Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize...

e 1917 1917

Transcript of Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize...

Page 1: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-




Page 2: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-





PENNY HALV-PENNY PoBTAGE.-United Kingdom and British Possessions. The fol­lowing ia a list of British Possessions and Protectorates lo which letters may be trans­mitted at the rate of bnt penny hal/-pemly for the fi~t ounce, und ouc penny for every additional ounce or . fractional part thereof. These places are all included in the Universal Union:-

Aden; Ascension; Australia (including British New Guinea, Lord Howe Islands, New Hebrides and Norfolk Island).

Bahamas; Barbados; Bermudas· British Central Africa; Dritisb East Africa; British Guiana; British Honduras; Brit~h North Borneo; British Post Office Agencies in Morocco; Brunei, Becbuanaland P rotectorate.

Cape Colony; Canada; Cape of Good Hope; Ceylon; Cyprus. Egypt, including the Soudan Falkland l1tlands; Fiji. Gambia; Gibraltar; Gold Coast. Hong Kong; Weihaiwei. India (not including Bagdad, Bashrab, Buuderabbas, 13ushire, Jusk, LiogaJ Mn.Lom-

merab). Johore. Labuan; Lagos; Leeward Islands, namely:-Antigua, Dominica, Mout.serrat, Nevis.

St. IGtts, Tortola (Virgin Islands.) Malay States (protected), namely:-Perak, Solangor , Negri-Sembilau and Pabang;

Malta; Mauritius Natal; Newfoundland; New Zealand; Niger Coast ProtccLorule; Niger Territory. OranKe River Colony. Rhodesia St. Helenli; Sarawak; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Straits Sct.tlcwenls. Tobago; Transvaal; Trinidad; Turks Islands. Uganda. Windward Jalands, namely:-Grenada, St. LuciaJ SL. Vincent. Zanzibar N. B.-Post Cards to United Kingdom and Britil!h PosHession, one penny each.

POS TAL UNI ON . Tm~ HA'l'ES OP' POSTAGE to places in the Uni versa.I Union are us under:-

Ji'or Post For News-For e. Letter Cards. papers or li'or Co01ruurcitll For Sample tRegis-

uot exceec.1- other Printed Papers per 2 Packets per tration ing 1 ounce Single. Reply Papers per ounces. 2 ounces. Fee

2~d . • paid. 2 ounces.

}i'or each ounce lifter ld. 2d. id. ~d !d.

lowest charge lowest charge 2d. ljd. 2ld. ld.

BEGULA.TIONB. Letters-No letters for abroad may be more than two fec.-t iu length or one foot in

width or depth. Poat Card4.-See Inland Regulations, p. 141 (prepaid rate one penny) . Printed papers and Commercial papers may be sent to any country of the Union

under the Book Post regulation. It is forbidden to send through the Post to a country 9f the Postal Union-

lst. Any letter or packet containiug gold or sil vcr bullion, pieces of money, jcwollery, or precious articles, except to Great and certain countries named in the British Guide, but the packet must be sca.le<l an<l prepaid n.t RegY tered Letter Ra.tea.

2nd. Any packet whatever c-0ntaining articles liable to customs duty. 3rd. Any article of a nature likely to stain or iujurc the curreHpontlenoe.

• O ther thao Uriliah poneniona to which let1er11 can l>e acnt a t ltd. per 1 oz. (11ce Alllc.) t The 1c:nder of a rc:Ki•tered article addre11i..ed lo any cou11t1y in the Po11tal U11io11 may obtain a n

ac~nowl~d1me111 of its receipt by the addreuee on payment in 1uJvance CJ{ a (cl! o ( 2<1. in addition to the re111tratton .rec.

Page 3: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



POS'l' 0 l!'l1'IG1!.:.

l n addition, all kinds of printed, <mgra.ved or lithographed matter legal and com­mero!nl . documents ~\nd music in man.uscriI?t may be seut as a book-packet. Proof8 -0f printing o~ of music may beur correct10~ with a pen, and may have manuscript annexed to them. <?1rcular1:1, &c., 1011.y bear the signature of the sender, his trade or profession, P.lace. of resl(Jcnc? ant.I I\ dat?. A book !nay ha.vo a dedication or complimentary inscrip­tion ID 1111111uacr1pt; aud printed and lithographed stock or share liat.s prices curreut antl market reporls runy have thti prices ndded in writing. ' ' Commorci~l paper1:11\nd printed.papers. mus.t be scot under band ur in an open envelope

so na tu ucJrn1t of ~he contents being ea!:!ily w1thdmwn fur i11spectiou, but if they present tho form nnd consis tency of un unfolded card they may be forwarded without a cover.

No pucket of Printed matter or Commercial pu.pers for trausruil)Sion to countries of the Posttd Union must exceed 18 inchc:s in any direction unless it be in t he fo rm of a rull in .which ca..':lCl tlio limits of size will be 30 incl1cs iu length and ,1 inches iu · ~net _no such et for other p~ac.cs abro~<l must exceed two f eot in length or one foot 111 width or clcµLhj LheexLremeliwat of weight is •Jibs. for a 1:1ingle packet for couotries io the Pos tnl Union nml 5lbs. for other coun tries.

, J>o.tLcrn 1~nd sample packets for places in the Postal U uion must not exceed 1 foot in lc11gtla , 8 iuohcs i11 width, 4 inches in <lt>ptla, unless it bo in the form of a roll,· in which ?USC the limit of size will be l foot iu length and a inches in diameter. The lilllit of weight 1s 8 ounc<:s except when addressed to Argeutiue Republic, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgarin, Congo l •'rce 8tate, Coste. llica, Dominican .Republic, EcunJor, Egypt, France, Greece, Gua.tem1tla, Hawaii, Holland, Honduras Republic, Huugary, Italy, Ju.pan, Liberia, Luxemburgh , Mexico, Persia, Peru, Portugal, U.oumania, ~a.lvador, Servin, Siatn, Spain, Switzerland, Tunis, the United States of America, and Venezuela, the limits of whicli arc 1 foot in length, S inches in width, 4 inches i11 depllJ, au<l 12 ounces in weight. To Grent Britain and any DriLisl1 colonies or possCB:lious, or for tiuy Non-uuion Countries, the limit of weight of such packets is 511.J~.

Type snrnplcs of uumauufacturc<l t.obucco not exceediug 6 oz. in weight received in U rent Brit uin arc dc:livcred 011 puymcn t of I/ custo111s duty. No other tobacco is admitted into the United IG11gtlon1 by Sample Post.

Pcrfu111cd spirits u.rc prohibited from 11uporlatio11 into the U11ileu }(iogdom by Sample Post, buLsnmples of other spirits are ndmitted (provided lhcy are plainly markec:.i "~pirits not perfumed") nnd ure linl1lc to a charge of 8d . customs duty.

Dutiable nrticlcs forwarded by Pun·cls Post will be liublc on delivery to the duty and i11 ccrtui n cusrs lo a fine. Tobacco i11 its vnrious forms will be liable to a fine, except when s~nt iu parcels in Ute shape of gcuuiue sam111~ not exceeding •libs. in weight of euch 1lcscript,ion of tobacco.

Though under Lhe regulations of the Postal U 11ion the public nrc not entitled to send A rticlcs liable lo Customs Dul!/ by m1y ollwr Post t.liun tho Po reel Post in the U nit?d King­dom, iu-uoming Sumples linblo to Customs Duty are, ns a ge.ncrnl rule, not objected to whtm sc11t in quu11tiLics so BHuul as to have pructic11lly no saleable vulue.

T he term "printed pupcrs '' hu.s rt:fcn:ncc to ncwspnpors and periodical works, books stitched or bound, p1tmµhlets. sheets of rnusic, print~tl visiting cR~ds. at.ldress cards, proofs of priuLing un<l the ruunusl'ript relating Lherclo, cngruvmgs, photographs, fi lnas, drawings, plans, m11ps, culalogues, prosnccluses, anuouncemcuta au<l notices of v1nious kinds, whether printed, epgraved, lithogrnphed or autographed; ia general, ull irnprPssious or copies oblaiued upon paper. parcluneu~ nnd card uoard, by mcunH of priuling, lilllogrnphy, autogmphy or aay other mechanical process easy t o bo recoguizcd. cxctpl lho co11y ing press, unJ the typewriter

Commercial paper11 t"Ompriso all papers or documents written or drnwo wholly or purtly l>y lurnJ (exct:pt Idlers or communications in the nuture of tatters, or olher papers or documents huvi11g the c:luir11cler of nn acLunl nuJ porsonul correspondence) documeuts of tegnl procedW'e, dl!cds druwn up by pulilic funclionarics, copies of ~xtrac.ts from d~eds under privulc s~nl wri tten ou stamped or w1stumped pupor, w1iy b1lls, bills of ladmg, invoices lL1td other documcnt.s of a mercantile chnraoler, <looumenls of lusurance uud oLhor pl:blio Co111pnnics, all kiuJs of manuscript music, the manuscript of books .and .o~her liLornry works, lcttohrnnd post-cards of old date whioh have alrcn~y served th~1r ongmal .. pUl'pose iln<l pupi ls' ~xoroiacs either in originul Qr with correctmus, but without any comwc~t on the wol'lc, and other papers of n similar description.

Stnmps for pru-p1\ymenL, whether obliternted or uot, ns well all all printed articles oontl\ini11g the reprcsonW\.tivo sign of u. monetary value nro exclucJQJ from Lhf\ reJuct!<l postage u.µplicablo to 11 priuted papers. "

Page 4: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:- .

They muat be placed in bags, boxea or open envelopea, in suoh manner as to o.dm1i of easy i111peotion.

They muat po8Se88 no aaleable value, nor bear any manuaoript beyond the name or aocial position of the sender, the address of the addressee, a manufacturer's or trade mark, number and prices.

Patterns of mercbandize may also be forwarded by Parcel Poat subject to the conditions 1~ted hereafter.


Argentine Republic; Auatro-Hungary, • including Principality of Lichtenstein.•

Belgium; Bolivia; Boenia; Brazil; Bulgaria;* British ln<lian postal agenoies situated in the French settlements in India.

British colonies •nd posseasioDB and BritiBh Agencies in China other than those­separately mentioned on page 136

CamerooDB; Canal Zone: Ancon, Cristobal, Culebra, Empire, &o.; Chili, including western parts of Patagonia and Terra-<lel-Fuego; Colombia, Republic of; Barran­quilla, Bogota, Buenaventura, Carthagena, Porto Bello, Santa Mart.ha, Sa.vanilla; Congo, including Black Point, Majumba and Nyanza; Costa Rica.

Denmark (including Iceland and the Faroe Islands) and the Danish Colonies of Green­land, St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas; Dominican Republic (San Domingo).


France, including Algeria, Principality of Monaco and the French Poet Offices eatab­liahed at Tunis, Tangier (Morocco), and at Shanghai (China), Cambodia, Annam and Tonquio; Freocb Colonies.


Greece, including Ionian Jelands; Grey Town; Guatemala.

Honduras, Republic of (including Bay Islands); Hawaii; Hayti; Herzegovina.

Indian Post Offices on the Persian Gulf and in Turkish Arabia; Italy, includin jl; the Republic of Sau Marino and the Italian Offices of Tunis and T ripoli in Barbary· 'Mai;sowah, Assab, Abyssinia. '

Japan aud Japanese Post Offires in Shanghai , Clieefoo, Chin-l{ing, lfonkow, Ningpa Fouchow, Newyang, I{iukiang and Tient.sin (China) and uL FWUtmpo (Corea).

Liberia: Luxemburg. •

Marquesas Islands; Mexico; Montenegro.

Netherlands; Netherland Colonies; Nicaragua; Norway.

Pan.ama, ~epuLlic ~f, (in~luding Colon and Panama.); Paraguay; Patagonia; Persia. via Russia, and via Persian Gulf; Peru; PorLugl\l ; Portuguese Colonies.

Itoumania {Moldavia and Walla.cLia); Russia, including

Salvador; St. Pierre and Miquelon; Servia; Sium; Spain, including the Balearic Islands, the Cauary Islands, the Spanish po88essiona on the Northern Coast of Africa and the Republic of Andorra, and the Postal Estal>li~hrnents of upon the western coast of Morocco; Spanish Colonies of Fernando Po Annabon Dependencies and Marian Islands; Sweden, SwiLzerlund. • '

Tahiti; Turkey, European and Asiatic.•

United States of America; Uruguay. Venezuela.

• Service suspended

Page 5: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


POS'l' OFFTCl1. 139"



I gh on istn n; F riend I y Monds; Rhodesia;. l frica (Wc1:1t Coast Na.t1 vo Possessio ns)






rnbia; China; l\l[a.dngasoar . .

ndt\g111:1cnr, vHi M11.uriti us . .

1orocco, to Dri tis h Agencies . . ·• to othe r P laces ..

s ociety Telnods; Samoa ..

.: .s iq +> o j..,. cd ....

.... 8. 0 ~



24 1

1 2!



Q)-0 Q.~ - .... ~8 ~ cd

·-0 (/l

+> OS ~ OS II> 0 0

~P--4 ~P--4 ~ ~

d. cl.

1 2

" II





~.~ .:.. e ~-§~<N 1111

Q) 8. E o. o .... 00 ] Q) § cd .8 f' .... e. Q) 0 • o P-4 ....

OS z f.~ f o-;; P--4 Q) Q)

~ o.P-4 0. .... . - .... 0 (,) 0

~ !%.. ~

d. ... .... 0. 0. Q) Q)

1 () () . ~~ >< "tS

Q) ....

e<N IN

Q) .~ ~.~ . 0. Q) ~ Q)

II OS bO P--4 ~ a. ~

]-5 ]~ c +> ·~i ·c ~

P--4 ~ P--4 ~ ~..2 :i .!2 ,, Q) .... Q) ....

II 8~ a ~ gS..;> d+>

C/l CL)

The system of insuring Letters, under the Insurance Agreement or the Universal Posta~ U nion, is in force bet.wcon this Colony a u<l t he U nited Kingdom a nd the undermentioned ·

C ountries and P laces:- "'

l.-OOUN'l'H(ES ·ro WUICH ' l'Hlil Ll l'IHT OF' Q()Ml1ENSA1' 10N H AS BE EN FJXED A'l' £ 120.

Aden, Annum DriLi 1.i11 E 1\Sl Africa , vii , K ishu urn, Lru nu

lVIombnsii, Niii robi nnu Nuku l'O. Brilish Sonud ilnnd Protectornte C npe Verd l slnnds (Sunliugo S t . Vin­

cent. o nly), Cc~don , Cochin C l11na . Crcle, (Camlitl, Canea nncl Hct.imo)

Cuy mn n Isl11ncls, Cyprus, Labuun Duhoincy (Agou6, C nrnotvillc . Colonou,

D ogb1\ , G rcul Popo, P orto No\•o, St\gou, R1w uluu . Whytlnh nn<l i 11g n l\11 Ado onJy) .

F ulkhmd Tslunds. Gaboon, Gnudcloupa. Uong Kong

[ndiu , llnliun E nst Africa (Assab and i ~ l usi;ow1ih 011ly) I vory Const

D 'Jibouti l .ugo~. l\ lud11gnsrnr (Antanannrivo Diego S uarez,

"lnjungtl, S te. " lnrie J o l\ l1h.lgu.scur, Ta­mnlnve only), l\ lutlt:ira. i\ lnrtiuique, I\ l uyolle.

New Culu<lonia , Newfound hmd, Nossi Be. lh-uniun. S t.. ll clc111\ Senegal 1Dnknr, Gome, Rufisque

:::>L. Louis, T hyes, nml T ivnouuuc only) · Tonquiu, Tripoli ( Italian Pust Office) . UgnnJa, viz., E ntebbe. Knmpola and Jiagn·

I L.-COUN'rnI ~l:I T O Wll lCH 'l'll l:l L U ITT OF COMl' t;NS A'l' ION llAS BEEN 1'' 1XED AT £ -!00.

Bcinnuda , B1•itish llondurns Gambin Jamaica l.P.11w1u d IHll\ndi:i


Mnltn, l\if auriLius Sierra Leone Trinidad.

Page 6: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-




Argentine Republic, Austria• and Austrian Holland, Hungary,• Dul.oh East Indies and Agencies• in the Levant, Algeria Azores · Guiana.

Belgium, Brazil

Bosnia-Ilerzogovina, Bulgaria,• Italy, Britbtca . Japt\D.

·Chili, Canary Islands, Corea. Luxemburg.•

Denmark {with Faroe Islands, Iceland and Montenegro. Greenland), Danish West Indies. Norway.

Egypt. Portugal, Portuguese Colonies

Fra.uce (also Agencies in Levant and Mo- Roumnuia, Russia (and R ussian AgenciP.~ rocco), French Colonies; French Agencies in China). in China. Servia, Spain, Sweden, Swit~erl tu1d .

G ermany (also Agencies iu Levant) . and T unis, Turkoy • German Colonial and Foreign post offices•

Letters tendered for insurance will be accepted by the Post Office on payment of t he fee and subject to the conditions stated bclow:-

Fee-6d . for every £ 12 of value in addition to the pos tage and regist ration fee.

As few at.amps as possible ~bould be used to prepay the postage and insurance fee, and the stamps must not be folded over the edge of tbe cover . When more stamps than one are used I.hey must be aflixed with spaces betwt!en them.

A le t.ter is the only article of mail mat ter which will be accepted for insurance. Po~t Cards Printed Papers, Commercial Papers or Sample Packets will not be accepted .

Lettere containing coin, anything made of gold or silver, precious stonesL jewellery , or any article liable to Customs duty in the coun try of destination caunot c insured .

The insurancA sysLt:m is specially applicable: lo letters which con tain bunk-notes, coupons securities, &c.

A letter tendered for insurance must. NOT L>e addressed Lo initials, or in pencil aq.d it must be enclosed in a strong cover, antl be securely fastened and sealed with fiuc wax in such a way that it cannot be opened without leaving traces of violation. Envelopes wit h black or coloured borders must not be used. Seals must be placed over each 6ap, or seam, of the cover of a packet; and if the packet is t ied round with string or tape, t1 seal must be placed on the eud~ where they are tied . All the seals lllUSt be of the same kind of Wl\X, a.ud m ust bear diat.iuct impressioDB of the same private device. Coins must not be used for sealing; and the device of the S(!al must uot consis t merely of straight. cros.scd , or curved lines which can be imitated readily .

'fbe onus of properly enclosing and sealing the letter lies upon the sender, and the Post Office does not IL8l:lurne liability for loss arising from the defects of the cover or the, which may not. be observed at the time of posting.

The amount for which a letter is insured must not exceed its actual value and mus~ be written by the sender both in words and iu figures at the top of the addrmss


side of tho .cover, thua:-"Insured for £12, (Twelve Pounds)" or whatever thll amount may be.


.. Service 1uapended.

Page 7: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


POST Ql;'Jl'IC.ID. 14 1

AJtera.tion or erasure of the inscriptiou will no t be allowed, if a. mistake be made the entry !'lmst be completely struck out and a new outry made by the sender . The on an ordinary envelope of an immred le tter must b~ placed as shown below :-

~etters wbich do ~ot fulfi l the foregoing condHions will not be accepted for insurance. J neurcd le~Lcrs will have all the s~fc~uards of the Regis tration system, a.ud a certi­

ficate or posting m~st. ii lw1.1.ys be _oblt.uneJ by the senJer of an insured letter. A n acknow­lodgcment of receipt of tho delivery inny a lso be obtained under the same conditions us those applicablo to R egistered le t.ters, i.e. on payment of a further fee of 2d.

Com,pousaUon for the loss in Lhe p ost of a lc~ter 1 or of its contents, will not exceed t~e. amou11~ of the a ctual loss, n.n<l .w1ll not. be pa id_ at aU for a leLLer containing any pro­l11 b1tod article, or for any letter which has bceo delivered witho ut, external trace of injury and hns been accepted without remark by Lhe addressee. for compcnsi~Lion will not be entertaineJ if made more than a year the dt~te of posting of the leLLer. ·

L ega l litibilit.y to give cornpcnsa Lion in respect o f nny letter for which 11.0 insurance r~e has ~cen pni~ will .. ~o(, a_t.tnch to_ ~lie Postmaster for .J a ma ica either persoually I or in his officia l cu.pac1Ly. I he finul dcc1s1on upo u a ll qucstwns of compensation rests with the postal n<l1uinistrn.tion of Lhc coun t ry in which t he 1053 has taken place.

Insured le t.ters will ouly be forwa rded by steamers going J irecL.


