Birthing of a New Earth?


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Page 1: Birthing of a New Earth?

4/22/14 Earth Day. As my nation suffers psychologically, physically, spiritually, financially I look and see that every nation is suffering a similar fate. Could this offer us, for the first time, a Global United Front to pinpoint the exact causes, while applying the abounding solutions? It seems at this critical juncture each must decide for themselves whether they remain in fear of naked emperors? or come to love their inspired potential and live accordingly as FreeWill Conscious Co-Creators?—something akin to the Gnostic and Sufi traditions which seek to harmonize with God’s Will as responsible, joyful stewards of this stunning planet. In fact, this simple, clarion concept is eloquently described in the Terra-Mystic Anastasia Ringing Cedars Series of books where Anastasia seems to bring us full circle…showing us how the ancient and little-known Russo-Vedic way of life is indeed in

line with our pure monotheistic traditions. So, while relies on the Divide and Conquer strategy, (their

usurious money system ensuring constant competition), favors Connective Solutions…

…Connective Solutions such as John Liu’s inspiring movie Green Gold, directing Light upon major Permaculture Projects found in such challenging places as the Loess Plateau, Ethiopia and Jordan. How Very Anastasia ! Let’s join the

soul-refining, connective, healing work of the restoration and stewardship of our Exquisite Home.

So while Russia is encouraging the free distribution of land for the purpose of self-sustaining eco-villages where one can Raise a Family in Common Sense Free-Will Stewardship and Peace….our treasonous trustees are ‘bad mouthing’ Russia and harassing Rancher Bundy and fellow freedom lovers while attempting to push this crap down our throats: .

No ! We are not listening to one more bloody word from either of these sinister organizations ! They dare speak on the state of the planet while they continue

to fire off their nuclear hotheads. Thanks for Anastasia to point that out and Scott Owen of Believer’s Underground to back with science. I’ve

seen this desperate tax agenda being passionately sold by good-meaning people at a UU church… where, incidentally they are actively attacking Jefferson as a

racist. Folks, TJ’s first act in the House of Burgesses, pre-cursor to our current legislative assembly, was to propose an act to free the slaves ! Our FFF’s are

under attack like burnt offerings at . Russia, we welcome your support in the Peaceful Restoration of Our Republic. Perhaps a hybrid

of it could prove viable for your land? Perhaps we jointly manifest the New Fair Global Banking System, pulling the plug from allowing

the entire earth to take a collective sigh of relief ? Forming a sort of voluntary Earth Cooperative? with a non-exploitative banking system serving as hub for

our coup-operative transitional transactions, supporting our “Drive to Thrive”? Mike Montagne has held the mathematical proofs and solution for 45 years.

From the article, “Russia to Become an Eco-village Nation?” by Wiliam Klotke, posted at in 2008: “The Anastasia eco-spiritual movement has organized in most major Russian cities and has its own political party that is aligned

with the parties supporting Putin. The basic idea of the Kin Domain is for each family to live self-sufficiently on their domain using Permaculture concepts, while those that choose, can organize their plots into eco-villages that feature crafts and local production.”

---Rumi, Sufi Poet

“The IMF and World Bank yesterday (April 11, 2014) urged finance ministers to impose a price on carbon, warning that time was

running out for the planet to avoid worst-case climate change.”

Question: Do You Think Putin’s really the bad guy they’d like us to believe?

So Let US Highlight the Connective Solution that we, in the US, can immediately apply to “Defend our Freedoms”:

The Resolution as drafted on Jan 24th 2014 by the CSPOA. Yes, Americans determined to carve their own free-will destiny, free of intruding interlopers such as frivolous government agencies, may sign a one-page protective reaffirmation of your Understanding of the Communal Trust Under ‘The God of Nature’ known as these united States.