Engineering Material LEC#3

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  • 7/30/2019 Engineering Material LEC#3



    The word Ceramic is derived from a Greek word keramikos which means burnt

    earth. In traditional ceramics (untill mid of 21st century), the primary raw material was

    clay. The products considered in traditional ceramics are china-ware, porcelain, bricks,

    tiles, and, in addition, glasses and high-temperature ceramics. But industrial ceramics(or advanced ceramics ) are non-metallic inorganic materials, including metal oxides,

    borides, carbides, and nitrides as well as complex mixture of these materials.

    Because most of the ceramics are composed of at least two elements, and often more,

    their crystal structures are generally more complex than those for metals.

    Ceramics can be crystalline, amorphous or mixture of both. Crystalline ceramics

    have a characteristically brittle behaviour.

    The atomic bonding in ceramics ranges from purely ionic to totally covalent; many

    ceramics exhibit a combination of these two bonding types, the degree of ionic

    character being dependent on the electronegativities of the atoms.

    For those ceramic materials for which the atomic bonding is predominantly ionic, thecrystal structures may be thought of as being composed of electrically charged ions

    instead of atoms.

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    High Youngs Modulus and high melting points(Strong bonds (covalent and /or ionic))

    Limited electrical and thermal conductivity

    Low thermal shock resistance (Coefficients of thermal expansion and thermal

    conductivity are low)

    Refractory (Stability at high temperature (NO CREEP))

    Resistance to oxidation/corrosion (Chemical stability)

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    Glass1. Based on SiO2 + additives

    Traditional Ceramics1. Porous ceramics (bricks, pottery, china)

    2. Compact ceramics (porcelain, earthware)

    3. Refractory ceramics (SiC, Al2O3, ZrO2, BeO, MgO).Industrial / Advanced Ceramics1. Magnetic Ceramics

    2. Electronics (Piezoelectric, capacitor dielectric, spark plugs and Ferroelectrics)

    3. Electro-optics: LiNbO3

    4. Abrasive ceramics: nitrides and carbides Si3N4, SiC

    5. Superconductive ceramics ( yttrium barium copper oxide ceramic, YBa2Cu3O7)

    6. Biomaterials : Hydroxyapatite

    7. Automotive ceramics

    8. Nuclear Ceramics

    9. Tribological ceramics (resistant to wear and friction)

    Classification of Ceramics

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    Alumina (Al2O3) is used in applications where a material must operate at hightemperatures with high strength. Alumina is also used as a low dielectric constant

    substrate for electronic packaging that houses silicon chips. One classic application is

    insulators in spark plugs. Some unique applications are being found in dental and

    medical use.

    Diamond (C) is the hardest naturally occurring material. Industrial diamonds are usedas abrasives for grinding and polishing. It is, of course, also used in jewelry.

    Silica (SiO2) is probably the most widely used ceramic material. Silica is an essentialingredient in glasses and many glass-ceramics. Silica-based materials are used in

    thermal insulation, refractories, abrasives, as fiber-reinforced composites, and laboratory

    glassware. In the form of long continuous fibers, silica is used to make optical fibers for

    communications. Powders made using fine particles of silica are used in tires, paints,and many other applications.

    Silicon carbide (SiC) provides outstanding oxidation resistance at temperatures evenabove the melting point of steel. SiC often is used as a coating for metals, carbon-

    carbon composites, and other ceramics to provide protection at these extreme

    temperatures. SiC is also used as an abrasive in grinding wheels and as particulate and

    fibrous reinforcement in both metal matrix and ceramic matrix composites. It is also usedto make heating elements for furnaces.

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    Silicon nitride (Si3N4) has properties similar to those of SiC, although its oxidation

    resistance and high temperature strength are somewhat lower. Both silicon nitride andsilicon carbide are likely candidates for components for automotive and gas turbine

    engines, permitting higher operating temperatures and better fuel efficiencies with less

    weight than traditional metals and alloys.

    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used to make electronic ceramics such as BaTiO3. Fineparticles of TiO2 are used to make suntan lotions that provide protection against

    ultraviolet rays.Zirconia (ZrO2) is used to make many other ceramics such as zircon. Zirconia is alsoused to make oxygen gas sensors that are used in automotives and to measure

    dissolved oxygen in molten steels. Zirconia is used as an additive in many electronic

    ceramics as well as a refractory material. The cubic form of zirconia single crystals is

    used to make jewelry items.

    Boron Nitride (BN) Because of excellent thermal and chemical stability, boron nitrideceramics are traditionally used as parts of high-temperature equipment. Boron nitride

    has a great potential in nanotechnology. Nanotubes of BN can be produced that have a

    structure similar to that of carbon nanotubes. The carbon nanotubes can be metallic or

    semiconducting, whereas a BN nano-tube is an electrical insulator. BN nanotubes are

    more thermally and chemically stable than carbon nanotubes which favors them for

    some applications.