For 1he first ounce penny half-penny

nmJ fo r every ounce or f1 .ic­ti tiona 1pu11 1

nicer the firs t,



S ingle. noply vu id.

News pupers I Rci;ist rn­and Prices

Current It.ion Fee.

enc h.


For each

two ounces.

PARCJ,ll.S. (1) (2)

(Sumple For each pound packets .) or for every 100 Par each cubic inches at

two option or ounces. the Depart­


Ono-pon11y. One- I T wo- UulC~ 'fwo- Half-peuny. One Threepence. _ _ _ pe nny. _ pcnc1:. ptm n :i:'.;_ __ ponce penny.•

*No recoipL is given for po reels sent under t.hi<1 scule, Lhoy nre Lrented a:i ordinary letters and ehoultl be po::iled in I.ho le t.tor box.


Lcllers.-Nu le t ter for J l•li vcry i11 J umaicu mn.y cxcccJ 18 inches in leugtb , 9 inches in wiJLlt or() inohes in depLh, except iL be sent t.o o r from n Go vernrncut l)ffice.

Letters, nows pnpors, pl'iccs current and book p~1cke ts which .are wholly_ w1pai~ will be linblc to n s urcharge equal to double ·the pr..!pn1d rate; and, 1f they be 1nsullic1ently prepaid. to u surclrnrge equal to double the doficiMC1J.

At the Gcueral Pos t OfTicu, Kingston, circulnra, accounts, &c. , (but not newspaper,g) ma.y be pre-paid i11 mo ney instea<l of pos t.age stamps ; provided _th~t _Lhe a r ticles clt nrgea.ble with nn uniform rnte of pos tnge. Lhnt th~ amount pn1d 1.s in. no case l~s.s thtt.n 10s. 11u <l t.h uL thoy titH.l in bundles represen t ing u postagu of 2s. tid. each, with : the addresses 1Lrruugecl in Lhe !:lume direotio11. Such wail mut ter must be presented at • a tima prc-nrrnngcd wiLh the Genenil Post Office.

Post Cllrds.- Privato P ost-ca.rds prepaid by means of oue penny postage stamps ma.y be ~ent by tlte Iulnnd Post ou the fo llowing conditions:-'I'hey must uot exceed 5! by 34 inches nor be less than 3t by 2t inch('S. The r ight hand half of the face is re­sorvcd for t he poatnl directions and a.dclrc8~; the left hand half is available for the purposee

Page 8: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



.of 'he eender, subject. t.o the following reatrictions:-ln addition to stampa for prepny­Gent post oarda may bear amall labels showing the name and address of the sender and the addresaee; and engravings and photographs on very thin paper may be affixed to the back and left band half of the address side, provided that they are completely adherent. Newspaper cuttings may also be attached to the back and left hand half of the address eide.

Cards bea.ring the tille "Post Card," or its equivalent, are admittc<l .at t,he rate _for ·prin\ed matter, provide i that they conform to the general_ regulations rcspcct1ng printed papers : if they do not conform either to these rogulat1ons or to the rules ap­plicable to post cards they are treated as letters.

Cards must be manufactured of cardboard or paper of such consist,ency lhJ not to hin­der manipulation.

Book Packets-A book packet may not exceed 3 pounds iu weight, nor 2 foot iu length, oor 1 foot in width or depth, except, it be intended for transmission us a pa.reel.

Parceh-Tbe postage on a parcel must be fully prepaid or it cannot be forwarded.

Under Scale (l) a Purce! may not exceed llb. in weight, 2 feet in length nor l foot in width or depth.

Under Scale (II) a parcel may not exceed l libs . i11 weight nor 1,000 cubic inches in siie, three feet in length and 1 foot in width or depth. Nor may it contain anything likely t.o damage other wail matter.

Hules for fureigu parcels apply gcner111ly f,o local parcals \

New.spapers-Newspapers, prices curren t, book packels and parcels must. be post.ed without a cover, or in a cover open 11.l the ends or sides so a.s lo admit of the co11tcnis being ecuil;: withdrawn for exa11ti11ation.. 'I'be mere clipping of the corners or of the sides of an e nvelope or other cover is i11su.Dicient. They must. not, contain any Jct, o r communi­cation of the nature of a letter, nor anything that may injure the oftlcers of the Post OUice or the coulents of the mail bags.

If any letter or com111unication of the nature of a lett,er be found in a newspaper , p rices­curreut, book packet or parcel the entire packet will be surcharged at the unpuw-letter­rate of poblage.

The following mtly however, be transmitted as printed p11pers :-Old Lette rs which have appareutly passed through the Post before nn<l btlve served

their original purpose.

Copies of let,ters which do not bear a present date and wltich it itt rnanifee t are no t serving the purpose of original letters.

Lett.era which are intended for publication in ll newspaper or otherwise.

Circulars whfoh, uccording to iuternal evidence, are being sent i11 identical terms to several persons and the whole or greater part or which is print,ed eugraved or lithographed. '

Such letters and circulars must not, how~ver, be closed in any manner must be 80 put up as to admit or easy examination or their content.a.

Any letter or other ma.ii matter may be registered on pre-payment of the registration fee and postage.

Packets containing money, jewellery or other value must be registered and must be prepaid at the lettu rat.a of po.stage. • '

Any Packet found to cornain valw:, but not rogiatered will be liable t,o u surcharge equal to double the reiistration lee. '

Additional postage is not charged upon any Mail which is re-directed by an ~fficer or the Post Office, or u~on any Lettn- which may be re-directed und re-posted t.nJact at the Post Offi~ of delivery. Post Cards, Newspapers, Prices C urrent, Book Packet.a a~d Parcels which may have been taken out of t,be Poat Office, will , however, when re-directed and re-posted, be charged additional postage, at the prepaid rate.

The fee for detaining and delivering in Kingston, Packet Letters addressed to Distrio~

Page 9: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


POS'r OFJJ' Wl!l. l'h.}

Poet Offices, or for detaining nu<l re-directing such Letters to any other Postal Address is la for e&ob service.


List of an<l other Public Functionaries who send and receive official correa­pondeuce through the post free of cbnrge:-His Excellency the Governor, the Governor'• Priv11.te SccretH.ry a nd A.0.C., Colonial Secretary, Assistant Colonial Secretary Adju­tant Jamaica Militia, Admini:Jtrntor General, Analytical Chemist, Attorney General Auditor Gonoral, Chairman of the Don.rd of Supervision, Chief Justice Clerk Legielativ~ Council, Clerk Victorin. Jubilee llospital, Collector General, Cotlectors


of Customs King­ston !ln<l Ou tport.s, Oolleotors of 1'11xes and Assistal\t Collectors, Crown Solicilor, Cuetodee of Pariahct1, Director of Agriculture, Director of Education, Director of Public Works Director of Jamaica. Government H.a.ilwlly, Government fl.:lectricnl Inspector, Harbou; Mn:.iler, Kingston, [ntipector General or Police and Prisons, Inspectors of Police, Inspec­tors of Schools, ](ceper of llecords and Deputy Keeper: Manager Governmeut Savings Dank, Paroohitd Treasurers, Post.master for Jamaica, Principal of Shortwood Cotlege Prot.cctor of Immigrants, Puisnc JuJges, Hegistrar General of Births, Deaths and Mar~ rio.gca, H.ol(ist.rn.r of t,he 8 uprcme Court, H.ogistra.r of Tit.les, Resident J\[a.gistra.tee, Secre­tary Board of Btlucatio11, Secretary Doard of Supervisiou, Secretary of Schools Com­mission, Sccrnt.n.ry Iustit.ulc of Jaffil\icn, Secrctu.ry l\l urine Board Senior Medical Officer, Public Hospital, l ingstou, Solicitor General, Commissioner, Deputy s Llllll p Com iu issioncr' Su periu tentlen ts Genera.I Peu i ten t.ia ry I r risona.aml Ref ormat.ories, Superint.cnding Mctlical Officer and District l\1e<lical Officcrs, Supcrintcl)denls of Public Works, Supcrintcnclcn t Gov~rom.::ot Priut.iog Office, Superintendent Lunatic Asylum, S urveyor General, 1'rensurl!r, Government. Mct.corologiet. (Maxwell Hall , Esq.,) the Superinlcndeut of Public Gnrd1ms, Officer iu churge of Colcyville "Wireless Station, SccrcLnry lo the l'ublic J'cnder9 Committee, the Vern Irrigation Commi~ioners and the 8ecrcta.ry to the Vere Irrig1.1.tion Commissioners, limited lo correspondence on the busi­ness of lhc Comrnit>sion p11ssi11g between uny one of the Commissio11 and the Secretary. The Vere lrrigntion Commissioners are:- ·

A. W . J1'n.rquharso11, C h1\irman ; C. Lopez, Hnyes; Lionel del\lercado, IGngston; C. Watson, Ila.yes; Alfred Pawsey, Kingston; and the Secretary 1s C. 0. l\1agnllD.

JJist of Officials anti ot.hor Public Funotionaries who been approved by His Ex­cellency to send but not Lo receive Official Corn:spomlence Lhrougli the Post free of charge: Cont.roller of the Jamaica Civil Service Widows and Orphans' Peusions; Iumnles of the' H orne; 8curetary Jamaica Agricult.ura l ~ociety/ , 7rnv.elling Tnstrnct.o~s of ~he lloard of Agricu I Lure. lf cad Master of ~he Kmgsto1~ I echnicnl ri.nd . Cou trnuat1on School. Capt. Titlensor, as Secretary Officers Comin1tLee of Lhe Jt1m11.1ca Volunteer D efence li'u11c1 . :-;ocrcL:.trios of the Laud lluHrcIB.

Lct.ters honded 41 l11fcclious Diseases Nolificntion" bcnring the dignaturo of the Medi­cnl Practitioner uu<l :1.Jtlressed Lo a Medicnl Officer of Health or the Central Board o f llenlth, or n J ,ounl Bonnl of lfonlth, are admitted free of postage.

Pucke ls a.Jdrcssed Lo Mrs. Bourne Medical Office, Kingston, are to be allowed through the Pos t free of chnrge, Rs ttlso


purcels bearing n prin ted lu.bel, "O.H.M.S. Ja-1uaica Con tiugcut 0 if ts" benring l\Crs. Bourne's sigllltLure.

J,et.ters for tho technicnl officers of I.he Department of Agricult~re, ·:care. of ~be Director of Agriculture" urc Jelivercd free, viz. : Deputy Islnnd C!rnm1~t, M10rob1ologis~, Ent.omologiat , Veterinary Surgeon, Headmaster Farm School, 8 uper10tendent Expen­rueutul Stution untl !ni,poctor of Plant Diseases.

Elected mt•mbora of the Lcp;islntive Council hnvo the privilcgo of franking lettt)rs re-lating to public bu1:1incsa which t.Liey may write in their unioinl 11.s mombers of •"

• •rbe Socrotary to the Agricultural Society 111 nuLhorL'lod ta l11Sue onvolopes or o~ber cove~ngs frauk"d and marked "0.II.M .S." nnd addressed to hlmaolf a11 Secretary of the Soe1oty, so .as to unablu mornborit of ilJI Board of Management to reply to him wllhout pnylug postage . He lll also autborizod to i!lllUO onvolopos, similarly franked and auporscrlbod, to persons receiving money lrom1 the Society for µri~os, &c., lo eu11ble receipts to bu furol11bed without payment of Poata&e.










Page 10: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



the Council and sending them through tho post free or cost, their signature R.nd title to be placl•d on the enwlope. Letters to E lected Members will not be surrhu.rgetl.

Letters from Mr. Lewis Ashenheim irl connection with 11

Heel C ross Society Du:Jinuss ' uo admitted free, as ulso replies to the same. Tho cnvelopott in e1tch case uro to bo marked "Rl'd Cross :--ociety Business" or ·' JamuiclL Putl'iotic Stnrnp League" and muttt bear Mr. Ashenheim's signature

Letters from Mr. William Wilson in connec tion with appeals ror subscriptions to the ''Jamaica War Contingent" arc admitted free of postage, as ulso re plies to tho same. The envelopes in each must bear Mr. Wilson's sigunture nn<l be mnrkcd "Jamnicn War


Letter~ a nd othe r in connection with the "Aeropla ne Fu11d" are atlrni t ted free provide<! the en\•elopcs or wrapp~1s bea r the signnture of f\ l r . Adolph L evy or Mr. J. H. C1~rgill und arc murked 11 Aeroplane Fund."

Letters aud parctls signed by Mr~. H . C. Pearce ns Secre tary of U10 "Ladies Work · ing Association" o.rn udmitted free.

Mrs . ..\ . E . Briscoe of Montpelier is authorised to send free or post ttgc wool to be knitted into sock:3 for l:ioldiers und to receive parcels free contuining :30cks for l:lOldie rs .

Rulu regarding FRANKI NG of Official Corrcspo11cle11ce.

I. The envelope or cover of the official letter or other packet may be " franked" under authority of His Excelleucy the Governor in either of the following ways:-

(a) By the impression of an approved "official frank stamp. "

(h) By the sig11nture and official designation of the lfcu.<l of the D e pa rtment., or other duly authorised officer or f unctiouary, on the lower left hand coruer of the envelope or cove r.

T heenvclopcorcover must ue superRcribed with the words" Oo llii; Majesty's Service.'.'

2 The envelope or cover must be a.dJre.sse<l to the head or the department or to a public officer or functionary who is entitled by the authority of His Excellency t,he Gover­nor to rt1ceive official correspondence free or charge ror postage.

3 . No public officer will be permitted to make use of any stamp for franking le tters or to frank letters without the authority or the Governor.

4. of Departments and all postmaslars must. exercise vigilance to pre vent. any abuse of the f rnnkiug privilege, and any evasion or to abuse the privjlt ge or any departure from I.he Rules, must be repor ted, with full particulars, to the Colonial Secre­tary or to the Post.master for Jamaica .

5. ~he fr_aoking or. envelopes, &c., either by means of the franking stamp or by sig11a­ture, 1s _stnctly forL1dd1.m1 unless the envelopes, ~c , contain at the time· of franking, the officia l correspondence or matter to be transmitted throu~h the post subject to the following exception, namely:-


ThjLt an~ written or printed matter properly issued in a franked envelope or covering for c1rcuJat1ou among members of a Board or any body of i11dividuals und for ultimate return t~ the office of issue, may be passed from one member of such ' board or body to another rn an envelope or covering provided for the purpose and duly frankod in advance by a duly authorized officer.

Page 11: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


110Srl' OFli'JCrn. 145


There arc in Kingston and St. Andrew Letler Boxes as follows:-The times at which thuy nrc cll!arod arc stntecl on eaoh . 1. King a1ad North-sts. 22. l\Jarcscaux Rou.d and Club Lane

2 . Colonial Secr etary's Offit·e 23. Corner of Hope Road aud Oxford Road

3. Charles and East-sts. 2'1. H.oLircmcnt Road near Retirement Pen

4 Ki ugston Ca1·dens 25. Knut.sford Park Gate

6. Fire llrigaue Station 2G. King's H ouse Gate

6 . .Jnlllatcn C lub 27. Bedford Park Cale on the Constant

7. Torringtou Bridgo

8. All m1u1 Town Oonst1Lbuln.ry

9. 8ou t.h Uarnp !

10. Tlighholborn & Lnws-st.s.

11. Pnrk Lodge 12. Browu's Town Co11slabulnry Station

13. Tower-at. & E lle tson Road

J 4. 1\h.rine Carclcns

15. Sµo.nish Town H.oad

16. Pu.rade, by Parish Church

17. Princess & Harbour-sLs.

, 18. Princess-al a nd West Queen-sts.

19. Gardner's, Hnrbour-st.

20. Orange and Charles-sts.

21. Franklin Town Police Station


29. 30.

Spring Line near Sandy Cully

Burbican Road

SmiLh Village, Percy and Wellington-sts.

Canipbcll Town, Liverpool and Hnmpto11 8Lrcct.s.

31 Woodford Park

32. Papiue Corner

33. Duke uncl Ha.rbour-sts.

34. Mauchester Square, South Race Course

35. Laws-at. and East-at.

36. H a111111b-st and Rose-lane

37. Arnold Road, north of Connolly Avenue1

38. B rent.rorcl and C urphey Roads

39. Studley Park Road

·IO. G rove and Central Roads, I<encot Lands

41 .• outh Camp Road HoLel

Le Boxes have been a lso erec ted at a ll Rllilway SLations in the Island. These boxes 11re de1ired Len m inutes before tbe departure of eauh passenger train.

Pflssengcrs on all trnins may post letters in the postiug boxes provided for the pur· po,.c. On U1e through trnins between .Mont.ego il1Ly and Port Antonio stamps, post oard:J n11d wrnppers mo.y be obtained, also telcgrnph forms.



'l"be Poslmnsler for Jllmnica is not legally liable for any loss or inconvenience which may ari

8e from the loss, damuge, dclo.y, non-delivery, or mis-delivcry of anything sent by post,

and he does no t , in any circumstances, pay compcnsntion in respect. of letters, post-~ 1irds, printed rOL\tter, pucket.s, newspapers _or local parcels llut ~~bJert to the rules stutccl below, he pays compensation voluuta rily and as an act of graoe 1u those cases and iu those ca~es only in which t here bas been a total loss of the con Len ls of r.orrespoudeoce of the following descriptions not being loss duo to bre11kage or dnmage.


l. The fees payablo over and above the posta~a, und the respective Ii wits of compen­

sation, nro as follows:-

2cl., 3d., 4d., Scl., 6d., 7d., Sd., 9d., lOd., lld., 111.

Limit of Compensntion.

£2, .ClO, £20, £30, J.:40, £50, £60, .£70, £80, £90, £ 100.

. l I I ,

1 l

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2. These feea inelude the ordinary registered fee 2d. The highest amount or compen­sation obtainable for any one packet is £100.

3. No compenHation is given in reapect of correspondence oompulsorily registered.

4. Compensation in respect of money of any kind (coin, notes, orders, cheques, stamps, &c.) will only be given in those cases in which the money is enclosed in one of the Regis­tered Letter envelopes sold by the Ppst Office and the packet. is tendered for transmission by Registered Letter Post. The compensation given in respect of coin, which should be packed in such a way that it cannot move about, will in no cnsc exceed £2.


1. It. must appear that the Joss occurred in the post, and did not arise wholly or in part by the fault ol the sender, as, for instance, from inadequate fastening .

2. The compensation given will not exceed the Vblue of the a rticle lost. The right is rr-served of reinstating the contents of an envel.ope instcaci of giving pecuniaPy compeu­Slltiou.

3. In the of loss of contents the envelope should be retained for inspection as nearly as possible in the state in which it was delivered. If complaint be made that the contents of an envelope hf\ve been abstracted the envelope must be produced.

4. Jn the case of Bank Notes, Money and Postal Orders, Cheques, Bonds, and similar documents, particulars sufficient for their identification must be furnished .

5. No compen.eation for loSB ie given in respect of an envelope containing anything not legally transmissible by post, or an envelope not posted in the manner prescribed; or in r«!apect of glass, crockery, greases, liquids or semi-liquids, colouring powders, eggs, fish, meat, fruit. or vegetables, sent by Letter Post.

6. No compensation is given for injury or damage consequential upon- i.e., indirectly arising from- the loss of anything sent by post.

7. Without prejudice to any of the preceding rules, the Postmaster for Jamaica will if he thinks fit, ref use to give compensation for losa on ~ny grouud on which a common carrier might in like case claim exemption from legal liabilities.

8. The final decision upon all questions of compensation rests with the Postmaster for Jamaica.

9. In these Rules-

The term "money 11 means

(a) Coin. (b) Paper money.

The term "coin" means coins of all kinda whether or not current in Jamaica. or else· where.

The ten.n "paper money 11 means

(a) Notes of the Colonial Bank, Bank of Nov11. Scotia, or Royal Bank of Ca11ada or of any bank of issue in the United Kingdoru, and notes current in any Foreign State or British Possession.

(b) Money orders and po11tal orders.

(c) Unobliterated pos~e and revenue et.amps.

(d) Exc~equer bills, ~ank post bills, bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, credit no~ .which entitle the holder to money or goods, and a ll orders and authont1es for the payment of money, whether negotiable or not.

(e) Bonda, coupons, and seou.ritiea for money, whether negotiable or not.

Page 13: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


. 1-17




Tho Pm1Lrna.stcr for Jtunnict~ will (not in consequence of any legal liubility but voluo­Lnrily, nod os a n a c!t of grace) give compensation for the loss or damugo of unlUBured par­cels sont by l'arcels PoHt between the United IG11gdo1u and Jumaica, when such loss or d1111u1go takes place whi le the parcels iu hi11 custody, a.eel does uot arise from any faul t o r neglect of the senders or from the nu tu re of the contents.


