIlowo, what is this Scourge you mentioned earlier?


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McIlowo doesn’t make eye contact, just stares into the fire, scratching into the ground with a stick.

MCILOWOWhite folks.

GERTRUDE(eyes narrow)


A nod from McIlowo. Gertrude starts to pale.


Another nod - then he throws the stick down, looking straight at Gertrude.

MCILOWOThey have burned all the villages in the area. Will not stop until he is found.

NKOSI(leans forward)

Who? Who are they looking for?

Gertrude looks over at him, a lump in her throat. She looks vaguely sick.

GERTRUDEI think I can tell you that.


Robertson is turning the Idol over and over in his hands, entranced and slightly afraid. He must have been doing this for a while, as Quatermain seems slightly ticked off.

ROBERTSONI’ve been searching for this for twenty years...

QUATERMAINHave you now.

ROBERTSONThe Idol of Ideka.

He carefully places it back on the desk as Quatermain, interested now, leans forward.

QUATERMAINHow do you know that?


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ROBERTSONLike I say. I used to be an explorer. I heard about this years ago, and searched the land to find it. Eventually, I gave up. If only I’d pushed on a bit further...

A wistful sigh escapes his lips. Quatermain isn’t impressed.

QUATERMAINWhy? What’s so special about this, anyway?

ROBERTSONYou dinnae know?

Quatermain makes an “obviously” gesture with his hands.

ROBERTSON (CONT’D)This Idol is a key.

QUATERMAIN(clicks his tongue)

Oh, we’re back to this again, are we?

ROBERTSONYou follow the path...

As he says this, Quatermain mouths along - he knows this off by heart, seemingly.

ROBERTSON (CONT’D)And it takes you to a city. In that city are the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen - and they’re just handmaidens.

(leans in, excited)The city is run by a woman, nae, a goddess - of incredible power. It is said that she can give a man his most fervent dream.


Good for her.

ROBERTSONNo-one knows her name, but people refer to her as “She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed”.

QUATERMAINSounds like my sort of woman.

Robertson settles back in his chair, that same magical look still in his eyes.


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ROBERTSONIt’s only a legend, of course, but my, what a legend it is.

Quatermain’s heard enough - he leaps to his feet and claps his hands.

QUATERMAINYou take it, then. Go follow the path, follow your dreams. Do what you want.

ROBERTSON(shakes his head)

I cannae take this. I’m too old.

QUATERMAINWhat does age have to do with anything?

Robertson beckons Quatermain closer - and the younger man begrudgingly does so.

ROBERTSONDo you know what my dream was? To go back home. Back to Scotland.

QUATERMAINYou can still do that. No need for some wizard woman, just a steady ship and a good crew...

ROBERTSON(shakes his head)

I’d never make the return journey.

He leans back in his chair and opens his arms out to take in the whole room.

ROBERTSON (CONT’D)That’s when I realised - I had money. And money can buy your dreams. No need to go back home - I can bring Scotland to me.

(smiles)I dinnae need to find my dream - I’m living it already!

Quatermain takes a step back, looking around, first at Robertson, then at his self-built kingdom.

It’s a pitiful sight.


Quatermain strides out of Robertson’s “castle”, making a beeline straight to Gertrude, who he taps on the shoulder.


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QUATERMAINCome on, we’re leaving.

GERTRUDE(jumps to her feet)

Could not agree more.

Nkosi joins them, but before they set off, Quatermain raises a finger, then bends down to pick something up.

QUATERMAINSome food for the journey.

NKOSIIt is not haggis, is it?

Shaking his head, Quatermain holds out his hand.

QUATERMAINShortbread. Plenty of sugar.

He winks, and then pushes his way through the trees and out of sight.

Gertrude gives McIlowo a quick wave and follows him, Nkosi right behind.


Quatermain has his machete out, hacking his way through the undergrowth like a man possessed.

Hurrying up to him, Gertrude grabs him by the arm.

GERTRUDEWait a minute. I know why I wanted to leave, but what about you?

QUATERMAINI could ask you the same question.

QED. Gertrude sighs, knowing she’s got to break the impasse.

GERTRUDEThere’s a British army troop on your trail, and they’re not in any mood for stopping any time soon.


Same old story.

He then notices that Gertrude is looking at him expectedly.



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GERTRUDEAnd your reason?

Quatermain pauses for a moment - does he tell her?

QUATERMAINErm...yes. Robertson told me the same. Let’s push on whilst under the cover of darkness.

Bobbing his head back down, he resumes hacking. Gertrude watches after him - not quite sure he’s been entirely honest with her...


Robertson stands alone, wistfully playing his bagpipes to the tune of “Scotland the Brave”.

As he’s playing, he hears the sounds of shouting - and then BLOODCURDLING SCREAMS!

Cautiously, he lowers the bagpipes and turns - just as two soldiers push their way in.

Drssed in khaki, carrying rifles attached to backpacks, and looking slightly arrogant - they’re not the British as we know them, but are still instantly recognisable.

ROBERTSONNow, are either of you laddies Scottish, by any chance?

The soldiers step in closer, as they’re joined, and dwarfed, by a giant shadow behind them. Clearly their commander.

A quick look from one of the men towards their leader - who nods imperceptibly.

Accepting this, the two soldiers point their rifles at Robertson - who raises his hands in surrender...

...and then FLAMES SURGE from the soldiers’ rifles - TOASTING Robertson where he stands!

FOLLOW the bagpipes as they DROP to the floor...

The commanding officer steps into the room, still in shadow, but we can see him point towards the pipes.


As the soldiers turn their flame-throwers onto the fallen bagpipes, we see FLICKERS of the commander’s face illuminated in flame.


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Exceptionally tall, very regal, military bearing, with a sharpened moustache.

Whoever he is, he means business...


Quatermain and his party have finally called it a night - Nkosi is flat-out asleep, whilst Gertrude and Quatermain himself are huddled around a fire.

Quatermain looks edgy, furtively glancing hither and thither.

GERTRUDESo, are you really Scottish?

QUATERMAIN(caught off guard)


GERTRUDEScottish. You told Robertson you were. A cunning lie?

QUATERMAINTechnically, yes.

Gertrude sits up with a smile, pointing at him.


QUATERMAINBut I like to think of myself as Scottish sometimes.


Quatermain takes the opportunity to stoke the fire a little more while he thinks that through.

QUATERMAINMy father was away a lot, down at the Lords and what have you. There are plenty of rumours that my mother and the gardener...

GERTRUDEWas he Scottish?


And a decent chap too. I see more of myself in him than...



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Still. He keeps my mother happy, even now. Lawns, hedges...

GERTRUDE(mildly amused)

I think there’s a joke there somewhere...

QUATERMAIN(darkly serious)

I’d thank you for not telling it.

And with that, he gets to his feet, extinguishing the fire with a few co-ordinated stamps. Gertrude reels back, mildly shocked at him.

Taking no notice, Quatermain marches up to Nkosi and delivers a swift KICK to the gut - waking him up.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Come on lad, stop lounging.

Nkosi frowns as he climbs up onto his feet, as Gertrude, still stunned hurries up to Quatermain, who marches off into the undergrowth.

GERTRUDEWhy the sudden urgency?

QUATERMAINBecause we have somewhere to be.



A marvel of architecture - all twisted spires, gilded towers and wondrous bridges - a simply stunning construction.

As we gently PULL BACK, we take in more crowded buildings, and gigantic walls, topped with ramparts and fortifications - this is a city of wonder.

Now we’re seeing the city from the viewpoint of Quatermain, Gertrude and Nkosi, who are standing on the crest of a hill, overlooking this majestic sight.

GERTRUDEAll right. Now I can see why you were such a hurry to get here.

Quatermain doesn’t answer her for a moment - he’s standing there open-mouthed. Finally, he recovers his senses.



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QUATERMAINThis is beyond even my wildest imaginations.

(looks to Gertrude)And believe me, I can imagine quite a bit.

NKOSI(shakes his head)

I have never seen anything like it.

QUATERMAINI don’t believe anyone has.


Except them, of course.

We FOLLOW her finger, which points downwards towards the one obstacle between our party and the stunning city...

...a settlement of a local tribe, camped all around the city, their population numbering the hundreds, if not thousands.

QUATERMAINAh. Yes. Well, maybe they’re friendly.

GERTRUDEThey don’t look overly friendly.

As she says this, we see several of the tribesmen starting to advance on our trio, spears in hand and threatening expressions on their faces.

QUATERMAINYou may well be right. Any ideas?

NKOSI(straight face)

Full frontal assault?

QUATERMAINAre you developing a sense of humour, lad?

NKOSISomething tells me I will need to if I stay around you much longer.

Impressed, Quatermain bumps Gertrude with his arm.

QUATERMAINHe is, you know. I’m warming to that boy.


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GERTRUDE(forced smile)

Good for team building. Not so good for our present...

