Benefits of Sahaja Yoga

Benefits of Sahaja Yoga: Social Benefits Health Benefits Agricultural Benefits Medical Benefits Stress Management Social Benefits Sahaja Yoga has a beneficial impact on every aspect of a person's life - that is mental, physical, material, emotional and spiritual life. A rejuvenated human being finds unknown depths of energy and creativity to better his living conditions; and to lead a more meaningful life. The practice of Sahaja Yoga makes a person calm and collected and able to cope more easily and effectively with the strains and stresses of life. It not only prevents but also cures the innumerable diseases which are the outcome of modern day living - such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, mental disorders ,etc. There is increasing medical proof of the curative powers of Sahaja Yoga as per many experiments conducted. Its ability to cure alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction has been established beyond doubt. Sahaja Yoga has also cured several cases of paralysis ,epilepsy, cancer and asthma among other diseases. By bringing about an inner transformation of human beings, the benefits of Sahaja Yoga accrue not only to the individual but also to society, to the nation and ultimately to the entire humanity. Sahaja Yoga brings about integration of all the major religions of the world. What is special and unique about Sahaja Yoga? 1. Sahaja Yoga is not merely philosophical, but an experience first and philosophy later.


Sahaj Yoga

Transcript of Benefits of Sahaja Yoga

Page 1: Benefits of Sahaja Yoga

Benefits of Sahaja Yoga:

       Social Benefits

       Health Benefits

       Agricultural Benefits

       Medical Benefits

       Stress Management

 Social Benefits

 Sahaja Yoga has a beneficial impact on every aspect of a person's life - that is mental, physical, material, emotional and spiritual life. A rejuvenated human being finds unknown depths of energy and creativity to better his living conditions; and to lead a more meaningful life. The practice of Sahaja Yoga makes a person calm and collected and able to cope more easily and effectively with the strains and stresses of life. It not only prevents but also cures the innumerable diseases which are the outcome of modern day living - such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, mental disorders ,etc. There is increasing medical proof of the curative powers of Sahaja Yoga as per many experiments conducted. Its ability to cure alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction has been established beyond doubt. Sahaja Yoga has also cured several cases of paralysis ,epilepsy, cancer and asthma among other diseases.  

By bringing about an inner transformation of human beings, the benefits of Sahaja Yoga accrue not only to the individual but also to society, to the nation and ultimately to the entire humanity. Sahaja Yoga brings about integration of all the major religions of the world.

What is special and unique about Sahaja Yoga?

1. Sahaja Yoga is not merely philosophical, but an experience first and philosophy later.

2. It is a simple system in which Self Realisation i.e., the union with your Divine Self takes place spontaneously.

3. The process of Kundalini awakening is done enmasse by Shri Mataji in Her public programs.

4. Sahaja yoga can be practiced by everyone irrespective of one's caste ,creed, race, religion and nationality ,etc. Sahaja Yoga is now practiced worldwide, in as many as 90 nations.

5. Sahaja Yoga is based on experience and not obtruse philosophy. It seeks to clarify than mystify. It provides a real basis for a verification of its claims.

6. Based on Vibratory Awareness which can be attained after Self

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Realisation and establishment in Sahaja meditation, the seeker can judge for himself the truth.

7. It has no rituals, no do's and don'ts but the practitioner of Sahaja Yoga automatically gives up all bad habits and starts leading a Dharmic life.

Just as one light enlightens another, in the same way one can enlighten many i.e., through the grace of Shri Mataji the self realized person can give realization to other seekers.

Day to Day Benefits of Sahaja Yoga

1. Sahaja Yoga meditation is very easy and any one can do it along with his profession and family life.

2. People from all walks of life can derive benefits, irrespective of their religion, caste or creed.

3. Health improves. Physical diseases relating to Heart, diabetes, blood pressure, stomach ailments, and also other mental illnesses due to stress, tension, worries, as also insomnia, depression, fits, and many other psycho somatic diseases have been easily cured.

4. Natural cure from various addictions.

5. Improvement and harmony in family life and social relations.

6. No need for any sort of rituals, penances, fasts, asceticism or physical deprivations.

7. Progress in studies due to improvement in memory.

8. Latest artistic talents get fully developed.

9. We become courageous and confident.

10. Peace, contentment and joy are hallmarks of Sahaja Yoga.

11. It is an entirely scientific technique with no scope for blind faith.

12. Self Realization through Sahaja Yoga is entirely free.


Health Benefits

 Her Holiness Shri Mataji says in her own words..."To cure patients is very simple. If a tree is sick and if you try to cure the leaves, then it will not work. If you become subtle and cure the roots, then it will work out. If we can get to the roots, then we nurture their centres and achieve the balance that would make every thing so wonderful, through the connection with the energy called 'kundalini' .

