Biochemical Engineering Lec 14

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Transcript of Biochemical Engineering Lec 14

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Material Balances

    Engr. Abdul Waheed Bhutto

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Material Balances Objective:- How the

    law of conservation of

    mass is applied toatoms, molecularspecies and total mass,and sets up formaltechniques for solvingmaterial-balanceproblems with andwithout reaction.

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Thermodynamic Preliminaries

    In thermodynamics, a system consists of any matteridentified for investigation. As indicated in Figure 4.1, thesystem is set apart from the surroundings, which are the

    remainder of the universe, by a system boundary. Thesystem boundary may bereal and tangible, such as thewalls of a beaker or fermenter, or imaginary.

    If the boundary does not allow mass to pass from system tosurroundings and vice versa, the system is a closedsystemwith constant mass. Conversely, a system able to exchangemass with its surroundings is an open system.

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Process A process causes changes in the system or surroundings.

    Several terms are commonly used to describe processes.

    (i) A batch process operates in a closed system. All materials areadded to the system at the start of the process; the system is thenclosed and products removed only when

    the process is complete.

    (ii) Asemi-batch process allows either input or output of mass,but not both.

    (iii)feed-batch process allows input of material to the systembut not output.

    (iv) A continuous process allows matter to flow in and out of thesystem. If rates of mass input and output are equal, continuous

    processes can be operated indefinitely.

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Steady State If all properties of a system, such as temperature,

    pressure, concentration, volume, mass, etc. do not

    vary with time, the process is said to be at steadystate.

    According to this definition of steady state, batch,

    fedbatch and semi-batch processes cannot operate

    under steady-state conditions.

    Such processes are called transientorunsteady-


  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Equilibrium A system at equilibrium is one in which all opposing

    forces are exactly counter-balanced so that the

    properties of the system do not change with time. From experience we know that systems tend to

    approach an equilibrium condition when they areisolated from their surroundings.

    At equilibrium there is no net change in either thesystem or the universe.

    Equilibrium implies that there is no net driving forcefor change

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Strategy is to avoid equilibrium The best strategy is to avoid equilibrium by

    continuously disturbing the system in such a way

    that raw material will always be undergoingtransformation into the desired product.

    In continuous processes at steady state, mass is

    constantly exchanged with the surroundings; this

    disturbance drives the system away from

    equilibrium so that a net change in both the system

    and the universe can occur.

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Law of Conservation of Mass

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Material Balance Problem


  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Material Balance Problem

    Solutionflow sheetshowing all

    data with units.

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


    Mass-balance table (kg)

    Completed mass-balance table (kg)

  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14


  • 8/6/2019 Biochemical Engineering Lec 14