(nods towards the advancing army)



He scratches his beard, deep in thought.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Tell you what, though. We do have something in our favour.

Reaching into his rucksack, he retrieves the Idol, which he tosses up into the air, catching it smoothly.

With a daft grin at Gertrude, he starts running down the hill towards the tribe, the Idol held aloft.

Gertrude and Nkosi remain where they are.

NKOSIShould we not follow him?

GERTRUDENo. I was thinking of running away, not running into them...

But Quatermain’s not for stopping - down the hill he CHARGES, getting closer and closer to the tribe...

...who stop advancing, seeing the Idol GLINTING in the sun!

As one, they collapse onto their knees, parting like the Red Sea to leave a clear path right up to the city gates.

Satisfied, Quatermain turns back to his colleagues, beaming.

QUATERMAINSee? If in doubt, do the unexpected. Always works.

And off he marches through the subservient crowd - Gertrude and Nkosi now having to sprint to catch up to him...


Free from the surrounding tribe, Quatermain, Gertrude and Nkosi now find themselves confronted by a pair of huge GLITTERING DIAMOND GATES - hundreds of feet high.

GERTRUDEDid you know it would be like this?


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With a shrug, he holds the Idol up above his head - waving it around, using it to catch the sunlight.

Once again, the magic works - the gigantic gates PART, allowing them access.

GERTRUDEHandy little key.

QUATERMAINYes, I thought so too.

NKOSIIt does seem like you are following a path, however.

GERTRUDEYes, I thought you “didn’t dance to anyone’s tune”?

QUATERMAINThis is one tune worth doing a Highland jig for.

Through the gates they stride - only to be immediately confronted by a pair of HANDMAIDENS.

They look strikingly similar - long dark hair, pale skin, flowing white robes.



QUATERMAINAllan Quatermain.

(holds up the Idol)I believe I’m expected.

The handmaidens’ eyes WIDEN upon seeing the Idol, and they step closer out of curiosity.

HANDMAIDENYou have recovered...

HANDMAIDEN 2...the Idol. Please explain... you accomplished this?


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Quatermain looks from one to the other, confused as all hell by their split speech patterns. He’s not one to pass up an opportunity to boast, though.

QUATERMAIN(puffs out his chest)

Through a combination of skill, adventure and bravery. A tale befitting of an audience, I reckon.


HANDMAIDEN 2...acceptable. She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed will be most...

HANDMAIDEN...eager to meet with you.

Upon saying the name “She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed”, both handmaidens execute a difficult dance, clicking their figures, blinking, and twirling on their toes. But they show no sign of having done so afterwards - almost like a reflex.

The upshot of it all is total confusion from our travellers.


Will she now? Good.

HANDMAIDENWe shall accompany...

HANDMAIDEN to the Throne Room.

They step aside, gesturing for Quatermain to lead the way. With a quick shrug to his companions, he steps through.

Gertrude and Nkosi make to follow - but find their way blocked by the handmaidens, who close ranks immediately.


HANDMAIDEN 2...these people?

Gertrude’s about to speak - but Quatermain cuts her off with a waved hand. He’ll handle this.

QUATERMAINThey are my companions.



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HANDMAIDEN 2...not welcome.

Quatermain retreats back to face them, his face starting to cloud with anger.

QUATERMAINNo no, you do not realise. They’re terrific people. I keep them on hand to tell me how fantastic I am...

(Gertrude shoots him a look)

...amongst other things.

HANDMAIDENUnacceptable. Only one...

HANDMAIDEN 2...can be worthy enough to meet She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed.

Again with the little dance. It’s almost a nervous tic, and it’s starting to irritate Quatermain, as is this whole situation in general.


HANDMAIDENYour insistence is...

HANDMAIDEN 2...irrelevant. They will be...


Quatermain looks from a worried Gertrude and Nkosi back to the handmaidens, who have fixed neutral expressions.

QUATERMAINAnd by evicted, you mean...?




HANDMAIDEN 2Destroyed.

Quatermain looks from one to the other in pure horror.


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QUATERMAINYou will not do any of those things to them!

HANDMAIDENYou cannot...

HANDMAIDEN 2...stop us.

Folding his arms, Quatermain looks at them both with a smug expression on his face.

QUATERMAINOh, can’t I? Put it this way, then. If they’re not going in, then neither am I.

HANDMAIDENThat condition is...

HANDMAIDEN 2...acceptable. Please hand over...

HANDMAIDEN...the Idol and leave.

Quatermain’s smile quickly disappears as the handmaidens advance towards him menacingly, their hands stretched out.

QUATERMAINWhat? You can’t...

He backs up, suddenly terrified, bashing into Nkosi on his backpedal, almost sending him flying.

Suddenly, the handmaidens stop, standing stock still, a glazed expression creeping across their faces.

Then, out of nowhere, they retract their hands and step aside, leaving a clear path towards the Palace.


The little dance again.

HANDMAIDEN 2...has spoken.

QUATERMAIN(slowly recovering his poise)

Has she now? Quiet, is she?

HANDMAIDENShe will be happy...


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HANDMAIDEN grant you all an audience.

Quatermain’s fully recovered now. He leans into one of the handmaidens, maddening smile returned.

QUATERMAINYou see? Communication, that’s all that was needed.

(under his breath)And blind bloody luck.


The twin handmaidens lead Quatermain, Gertrude and Nkosi through into a cavernous whitewashed room - white walls, white ceiling, white floor.

The only hint of colour is GLISTENING from behind a curtain, obstructing the view beyond.

Leaving Quatermain, Gertrude and Nkosi behind, the handmaidens advance towards the curtain before kissing the floor, then quickly straightening back up.

HANDMAIDENMr Allan Quatermain...

HANDMAIDEN 2(faint sarcasm)

...and party.

Slowly, the curtain DRAWS BACK - and the handmaidens step aside, giving Quatermain a clear view... a figure stands up, pushing her way through the curtain to stand before them.

Statuesque, ethereal, and stunningly beautiful, she can only be described as an earth-bound goddess.


She locks her dazzling blue eyes firmly on Quatermain, not acknowledging the existence of the others.

SHEI have long awaited your arrival.

Quatermain shuffles his feet, looking away. She has him under her spell.

QUATERMAINHave you now? Funny, that. I only retrieved this yesterday.


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SHEI am not referring to you as an individual, merely that you contain the necessary attributes I desire.

On the word “desire”, Quatermain’s eyes flick back up, surprised and a little bit intrigued.

QUATERMAINAnd what “attributes” are they, ma’am?

SHEI will not embarrass you further by stating them in public.

Suddenly, she advances towards him, a long delicate arm stretching outwards...

...and Quatermain takes an involuntary step back. There’s something about her that’s unnerving, even to him.

Realising this, She flashes him a stunning smile - an enchanting curvature of the lips that bedevils him, causing him to relax involuntarily.

SHE (CONT’D)Forgive me, but I must ask for confirmation of your achievement.

QUATERMAIN(after a beat)

Why, yes of course.

He rummages in his rucksack, producing the Idol and carefully handing it over.

Delicately, She brings the Idol up into the light, although she doesn’t look towards it.

She then FLICKS her other hand at it - and the Idol VANISHES in a PUFF OF SMOKE!

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)What the devil...!

SHEIt is nothing but a useless trinket that has served its purpose.


But...but that was mine!

SHE(smile still fixed)

Oh, you never believed that, did you?



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(beat)I fear some re-evaluation may be necessary.


No, no! It’s just...I put a lot of effort into retrieving it.

SHEAnd you may do so again, if you so wish.

Once again, she steps forward, only this time Quatermain holds his ground. He’s transfixed.

SHE (CONT’D)However, I believe you are here to collect your reward.

(blinks slowly, almost seductively)

You are aware of my reward, I take it?


Erm, yes. Yes, I am.

As She leans in towards Quatermain, her eyes steadily closing - there’s a SUDDEN COUGH from off to one side.

She’s eyes flick open immediately - and they take in Gertrude and Nkosi, almost for the first time.

GERTRUDE(dripping with sarcasm)

Not to intrude or anything, but I was just wondering if we would be permitted an audience with her holiness...

Turning to face Gertrude, She maintains a pleasant facade, not reading the sarcasm, or not caring about it.

SHEOf course. You are most welcome within my palace.

(looks her up and down)In fact, I feel you would become an excellent handmaiden.

GERTRUDEWhat?! No, I’m not dressing up and playing house...



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SHE(waves a dismissive hand)

Do not insult me with your false modesty. You would be in a most privileged position, and I would welcome your presence.

Gertrude’s about to complain further, but She raises an arm, pointing towards her with something approaching finality.

SHE (CONT’D)No more discussion. It is done.

The doors beyond open, and a flood of identically-dressed, identically-styled handmaidens pour forth, bodily grasping Gertrude and PULLING her through the doors with them!