1. 1 n all c11Ses of loss, abstraction, or damage, except such as are beyond control the scndor , or, iu tlef a ulL of or o.t the request of t he sender, the addressee shall be en~tled to c~n imlemuity corrcspo~ding with the actual amount qf tlte loss, abstraction or damage, un lcsl:i th~ clam•1ge has arisen from the fault or ncglige11c;e of the sender or from the nature of the arLicle, u11d providod ulwaya that the inucurnity does not exceed, in the case of an uni111:mrnd po.reel, £1, au<l in the case of an insured parcel , Lhe sum for which it bas been iusured . The 8Cncler of a parcel which has been lost , o r of which the contents have been los t ot· complctoly de:itroyecl iu the post, shall a lso be entitled to the reLuro of the postage. 1 re is not howe,·cr cnliUe<l to the return of the irurnrnucc fee.,

2 . 'l'he obligation of paying the indemnity shall rest with the d espatching office, but, until the conLrary is s howu , therespoosibitlity for the loss, d amage. or abstraction, shall n ·st with the o ffice which , having r eceived th~ pnrcel without making any observation ctrnnoL prove its de livery in good condition to the addressee, or in the case of a t ransit pa.reel, its regulur trnnsf er to the next office.

3. The po.ymcmL of the inde mnity to the sender or addressee ought to take place as Roon a s possible, a ud at the lo.test withi11 n. year of tbe date of the application. The admiuistrilLIOn respons ible will be bound t o make good without delay, the amount of the indemnity pa id .

4. No application for nn indemnity will be e ntertained unless made within a year of the poatimg of the parcel, a nd after this term the npplicant will have no right to any indemnity

5. If the loss, nbs Lrn.cLion, or damage shall hnvo occurred in the course of conveyance bet.wccn Lhe exchanging offices, and it shall no t be possible to ascerL1.d11 ?n the t:erritory or iu t ho ser vice of which the loss, abstract.ion or damage took p ince the 10demn1ty shall be sh n.rod equally.

6. No responsibiliLy will be admitted for parcels of which the owners have accepted



Postaoc S tamps o f Llto following d enomiuatio ns t~re kept in stock

~c1 . , Id., J!J., 2<l., 2~J., 3<l., 4.<l., BJ., 1/., 2/., 5/.


Books coutuining eighteen ld. stamps u.ud Lwelve ~d. stamps are issued, price 2/.

Po::tt-cards arc sold at ~d. anu lcl. each, Reply Paid post cards are sold at Id. and 2d.

N cwspa7Jer wroµpurs am sold at !d.

Ueoi.stered letter e1111ulopt:s for Inland Lc:tLors, beRring a. 3d. stamp embossed on the Ha.p, for Lho payment of rogis trntion fee 2d. o.1td post.1\ge Id. are sold nt 3ld. each.

Judicial Stamps of t ho vuluts 3d., O<l. , 1 /, 2/, 5/ 1\ud 8/6 nre sold at a ll post offices whe~e u~ ia tt d~mnnd for thean. l

T mpresscd stampa, Litle d cetls and blank slips are on sale at most poet oflioo&.


Page 14: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-





Explanation of Marks of Referenu. a.-Registered Letters, Parcels, Newspapers, Books, &c., must be posted c.-Newspapers, Books, &c., must be posted at 2.15 p.m. a.rad

at 9.15 a.m. Registered Letters at 2.30 p .m. Parcels at 3 p . m. li.- Newspapers, Books, &c., must be posted at 12.15 p.m. and t.-Telegraph Offices. tel-Telephone . .

Registered letters and p!l.rccls' 12.30 p.m. Ry. t.- Raihvay Telegraph Offices. All offices transact pa.reel post business but pa.reels addressed to those offices .marked " l " are o;:casionslly subject to delay·


Above Rocks, l Adelphi. tcl I. Alb:uiy, Ry. t.


. . I St. Catherine

. St. James

Albert Town, tel l . .. Alderton, l. Alexs.ndria. l .

St ~Ian· Trelaw1;Y S t Ann·

do Clarendon ~Ianchester

Alley, t. Alligator Pond,/. Alston, l Ancbo\y, tel. Annotto Bay, i.

Bruacla•'a, t. Balcarres l. Bamboo, l. Bart.ons, 1. Bath, tel.

Delfield, l.

• 1 Clarendon St. James St Mary

St. Elizabeth . . Portland

St Ann St. Catherine St. Thomas

St.. 1-fory

Post at Kingston. 8 g I for ordinary letters. EiD

I Arrive at D.P.0. from Kingston.

Leave D .P.0. for Kingston.

Arrive at Kingston.

...... bO ~ .:: Mou., Wed.

== :::=:: and Fri. 1:E

Tues Thurs Mon., Tues., 1\lon., Tues., Mon., Tues., I 'Wed. Thurs., Wed. Thurs. Wed.

1 Thurs.

and Fri and Sat. and Fri. and Sat. and Fri. and Sat . -----

.. 25 9 .30 ! . a 30 am. a 6 00 pm. 6.00 pm. G 00 a.m. 6.00 a.m. 1 00 p.m. 1.00 pm.

.. 120 9 .30am. a 9 30a.m. a ll .20iun., .1 2 .50p.m. 2 50 p.m.


3 .20p.m. 3 .20p.m. . 42 1.00 pm b 1 00 p.m. b 4 .50 p.m 4 .50 p.m 8 15 11.m. 8 15 a.m. 11.40 am. 11.40 a.m .. 103 1.00p.m.b 1.00 p.m.b S.20a.m ~.20a.m. l.45p.m l l45p.m. 9 .15a.m. 9 .15a.m. .. 51 l .OOp.m.b l .OOp.m.b 7 .20a..m 7.20a.m. 4 .?.0p.m 4 20p.m.


9.15a.m. 915a.m. .. ' 88 1 . 00 p.m. b j 1 . 00 p.m b 3. 55 a.m. ~ 55 a.m. 5. 5.5 p.m. 5 55 p.m. 9 . 15 a.m.

1 9 . 15 a.m.

. .1

47 6 30 a.m. G. 30 a.m. 11 55 a..m. 1l 55 a.m 4 .15 a..m. 4 15 a.m. I 9 . 15 a..m. 9 . 15 a..m. .. 79 9.30a.m.a 3.JSp.m.c 0.05a.m. 9 .05a.m 3.00p.m. 300p.m. 3.20p.m. 9 . 15a.m. .. 68 9.30a.m.a 19.30 a..m.a 5.00p.m. 5 .00p.m. 5.05pm. 15 05p.m. ! 9.15am. 9.15 am. .

1105~ 9.30 a.m. a 9 30 a .m. a .5 30 p.m. 5 30 p.m. i .30 a.m. 7 30 a.m. 3.20 pm. 3 .20 p . m .

.. 50 1.00p.m.b 1.00p.m.b 5 .35p.m. 5 .35p.m. 7 .30a.m. 7.30a.m. l 11.40a.m.111.40am.

'il 9.30 a .m. a 9.30. a.m. a 1 3.05 p.m. 3 05 p.m. 10 .20a.m. 10.20 a.m.13 .20 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 45 1. 00 p.m. b 1. 00 p.m. b I lO. 35 a.m. 10. 35 a..m. 2. 45 pm 2.45 p.m. ! 11.40 a..m. 11.40 a.m . 6.5 1.00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b i 40 a.m. i . 40 a.m. 4.00 p.m 4 00 p.m


9.15 a.m. 9.15 a.m. 30 9.30a.m. 9.30a..m. 3 20pm. 3.20pm .. ono.m. ;:).OOp.m. 3 .20p.m. 3.20p.m. 41 1.00 a.m. b 2.00 p.m. b 12.55 a..m. 1.05 a.m.

1 u .40 a.m. 6.00 a.m.

7 .25 p.m. I i .30 p.m. 42! l.OOa.m.b , l.OOp.m. b G 20p.m. 6.20p.m. 6.30a..m. 16.30a.m. t ll.40a.m., ll.40a.m.

-.... > z 0 t:d 0 0 ~

0 ':j

.... > :;;>' -> ..... c ~

Page 15: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


10 , 3 .15 p.m. c 3.15 p.m. c 58 1.00 p.m. b 1 i.00 p .m. b

. . 110 9. 30 a.m. a 1

9 .30 a..m. a

Bel vedere1 l. . . · St. Andrew .. Bensont on 1 tcl l. . ·I St . Ann Bethel Town, Lei. l . .. Westmoreland Black River, t. St . Elizabeth

Bluefields, tel. Bog t.

{ 98 9.30 a .m . a 9 .30 a .m . a

104 3 . 15 p.m. c -. . Westmoreland ..

1118 I 9. 30 3..m . c 13 .15 p.m. c

.. St. Catherine . . 20~ 6 .30 a.m . 6. 30 a..m.

I 1

1.00 p.m.b 11.00p.m.b

Bonny Gate, l. . . St. 1'1ar:y 55 1. 00 p.m. b 1 1. 00 p.m. b Boroughbridge, t. l. I St. Ann . . 69 j l . 00 p.m. b 11. 00 p .m . b Bowden, iel .. St. Thomas 42 1.00 p.m . b 2 .00 p.m . b Braes River St. Elizabeth . . 77


9 . 30 a.m . a 19. 30 a .m. a Brainerd, Lel l. . .


1 St . Mary 35~ 1.00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b Brown's Town, f . . . St. Ann 79 I l.00 p .m . b 11.00 p.m. b Buff Bay, t. . . Portland 40 1. 00 p.m . b .l . 00 p.m. l1 Bull Ba.y ..

1st. Andrew .. 10

1 i.o~ :-m. b 1 2 . o~:·m· b

Bushy Pa.rk, Ry. t . .. St . Catherine 20 I G. 30 a.m. G. 30 a.. m. 3 .15 p.m. c l 3 .15 p.m . c

Bybrook1 l . . Portland 47


1 . 00 p.m. b ·I 1 . 00 p.m. b

Cambridge, LeL . . St. James Carron Hall, tel l . . . St. Mary, l .. Hanover Castleton, l . t. . . St. Mary Ca.tadupa . . , St. James Cave Va.lley, L. l . . . St. Ann Cedar Valley, tel. l. . · j St. Thomas Cha.pelt.on, t . . Clarendon Chester Oastle, l. . ·I Hanover Christia.n.a., t. . . Manchester Claremont, t. St. Ann Clark's Town, tel . . I Trelawny Clonmel l, . . St Mary Coleyville l. . . Manchester Colonel's Ridgel ..


Cle.rendon Comf on Hall L • • Manchester Constant Spring t . .. Sl Andrew

98 9 .30 a..m . 9 .30 a..m. a 39 1. 00 p.m. b


1.00 p.m .. b . . 148 1.00 p . m. b 1.00 p.m . b

19 1 .00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m . b 94 9 .30 a..m. a 19 . 30 a..m. a

.. 94 1.00 p.m. b l.00 p.m . b

. . 23 3 .15 p.m . c 3 .15 p.m c 45 Twice Daily

. . 107 9.30 a.m. a 9.30 a..m. a 64 9 .30 a .m. a · 9.30 a .m. a

. · 1 47 1.00 p .m. b 1.00 p.m. b

. . 86 1.00 p.m. b l.00 p.m. b

. . 42 1. 00 p.m. b 1. 00 p.m. b

. . 07 9 .30a.m. a 9.30a..m . a

. . 53~ 6.30 a m. G.30 a..m

. . I 75 9 .30 am. a 9.30 a.m . a (1 TL rec t.imes

7 .30 p .m 7 . 30 p.m. 5. 4.0 a..m .15.40 n.m. S .45 a.m. 8 45 a.m.

9 .35a.m. 9 35 a..m. 2 . 05pm. 0 .15 a..m j9.15a..m. 7 .50 p.m. 7 .50p.m. 5.25a.m 5 . 25a..m. 3.20p.m. 3. 20p.m . 7.20 p.m. 7 .20pm. 5 .30a.m. 5 .30 a .m. 13.20p.m. 3. 20 p.m. 4. 05 a.m . 7 .25 p m. I - - 9 .15 am. 7 . 50 a..m. 8.20 a .m . 13.45 p.m. 13.00 p.m 13.20 p.m.


9. 15 a.m 9. 00 a.m . 9 .00 a .m. 10.00a..m. 10.00 a..m. ll.40p.m. ll.40a.m 3. 30 p .m. 3.30 p.m. 4 .30 p.m. 4 .30p.m. , 6 .15p.m. 6 .15a.m.


8 .30 a .m. 8 .30 a .m. 3.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 11.40 am. 11.40 a .m. 7 .55 a..m. I 7 .55A.m 2 .00p m. 1 2.00 p .m. 9 .15 a .m. 9 . 15a.m. 7 . 30a.m. 7 .30a m. 5.00pm. 5 .00 p.m ll .40a.m 6 .00a..m.

14 .55 p.m. 4 .55 p.m. 7 .55 a .m 7 .55 a.m . 13 . 20 p.m . 3 . 20 p .m. 0 00 p.m. 6 . 00 p.m. 7 .30 a .m. 7 .30 a.m. 11 .40 a..m. 11.40 a .m.

12 .00 3..m. 2 . 00 a.m. 8. 50 p.m. <,; .50 p.m. 9.15 a .m . 9 . 15a.m. 0 .00 p m . G.00 pm. 7 .30 s..m. 7 .30 am. I 11 .40 a.m 11 . 40 a.m.

j 5 .00 a..m. 1 s .10 p.m. I ll.40 p.m. 6 . 00 a.m. 3 .50 p .m. 13 55 p .m .

S .45 n..m. i 8. 45 a..m. 7 . 25 a .m. 7 .2.? a.m 9. 15 p.m . 9 15 a.m. 5 . 20 p.m . 5 20p.m. 4. .20 p.m. 4 .20 p.m. 6. 15p.m. 6 .15pm. 10.lOa.m. 10 .!0a.m. 3 . lOp.m 3 .lOp.m. ll . 40a.m. ll.40a..m.

I 4. 55 p.m. 4 .55 p .m . j 8 .00 a..m. 7 .05 p.m . 7 .05 p .m .


6 . 15 a..m. 3 .05 p.m . 3 .05 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. 9 .00 a..m. 3.00 p.m. 4 . 35 p.m. 4 . 35 p .ni..

18 . 45 a.m.

5.55 a .m. 5 . 55 a..m. 14 . 05 p.m. 10. 36 a.m. 10. 36 a.m. 3 . 00 p.m.

. . Twice Dail v 6 .45 p.m. G.45 p .m. 6 .30 4. 20 p.m. 4 .20 p.m. 9 . 20 a..m. 5 .50 p.m. 5. 50 p.m. 3 .45 a..m. 2.55a.m. 2 .55a..m. 6.30p.m. 6 .15pm. 6.15p.m. 6.45a..m. 5 .15 p .rn. 5 . 15 p.m. 8 . 10 a..m. 2.20 p m. 2. 20 p.m. 3 . 50 p.m. 4.40 p.rn. 4. 40p.m. 8 .30 a.m.

<laily T lm:e

8 .00 a .m. 6 .15 a.m. 5 .00 p.m. 3 .00 p.m . 8. 45 a .m. 4.05 p.m. 3 .00 p.m.

Twice 6. 30 a.m. 9. 20 a .ni. 3. 45 a..m. 6 . 30 p.m. 6 . 45 a.m. 8 . 10 a..m. 3 .50 p.m. 8 .30 a .m.


3 .20 p.m. 11 .40 a.m. 3 .20 p.m 11 .40 a..m 3 . 20 p.m. 9 15 a.m 8 .15 a.m.


3 .20 p.m. 11.40 a.m. 3. 20 p .m . 11.40 a.m. 3 .20 p.m. 9 .15 a .m. 8. 15 a .m.

3 .20 pm. 3 .20 p .m . 3 . 20 p.m. 3 .20 p.m. 9 .15 a .m . 9 .15 a .m. 9 .15 a.m. 9. 15 a.m . 11.40 a.m. ll .40a.m. 3.20 p.m. 3 .20 p.m. 9. 15 a .m. 9 . 15 a.m. 3 . 20 p.m. 3 .20 p.m,


Page 16: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


. - - 1 • I

MAIL CoNVET A.NCI: continued. ~ C)t 0 .

' I

_I Arrive at D.P.O. I ' 18 . Post at Kingston. I Leave D. P . 0. for I Arrive at Kingston. .

0 Cl from Kingston . Kingston. ... 0 .... - I OffiCf'. Ill

I Parish ~~ I

a~ Mon., Wed. Tuef., Thurs. Mon. , Tues., Mon., Tues. , Mon., Tues.,

I ~ and Fri and Sat. Wed. Thurs. Wed. Thut11.


Wed. Thurs. I and Fri. and Sat. a.nd Fri. and Sat. and Sat. and Sat.

-- I I , 5 Crofts HiU, l. . . Clarendon .. 43 6.30 a .m. 6 . 30 a .m. · ~ . l p.m. 1 . 15 p.m 6.20pm . 5 .20 p.m. 1 9.15 a .m . 9.15 a .m . I

Crooked River do .. 51 6 30 a .m. 6.30 a .m . 12.30 p.m. 12.30 p.m. 5.30 pm 5.30 p.m. 9.15 a.m. 9 . 15 a.m. CroSB Keye ••

1 Mancbeeter .. 70 9 . 30 n.m. a 9 .30 a.m. a 5 20 p.m 5. 20 p.m. 8 00 a .m. 8.00 a . m.' 3.20 p.m. 3.20 p.m ::i:: Cross Roads, I. . . j St. Andrew .. 2 Four times daily. Four ti mes daily. Four time s daily. Four time s daily . > z D&l.las l St. Andrew 10 3.15 p.m. 3.15 p.m. 7 .30 p.m. 7 .30 p.m. 2 .35 p.m. 2.35 p.m. 8 .15 a.m. 8. 15 a.m. t:i

. . .. ttj

Darliston t.el. l. Westmoreland .. 136 9 .30 a.m. a 9 .30 a .m. a 7 .00 a.m. 7 .00 a .m. 4 .00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 0 .,

.. Deeside, l. TreJawny . . l07 1 .00 p.m. b 1.00 p .m. b 10.05 a .m. 10.05 a.m. 1.10 pm. 1 . 10 p.m. 9 . 15 a.m. 9.15 a..m . 0 .. ~ Devon,l. . . Manchester . . 67 9 .30 a .m. a 9.30 a.m. a 4 . 40 p.m . . 4..40 p.m. 9.00 a.m. 9 .00 a .m. 3.20 p.m. 3 .20 p.m Dry Harbour, t . . . St. Ann . . 71 1.00 p .m b 1 .00 p.m. b 11.30 p.m 11.30 p.m . 12. 15a.m. 12. 15 a..m. 9 . 15 a.m. 9 .15 a.m. 0


Dune&D.S,_t Trelawny 82 1.00 am. b 1. 00 p .m. b


1 .55.a.m. 1 .55 a .m. 10. 10 p.m. 10 . 10 p.m. 9 .15 a .m. 9 . 15 a .m. ~

. . .. > ?:;!"

39 1.00 a.m. b 1 .00 p.m. b 7 .40 a.m. 13 .20 p.m. ....

Enfield l. •• 1 St. Mary . .

11 . 40 a .m. 3.20 p.m. 11.40 a .m. 11 . 40 a .m. >

29 6.30 a .m 6.30 a .m. 9 .30 a .m. 9 . 15 a. m. 9 . 15 a.m. I 11.40 a.m. ....

Ewarton, t . . St. Catherine .. 9.30 a .m. 11 . 40 a.m. (".) I 1 .00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b 4 15 pm. 4 .15 p.m. 3.50 p.m. 3 .50 p.m. 6 . 15 p.m 6 .15 p .m. >

6 .10 a.m G 10 a .m 9 . 15 a .m. 9 .15 a.m.

Fairy Hill . . Portland ... i1 1.00 p.m. b 2 .00 p.m. b 9.10 p.m. 11 . 05 p.m. 9.15 p.m. 11.10 p.m. 11 . 40 a .m. 6.00 a..m .

3 . 40 am. 14.00 a.m. ,.

