Bang Bang Text

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  • 8/12/2019 Bang Bang Text


    BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD by William Mastrosimone


    (ABSOLUE DAR!NESS. A "oi#e in t$e %ar&. Ater a moment a )as$li*$t

    e+,lores t$e sta*e mo"es alon* t$e bottom len*t$ t$en -, n%in* /os$aslee, on t$e 0ail be%. /os$ 0-m,s to $is eet.

    /OS2 W$o's t$ere3 W$o is it3 W$o's t$ere3(Mi#$ael $ol%s t$e )as$li*$t -n%er $is #$in ill-minatin* only $is a#e.M452AEL W$y me3/OS2 W$at is t$is3 W$at is t$is3M452AEL We ,laye% ball to*et$er. Yo- 6ere a6esome on t$e el%. Yo- 6ere-nsto,,able./OS2 S-r"i"al o t$e ttest baby.M452AEL An% yo- 6ere only a res$man. Yo- #o-l%'"e been team #a,tain in

    yo-r senior year. W$y'% yo- &ill me3 4 ne"er $-rt yo-./OS2 4t 6as more -n t$an %ro,,in' %-%es in a "i%eo *ame.(Mi#$ael's )as$li*$t *oes o-t. !atie $ol%s $er )as$li*$t -n%er $er #$in.!A4E W$y me /os$3/OS2 W$y not3 Worl%'s o"er,o,-late%. 4 6ante% to %o my ,art.!A4E Yo- li&e% me./OS2 On#e -,on a time.!A4E W$y'% yo- $a"e to &ill me3/OS2 7elt li&e it o&ay3 2a,,y no63

    8.9(!atie's )as$li*$t *oes o-t. Matt $ol%s $is )as$li*$t -n%er $is #$in.

    MA W$y me3/OS2 W$at is t$is3MA W$y me3 4 %on't e"en &no6 yo-./OS2 Yo- 6ere in t$e 6ron* ,la#e at t$e 6ron* time.(Matt's )as$li*$t *oes o-t. /essie $ol%s $er )as$li*$t -n%er $er #$in./ESS4E W$y me3/OS2 W$y not yo-3 E"erybo%y's *otta %ie sometime. Mi*$t as 6ell *etit o"er 6it$.

    (/essie's )as$li*$t *oes o-t. /os$ lays ba#& on t$e be%. Emily leans o"er $im$ol%s $er )as$li*$t -n%er $er #$in. /os$ s,rin*s -, s-r,rise%.EM4LY W$y me /os$3 We li"e on t$e same street. We -se% to ma&e m-%

    ,ies to*et$er 6$en 6e 6ere little &i%s. 4 ta-*$t yo- $o6 to blo6b-bbles 6it$ #$e6in* *-m. 4 #ame to yo-r birt$%ays yo- #ame tomine. W$en 6e 6ere ele"en yo- let me ,lay 6ar 6it$ yo- an% t$eot$er boys be#a-se yo- li&e% $o6 4 %ie%.

    (Let t$e "e %e#ease% im,ro"ise ,re:teen &i%s ,layin* 6ar -sin* t$eir n*ersor *-ns an% ma&in* s$ootin* so-n%s. $ey r-n aro-n% in t$e %ar& t$eir


  • 8/12/2019 Bang Bang Text


  • 8/12/2019 Bang Bang Text


    A5OR > Anybo%y.A5OR 8 $e #$am, 6restler.A5OR = $e 6$ole 6restlin* team.A5OR > $e ba% %-%es.A5OR 8 Gan* ban*ers.

    /OS2 W$en yo- $a"e a *-n ,eo,le tal& ni#e.A5OR = W$en yo- $a"e a *-n::

    /OS2 ?eo,le loo& at yo- li&e a .4.?.(5$or-s e#$oes ;.4.?.;A5OR > Somebo%y b-m,s yo- t$ey say E+#-se me.


    /OS2 Yo- 6al& %iCerent::A5OR 8 W$en yo- $a"e a *-n.

    /OS2 Yo- tal& %iCerent::A5OR = W$en yo- $a"e a *-n./OS2 Yo- t$in& %iCerent::A5OR > W$en yo- $a"e a *-n./OS2 4t's so #ool::A5OR 8 W$en yo- $a"e a *-n.(5$or-s lo-%ly e#$oes ;*-n.;A5OR = 4t's an A:,l-s.A5OR > Slam %-n&.A5OR 8 o-#$%o6n.A5OR = ?-t %o6n.

    A5OR > All in one.(5$or-s e#$oes ;one.;/OS2 Lo"e t$at military stan#eA5OR 8 Yo- ain't *ot a #$an#e::A5OR = Res,e#tA5OR > Wat#$ o-t


    A5OR 8 Mo"e asi%eA5OR = Yo- #an be 6$ate"er yo- 6anna be::

    /OS2 '5a-se a *-n in yo-r $an% is a ?$.D.(Li*$ts on A#tor 1 an% A#tor < as /os$'s ,arents. $e %e#ease% train t$eir)as$li*$t beams on t$e ,arents as t$ey enter.A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM /os$ t$ere's no 6ay 6e're b-yin* yo- a ri)e./OS2 Mom 6ill yo- listen to me3A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD 7irst yo- $a% to $a"e a ,.#. t$en e"ery "i%eo

    *ame e"er ma%e t$en a la,to,::/OS2 7or s#$ool %a%.


  • 8/12/2019 Bang Bang Text


    A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM $en a #ell ,$one a bee,er an% t$e ne6eststyle Ni&es e"ery t$ree mont$s::

    A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD Yo- $a"e to $a"e e"ery 5D yo- $ear on t$era%io.A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM An e+,ensi"e mo-ntain bi&e yo- ro%e t$ree

    times.A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD A sno6boar% yo- ne"er -se%. An% no6 a ri)e3?lease./OS2 Gran%,a 6ants to ta&e me $-ntin*.A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM

    4'm absol-tely a*ainst it./OS2 Gran%,a $-nts. Are yo- re0e#tin* 6$at yo-r o6n at$er t$in&s3A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD O #o-rse not./OS2 $en 4 s$o-l% $a"e t$e ri)e ri*$t3


    A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM 4 6is$ yo- elt as ,assionate abo-t yo-r *ra%esas yo- %o abo-t a ri)e.

    /OS2 Yo-'re #$an*in* t$e s-b0e#t.A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD Yo-'"e *ot a $i*$ 4.F. Yo-r B's an% 5's #o-l% beall A's./OS2 Will yo- *et oC my ba#& abo-t my 4.F.3A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM We mi*$t eel %iCerently i yo- 6ere li"in* -, to

    yo-r -ll ,otential./OS2 O&ay yo- *et me t$e ri)e an% 4'll brin* $ome all A's on my ne+t

    re,ort #ar%. Deal3

    A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM We'll tal& abo-t a ri)e 6$en 6e see all A's./OS2 Yo- %on't e"en tr-st me.A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM /os$ yo- &no6 t$at's not tr-e./OS2 4 yo- tr-st me t$en *et me t$e ri)e no6.A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD W$en yo- *et all A's 6e'll %is#-ss it./OS2 2-ntin* season 6ill be o"er beore *ra%es #ome o-t. $en 4 $a"e

    to 6ait a 6$ole yearA5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD Yo- $a"e to learn ,atien#e./OS2 2-ntin* tea#$es ,atien#e. Gran%,a sai%. B-t 6$at's $e &no63

    2e's only yo-r at$er. All 4 6ant is to s,en% some time 6it$*ran%,a an% $ear $is stories abo-t 6$en $e *re6 -,. Learn some

    res,onsibility. Learn res,e#t or rearms. 2o6 is all t$at ba%3A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD

    4t's not ba% /os$. 4t's 0-st t$at 6e're not #omortable 6it$ *-ns.