Both Quatermain and Nkosi watch this with mounting horror - what have they got themselves into?

She turns her steady gaze onto Nkosi, her smile still fixed, causing him to flinch.

SHE (CONT’D)As for you, my dear, my tribe of workers outside the city limits require additional...


That catches both She and Nkosi off guard - Quatermain further confirms his position by STAMPING his foot.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)He’s a good chap. You’re not hauling him off to build walls and dig trenches for you.

She SNAPS her head around to look at Quatermain - and for a moment, there’s a FIRE in her eyes that is utterly terrifying...


Very well.

Turning back to Nkosi, her expression returns to passivity, and she smiles once more.

SHE (CONT’D)I shall have the handmaidens prepare a room for you within the palace. You shall be well catered for.

Nkosi, grateful for this, gets down on bended knee.


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NKOSIThank you.

SHEWelcomed. Now leave us.

With a dismissive wave of her hand, the doors open again - and Nkosi’s quick to dash through them.

As She turns her gaze back onto Quatermain, she CLICKS her fingers - and the doors close behind her.

Quatermain’s remaining in place, rigid. There’s a look in his eyes we’re not accustomed to seeing.

Pure fear.

SHE (CONT’D)(dazzling smile)

It is now time for your reward. You are aware of what this is?


I-I believe so.

She leans in close, and Quatermain tenses up further.

SHE(sultry whisper)

Your heart’s desire.

As she retreats back, Quatermain NODS, trying to get his mouth working again.

SHE (CONT’D)No need to speak. What you wish is as clear as day.

She raises a hand - and then BRINGS it down in a SWEEPING motion - and the curtains behind her COLLAPSE with it to reveal...

A vision in white, almost from a dream. Beauty radiating in waves, dark hair elegantly coiffed, a cheeky smile waiting on her lips.


Back from the dead.

SARAHHello, Allan.

She steps towards him with an elegant stride - an elegance not shared by Quatermain, who remains unmoved, open-mouthed.


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SARAH (CONT’D)It has been some time.


He reaches out with an arm, brushing against her skin, and she responds by smiling with even more wattage.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)It cannot be.

SARAHMiracles are sometimes possible, darling.

QUATERMAIN(shaking himself)’re so...real!

SARAHI would hope to be.

She takes a small step back, and Quatermain goes to follow, enthralled and enraptured by all this.

QUATERMAINAnd you look so well.

SARAHConsidering my condition when last you saw me, I would think I should!

QUATERMAINYou know what I mean...oh, what the hell, come here!

He opens his arms out wide - and Sarah doesn’t hesitate to rush into them, nestling in as Quatermain kisses the top of her head.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)We have so much lost time we need to make up for.

SARAH(looking at him adoringly)

Oh, that we do, darling...

QUATERMAIN(recovering that old swagger)

But what should we do first, hm?


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A long white robe gets thrown down onto a bed, closely followed by Gertrude’s head as it gets pushed down into the covers.

Standing over her are two handmaidens - possibly the two we met earlier, it’s difficult to tell them apart.

HANDMAIDENYour style is not...

HANDMAIDEN 2...uniform. Your appearance must be modified.

The pair grab hold of Gertrude’s filthy blouse and proceed to tear it from her shoulders - but she squirms and wriggles.

GERTRUDELet go of me, dammit!

Somehow, she manages to fight her way free, and she rolls over to face her captors.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)This is not what I signed up for! Actually, I did not sign up for anything...

HANDMAIDENBut it is the express wish...

HANDMAIDEN 2...of...

GERTRUDE(raising a finger)

No. This is not happening. I am not wearing this...

(jabs a finger at the robe)

...and I’m not having my hair lengthened, or darkened, or anythingened.

The handmaidens look at each other in confusion.

HANDMAIDENBut you must...

HANDMAIDEN 2...bring yourself into line.

GERTRUDEAnd don’t even get me started on the chorus line act!


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HANDMAIDENYou are risking...

HANDMAIDEN 2...the wrath of...

GERTRUDE(chewing her lip)


She struggles up into a sitting position as the handmaidens back away, eyebrows raised questioningly.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)I’ll wear the oversized nightgown.

(tugs at her torn top)This is ruined anyway.

The handmaidens nod as one.


HANDMAIDEN 2...acceptable.

GERTRUDEThank you.

(waves at them)Now go on. Give a girl some privacy.

Another nod, as well as a bow, from the handmaidens, who proceed to sweep out of the room.


Quatermain and Sarah lie in bed facing each other, sharing looks of contentment.

QUATERMAINIt has been a long time. Far too long.

SARAHI know. But at least we are together again now.

QUATERMAINYes. And as they say, absence certainly makes the heart grow fonder.

SARAHWho are “they”?

Quatermain ponders this for a moment.


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QUATERMAINNo idea. The exalted “they”.

SARAHWell, “they” speak wise.

QUATERMAINYes. And so do I.

He leans in for another kiss, eyes closed, but Sarah just shoots him a dubious look.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Sorry. I haven’t had opportunity to practice my pillow talk in a while.

SARAHI can tell.


SARAH(brows knitted in confusion)


QUATERMAIN(points upward)

Up there? What is it like?


(looks down)Well, I don’, can’t...quite...

This moment is interrupted by a loud KNOCK on their door. A pause for a few seconds, then another, louder KNOCK.

QUATERMAINWell, room service certainly are impatient here, aren’t they?

Climbing gingerly out of bed, he moves to the door and peers through the keyhole.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Whoever it is, they’re wearing one of those darned robes.


QUATERMAIN(turns to Sarah)

What if it’s her?


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SARAHWhy would she bother to knock?


And upon realising that, he opens the door - only for whoever’s behind it to blow right in and PUSH him up against a wall!

It’s GERTRUDE - now kitted out in her handmaiden’s guise!

GERTRUDEQuatermain, I’ve been looking all over for you! Where have you been? What have you been doing?

As she says this, she notices Sarah getting up out of bed, pulling the sheets around her.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Never mind. I see you’ve had your hands full.

(sniffs)And have you had a wash?

Sarah, alarmed by the intrusion, hurries over to Quatermain’s side, giving Gertrude daggers.

SARAHAllan, who is this?

(to Gertrude)How dare you talk to my husband in such a manner!

GERTRUDEI’m sorry, but what?

Quatermain, who’s been looking from one to the other with an air of a trapped rodent about him, suddenly realises he needs to say something.

QUATERMAINAh. Yes. Introductions.

(gestures from one to the other)

Sarah, this is Gertrude, my guide for the last few years, and comp...

(after a look)...atriot. Gertrude, this is Sarah, my wife.

GERTRUDESo I’d gathered.

She extends a hand out mechanically towards Sarah, who grasps it with as little feeling as possible.


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SARAHI’m sure.

They release hands, but the tension is still thick. Quatermain tries to alleviate it by speaking again.

QUATERMAINSo, Gertrude. Did you have something to tell me?

GERTRUDEYes, actually.

(with a pointed look at Sarah)

Can we talk spouse-free for a moment?

QUATERMAIN(taken aback)

What? No! Whatever you can say to me, you can say to her.

Gertrude looks dubious at that, as Sarah takes a position by Quatermain’s side, her arms resolutely folded.


(directly to Quatermain)There’s something very wrong-ay about this whole setup-ay. I don’t trust anyone-ay. Neither-ay should you.

SARAH(whispers in Quatermain’s ear)

Is she speaking Afrikaans?

QUATERMAINNo, I believe it’s bollocks.

(to Gertrude)Look, if you can’t say anything properly, don’t say it at all.

Gertrude’s eyes flame at that - so she spins on her heel and marches out of the room.

GERTRUDEFine. Enjoy your rampant lovemaking.

And she SLAMS the door behind her for good measure.

Quatermain waits a moment, then gently pulls Sarah back towards the bed.


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QUATERMAIN(off her look)

What? It sounded like an order to me...


In contrast to the others, Nkosi’s room seems to be more like a library than a bedroom - heaving bookcases line the walls.

The man himself is sitting on his bed carefully reading from a particularly weighty tome.

There’s a KNOCK on the door, but he doesn’t look up.


Carefully, the door opens, and Gertrude steps in. With a cursory nod at Nkosi, she starts to look around, taking particular note that his bed is empty.

GERTRUDEAre we alone?

NKOSIWith my thoughts.

He lifts up his book (with a great degree of difficulty).

GERTRUDEForgive me, Nkosi, but I didn’t know you could read.

NKOSII could not. But I have plenty of time, it seems, so why not learn?

GERTRUDE(notices the cover)

And you decided to learn by reading War and Peace?

NKOSII like a challenge.

Gertrude accepts this with a nod, before sliding in next to him, an urgent look on her face.

GERTRUDEShouldn’t we be focusing our energies on something more productive?

NKOSISuch as?


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Nkosi’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Come on. Tell me you don’t get a particularly...evil...feeling about this whole affair.