Falmouth. t . . Trelawny .. 92 1.00 pm. b 1 .00 p.m. b 3 . 4.0 a .m. 4 . 00 a..m. 3 . 20 p.m 3.20 p.m. I

... 9 .30 a.m. a 9.ZO p .m. a . 15 p.m. 8. 15 p.m. 8. 25 pm . 8. 25 p.m. 9 . 15 a.m. 9.15a.m . Fellowsb.ip .. . . Portland . . 80 1 . 00 a.m. b 2 . 00 p.m. b 7 .00 a.m., 7 .00 n. m. 5 05 p.m. 5 .05 pm. 11 .40 a.m. ll .40a.m . Four Paths Ry. t. Clarendon 3i Three times daily I Three times de.ily. • . . .. Frank.field. tel. . . do . . 57 6.30 a.m. 6 . 30 a.m l l .35pm.l l.35p.m. 4 .25p.m. 14 .25pm. 9. 15&.m 9 .15a..m Fyffes Pen . . . St. Elizabeth . . 106 9 .30 a .m. 9.30 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 9 .00 a .m 3.20 p.m 3. 20 p.m. 1 3 .20 p.m 3.20 p.m. Gayle t. . . St. l\111.ry .. 81 1 .00 p.m. b 1.00 p .m. b i .50am. 7 50a..m. 2 .30p.m. 2.30p.m. 9.15a.m. 9 .15a.m. Giddy Hall, . . St. Eliza.beth .. 95 9 . 30 a.m. a 3 . 15p.m.a 9.05a.m. 9.05a .m . 4.00p.m. 4 .00pm. 3 20p.m 3. 20p.m Ginger Hill, . . St. Elizabeth .. 91 19.30 am. a 9 . 30 a.m. a , G. 00 p.m, 6.00 p.m. 6 .45 a.m. G. 45 a .m. 3 . 20 p.m. 3.20 p.~.

. I

Page 17: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


Glengofie, lel l. . . St. Catherine . ·I 20 I 9. 30 a..m. a j 0. 30 a.m a ] 4 . 25 p.m. j 4. 25 p.m. 7. 35 a m. 17. 35 a.m. 1 i. 00 p.m. 1. 00 p.m.

GoldenGrove,t. St.Thomas .. 1

45 l.OOp.m.b 2 .00p.m .b ll.55p.m. .. .. 12 20a.m. l l.40a.m. 6. 00a.m , 8 .05p.m. 8.30p.m.

Gordon Town, l. St. Andrew 9 3.15 p.m. c 3.15 p.m. c 5.36 p.m. 5 .3G p .m 0 .55 a .m. 6.55 a.m. 8.15 a . . m


8. 15 a..m. Grange Hill, t. .. Westmoreland 1137 9.30 a.m. a 9.30 a.m. a G.30 a.m. G.30 a.m 2.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 3.20 pm.

Gregory Park. i St. Catherine . . G? , Three ' times daily Three times da.i ly J Three l times daily

Green Island, t. Hanover .. 152 , l.OO p.m. b 1

i.oo p.m. b 2.10 p.m. 2.10 p.m. 11 55 p.m. 1155 p.m.13.20 p.m. 3.20 p.m.

Guanabca Vale, l . . · I St. Catherine . . 22! I 6. 30 fl .m. 1 6. 30 a .m. 12 .15 p.m. 12 .15 p.m. 3 . 30 p.m. 3 . 30 p m. I 9 . 15 a .m. 9 .15 a..m.

Guy'E Hill, tel. l. . .1 St. Mary 38 6 .30 a.m . b


6.30 a.m. b 4 .05 p .m. 4 .05 p.m 5.30 a.m. 5 .30 a.m. 11.40 a .m. ll.40 a.m.

Hagley Gap, l.

Halfway Tree, f.

Ha.mpden, l. Hrunustead Harker's Hail , Z. H.&rry W a.tcb. l . Ha.rtlands1 Ry. l .

. . , St. Thoma.a

. . St Andrew

Tl"elawny .. St. Mary . . St Ca.theriq_e . . Ma.ncbester

St. Catherine

19 3.15 a .~. c 1 3.~5 a.m. c 1

8 .55 a ~. 1 8.5~ a.m. 4.41p.m.1

4.4.1p.m.1 8. 15 a.m. 8.15 a.m.

31 Four times! da~y Four t1me,s da1ly. Five times1

daily. Five times daily.

.. LOO 11.00 a.m. b


1 .GO a.m. b 1

B.00 a..m J u.00 a.m. 3.25 p.m. 13.25 p.m. 19.15 a.m. 9 .15 am. .. 44 l. OOa.m.b l.OOam.b G.30 p.m 6.30p.m. 6.0Sa.m 6.05a.m. ll.40a.m. ll.40a.m. .. 30 l .OOp.m. b l .OOp.m b 5.45p.m.

1S .45p.m. 7 .40a.m.

17.40a.m. ll.40a.m. 11.40s..m.

. 67 9 .30a..m. a 9.30a.m. a 4 . 40p.m. 4.40p.m. 9. 00 a.m. 9 .00a.m. 13.20p.m. 320p.m.

. . 15 16.30a..m. 6 .30a..m. 18.35 a.m. 8.35a.m 7.40n.m. 17.40a.m. 9. 15a.m. 9.15a.m.

lg 15p.m. c 3 .15pm. c 5.050.m. 5.05p.m. 4 .35p.m. 4.35p.m. 6.15p.m. 6. 15p.m

Hayes . . ClarendoJJ . · 1 40 6. 30 a.m. 6. 30 a.m. 10.40 a.m 10 40 a.m.1 5 . 30 am. I 5. 30 a..m 19 .15 a..m. 9 .15 a..m. Hector's River, l. . . Portland .. , 51


1. 00 p.m b 2 . 00 p.m. b 11.15 p .m. 9.00 p .m. 11. 25 a..m. 9 . 05 p.m.. 11. 40 a..m.


6 . 00 a.m.

Highgate, I . . . \St. Mary . II 38 1.00 p.m. b l.00 p.m. b 14.55 p.m. 4 .55 p.m . 7 .55 a.m. 1 7 .55 a.m. 111.40 a.m. 11.40 a.m. Hope Bay, t. . . Portland . . 49 I l . 00 p.m. b 1. 00 p.m. b 6 .15 p.m. I ~ .15 p.m. 7. 00 a.m. 7 . 00 a .. m. 11 ;..40 a.m. 11.40 a.m Hopewell .. Ha Dover .. 126 1. 00 p.m . b 1. 00 p .m. b 9 . 35 a .m. ::i . 35 a.m 4. 40 a..m. 4. 40 a.m. 3 . ..!O p.m.


3. 20 p.m . Ipswich , Ry.t ... 1St.Eliz.a.beth .. 86 9 .30a..m a 9.30am. a l 4 .05p.m. l 4 .05p.m. 8 .45a.m. 8.45a..m 3 .20p.m. 3.20p.m Islington. l. . . St. Mary .. 46 1.00 p.m. b l.00 p.m. b 6.40 p.m


6 .40 pm. 6. 45 a .m. 6 . 45 a.m . 1 u .40 a..m ll.40 a..m.

JacksonTown, t. l. Trelav.rny .. 90 l.OOp.m b l.OOpm b 13 .4.0a .m. 3 .40a.m. 5 .45p.m 5 . 45p.m. 9.15a.m. 9. 15a..m.

Rellitts. tel. I . . Clarendon . . 47 6. 30 a.m. 6. 30 a .m 2 . 15 p.m. , 2 .15 p.m 4. 20 p .m. 4 . 20 p.m. i 9 . 15 a .m 9 . 15 a.m

L&e0v·a t. St. Elizabeth . . 85 iL30 a.m. a 3.00 pm. 1.45 a.m. 9.55 p.m. 1.50 a.m 10.00 p.m. I 3.20 p.m 19 . 15 a.m. l.s;xnb'ts P..iver, l: .. Westmoreland ..


103 9 .30 a.m. a 9.30 a .m. a I 7 .05 p.m. 7 .05 p.m. 6 .15 n.m. \ 6 . 15 a .m. 1 3.20 p.m.

1 3.20 p.m

Lo.tium l. .. 1 St. Ja.mes .. 123 1 .00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m b 10.05 a..m 10.05 a .m. 2 .25 p.m. 2 . 25 p.m. 3 . 20 p.m. 3.20 p.m . .Le.ughlande .. St . Ann . •I en . 1.00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b I 9.40 p.m. 9.40 p.m. 1.40 a .m. l. 40a.m. I 9.15 p.m. 19.15 p .m.

Page 18: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


'1fficc. Pa,.u.b.


Lswre Lig

nee Tavern ta l . St. Andrew-uaneA

e Hal! tead. t.

Lim Lins

. . do

. . St. Ann

.. St CatherinP

le London, l ~.l. Litt Llttl

Westmoreland e River

dewy, I. idas Vale , l

Lla.n Llu Lod Lon Luc

ge, l. gBay ea. t

otty, R y. t. id.stone, l

Magg Ma Mal Man

vem. t . chioneal, l.

de,-ille, l .

' lB Bank, l. l\fa, J\!8) ~!id

' Pen, t. dle Quarters

Gully t . . Mile Milk · River, teL l.

tel St. James

.. , St Thomas

. . St. Catherine

. .


St. AnD . . P orlland . . Hanover

St Elizabet h Manchester

. .


St. Eli .. betb .. Portland

. 1\Ia.nchesler

. . St. Andrew Cl1uendon



St. Elizabeth

. . Manchester

. . Cl&rendon














{ .. ..

. I Post at Kingston. I

Arrive at D.P.O Leave D.P.O. for I Arrive at Kingston. 6 c I 0 gl from Kingston Kingston. I ,_ Cl) 1- ---

- b«i

Tues , Thurs. I I t) C I Wd ==~ Mon., e . Mon., Tues . . Mon., Tues., Mon., Tues •• ~ and Fri. and Sa.t Wed. Thurs., · Wed. Thurs. Wed. Thurs.

and Fri. and Sat. and Fri. and Sat . and Fri. and Sat. . •

15 9 . 30 a .m. a 9 30 a.m. a 2 .55 p.m. 2 .55 p.m. 9 05 a.m. 9 05 a .m. 1.00 pm. 1 .00 p.m 5 3 . 15 p .m . c 3 . 15 p.m .c 4. 55 p.m 4 .55 p.m. 7 .30 a .m . i .30am. ' 8.15pm. 8 .15p.m.

4 . 00 p.m. 4 .00 o.m. 5 . 15 p.m . 5 . 15 p.m . 53 1.00 p .m . b 1. 00 p .m . b 6.25 p.m G 25 p.m 3.10 a .m 3.10 am. 9 . 15 a .m . 9 . 15 a .m. 24 6 .30 a .m. 6.30 a .m. 9 .15 a .m. 9. 15 a.m. 9.30 a..m. 9.30 a..m ll . 40a..m 11 .40 a .m .

1 . 00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b 3 .55 pm. 3.55 p .m 4 . 00 p.m 4.00 p .m. 6 . 15p.m. 6 . 15 p .m 135 9 . 30 a .m. a 9. 30 a. m. a 7 .00 a .m 7.00 a .m. 4 . 10 p.m. 4.10 p.m . 3 . 20 p.m . 3.20 p.m . 103 1.00 pm. b 1.00 p.m . b 2. 20 a.m 2.20 a.m. 7 .20 p.m. 7 .20 p.m 9 . 15 am . Q. 15 a.m.

9 . 30 a .m. a


9 .30 a.m. a 7 15 p.m. i 15 p.m. 2 .25 a.m . 2 . 25 a m . 13 .20 p.m. 3.20 p.m 26~ 1 .00 p.m. b 2 .00 p.m. b 8 .50 a. m. 8 . 50 a..m. 1. 45 p.m. 1.45 p.m. 11 40 am 6 00 a .m 37 6 . 30 a.m. 6. 30 a .m . 11.20 a.m B .20 am 4 00 a.m. 4.00 a .m. 9 15 a..m. 9.15a.m. 68 1 .00 p.m. b 1. 00 p.m. b 8 40a m 8 .40 a .m. 4 . 00 p.m, 4 .00 p .m. 19 .15 a..m . 9. 15 a .m. 68~ 1.00 p .m. 2 . 00 p .m. I 10.05p.m. 10. !0p.m ' JO IOp m, 10. 15 p.m.


11 . 40 a..m . G. 00 a .m. 139 1.00 p .m. b 1 00 p.m. b 12 05 m. 12 .05 m . 2 . 00 a.m. 2 .00 am. 3 . 20 p.m . 3 .20 p.m .

9 30 a .m. a 9 .30 a .m. a 8 50 a.m. 8 50 a .m.

83 19 .30 a .m. a I 9.30 am. a 3 .35 p.m . j 3.35 p.m 9.45 a..m 9.4.5 a.m. 3.20 p.m. 3.20p.m. 69 9.30 a.m. a 9.30 a.m. a 5 .00 p.m. 5. 00 p.m. 8. 20 a .m. 8 20 a.m 3 20 p.m. I 3.20 p.m . Bi 9 .15 a.m. a


3 15 p.m. c i .50 a.m 7 . 50 a.m. f . 00 p.m. 5.0C pm . 3 20 p.m. 9 15 !l..m. 56 1 . 00 p.m. b 2 . 00 p.m. b 9.30p.m. 10 .50a.m. 9 40 p.m. 11 40a.m.


6.00 a.m

58 9 .30 a. m. a 9. 30 a..m. a 2 .50 p.m. 2.50 p.m. I 5 00 a.m. 5 .00 a..m 9 .-15a..m. 9 15am. 3.J5 p.m. c 3. 15 p.m. c 8 . 30 p.m 8 30 p.m. 10 45 a.m. JO 45 3..m. 3 20 p.m. 3 20 p.m.

14 3.15 p.m. c 3 .15 p.01. c 7 .02n1n I i 02 a. m . 1 G 34. p .m. 6.34 p.m 8. 16a..m. 8 15 a.m 32~ Three times daily . . Three times daily .. 89 - 3 00 p.m. c 7 . 00 a.m. - 9 00 p.m. - - 9. 15a.m. 94 9.30 a.m. a 9 30 a..m . a 5.45 p.m.


5 .45 p.m. 7 05 a.m. i .05 a.m. 3.20 pm. 3. 20 pm. 6H 9 .30 a..m. a 9 . 30 a.m. a 2.30 p.m. 2 .39p.m . , 10 .30 a.m. 10.30a.m.1 3.20 p .m . 1 3. 20 p .m. 49. 6. 30 a .m. 6 . 30 a .m . 1.35 p.m. • 1.3o p.m 4 . 00 p.m. 4 . 00 p.m. 9 .15 a.m. 9 15 am

--;. z ~ ~ 0 0 ~

0 ':lj

c.. > a: > .... c >

Page 19: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


t 3 4 0 -· :Mocho, l Clarendon .. 44 6. 30 a .m 16 . 30 a .m . I 12 .05p.m 112.05 p.m 4.1 0 ,:>.m. 4 . 10 p.m . 9.15 a .m 915s..m.

~ioore Town. l Portland .. BG \ l.00 pm. b 2.00 p .m b 0.05 p.m. 9.05 p.m. ~.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. ] l.~0 p..m. 11.40 a..m.

St. Ann 39 1.00 p.m . b 1.00 p.m. b 5.05 p.m 5 .05 p.m. 4 30 a..m. 4 .30 a.m 9. 15 p.m . 9.15 a.m. ~Ionea.gue. t. . . Montpelier. t.el. St. Ja.mes . \103 19.30 a . m. a 19.30 a.m. a 5.20 p.m. !\font.ego Bay. t do Road f 114 1 .00 p.m. b 1.00 p .m . b 15.55 a.. m.

Rail , 113 9. 30 s..m. a 9. 30 a .m a 6. 10 p .m . Morant Bay, t. St Thomas .. 31 1.00 p.m. b 2.00 p.m. b I ..

Mount Rega.le , l St Mary .. 41 1 .00 p.m. b 1 .00 p.m. b G.50 p.m.

Mountainside. l. I St. Eliza.betL 106 9.30 a.. m . a 3.15 p.m. c 7 40 a..m .

='•fyer's·W'harf, l Kingston 1 \ Three times daily .

Myersville, 1. St. E lizabeth S7 9.30 a.m a 13 . 15 p.m. c ' .

. . I 7 .15 a.m Myrtle Bank. t. Kingston thrice daily. thrice

Negril, l . lel. .. Westmoreland . . 147 j 9 .3<Ta.m . a ' 9 .30 a.m. a 110 .40a.m . ~ ewca.stle, tel. St Andrew 14 3 15 p .m . c 3 15 p m . c 7 .41 p.m. N ewroarket, tel. l. . \ St. Elizabeth 100 , 9.30 a.m. a 3 15 p .m c 10 .45a.m. ~ewport. t. . . }.'lancbester 64. 9 . 30a..m. a 9.30a.m, a 4. 15 p .m .

.. 1 St Ann Ocbo Rios, t. I 1.00 a.m b 3.55 a.m. 64 1 00 a.m. b

Old Harbour, t. St. Catherine 24 three times daily.

Orange Bay, Ry. l . . Portland 43 1.00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m b 5 .50 p.m, t. St. Mary 79 1.00 p.m. b 1.00 am. b 6.45a..m.

Pear Tree Grove, l. . St. Catherine . 40 1 . 00 p.m. b Pedro Plains, l . . . I St.. Elizabeth .. 113 I 9 . 30 a .m a

1 .00a.m.b 6.30p.m 3 . 15 a..m. c 9.45 a..m.. 1 00 a.m b 8.00 a..m . 3 15 n..m. c 11.15 p.m . 9 .30 a .m. a I 8.30 p.m .

Pedro, l. tel. St. Ann . 53 1 00 p .m b Pepper ..


St. Elizabeth i1 9. 30 a.m. a Peterefield, tel. . . Westmoreland . . 129 9. 30 a m . a.

· Point, l. Point Hill, l. Port Antonio, L.

. ·\St . Ja.mes

. . Rt. Catherine .. 127

43 77 75 13y rail .

1 .00 p .m. b 1.00 p.m. b 1

10 . 50 a. m. G.30a.m . 0 .30a.m. 1 .15p.m.

- 2.00p.m.b 1

. -

1 .00 p .m. b I I .00 n.m. b 6 .50 p .m

5 20 p.m 8. 00 a.m .00 a.m. 3.20 p.m . 3 20 p.m .

5.55 a.m G. 20 p.m. 6.20 pm 9 15 a.m. 9. 15 a.m. 6. 10 p .m i 00 am. 7 00 a.m 3.20 p.m . 3.20 p.m. 2.35 a.m 13 00 a.m. 11.40 a..m 6 .00 am. 5.45 p.m G.00 p.m 6.50 p.m. G 45 a ru. 6 45 fLID


11.4.0a..m. ll.40s.m .

7 . 40 a..m 3.20 p.m 3.20 p.m. 3 20 p.m 9. 15a.m Three ' times daily.

7 .15 n..m . 3.45 p.m. 3 45 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 9.15 a.m.

daily. thrice daily. thrice daily.

10.40 a.m. 12 . 30 p.m~ 12.30 p.m 3.20 p.m. 3 .20 p.m . 5.00 a .m . . 15 am. . 15 5 .00 :i.m. p .m i .41 p.m

3.20 p.m. 9 . 15 p.m . 10.45 a.m.1 3 00 p.m . 3.00 p.m.

4 .15 p.m 9.0fi am. 9. 05 3.20 p.m . 3.20 p.m.

3.55 a.m . 7 . 10 p.m 'i' . 10 p.m. 9 15 :i.m. 9. 15 a.m . three times daily.

I 5. 50 p.m 7 . 15 s..m. 7 . 15 n..m 11 40 a.m 11.40 a.m. G.45 n..m 4 .20 p.m 4 . 20 pm. ~.15a.m. 9 . 15 a.m.

6.30p.m 7 .00a m 7 .00a.m 11 .40a.m. 11.401:1.m. 9.45 a.m. l.lfi p.m


1.15 p .m. 3.20 p.m. 9 . 15 a.m . 8.00 a..m. I 3. 40 p.m. 3. 40 p.m . 9.15 a.m 9 . 15 a .m . 12 . 25a.m.


ll.20 p.m 12.:30 a.m. 3.20 p .m 9. 15 a.m . 8.30 p.m 3 .45 a..m . 3 . 45 a..m J 3.20 p.m. , 3 .20 p . m .

10 .50 a.m 1.15 p .m . 11 50 p.m. G. 50 p .m .