    /OS2 4 4 6ante% to 4 #o-l% *et a *-n in s#$ool or ty b-#&s.A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM 2o63


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    /OS2 Easy. 4 &no6 a &i% 6$o stole a *-n rom $is at$er. B-t 4 6o-l%n'tb-y it be#a-se t$at 6o-l% be 6ron*. 4s t$is 6$at 4 *et or bein*$onest3

    A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM Maybe $is $onesty %eser"es t$e ri)e or are6ar%.

    A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD Maybe yo- s$o-l%n't #a"e in e"ery time /os$t$ro6s a tantr-m.A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM W$at abo-t t$e ele#tri# *-itar yo- *ot $im 6$en

    $e t$re6 $imsel on t$e )oor3A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD At least t$at s$o6e% an interest in m-si#.A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM Yea$ an% no6 it's #olle#tin* %-st in t$e #loset.(A#tors 1 an% < 6al& oC ar*-in*./OS2 Di"i%e an% #on-er. Wor&s e"ery time. So %on't blame me. Blame

    my ol&s o&ay3 $ey %i%n't $a"e to b-y me a ri)e.EM4LYYo- still %i%n't ans6er my -estion. W$y me3 W$y %i% yo- &ill me3/OS2 4t's sim,le mat$. My ri)e $ol%s "e b-llets. 7i"e b-llets "e

    ,eo,le. ?ere#t.

    M452AEL $e b-llet t$at &ille% me ,ier#e% my ,arents' $earts too.!A4E ?ier#e% my brot$ers' an% sisters' $earts.MA ?ier#e% my rien%s $earts.


    /ESS4E ?ier#e% t$e $earts o ,arents 6$o sen% t$eir &i%s to s#$ool.EM4LY/-st "e b-llets 6o-n%e% $-n%re%s.M452AEL $o-san%s.

    !A4E Wo-n%s t$at blee%.MA Wo-n%s t$at 6ee,./ESS4E Wo-n%s t$at ne"er $eal.EM4LYWo-n%s t$at are "ery real.ALL $o-san%s/OS2 Get lost.(/os$ lies %o6n to slee, a*ain. Emily ,-lls oC $is blan&et.EM4LY$at's not a *oo% eno-*$ ans6er /os$.M452AEL An% t$at's not air.!A4E Not air.MA Not air at all.

    /ESS4E $at o-r bo%ies lie in #oIns.EM4LYW$ile yo- still breat$e t$e air./OS2 Loo& at it t$is 6ayJ yo- *ot yo-rsel"es a #oKy little ,la#e an% yo-

    #an't beat t$e rent.M452AEL 4t's not air.


    !A4E Not air.


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    MA Not air at all./ESS4E $at 6e're -n%er t$e eart$::EM4LYAn% yo- %on't e"en #are./OS2 !no6 6$at's not air3 Some %-%e 0-m,e% me beore 4 $a% a

    #$an#e to reloa%. 4 #o-l%'"e %ro,,e% a lot more bo%ies an%

    ma%e $istory.M452AEL We %eman% an $onest ans6er /os$. W$y3 W$y'% yo- &ill -s3/OS2 4t 6as -n.($e %e#ease% stan% in a #ir#le an% ,-s$ /os$ aro-n% li&e a ball.!A4E Yo- %on't $a"e t$e ,ro,er rame o min%.MA We'll be all o"er yo-./ESS4E U, one si%e.EM4LYDo6n t$e ot$er.M452AEL 4n yo-r a#e.!A4E Un%er yo-r s&in.MA ill yo- tell -s 6$y.

    /ESS4E W$y3EM4LYW$y'% yo- &ill -s3/OS2 Lay oC me.


    M452AEL We're *onna o,en yo- -,.!A4E Disse#t yo- li&e a ro*.MA ?l-#& o-t yo-r $eart./ESS4E /-st or a start.M452AEL ill yo- tell -s 6$y.

    EM4LYW$y3M452AEL W$y me3!A4E W$y anybo%y3MA W$y3/ESS4E W$y3EM4LYW$y'% yo- &ill -s3/OS2 '5a-se t$ere 6as not$in* *oo% on t.".M452AEL We'll %o 6$ate"er it ta&es toni*$t.!A4E W$ate"er it ta&es.MA o #ra#& yo- o,en./ESS4E ill t$en yo-'ll li"e in $ell.

    EM4LYWit$o-t lo"e.M452AEL Wit$o-t %e#en#y.!A4E Wit$o-t #omort.


    MA A &i% in a #a*e./ESS4E 4n a Koo o mists.EM4LYE"en -ntil yo-r release.


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    M452AEL W$en yo-'re a stoo,e%::!A4E Bro&en::MA Bitter ol% man./ESS4E 7-ll o s#ars.M452AEL S#ars on bo%y an% min%.

    !A4E 7rien%less.MA 2o,eless./ESS4E Min%less.EM4LYSo-l:less./OS2 (LAUG24NG Some la6yer'll *et me oC.M452AEL 4 yo- s-r"i"e./OS2 S-r"i"e 6$at3DRUMMER (AS 5ON Yo ba% boy./OS2 Yo- tal&in* to me3 My name's /os$. W$at's yo-rs3DRUMMER (AS 5ON Yo- t$e ne6 %-%e t$at oCe% se"en ,eo,le3


  • 8/12/2019 Bang Bang Text


    (F-i#& %r-m r$yt$m. $e %e#ease% -,:en% t$e bo+ #on"ertin* it to a 0-%*e'sben#$ by o,enin* t$e li% so t$at it's -, "erti#ally. A#tor 8 stan%s be$in% bo+an% ban*s t$e *a"el. Be#a-se t$e #o-rtroom s#ene is 0-st a antasy its$o-l% be ,laye% s,ee%e% -, 6it$o-t ,a-se so t$at /os$'s ni*$tmare trial iso"er in a matter o se#on%s.

    A5OR 8 (AS /UDGE $e #o-rt 6ill $ear t$e ,rose#-tor's o,enin*statement.A5OR = (AS ?ROSE5UOR Yo-r 2onor la%ies an% *entlemen o t$e 0-ryJ

    se"en %ea% bo%ies. DoKens o 6itnesses. W$at'sto t$in& abo-t3

    A5OR 8 (AS /UDGE $e #o-rt 6ill no6 $ear rom t$e ,-bli#%een%er.A5OR 1 (AS ?UBL45 DE7ENDER /os$ 6as a *oo% st-%ent a ,o,-lar

    st-%ent a *oo% son. $ere's only onee+,lanationtem,orary insanity.

    A5OR = (AS ?ROSE5UOR 4 #all 6itnesses or t$e ,rose#-tionA5OR < (AS W4NESS/os$ ,-lle% t$e 6in*s oC a b-tter)y 6$en $e 6as "ean% $e ,la*iariKe% on a ,a,er or En*lis$ #lass.

    A5OR 8 (AS /UDGE $e #o-rt 6ill no6 $ear #losin* statements.A5OR = (AS ?ROSE5UOR As 4 see it yo- t$e 0-ry $a"e a "ery %iI#-lt

    #$oi#e bet6een t$e ele#tri# #$air an% let$al in0e#tion.


    A5OR 1 (AS ?UBL45 DE7ENDER La%ies an% *entlemen o t$e 0-ry $e's 0-sta #$il%. 4 -r*e yo- to ,-t /os$ in a ,sy#$iatri# 6ar%.

    /OS2 4'm not ,sy#$o 0-st be#a-se my ,arents or#e% me to see as$rin&. 4 &ne6 6$at 4 6as %oin*

    A5OR 8 (AS /UDGE La%ies an% *entlemen o t$e 0-ry $a"e yo- rea#$e% a"er%i#t3A5OR > (AS /URY 7OREWOMAN We $a"e Yo-r 2onor. Lie im,risonment

    6it$o-t ,ossibility.

