BIOS 3010: Ecology Lecture 16: Manipulating...

1 Dr. S. Malcolm BIOS 3010: Ecology Lecture 16: slide 1 BIOS 3010: Ecology Lecture 16: Manipulating abundance: Lecture summary: Manipulating abundance: Pest control. Pesticides: » Benefits. » Problems. Biological control. Cultural control. Integrated pest management. Culling and harvesting. Fixed quota. Fixed effort. Sustainability. Yanomami Indians, N. Brazil (Peter Frey, The Rainforests. A Celebration) Dr. S. Malcolm BIOS 3010: Ecology Lecture 16: slide 2 2. Manipulating abundance: Represents some of the most important applications of ecology to maintain sustainability in 3 basic ways: (1) Pest control - reduction of abundance of undesirablespecies. e.g. medically- and agriculturally-important insect pests. (2) Culling and harvesting of valuable natural resources. e.g. forests, crops and fisheries. (3) Conservation of endangered species. (considered in lecture 24) Dr. S. Malcolm BIOS 3010: Ecology Lecture 16: slide 3 3. Pest and weed control: A pest species is any species that we, as humans, consider undesirableThis is obviously too subjective, so a better definition is, pests compete with humans for cultivated or natural resources, transmit pathogens, feed on people or their domesticated animals or otherwise threaten human health, comfort or welfare.This includes weeds.Of course these are both anthropocentric definitions.

Transcript of BIOS 3010: Ecology Lecture 16: Manipulating...

Page 1: BIOS 3010: Ecology Lecture 16: Manipulating• The goal of pest control is to regulate pest populations


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BIOS 3010: Ecology Lecture 16: Manipulating abundance:

•  Lecture summary: –  Manipulating

abundance: •  Pest control.

–  Pesticides: »  Benefits. »  Problems.

–  Biological control. –  Cultural control. –  Integrated pest

management. •  Culling and harvesting.

–  Fixed quota. –  Fixed effort. –  Sustainability.

Yanomami Indians, N. Brazil (Peter Frey, The Rainforests. A Celebration)

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2. Manipulating abundance:

•  Represents some of the most important applications of ecology to maintain sustainability in 3 basic ways:

–  (1) Pest control - reduction of abundance of “undesirable” species. •  e.g. medically- and agriculturally-important insect pests.

–  (2) Culling and harvesting of valuable natural resources. •  e.g. forests, crops and fisheries.

–  (3) Conservation of endangered species. (considered in lecture 24)

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3. Pest and weed control:

•  “A pest species is any species that we, as humans, consider undesirable”

•  This is obviously too subjective, so a better definition is, – “pests compete with humans for cultivated or

natural resources, transmit pathogens, feed on people or their domesticated animals or otherwise threaten human health, comfort or welfare.” This includes “weeds.”

•  Of course these are both anthropocentric definitions.

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4. Pest and weed control: •  Examples include:

–  Insect pests of stored food and timber. –  Insect vectors of disease, and weeds.

•  Agricultural crops worldwide influenced by 8000 weed species, 9000 insect & mite species, & 50,000 species of pathogen.

•  The classic pest is an r species. •  But some can be K species and they usually have escaped

control by natural enemies because of introduction. •  The goal of pest control is to regulate pest populations below the

economic injury level (EIL) (Fig. 15.1a). –  EIL is determined by economic balance between cost of control and

benefits of control (Fig. 16.2). –  Action should be taken before the EIL to be effective (at the CAT -

control action threshold).

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5. Chemical pesticides: •  Broad-spectrum insecticides:

–  Inorganics (1st generation insecticides): •  Salts of copper, sulfur, arsenic or lead (early, persistent, stomach

toxins - required ingestion). –  Organics (2nd generation insecticides):

•  Botanicals: –  Naturally occurring plant products (e.g. nicotine & pyrethrum).

•  Chlorinated hydrocarbons: –  Persistent, contact poisons affect nerve transmission (lipophilic (fat

soluble) like DDT (dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane) & accumulate in fat) •  Organophosphates:

–  Also nerve poisons, highly toxic, less persistent (e.g. malathion). •  Carbamates:

–  Action like organophosphates but less toxic to mammals, although very toxic to bees (e.g. carbaryl).

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6. Chemical pesticides:

•  Narrow spectrum (biorational) insecticides (3rd generation insecticides): – Microbials:

•  Use of pathogens like Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to kill pests (bacterial crystalloproteins).

–  Insect growth regulators: •  Mimic natural insect hormones and enzymes to disrupt

development. – Semiochemicals or “chemical signals”:

•  Naturally occurring chemicals (pheromones & allelochemicals).

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7. Chemical pesticides: •  Herbicides:

•  Organic arsenicals - non-selective organic versions of toxic inorganic compounds like arsenic.

•  Hormones - phenoxy weedkillers translocated through the plant selectively.

•  Substituted amides - diverse activity. •  Substituted ureas - non-selective, pre-emergence (block electron

transport). •  Carbamates - like insecticides, but stop cell division. •  Thiocarbamates - soil applied, pre-emergence. •  Heterocyclic nitrogen - block electron transport - post emergence. •  Phenol derivatives - broad spectrum contact chemicals uncouple

oxidative phosphorylation. •  Bipyridyliums - fast-acting, destroy cell membranes. •  Glyphosate - non-selective, non-residual, translocated leaf application.

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8. Problems with chemical pesticides: •  Widespread toxicity

– Often nonspecific and applied over wide areas (Table 15.1). –  Kill nontarget species which can result in pest resurgence and

establishment of new secondary pests because natural enemies are killed or the pest evolves resistance (Fig. 16.6 & Table 16.2) - the “pesticide treadmill.”