NKOSIEvil is a strong word.

GERTRUDEFine. Weird. This is definitely...weird.

NKOSIHave you spoken to Quatermain?

GERTRUDEI tried. He’s a little busy right now sleeping with his wife.

That definitely takes Nkosi by surprise.

NKOSII believed his wife was dead.

GERTRUDEYes. So did he. Chalk up another one in the extremely long “weird” column.

Finally, Nkosi puts down his book and looks earnestly at Gertrude, calmness personified.

NKOSII too feel there is something strange in the air. But I am helpless against it. I feel like an ant under a giant’s boot.

GERTRUDESo you’re not going to help me?

NKOSINot until there is something I can help you with.

Gertrude takes that about as well as she can, before making a move towards the door.

GERTRUDEFine. If I think of something, I’ll provide a welcome distraction from Tolstoy for you.


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NKOSI(returning to the book)

You do that.

Gertrude steps out of the room, straight into...


...the path of two handmaidens!

HANDMAIDENWe have been...

HANDMAIDEN 2...looking for you. Your assistance... required. Immediately.

Gertrude pauses a moment, intrigued.

GERTRUDEWait a minute. You’re asking me for help?

The handmaidens look at each other, confused.


GERTRUDEFair enough.

(with a grand gesture)Lead on...


The two handmaidens take Gertrude out onto a balcony that juts out from the rest of the palace, overlooking the landscape beyond.

And now we see why Gertrude’s presence is requested - as a British army squadron is camped right outside the city!

Rows of tents stretch back, along with heavy artillery, cavalry, all the works. This is an army on a mission.

On the frontline of the squadron is placed a mini-stage of sorts - in reality nothing more than an upturned box.

Onto it steps a rather hesitant PRIVATE - who brings forth a MEGAPHONE and faces the city.


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PRIVATEAttention, citizens. It has come to our notice that you are harbouring a certain Allan Quatermain...

On the balcony, the handmaidens turn to Gertrude. One of them produces a sniper rifle from within her robe.

Gertrude’s rifle.

HANDMAIDENYou are known...

HANDMAIDEN 2...for being an expert shot. We require you... shoot the messenger.

The handmaiden who spoke last extends the rifle out to Gertrude, who looks at it cautiously.


Both handmaidens look at each other in surprise, then back to Gertrude, who remains resolute.

HANDMAIDENBut we know of your...

HANDMAIDEN 2...history with the invading British...

GERTRUDE(eyes narrow)

How? How do you know that?

Rather than answering, the handmaidens turn away, facing the troops arrayed below them instead.


She lifts up the rifle herself, places it on her shoulder, and...


The bullet ZIPS through the air - PUNCHING right through the messenger’s throat - killing him instantly!

Gertrude reacts with shock - that shot was perfect. Too perfect.


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Down on the fields, there’s commotion again as the dead private is hauled away, but someone else takes up the megaphone - the general we saw earlier - the moustachioed menace himself...

KITCHENERThis is General Kitchener. We consider that an unprovoked act of aggression, but are willing to overlook it if you bring forth...

Another BULLET WHIZZES down from the balcony, this one aiming right for Kitchener’s forehead...

...but just in time, someone barrels into him from the side, knocking Kitchener off the platform!

The bullet HITS a tent and drops to the ground harmlessly. Kitchener, lying prone on the ground, turns to face his saviour - a confident looking young man with a regal bearing.

KITCHENER (CONT’D)Not bad reactions, lad. I’ll make a soldier out of you yet.

The young man merely nods his thanks as Kitchener clambers back to his feet, shaking with anger.

Onto the platform he goes, brandishing the megaphone again.

KITCHENER (CONT’D)That was hostility, plain and simple. Nothing for it, then. Prepare for battle!

Back on the balcony, the handmaidens take Gertrude by the arms and pull her back towards the palace.

HANDMAIDENCome. We must be...

HANDMAIDEN 2...prepared for an assault.

Gertrude manages to break away for just a moment, and looks down at Kitchener, the poster boy for the British Army. She shudders with distaste...



Quatermain emerges from the bathroom, looking dog-tired. He wanders around the bed in a daze.



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The door ROCKS back on its hinges, and She breezes through, taking Quatermain by the arm.

SHECome with me, Quatermain. I am in need of your expertise.


SHEI shall explain the situation in a moment.

Together, they speed towards a balcony which opens out from the far side of the room.

Quatermain looks back towards Sarah, who’s asleep on the bed behind them. wife...

SHEThis is no concern for her. I suggest you do not wake her to cause her panic.

Despite her words, that isn’t a suggestion - it’s an order. Quatermain wisely accepts her decision.


And as She pulls Quatermain out onto the balcony, the situation becomes crystal clear.

Down in the valley below, Kitchener’s army is assembled in formation and steadily advancing towards the city.

Massing in front of them are She’s tribe, decked out with spears and shields, but seemingly disorganised.

She turns to Quatermain, her expression as calm as ever, but with a certain hurried edge to her tone.

SHEI believe you have knowledge of British military techniques, am I correct?

QUATERMAIN(scratching his jaw)

I’ve had...experience, yes.


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SHEMore than can be said for the defenders at my disposal, unfortunately.

QUATERMAINAnd what do you want me to do about it all?

She gently, but firmly, pulls him around to face her.

SHEI require you to provide me with whatever tactical knowledge you can offer.


SHE(nods towards the battlefield)

Because the invading army wishes for me to surrender you to their clutches. I would rather that not to be the case, would you not agree?

Quatermain GULPS - veiled threat most definitely taken. He looks back over at the battlefield, focusing now.

QUATERMAINLooks to me like fairly standard British square formation. Good to know nothing changes.

SHEAnd what is your suggested counter-attack?

QUATERMAINAre your men familiar with the horns of the buffalo?

She steps back for a moment, closes her eyes, then SNAPS them back open again with a dazzling sense of purpose.

SHEYes. Is that the best attack possible in this situation?

QUATERMAINDefinitely. Tell them to take the bull by the horns...

And on that, we SWOOP down onto the battlefield, where She’s tribe start to carefully arrange themselves into three groups - two flanks and one large central force.


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The British squares hold steady, no doubt used to this sort of attack by now.

Behind them stands Kitchener, on his raised platform, eyes steely, watching the movements... She’s army CHARGES forwards from both flanks simultaneously, SWEEPING towards them...

KITCHENERHold steady. Keep in formation...

On the tribe SURGES, racing towards the British lines, a tidal wave of troops...

KITCHENER (CONT’D)Wait...wait...

Almost within range...the British troops on the front lines tense up, ready...


As one, the British front lines DUCK to the ground - REVEALING the troops behind are brandishing MACHINE-GUNS!

She’s army are RUSHING headlong into a trap!


Bullets POUR FORTH from the machine-gun barrels, a steady stream of pure death...

They cut through the attacking men like hot knives through butter - limbs and heads are wrenched free from their bodies, blood SPEWS everywhere...

Bodies start to pile up, and oncoming troops have to clamber over their fallen comrades, only to find themselves adding to the mountains themselves...

And still the bullets RAIN DOWN...

It’s carnage.

Overseeing all this, Quatermain looks on with pure horror in his eyes, his jaw dropped.

QUATERMAINThe sneaky bastard...

For once, She looks bedraggled, her eyes bulging, previously unseen veins popping from her temple...


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What is happening? You assured me that this tactic...

QUATERMAINThis is different. This general’s a clever one...

SHEHe is a man named Kitchener.

QUATERMAIN(eyes widen further)

Kitchener? The hero of the Sudan? Hell’s bells, they must be bloody desperate to grab me if they need him to do it.

Suddenly, he SNAPS himself out of it, turning to face She with a desperate panic in his eye.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Get your men out of there!

SHE(shakes her head)

Impossible. The British advance would be unchecked.

QUATERMAIN(points desperately for emphasis)

Look at it! This is no battle, it’s a slaughter!

Something clicks in She’s mind. She steps back, her eyes shining with renewed vigour, her mystical aura restored.

SHEI understand. I must take action myself.

QUATERMAINWhat? What do you mean?

But She is intending to answer his questions in action - suddenly, she RAISES herself up off the floor, HOVERING over the balcony.

Then, with almost no forward movement on her part, she PROPELS herself through the air towards the battlefield!

Below, the battle rages on, but She positions herself over the British front lines, hovering over them like an angel in judgement...


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SHEYou will desist this violence immediately!

The battle continues on - no one’s taking any notice, they’re too wrapped up in their own personal battles.

SHE (CONT’D)I shall no longer stand idly by whilst you harm my people!

(extends her arms outward)Observe!

Suddenly, FLAMES shoot out from her hands - and she TURNS them down onto the British troops, FIRE raining from the sky... each JET of FLAME touches a British soldier, they DISSOLVE into nothing but ASH and BONE!

And the FLAMES spread - from one to another, the British front-lines find themselves DESECRATED and CREMATED all in one fell swoop.