    /OS2 ?ossibility o 6$at3A5OR > (AS /URY 7OREWOMAN Wit$o-t ,ossibility o anyt$in* *oo%.(Beat. Li*$ts a%e. 5$or-s e+its. De#ease% an% /os$ remain.M452AEL Yo-'ll ne"er a#$ie"e yo-r %reams.!A4E Ne"er s&y%i"e.MA Ne"er s#-ba oC A-stralia./ESS4E Ne"er e+,lore t$e #al%era o a "ol#ano.EM4LYNe"er )y a $eli#o,ter.M452AEL Ne"er be a s,orts#aster.


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    !A4E Ne"er s&i a*ain.MA Ne"er bo%y s-r./ESS4E Ne"er meet ,eo,le on t$e internet.EM4LYNe"er &no6 6$at yo- #o-l%'"e been::


    M452AEL Done::!A4E Seen::MA 2a%::/ESS4E !no6n::EM4LYLo"e% in yo-r lietime.M452AEL No6 yo-'ll ne"er &no6 all t$e $a,,iness t$at 6as yo-rs.!A4E B-t yo-'ll 6on%er.MA An% t$e 6on%erment 6ill eat yo- ali"e./ESS4E Eat yo- or brea&ast.

    EM4LYEat yo- or l-n#$.M452AEL Eat yo- or %inner.!A4E W$ile all yo-r %reams mo#& yo-::MA Mo#& yo-::/ESS4E Mo#& yo-::EM4LYMo#& yo- t$ro-*$ t$e bars.($e bo+ is restore% to a be%. /os$ lies %o6n to slee, on t$e blan&et./OS2 W$o #ares3 $e 6$ole t$in* 6ill be oC my re#or% 6$en 4'm

    ei*$teen any6ay. Maybe 4'll be o-t o $ere 6$en 4'm t6enty:one.Yo-'re all 0-st a ba% %ream.

    EM4LYSometimes ba% %reams #ome tr-e.

    1.9($e %e#ease% 6ra, /os$ in t$e blan&et ,i#& $im -, ma&in* t$e bo+ a #oIn.$ey %ro, $im in #lose t$e li%. We $ear /os$ &i#&in* an% s#reamin* insi%e.$ey t-rn t$e bo+ on its si%e o,en t$e li%. /os$ t-mbles o-t s#reamin* an%t$ras$in* aro-n%. 2e be*ins to loo& at t$e %e#ease% 6it$ ne6 res,e#t.M452AEL $at's $o6 it is -n%er t$e eart$.!A4E 4n t$e %ar&.

    MA Alone./ESS4E 4n silen#e.EM4LYWe really nee% some ans6ers /os$./OS2 Ans6ers to 6$at3M452AEL W$at 6ere yo- t$in&in*3!A4E W$at 6as in yo-r $eart3MA W$y'% yo- smile 6$en yo- &ille% -s3/OS2 4'm 0-st a rien%ly *-y./ESS4E Di%n't yo- eel ba%ly3


  • 8/12/2019 Bang Bang Text


    EM4LYDi% yo- t$in& o t$e b-#& 6$en yo- s$ot me3(/os$ is astonis$e% t$ey &no6 abo-t $is $-ntin* e+,erien#e. $e tone#$an*es. /os$ is eelin*"-lnerable t$at t$ey &no6 $is min%./OS2 W$at b-#&3

    ($e %e#ease% ,i#& -, t$e bo+ an% mo"e it to anot$er lo#ation.M452AEL Yo- &no6 6$at b-#&.

    [email protected]

    !A4E Yo-r rst time $-ntin*.MA Wit$ yo-r *ran%,a./OS2 2o6 %o yo- &no6 t$at3/ESS4E We &no6 e"eryt$in* abo-t yo-.EM4LYAll yo-r t$o-*$ts.M452AEL 7eelin*s.

    !A4E Memories.MA Dreams./ESS4E We &no6 all yo-r %ee, %ar& se#rets./OS2 2o63 2o6 #an yo- &no6 all t$at3EM4LYWe're all in yo-r $ea%./OS2 ?sy#$ ell me one a#t abo-t t$at %ay. ell me one t$in* *ran%,asai%.M452AEL /-st yo- an% *ran%,a in $is ol% re% tr-#&.(A#tor 1 as Gran%,a sits ne+t to /os$ on t$e bo+ t$at no6 be#omes a tr-#&.A5OR 1 (AS GRAND?A Res,e#t t$e animals. Don't ta&e a s$ot -nless

    yo- &no6 it's s-re. Do it -i#& an% #lean. Ot$er6ise

    t$e animal s-Cers./OS2 Wo6.!A4E $at ol% lo**in* roa% is -ll o r-ts.


    /ESS4E Yo- bot$ bo-n#e on t$e seat. Yo- #an't 6ait to s$oot yo-r ne6ri)e./OS2 4'm ,-m,e%.M452AEL Gran%,a ,ar&s t$e tr-#&. Yo- bot$ sit t$ere. Waitin* or si+ a.m.!A4E Waitin* to s$oot yo-r ne6 ri)e.

    A5OR 1 (AS GRAND?A Let's *o /os$.MA Yo- bot$ *et o-t o t$e tr-#&. 4t's #ol%. Yo- #an see yo-r breat$./ESS4E Gran%,a 6at#$es yo- loa% t$e ri)e's ma*aKine.EM4LY7i"e s$iny b-llets.M452AEL Yo- s$o6 $im t$e saety is on.A5OR 1 (AS GRAND?A Atta boy. Yo-'ll be a man by t$e en% o t$e %ay.!A4E Gran%,a ,ats yo-r ba#&.MA Yo- bot$ $ea% or t$e orest./ESS4E Yo- see ot$er $-nters.


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    EM4LYAll *ro6n men 6it$ ri)es.A5OR 1 (AS GRAND?A No6 yo- 6ait $ere. !ee, still. 4'll %ri"e t$e *ameto6ar%s yo-.M452AEL Yo- sit on a lo* or t6o $o-rs.(/os$ sits on t$e )oor.

    !A4E 2o-rs on a #ol% 6et lo* #o"ere% 6it$ moss.


    MA Wis$in* yo- 6ere still in a 6arm be%.

    /ESS4E Wis$in* yo- ate t$e oatmeal yo-r mot$er be**e% yo- to eat.EM4LYNose *oes n-mb.M452AEL 7in*ers *o n-mb.!A4E oes *o n-mb.MA An% yo- $a"e a ,roo-n% t$o-*$tJ

    /OS2 2-ntin* s-#&s./ESS4E Yo- %oKe oC.EM4LYDoKe or "e ten teen min-tes.M452AEL Somet$in* 6a&es yo- -,.!A4E R-stlin* o %ry lea"es.MA Yo- %on't mo"e./ESS4E $e r-stlin* lea"es so-n% #omes #loser.EM4LYAn% t$en yo- see it.M452AEL A b-#&.!A4E Ei*$t ,ointer./OS2 Li&e in a %ream. AmaKin*.

    MA Ma*ni#ent.


    /ESS4E Stron*.EM4LY?ro-%.M452AEL !een.!A4E Yo- or*et yo-'re $-ntin*.MA Yo-'re ta&en by its bea-ty./ESS4E Utterly ta&en by its eral bea-ty.EM4LY4ts $ot breat$ ma&in* 6eir% *$osts in t$e #ol% air.

    M452AEL An% t$en yo- noti#e t$e ri)e in yo-r $an%.!A4E Yo- remember 6$y yo-'re t$ere.MA o &ill./ESS4E !ill t$e ma*ni#ent::EM4LY!ill t$e stron*::M452AEL !ill t$e ,ro-%::!A4E !ill t$e &een b-#&.MA $e time $as #ome./ESS4E ime to be a man.