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    Composites are produced to give a combination of properties that cannot be attained by

    a single material but when two or more materials or phases are used together. A

    composite material is a microscopic or macroscopic combination of two or more distinct

    materials with a recognizable interface between them. A common example of a

    composite is concrete. It consists of a binder (cement) and a reinforcement (gravel).

    Composite materials may be selected to give unusual combinations of stiffness,

    strength, weight, high-temperature performance, corrosion resistance, hardness, or

    conductivity. Composites highlight how different materials can work in synergy. Materials

    that have specific and unusual properties are needed for a host of high-technologyapplications such as those found in the aerospace, underwater, bioengineering, and

    transportation industries.

    The individual materials that make up composites are called constituents. Most

    composites have two constituent materials: a binder ormatrix, and a reinforcement. The

    reinforcement is usually much stronger and stiffer than the matrix, and gives thecomposite its good properties. The matrix holds the reinforcements in an orderly pattern.

    Because the reinforcements are usually discontinuous, the matrix also helps to transfer

    load among the reinforcements.

    In composites , the constituent materials must be chemically dissimilar and separated by

    a distinct interface.


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    Composites can be placed into three categories: particle-reinforced, fiber-reinforced, and

    structural composites based on the shapes of the materials. Concrete, a mixture of

    cement and gravel, is a particulate composite; fibreglass, containing glass fibres

    embedded in a polymer, is a fibre-reinforced composite; and plywood, having alternatinglayers of wood veneer, is a laminar composite.

    Classification of Composite Materials

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    In particle-reinforced composites, particles of distinct materials are embedded together

    to form the composite. The particulates can be large particles (such as gravels, as in

    case of concrete) or very small particles (< 0.25 microns). Thus large-particle

    composites and dispersion-strengthened composites are the two sub classifications of

    particle-reinforced composites.

    Large-Particle Composites: In large particle composites, particlematrix interactions isnot treated on the atomic or molecular level. Here the matrix refers to the bonding

    medium which is continuous and surrounds the other phase. The degree of

    reinforcement or improvement of mechanical behaviour depends on strong bonding at

    the matrixparticle interface. A very common large-particle composite is concrete, whichis composed of cement (the matrix) and sand and gravel (the particulates).

    Dispersion-Strengthened Composites: For dispersion-strengthened composites,

    particles are normally much smaller, with diameters between 0.01 and 0.1 .m (10 and

    100 nm). Particlematrix interactions that lead to strengthening occur on the atomic or

    molecular level. Dispersion-strengthened composites are examples of nano-compositesthat consists of nano-scale particles distributed in a matrix phase. Many glass ceramics

    are nano-scale composites of different ceramic phases. Many plastics can be

    considered composites as well.

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    Cermets are example of large-particle composites. These are ceramicmetal

    composites, containing hard ceramic particles dispersed in a metallic matrix.

    The most common cermet is cemented carbide, which is composed of extremely hard

    particles of a refractory carbide ceramic such as tungsten carbide (WC) or titaniumcarbide (TiC), embedded in a matrix of a metal such as cobalt or nickel. These

    composites are used extensively as cutting tools for hardened steels. The hard carbide

    particles provide the cutting surface but, being extremely brittle, are not themselves

    capable of withstanding the cutting stresses. Toughness is enhanced by their inclusion in

    the ductile metal matrix, which isolates the carbide particles from one another and

    prevents particle-to-particle crack propagation.


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    FIBER-REINFORCED COMPOSITESTechnologically, the most important composites are those in which the dispersed phase

    is in the form of a fiber. Straw has been used to strengthen mud bricks for centuries.

    Steel-reinforcing bars are introduced into concrete structures. Glass fibers in a polymer

    matrix produce fiber glass for transportation and aerospace applications. Design goals of

    fiber-reinforced composites often include high strength and/or stiffness on a weightbasis.

    1. With fiber-reinforced composites, an applied load is transmitted to and distributed

    among the fibers via the matrix phase, which in most cases is at least moderately


    2. Significant reinforcement is possible only if the matrixfiber bond is strong.

    On the basis of fiber length and orientation, three different types of fiber-reinforcedcomposites are possible:

    Continuous and aligned (Figure a)mechanical properties are highly anisotropic. In

    the alignment direction, reinforcement and

    strength are maximum; perpendicular to the

    alignment, they are a minimum.

    Discontinuous and aligned (Figure b)

    significant strengths and stiffnesses are

    possible in the longitudinal direction.

    Discontinuous and randomly oriented(Figure c) despite some limitations on

    reinforcement efficiency, properties are isotropic

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    Many factors must be considered when designing a fiber-reinforced composite, including

    properties of the fibers; the properties of the matrix; and the bonding between the fibers

    and the matrix.