1.30pm., l. 30p.m. 9. 15a.m 9.15a.m 4 .30 pm. 4 .30 p.m. j 9.15 a.m. \ 9.15 a.m. S.50p.m . - - CLOOa.m . 6 .00 a..m. I G.00 n..m 11.40 a .m ll.40a.m . . · 1 Portland . by ron.d



1.00p.m.b l .OOp.m.b 1G.20p.m. 6.20p.m , 6.20a..m. 6. 20a.m. 11.40a.m. 11.40&.m I 3.00 p.m 3.00 p.m g .1 f. n..m. 9.15 a.m Port Mari&., t .•

1 St.. Mary

-.. 0 if., 8

0 ~ '%.3 .... c s:

Page 20: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


----------·--- ----- - - -- =----------- - -- - - -- - - -- -- -----------.------~- - I

-- ~ = ~--- . - -&--~- -~

~l All (\, Vl}Y A.NCJD, connnutd ....... CJ1 11 ~ •

a . Post at l~ingston. Arrive at D. P 0. kavt: D .P .O. for Arriv~ u.t Kingston.

I ~s from Kingston. K:n11:ston. Office. Pt.Lrish ~.~ T I ;;; ~ Mon., ".ed. Tues., Thurs. Mon. , Tues., Mon., Tues., Mon., Tues.

,~ and Fn. and Sat. Wed. Thurs. Wed. Thurs. Wed. Thurs

I and Fri. and Rat and Fri. a.nd Sat. and Fri I and Sat.

Port Morant. t. St. Thomas ... :\9 1 . 00 p.m. b 2 .00 p.m b 1 50 1' .m 2 . 00 a.m. 11.40 a .m. 6.00 p.m. G. 35p.m. 6.45 p.m

Port Royal, t . .. Port Royal 6 3 . 15 p.m. c 3.15 p.m. c 5.30 p.m.1 5 . 30 p.m. 7 .30 a.m. 7 . 30 a..m. 9.00 a..m. 9.00 p.m. :I; Porus, t. .. Manchester 47 Three times daily . Three times da.i ly. > z


Pratville, l. do 73 9.30 a..m. a 9.30 a..m. a 7 .00 p.m. 7 .00 p.m. 6 15 a.m. 6 .15 a..m. 3.20 p.m. 3 . 20 p.m. ttj .. 0

Priestma.n's River, t. Portland 65 1 .00 p.m. b 2.00 p.m. b 9.35 p.m. 10.35 p.m. 9 .45 p.m . JO 45p.m. 11 40 a .m 6.00 a.m. 0

' P'!

Race Course, tel. Clarendon 50 6.30 a..m 6 .30 n..m. 12 . 30 p.m. 12 .30p.m . 5 .15 o.m. 5.15 p.m. 9. ·15 a .m. 9.15 a .m. 0

Ramble, tel. Hanover 109 9.30 a..m. a 9.30 a.m a 6. 45 p.m. 6.45 p.m. fl.15 a.m. 6 .15 a.m. 3.20 p.m. 3 . 20 p.m. 'sj . . Redwood, l. St. Catherine 31 6 .30 a.m. G .30 a..m. 2.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 7 .35 a .m. 7 .35 a.m. 11.40 a..m 111.40 a.m ~

> Retreat, t. St. M'.a.ry 73 l .'00 p.m . b l .00 p.m. b 5 . 30 o..m. 5 .30 u..m. 5 .35 p.m 5 . 35 p.m 9.15 a.m 9.15 a .m. ;:: Richmond, t. do. .. 36 1 .00 p.m. b 1 .00 p .m. b 4 .30p.m. 4 .30 p.m. 8 . 30 am. 8 . 30 a..m. 11.40 am. 11.40 a.m. >


Rio Bueno, t. . . Trela.wny .. 76 1.00 p.m . b 1.00 p.m. b 12.50 a .m 12.50 a .m 11 . 15 p.m 11 .15 p.m 9 .15 a.m 9 . 15 a .m. (":)

Riversdale, Ry. t. St. Catherine . . 26~ 1 .00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b 3.40 p.m· 3.40 p.m.


9.30 a..m. 9 . 30 a.m 11 40 a.m J 11.40 a.m ;> . . Riverside . . Hanover . . 145 9. 30 e. m . a 9 .30 a.m. a 1.10 p .m. 1.10 p.m. 7. 50 a.m 7 .50 a.m 3 . 20 p.m 3 . 20 pm. Rock River, r.el. l . . . Clarendon 51 6 . 30 a.m. 6.30 a.m. 1 .30 p.m. l .30 p.m .. 4.30 p.m. 4 .30 o.m 9 . 15 a.m. 9 .15 a..m. Runaway Bay , t. .. St Ann 67 1.00 p.m . b 1 .00 p.m. b IOA5p.m . 10 .45 p.m. 12.50 a.m. 12 . 50. a..m 9 . 15 a..m. 9 .15am.

I ' I i I 6 .50 p.m.16. 50 p.m. St. Ann1s Bay. t . do . . 57 1 . 00 p.m. b l.00 p.m. b 2.45 a.m. 2.45 a..m 9.15 a .m . 9 .15 a.m.

St. Marg. Bay , Ry. t. I Portland .. , 53 1.00 p.m. b ' J.OOp.m b


6.20p.m. 6. 20pm. 6.50a.m. 6.50am., ll.40a.m. ll.40a.m. St. Peters, l. . . St. Andrew .. 18 3.15 p.m. c 3.15 p.m. c 6.20 a..m. 6 . 20 a.m.


4 .40 p.m. 4.40 p.m.. l 8.15 a.m. 18. 15 a.m . Salt River 1 tel. . . Cl a.rend on .. 56 6.30 a..m. 6. 30 a.m. 1.10 p.m. 1.10 p.m. 5 . 00 p.m. 5 00 p.m. 9.15 a..m 9.i5 a.m . Ss.ndy Bny, t. . . He.nover • •



1. 00 p .m. b 1. 00 p.m. b 10.20 a..m. 10.20 am 3 45 a.m . 3 . 45 a.m. ! 3 .20 p .m. 3 . 20 p.m . Santa. Cruz t . .. l St . Elizabeth { l 79 3. 15 p.m. c j 12.40 a .m. I - \ 11.05 p.m. , - j 9 . 15 a.m. -

87 9.30 a.x::.. a 9.30 a..m. a 6.00 p.m. 6 . 00 p.m. 1 6.50 a..m. 6.50 a.m. 3.20 p.m. 13.20 p.m.


Page 21: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


Sava.nna-la.-Mar1 t. .. 'WestmorelAnd { 1

128 9.30 a.m. a 9.$0 a..m a 9.35 p.m. 19.35 p.m. 2.45 a.m. 2.45 a .m., 3.20 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 125 3 .15 p.m. c 9 .35 a.m. - 2 .00p.m. - - 9.15 a..m

Seaforth, l . l. . . St. Thomas . . 37 1 .00 p.m. b 2 .00 p.m. b 6.40 a .m. 6 40 a.m. 4 .00 p.m 4.00 p.m 11.40 a..m. 6.00 a .m . Shooter1s Hill t. Mao eh ester . . 55 n .30 a.m. a f.1 . 30 a..m. a 2. 00 p .m. j 2.00 p.m. 5 .30 am. 15 .30 a.m. f 9 . 15 a..rn. 9. 15 a..m.

~ . 15 p.m. c 3 . 15 p.m. c i . 20 p.m . 7 . 20 . 11.15 a.m. 3 .20 pm. 3 .20 p.m ::iiloab, Ry. t. (App~l

. . 1 78 3 . 50 p .m. I a. 50 p.rn. ton) .. St. Efua.betb U.30 a.m. u Y. BO a.m. a Y. 30 o.m. µ,.30 3. 20 p.m. 3.20 p.m. Smith's Yillage, t.el .. Kingston ..

1 1 I Three times da.141. Three tim es daily. Three tim daily. Three tim es daily.

Somerton St. James .. 123 9 .30a..m.a 9~30 a.m. a 12 30 p.m. 12. 30 p.m. 1 .40 p.m. l.40p.m. 3 .20 p.m. 3.20 p .m. Southfield. l. St. Elizabeth . ·182 9 .30 a.m. a 3 .15p.m. c 9 .55 a..m. 9.55 a.m. 2 .30 p.m. b2.30 p.m. 3 .20 p.m . 9.15 a..m. Spanish Town t. . . St. Catherine .. 12 Four times daily Four times deJly. Four time da.ily. Four tj me.s d&ily.

Spaldings, l. Clarendon I 3.40 p.m. I . . . . 62 9 .30a.m. a 9 . 30 a.m. a 3 40 p.m . 9.55 a.m. (55 a.m 3 .20 p.m. 3.20 p.m.

Springfield, l . . St. Elizabeth . · 1101 9 .30a.m. a 19. 30a.m.a 6 .30 p.m . 6 .30 p.m. 6 .20 a.m 6 .20 a .m. 3 .20 a..m. 3.20 p.m. Spring Hill, l. Portl&nd .. 52 1. 00 p.m. lJ 1. 00 p .m. b uoon noon 1 . 20 p.m. 1 . 20 p.m. 11 .4.0 a.m 11.40 a.m Spur Tree . . _Manchester . . 67 9 .30 a.m. a 3.15 p.m. c 10.10 p.m . 2.30 a .m. 10.15 p.m 2.35 a..m. I 3 .20p.m.


9.15 a.m. "'Cl

Stewart Town, tel. TrelAwny 85 1 .00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b 4. .30 a .m. 4 .30 a..m. 0 4 .55 p.m. 4 .55 9 . 15 am. 9.15 a.m. C1J 1-3

Stony Hill, t. .. St. Andrew 9t Twice daily Twice da.Hy Twic~ daily. Twice daily. 0 Sturge Town, l .. St.Ann .. ! 84 1.00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b 6 . 10 a..m. 6.10 a.m. 3.30 p.m. 3 .30 p.m. 9 .15 a.m. I 9.15 a.m. t;J

1-::j Swift River, l. Portland 52 1.00 p .m. b 1.00 p.m. b 9 10 a .m. 9 lOa.m. 3 .30 p.m. 3.30 p .m 11.40 a.m. 11.40 a .m . .....

Q t;j

Thompson Town. l .. . Clarendon 48 6.30 a .m. 6 .30 a..m . 1 . 30p.m. l. 30 p.m. 2 .45 p.m. 2.45 p.m. 9.15 a.m. 9. 15 a .m. Toll Gate, l. . . Clarendon 11 6 .30a.m. 6 .30 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11. 00 a..m 6.35 p.m. 6 .35 p.m. 9.15 a..m. 9.15 a.m. :'rinity Ville t. l . . St. Thomas { 41 1.00 a.m . b ~ 2.00 a .m. b 8 25 a..m . 8 25 a .m. 2.15 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 11.40 a.m. 6.00 a .m.

·I ;~ 3 .15 a..m. c 3. 15 a.m. c 12.25 p.m 12.25 p.m. 1 .10 p.m. 1 .10 p.m. 8.15 a.m. 8. 15a.m.

Troja, Ry. t. . . St. Catherine l . 00 a.m. b 1.00 a.m. b 4 . 15 p.m . 4. . 15 p .m. 8 .45 a.m. 8 .45 a..m. 11.40 a.m. ll . 40a.m. -Troy, t.el. l. .. Trelawny .. 79 9 .30 a.m. a 9 .30 a..m . a 5 .50 p.m. 5.50 p.m. 7 .30 a.m. 7 .30 a.m. 3.20 p.m. 3 .20 p .m .

Ulster Spring, t. do .. 1100 _l . 00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. b 7 .15 a.m. 7 . 15 a .m. 2.50 p.m. 2.50 p.m. I 9.15a.m.19.15a..m.

.. 1 Manchester I

W a.lderston .. 1 58 9 .30 a.m. a 9 .30 a.m. a 3.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 10.35 a.m 10.35 a.m 3 .20 p.m. 3.20 p.m Walker's Wood, I. I St. Ann .. 46 1 .00 p.m. Q 1.00 p .m. b 7 .00 a .m. 7 .00 a..m. ·3 .00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 9. 15 a .m . I 9. 15 a..m . W arso p, tel. l . . . Trelawny .. , 82 9.30 a.m. a 9.30 a..m. a 6.55 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 6 .25 a..m. 6 .25 a..m . 3 .20 p.m. 3 .20 p.m. W a.tson Hill l. • •

1 Manchester 72 9.30 a.m. a. 3.15 p.m. c 7 .00 a.m. 7 00 a..m. 5 .25 p.m . 5.25 p.m. 3 .20p.m. 9.15a.m.

Wa.t.~ Town, l. . · I St. Ann . :194 1.00 p.m. b 1.00 p.m. u 9. 40 a.m. 9.40 a.m. 2.40 p .m. 2 .40 p.m. 9 .15 a .m. 9.15 a..m. ....... White House Westmoreland • llO 9 .30 a.m. a , 3.15 p.m. c 6.25 a.m. 9.00 a.pi. 5.10 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 9 . 15 a.m. CJ\ , ~

Page 22: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


1'1AJL CoNVET A w01:, contin1*l

s . Post at Kingston. I

0 c I .!::: .s Office. Parish. Ill Ill

Tues., Tburs. f G.I tlCI

Mon., Wed. r.:l .!: ~~ &nd Fri. and Sat. .

-Williamsfield, tel. . . Manchester . . 53 9 .30 a.m. a

3rl5 p .m . C

Windsor Castle, l . . . Portland .. 37 1.00 p.m. b Windward Road, l . Kingston .. 2i Thrice

y alla.hs, t. .. I St. Thomas . . 19 1.00 p.m. b



1. By first Trains to Porus and Ewa.rt.on, Mails close da.ily at 6 . 30 a.m

2. By through train to Montego Bay, Mails close daily a t 9 .30 a.m.

3. By through train to Port Antonio, 1'1s.ils close daily at

9.30 a.m. a 3. 15 p .m. c 1.00 p .m . b daily.

2 .00 p .m. b

1 .00 p.m. 4. For Windward, East via Port Antonio on Mon , Wed. and

Friday a.t 1. 00 p.m. For Windward, via Morant Bay on Tues., Thurs.

a.nd Saturdays at 2 . 00 p.m. 5. For the Nort.'hside, daily a.t 1. 00 p.m. 6. For the Southside, on Mon., Wed., and Friday at 9. 30

a .m. For the Sou.Lhsidc, on Tues., Thurs., and Saturdays

at 3. 15 p .m . 7. For Port Royal, Gordon T own, &c., daily at 3 . 15


Arrive at D. P. 0. Leave D. P. 0. for I Arrive &+j Kingaton. from Kingston.

. Kingston .

I Mon., Tues. , Mon. 1 I Mon., Tues., Tues., Wed. Thurs. Wed. I Thurs. Wed. Thurs.

and E'ri. and Sat. and Fri. and Sat. and Fri. and Sat.

1.45 p.m. 1.45 p.m. 5.50 a .m. 5.50 a .m. 9 .15a.m. 9 15 a .m. 3.2.0 p.m. 7 .15 p .m. 7 .15 p .m. ll .40a.m . ll .40a.m . 3 .20 p.m.

8 . 20 p.m. 8 . 20 p.m. 5 . 45 a .m . 5 45 a..m . 11 .40 a .m 11.40 am. Thrice daily. Thrice daily. Thrice daily.

.. '

4. 00 a .m. . .. 4. 15 am. 11.40 a .m 6 .00 am. 4 . 40 pm. 4. 45 p.m.


S UlllURY.

1. From Gordon Town, &c., Mails due daily. at. 8 .45 s..m .

2. From Port Royal , Mails are due daily at 10 . 30 a..m.

3. From Windward, East via.Port Antonio on Mon., Wed. & Friday at 11 . 40 a.m.

From Windward, East via Morant Bay on Tues. Tbrs. & Sa.t. at 6 . 00 a.m.

4. By train from Port Antonio daily

5. 13y train from J\Iontego Bay daily

at 11 .40 a .m

at 3 . 20 p.m .

G. F rom l\"orthside, daily. at 9. 15 a..m .

7 . F rom SoutMide, on M on. Wed. &. Fri. a.t 3. 20 p.m . From South.side. on Tues. Thurs. & Sa.i. a t 9 .15 a.m.

.... -> z t::1 t::1 0 0 ~

0 >:j

Page 23: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-




MONTJ<;oo UA y AND LUCEA. Daily.


0 ffi cea.

Montego BE~Y l £opcwell Sandy Ray



e of ~ Tim rJ)

mls. a.en.

10 0.35 tl lO.iO

m. ll 12 .05




~ 3 ~ i.-. a! 0. Cl)


a.m. 8.00 9.tlO





Luceo. Stt.11dy 13ay Hopewell Montego Day




ta !i en ...... 0

.a bo i:l


mls. . . . . .. 11 .. 4 .. 10



-Time of

-aS ;:.. ·c <

a.m. . .

3.40 4.35 G.25

---f =' +> :;; 0. . v A

a.m. 2 . 00

5 0

3.'1 4.~

Fares- 4s. between each stage. Uopewcll a.nd Sandy Bay being counted as one stage. SAN'l 'A c nuz AN o llA LAC LA v A. Daily.



ta Cruz ea River

San Bra Ba laclavn


'-. . . . . .

~ I cd ~ CJ) ..... 0

..c ~

b.O s:::i


mls. . . ()


16 I

- -~ -Time of

~ I- Offices. - ;:I

cd ......

> I-a!

.... P. i.-. <1>

<! A

a. m. a .m. . . 6.50 Balaclava

7.50 7.55 River 9.55 . . Santa Cruz


Fares- 3s. betweeu each s tage.

Black Ri vor MidJ le Quarters Ipswich


mls. 11.m. a .m. 5 . 30 I pswicb

9 7 .00 7.05 Middle Qua.rters D 8.35 Black River

- v t:O

~ (fJ

Time of

..... Q)

0 I-;J

.a ~ ~

. t'o ....

I> aS

s:::i .i:: p.,

~ .... Cl)

<! A

mls. p.m. p.m. 3 .15 . . . . ..

.. 10 4 .55 5.00

. . 6 ().00 ..

1G l

18 18 --- ___ .c,__ __

Passenger fures-3s. 'Black River to Middle Quarters; 4s. Middle Quarters to Ipswich

through f nrtl (is. SAVANNA-LA-MAR AND ?JON'l'PBLIER. Daily. ' -----mls. I a .. ~.

Sav.-h~-Mnr Potorsficld 6 3.45 llamble 10 0 . 10 Moutpelicr (j 7 . L5


a .m. mls. p.m. p .m.

2.4.5 l\fontpelicr . . . . .. 5 .4

3.50 Hnmble .. 0 6.45 6.5

6 . 15 Petersficld .. 10 8.30 8 .3

I Sav.-la-Mar .. 6 9 25 . . • I

22 I I

5 .· 0 5

Page 24: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



The following table gives the rates of passenger fares bctwt!cn the several stations.


Passengers Farce. To

From Sa v .-la-.Ma.r. Pctersfield. namble.

---- - - ------ ---- - ------

-Savanna-la-Mar .. 2/6 5/ Petersfield . . 2/ 6 .. 4/ Rambl,e . . 5/ 4/ .. Montpelier .. 6/ 5/ 'V6



6/ 5/ 2/ 6

Passengers are carried on the motor mail vans botwecn Ewarton und St. A n!l'S Bay and Mont.ego Bay and Falmouth at the ra.te of 4d. per mile . .

Passengers are carried on the motor mail vaus bet.wecn l{:ngston nnd Port Autonio, ~ia Morant Bay, at the approximate rate of 5d . per mile.


P.&s&ENGBBS-At intermediate stations a passenger must. take his cha.nee of finding 8 \'tie&nt seat in the coach, and must, if there be a vacancy, then pay his fare lo the local Postmfll'ter, or Contractor's Agent. · ·

In either case the amount for such ticket must be paid in cash, and the ticket must be handed to the driver or guard of the coach before the passenger takes his seat.

If any person desires to join the coach between stations {there being a vacant seat) be may do so on condition that he first pays to the driver the full amount of fare from tue station last passed to bis destination.

In all caaea if a passenger intends to leave the coach between stations he must pay the fare to the next station beyond.

The PERSONAL LUGGAGE of each passenger ielimiled to 20lbs. by weight or 2,000 cubio inches by size. Any excess must be paid for aa freight, aud such excess may aoi exceed 10lbs. in weight, or 1,000 cubic inches in siie.

Doos are not allowed to be carried by coach.



Correspondence is delivered by Letter Carriere in all parts of the City of KingsLon, in­cluding Smith's Village, Hannah Town, Campbell Town, Franklin Town, Brown's Town Paaamore Town, and the northern limits of Arnold Roe.d e.nd South Camp Road, including the Goodwin Landa, four times daily, viz., 8.30 a.m., 10.30 a .m ., 1.30 p .m. and 4.15 p .m.