The FIRE BURNS through the soldiers, SIZZLING them away, leaving neat little piles of ASH in their place.

If what the British were doing was butchery, this is an extermination...

As She looks down with terrifying focus, the flames still STREAMING from her hands, one VOICE carries on the wind...



She ignores him, her intent clear as the FIRE spreads from row to row, BURNING through the fixed formation...


Irritated enough by Quatermain’s yells, She SNAPS her head back towards the palace.

SHE(projecting her voice with power)

I am protecting my people!


That manages to jolt She, who looks from the British lines to her own troops - only to find them scattering like animals, running, petrified of their own saviour.


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Coming to a decision, She turns off the jets of FLAME and FLOATS back across the desolate battlefield towards the balcony and Quatermain.

When she lands back on the balcony, she turns to Quatermain with an expression of pure thunder.

Despite his indignation, he still shrinks back.

SHE(eyes blazing)

Never give me an order again.

Quatermain recovers his poise and approaches her, his own bravado building.

QUATERMAINI had to stop you.


QUATERMAINFor pity’s sake.

SHEPity is a foolish sentiment. I advise you not to fall prey to it again.


She merely raises an eyebrow - no need to voice a threat.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)You still need me for something. That much is clear.

SHEDo not believe that makes you untouchable.

QUATERMAINOh, but I think it does. Because if I’m harmed, I’m no use to you, is that right?

SHEThat is not why I’m keeping you here.

Without a further look back, she storms off the balcony and into Quatermain’s room.

He’s only half a step behind her.


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She is heading straight for the door, but Quatermain’s not going to let her go that easily.

QUATERMAINWhat do you mean, “keeping me here”? I’m not your prisoner!

Framed by the open door, She turns to briefly face Quatermain once more.

SHENo, Quatermain. You are so much more than that.

And then she’s gone, pulling the door closed behind her.

As Quatermain remains where he is, thoughts tumbling through his mind, Sarah sits up in bed, looking ruffled.

SARAHWhat was all that about?

QUATERMAIN(not looking at her)

You know, I’m not quite sure.


The room is bathed in darkness - Gertrude’s asleep on the bed, everything is perfectly still.

Suddenly - and without any assistance - Gertrude SITS straight up, eyes glancing around, completely awake.

With smooth, lithe movements, she grabs her strewn-aside rucksack and moves for the balcony.


Gertrude quietly peers around the balcony - but there is no movement in the vicinity.

Satisfied, she tiptoes to the edge and looks down - it’s a sheer drop, the balcony overhanging the city walls.

With a deep breath, she unfastens her rucksack, retrieves her trusty rope, and ties it tightly to the balcony rail.

Then, she FLINGS the rope over the side - watching as it steadily UNCOILS on its descent.

One more breath, then she takes up the rope with her hands and steps out over the balcony...


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Slowly at first, but then picking up speed, she ABSEILS down the wall, making greater and greater gains each time.

Before long, she’s a leap away from the ground - and she makes her JUMP, landing quietly.

Another quick look around - and she promptly finds herself face-to-face with a TRIBESMAN pointing his trembling spear right at her!

GERTRUDE(raises her hands with a rueful smile)

Take me to your leader.


Kitchener, bruised and puffy-cheeked, has a cigar in his mouth and a glass of something vile in his hand.

Other than indulging himself, he’s busy chewing out one of his more nervy subordinates.

KITCHENERI don’t give a damn what they think. I want every man who has both his arms to be outside his tent at the break of dawn. We’re storming that bloody place first as last.

The nervous lieutenant nods, grateful to be excused, and makes for the door - almost bumping into Gertrude as she heads into the tent, accompanied by a young private.

KITCHENER (CONT’D)What’s this? I don’t need to be brought whores, I can find my own, thank you very much.

Not knowing quite how to respond to that, the private pushes on with what he was going to say anyway.

PRIVATEErm, General, this lady wanted to see you...

Kitchener gives Gertrude a proper look for the first time, noting her (now slightly tatty) handmaiden’s dress.

KITCHENEROh, aye? Are you from the palace?

GERTRUDEWell, I kind of am, and I’m kind of’s difficult...


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KITCHENER(moustache bristles)

Hold your horses - what’s that accent? Are you a Boer?

Gertrude sheepishly nods, and Kitchener’s eyes flame.

KITCHENER (CONT’D)Out! Get out of my bloody tent, you stinking piece of...

Gertrude doesn’t need to be told twice, but she does shout back over her shoulder...

GERTRUDEI could have got you Quatermain, you bastard!


Gertrude shrugs off the private’s helping hand and makes her stormy way through the British camp with her head down.

She doesn’t notice someone falling into step with her until he’s dead level - which is when he GRABS her by the arm and DRAGS her into a nearby tent!


Gertrude turns around fast, fuming at this - only to find it’s the soldier who saved Kitchener earlier who’s her captor - and he’s busy trying to silence her with a finger on his lips...

BRITISH SOLDIER Shhh! Quiet down!

GERTRUDEWhy should I?

She tries to push past, but the soldier blocks her path.

BRITISH SOLDIERBecause I can help you.

GERTRUDEFunny way of going about it.

Another failed pushing-past attempt from Gertrude.

BRITISH SOLDIERListen to me. I can help here. Believe it or not, I’m the one leading this operation.


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Well, who the hell’s he then?

BRITISH SOLDIER(slight smile)

Kitchener’s...a blunt instrument. Handy chap to have around in a tight spot, but if it’s anything to do with Quatermain, I’m your man.

(offers his hand)Call me Agent X.

Gertrude looks down at his hand for a moment, then back at him with a quirky grin.

GERTRUDEI don’t know who to feel more sorry for, you or your parents.

AGENT XIt’s a codename.

GERTRUDEI’d gathered.

They quickly shake hands, sealing the deal.

AGENT XSo you say you can get Quatermain out?

GERTRUDEAll being well.

AGENT XAnd what’s in it for you?

GERTRUDEMy freedom. Away from people like Kitchener.

AGENT X(nods)

I’ll see what I can do.(beat)

So what exactly would you like us to...

GERTRUDENothing. At least not until the signal.

AGENT XAnd what signal would that be?


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GERTRUDEBelieve me, if I’m right, you won’t be able to miss it...


Gertrude makes her steady way back up the wall, rolling over the side onto the balcony...

...only to find two HANDMAIDENS waiting for her, with seriously annoyed expressions...

HANDMAIDENYou have violated...

HANDMAIDEN 2...the laws of the palace compound.

Gertrude looks from one to the other - then makes a dash for it, trying to squeeze past...

...but the second Handmaiden GRABS her tightly, squeezing until Gertrude stops trying to break free...

HANDMAIDENYou must be relocated...

HANDMAIDEN 2...with immediate effect.

GERTRUDEOh? Where to?


The handmaidens HURL Gertrude into the tiniest, filthiest corner of the whole kingdom.

Gertrude quickly SCRAMBLES to her feet - as a BARRED DOOR is SLAMMED into place. Both Handmaidens take up positions at either side, and they’re not for moving.

Defeated, Gertrude SITS down on the marginally cleanest spot that’s available.





Gertrude BLEARILY wakes up - to her horror, she finds her head has lapsed over into a particularly mucky corner.


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Shaking herself awake, she sits up - and finds CHAOS all around her!

Handmaidens are BUSTLING around the corridors - RUSHING past her in a panic!

Intrigued, she moves over to the bars - but, to her disappointment, sees her own personal guards still firmly in their positions.

From down one corridor, though, jogs NKOSI - looking particularly concerned.

He approaches the Handmaidens, who turn to him as one.

HANDMAIDENWhat is causing...

HANDMAIDEN 2...the commotion?


(registers the Handmaidens’ panicked looks)

In my room. Inferno, almost.

The Handmaidens take a moment to process - then RUSH past Nkosi, heading the way he came, purposeful.

Pleased with himself, Nkosi approaches the barred door, tests its weight - then RIPS the door off!

Impressed, Gertrude steps through, dusting herself down.

GERTRUDEAnd I thought you’d given up all that for book learning.

Nkosi smiles back, tossing aside the bent door.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)I take it you started the fire?

NKOSIOf course.

(twinkle in his eye)You were right. Tolstoy was dull. Came in useful eventually though.

A grin from Gertrude, who’s eyes start to dart around the corridors, planning her next move.

NKOSI (CONT’D)So how are we going to save Quatermain? We do not have much time.


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Gertrude turns to face him, planting her hands on his wide shoulders, looking into his eyes.

GERTRUDEWell, there’s a tribe out there who might find themselves fighting a war on two fronts soon. What they need is a leader.

NKOSI(shakes his head)

I am no leader.

GERTRUDEYes, you are.

Her eyes travel down his body, coming to a rest on the hefty metal band around his thigh.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)You know, when I first saw that, I reckoned it was a leg-iron or something.