    Characteristics of Fiber Phase: While designing a fiber-reinforced composite, variouscharacteristics of fiber are considered; including the length, diameter, orientation,

    amount, and properties of the fiber.

    Fiber Length and Diameter: Fibers can be short, long, or even continuous. Theirdimensions are often characterized by the aspect ratio l/d, where l is the fiber length and

    d is the diameter. The strength of a composite improves when the aspect ratio is large.

    On the basis of diameter and character, fibers are grouped into three differentclassifications: whiskers, fibers, and wires. Whiskers are very thin single crystals that

    have extremely large aspect ratios. As a consequence of their small size, they have a

    high degree of crystalline perfection and are virtually flaw-free, which accounts for their

    exceptionally high strengths. They are extremely expensive, thus are not used

    extensively as a reinforcement medium. Materials that are classified as fibersare either

    polycrystalline or amorphous and have small diameters. Fine wires have relatively largediameters; typical materials include steel, molybdenum, and tungsten. Wires are used as

    a radial steel reinforcement in automobile tires, in filament-wound rocket casings, and in

    wire-wound high-pressure hoses.

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    Amount of Fiber: A greater volume fraction of fibers increases the strength andstiffness of the composite, as we would expect from the rule of mixtures. The maximum

    volume fraction is about 80%, beyond which fibers can no longer be completely

    surrounded by the matrix.

    Orientation Of Fibers: The reinforcing fibers may be introduced into the matrix in anumber of orientations. Short, randomly oriented fibers having a small aspect ratio-

    typical of fiberglass-give relatively isotropic behaviour in the composite. Long,

    continuous fibers can be introduced in several directions within the matrix.

    Unidirectional arrangements of fibers produce anisotropic properties, with Long, or even

    continuous, particularly good strength and stiffness parallel to the fibers. Unidirectionalorientations provide poor properties if the load is perpendicular to the fibers.

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    A structural composite is normally composed of both homogeneous and composite

    materials, the properties of which depend not only on the properties of the constituent

    materials but also on the geometrical design of the various structural elements. Laminar

    composites and sandwich panels are two of the most common structural composites.

    Laminar composite is composed of two-dimensional sheets or panels that have apreferred high-strength direction, such as is found in wood and continuous and aligned

    fiberreinforced plastics. The layers are stacked and subsequently cemented together

    such that the orientation of the high-strength direction varies with each successive layer.

    For example, adjacent wood sheets in plywood are aligned with the grain direction at

    right angles to each other.

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    Sandwich panels, considered to be a class of structural composites, are designed to belightweight beams or panels having relatively high stiffnesses and strengths. A sandwich

    panel consists of two outer sheets, or faces, that are separated by and adhesively

    bonded to a thicker core. The outer sheets are made of a relatively stiff and strong

    material, typically aluminum alloys, fiber-reinforced plastics, titanium, steel, or plywood;

    they impart high stiffness and strength to the structure and must be thick enough to

    withstand tensile and compressive stresses that result from loading. The core material is

    lightweight and normally has a low modulus of elasticity.

    Gl Fib R i f d P l (GFRP) C i

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    Glass FiberReinforced Polymer (GFRP) Composites

    Fiber glass is simply a composite consisting of glass fibers, either continuous or

    discontinuous, contained within a polymer matrix. Glass fiber composites are the most

    widely used and the least expensive of all fibers. GFRP composite may contain between

    30 and 60% glass fibers by volume. Fibers are made by drawing molten glass through

    small openings in a platinum die. The molten glass is then elongated mechanically,cooled, and wound on a roll. A protective coating or sizing may be applied to facilitate

    their passage through the machinery.

    The following are the principal types of glass fibers:

    E-type: a calcium aluminoborosilicate glass, the type most commonly used.

    S-type: a magnesia aluminosilicate glass, offering higher strength and stiffness, butat a higher cost. E-CR-type: a high-performance glass fiber, offering higher resistance to elevated

    temperatures and acid corrosion than does the E glass.

    Surface flaws are easily introduced on glass fibers by rubbing the surface with another

    hard material or surface layer is weakened if glass fibers are exposed to the normal

    atmosphere for even short time periods. Thus Newly drawn fibers are normally coatedduring drawing.


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    Refractory materials are important components of the equipment used in the production,

    refining, and handling of metals and glasses, for constructing heat-treating furnaces, and

    for other high-temperature processing equipment. The refractories must survive at high

    temperatures without being corroded or weakened by the surrounding environment.

    Refractory materials are marketed in a variety of forms, but bricks are the most common.Typical applications include furnace linings for metal refining, glass manufacturing,

    metallurgical heat treatment, and power generation.