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    EM4LYB-t %ee, insi%e yo- %on't &no6 i yo- #an really ,-ll t$e tri**er.M452AEL B-t yo- m-st *o $ome a man by t$e en% o t$e %ay.


    !A4E Or stay a boy 6$o ,lays ban* ban* yo-'re %ea%./OS2 $e b-#& sees me. 7reeKes.MA Yo- $ear yo-r $eartbeat./ESS4E Yo- raise yo-r ri)e.(/os$ mimes a ri)e. GUNS 4N ANY 7ORM MUS NEER BE ?AR O7 24S ?LAY.EM4LY5an't n% t$e b-#& in t$e s#o,e::M452AEL Be#a-se yo-r $an%s are s$a&in*.!A4E 2ol% yo-r breat$.MA 5ross$airs -n%er t$e b-#&'s s$o-l%er./ESS4E $e moment o tr-t$ $as #ome.EM4LYB-t t$is b-#&'s too bea-ti-l to &ill.

    M452AEL So yo- ma&e yo-r a#e a mas&.!A4E A mas& t$at $i%es yo-r a#e.MA A a#e t$at $i%es t$e ,ain./ESS4E A ,ain t$at eats yo-r $eart.EM4LYA $eart nobo%y &no6s.M452AEL Yo- ,-ll t$e tri**er Not$in* $a,,ens!A4E $e saety's still onMA Yo- ,ani#


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    !A4E Ret-rn its stren*t$.MA Ma&e it &een on#e more./ESS4E Let it be 6$at it is an% r-n li&e t$e 6in%./OS2 4 t$o-*$t it 6o-l% be -n. 4 %i%n't &no6 it 6o-l% be li&e t$is.?lease %on't %ie.

    EM4LYYo-r b-#& ta&es its last breat$...Yo- almost let yo-rsel 6ee,.M452AEL B-t yo- $ear boots on %ea% lea"es.!A4E Gran%,a #omes o-t o breat$.MA 2e sees yo-r %yin* b-#&./ESS4E 2e loo&s at yo- li&e no one's e"er loo&e% at yo- beore.EM4LYLi&e a man.M452AEL As ,romise%.!A4E A man by t$e en% o t$e %ay.MA Gran%,a ta&es o-t a #amera.A5OR 1 (AS GRAND?A 5'mon /os$. 5an't yo- smile in yo-r moment o*lory3

    /ESS4E Yo- sto, yo-r tears.EM4LYAn% yo- ,ose or t$e #amera.


    M452AEL Yo- ma&e yo-r a#e a mas&.!A4E A mas& t$at $i%es yo-r a#e.MA A a#e t$at $i%es t$e ,ain./ESS4E A ,ain t$at eats yo-r $eart.EM4LYA $eart nobo%y &no6s.(A#tor 1 as Gran%,a ta&es a ,olaroi% ,i#t-re $an%s it to /os$.

    M452AEL No6 yo- $a"e ,roo o 6$o yo- are./ESS4E Yo- #arry t$e sna,s$ot e"ery6$ere.(De#ease% #arry t$e bo+ ba#& to ori*inal ,la#e.EM4LYYo- 6ant t$e 6orl% to see yo- an% yo-r b-#&.!A4E Yo-'re %yin* to tell t$e story.MA $e story o $o6 yo- too& it %o6n./ESS4E 2o6 yo- too& its ma*ni#en#e.EM4LYoo& its ,ri%e.!A4E oo& its stren*t$.MA Ma%e it ,art o yo-./ESS4E ?art o yo-r mas&.

    EM4LY$e &i% t$at nobo%y &no6s.

    [email protected]

    (Li*$ts on !atie 6ritin* in a noteboo&. Enter /os$.


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    /OS2 2ey !atie.!A4E 2i./OS2 Writin* yo-r t$in* or s,ee#$ #lass3 (s$e *oes ba#& to $er 6or&

    G-ess 6$at 4 6rote abo-t. ($an%s $er t$e sna,s$ot $e b-#& 4&ille% last 6ee&en%. Man it 6as so #ool. W$at's yo-rs on3

    !A4E 2o6 to %-m, somebo%y./OS2 2o6's it *o3!A4E Say or e+am,le yo-r boyrien% says $e's *onna meet yo- at t$e

    mall an% ta&e yo- to a mo"ie b-t instea% $e *oes $-ntin*./OS2 5'mon !atie. We #o-l% *o o-t t$is #omin* 6ee&en%.!A4E 4 %on't t$in& 6 e s$o-l% see ea#$ ot$er anymore./OS2 5an't yo- *i"e me anot$er #$an#e3!A4E 4 li&e somebo%y else no6./OS2 W$o3!A4E W$at's it matter3/OS2 /-st tell me 6$o.

    !A4E Doesn't matter./OS2 Matters to me.


    !A4E Belie"e it or not t$ere are some ,eo,le 6$o %on't ta&e me or *rante%.(Enter Mi#$ael.M452AEL Sorry 4'm late. 2ey /os$./OS2 2im3 4t's $im3 4 t$o-*$t 6e're rien%s3M452AEL We are./OS2 Some rien% 6$o snea&s aro-n% 6it$ my *irl.

    !A4E 4'm not yo-rs.M452AEL Nobo%y's snea&in* aro-n% /os$.!A4E 5an 6e 0-st *o ,lease3(/os$ ,-s$es Mi#$ael 6$o ,-s$es $im ba#& an% &no#&s /os$ to t$e *ro-n%.2UGE LAUG2 7ROM 2E RUMORS. E+it !atie an% Mi#$ael $an% in $an%.Li*$ts on /os$. oi#es in t$e%ar&. 5onstant r$yt$m rom t$e %r-m -n%er all r-mors.A5OR 1PRUMOR 2ear abo-t /os$3A5OR 8PRUMOR No 6$at abo-t $im3A5OR PRUMOR Not anymore.A5OR 1PRUMOR W$at $a,,ene%3A5OR 8PRUMOR !atie %-m,e% $im or Mi#$ael.A5OR

  • 8/12/2019 Bang Bang Text


    A5OR =PRUMOR Li&e $e %oesn't #are.(Let t$e ollo6in* r-mor lines o"erla, in s-##essionJ A#tor > be*ins ;46on%er...; 5-e A#tor 1 6it$ ;W$at3 /os$...; 5-e A#tor 8 ;W$at3 $e...; An%so on till t$e line ;W$at a %or&; 6$i#$ s$o-l% sti#& o-t.A5OR >PRUMOR 4 6on%er i $e really &ille% t$e b-#&.

    A5OR 1PRUMOR W$at3 /os$ %i%n't s$oot t$e b-#&3A5OR 8PRUMOR W$at3 $e sna,s$ot's a a&e3A5OR

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    PRUMOR 4t's all a $oa+.

    A5OR 1PRUMOR E"er $ear o ?a%-#a$3A5OR 8PRUMOR W$at abo-t /onesboro an% S,rin*el%3A5OR (AS ?R4N54?AL Someone in t$is a-%itori-m 6rote some "ery

    t$reatenin* 6or%s on t$e bla#&boar%. ?er$a,s t$ebla#&boar% ,$antom 6rote t$ose 6or%s in 0est,er$a,s in an*er. W$ate"er t$e #ase...

    /OS2 Bla#&boar% ,$antom Lo"e t$atA5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL ...4 t$e *-ilty ,arty s-rren%ers in my oI#e

    sometime to%ay t$e ,-nis$ment 6ill be minimal....9

    A5OR < Maybe s$e &no6s it's yo- /os$./OS2 4 s$e &ne6 it 6as me s$e 6o-l%n't say it li&e t$at.A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL B-t i 6e %is#o"er 6$o $e or s$e is...$e

    ,-nis$ment 6ill be se"ere. 4 yo- &no6 6$o t$ebla#&boar% ,$antom is an% %on't tell -s yo- 6ill be0-st as *-ilty.

