Black beard

facebook Ed Thatch (Black-beard) Black-Beard Logout View photos of Thatch Send Ed a message Poke Ed Wall Info Photos Videos Write something… Share Friends Henry J. Ed thatch: Battled at Ocacroake bay, took 25 stab wounds and 5 gunshots just to kill black-beard. 1726 Ed Thatch :Met old enemy on ship front about to engage… 1726 Henry J. Queen Anne’s revenge ran aground chasing a powerful British ship. Around 1726 Hornigo ld Charles V Robert S. Hornigold: Scoundrel rowed home with Ed Thatch’s head roped to the bow. 1726

Transcript of Black beard


Ed Thatch (Black-beard)

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Henry J.

Ed thatch: Battled at Ocacroake bay, took 25 stab wounds and 5 gunshots just to kill black-beard. 1726

Ed Thatch :Met old enemy on ship front about to engage… 1726

Henry J. Queen Anne’s revenge ran aground chasing a powerful British ship. Around 1726


Charles V Robert S.

Hornigold: Scoundrel rowed home with Ed Thatch’s head roped to the bow. 1726

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Ed Thatch: Adventure destroyed became very well known with the ship Queen Anne’s revenge Around 1724

Hornigold :Fleet grew and took new ship called Adventure. Around 1722

Henry J. Henry Jennings quit pirating, turned himself in and black beard took over the ship revenge Around 1720

Charles V :Ed Thatch Turned Pirate and ran a sloop under pirate turned privateer, Henry Jennings. Around 1712

Robert S :Black-Beard Joined the English navy as a privateer on the ship “Saint Charles” Around 1710

Robert S. :Black-Beard was born in 1680 at Bristol England

Ed Thatch :Henry Jennings destroyed many of his personal enemies. Around 1717

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Activities: Killing

Interests: Hunting down and sinking ships

Favorite Music: The cry of my enemies

Favorite Movies: What are movies?

Favorite TV Shows: Still not knowing what these are…

Favorite Books: Old school ones

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Contact Information

Address: Queen Annes revenge wherever I am

Phone Number: Whats a phone?

Email Address: What is an Email?

Networks: None

Birthday: Private

Political: All enemies shall die!

Religion: I am the devil…

Hometown: Bristol England

Education: I know how to read and write

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By Ethan Gottschalk