Latest Scientific experiments prove that regular Sahaja Yoga meditation can prevent various physical and mental disorders  e.g.: hypertension, angina, heart attack, bronchial asthma,

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epilepsy, aplastic anemia and hemiplegia, leukemia, cancer, diabetes, spondylites, depression, anxiety and neurosis and migraine.  

All the problems of the human beings are because of their chakras. Some how if you can cure these chakras or put them right, all our problems can be solved.

Asthma has been cured through Sahaja Yoga very easily. All liver patients are getting rid of diseases through the regular meditation. Mainly diabetes is caused due to too much thinking. Sahaja yoga helps diabetics patients to achieve the balance.


Agricultural Benefits  

Just as after self-realization in Sahaja Yoga, the Kundalini energy gets activated in the human body leading to the connection of human consciousness with the omnipresent paramchaitanya, that takes care of the complete existence and which is addressed in different forms and different languages across the world, leading to a higher quality of living, similarly if this divine energy is channelised in agriculture, the benefits are enormous. Farmers are especially the biggest beneficiaries of this gift by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as they expend much physical effort and have to face many unforeseen natural calamities.

 Sahaja yoga has been successfully tried and tested to provide extraordinary agricultural production and livestock quality in various countries. Through the harmonization of individual with paramchaitanya, many Sahaja yogis associated with agriculture have shown, that it is possible to achieve:  

        Higher food production

        Better growth of plants

        Protection against natural calamities

        Improved quality of cattle feed

        Robust health of cattle

        Increased milk production

 And all this has happened without any extra money being invested. Sahaja yoga, the gift of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to this earth, is not only limited to the prosperity of the mankind but to living forms of all kinds.

Research on benefits of Sahaja yoga in agriculture has been performed by Maharana Pratap Agriculture & Tech University , Udaipur . Senior research scientists have successfully proved that by using seeds invigorated through vibrations, usage of vibrated water for irrigation and other Sahaja yoga methods, the plant quality & food production has been much higher than the normal yield

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Extensive research is also being undertaken by co-operative milk producers and the university to explore the possibility of utilizing the benefits of Sahaja yoga, for increasing milk production.

Bhogpur Village : an agricultural island of excellenceNear the holy city of Haridwar , in Bhogpur village, a Sahaja yogi has been using the grace of Shri Mataji to continuously produce extraordinary agricultural output through simple Sahaja yoga methods. In fact, the whole village has adopted his methods and has become quite popular in surrounding areas for its high food grain productivity. The vegetable and cattle feed size and quality is also much higher than that in surrounding villages. The effects have also been extended by its initiator, Jagpal Singh, in dairy sector, as a result of which the quality and quantity of milk of the dairy has shown very high improvements. This has also resulted in the dairy being awarded for having Highest Purity and Quality in the whole district.


Medical Benefits

The New Frontiers of Medical Science 

The past century has seen tremendous progress in medical science. The causes and cures of many diseases have been discovered and utilized for the benefit of the mankind. Cures for polio, leprosy, TB and many types of early stage cancers have been found and the terror of death they used to evoke earlier is now eradicated. But it seems that as medical science progressed, so did the diseases.  

New and previously uncommon ailments have now replaced the earlier killers. Common diseases of the present era like Essential Hypertension (High blood pressure), Diabetes, Asthma, etc have displayed a resilience to cure and are proving very difficult to be eradicated. What medical science has offered are temporary measures to ease out the pain and advise on eating low calorie food, leading a stress-free life…even worship, as they have discovered that such positive changes in lifestyle have had beneficial effect on the person. What they have failed to address is why these changes work and how can these changes be made a part of person's daily life? Why does faith heal?

Is there some way where it can be discovered how these positive changes create beneficial effect and the source of all such changes found out?

Medical researchers have been traditionally used to the Cartesian view of the human body as a machine. They have now found themselves facing a totally unchartered territory as they discover that the origin of modern diseases lies not only in the organ where the disease inflicts itself, but also in the psychological, biological & social environment phenomenon of man. The triad of mind – matter – spirit has emerged as the ultimate cause and everlasting solution of the medical sufferings of humans. New studies are focused on their interplay to discover a sustainable cure for our modern

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diseases and they have discovered that a balanced mind-matter-spirit triad leads to a more healthy body and brain.