Correspondence ia delivered in Lower St. Andrew as below:-From H.&LrW.A.T TaitB Post Office at 8.30 s..m. and 2 p .m. NoaTB- From the junction of the Constant Spring Road and the road leading to King's

House. ' SouTB-Down Hs.Uway Tree Ros.d to Oxford Road, along Oxford Road to Hope Road. Ea~Matilda'1 Corner and Hope Road, from Ox.lord Road. Wu~From Hs.Uway Tree Court to junction of Old Pound Road and Lynd­

burst Road.

From Cao88 RoADa Post Office at 9.15 a.m. and 2 p.m.:-NoaTB-From Cao88 RoADB Poet Office, along Caledonia Avenue, up to Halfway

Tree and Hope Ros.d to corper of Oxl ord Road. SouTs-Torrington Bridge and Slipe Pen Road. Ea~Ma.rescaux Road. Wu~From Crou Roads, along Retirement Road to corner of Lyndhuret Road and

Old Pound Road, lnoluding Brentford Road . .

Page 25: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



mosa, }!"ranee and Algeria, Federated Malay States, Friou<lly l slan<ls, Cullipoli Gambia, Gibraltar, Goa, Gold Coast, Greece, Gnmada (W . Ind.), Guadur or GwadeJ Haifa (Caifa Kaila), Hawaii (Sandwich Is), Holland, H ong Kong. Iceland, Intlia Indian P .O. Agencies on the Persian Gulf, anti in Tibet, Tncboli Italy , (with 8un Marino and Italian Agencies on the Rod Sea and in the Regency of Tripoli), Julfo, Janina, Japan, Jask, Jerusalem, Johore Bahru, }{aifa (Caifa), Kavalla, (Cavalln), Kerassonde (Kerressoun), Kiautschou, ]{orea , Kola Dahru, Kuala. Mudn, Kulim Labuau, Lagoa (West Africa), Levant (The), Lingu. or l"ingor, Lorenzo Marques, Madeira, Mahe lsll\nds, (Seychelles), l\folacc·n, l\laltn, ~Janilobtl, .Massowah, .Mau­ritius, . Mitylene, Mohammerah, Monaco, Montenegro, .Mont.serrnt, .Morocco (Tan­gier only), Mo1ambique, Muscat, Natal, Netherlands, Nevis, New Brunswick, New Caledonia, Newfoundland, }'few South Wales, New Zenlun<l, Nil!,eria (Northern). Nigeria (Southern), North Borneo (Brit.), Norwuy, Novn 8cotio., Ontario, Ornngo Uiver Colony, Panama (Brit. ,P.O.), Pt1pua., Ponnng, Pe11rhys Is., Pirlis, P1•rsin11 Gulf (Postal Agencies on), Pescadorcs Ia., Philippine Ja., Pondicherry, Porto Rico, Por­tugal. Portuguese Colonies, Prevesa, Prince Edward Is., Quebec, Queenalnnd, R.6timo (Rethymo}, Rhodes, Rhodeaia, Hodosto, Rodriques Is., Roumanin, HuBSia, St. Helena, St. l{itts, St. Lucia, St. Thomas. (Dnnisli W. I.), St . Thomas n.nd Principe, St. Vincent, Salonioa (British P .O.), Salvador (Republic of) Stunsoun, Sandwich Islands, San Marino, Sarawak, Servin, Seychelles Sia m, Sierra Lonno, Singapore, South Australia, Straits Set.UemcnLs, Surinam, 8wedun, Switzorlnnd, Tangiers, Tasmania, Tobago, Transvaal. 1'rebizund (Tra.pczuut), Trinidad, Tripoli, Barbary; Tunis, Turks Islands, Uganda Protectora.te. Unitt•d Stlltcs of America, Ura.guay, Victoria, Virgin Islands, West Australia, Yukon , Zanzibar, Zululaud.

The above service has been suspended lo many pluccs consequent on the pre~ent War.



The only Postal Orders sold in Jamaica ure Britis'1 Postal Orders, and they are sold at all the Post Offices in the Island. They are nvailable for use in the colony a nd in most parts of the British Empire.

The commissions charged on orders issued are as follows:-

At 6d, ls., la. Gd., 2s., 2s. Gd.

At 3s., 3s. 6d., 4s., 4B. ()cl ., 5~.

At 7s. Od .

At 8s., Hll\.

At 20s.




] ! d.



The sender of a Postal Order, whether made payable in the United Kingdom or elae­wbe~e (ex~~tiog Canada), may increase i~ value by an a.mount not exceeding 5d. by affixmg Bnt1sh PoEt.age Stamps not exceeding three in number to the f a.ce; of the Order. No credit will be gi~·en for stamps which are in excess of three or which arc affixed else­where than in the spaces provided. Odd half-pence will not be paid. Stamps perforated with initials or marks, or embossed or impressed stamps cut out of envelopes post-cards &e. cannot be accepted for this purpose. ' '

J&ma.ica 11tamps may be affixed in a similar manner but o~ly gjven credit for within the Island. '

Postal Orders are paid at all Post Office1 and Parochial Treasuries n the Island.

Page 26: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


Ilritish Postal Orders are anti othor places abroad:­Aden. Andaman falnnda. Ascension Babu mas. Bnluchist!ln. Barbados. Ilnsutolanu. Beohunnaland Proloctora te. Bermuda. Ileyrout (Dritish Agency) . British Dechul'l.11nland. British Cc11Lrnl Afric~ OriLish East. Africa. Oritish Briti8h lfonJmns.

*Cnna.Jn.. Cnpe of Good Hope Cay mnn fglnnua. Ceylon. Chatham Isluncla. Chinn (13riLish Agencies). ConsLuntinoplc (British

Agency) . Cook Islands. Cyp1•us Egypt (including the . Soudan). Falkland Tslunds. Faun ing lsll\nd.


issued and paid in the undermentioned British PosseSBl001

J.i'eclerated Malay States F iji. Ca.mbia. Gibraltar. Gold Const,. Grenada. Hong Kong. India. aud Indian Post Offi­

ces on the Porainn Gulf and in Tibet.

Jamaica.. Labuan. Leeward Islands.

Anguilla. Antigutl.. Dominica. MouLserrat. Nevis.' St. ICitts. Virgin Islands.

.Malta. l\1 auritius. Morocco (British Agencies

at Casablancn., Fez, La.r­ache, Marrakesh, Maza­gan, l\fogac.lor, R.aba.t, Snffi , Tangier, and Tetuan).

Nti.tal N ewf ouudland.

New Zealu.nd Nigeria N. & S. North Borneo (BriLisb.) (B.C.A).

Onmge F ree SLate.

Panama. (British Agency). Penrhyn faland.

Rhodesia. (N. & S.1

St. Helena. St. Lucia. St. Vinc.:ent. Saloniof-1. (Dritish Agency) So.raw ale. Sa Island. Seychelles. Sierra Leone. Smyrna. (British Agency) Somali land Protectorat,-.. Straits Settlements.

Swaziland. Tobu.go. Transvnal. Trinid11d. Turks and Caicos Island!>. Uganda. Zanzibar.


lf an order be not paid nrithin three months from the last day of tlie month of issue, a. commission equal to the original poundage will be charged. The commission thus paid must be uffixe<l in Postage Stllmps to the back of the Order. Postal Orders which are not presented for pn.ymen t with in six months from the last day of Lbe mon t b of issue are not paid until reference lrns been made to Loudon.


T he purchnser of u PosLnl Order must, before parting wiLh iL. fi ll ln the name of the per­son to whom thu a mount is to be paid . and is recornmended to fi ll in the nnme of the Office of Pu.ymcut us t~ precnution in cnse the Order should be lost or stolen. Tf the pU_rchnser docs not know which Post Office is most convenient lo t.he payee, he should insert the Dl\me of tho Lown, village or district where the payee resides. The Ordor will then be paid at o.ny PoaL Office in the place named.

CO UNTElll~Oll.S.

Every p~1·sou Lo whotn u. Postal Order is issut!d should tear off nnd retaiu Llte counterfoil. Its prucluction will f1icililnlo inquiry if the 0!'dcr shoulc.l bo lost.


The Pos~musLer c11nnoL un<lcrt.nke to consider any application respecting 11 PostaJ 0 1·cJcr whiuh hus 1niscn.rried, or which has been lost or cJcsLroyed, unleas the counterfoil be produced, a tlll unless proof be given to his sntisfH.ction th11t Lhe mune of the payee was iuscrt~<l in the Order beforn the holder parted with it.

A.Her ti Postul Order hua once been paid, to whom.soever it is puid, the Postmaster wil l not bo lit~blo to 1my furLher clt\.im.

l'AYMEN'r '1'0 'l'H~ PUB L1IO.

Beforo n Postal Orclor is p1'\i<l the onme of the payee and the oame of the office of pay-mont muaL have beon fi llc<l in and the order must be properly receipted. ·

PAYMfilN'l' 'l'IT110UOH llAN.Kl•JllS. 1f a Postul Or<ler bo cro1:1sed 1 payment will only be made t hrough n bank ; and it tho of u b1LUk be added, puyment will ouJy be mrtde through thM bnuk.

• Ddtihh Pustul Orders are paid nl certain Offices in Canada, but arc not issued in Canada. L

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The sender of a Pasta.I Order can obtain repayment of the amount (but not the pound­age) on presenting the Order and the Counterfoil at the iBBuing Office. 1f the Or~er ha.a been l' rosaed for payment through a bank the sender must firs t cancel the crossing by writing across the face of the Order the words "Please pay Cfl;Sh " a nd nduing hie initials.


U any erasure or alteration is made, or if the Order is cut, def aoed , or mu tila tec.I , pay went may be refused.

POSTAL ono~RS NO'r NEOOTlAllLE. Orders do uot like Bank of England Notes, represent value in themselves . If an Order is lost or stoien no person into whose hands it may fall , though himself inno­cent, is entit led t.o receive the amount. of t he Order . The right.ful owner is a lone entitled to cash the Order .


A Parcel P ost Exchange, between Jamaica u.nd the Uni ted Ki.ngdom; certa in places via the United Kingdom ; British Colonies in the West Indies; British Tioudurus, Canada the Uuited States of America and Canal Zone is now in operation .

Pa.reel Post business is transacted at aU Post Offices Parcel mails for the British Colonies in the West Indies are made up io J(iogston

whenever opportunity off erd-pa.rcels being received up to two hours before the time a.dvert.ized for closing tbe ordinary letter mail ; an<l, for the U nited Kingdom, by tli rect steamers when occasion off era.

P arcel mails for the United StateaJ Canal Zone , CanndA, and Turks I sla nds are closed' for despatch by each direct opportunity, the hour of closing being duly notified on each occasion.


The following are the most import.ant special regulations and conditions to be observed with respect to parcels for tbe United Kingdom, British Colonies, &c.:-

The posla~e must in all be paid in adva11ce, and by mea.ns of postage stamps which m\.lst be affixed by the sender, and no parcel will be accepted for transmission which is not sufficiently prepaid.

Ea oh parcel must be plainly directed, such d irections set ting forth the na me and full nddress of the person for whom the parcel is intended. It should bear the wol'ds, "Parcel Post" in the upper left hand corner, and the na me and address of the sender . 'l'hc dale of posting should also be added. A parcel must not be posted in a Letter Bo.c but m·us't be taken into a Post Office and pruented at the countet· l-0 the Postma,sler or ·pe.rson in charge.

A certifica.te of posting will be given to the person posting a. pa rcel but no lia­bility &t.taches to the P ost Office in respect thereof.

Parcels wiU be liable to Customs duties and regulations, and the sender of each pa.reel will be required to make a Customs declaration, f uroishing- upon n special form pro­vided for the purpose, which can be obtained a t any Post Office- Kn accura te t1ta.le­ment of the contents and value, the date of posting, and the sender's signature and place of a.bode. Customs duties will be collected before delivery. For spcoiu.I parti­culars of filling up the form see heading 9f list of Rates.

No parcels containing dangerous articles, perishable articles, articles likely to i11jure other parcels, liquids unless securely packed in proper cases and eu rroumled with ab­sorbent material or any contraband articles or substances will be acoeptec.l for trans­mission. A parcel must not contain another parcel or other postal packet intended for delivery to a person other than the addressee of the first-named pa.reel.

U on examination of any parcel there shall be found in or wilh the same nny letter or rommunication of the nature of a letter such pa.per or communication will be withdrawn therefrom, a.nd will be forwarded to the addresaee thereof; or1 if it be not addresaed, to the addresaee of the parcel in or with which the sarne was found enclosed, and the said ldter will be surcharged for delivery at the unpaid rate of postage.

Page 28: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-

POS'l' OI1'FICE. 163

Parcels ~o~taining , a.rticlcs of an aggrega:to value exceeding £50 will cot be accepted for tra.nsrn1es1on. 'I his does not apply to meured parcels (for the limit of the vakle or whioh ! S pecial R egulrLtions on page 167 )

Parcels re-direct ed or returned from one country to another will be charged a fresh 11ostago at tbc rate payable to the country of d estination.

If . a p n.rccl canno t be ~eliverccl as iuldressed, or ia refused, I.he sender, if his addreaa be given on tho parcel, will b e communicated with by Lhe P ost Office as to the manner in which Lhe parcel shall be disposed of.

. Parcels which c111mot be d eliv ered will be kept for a reasonable time before being finally .d1spoaed of. . Parceht should bo securely au<l subs ta ntia lly packed and closed by the sender and rn eonle cnaes may be found n ecessary. If wax is used it should be of the special quality \\fuich will withstand a. hot olirnate.•

Parcels conta ining coin, anything of gold or silver or other precious articles rl\.u110t be forward ed t o n counLry pa rticipa ting in the insuran ce sch em e except the pa.r­<lcl is imrn reJ .


A; Cu.a~~ on D elivery 8ysten~ o[ Parcels is in existence be t ween this Colony an<l the Umted 1C111gd oru , a nd Lhe puLhc cau order goods of a 1n11x.i1num value of £20 from a mer­ohant in Lhc lJoileJ Kingdom . T he v alue of t he pa.reel, plus t ho I ees chu.rged for the ~rvicc, Oil being to the Post Office, is reu1it led direct to the merchant in the United Kingdom . In like manner ~o order f ro10 Lhe United K ingdom on J a m.ii ea can be exe­outed , an<l Lho value of t he parcel collectecl in t he Uni ted Kingdom and remitted direct to the mer cl11in t in Jarnaiic:a.

Any further iuformation , including feea to be ch u.rged , can be ob tained from the Parcel Post Oflice, K ingston , t o whieh office t he ser vi.ce, at presen t, is limited .

UNI'l'~ D S'l'A'rbs OJ.· i\~U: ltll.A AND 'I'H Jo; CANAL ZON~.

'l'hu followillo are lhc 8-µecial 1?.£·gulationl1 which goue1·11. lhe Excha11oe of parcels:-

A <lecla nttiou of conte11t.s a utl Lheir value w it h the sender 's signature and address the <lufo o f maili ng, and the place of a ddress must be made on the a u th orised form nnd fixed to Lbc p nrcel.

An acknowledgement t.ha t a parcel t o a staled address h nd beeu posted will be given to the poster, but no liability atLaches t.o t.he Post Office in respect thereof.

Letters, postcards a nd wr i Lteo m u.tter of t h o nature or personnl correspondence must Ml be enclosed in a pnrcel.

If such be found t he lc t Ler w ill be pluced in the m a ils, if sepa rable; a nd, if the letter be inseparably a t. tach ed , t he whole package will be rejcc~d . If, however, any such should inn<lvert.cutly be forwarded t he cuuutry of d estiunlion will collect double rate of postage according to t.llC Po!:ltal Union Con ven t.ion.

A parcel rnn.y n ot con tl\in 1rny other p u.rccl in lencled for deli very a t a n address other than thnt borne l>y t he pa rcel it.self. If such end ose<l p1~rcel bu d etected it must be sent / forward s ingly , cltttrgecl w ith new nnd u istinct Pnrci:l Post . . .

Publications which \'iolate t h e Copyright. Laws of t he COllllLry or dest1naL1on ; po1sous and explosive or inftatrlma b le subsLances; fa t ty substan ces; confections . and past~s; olive or <lend 1.1 nima ls, except <lend insects nnd reptiles, when t borugbly dried , and h ve bees put up i11 wooden boxes closed wi th a wire screen protected by a moven.~le wooden lid ; fruits u.nd veget nbles, and substnnces which exhale u.. bnct odour;. lottery ~1ckets, l~t­tery adverLisrncnts 0 1· lot tery circulars; a ll ob::;oene or immoral ar ticles; articles which may, in any wny, d11mago or ~lesLroy t he tnA.ils or injure the persons handling t~em. Cigars in less quu11LiLies t ha n ~~ 1000 in n si uglo package musL uot be en closed in a. parcel. . . .

Each p1~roel must be so wrnpped or enclosed as t o permit its contents t.o be easily ex-&mine<l by any Postmaste r o r C us lo rns Officer whose duty it may be .t o do so; nod each parcel will be subject in tlrn couuLry of d estination t o all C us toms du t.1es and all Customs regulations in force in tha t couuLry for the protection of its C ustoms revenue.. .

A parcel may be reoislaad ou like oontlitions to those that govern the reg1strat1on of -oiher correspondence; or , o,n pl\y men t of t he eum of twopence l\dditional to the first <barge, the scu<ler can obtfl in a reocipt for such parcel from the addressee.

' The nilu docs no l n1>1>ly to pa r cels for 1hc U.S. whic h must 1101 l>e closed agninst inspection in any

ea.oner whate ver .

Page 29: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



Parcels must be so carefully packed as to be safely trllJlsmiLted in the mails of either country, bot.h in going to the Post Officu of exchange of the oountry of origin, us well as to the office of address of the country of destination; and they must NO'r DE SBA.LED OR CLOSED AOArNST rNBPEC'l'ION, that is, they must not he secured by means ot wax, screws or nails, or in any manner which would not admit of their easy examination by the C ustoms Authorities in the United States. .

The country of destination, may, at its option, levy and collect from the nddressoe, for inland service and deliv~ry, a charge not exceeding twopence half-penny (or five cents on each single parcel of whatever weight; and, if t.110 weight exceed one p ound, a charge equal to one h1:1.lf-penny (or one cent) for each four ounces or fraction Lhereof. .

If a parcel cannot be delivered as addressed, wit.bin 28 dnys of its receipt, or is ref used, it will forthwith be returned to Lhe senders.

Any request that a parcel may be re-addressed or returned mus t be ltccoropnnied by the amount of postage at the origionl rate for its further pre-paymeuL. ·

The Post Office Department of eitber of the contracting countries will not be respou­sible for the loss or damage of any package; and no indemnity onn cousequcmtly bo olnimod by the sender or addressee in either country.


The f ollowiny are the rt'gulal io11s and ctmdilions wilh respect l o lhe }Jm·ccl Po.<it Exchunae:­

A parcel mu.y nob exceed eleven pouuds in weight, two feet iu length nud one foot in width or depth. ·

The postage on parcels must bo prepaid by Postage Stamps. All pa.reels will be subject to tl\e Customs dues, laws and regu.lntions in force iu either ,

country; and to each parcel must be affixed a "Customs declaration" containing nn no­ourate statement. of the contents and value thereof; the date of posting, and the sender's signature and address.

A parce l may not contain the following:-

I . A le tte r o r a communication of the nature of personal corre~pondcuce. II. Any other parcel iutended for delivery at an ud<lress other tlurn tlllit borne by the

parcel itse lf. If such enclosed parcel be detected it will be sent forward singly charged with new and distinct Parcel Post. rates.

III. Any explosive, influ.mmable, or dangel'ous substance which may in any way damage or des troy at.her parcels. or the rnnils, or injure the persons handling them.

An undelivered parcel may be re-directed lo I.he sender in the counlry of origin oo payment of a rate equal to that originally on it, such atltlitional pos t.age may eit.her be paid in the country from which the parcel is returnt:d or be collected from the sender on delivery.

Parcels which cannot be delivered to the persorui to whom lhey iire u.duressec.I , ur the senders of which cannot be found, will Le returned lo the country of origin for disposn,I as undelivered, or "dead" matter.

The Poat Office D epartment of either country will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any parcel.

The pa.reels musl be sccurnly nnd subste.nLia lly packed. The exchange of parcels will be effected oy means of steamers plying betwcon p orts

in Canada and Jamaica . . Parcels receiv~ at Jamaica from p laces over sea. under the Parcel P ost arrangements

with the Imperial Post Office are, m terms of the Post Office Law Amendruent Law 1886, opened ~t the Head Office, Kingston, for the purpoea of the amount of import duty on tLe contents being assessed.