Nkosi says nothing, merely looks down himself.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Then I realised it shouldn’t be worn down there.

(looks back up at him)It’s a crown, is it not?

NKOSII do not deserve to wear it. I will not commit violence.

(shakes his head again)And what use is a leader who will not fight?

GERTRUDE(with a smile)

Sometimes they’re the best ones.

She pats him on his shoulders again, before breaking away, starting to look around once more.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Now go out there and lead that tribe. They need you.

NKOSIBut how am I going to engage the opponents without fighting them?

GERTRUDEThink of something better.


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And with that, she makes her way down one of the corridors, satisfied with her decision.

NKOSIAnd what are you going to do?


Commit some violence.


Quatermain is sitting at a small table, cupping his chin in his hands, pondering.

Sarah, meanwhile, remains in bed, her eyes pleading with Quatermain, who doesn’t seem to be in the mood.

SARAHCome on, Allan. It’s not like you to be morose. Tell me what you are thinking about.

QUATERMAINI was thinking about where we should go. I’ve heard good things about Australia.

SARAHWhy do you wish to leave?

Quatermain SIGHS, then looks over at her with mournful eyes.

QUATERMAINBecause I’m frustrated here.

SARAHBut why? We have each other.


I just...feel imprisoned here now.

SARAHBut this is a palace!

QUATERMAINA palace can be a prison too, you know.

As he says that, he fixes Sarah with a determined gaze - which causes her to look away.

SARAHI’ve not seen you like this for a long time.


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SARAH(looks back at him)

Angry. On edge. What has changed all of a sudden?

QUATERMAINNothing’s changed. That’s the problem.


At that point, Gertrude HURTLES into their room from the balcony, rope SWINGING behind her!

As she sheepishly gets to her feet, she finds Quatermain staring down at her furiously.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)I think I preferred it when you knocked.

Gertrude’s sudden appearance has jump-started Sarah into action - she’s on her feet, fuming now.

SARAHIs it her? Has she changed you? What has she done?

QUATERMAINWhat? No! Nothing!

But Gertrude has other plans in mind - she GRABS Quatermain by the arm and starts to pull him towards the door!

GERTRUDECome on, Quatermain. It’s time we were leaving.

QUATERMAIN(perrennially confused)

What? What do you mean...

But Sarah is furious - she ZIPS around the pair of them and THROWS herself in front of the door, blocking their path.

SARAH(almost mad)

You’re not leaving! You cannot leave!

GERTRUDEWhy can’t we?

That rocks Sarah a bit - she looks from Gertrude to Quatermain and back, her head spinning.


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So’s Quatermain’s - but for an entirely different reason.

QUATERMAINCome on, ladies. Calm down, there’s no need to...

GERTRUDEFine. Desperate action.

Reaching onto Quatermain’s belt, she withdraws his MACHETE!

Before anyone can react, Gertrude GRABS Sarah by the hand and CUTS off her little finger!

Blood FOUNTAINS up into the air as Sarah SCREAMS, CLUTCHING her hand!

Quatermain immediately PULLS Gertrude around, KNOCKING the machete out of her hand!

QUATERMAINHave you gone completely mad, woman?

(points frantically)That’s my wife you’ve just...just...mutilated!


Is it?(calm)

She was a nurse, was she not?

QUATERMAIN(confused again)


GERTRUDEThen why does she have no idea what she’s doing?

She pulls Quatermain around to see Sarah sliding to the floor, holding her hand up to the air and WAILING.

QUATERMAINShe’s in shock. She had her bloody finger cut off, what do you expect?

GERTRUDE(holds two fingers up)

Two things. Would she have panicked like that before? And, if she is your wife, why are you standing here with me instead of being over there helping her?

Quatermain REELS back at that - his mental fragility leaving him on the ropes.


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Seeing her advantage, Gertrude decides to hammer it home.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Since she came back, have you had any arguments?

QUATERMAIN(recovering a little)

We were right in the middle of one when you barged in...

GERTRUDEBut before that?

QUATERMAIN(shakes his head)


GERTRUDEWhat about any irritations? Any little things she did that annoyed you? She must have some, everybody does...

QUATERMAIN(shakes his head again)

None, no.

GERTRUDEThen is that the wife you remember?

She turns Quatermain back around to face Sarah, who’s now lying pathetically on the floor, bleeding out.

Quatermain closes his eyes, not wanting to look.



And he SNAPS his eyes open to find:

Sarah has VANISHED - with no evidence that she was ever there!

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Where is she?

GERTRUDEWhere she has been for the past nine years.

(sadly)She was never here, Allan.

PUSH IN on Quatermain as he looks like the world’s going to swallow him up - his eyes sunken, his mouth slightly open.


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And then he visibly shakes himself - his focus returns, his chest puffs out, and he’s the Quatermain of old once more.

QUATERMAINThen what the bloody hell has been going on around here?

Gertrude can’t help but beam at him - the Quatermain she knows is back at last!

She takes him by the hand and leads him to the door.

GERTRUDECome on. I’ve got something to show you...


Gertrude leads Quatermain out into the corridor, which is stone-walled and otherwise unremarkable.


GERTRUDE(extending her arms wide)

Do you see it?

Quatermain looks at the walls, the floor, and the ceiling, then back again, still nonplussed.


GERTRUDENever mind, look!

Again, she drags him with her - this time to the end of the corridor as it intersects with another.

GERTRUDE (CONT’D)Do you see it now?

QUATERMAINI see another corridor like the last one, and a waste of time.


Turning on her heel, she heads back down the corridor they last came down right the way to the other side, which links in to another corridor.


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QUATERMAINIs there a point to this, or are you just going to show me very similar corridors for the rest of time?

GERTRUDEBut don’t you see? They’re not very similar - they’re identical!


GERTRUDESo, for a goddess, she has quite a limited imagination...

For Quatermain, the penny drops at last.

QUATERMAINYou’re thinking this is her doing?


She created people, I don’t believe a little masonry is out of her reach.

The old spark has returned to Quatermain - he approaches the nearest wall with a spring in his step.

QUATERMAINSo, if you’re right, once I disbelieved in the reality of Sarah, she disappeared.

(readies his shoulder against the wall)

Logical to believe that approach would work again...

And so he decides to test his theory - by SHOULDER-CHARGING the stonework!

As soon as he does so - the wall VANISHES - providing them both with a new view - that of the expansive valley beyond!

Quatermain turns back to Gertrude with a huge beaming SMILE on his face - he’s enjoying this!

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Oh, this is fantastic!

But as soon as he moves away from the wall, two HANDMAIDENS GLIDE into view!

HANDMAIDENYou must desist this...


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HANDMAIDEN 2...destruction at once!

Quatermain’s gaze flits over to Gertrude, who nods eagerly. Taking her meaning, Quatermain advances towards the pair.

QUATERMAINForgive me, ladies.

And he UNLEASHES a VICIOUS PUNCH which CATCHES them both - and as they’re hit, they MELT out of sight!

GERTRUDENext time, I get to do that, yes?

QUATERMAINYou’d better hurry up, then, as I’m going to bring all of it down!

He extends his arms wide and turns in a slow circle - everything his hand points to DISAPPEARING instantly...

SWOOP UP to take in the view from a higher angle as the city begins to FOLD in on itself like an Escher painting!

Walls and towers COLLAPSE into each other in a concertina-like motion, dominoes falling one after another...

Quatermain has pulled the bottom card out of the house, and the whole bally lot is disintegrating!


PUSH BACK IN on Quatermain as he turns around and around - the view around him changing from walls and corridors to mountains and valleys as the city erases itself...

QUATERMAINHow ever did you work all this out?

Gertrude is standing over Quatermain’s shoulder, watching with wonder at the sight that’s unfolding before them.

GERTRUDEWell, the handmaidens were the first clue. Talking like they had one mind - whaddaya know, they did!

(smiles)Then other things started adding up, like the architecture, and even your “wife”. All of it’s a fabrication.

(shakes her head)But I could never do this.

A realisation suddenly hits Quatermain, who stops his infernal twirling and steadies himself.


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QUATERMAINIt’s me. She looked into my mind and created exactly what I was expecting to see.

He sits down on the now stony ground, thoughts swirling around like the remains of the city.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)The palace, the handmaidens, all that came straight from Robertson. Legends and myths that I believed, so She made real.

(gulps)Then my wife. The key ingredient.

(looks up)Everything here revolves around me. And for once I’m not being an arrogant sod when I say that.

(brows knit)But why?

Gertrude offers him a hand up with a concerned expression.

GERTRUDENot everything here is make-believe.

She nods towards Kitchener’s army, which we can now clearly see massing before what used to be the city gates.

QUATERMAINOh yes. Forgotten about those buggers. How do we get past them?

Gertrude looks down at the ground - she can’t bear to meet his gaze.

GERTRUDEWe don’t. I have to turn you over to them.