Healing effects of Sahaja Yoga

The effects of yoga (originating from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj' and meaning to yoke or to unite as one or to join) on healing human body have been extensively discussed. But the medical profession has always associated it with alternative medicine, and has thus not paid enough attention to the significant benefits it has bestowed to its believers. 

Yoga in real sense means union of the primordial energy (called Kundalini by ancient sages, and situated in the triangular bone called sacrum, at the base of spine) with the All Pervading Cosmic Energy. Yoga has been traditionally practiced for thousands of years in India and the east but its procedures were believed to be very difficult.

Sahaja Yoga, discovered by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, has shown that it is very easy to practice Yoga and achieve all the benefits associated with it, without any discomfort. Various researches have been done on its medical benefits, especially by the Department of Physiology, Lady Hardinge Medical College and associated hospitals, New Delhi . They have consistently shown the beneficial effects of Sahaja Yoga on the general health of individuals, various lifestyle related diseases, many psychosomatic diseases and even some forms of cancer.

Essential Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) – Relax & Enjoy:

Much attention has been devoted to this disease, most prevalent in urban establishments. It is a silent killer as no symptoms occur in the early stages of this disease. The progressive increase in the incidence of hypertension in urban areas has been related to the increasingly difficult environment being faced by the individuals. Multiple activities now clamour for attention & energy of the individual, leading to a deteriorating lifestyle. These conditions of psychological stress accumulate over a period of time, causing high blood pressure.

In the research done at Lady Hardinge Medical College , New Delhi , it was found that, antihypertensive drugs, when coupled with Sahaja yoga, considerably increased their efficiency. Once the blood pressure was brought to normal, it was kept within control by practicing only Sahaja yoga. 

Sahaja yoga practice modulates the activities of the autonomic nervous system, and also decreases the activities of the sympathetic nervous system that is especially active during psychological stress conditions. Thus it achieves a deep feeling of relaxation, both mental & physical, causing beneficial effects on hypertensive individuals. Moreover, if Sahaja Yoga is made a part of everyday life, by people who are prone to develop hypertension, it could also prevent the onset of the disease as well.

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Bronchial Asthma – Breathe Free:

Asthma, once a relatively uncommon disease, is now spreading fast with rising pollution levels and increasing levels of mental strain. As the sufferers have painfully experienced, emotional stress has an escalating effect on the severity of asthma.

Regular practice of Sahaja yoga meditation has the effect of reducing emotional strain and eventually completely evaporating it. The person experiences a feeling of security and thereby the anxiety factor is negated. Sahaja yoga effects on the autonomic nervous system aid the individual to actually avoid the asthmatic attack. Thus Sahaja yoga meditation has highly beneficial effects for asthmatic sufferers – whether done in conjunction with drugs or practiced as a complete remedy.

For One & for All

Besides the above common diseases, Sahaja Yoga has been very successfully employed for considerable improvements in curing many types of cancers, heart disease, epilepsy & psychosomatic diseases. Many personal experiences of its practitioners have shown that Sahaja yoga meditation leads to a highly positive mental and physical state. It has also been associated with many so-called ‘miraculous' cures, but the only miracle has been the activation of the Kundalini energy – the divine mother, in the individual and his/her complete faith in it & Sahaja Yoga. It is ultimately the work of the Kundalini energy that nourishes and heals the energy centres in the body and awakens the super-consciousness of the individual. The positive psychological platform that is sustained with Sahaja Yoga practice leads to strengthening of moral values, which is also useful in combating AIDS. 

The unique gift of Sahaja yoga by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to the whole mankind can be felt and actualized on the nervous system. Its healing effects transcend race, religion, class, age or any such barriers. It does not charge for healing because in Shri Mataji's words, no individual can be charged for what he/she already possesses. It is for us all to realize our self and awaken the potent source of healing power through which we can heal ourselves and even help others.


Stress Management

 What is stress:Stress is anything that brings mental and emotional pressure that leads to fear, anxiety, worry, apprehensions, anger and even excitement and the body responds in a prompt, speedy and inefficient way. According to medical professionals, 90-95% of illnesses in modern era can be blamed on psychological forces; 98% headaches originate due to stress and stress also manifests itself into many other physical ailments like indigestion, acidity and life-killers like heart attacks.

How stress develops?Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has become so pervasive, that it seems to permeate everything and everybody. Stress and Tension occur because of the

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uncontrolled flow of thoughts relating to our future or past that keep our mind in constant turbulence. These thoughts deviate us from working in the present - which only is the reality. It is usually these thoughts related to our excessive thinking of future and past which makes us tired and not the hard work.