After s':1ch asseasment the parcels are delivered as under, aod the 11u1oun.t of duty collected lD the same manner as the postage ou unpaid or iusu'fficiently prepaid Mail matter.

In Kingston iI addressed to a place within the house delivery limit by letter carrier iI beyond such l', at the "Parcel Post Office. " ' '

Jn the country, across the Post Office counter. The amount of duty assessed on any such parcel must be paid before delivery or before

the delive.ry of the parcel from the custody of the Post Office. '

Page 30: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


.. 165

All oo~plaints role.ting to Customs duty on parcels should be addreBSed to the Collec- · ~or of Customs, Kingston, u~ the Post Office has no control in the matter of duty.


And other charges on Parcelll Poat Parcel.a i-o the United Kingdom.

Persons sending parcels t.o the United King~om may if they so desire, take upon themBolves t.bu prepayment of the Customs duty and other charges which in ordinary C&SCS l\ro lev1alJlo on tho add ressee. Tho sender will be told at the timo of posting what Ute approximate amount of these charges will be, and a deposit will be taken of the ea£l­ma.ted a utoun t. A scLtlemcnt will subsequently ue made when a statement of the total amount of the charges hus been received from the llritish Post Office. The following aru tho oouditions:-

I. Parcols to be 1mnt under this a rrangement. must be banded in at the Parcels P ost Brnncili nt. lGng!lton, or t~t any district post office.

JI. The cover m ust be marked by the aendor "To be delivared free of charge. " III. 'fho sender must fill up and 1:1ign a formu.l undertaking to pay on demand the

nmount of t he ch1uges due. Forms for this decla ration may be had on appli­cu.tion to the Parcels Poat Uranch at Kingston

IV . Purccla for free delivery will on ly be accepted from persons whose settled reai­c.loncc is in Jamaica. If the sender is residing only temporarily in Jamaica. a. pa rcel cannot be n.ccepted for delivery free of chnrgo.

V. A fee of 6d. per parcel is charged for the cost of the ~ervice iu addition to the post.age u.nd deposit for duty. This fee must be paid by a. sta.rup or stamps anixed by the sc11der to his form of undertaking in the place indicated.

VI. The t1cnder must make such deposit on accou11t of lhe charges for which he desires to proV"ide as the clerk in charge of the Pu.reels Post Branch at Kingston or the dil:ltrict. postmaster may, in case, decide. This deposit will, for the present, be t he amount of tlae estimated duty and must be paid by stamps aOixed to the foru1 of undertaking in the place indicated.

VII . When a deposit has beeu collected the clerk in charge of the Parcels Post Branch at l<i11gstou will fill up and sign the receipt. in the foot of tbe form of under­tn.king. Ife will hand it t-0 t he sender, if the purccl is despatched from King­ston, or send it to the district post10nster to haod it to the sender, if the parcel is d<:Sputched from any other post ollice.

VIII. One form of untlertnk ing will suffice fo r two or three (but aot more} parcels posted together by the same sender to the addressee. In such cases tbe fee wi ll be 6d. for l!nch p1\rcel.

IX. The fo llowing are t ho articles liable to duty 1:1u<ler the United K ingdom Ta~iff which iuc likely to be J cspalchcd from Jan1tuca by Parcels Post, together with the rnloa of duty theruon :-

Cocoa " Jluska·and shells per cwt. :2s. Take deposit " or chocolate, ground, prepured or in noy wny maouf actured 11 Dut ter

Coffee, per owt. Hs. Tt\kc deposit " kiln d ried, ronst.e<l or ground

Confeotiouory, containing chocolate Fruit, linblo to duty if presor veJ with dugar-see sugar G

• (I I( Cl Cl H CC rnger,

per lb. ,, " " " "

Mohu11:11!1:S, por cwt. l s to 2s. Ud. 'ft\ke dcposi.t . . . . Soap, tr1111sp1Lron t, in Llw auanuf ucture of whtoli spmt has been 11se<l

" "

t Bpirits and Strong Wnte1·e:-Rum, o ther Spirits, Liquers, Cordjals, Mixtures and othot pre­purn.tione co11t1\il\iHg Hpirits, such as P imento n~ao1, l~rune Dram, Anisou, Aniseed, :Milk Punch, Ornogo Wine, Ginger Wine, Kola W i110 1 &o.

P erf umod Spirits

per pt. bot. " qt. " " pt. bot. " qt. "

£ B. d. 0 0 l 0 0 I 0 0 2 0 0 I 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0

0 0 1 0 0 3

0 1 5 0 2 9 0 1 8 0 3 3

Page 31: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


Su[~ per cwt. from le. to 4B. 2d. Take depoait (U~der "Sugar" is included anything containing or preserved

T ea

in syrup or sugar, such as Candied or drained peel Cocoanut. Conf ect.ionery other than chocolate. Fruit. Ginger. Marmalade. Jam.

T obacco, I11&uuf aotured, viz.: Cigars Cigarettes . . . . Pipe tobacco, including " Donkey Rope" Cavendish and


per lb.

per lb.

" " " "

Other manufactured tobacco Snuff

d . l d' " te d" " t . d" " Tobacco unmanufacture , me u mg s mme or s r1ppe , ' d . d ,, " " ' . unstemme or unstr1ppe

£ s. d. 0 0 1

0 0 s 0 7 O· 0 6 s.

0 5 4 0 4 8 0 4 10 0 3 8~ 0 3 s

X. Parcels will be accepted in the United Kingdom for .delivery in J amaica fr~e 06 Customs duty on conditions similar to the foregomg. Such .parcels are laa~le to examination on arrival for Customs purposes, and all parns and pt!nalt1e~ attaching for undervaluation or misrepresentation of contents or to pro­hibited goods will be enforced against the goods themselves or ~J?ainst the parties aBSuming the charges, as may be decided by the p roper authont1es.



Greatest length 3 feet 6 inches. Greatest girth and length combined 6 feet. For Great Britain aud Ireland, British Colonies and Possessions generally (except

Canada.) ; for Foreign Countries (except as stated in Classes III. and IV.) ; and for the­United States of America .

CLASS IC. Great.est length 2 feet . Greatest depth or width 1 foot.

For Canada.

CLASS JH. Greatest length 2 feet. Greatest length and girth combined 4 f ec t.

French Colonies and Possessions, Annam, Argentine Republic, Austrian and French Postal Agencies in Turkey, Cbili, Congo Free St.ate, Italy, Maderia via France Malta via Italy, Portugal via }t'ra.nce, Spaiu, Tahiti.


Two feet in any direction. Austria-Htingary, Azores, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cameroona, D enmark, Fraocet

Germany, Greek Porta, Heligoland, Holland, Dutch East Indies, Luxemburg, Ivladeri~ via Portugal, Norway, Portugal (direct), Servin., Sweden, Switzerland.

INSURANCE OF PARCELS To the United Kingdom and certain other Cou·ntries.

1. Every insured Parcel must bo packed carefully and 1mbsto.ntially, wi th duo re­gud to the nature of the contents and the length of the journey au<l urnst be sealed with wax or lead in such a way that it cannot be opened without either b reuking the seal or leaving obvious traces of violation. For instance, s~als must be pita.cod over each join and loose flap of the covering of a parcel; nnd, if sLring be use<l in packing, a se"I must be placed on the ends of Lhe strlug where they nre tied.

Page 32: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



2. All the seals ou an iusured parcel must bo of the same kind of wax or lead and must hciLr distinct impressions of the same private device. Coins wuat not be used for so1ding; and the device must not consist rnerely of straight, crossed or curved linea wliioh could readily bo imitated. '

a. Parcels contttining coin or l>ullion (not to exceed £5 in value, except in the caae of coius clcmrly intended for purposes of ornament,) watches, jewellery, or any artiol• of gold or ail vor must bo cncloscd in strong boxes or cases, which must be sewn up o r otherwise fas tened , in wrappers of linen, canvas, strong paper, or other substantial ma­terial. In such cases the aoala must be placed liiong the edges of each join and loose flap at distances not. more than three inches apart. The address of such parcels must. bo written on their aotunl covenug.

4. 1f a Parcel tendered for insurance does not, in the opinion of the officer of the Poat Oflice t o whom it is tcu<lured, fulfil the foregoing conditions as to packing and seal­ing, it is his<luty to refuse to in~ure it. Nevertheless the onus of properly enclosing, packing, and sealing the packet lies upon the sender: and tho Post Office assumes no liability for loss arising from defe cts which may not be observed at the time of posting.

5. The amount for 'vhich a parcel is insured must be written by the sender both in words l\nd in fi~ures nt the top of the address s ide of the cover, thus:-" Insured for fifteen pounds (£15) ". No nlterhtion or errumre of the inscription is allowed. If a. mia­tukc is m ade, the ~ntry must be completely oblit(jrated and an entirely oew one made by tho sender. 'fhe 11rnount must be entere<l on the letter Bill for Kiugston .

6. No parcel can be insured for more thau its actual value, or for more than the sum. entered below against the name of the Country or Colony to which it is addressed. A parce l of which the conteots have no ealeabl~ value may, however, be insured for a. nomi111LI sum io order to obtain the safeguard . Over-insurance is an obstacle to compensation.

7 . All parcels post parcels addressed to the Unit.uu Kingdom (or other places lo which t.he insurance system extend~) containi~ articles of jewellery, watches, bullion or other urticles of gold or silver , must bP. insured anu cannot otherwise be forwarded t-o destina­tion.

8. The countries to which parce ls may be iruiured, the sum payable for Insurance In addition tot.he posLage which must be affixed to the parcei and the limit of insured value are:-


Adon Algeria Ant.iguu Aecimsivu AusLrnlia * Auslri1l- lluugary Aiores

Daho.mas Burbl\dos Belgium Dermudu Bo!:lnio l lerzcgovinn Dritiah l£at1t Afrion ( in ·

eluding U~nndn) British Ouiuuu. British North Borneo

'O u ... ::J :g

..... ........ 0 c.>

::> ---n E• ,_,.,,.


.£ l~O 200 -100 50 50

400 ~o

50 100 100 •100 400 120

400 120

~] c -'-4' "0

g o ~~ -- ::i -c:: ... <11

8.2~ .= C:o1111try V - IV .o:o txl'- . o -o !'$ 0 u - ,-; t; N ..:?

~-= &.:l ~ (J..

- - -1 B. d I 0 8 1 Cumeroons .. 0 U~ Cape Venl Islands (St. 0 (} Vincent and Prnia) 0 g C t3ylo11 0 8 Chi Ii 0 8~ Chinn (Briti~h aJrencies 0 8 ouly}

Comoro Islands 0 9 Coraicu 0 6 Cyprus 0 0 8 Duhomey 0 u D1rnish WcsL Indies 0 8 Donmark (including

Greon lnnd) 0 6 J) mn in i en. 0 9 Cui1\lll\

Si;1vici; !tm.pc111lt:d .

" ]~ e-.,

u ........ " u u 0 > ... ... ~

_, .... Ill> :J ;::c._~ 8.~~·-.__ . ~-=~~ 0U .. .::: -ouio . 0 '0.. u

· - <I -'n;;«.: .§:> ~-0 -11 ..J ~ .:: o.'-1 >

£ s. d. 400 0 9! 20 0 9~

120 0 8 50 0 8

120 0 .·

20 0 91 200 0 9i 120 0 9

20 0 9! 400 0 8~ 400 0 8

400 6 20 0 9l

Page 33: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-




~ ~ ... ..... ou :s _._ ·- "' .§> ~

Country .

"O u

~ -.... . ou .. ~ ·-"' e~ ·-,., ..J

£ e. d. £ Dutch West. Indies 20 0 84 Newfoundland 120 Ecuador 20 0 94 New Zealand . . 400 Egypt . . 400 O 8 Nigeria (Southern) 1


Erithrea, Red Sea 40 0 10 Norway 4 Falkland Islands 50 0 8 Nyasaland, Protectorate 20 Faroe Islands . . 400 0 8 Persia 20 France 200 0 8 Portugal 20 French Guiana (Cayenne) 20 0 9! Portuguese East Af rioa. 20 Freuob Guinea (Conakry) 20 0 9! Portuguese India. 20 French Indo China 20 0 9! Portuguese West Africa 20 French Somali Coast 20 0 9! Reuuion 20 Gambia 400 0 8 Roumania 400 •Germany 400 0 8 Russia ·100 Gibraltar . . 50 0 8 St. Helena 50 Gold Coast Colony 50 0 8 St. Kitt.a •100 Great Britain -100 0 6 St. Lucia 120 Grenada 50 0 6 St Vincent 50 GuuJeloupe 20 0 9~ Sarawak 400 ] loll and -lO 0 8 Senegal 20 lioug Koug 120 0 8 Sel'via 20 India (incJuding Aden, 120 0 8 Seychelles 20

Pcrim the AnJuman Sierra Leone 400 Islands and Burma) Somaliland 400

I t.&ly 40 0 8! Straits Settlements 120 I vory Coast 20 0 0! Sweden 1100 Japan 40 0 9~ Switzerland 400 Lagos 50 0 8 Tobago 400 Liberia 20 0 8 Togoland 400 *Luxemburg 400 0 7! Tortolo. 400

Trinidad 400 Macao 20 0 8! Tipoli· (Africa) 40 l\fadagascar 20 0 9! Tunis 40 Maderia 20 0 8 *Turkey- British Agencies 40 Malay States 60 0 8! do Austrian Post Malta 120 0 8 Offices M artinique 20 0 9! Mamiti~ 400 0 9 Montenegro 40 0 10 Montserrat 400 0 6 Nevis 400 0 6

do Ottoman Post Offices in Emope and in Asia




s. d. 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 8 0 8 0 8~ 0 O! 0 9i 0 9 o 8! 0 8 0 Ci 0 6 0 6 0 9 0 9i 0 9 0 10; 0 8 0 9 0 8 0 8 o 8! 0 6 0 9~ 0 6 0 6 0 g; 0 9! 0 8

0 10


0 8 N~w Caledonia 20 0 Q~ Zanzibar ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~--~~~~~~~~~~-----


1.-LE'l'TEBS. The transmission of any letter whatsoever, uo matter to whom addressed, in po.reels

for t he Continent of Europe, Austrian and F rench Post Offices in Turkish Ports, the Cameroons, the Cape of Good ITope, Republic of Columbia, Congo Free State, Cost.a Rica, Danish West Indies, Dutch East Indies, Egypt, F reuch Colonies and Possessious, Natal, the Australian Colonies, Smyrno., Trinidad and rrunis, West Coast of Africa, is strictly forbidden.

In Jamaica (except to plaua atated) if any letter or communication of the nature of peraonal correspondence be found in a parcel, and it can be separated tberefrom, it will

• Scnice Su,pcndcd.

Page 34: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


POST 01.t'll'ICE. 109

h e forwarded to its destination sul'Charged at unpaid letter mtcs. Dut if such letter &c. oan not b? separated, tho whole parcel will be linbJo to unpaid letter rates of postage~

Excep~ lhal 1( a pnr~el ~ddrea8ed to any pince in the United Stale& of America be fouod t o contain a communaca.t1on of the nature of a letter it shall not bes forwarded· but will be held at tho acnder's ri~k. '


A parcel must not con ta in another pa.reel or other postal packet, intended for delivery at l\n address other than that borne on the parcel itself.'


. .A parcel U\ny 1101 con l1\i.n ~ny dangerous or perishable articles, any article likely to 1DJu1:0 1u1other.p~rccl , any l~qu1d (u~less .securely packed in a proper cuse), nor any article apec1ally proh1b1tcd fro ru 1mportat1on into o. particula r couutry or place (See below).

4.- SPECL\L PllOHrDlTIONS. A US'J'llAL tA , (lucluding Nol'folk Island, Papua rRANcE, Flll:lNCH coNoo our A.NA rnoo­

( n~iLi!:ih New Uui11 cu.) nnd Tasmania.,- CHINA, SOMJ\l,I COAS'l',1

AND BO~DAN.­Op1um and tobacco. (See Se11ugu1)- J.etLcl's, saccharine pro-

AUS•1•1t tA-J1 IJNOAnY.- LeLters, potllttoes, for- ducts, secre t and forbidden arms ammuni­oign loLLory f,ick?ts, plnnts with root.H, Lion, ~umo out of flcnso 11 (grou~e not in­s~crot 1u~d f orlnddon arms: J?old and eluded), fresh meat, foreign brouze coin, silver articles bolow Lhc pl'oper s taa-, tolmcco unless addrussed to the "Regie" dnnl. or i11 limited quantities fo r the personal

DE1.u1uM.-LeLters, plants, frc~sh-meat, rag, use of the acl<lrc.·ssee, essence of tobacco,, poignards, bayonets, 8Word- playiug cards, shrnbs, young trees, part.a sticks, foreigu lnouzc-coppcr, or nickel! of Lhe vine. i\ lc_Jicine is subject to special coins, 11ncchurinc or similar products, reslr1ctions. game out of li~ation . GEllllANY - LcLlers, plants, roots, parta of

sn1•rttHf OUIANA.--8pirit~, opium, ganje. cha- Llic vrnu (except. grnpes), sail meat, sac­rns, hhu11~, cnnnubis-i1Hlicu, purt.i of duti- cl111nne a11c.J s1mili\r products. uhle article::J except by perrni:.sion of the ornllAL'r,rn - Arms, purls of arms, ummuni-Govcrnor. lion

OANADA.-Olcumurgcriuu, butterinc, and Glt!!;ECt:.-LcLt.erd, copper unc.J bronze money, si milu.r subsLitutcs for bu1.Ler. fresh u1eat, atiusugcs, raw hides, wool, the

CAN Al. ZONl!:.- Snmc us U.8.A. uornd, bouts, or other parls of oxen or <JAPI!; co1.0N Y .- Letters, specie, IJuUiou, golJ she~p, plu.11 Ls unJ purts of plaol:;;, including

clusL, nuggets, ost1·ich fet\Lhers, fruit, plants Oowcrs und fruit, worn out liuen 11nd bed­pu.rLs of plunts, lrnlbs, un<l cuttings of ding, ol<l clothes, rngs, old papers, playing Ll'Ot!S, tobacco st:Ll ks, essences of tett., cardl), stt.IL, and cigareLtc paper, s~tcchar.ioe, culTeo, chicory, to!Jact:o, parts of the vine, &c. sto110-fruit t.rce8, un leHs t\ccompanicd by OUA 01::LOUPE.-8nu1c us France. ti 1:nvoru doch~rn.tiou it.luit Lhey have not HO•~LANU - LetLers, fresh meat, pork, sau­como fro m the llniLcd 8lales of Amerir~ s>\gcs hides, horns, liviug plants, fat of o.r Cu11ndu.. 1\11i111uls.

<l~YLON.-Arms and ammuuit1on by way of t10NO .KONo.- (rncluding Aruoy, Can ton, merclrn11dise; purls sent sepu.rately of Fouchow, lltmkow, lfoihow, . l\Iacao, nrticles which arc linble to Customs duty N111gpo, ::>hanghni, 8watow.) Opium. c11rrc11L com. mou (11nd pill es via luJia).-Coin, gold,

CHINA (t.hrough lloug Kong Post Office).- silver, precious sloucs, juwellcry, &c. Opnun. ITA Ly .-Lot lors, unmunufnclurctl tobacco

coLOMUtA, 111::1•uuL1c 01:-·.-LoLtera, arms. am· salL pork 10 any form, bucou, sausa~ea, munition. phu1ts, or living parls of planLs including

-0os·rA n1cA - Loltur8, arms, ammunition, bulbs, truffles, mu.shrooms, &.c. (except precious 1ncluls, tobacco. cut flowers and fruit from lst November,

DANISU w1<.:S'l' 1Norns, B'I'. JOHN ST. cnorx to 3lst l\Iny), vogetable manure, game, AND s·r. ·ruOMAS.-Lot.ters. from lst Jnounry lo lst SepLen~ber, play-

DBNMAIUC.- LcLt.ors, forcig11 loLtory tickets iug cnrds adcl ressell to S: !\f nrmo, arms, und prot1pecLulicS, imiL1ltions of mouey, medicine or other l~omp~ur;ide uoLoH, atl\111 ps, or uills, poLnLoes, l.1t\y, wi Lhou t t l10 cxpn•s:;; .P~ov1oua 1rnr~1s&100 sLrnw, Jlll\l\ure, &o. of tho H1tlinn u.uLhor1L1cs, snochar100 and

1>u•1·ou uurANA on au ntNAM.- Lotters, coin, ils products, fresh moat, pm·cols 11ddressed rnw gold or silver, li vo tluimnla. to per~o111:1 . oot1~l~ 111nNl ~1> linrd labour .. or

1>U'ro11 wJ:Js•r lNDIElB, cull.AO.AO, &o.-Letters. to soldiers 111 m1lttnry prn;ons; copper corns VIJ1.-Letwra. not ourreuL iu Hnly, moasw·cs uo' of the

Page 35: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-




d · l yet.em Medicines if a coom- BWJTZERLANn.-Letters, newspapers iutend-:~i~: b; t.he prescriptions, which must. ed for sale or distribution, (unless a.d~ress­be copied on the Customs declaratiou. cd to a post office), alcohol, spm ts of

form ·is forwarded at sender's risk. wine, ealt., fresh m~at. pork, bncon , or N _:_Letters opium and articles used sausages; grapes, fruit trees plants. bulbs,

JA.PA . ' ' . . d h be in smoking it; adulterated or in1ur1ous an s ru · drugs, foods and beverages; anyt?ing else TODAOO.-(Same as Trinidad.) . considered injurious to the pubhc health TRANSVAAL.-~loney 1 gold , l?rec10~ .stones or to the safety of animals or plant.a. in addition to the articles 1Mtlm1ss1blc lo· tobacco leave,;. . Cape Colony.