GERTRUDEI had to. It was the only way I could buy myself enough time.

QUATERMAINBut why? Can’t you remember what they did to you? To your brother?


Of course I bloody remember!(shakes her head)



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I told them I was negotiating for my freedom. I was really negotiating for yours.

This is too much for Quatermain - he advances on her menacingly and GRABS her by the shoulders.

QUATERMAINDon’t you know what they’ll do to me? They’ll lock me up and throw the key into the ocean!

GERTRUDEBut you have a better chance of survival with them than you did with her.

Quatermain’s flush of anger passes. He releases his grip on Gertrude and backs away.

QUATERMAINAfter all this time.

(shakes his head)You disappoint me.

And that hurts Gertrude more than anything. Wilting, she closes her eyes, almost about to cry, when...

SHE(booming voice)


Both Quatermain and Gertrude turn to find She standing alone by a glistening POOL, thunder in her eyes.


(jabs his own chest)I did.

He starts advancing towards her, anger in every footstep.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)You’ve pulled the wool over my eyes for long enough. It’s time I got the truth.

SHE(calm yet commanding)

You will advance no farther.

Quatermain takes no notice - so She’s eyes flick to the side, and her voice raises several octaves...




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And there’s the sound of a MARCHING ARMY - both Quatermain and Gertrude turn to find She’s tribe approaching them, Nkosi at their head.

Each and every one of them is carrying a spear.

Quatermain looks from him to Gertrude in disbelief.

QUATERMAINAm I surrounded by turncoats?!

Nkosi YELLS out a command - and the tribe stop a few feet short of Quatermain and She.

SHE(pointing with a flaming finger)

Kill the infidel!

As one, Nkosi’s tribe RAISES their spear over their heads - and DROPS them with a clatter at their feet!

SHE (CONT’D)What is the meaning of this?

Nkosi ignores her for now, reaching down and placing something onto his head - it’s his CROWN!

NKOSIWe will not fight.

SHEYou will fight, or you shall surely die.

NKOSI(defiant to the last)

Then we will die. And we will not fight it.

It’s a sentiment of defiance shared by every member of the tribe - they believe in him now.

She suddenly looks uncertain - she casts a glance over at Quatermain for a moment - then reaches a decision.

SHEThen go. And make haste, before I change my mind.

Nkosi accepts this decision with a nod and YELLS out another command. His tribe turn and retreat the way they came.

But just before they disappear from view, Nkosi meets Gertrude’s gaze - and nods. Slight, but it’s there.

And Gertrude nods back with a look of pride.


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SHE (CONT’D)I see there is no alternative.

Before Quatermain or Gertrude can react, She extends out her flaming arm - and a LIGHTNING BOLT surges from it...

...hitting Gertrude right in the chest!


He lunges desperately for her, but he’s too late - Gertrude’s BURNING to a CRISP!

Just before she breathes her last, she mouths something to Quatermain...

GERTRUDEI pay my debts.

And then she is Gertrude no longer - just a BLACKENED HUSK of a SKELETON which CRASHES down into the ground and DISINTEGRATES.

Quatermain lets out a TORTURED BELLOW - then turns on his heel, a look of pure unadulterated FURY in his eyes.



He MARCHES relentlessly towards She, who stands firm, even as Quatermain gets within touching distance...

...he extends his arms out, ready to THROTTLE the life out of her - but she remains unmoved. Calm, even.

SHEI am Ayesha.

That throws Quatermain completely.



SHE(maddeningly passive)

I realise I need to explain my actions. For you to understand, I must tell you my story.

Quatermain draws back a fist, spittle dribbling out through his teeth, still caught up in the throes of anger.

QUATERMAINNothing you can say will change my opinion of you, you demented harpy!


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SHE(still calm)


I am old. Older than you may believe. You may consider me ancient.


And suddenly, before Quatermain’s astonished eyes, she visibly AGES - that mystical, mythical beauty EVAPORATING away as wrinkles take hold...

That glistening hair turns grey, then white, then stringy - her perfect skin crinkles and crumples before dissolving away, leaving nothing but bone and teeth.

The figure before Quatermain now bears no resemblance to the one that existed mere seconds before.

She is now a skeleton in all but name, with sunken eyes and petrified lips.

This is what extreme age can do.

SHE (CONT’D)(creaky, croaky)

For me, years pass in the blink of an eye. Decades are like minutes, centuries like years. I stand idly by at the turn of millennia.

Quatermain is reeling back from all this, stunned.

QUATERMAINWhat in devil’s name are you?

SHEWould it surprise you to know that I am simply human, as you are?


A tiny prehistoric village - all the tribespeople are clothed in bearskins and suchlike.

Two of them - a mother and father - are holding their young child up to the sky.

SHE (V.O.)I was a normal child in many ways - except I had one unusual ability.

As we PUSH IN - the child’s eyes open - and they SHINE a dazzling, and familiar BLUE...


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SHE (V.O.)An ability known to some as the power of Focus. I could traverse worlds in my dreams...


The child sitting up on an animal skin bed, GURGLING happily as STRANGE, NIGHTMARISH SHADOWS CREEP along the walls!

SHE (V.O.)And sometimes I was able to manifest elements from my journeys...

PULL BACK to REVEAL the rest of the tribe huddled together in a circle, terrified beyond belief.

Many are pointing wildly at the child - some are even chanting incantations...

SHE (V.O.)Unfortunately, my people were deeply superstitious...


The tribe advance slowly up the mountainside, the parents lagging behind, CRYING.

SHE (V.O.)So they decided to dispose of me by the only way they knew how.

Leading the procession is the TRIBAL ELDER - carrying the child in a bundle with some trepidation.

Eventually, the tribe come to a halt at the edge of a GLISTENING, familiar, AZURE BLUE POOL.

With a last flurry of words to whatever deity is up on high, the Elder HOLDS the child up into the skies...

...and then DROPS her into the water, watching intently as the CHILD SINKS deeper and deeper...


ON the child as she PADDLES in the water, rigidly upright, not showing signs of weakening...

SHE (V.O.)But events did not transpire as they would have liked.



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The pool they tried to drown me in was actually a pool that contained pure Focus energy - and so my fledgling powers were enhanced a thousandfold...

As the child’s eyes OPEN - and they’re SHINING - a DAZZLING BLUE which subsides into PURE FLAME!


As a figure we now recognise as SHE traipses through the sand dunes, wandering without purpose.

SHE (V.O.)I quickly realised that civilisation would not accept me based on my previous experiences, and so I decided to traverse the Earth...


She stands on the edge of a plateau, looking out over a city nestled in a desert valley.

SHE (V.O.)But the range to which you can travel when you must avoid all human contact is embarrassingly limited.

With a shake of her head, She turns away from the plateau, aiming once more for the wilderness.

SHE (V.O.)So I decided to return to the Pool which brought me my eternal torment, and remain.


Back in the present, as the decaying She concludes her tale to an enraptured Quatermain.

SHEBut solitude for eternity is torture beyond imagining. I longed for the day when someone worthy of my interest would appear on my horizon...

QUATERMAINHence the test with the Idol.



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SHEIndeed. You clearly possessed many worthwhile qualities, so when I became aware of your arrival, I designed everything according to what I believed would please you the most.

QUATERMAIN(shakes his head)

The majestic city, the beautiful handmaidens, my wife...

(beat)All this was from a bout of extreme loneliness?

The She-creature says nothing, merely starts to crawl back towards the Pool.

SHEForgive my crude methodology. I now realise honesty was what I needed to convey.


Down into the water she goes - and Quatermain RUSHES to the pool’s edge, looking for any sign of her...

...and he doesn’t have to wait long, as the water RIPPLES... the beautiful form of SHE as we originally knew her BREAKS the water effortlessly.

She strides up out of the water, casting an expression of contentment and joy towards Quatermain.

SHE (CONT’D)And now you understand, I will state my request.

(points behind her)Bathe in this pool, and it will grant you eternal life, and a stimulating companion throughout.

Quatermain takes a moment to process this.

QUATERMAINInteresting idea. Just two tiny flaws.

She advances towards him, fascinated.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)One: I don’t do water. And especially not now.


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SHEThen you will be glad to know that this pool is, and never was, one of water...

She WAVES a hand dramatically at the pool - and the final fictitious IMAGE is shattered - the pool is not one of glistening azure waters...

...but is instead a pit of BOILING LAVA!

QUATERMAINYes...that doesn’t help the situation any.


And the second?

Quatermain kicks at a bit of dust on the ground, watching the lava in front of him TUMBLE and TOIL.

QUATERMAINSomething I should have learned from a crazy old man in the jungle.

(fixes his gaze on She)Dreams are for chasing, not for living.

SHEI do not understand.

QUATERMAINLook around you. Everything about you is a fiction. You are proof.


Proof of what?

QUATERMAINThat you can either live your life, or die in your dreams.