Effects of stressStress causes real "wear and tear" on our bodies as we adjust to our continually changing environment and so it has numerous physical and emotional effects on us.

 Physical Symptoms:  

        Change of facial expression and bodily postures         Withdrawal from social relationships         Low task performance (sometimes its opposite also manifests –i.e. high

productivity but which is highly detrimental for our physical and mental health)         Impediment of speech         Sighs & continuous fidgeting          Nervous laughter


All the above symptoms originate because of stress but their causes are also described by their sufferers & medical experts as:

        Anxiety         Worry         Sleeplessness         Emotional Disturbances         Aggression         Tension         Phobic Disorders, etc.

The eventual result of all the symptoms or their causes (as defined by our modern-day terms) leads to many physical problems like:

        Stomach ulcers         Bad heart conditions         Loss of appetite or overeating         Sweating         Headache         Obsessive behaviour such as heavy smoking and drinking and many other


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How to overcome stress?Medical science has nothing to offer to combat the dreadful effects of stress except tranquilizers, habit forming toxic drugs, etc. Every & any event we face can bring us into a challenging and a threatening situation. Thus stress is an inner reaction rather than an outer phenomenon. To be really stress free we have to develop SELF-AWARENESS – The knowledge of our self: Its likes and dislikes, its harmony and conflicts. The key for gaining self-awareness lies in a process of shifting one's focus from the external environment to internal makeup, including physical, emotional and spiritual system.

How to achieve Self-Awareness to overcome stress?Meditation – is the best relaxation technique and the accepted solution all over the world to combat stress effectively. Sahaja Yoga a highly developed and unique system of meditation that enables the person to reach onto a level of complete self-awareness.

Help through Sahaja Yoga to overcome stressSahaja-Yoga works on awakening of primordial energy within us called Kundalini. When the Kundalini rises and crosses the sixth energy centre, it brings us into a state of thoughtless-awareness - no distracting thoughts from future or past are bombarding the mind. All conflicts residing in the mind that create stress, evaporate. We enter into a state of peace within, remaining completely in the present and aware of everything around us.

Sahaja-Yoga meditation brings us into balance.As mentioned about the human subtle system, we have a subtle body within us that consists of seven energy centres and three channels. In our daily life, either one of these channels can be more active leading to a certain state of our behaviour. If we move to the right channel, we become overactive, restless, stressed and tense. If we move to the left channel, we become depressed and lethargic. But if we remain in the centre channel, we become dynamic, energetic, moral – all leading to an integrated personality. The regular practice of Sahaja-Yoga helps us to activate the centre channel.

Finally, Sahaja-Yoga connects us to the All Pervading power. We become one with the energy source, which creates, manages and nourishes the nature and is the primal spring of the energy that is called Kundalini. As we are always connected to the source of the energy, our energy centres are constantly nourished by this All Pervading power. So we always remain fresh and cheerful and do not get fatigued, tired and stressed out and completely enjoy every activity we are involved in.

Medical Research on effects of Sahaja Yoga on HypertensionMedical Research conducted by physiology department of the Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India and Sucheta Kripalani Hospital on varied groups of individual Sahaja-Yoga meditators has revealed that the practice of Sahaja-Yoga is accompanied by a decrease in tension, stress, anxiety, depression and hypertension.

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These studies were conducted upon 10 people in the age group of 35 to 50. They were from the department of Physiology and had no previous training in any form of yoga, meditation. They were given two days training by a qualified Sahaja-Yoga teacher in the physiology department. Thereafter they practiced it 20 minutes daily, for a few weeks, under the watchful eyes of the tutor

At fixed intervals doctors studied the effect of Sahaja-Yoga on the heart rate, blood pressure, the level of the blood lactic acid, VMA in urine, which indicates secretion of adrenalin by the body and the galvanic skin resistance (GSR), which shows whether the patients were tensed or relaxed. All 10 were patients of hypertension; some of them were on drugs. As the Sahaja-Yoga practice progressed, the medicines were reduced and finally stopped. In the 12 weeks the diastolic blood pressure dropped from the 100 to 80 and the adrenalin flow, also dropped. The GSR in the group changed from 43.9 kohms to 164.7 kohms; Mean level being 103.9 kohms

Many people practicing Sahaja Yoga regularly had already reported empirically what has now been confirmed by medical research. The outcomes of the research have shown that practice of Sahaja yoga has had various healing effects on the mind and body leading to improvements in quality of life. Various other benefits of Sahaja yoga on all living things including plant growth etc are being considerably researched around the globe. Man is the culmination of evolutionary process that has been at work for thousand of years, and has been given extraordinary powers compared to other living organisms, to regulate and control the environment around him. But the ultimate frontier, and one which acts as the source and suffers as the receptor of stress, is the human mind. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given the mankind a unique gift in form of her discovery of Sahaja Yoga, which should be utilized fully by the being for achieving peace and harmony in his/her daily life while remaining free from stress and tensions.