    A5OR = S$e's loo&in* at yo- /os$./OS2 An% 4 ,o&er:a#e $er ri*$t ba#&.M452AEL So yo- ma&e yo-r a#e a mas&.!A4E A mas& t$at $i%es yo-r a#e.MA A a#e t$at $i%es t$e ,ain.

    /ESS4E A ,ain t$at eats yo-r $eart.EM4LYA $eart nobo%y &no6s.(Li*$ts on /os$. Dr-m r$yt$m -n%er r-mor lines. oi#es in t$e %ar&.De#ease% *at$er be$in% /os$.A5OR 1PRUMOR W$o #o-l% it be3A5OR 8PRUMOR 4 t$in& it's Ran%y.A5OR

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    (/os$ -neasy #rosses a6ay b-t still en0oys t$e r-mors. De#ease% ollo6.A5OR >PRUMOR $ey %on't $a"e a #l-e

    PRUMOR 4 t$in& it's Melissa.

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    /OS2 W$o %o yo- t$in& it is3

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    /OS2 Anybo%y 6anna la-*$ in my a#e3

    (5$or-s *oes silent

    $at's 6$at 4 t$o-*$t. $ere's a ,otential &iller on t$e loose

    Won%er 6$o $e or s$e is3


    (/os$ t-rns to n% t$e s#$ool ,rin#i,al in $is a#e.

    A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL 5an 4 s,ea& 6it$ yo- in my oI#e /os$3 5omein. 2a"e a seat./OS2 $an&s.A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL Anyt$in* yo- 6ant to say to me3/OS2 Not really.

    A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL Yo- s-re3/OS2 O$ yea$. Great $air.A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL Anyt$in* else3/OS2 Well yes t$ere is somet$in*.A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL Goo%. W$at's t$at3/OS2 We all really $o,e yo- #at#$ t$at n-t 6$o 6rote on t$ebla#&boar%.A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL Yo- %o3/OS2 We'll all eel better &no6in* 6e're sae.A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL We &no6 or a a#t t$at yo-'re t$e bla#&boar%,$antom /os$.

    (/os$ la-*$sYo- 6ant to #oness3

    /OS2 4 6as in *ym #lass.A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL $e instr-#tor sai% yo- too& a "ery lon*bat$room brea&./OS2 Yo- #an't ,ro"e a t$in*.


    A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL We $a"e a snit#$.

    /OS2 W$o3A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL Yo-./OS2 W$at3A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL We #om,are% t$e 6ritin* on t$e bla#&boar% to

    yo-r last essay in En*lis$ #lass. 4t's a ,ere#t mat#$./OS2 !atie ri*$t3 Wasn't it !atie3A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL Do yo- 6ant to ma&e it easy an% #oness3/OS2 W$y #oness 6$en 4 %i%n't %o anyt$in*3


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    A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL 4t's tra*i# 6$en a *ite% yo-n* man t$ro6s a6ayan e%-#ation::or 6$at3 A #$il%is$ ,ran&. Yo- &no6abo-t o-r Kero toleran#e ,oli#y o "iolen#e or e"ent$e t$reat o "iolen#e. 4 $a"e no #$oi#e b-t toe+,ell yo- or t$e rest o t$e year.

    /OS2 Be#a-se o some st-,i% 6or%s on t$e bla#&boar% 4 $a"e to re,eatt$e *ra%e3A5OR > (AS ?R4N54?AL Not i yo- ma&e it -, in s-mmer s#$ool.

    (/os$ ba#&s a6ay s#reamin* ;4 6on't *o; as 5$or-s la-*$s mo#&in*ly. Li*$tsoC A#tor >. Li*$ts on A#tor 1 an% < as /os$'s ,arents.

    /OS2 4 6on't *o 4 6on't *oA5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM /os$ yo- 6ill *o to s-mmer s#$ool no matter6$at./OS2 Sit in $ot #lass all %ay 6$ile ot$er &i%s #an %o 6$at t$ey 6ant3

    An% st-%y on s-mmer ni*$ts3A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD Yo- s$o-l%'"e t$o-*$t abo-t t$at beore yo-6rote on

    t$e bla#&boar%.


    A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM An% yo-'re *ro-n%e% /os$./OS2 7or $o6 lon*3A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM All s-mmer./OS2 4 #an't *o $-ntin* 6it$ *ran%,a3

    A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD Yo- bro&e yo-r ,romise. We'"e ta&en yo-r ri)ea6ay./OS2 4'% rat$er be %ea%A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM O$ /os$ yo- %on't really mean t$at./OS2 Yo-'ll see i 4 mean it Yo-'ll all see 4 #an ta&e only so m-#$

    E+,elle% S-mmer s#$ool OC t$e ootball team !i%s la-*$in* atme No $-ntin* 4'm ,-s$e% to my limits

    A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD 4 t$in& yo- s$o-l% #alm %o6n./OS2 4 6ant my ri)e ba#&. Yo- *a"e it to me.A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD We're sorry. Yo-'ll *et it ba#& 6$en 6e see a real

    #$an*e in yo-r attit-%e.

    /OS2 4t 6as a *it. At least yo- sai% it 6as. G-ess 4 #an't belie"e a 6or%yo- say.A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM Yo-'re in eno-*$ tro-ble /os$. Don't ma&e it any6orse./OS2 4 $ate yo- bot$. 4 6is$ yo- 6o-l% 0-st %ie so 4 6o-l%n't $a"e to

    loo& at yo- anymore.

    (/os$ mimes a ,istol 6it$ $is $an% s$oots t$em bot$.


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    A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD Yo- #an't tal& t$at 6ay to -s anymore. Go toyo-r room


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    A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S Wit$ all o t$at *oin* or yo- 6$y %i% yo-ma&e a

    t$reat on t$e bla#&boar%3/OS2 W$y'% t$e #$i#&en #ross t$e roa%3A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S 4 *i"e -,.

    /OS2 o ,ro"e it 6asn't #$i#&en.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S W$y'% t$e mon&ey all o-t o t$e tree3/OS2 Don't &no63A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S 4t %ie%. W$y'% t$e se#on% mon&ey all o-to t$etree3/OS2 Don't &no6.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S 4t %ie%. W$y'% t$e t$ir% mon&ey all o-t ot$etree3/OS2 4t %ie%.

    A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S No. ?eer ,ress-re./OS2 2a $a $a.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S W$y %i% yo- 6rite on t$e bla#&boar%/os$3/OS2 Maybe it's my #$il%$oo%. Maybe it's my *enes. Maybe it's my

    Ko%ia#. Maybe t$e De"il ma%e me %o it.


    A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S Maybe yo- 0-st #$ose to %o it an% it'snobo%y's

    a-lt b-t yo-r o6n./OS2 4 %on't li&e yo-.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S $at's not re-ire%. B-t it is re-ire% yo-tell

    t$e tr-t$. Di% yo- mean 6$at yo- 6roteon t$e

    bla#&boar%3 4s t$ere somebo%y yo- 6antto t-rn into

    %ea% meat3/OS2 W$y'% t$e #$i#&en #ross t$e roa%3A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S o a"oi% ans6erin* -estions.

    /OS2 4'm o-tta $ere.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S Yo- nee% ,sy#$ot$era,y sessions to *etba#& into

    s#$ool./OS2 Maybe 4'm not *oin* ba#& to s#$ool.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S O$3 W$at 6ill yo- %o3/OS2 Maybe 4'll 0oin a *an*.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S Don't yo- t$in& t$at's sel:%estr-#ti"e3/OS2 So 6$at. My lie is 0-n&. Maybe 4'll 0-st &ill mysel.