•  Biomagnification –  Especially lipophilic chlorinated hydrocarbons that increase in

concentration up trophic levels (Fig. 16.5). •  Suppressed crop yield

–  Pesticides can also be toxic to the crops they protect. •  Human health problems

–  Especially herbicides such as 2,4,5-T plus 2,4-D (“Agent Orange”) - as carcinogens and teratogens.

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9. Benefits of chemical pesticides:

–  In terms of lives saved, total food produced, economic efficiency of food production.

•  One step ahead of pests –  Through effort of chemical companies & increased production.

(Fig. 16.7). •  Better & more effective use

–  Integrated with improved delivery to target pest. •  Benefit:cost ratio remains high

–  About $5 benefit for every $1 spent (but biological control has a ratio of 30:1 and cultural control 30-300:1) & >1 billion people have been freed from the risk of malaria.

•  Provide unblemished food –  In wealthy countries that demand such cosmetics.

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10. Biological control:

•  The use of natural enemies in pest control (Figs. 16.8 & 16.9) - four types: –  (1) Introduction or importation of potentially

effective natural enemies. –  (2) Inoculation periodically of a natural enemy

that cannot persist. –  (3) Augmentation by repeated introduction of an

indigenous natural enemy. –  (4) Inundation by the release of large numbers of

a natural enemy.

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11. Cultural control:

•  The adoption of practices that make ecosystems unsuitable for pests or more suitable for natural enemies, by: •  Crop rotation to reduce resource availability to pests. •  Tillage of soil to bury crop residues. •  Polyculture by planting multiple crops together to

reduce pest attack. •  Trap crops to attract pests away from target crops. •  Sanitation to remove crop residues that might harbor

pests. •  Variable planting times to avoid pest life histories.

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12. Genetic control and resistance:

•  Autocidal control: – Release of sterile males

•  Genetic selection: – Conventional breeding selection

•  Transgenic manipulation of resistant crops:

–  Insertion of new genes

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13. Integrated pest management (IPM):

•  Combination of physical, cultural, biological and chemical control of pests and the use of resistant crop varieties.

•  IPM is ecologically based and the aim is control below the EIL (economic injury level).

•  Requires careful monitoring by specialist pest managers and advisors (Fig. 15.2 and Table 16.5).

•  IPM is highly desirable - because in the USA before 1945 and widespread pesticide use, crop loss to insect pests was 7%. By 1991, despite a 10x increase in pesticide use, crop loss to insect pests was 13%.

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14. Harvesting, fishing, shooting & culling:

– Harvesting can reduce intraspecific competition and so increase yield (Table 16.6) through increased survivorship and fecundity of remaining individuals.

– Maximum sustainable yield (MSY): •  Represents the maximum ideal.

– “Fixed-quota” harvesting: •  Based on a typical n-shaped recruitment curve

(Fig. 15.7).

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15. Harvesting, fishing, shooting & culling:

•  “Fixed-quota” harvesting: – High quotas drive the population to extinction – Medium quotas have a single equilibrium

•  The MSY (the maximum rate of recruitment) = fragile equilibrium that can shift easily

– Low quotas have two equilibria: •  One low & unstable •  The other high & stable

–  Risky because MSY ignores age structure, habitat variability, or reliability of MSY and fixed quota harvesting commonly leads to extinction (Fig. 16.13).

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16. Harvesting, fishing, shooting & culling:

•  “Fixed-effort” harvesting – Can reduce risk associated with fixed quotas

(Fig. 15.9) because equilibria are stable. •  As long as effort is not increased to harvest faster

than the MSY can be attained. – But multiple equilibria can lead to extinction.

(Figs 15.11 & 16.16). – Density-independent abiotic events like El Niños

can also influence population crashes (Figs. 16.13 & 15.12).

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17. Sustainability:

•  “Sustainability has thus become one of the core concepts - perhaps the core concept - in an ever-broadening concern for the fate of the earth and the ecological communities that occupy it.” .... – Begon, Townsend & Harper (2006), page 439.

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Figure 15.1a: Pest population fluctuations about an equilibrium abundance above the economic injury level (EIL).

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Figure 16.2 (3rd ed.): Definition of economic injury level.

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Table 15.1:

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Figure 16.6 (3rd ed.): Increase in numbers of insect species resistant to pesticides.

see fig. 15.4, 4th ed.

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Table 16.2 (3rd ed.):

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Biomagnification of DDD applied to control gnats in Clear Lake, CA.

Figure 16.5 (3rd ed.):

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Figure 16.7 (3rd ed.): Increase in US pesticide production.

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Figure 16.8 (3rd ed.): Worldwide increase in use of two biocontrol agents in glasshouses.

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Figure 16.9 (3rd ed.): Weevil control of Eichhornia in Louisiana.

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Figure 15.2:

Pesticide problems in cotton pests:"(a) target pest resurgence,"(b, c) secondary pest outbreaks"(d) increased pesticide "

"resistance in Lygus bugs."

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Table 16.5 (3rd ed.):

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Table 16.6 (3rd ed.):

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Figure 15.7: Fixed-quota harvesting based on n-shaped recruitment curve.

Unstable equilibrium Stable


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Figure 16.13 (3rd ed.): Harvested declines in (a) Antarctic baleen whales and (b) Peruvian anchoveta.

(See also Fig 15.8 in 4th ed.)

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Figure 15.9: Fixed-effort harvesting.

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Figure 15.11: Multiple harvesting equilibria for (a) low recruitment at low density (like the Allee effect), (b) density dependent decrease in harvesting efficiency.

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Figure 16.16 (3rd ed.): Decline in North Sea herring.

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Figure 15.12: Fluctuations in north Atlantic herring populations.