MALT.&..-Letters, salt, pork, bacon, plants, TRHHDAD.-Letters, parts of dutiable articles~ or parts of plants except fresh out flowers rum, all other spirits except perfumed or from lst November to 3 l st May. medicinal spirits, gunga, bhl\.ng, onnna-

KA.RTrNIQOE.-Same as France . bis-indica, opium. NATAL (including Zulul&ud)- Lett<)rs, spe~ie, TURKS lBLA.ND.-Letters.

bullion, gold dust, nuggets, ostncb TURK.EY.(a) Dritish Agencies.- Letlers, print­feathers. . · g type Jeaf tebncco salt, chlorate of

NEW ZEALAND.- Letters, rags, W?rn clothmg, m lnssi~ forei u sil~er coins lottery vine cuL~gs, gr&p~tobacc~. 1~aoy form. fi~kcts firearms~ patent medioi~1es aod

NO'!W.Hdd tterd.t . m~eu ic prepara- elect.ri~al appliances of all k\i1da. Phutl6 t1ons a resse o pr1v11 persomi. ) books maga.ziues and newspapers can be

ORANGE arVER coLONY.-(See Cape Colony. sent by parcel post on ly at sender's risk. PANAM~ •. REPUBLIC oF.-L~tlers, arms, arn- Tobacco and cigars (by the Constanza

mun1t1ou. PORTUGAL.-Letters, tobacco, and tobacco route) . .

seeds, parts of the vine (except grapes UNITED KINGnor.~-LetLers;. explos1~e aud without leaves), plants, post.age stamps dangerous articles; foreign reprints of or other stamps or stamped paper not British copyright works; acetylene; base obliterated, paper money payable to or counterfeit coin ; fo~eign coin o ther bearer: medicine (unless accompanied by than gold and silver; fictitious stai:nps unu the prt..u.:ription) and (via Prance) , gold, any die , plate or mat.erial for makmg such silver, jewellery, &c. A parcel may not stamps; extraols, essences or conceotra­eonsist of two or more package11 tied tion of coffee. ch icory, tea or tobacco (ex­tot;ether. 1 cept in transit.); indecent or obscccne

ausstA rn EUROPE.-Letlers, pla nts, all prints, books, pictures, or other 11rticles; parts of Uie vine, gold or silver coins: snuff work, toLacco stalks, lobacco stulk lottery tickets, arms, playing cards, anus- ftour (except by special perinission of t.he· ages, &.c., and, to Finland, hrundy, poi- British Customs Authorities); cut. and sons, potatoes, church effects, ether. &.c. compressed tobacco; tobacco pnt~ked with

ST. JlEU:NA.-Ostrich feathers, Cape Lranay the leaves of trees or plant.a other thau arrack, Bengal rum, aqua-anlente, gold t.he lubacco plant; n.rticlcs infringing the

•1 (unletiS m1mufactured) law as to the marking of merchnndi~e ; &PAIN.-Lctters, fire-arms and ammw1ition foreign prison-made goods; lotLery lld-

air-guns, reproduction of Spanish maps vertisemcmts; sacchurin and subslancts or or plans, missals, brevaries, rosaries, relics, a like nature or use, such us sax in. &c., &.c, µ!ants, gold, silver, jewellery, tobacco or mix.tures of the same; celluloiJ ; seed a.ud juice. bount.y-f cd sugar produced in H.uel:lia,

STRAIT sr:'M'c,EMt:NTS. (l\.Ja.lacca, Pena11g, Denmark and the Argentine Hepul>lic, Province Wellesley aud Singapore.)- exc(~pt in Lransit Lo otlicr cou11ti-ic:s; rngs, Parcel.8 will a/110 be accepted at SendhT'll shoddy, disused a nd filthy clothing umJ ri8k, for J obor, Negri Senbilnw, Paha.n~. bedJi11g, uud live (except bees iu Perak. Selangor and Sungie Ujong, in properly constructed cnscs) Subject to the Malayan P euinsula.-Letters, opium. the restrictions m1:01iioueu in Llw for1::-spirits. going, tobacco, incl11di11K

e WED EN .-Letters, rags, Hhoddy, worn cigurs, cigarettes aud s n ulT , is au m i tted, rlothee (unless for Ute per8C>11nl ~c of the if d t!clared, but ie subject to u Cine in Lld· addressee his family, or servunta), munu- dition. to Lhe duty . Gold 1111 cJ dilvor fae:tured gold aud silver not of a certain plate, imported na merchundize, rnu8L be degree of fineness, drugs, and a rsenic, as_suyed , and is not admitted if below the unless addressed to profetu:1iooal men , proper standard. No parcel m11y con. articleamadea.broadbearingSwedishmarks coin (unless c[e1trly intended fo1· pur-

Page 36: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


POS'l1 OFFICE. 171

SPECIAL PUOillBI'l'lONS, continued. poees of ornamout) or bullion exceeding screens and moveable lids), Jiving pJan tB,. five pounds sterling iu vulue. bulbs, seeds, fruits aud vegetables, and

DNJTED STA1'MS OF AMblRICA.-Letters, post substauces which exhale a bad odour .. cards and written matter of the nature of lottery tickets, lottery advertisements or personal oorrespoudence, publications lottery circulars, all obs.:ene or immoral' which violn.tu t he copyright laws of th11 nrticles, articles which may in any way country of destination, poisons and ex- dnmllge or destroy the mails or injure th~ ploaive or inftn10mnble substances, live or persons handling them, cigars in less dead a nimals (e:iicept dead insects and quantity than 3,000 in a single package. reptiles when thoroughly dried; and live Wil'())WAno rBLA.NDS- Nil. Exupt Grenada, bees put up in wooden boxes with wire unmanufactured tobacco.

FonE toN AND COLONIAL PARCiiH .. s Pos·r. 'fnm Sender of n Purce! for any place abroad muot fi ll up a CUSTOMS DECLARA­

TION 0 11 a form provided for tbe purpose. There are two forms in use--oue yellow, and one white. In column 3 below, the letter " W" signifies that the white form must be used, and the lottt!r "Y '' that the yellow forrn mus t be usod. The figure following the letter "W" shows tlie number of copieti of the Cue toms declaration which are roquiretl in each When the white form is m~ed, the sender must also fi ll up a Despatch note (supplied e.L a ll Post Offices) which musL accompany the parcel.

Every pttrcel poali packcL addressed bo the United Kingdom or any of His ~1-ajesty's Colouies or Dorni11ions will bear nn extra tax of 3d., except those which are addressed to members of His Majest.y's N a vy and Army .

Ou every pa rcel or packet containing dutiable m!.l.tter arriving in the Island through the pos t a tux of 3d. will b e collected .

( TABLE r.- Triple Scale.) N .B. F or rates to places not included in these tables apply to Parcel Post Office, Kingston.


P lace o f D ealiuu.tioo.

ulic y

Argen t iuc H c pu A uatriu-1 Lu11g1u Buh1Lmu::1 J30 l t~illl!I n erinucll.l Br11z il

13ritis h E ns,t Af llu11d11r

l'i c11 1.1.11 d lJ gandu llS

i i 8CJ1ll!dtl 1 u1d ·• \V esl .In cli11 l s lunds

Cayman lsln11tl s Ceylon Chiun (prop er)

" (Bril i:)h A Kong,

Colombil'l, Hcp1 CosLn. Hicu, He

genci<·S, vi:t., Uong 8 hu111d 1ui, &i.:.) 1blit: of

Cubn public or uic1:1 (81. Tl1oruns. ~c) I

D1111Lsh WcsL Tu SL. C roix, ~

ubli c Surinf~m)














Dennmrk D omi11iC'u.ll Hc!p DuLclt Ouhrn1i ( Dutch Wes t fnc Egy pL (innludin

lies (Curncao, &c .. ) .. g Egy ptiu11 Soudan} ..

Frnnoo ..

2 3 4 R a tes of Postagtl. D ecla-Parcels not ex- Remarks.

ceedins ra tions 3lb.s. ?lbs. 1 libs .

8 . d . s d . s . cl ~ 8 4 1! li 0 Wl 2 0 3 0 ~ 0 w L Service suspent.led . 1 8 ~~ ·l 5 0 y l 8 2 8 '3 D w 2 1 8 3 -I !) 0 y ·I 2 5 1j w 1 No purceJ weighiug

over Gi lbs. c!ln bl·

l 8 3 4 .; 0 y accepted.

1 s 3 4 5 0 y l s 3 -1 5 0 y 1 0 2 0 ;~ 0 y l 0 ') 0 3 0 y l s " I 5 0 y ... •) .. .. (i 0 y -I 8 :l 4 5 0 y

2 8 ..J 4 6 0 w 1 2 8 •l •! 6 0 W 2 2 10 3 10 .J 10 ,,, 1 l 0 2 0 ~ () w l

I s 2 8 3 7 Wl ;j 3 4 :l 5 3 W l 2 ~ .J 4 (3 0 W2 . 2 -t :1 s .') 0 W2 l 8 3 1 ·1 G ~\' 3 1 s 2 8 3 7 w I

Page 37: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-



T.ABLB 1.-Triple Scale, contd.

1 2 3 4

Rates of Postage. Deel a-

Parcels not

Place of Destination. exceeding Ilemarks.


-3lbs . 7lbs. lllbs.


8. d. B. d. s. d.

·Germany .. l 8 2 8 3 7 WI :::icrvicc suspended. -Oold Coast Colony .. I 8 3 4 5 0 y -Guatemala .. 2 8 4 4 6 0 WI Holland .. 1 6 2 6 3 6 W2 Honduras, Republic of .. 2 8 4 4 6 0 vV 1 Hong Kong 1 8 3 4 5 0 y India (direct) .. l 8 3 4 5 0 y Italy .. 2 2 3 2 4 2 W2 Japan (via CannJa through United 2 8 4 4 6 0 \V l

l{ingdom) Japau (via Russia) .. 6 8 7 4 8 0 w .J Service suspcndc<l . :\lexico 1 8 3 10 5 6 w 1 New lt'oundland, via U. IC . 1 8 3 4 5 0 y (St!e also Table ll .) For parcels not ex New Zealand .. l 8 3 4 5 0 y cceding 4 ft. length

) and girth combined . F'or parcels ove r

" II 2 8 4 4 G 0 '( 4ft., but. not exceed ..

iug Gft.., lengt.h and

Nicaragua girth combined

.. 3 8 5 10 8 0 W 2 Nigeria (North and South) .. 1 8 3 4 5 0 y Norway .. 1 8 2 8 3 7 WI Panama, H.epublic of (uot including 2 8 4 4 6 0 w l

Cana.I Zoue) Pbillipine Islands .. l 11 3 7 6 3 y Porjugal . . 2 0 3 0 5 0 w 1 Russia .. 2 7 3 7 4 7 W2 :)ierra Leone .. 1 8 3 4 5 0 y 8pain .. 2 2 3 2 4 2 W4 St.ra.ita Settlcmcnt.s .. 1 8 3 4 5 0 y Sweden I .. l 10 3 2 4 6 WI Switzerland . . 2 0 3 0 4 0 W2 . Turks Islands .. 1 0 2 0 3 0 y Turkey (Bcyrnut) 3 7 4 7 5 7 y

For oLhcr } (Couslaut.inople and Smyrna): 3 7 4 7 5 7 y plu.ces in Tur- 8 key apply at 'E Purcels Post 111

• Office · en .United 1\ingdom .. 1 0 2 3 0 y 0

Page 38: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


P lace of Dr$ti11 ution.

POS'l' OI•' l•'l CID,

TABLE u - Special Scale 2-

HA'l'J..:S OJI P OSTAO£. - ---- -----. --- ----


3 ui Q 0 ~ e ... l 2 3 4

lb. lbs. lbs. Iha. 5

lbs. 6

lb1:1. 7

lbs. B


co 9 10 11 ~

Cl> ----------- ----- lbs. 11.Js. lbs. A - -------8. A 11 t1 t ntlin (i11 cl11 cli11tt l

N urfol k r slunc.J nnd Pup11u)

Britit1 h Huuth Africn viz :-

(i) Cape Colony, I T runovnnl. N nt nl (i11 clucJi11 g iu lula11d) Ontngc !liver Colony, Boch u1111 olund, iutuln11cl nnd C 1·iqunlun<l

( ii) lllioJ csiu, (Nor- 2 thcru)

Do. (8oulhcru) ~ (I l s h o uld be clc:nrly

Htu t eel whether lhe purccl is mcu n t for Northern u r

d. 1:1 . d. s d . s. tl a. d . s. d. a. cl a. d . s. d s. d. s. d 8 ~ 2 2 8 3 10 •1 4 ·I I 0 5 4 Q 6 7 0 7 8 I y



22 11 4 t! 5 I 5 JO 6 7 8 0 8 9 Q 6 10 3 Y

·1 ·l 0 5 8 8 0 9 s l ] 4 13 I

Q3 ~ -! 8 6 8 8 0 9 410


15 117 0 18

12 8 14 0 15



Sou lhcrn Rhode­sia)

Gtuutc.J n, Dominion o "'CnnuJ ionu, viz.- ­

0 G a nd fo r caL1 ad dilicm nl lb. GJ . J., lb. up Loi ll lbs. Y .'\ neon, Cris toLul , 0 C ulebru, Ua tu n, &c .

N t'Wfoundlu11J ( vict 1 Cun utla)

Purto H ic:o Uni Lcd SLl\Lvs of


0 u



6 G

" " " " " " ,,

" " " " "



" "







0 t3 0 6

II 11 l 11

" II


" "

" IC



" "



y y

• N ote. This does not re fea lo pa rcels fo r the Republic o f Pannma.

Page 39: Binder4 - Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately · e 1:38 HANDBOOK OF JAMAICA. PaUerm of merclaandize oan only be forwarded b11 the ordi11ar11 pod under the following 1onditio111:-


________ ll:_S_'l'...:.A_D_L...;,r s:...:J.::.;IM=-EN'r OF THE Pos•r OF'l•'IOE, continued.

Assist.1~11 t Di t.Lo UiLto Di Ditto


Supervisor of Distr;cL Poet. Office!:! und f nspcctor of T ele­phonM of IfoJder.

0. S. V. Brown R . C. Henrique1:1 L. J. McPherson G. F . White A. E. Shirley L. Lewis L. St. C. H endriks G. A. Rock

Salary or other


.. £100 0 0 l CO 0 0 100 0 0 g4 ir o 94 JO 0 81) 0 0 89 0 0

300 0 0


D11te of First Appointment to Public Service.

l st May, '12 lRt .Mar., 'J 2 27th .IH.n., ' 13 28t.b JuJy, '13 lst Dec. , 'J 3 28t.h July, '14 12t.h Oct., 'J 4 1 lth Dec., '0.J

Govt. E locLrical J 11specLor G. A. H.ock 200 O O .. No'1


m - In 11.dditiou to rhe above there is an ~uxilia.ry s tnff of Feruule Clerks, subor<.linn.~c staff of Sorters a.utl Le tter Camel's. and a

GOVERNMENT :MEDICAL SERVICE. l•'oR ycu1•s t.hc 1\cccssity of a Medical Service in Ju,maica wns pressed 011 the loca l Legis­

lnLuro a11d i11 opening t he Session of 1852 Sir Charles Grey brought Lhe 1:mbject promi-11enLly under their considerat.ion H e stated that 11 the want of a. suffi cient number of Medical PracLiLioncrs wns universally folt througl.iout Lhe islnud by a lmost the entire body of i11 lw.bitc~nts, wbcLhcr high or low, rich or poor," a11d he strongly urged Lhe ~'1.5.sem-bly "to muke auequo le provision /1

for such service. He a~surc<l t11ern that ''in some of · tile d it:iLricts 111e<licul 11dvice wa~ not t.o be procured at all; in oLhers only a long delay a ud nL a cost which virt.uully rende red it u11attaim1ble by Lhe nrnjorm ty of Lhe inLabitants." The loss of life ulo11c (nnd Lhc corumqucnt loss of lubour) which unnuu,lly rosul t.e<l from this deficiency," he ad<led "wus in itsdf a sufficieut ground Lo Justify any expenditure which it. might be 11eces .. •mry to incur in placiug the meand of obtaining mc<lical aSBistance within rcuch of Lhe people generally." In t.he discu&'lion of the question which en:1u&cl the llo11our1.1.blc l\ I r . West.morelirntl stated Lhut "llte majority of the medical men were set.Llt!d on t.l1e sea-L>mirds, and those who lived in the country knew thu.t for twenty to thirt.y miles no J octo1· was to be found." D octor Uowerbcmk ussure<.l t.he House Lhat "the people <.lieu from .. preventable diseases for want of rueuicnl ruid, '' nnd showed that "the whole amount theu pu.iJ to the m embers of the modical profession in the d ifferent parishes t~mounted but to .£2,300 per annum. 11 This state of thiugs continued un ti l the year 1868 whc11 Si r John Grant made provision 'Lo the extent of .£~ 1000 for medical .aid, und appointed 011 the l st Decembe1 fifteen .l\'feclicu.I P1nctitionc1s ns Governmen t Meclicul Officer's tit su luries ranging from £200 to £300 per 111111uw, ch~geuble partly to Lhc poor rnLcs nnd pflrLly Lo the general reven ue. At tho olose of t.he yeur there were forty mcdicnl disLriots defined a11d thirty-five l\lcdicnl Otlicers appoiuted thereto, five being theu vnc1111t ns no el i~iLlc l\ledical Pructiwoners were nva.ilnble.

The Depu1·tmc11 t I h us organist:d was pli\ced umJer a prof essiorud henu d esignll ted the SuperiuLcuding J\ Lcclicul Olticcr, who was ulso constituted the .•\dviscr of the Governm1::nt upou medicu.1 ti11d saniLttry qucstious.

1'he Duties of t/ic) Medical Officus are specilied in the followi11g rules which were framed by the Secretary uf Statt;! for the Colonies, for the guidance of cnnJidtl.tes for employment, aud co11luin t he µrinciple.:i on whid1 the service is regula ted :-. . . .

1. T ho Colouy of J nmuica is divided, for medical parposes, into d1sLr1cts of varymg extenl a nd populnLiou, to each of which, n.s a general ru~e, is a.L~ache~ ~ne ~Je~ica~ Otlicer who ia ht!ld responsible for t.hc due discharge of all medical duties w1th1t\ his d1etnct.

2. 'T'he D ist.rict 1"1adic.:al Ollicors, who must reside within the limits of their respec~ive <iistrict.s, nm requi red in Lhe discharge of their public dutie.91 to undertake the n;iedic.aJ ·chnt·ge of the paupors on Lhe parochial rolls, and of a11y hospital, alms house or prison m their <..l ilitricts; Lo ntteud upou the Constabulary; to oxoroise a general. control aud sup~r-

-intenden.ce over Lhe Goverument d ispensaries of their district.a; to. yacoma..te an~ to advise t he Govern ment ftnd Pnl'Oohiul Authorities on qu~tiou~ affeotmg the publtc health; ·and for auoh public duties 110 fees are receivable by them.

3. Medicine~ for t he J'ublic Service are supplied by Lhe Government. 4. District Mcuionl Officers are expect-ad to provide themselves with a smaH case ol

11urgioal iuatruments of tho best. make.