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    A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Boom. No more ,ain.A5OR > (O45E 4N 2E DAR! 2ear abo-t /os$3A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! No 6$at no63A5OR > (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Ble6 o-t $is brains.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! W$at a loser.

    =.9A5OR > (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Al6ays 6as a 6eenie.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S Yo- t$in& abo-t s-i#i%e /os$3/OS2 Sometimes.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S Li&e 6$en3/OS2 W$en 4 $ear t$e "oi#es.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S W$at "oi#es3/OS2 oi#es. 4 #an 0-st ima*ine 6$at t$ey m-st be sayin* abo-t me.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S oi#es in t$e air or "oi#es in yo-r $ea%3/OS2 4n my $ea%.

    A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S W$ose "oi#es3/OS2 !i%s.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S !i%s yo- &no63/OS2 !i%s &i%s all t$e &i%s at s#$ool.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S W$y %oes t$at bot$er yo-3/OS2 4t 0-st %oes o&ay3A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! 2ear abo-t /os$3A5OR > (O45E 4N 2E DAR! No 6$at3A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! ?rin#i,al ma%e 'em see a s$rin&.


    A5OR > (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Bla#&boar% ,$antom's %oin' s-mmers#$ool.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! $e *reat $-nter's *otta re,eat t$e*ra%e.(All la-*$.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S /os$ 4'% really li&e to r-n some me%i#altests to

    see i 6e #an relie"e yo-r ,ain 6it$me%i#ation.

    Yo-'ll $a"e to stay o"erni*$t in t$e

    $os,ital./OS2 $e looney bin3 Yo- &no6 $o6 m-#$ a#e 4'll lose 6it$ &i%s at

    s#$ool 6$en t$ey n% o-t 4'm a n-t #ase3 My lie s-#&s.(All la-*$.A5OR = (AS ?SY52O2ERA?4S W$y'% t$e mon&ey all o-t o t$e tree3/OS2 Be#a-se 4 s$ot it %ea%(Li*$ts oC A#tor =./OS2 St-,i% St-,i% St-,i%(oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly


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    Wis$ somebo%y 6o-l% ,-t me o-t o my misery(Ater a moment o absol-te silen#e::A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Boom./OS2 W$o's t$ere3A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Boom.

    A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! No more ,ain.../OS2 W$o sai% t$at3A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo-.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo-r lie is o"er /os$.

    [email protected]

    A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! O"er.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! O"er.A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! O"er./OS2 W$o's t$ere3

    A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo-.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo-.A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo-.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Do it in t$e li"in* room or yo-r,arents to see.(Dr-m ret-rns sotly./OS2 W$at %o yo- mean3A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Lea"e yo-r brains on t$e 6all.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Ma&e 'em eel ba%.A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! $e ri)e's lo#&e% in t$e #loset.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Brea& t$e lo#&.

    A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Boom.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! No more ,ain./OS2 $at's %-mb.A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! /os$ t$e 0o&e 6ill be a year be$in%all $is rien%s.(oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly.


    A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! W$ile e"erybo%y's $a"in* -n in t$es-n /os$ is

    rea%in* *obble:%e:*oo& in a boo&(oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly./OS2 S$-t -, Sto, itA5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Only yo- #an ma&e t$em sto, /os$./OS2 2o63A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo- &no6./OS2 W$at %o yo- mean3A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Boom./OS2 W$oa.


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    A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! One b-llet 6o-l% -iet t$em ore"er.(oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly. Dr-m ret-rns.A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo-'% en% yo-r ,ain an% sto, t$e "oi#es in

    yo-r $ea%./OS2 4 %on't 6ant to be t$in&in* t$is

    (oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! S$o6 'em 6$o yo- are. $e 6$ole s#$ool6o-l% stan% in a6e o yo-. Yo-'% be ale*en% or years to #ome.

    A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! !ill t$e "oi#es /os$./OS2 Does it $-rt3A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! B-llet in t$e $ea%3 Yo-'ll ne"er eela t$in*./OS2 4'm s#are%.


    (oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly./OS2 2o6 %o 4 %o t$is3(Dr-m o-t.M452AEL Ma&e yo-r a#e a mas&.!A4E A mas& t$at $i%es yo-r a#e.MA A a#e t$at $i%es t$e ,ain./ESS4E A ,ain t$at eats yo-r $eart.EM4LYA $eart nobo%y &no6s./OS2 2ere *oes...B-t s-,,ose 4 bot#$ it3(oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly.

    A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo-'ll be a 0o&e.A5OR 1 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! 2ear abo-t /os$3 rie% to oC $imselb-t $e ble6 it(oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly.A5OR < (O45E 4N 2E DAR! No6 $e's a ,at$eti# 6annabeore"erA5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! /os$ t$e 0o&e(oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly./OS2 4 #an't %o t$is 4'll be /os$ t$e 0o&e ore"erA5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! $en yo- $a"e to sto, t$e "oi#esanot$er 6ay /os$.

    /OS2 2o63A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! 6o bo+es o b-llets s$o-l% %o it. 4t's

    almost l-n#$time.


    /OS2 W$oa...$ey'll all be in t$e #aeteria no6.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! 4ma*ine t$eir a#es 6$en t$e $-nter6al&s in. $ey


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    see yo- in #amo $ol%in* yo-r ri)e. 4nstantres,e#t. /-%*ment %ay.

    /OS2 Li&e t$e mo"ie.A5OR 1 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! ?a%-#a$.A5OR < (O45E 4N 2E DAR! /onesboro.

    A5OR > (O45E 4N 2E DAR! S,rin*el%.A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! a&e 'em 6it$ yo-.A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Wit$ yo-.A5OR > (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Wit$ yo-./OS2 W$oa. Nobo%y #o-l% to, t$at.A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Yo- %on't $ear t$e "oi#es la-*$in*anymore %o yo-

    /os$3A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD O45E 4N DAR! /os$3 Yo- $ome3(Dr-m ret-rns. oi#es la-*$ mo#&in*ly in a risin* #res#en%o 6it$ t$e %r-m./OS2 W$o's t$at3

    A5OR 8 (AS /OS2'S DAD O45E 4N DAR! /os$3 Yo- $ome3A5OR 1 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! $ey'll ta&e yo- to t$e looneybin(Li*$ts on A#tor 1 as /os$'s %a%.


    A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD /os$ t$e %o#tor #alle% me at 6or& an%as&e% yo-r

    mot$er an% 4 to %ri"e yo- to t$e$os,ital...2o6'%

    yo- *et t$e ri)e3A5OR 8 (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Don't #$i#&en o-t no6A5OR = (O45E 4N 2E DAR! Unless yo- 6anna be /os$ t$e 0o&e.A5OR 1 (AS /OS2'S DAD ?-t t$at %o6n(A#tor 1 a%"an#es. $e %r-m rises to a #res#en%o.DE5EASED AND 52ORUS DEAD DEAD DEAD(Li*$ts o-t on A#tor 1. 2e t-rns ba#& to t$e a-%ien#e an% stan%s still./OS2 W$at %i% 4 %o3A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM O45E 4N DAR! /os$3 W$at 6as t$at noise3/OS2 Mom3(Li*$ts on A#tor < as /os$'s mom.

    A5OR < (AS /OS2'S MOM /os$ 6$at $a"e yo- %one3M452AEL Ma&e yo-r a#e a mas&.!A4E A mas& t$at $i%es yo-r a#e.MA A a#e t$at $i%es t$e ,ain.(A#tor < as /os$'s mom &neels an% *est-res to t$e bo%y 6e #an't see./ESS4E A ,ain t$at eats yo-r $eart.EM4LYA $eart nobo%y &no6s./OS2 4 lo"e yo- mom.


