Bhrighu Saral Paddathi-13

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  • 8/11/2019 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi-13


    Sage Bhrighus Blessings

    Bhrighu Saral Paddati 13By

    Andree Leclerc, Canada

    Technique: Saptarishis AstrologyReadership Level: Basic To Advanced

    ith Obeisance to Lord Ganapathi, Lord Bhrighu & Varahamihira, we thank them for theboons of BSP and are now diving into BSP-13 with this new karma revealing technique.

    Sage Bhrighus Easy Methodology - Bhrighu Saral Paddathi

    BSP-13: Saturns 3


    aspect implements itself in the 20



    What must be kept in mind is that when we read in newspapers that a person died when he was 79,it actually means he completed his 79th year and was In His 80th year. The Nadi system of astrologyfollows this In His year or current or running year as Indians like to call it. So when we say Saturnimplements its 3rdaspect in his 20thyear it means that the native has completed the 19thyear and is now InHis 20thyear or in other words between 19 and 20. Also as the Late J. N. Bhasin pointed out in his immortaclassic Hora Shatak results of planets (in our case Saturns 20 thyear) can be altered plus minus 1 or 2 yearsdepending on the strength of planets and aspects of benefics and malefics on it.

    Chart 1: Elizabeth Taylor

    British-American actress, born in London to American parents residing in Britain. She learnedballet shortly after learning to walk and once performed before the Queen. At just 18, she married 23-year-old Nicky Hilton, heir to the hotel fortune, on 6 th June 1950, and it was a disaster from the first. Themarriage did not last a year. Next came divorced British actor Michael Wilding, 19 years Liz's senior,whom she wedded on 21stFeb 1952.



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    Saturnji aspects the 5H of romance with his 3rdaspect wherein sits Rahu and Venus Venus stands for love

    & Rahu for divorcee/scandals - she married a divorcee. Moreover, the Lord of the 5H, Jupiter, occupies the9H of religious ceremonies and so, the two lovers were duly wedded. Taylors 20thyear will be from Feb 1951to Feb 1952 when Saturns 3rdaspect will implement itself and that is when she married on 21stFeb 1952.

    Chart 2: Amelia Gossage

    American heiress upon the death of her wealthy parents when she was a teen. On 2ndDec 1975 in her20thyear, she returned to her apartment with a dinner date. Her brother was there and refused to leave.Angry, she pulled his hair and threatened him with a claw hammer until he left. The next day, her brotherEben came home about 9:35 AM when she was asleep. He woke her at 10:30 AM as she had asked. Theybegan a violent argument. At 10:55 AM she made a phone call then resumed their fight. Eben later claimedthat she came at him with a hammer and scissors. In a rage, he hit her with the claw hammer over 17 timeson her head and neck, then stabbed her in the back 20 times with the scissors. Altogether, she had 62wounds. Amelia died between 11:00 AM and noon.


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    This is rather grim and we can see that Saturn aspects the 6H of enemies where Moon (12L of exit)Sun (Lagna Lord) and Mercury (maraka 2L & 11L of elder brother) conjointly sit. Same 6H is owned bySaturn which is conjunct with none else than Mars (Significator of brother) and Rahu (BK-brothersignificator as per degree system of sage Parasara) in the fierce sign of Scorpio. All this is very inauspiciousand so was her demise, and this is how Saturn in the 4H (incident happened at home) did his 3 rdaspect inthe 20thyear to the 6thhouse of fighting & created this dramatic violence (Saturn, Mars, Rahu 3 most

    violent planets) by her brother.1

    Chart 3: Jean-Claude Killy

    French skier and entrepreneur, the second man in history to win the Triple Sweep in the Alpinemens ski in the Winter Olympics in Grenoble, 1968. Taking the gold medal in downhill, slalom and giantslalom and focusing on speed as opposed to style, Killy helped create the modern racing style thatrevolutionized the sport. At 19, Killy joined the French team, whose coach was impressed by his daredevilstyle and came to the US for the first time.