(turns away)I choose life.

He starts to walk away from She - who’s expression rapidly changes from serene confusion to utter hatred!


As she says this, her image starts to RIPPLE - and she begins to GROW at an exponential rate...

...twenty, fifty, a hundred, two hundred feet tall!


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Now she TOWERS over a tiny Quatermain like a vengeful goddess, and to emphasise her point, she raises her foot...


Quatermain slowly turns around, looking up, up, and up a bit more to try and make eye contact with the giant that is She.

QUATERMAINYou do not scare me any more.

(sly smile)Because I know what you really are. A pathetic lonely creature writhing around in the dirt.

He turns once more and begins to march purposefully away.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)I don’t fear you.

(hammer blow)I pity you.

She lets out a HORRIFIC WAIL of pure unadulterated DESPAIR - and starts to SHRINK down until she’s out of sight... we PUSH IN CLOSE on Quatermain, walking solidly forwards, his gaze and movements not wavering an inch.

Determination personified.


Kitchener is holding an emergency meeting with his lieutenants and Agent X when the tent door BURSTS open and Quatermain strides in.

QUATERMAINAllan Quatermain. I believe you were looking for me?

He marches up to Kitchener, holding his arms out, palms up and crossed over, expecting to be handcuffed.

KITCHENERWhat in God’s name are you doing, man?

QUATERMAINWell, aren’t you going to court-martial me?

Non-plussed looks from all that are gathered there.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)I’m a deserter, you know.


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At that, Kitchener’s moustache TWITCHES, but he’s placated by a warning hand from X.

AGENT XNine or ten years ago, yes. But that’s not why we’re here.

QUATERMAIN(totally thrown)


Kitchener takes the opportunity to stand up tall and PUFF his chest out - a chance to exude some authority.

KITCHENERYou really believe the British Army has nothing better to do than round up every nancy-boy coward we had?

Quatermain is suitably cowed.

QUATERMAINBut you were...

AGENT XMaybe a long time ago, but not now.

(beat)My paymaster back in England has been watching your adventures closely, and he’d like to extend an offer to you.

QUATERMAIN(shakes his head)

He’s got the wrong person. Gertrude Westhuizen was a real hero. She died for what she believed in.

(not arrogant at all)Me.

AGENT X(unfazed)

Then prove her belief correct.

QUATERMAINAnd would I get paid for this?

AGENT XYou would be rewarded handsomely, yes.

Quatermain looks closely at this young man, fascinated by him. Kitchener breaks the moment, as ever.


Page 111: BLACK ZERO NETWORK · Ready! Aim! FIRE!!! BANG! BANG! BANG! As one, the frontline soldiers UNLOAD their MUSKETS - their shots CANNON into the first warriors - knocking some of them seem like a capable chap. There’s a war coming, and I could do with a few roustabouts to drill these lads into shape.

(raises an eyebrow)Interested?

And now it’s Quatermain’s turn to square up to Kitchener...

QUATERMAINRespectfully, sir, you can fix your bayonet and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.

(turns to Agent X)When does the boat leave for England?

Agent X responds by pulling a pocket-watch out of his jacket...


A large passenger liner sits by one of the docks, its chimneys BELCHING out SMOKE as CROWDS of people push their way on board.

Standing at the entrance to the gangplank are Quatermain (laden down with his trusty rucksack) and Agent X.

QUATERMAINSo what exactly does your paymaster want me for?

AGENT X(shrugs)

He wouldn’t say.

QUATERMAINSecrets are quite big in your business, aren’t they? I don’t truck with them myself.

AGENT XI’d gathered.

Quatermain PUNCHES Agent X lightly on the shoulder, that familiar grin now firmly in place.

QUATERMAINSo come on then. What’s your name, son? And please don’t tell me it’s actually...

AGENT X(interrupting quick)

Churchill. Winston Churchill.


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An accepting nod from Quatermain, followed by a respectful pat on the shoulder.

QUATERMAINYou’re a good lad, Churchill. We need more lads like you.

(leans in)So, what have you got planned for the future?


Well, officially I’m a war journalist, but I have grander designs.

QUATERMAINDon’t we all?

The HORN on the liner BELLOWS its final boarding call, prompting Quatermain to turn and start to fight his way through the throng.

CHURCHILL(yelling over the hubbub)

And what about you, sir, if I may be so bold? What lies ahead?

Quatermain turns back to face him, that smile locked in place, the old sparkle back in the eye.

QUATERMAINSame as ever, lad, same as ever.

(beat)Keep buggering on.

And as Churchill ponders those words, we:



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A rather swanky club, gilded in all the right places, with a couple of rather burly gentlemen on the door to turn the riff-raff away.


A horse-drawn coach pulls up outside the club, splashing through the puddles as it does so.

From out of the coach steps ALLAN QUATERMAIN - looking every inch the sort of riff-raff that the doormen are so keen on removing.

Marching up to the door, he produces a business card from inside his crumpled jacket, showing it to one of the doormen.

QUATERMAINI’m expected.

The doorman looks at him with an incredibly dubious expression, before actually reading the card - then he steps aside as if he’s standing on hot coals.

Grabbing the card back with a grin, Quatermain steps through the doors into...


The sort of room that would blow a hole in the budget of a small nation.

If the exterior made the club look exclusive, the interior confirms the fact.

Everything in the room is an antique - from the pottery on display to the overstuffed armchairs, the fireplace, the cigars, even the members.

Quatermain approaches the first member he comes across - a miserable old duffer - and flashes the card in hope.

QUATERMAINI’ve come to see...

The old man makes a great deal of fuss - trying to shush Quatermain and simultaneously ignore him - in the end hiding behind his newspaper.

Frustrated, Quatermain turns to another member standing nearby holding a brandy.

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QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)I say, do you know of a...

The man CLICKS his fingers with a pinched-eyed expression - and three or four muscle-bound mountains appear from seemingly nowhere and frog-march Quatermain towards a pair of double-doors.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)I’m only here to see M...

The rest of that is drowned out as he gets unceremoniously THROWN into the next room.


This room is an exquisitely-decorated study/office - dominated by a large desk and a display cabinet housing all manner of objets d’art.

Immediately intrigued by this, Quatermain steps forward, appraising the items within...

GENTLEMAN’S VOICE (O.S.)I’d heard you had spent time with a herd of elephants. Forgive me for not realising you had picked up so many of their habits.

Quatermain turns to find himself confronted by a stern, commanding yet kindly figure clutching a file.


MYCROFT(offers a hand)

Allan Quatermain, I presume?

Eyes narrowed, Quatermain takes him up on the offer, surprised at the strength of Mycroft’s shake.

MYCROFT (CONT’D)Mycroft Holmes. I know your father.

QUATERMAINOh? Does he tend your garden as well?

MYCROFT(slightly confused)

I know of him through contacts in the Lords.


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He immediately drops the handshake and wanders away a little, busying himself with an upstanding wooden globe.

MYCROFTI have to say I am impressed by your exploits.

QUATERMAINWhat happened in Africa is private.

MYCROFT(twinkle in the eye)

I know. I read the files.

He moves around to stand behind his desk, encouraging Quatermain to join him.

MYCROFT (CONT’D)In fact, I led the effort to recover you.

QUATERMAINDid you now? Funny, I never saw you back in Africa.

He spins the globe to underline his point, before moving around to stand opposite Mycroft.

QUATERMAIN (CONT’D)Don’t tell me you did it all from this office...

MYCROFT(not taking him on)

Nonetheless, I am building an elite cadre of unique individuals to tackle events of an unexplained nature, and with your previous...experience...I feel you would be a perfect fit...

QUATERMAINDon’t tell me, would you be leading said “cadre” from this office as well?

MYCROFTNo, I would like you to be the leader...

QUATERMAINSo I get this office? the field.

Quatermain, who has been appraising the office for the last few seconds, allows his face to fall.

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QUATERMAINHow do you mean, unexplained?

MYCROFTI will explain later.

QUATERMAIN(cheeky smile)

Or not?

MYCROFT(straight face)

Quite so.

Suddenly, Quatermain leans forward and CLICKS his fingers in Mycroft’s face - he BLINKS - and Quatermain grabs the file from under Mycroft’s arm.

Intrigued by what he sees, he starts to leaf through it...

QUATERMAINNow this does sound interesting...

Mycroft reaches for the file - but Quatermain just passes it to his other hand, still reading.

MYCROFTYou misunderstand. That Whitechapel case is not intended for you.

That causes Quatermain to look back up - and Mycroft takes advantage of that to retrieve the file.

QUATERMAINOh? Why’s that?

MYCROFTWe have our best man investigating it as we speak.

He rearranges the file, straightening up the sheets that Quatermain has untidily messed with.

QUATERMAINWho would that be, then?

Mycroft abruptly stops organising and gives Quatermain a look of pure cold steel.

MYCROFTI’ve already said. Our best man.


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