    The performance of a refractory ceramic depends mainly on its composition. On this

    basis, there are several classifications: fireclay, silica, basic, and special refractories.

    Fireclay RefractoriesThe primary ingredients for the fireclay refractories are high-purity fireclays, alumina andsilica mixtures usually containing between 25 and 45 wt% alumina. Fireclay bricks are

    used principally in furnace construction, to confine hot atmospheres, and to thermally

    insulate structural members from excessive temperatures. For fireclay brick, strength is

    not ordinarily an important consideration, because support of structural loads is usually

    not required.Silica RefractoriesThe prime ingredient for silica refractories, sometimes termed acid refractories, is silica.

    These materials, well known for their high-temperature load-bearing capacity, are

    commonly used in the arched roofs of steel- and glass-making furnaces; for these

    applications, temperatures as high as 1650.C (3000.F) may be realized.

    Basic Refractories

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    Basic RefractoriesThe refractories that are rich in magnesia (MgO), are termed basic refractory. They may

    also contain calcium, chromium, and iron compounds. The presence of silica is

    deleterious to their high-temperature performance. Basic refractories are especially

    resistant to attack by slags containing high concentrations of MgO and CaO and find

    extensive use in some steel-making open hearth furnaces.Special RefractoriesThese ceramic materials are used for specialized refractory applications. Some of these

    are relatively high-purity oxide materials, many of which may be produced with very little

    porosity. Included in this group are alumina, silica, magnesia, beryllia (BeO), zirconia

    (ZrO2), and mullite (3Al2O32SiO2). Others include carbide compounds, in addition to

    carbon and graphite. Silicon carbide (SiC) has been used for electrical resistance

    heating elements, as a crucible material, and in internal furnace components. Carbon

    and graphite are very refractory, but find limited application because they are susceptible

    to oxidation at temperatures in excess of about 800.C (1470.F).

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    Refractory metals are those having a melting temperature above 1925C. Examples

    include niobium (Nb), molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W), and tantalum (Ta). Meltingtemperatures range between 2468.C (4474.F) for niobium and 3410.C (6170.F) for

    tungsten, the highest melting temperature of any metal. Interatomic bonding in these

    metals is extremely strong, which accounts for the melting temperatures, and, in

    addition, large elastic moduli and high strengths and hardnesses, at ambient as well as

    elevated temperatures. The applications of these metals are varied. For example,

    tungsten alloys are used for incandescent light filaments, x-ray tubes, and weldingelectrodes. Molybdenum alloys are utilized for extrusion dies and structural parts in

    space vehicles. Tantalum and molybdenum are alloyed with stainless steel to improve its

    corrosion resistance.



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    Glass is an amorphous solid with the structure of a liquid obtained by supercooling.Technically, glass is defined as an inorganic product of fusion that has cooled to a rigidcondition without crystallizing. The glasses are a familiar group of ceramics;containers, lenses, and fiber glass represent typical applications.


    Glass-ceramics are crystalline materials that are derived from amorphous glasses.Usually, glass-ceramics have a substantial level of crystallinity (70-99%). Most inorganic

    glasses can be made to transform from a noncrystalline state to one that is crystallineby the proper high-temperature heat treatment. This process is called crystallization, and

    the product is a fine-grained polycrystalline material that is often called a glass-ceramic.The first step in producing a glass-ceramic is to ensure that crystallization does not

    occur during cooling from the forming temperature. A continuous and isothermal cooling

    is required. If glass cools too slowly, nucleation and growth of the crystals begin, but in

    an uncontrolled manner. Nucleation of the crystalline phase is controlled in two ways.

    First, the nucleating agents such as TiO2

    are added to promote crystallization. TiO2react

    with other oxides and form phases that provide the nucleation sites. Second, a heattreatment is designed to provide the appropriate number of nuclei; the temperature

    should be relatively low in order to maximize the rate of nucleation. The formation of

    these small glass-ceramic grains is, in a sense, a phase transformation, which involves

    nucleation and growth stages.

    With glass ceramics e can take ad antage of the formabilit and densit of glass

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    With glass-ceramics, we can take advantage of the formability and density of glass.

    Also, a product that contains very low porosity can be obtained by producing a shape

    with conventional glass-forming techniques, such as pressing or blowing.

    In comparison with glasses, glass-ceramic materials have been designed to have the

    following characteristics: relatively high mechanical strength and toughness; low

    coefficients of thermal expansion; high-temperature corrosion resistance; good dielectricproperties; and good biological compatibility. Some glass-ceramics may be made

    optically transparent; others are opaque. Possibly the most attractive attribute of this

    class of materials is the ease with which they may be fabricated; conventional glass-

    forming techniques may be used in the mass production of nearly pore-free ware.