    Saturns 3rd house aspect falls on Leo, the 2H, which is occupied by its Lord the Sun, plus Moon (LagnaLord & also dispositor of Coach 9L) and Venus (Lord of 4H & 11H) thus setting the scene for his 20 th

    year, when he joined his coach (Guru). This chart is a chart of dispositors. See Lagna is self body and LLMoon disposits Jup the 6thlord of sports & competition & 9L of coach. So the event in his life started inthis 20thyear which is initiated by Saturns 3rdaspect.

    SA Editor/Publisher:


    Saturn is karma karaka and is placed in the 12H of Past Life Unfinished Business.b)

    Saturn is a cold planet he activated the 20thyear ski Winter Olympics see connection.c) Leo is the 5H of Sishya (student) in the Natural Zodiac, thus Jean-Claude became a student which is

    most essential if one has to prepare for his karma.d) Saturns 3rd aspect did what is an unknown part in Vedic astrology, it activated the Moon & Sun

    Ascendants together with Venus (note this Ven).Now see the chart from Moon & Sun Asc and you


    Editor:As food for thought look at 3rd lord of brothers in the 8H of death & this is in the 3H (brothers) from Sun/Moon

    indicating strong cause of brother in death. Then look at Asc & 3rdlord from Moon/ Sun Asc is Jupiter which is again in the 8Hof death from the Sun Moon Asc.


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    would see the aggression required for sports, gotten in from Mars who thereby got activated as theYogakaraka. Mark this Golden rule without yogakaraka activation via Its Asc Sign gettingactivated, it remains a useless yogakaraka and astrologers complain that in real practice yogakarakaplanet many a times does not give results without knowing the reasons for this. There are manyrules for this but one of them is that without its Asc not adequately beneficially activated, it isuseless. Note that Saturn is in a Vipareeta Raja yoga and thus its activation of Leo is mostsignificant. Note that Vipareeta Raja Yoga generally means success after someones losses but it alsomeans success after pressures; note that a Coach always put pressures on his students to perform.


    He was a craze in 66-67 and in 68 he broke records in the Winter Olympics you can see that theplanets Saturn activated in the 20thyear, gave fruit, the 66-67 period was the Venus MD last partand during the greatest part of his career i.e. the Winter Olympics, the Sun MD had startedfulfilling the Karmic role of the 8thcold Lord Saturn and bringing him to the forefront (7L Saturn)and this Saturn becomes the 6thlord of sports and competition from the Moon Sun Asc, now canone see the significance of this Saturn.

    f) 1-2 issues back, Saptarishis Astrology had spoken about an unknown Activation Theory, here inthis chart you can see how this Activation has happened, the seed of the event is more importantthan the event and that is the role of astrologers to find. Let it be stressed we are in the business offinding out the seed & not only the fruit.

    This move was a step closer to success for him, even if it came after some reverses.

    Chart 4: Steven Spielberg

    American film producer and director, the winner of an Academy Award on 21 st Mar 1994 for hisdirection of the Best Picture of the year, "Schindler's List." On 21 st Mar 1999, he won the Oscar as BestDirector for his "Saving Private Ryan." Spielberg grew up in Cincinnati, hearing war stories fromHungarian Holocaust survivors who were tutored by his grandmother. The family moved often and theboy often found himself an outcast, the only Jewish kid in school. He recalls the jibes and jokes about anti-Semitism and at one time, wished he was not Jewish. As a means of expression, he started tinkering withfilm production when he was eight with his dad's 8mm camera. By the time he was 20, he became aprofessional director for Columbia Pictures. His parents marriage was unhappy and they divorced whenSteven was 19 (that was it his 20thyear running).