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    Li*$ts -, on /os$ only in a military stan#e. Silen#e. Beat. !atie ta&es $er)as$li*$t t-rns it on -n%er $er #$in.


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    !A4E W$y me3 Yo- li&e% me./OS2 Yo- snit#$e% on me.!A4E W$y %o yo- $a"e to s$oot me t$ro-*$ t$e $eart3(Mi#$ael s-eeKes #ats-, into !atie's $an%. S$e smears it on $er $eart./OS2 W$ere %o yo- t$in& yo- s$ot me3 W$y %o yo- ,reten% 4'm not

    t$ere3 My ,arents %on't see me. !i%'s in s#$ool %on't see me. Yo-%on't see me. 4'm in"isible sometimes.(Mi#$ael ste,s or6ar% )as$li*$t -n%er #$in.M452AEL W$y me3 4 $a% a ootball s#$olars$i,./OS2 Yo- 6ere e"eryt$in* 4 6ante% to be.(/essie s-eeKes #ats-, into Mi#$ael's $an%. 2e sla,s it on $is $at on t$esi%e o $is $ea%.M452AEL W$y %o yo- $a"e to s$oot me t$ro-*$ t$e $ea%3/OS2 Yo- s$o-l% $a"e *-re% t$at 6$en yo- ,-s$e% me.(/essie ste,s or6ar% )as$li*$t -n%er $er #$in./ESS4E W$y me3 4 %on't e"en &no6 yo-.

    (Matt s-eeKes #ats-, into $er $an%4 ne"er e"en s,o&e to yo-. W$y me3 W$at ri*$t %o yo- $a"e tota&e all t$e lie 4 #o-l%'"e li"e%3

    (sla,s #ats-, on $er ab%omen7eel li&e a man 6$en yo- s$ot me in t$e stoma#$3

    (Matt an% Emily s-eeKe #ats-, in t$eir o6n $an%s %-rin* /essie's line./OS2 Yo- $a"e no i%ea 6$at it's li&e to be somebo%y one %ay an%nobo%y t$e ne+t.


    (Matt ste,s or6ar% )as$li*$t -n%er $is #$in.

    MA W$y me3 4 $a% my 6$ole lie beore me./OS2 So %i% 4.MA (Matt s-eeKes #ats-, on $is s$irt #ollar 2o6'% it eel to s$oot

    me t$ro-*$ t$e ne#&3/OS2 Don't &no6.(Emily ste,s or6ar% )as$li*$t -n%er $er #$in.EM4LY All my lie 4'"e been ta-*$t to or*i"e. $at or*i"eness is or t$e

    or*i"er. B-t 4 0-st #an't. Not -ntil 4 &no6 6$at's really in yo-r$eart. 4 nee% to &no6 /os$. W$y me3 (sla,s it on $er #$est W$y

    me3/OS2 4 yo- &no6 all my t$o-*$ts 6$y %on't yo- &no6 t$at3EM4LYWe 6ant to $ear yo- say it to yo-rsel...W$y /os$3M452AEL W$y $er3!A4E W$y $im3MA W$y t$em3/ESS4E W$y me3EM4LYW$y anybo%y /os$3/OS2 Sometimes 4 $ate bein* ali"e b-t 4'm arai% to be %ea%.


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    !A4E !no6 6$at 4 $ate abo-t bein* %ea%3 Yo- #an't #all -, an% or%er a ,iKKa.(De#ease% *at$er aro-n% t$e bo+ #as-ally.


    M452AEL ?e,,eroni./ESS4E E+tra #$eese.EM4LYGarli#.ALL 2ol% t$e an#$o"iesM452AEL 5$eeseb-r*ers.!A4E Wit$ ba#on.MA An% ries./ESS4E Dren#$e% in ran#$ %ressin*.EM4LYri,le #$o#olate mil&s$a&es.MA 5$o#olate #$i, #oo&ies.!A4E Wit$ mil&.

    MA 5ol% mil&./ESS4E So many t$in*s to miss.EM4LYYo- #o-l% ne"er name t$em all.ALL Ne"er.(Wit$ ba#&*ro-n% m-si#. $e tone is sa% 0oy::sa% t$at it's *one 0oy-l inremembran#e. Sometimes t$ey are obli"io-s o /os$ ot$er times t$ey %ire#tt$e lines at $im. At t$e %ire#tor's %is#retion #-t one or t6o o t$e ollo6in*se#tions (> or 1 lines an% let t$e A#tors im,ro"ise. Let ea#$ a#tor,ersonaliKe t$in*s t$ey no6 $a"e t$at t$ey miss. Let ea#$ line be*in 6it$ ;4miss::;. Let none o it interere 6it$ ,lot #$ara#ter or tone.


    M452AEL 4 miss #r-isin* 6in%o6s %o6n ra%io -,.!A4E 4 miss lyin* on my be% in t$e %ar& allin* aslee, to a 5D.MA 4 miss *ettin* s$ot %o6n by *irls./ESS4E 4 miss 6$en a *-y *ets t$at loo& in $is eye An% yo- &no6 $e's*onna as& yo- o-tEM4LYAn% t$en $e says 5an 4 borro6 yo-r mat$ boo&3($ese lines be*in to o"erla,.M452AEL 4 miss 6$en s$e ans6ers beore yo- e"en nis$ as&in*::!A4E 4'% lo"e to

    MA 4 miss 6$en yo- *o in or t$e &iss an% t$en it $a,,ens an% it'sm-#$ m-#$ better t$an yo- %reame% it 6o-l% be.

    /ESS4E 4 miss bo6lin*.EM4LY 4 miss seein* /o%y 6$en s$e $as t$at loo& on $er a#e t$at s$e's

    *ot anot$er st-,i% 0o&e to tell me.M452AEL 4 miss mom's ro#&:$ar% bro6nies.!A4E 4 miss my %o* 6$en 4 #ome $ome rom s#$ool.MA 4 miss $o6 my %o* 0-m,s all o"er me an% bar&s or a treat./ESS4E 4 miss #aCeine.


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    EM4LY 4 miss 6$en yo- ta&e a ne6 ,air o 0eans in t$e %ressin* room an%,-t t$em on an% t$ey t ,ere#t.


    M452AEL 4 miss #$eese ,-Cs.!A4E 4 miss so%a KK ti#&lin* my nose.MA 4 miss lo"in* someone.(Emily *ets e"eryone's attention. $ey listen./ESS4E 4 miss +in* my $air in t$e mornin*.EM4LY4 miss *oin* to t$e mailbo+ an% *ettin* a letter t$at 4 %i%n't e+,e#t.M452AEL A $an% 6ritten letter.(!atie mo"es D5. $e ot$ers ollo6 one by one on t$eir lines. $is isa%%resse% to t$e a-%ien#e.!A4E 4 miss 0-m,in* into a #ool ,ool on a $ot %ay.MA 4 miss sneeKin*.

    /ESS4E 4 miss slee,in*.EM4LY4 miss *oo% times in Lo-isiana.M452AEL 4 miss rollerbla%in*.!A4E 4 miss 6$en yo- start t$e s#$ool year an% yo- o,en a boo& or t$e

    rst time an% t$e s,ine #ra#&s.MA 4 miss *oin* into t$e #aeteria an% %e#i%in* 6$o 4 6ant to sit 6it$./ESS4E 4 miss la-*$in* so $ar% 4 start to #ry.EM4LY4 miss 6aters&iin* in Geor*ia.M452AEL 4 miss bein* $ome alone 6it$ a mi#ro6a"e ba* o ,o,#orn an%

    t$e remote in my $an% #$annel s-rn*.


