Bilingual use this

Instruction Needs To Be Differentiated for Diverse Learners Multi Language Learners/Emergent Bilingual Education

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Instruction Needs To Be Differentiated for Diverse Learners

Instruction Needs To Be Differentiated for Diverse LearnersMulti Language Learners/Emergent Bilingual Education

Ciaras IntroPlease Click on the speaker below.

[spoken not on presentation] We will provide you a real life example, tips and information about how teacher can accommodate their classrooms to meet the students need. I am currently interning at a middle school where most of my job consist of mentoring students. One of my mentees only speak spanish. He does not able to speak or read english, and for me I do not speak spanish. The first day meeting him was not an easy day for me at all. I had to pull him out of his art class, where in that class the teacher does not speak spanish either. I had to communicate with his friend about who I was and where I was taking him and then his friend translated what I said in spanish. I was still unsure about how I was going to mentor him and was curious about how was he learning in classes. Luckily the first day I had a translator with me who was one of his teachers. The second day I used an app we were able to speak to and then translate to our language. I was still pretty difficult at first especially when the app would stop working. I did have a peek at his schedule and saw that he was enrolled in all shelter classes besides art. As I continue to mentor him I figured it will help him learn english and also for me to learn spanish.

Bilingual Education- Marissa- see notes for spoken

Who: Student whose L1 is not englishWhat: may need differential instruction to give equal opportunity to learnWhen: Before student shows need, variety assessments givenWhere: Classroom, and Teacher shows in depth knowledge of Students culture and native country

According to one of the many dictionaries, education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction well that process to give and receive instruction is not one size fits all. We are not talking about equality, where each person is given the same thing, but equity. Equity is about making it a possibility for a student to learn dispite not fitting into one mainstream ideal. Emergent Bilingual or multilingual education is needed to give each student an equal oppurtunity to learn. Professional educators must accomate instruction that fits the needs of each of their students, like their Emergent Bilinguals, and not all EBs are alike.

Recognize NeedsStudents who are also Emergent Bi/multilingual, may also be ...RefugeesLong-term EslsGifted and TalentedTransnationalsSpecial Education

We need to capitalize and use language as a resource and not a problem. It may take more time to assess the needs of the student, however, it is a Positive necessity. We need to recognize the needs of our student. No student fits into one categorization, however it will help the teacher know what they can do to best give instruction, when they know where the student is coming from. Students who are also refugees may need to feel very supported and welcomed. The teacher should create a welcoming classroom envirement, and enourage classwide peer tutoring. Teachers should really look into the different types of students who may become apart of their classroom. If they do this then they set up a good foundation to create a variety of instruction outlets, that will benifet the student, teacher, and really the entire classroom.

Tips to help teach Bilingual StudentsBeing preparedBe positiveBe supportiveParents write a letterUsefull apps

Facts/ StatisticsAdvantages/Benefits Brain developmentPros and Cons Cost

CitationsLloyd, Delia. "5 Facts About Bilingualism." The Huffington Post., 13 Dec. 2011. Web. 05 Oct. 2016.Gandara, P. (2015). Rethinking bilingual instruction. Education Leadership, 72(6), 60-64. (iOS 10.0.2) (iOS 10.0.2) (iOS 10.0.2)