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    Saturn 9L of father aspects the 4H of home life & mother from its placement in the 2H of family, therebyseparating (Saturn) the family. The 4L, Mercury, is placed in the 6H with Ketu, the karmic planet. It is at19 years that he went through the pain of his parents divorce.

    Chart 5

    The person below is one of Saptarishis Astrologys volunteers cum guide.

    We see that Saturn occupies the 12H and therefore aspects the 2H. As the 2L of education has gone to the3H of changes, he changed college and his line of education. As the 6L Mars aspects the 2L, he opted for atechnical line of study (because he is a smart kid!). All this happened between May 92 to May 93, the 20 th

    year and as Saturn is the 9L of higher education, it was indeed higher education (engineering studies) forthe boy.

    Chart 6: Mata Hari

    Dutch prostitute and exotic dancer who also served as a spy. The daughter of a merchant, in her younger

    years Margaretha was expelled from convent school for sleeping with a priest2

    and, at the age of 18, movedto Java with MacLeod, her 40-year-old husband. They married on 11thJuly 1895 (note 20thyear). The couplehad a violent marriage and one of their two kids died. She left her husband and returned to Europe in 1905where, as an exotic dancer, a nude belly dancer, she went to Paris to work in a brothel.

    Saturn, placed with Rahu and the Moon in 5H of love and desire, aspects the 7H of marriage sheacquired a spouse much older than herself who most likely had previous relationships. 7L Mars occupiesthe 10H of happiness from marriage and is conjunct the Sun (11L of marriage as well - BPHS) and Mercury(9L of religious ceremonies and 12L of loss and private comforts (or discomforts).


    Publisher:Note 8L of sex and that too Venus which represents sensuous activity is in 9H of priest and father figure.


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    Thus you can see she married an elderly man (Saturn) as compared to her age by Saturns 3 rdaspect

    in her 20th

    year. Actually the 20th

    year started just 25 days after her marriage (one can note that Saturn isretrograde Vakri)

    Chart 7: Bill Cosby

    American actor and comedian, the nations top TV and live performance humorist for hisfamiliarity and likeability. His series "The Cosby Show" first played on 20thSept 1984 and won Emmys thefollowing two years. Friendly, congenial, wholesome and beloved, he puts on a show that focuses on familyand kids with no trace of violence, sexual or racial humour. He dropped out of school and served in the U.SNavy from 1956 for four years before he finished his high school degree, winning a scholarship to TempleUniversity. Along with making the dean's list, he ran track and played varsity football. He began stand-up

    comedy while at Temple, working for $5 a night at a small club. He tended bar at the Philadelphia cafe tohelp meet college expenses and his first nightclub appearance was in a room so small that he had to sitwhile performing.


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    Saturn, placed in his Pisces Ascendant casts its 3H aspect on the sign of Taurus conjunct Venus andKetu. As the 3H is a place of changes and Ketu, a definite agent for surprises is placed in Rohini, a wateryMoon Nakshatra, he went from school to the Navy, a period of his life where his Venusian propensities asan artist started blossoming in public. You can see that his 20th year will be from July 1956 to July 1957whence he joined the Navy. This again was the seed of the event of his life. One can refer to the editorialand refer the Ketu technique, here Ketu sits in the 3H of TV and he made his mark in Television shows.

    Chart 8: George H. W. Bush

    American politician who served as the President of the United States from 1989-1993. A Yalegraduate in 1948, he went on to become a business executive and owner of Zapata Petroleum. On his 18thbirthday, against the wishes of his parents who wanted him to go on to college, he was sworn into theNavy. When he got his wings in August 1943, he was the Navy's youngest pilot. By the time he emergedfrom the service two years later, he was a war hero. On 2ndSept 1944, he nearly died when his torpedobomber, nicknamed "Barbara" for his girl friend, took a hit over the Pacific island of Chichi Jima. With theplane on fire, he flew on to drop his bombs on target. He stayed at the controls, hoping his two crewmencould parachute to safety, but both died. Bailing out over the ocean, Bush was picked up within two hoursby an American submarine. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three air medals.