    !A4E 4 miss *i"in* my %o* a bat$ an% s$e s$a&es an% *i"es me a s$o6er.MA 4 miss mom's #oo&in*./ESS4E 4 miss mom's #oo&in* 6atin* t$ro-*$ t$e $o-se an% tryin* to*-ess 6$at it is.EM4LY4 miss ,i#&in* a #olle*e.M452AEL 4 miss tal&in* 6it$ rien%s on t$e ,$one ater mi%ni*$t.!A4E 4 miss *oin* in a *ro#ery store an% bein* able to b-y anyt$in* 4 6ant.MA 4 miss $an*in* o-t./ESS4E 4 miss t$e en% o a ra#e 6$en 4'm o-t o breat$ an% 4 eel so *oo%

    abo-t mysel.EM4LY4 miss s#reamin* at t$e ootball *ames.M452AEL 4 miss t$e en% o t$e %ay s#$ool bell t$e eelin* in t$e air 6$enyo- #an *o $ome.(!atie #rosses to a ne6 ,osition to loo& at /os$. $e ot$ers ollo6 on t$eirlines.!A4E 4 miss my be%.MA 4 miss sin*in* in t$e s$o6er.


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    /ESS4E 4 miss *ettin* into a *$t 6it$ my brot$er an% a#tin* li&e not$in*$a,,ene% "e min-tes later.

    EM4LY4 miss ma&in* mom la-*$ so $ar% s$e #an't $ar%ly breat$e.M452AEL 4 miss 6at#$in* t$e s&y *o rom li*$t to %ar&.


    !A4E An% %ar& to li*$t.MA 4 miss e"en at my a*e not bein* able to slee, on 5$ristmas E"e./ESS4E 4 miss learnin* ne6 son*s on t$e ,iano.EM4LY (O DE5EASED 4 miss sin*in* to t$e ra%io in ront o t$e mirror.M452AEL (/O4N4NG 4N An% ,reten%in* 4'm in #on#ert.!A4E AND ALL SROMA (DE5EASED 5 L4NES OERLA? 4 miss S-n%ay br-n#$./ESS4E 4 miss !ris,y !reme %on-ts.EM4LY 4 miss o,enin* a %oor on a 6inter's %ay an% eelin* t$e #ool r-s$

    o #ol% air on my a#e.M452AEL 4 miss $ittin* on *irls.!A4E 4 miss 0-m,in* on t$e tram,oline 6it$ si+ ,eo,le at a time.MA 4 miss s6immin* in t$e o-ntain at mi%ni*$t./ESS4E 4 miss ,eo,le 6at#$in*.EM4LY 4 miss t$e loo& in my brot$er's eye 0-st beore $e ,-lls $is ne6est

    6restlin* mo"e on me.(M-si# a%es o-t. /os$ interr-,ts./OS2 4 ne"er t$o-*$t 4 6as ta&in* a6ay all t$at Ne"erM452AEL Ne"er3 W$at %o yo- &no6 abo-t ne"er3 4'll ne"er %o all 4 6ante%to %o.


    ALL Ne"er.!A4E 4'll ne"er a#$ie"e my %reams.ALL Ne"er.MA 4'll ne"er see all 4 6ante% to see.ALL Ne"er./ESS4E 4'll ne"er &no6 all 4 6ante% to &no6.ALL Ne"er.EM4LYNot e"er.

    (At t$e %ire#tor's %is#retion #-t one or t6o o t$e ollo6in* se#tions (> or 1lines an% let t$e a#tors im,ro"ise. Let t$e a#tors ,ersonaliKe t$ose t$in*st$ey ne"er $a%. Let ea#$ line be*in 6it$ ;4'll ne"er::;. Let none o it interere6it$ ,lot #$ara#ter or tone.!A4E 4'll ne"er be an a-nt.(M-si# #ontin-es. 5$ara#ters listen res,e#t-lly to ea#$ ot$er.M452AEL 4'll ne"er &no6 6$at it is to li"e on my o6n an% be in%e,en%ent.MA 4'll ne"er $a"e t$e #$an#e to be a better ,erson./ESS4E 4'll ne"er *o to #olle*e an% $a"e a %o-ble ma0or.


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    EM4LY4'll ne"er n% t$e ri*$t ,erson to s,en% my lie 6it$.M452AEL An% ma&e a marria*e 6or&.(/os$ on t$e o-tsi%e mo"es in $o,in* or an in"itation. $ey i*nore $im.


    /OS2 4 miss::($ey %ro6n $im o-t.!A4E An% *i"e lo"e.MA An% *et lo"e./ESS4E 4'll ne"er meet a bea-ti-l intelli*ent #arin* raternity boy 6$o

    6ill loo& at me an% see ,ere#tion.EM4LY4'll ne"er be marrie% in a 6$ite %ress an% $a"e a $-*e 6e%%in*.M452AEL 4'll ne"er ma&e ne6 rien%s.!A4E 4'll ne"er be a ,sy#$olo*ist.MA 4'll ne"er ,lay #at#$ 6it$ my son.

    /ESS4E 4'll ne"er $a"e lon* tal&s at a #an%le lit table in t$e #orner o alittle resta-rant.EM4LY4'll ne"er be nineteen t$e 6ay 4 al6ays %reame% abo-t.M452AEL 4'll ne"er &no6 6$at it is to #ome $ome rom 6or& an% o,en t$e

    %oor an% all my &i%s r-n to me an% ,-ll me %o6n on t$e )oor an%smot$er me 6it$ $-*s an% &isses.

    !A4E 4'll ne"er n% o-t i t$e ,sy#$i# 6as ri*$t6ill 4 *et 6$at 4 6ant or sell-se% #ars3MA 4'll ne"er &no6 6$at it is to o6n my o6n #ar.(Mo"in* D5 to t$e a-%ien#e. One by one t$e rest 0oin $im.

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    MA Or *et 6as$boar% abs./ESS4E 4'll ne"er $a"e an e,ita,$ t$at rea%s ;Belo"e% mot$er

    *ran%mot$er an% 6ie. Die% at 1.;


    /OS2 W$at %o yo- 6ant rom me3 4 #an't brin* yo- ba#& to lie 4 4#o-l% 4 6o-l% Don't yo- see t$at3 4t's o"er 4t's o"er

    M452AEL O"er or -s /os$.!A4E B-t it's 0-st be*innin* or yo-.MA 7or t$e rest o yo-r lie./ESS4E Yo-'ll $a"e -s in yo-r $ea% -ntil yo-'re %ea%.EM4LYAn% yo-'ll see -s o"er::M452AEL An% o"er::!A4E An% o"er::

    MA A*ain an%::/ESS4E A*ain::EM4LYAs yo- sa6 -s yester%ay in t$e s#$ool #aeteria.52ORUS DEAD(!atie %ro,s %ea%

    DEAD(Mi#$ael %ro,s

    DEAD(/essie %ro,s

    DEAD(Matt %ro,s

    DEAD(Emily t$ro6s $er arms aro-n% /os$ %ro,s. /os$ to-#$es $er bloo% an% #rieso-t. One li*$t on /os$./OS2 4 %i%n't &no6 it 6o-l% be ore"er. 4 t$o-*$t it 6as ;ban* ban*

    yo-'re %ea%; a*ain. 4 t$o-*$t 4 #o-l% 0-st $it t$e reset b-tton an%start o"er. W$y #an't 4 $a"e anot$er #$an#e3 W$en 4 &ille% yo- 4&ille% all my ,ossibilities too.



    /OS2 (#ont'% 4'll ne"er $a"e anyt$in* to loo& or6ar% to. Ne"er.(One by one t$e %e#ease% rise %ream:li&e an% be*in to e+it slo6ly t-rnin* o-tt$eir li*$ts.

    4s t$is t$e rest o my lie3(/os$ *oes to $is &nees %e"astate%

    O$ Go%.(Emily t-rns o-t $er li*$t on /os$. Dar&ness.


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