    Saturn is in the 3H of flying and short trips, as 6 thlord of fighting & also 7L of forefront, apart from beingdispositor of Mars & Ketu (Fire/mishaps) casts its 3H aspect on the brave, fiery & fighting sign ofSagittarius, his 5H of name, fame and past good deeds & this 3rdaspect will implement itself in the 20thyearwhich will be from June 1943 to June 1944, whereas the incident happened 4thmonths after the 20thyear.

    Chart 9: Emilie Dervilliers

    French teenager, age 18 when she and three other local teens desecrated the Toulon cemetery. In theearly hours of 09th June 1996, the four kids brought up the body of Yvonne Foin, who had been buriedtwenty years prior, on 11thJune 1976. With ideology that is somewhat vague and borders around Satanismand Hitlerism, they performed satanic rituals on the cadaver, including necrophilia. Emilie said she


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    experienced a great thrill. They all admitted a ferocious hatred for human beings. Her 20thyear would befrom May 97 to May 98 & they went before the courts and were sentenced on 20 thOct 1997 (20th year)Emilie was sentenced to three years in jail (one year suspended). Emilie was accompanied by two boys,cousins, and a fourth youth who was a minor and not identified.

    Saturn sits in the 3H of actions (her actions) and aspects Libra, the 5H whos Lord occupies the 12H ofsecret yearnings, seclusion, jails and hospitals. This girl was sentenced to go to jail and has hopefullybenefited from some medical treatments. Note that Saturns 3rdaspect is on a Venusian sign, Venus is the

    karaka of mantra, tantra as per Vedic astrology and her satanic kind of rituals would have been alsorepresentative of negative tantra.

    Chart 10: Nathalie Wood

    American actress, one of the few child stars who was able to make the transition from child roles toteenage and adult roles. One of the most universally popular actresses of her generation, she was petite,dark and attractive. Natalie' love life was active and complicated. She married actor Robert Wagner in 1957when she was 19.


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    Saturn is placed in the 7H of marriage & its 20thyear 3H aspect falls on the sign of Taurus, the 9H

    of religious ceremonies where Ketu (karmic surprises & also marriage) sits. She duly married andlegitimately benefited according to the laws of men from the 9th Lords position in the 12H of privateaffairs. She married actor Robert Wagner in 1957 when she was 19.

    Chart 11: Woody Allen

    American comedian, writer, actor and film director, screenwriter, playwright and musician, giftedand appealing. He was the writer and director of the 1977 film "Annie Hall" which won four Oscars in 1978At 19, he married a 17-year-old student, Harlene Rosen. The marriage lasted five years.

    If you love her, just marry her right? This is what Mr. Allen did at 19 years when 5L of love Saturn aspectedthe sign of Aries in the 8H which is not at all strange since therein sits the Moon, Lord of the 11H of wife(BPHS) or, if you like, Lord of the 5H of desire from the 7H of spouse which leads us to assume that thechosen girl was quite willing. And guess what? The Moon occupies Venus constellation! Moreover

    Jupiter, the good 7L, aspects such a Moon from the 2H of family life, sanctioning the sound of the weddingbells in the 20thyear with Saturns 3rdaspect.

    The author of an introductory book in French titled VedicAstrology: Destiny and Free-Will published by IQ Editions inMontreal, Andree Leclerc studies and practices Vedic ways oflife for over 25 years including Bhakti Vedanta, Jyotish,mantras She is diving more deeply into Vedic astrology since 5years. As an entrepreneur, she also co-founded a companywholesaling stone jewellery for which she has designed some2000 models as well as web sites pertaining to Vedic astrologyand various Vedic sciences in English and French that can beseen at Andree is part of theSaptarishis Astrology Re-Search Team, and is currently in Indialearning under the mentorship of the magazine by interacting

    with various masters.720