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 Benefits of Sahaja Yoga:

       Social Benefits

       Health Benefits

       Agricultural Benefits

Page 10: Benefits of Sahaja Yoga

       Medical Benefits

       Stress Management

 Social Benefits

 Sahaja Yoga has a beneficial impact on every aspect of a person's life - that is mental, physical, material, emotional and spiritual life. A rejuvenated human being finds unknown depths of energy and creativity to better his living conditions; and to lead a more meaningful life. The practice of Sahaja Yoga makes a person calm and collected and able to cope more easily and effectively with the strains and stresses of life. It not only prevents but also cures the innumerable diseases which are the outcome of modern day living - such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, mental disorders ,etc. There is increasing medical proof of the curative powers of Sahaja Yoga as per many experiments conducted. Its ability to cure alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction has been established beyond doubt. Sahaja Yoga has also cured several cases of paralysis ,epilepsy, cancer and asthma among other diseases.  

By bringing about an inner transformation of human beings, the benefits of Sahaja Yoga accrue not only to the individual but also to society, to the nation and ultimately to the entire humanity. Sahaja Yoga brings about integration of all the major religions of the world.

What is special and unique about Sahaja Yoga?

1. Sahaja Yoga is not merely philosophical, but an experience first and philosophy later.

2. It is a simple system in which Self Realisation i.e., the union with your Divine Self takes place spontaneously.

3. The process of Kundalini awakening is done enmasse by Shri Mataji in Her public programs.

4. Sahaja yoga can be practiced by everyone irrespective of one's caste ,creed, race, religion and nationality ,etc. Sahaja Yoga is now practiced worldwide, in as many as 90 nations.

5. Sahaja Yoga is based on experience and not obtruse philosophy. It seeks to clarify than mystify. It provides a real basis for a verification of its claims.

6. Based on Vibratory Awareness which can be attained after Self Realisation and establishment in Sahaja meditation, the seeker can judge for himself the truth.

7. It has no rituals, no do's and don'ts but the practitioner of Sahaja Yoga automatically gives up all bad habits and starts leading a Dharmic life.

Just as one light enlightens another, in the same way one can enlighten many i.e., through the grace of Shri Mataji the self realized person can give realization to other seekers.

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Day to Day Benefits of Sahaja Yoga

1. Sahaja Yoga meditation is very easy and any one can do it along with his profession and family life.

2. People from all walks of life can derive benefits, irrespective of their religion, caste or creed.

3. Health improves. Physical diseases relating to Heart, diabetes, blood pressure, stomach ailments, and also other mental illnesses due to stress, tension, worries, as also insomnia, depression, fits, and many other psycho somatic diseases have been easily cured.

4. Natural cure from various addictions.

5. Improvement and harmony in family life and social relations.

6. No need for any sort of rituals, penances, fasts, asceticism or physical deprivations.

7. Progress in studies due to improvement in memory.

8. Latest artistic talents get fully developed.

9. We become courageous and confident.

10. Peace, contentment and joy are hallmarks of Sahaja Yoga.

11. It is an entirely scientific technique with no scope for blind faith.

12. Self Realization through Sahaja Yoga is entirely free.


Health Benefits

 Her Holiness Shri Mataji says in her own words..."To cure patients is very simple. If a tree is sick and if you try to cure the leaves, then it will not work. If you become subtle and cure the roots, then it will work out. If we can get to the roots, then we nurture their centres and achieve the balance that would make every thing so wonderful, through the connection with the energy called 'kundalini' .

Latest Scientific experiments prove that regular Sahaja Yoga meditation can prevent various physical and mental disorders  e.g.: hypertension, angina, heart attack, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, aplastic anemia and hemiplegia, leukemia, cancer, diabetes, spondylites, depression, anxiety and neurosis and migraine.  

All the problems of the human beings are because of their chakras. Some how if you can cure these chakras or put them right, all our problems can be solved.

Asthma has been cured through Sahaja Yoga very easily. All liver patients are getting rid of diseases through the regular meditation. Mainly diabetes is caused due to too much thinking. Sahaja yoga helps diabetics patients to achieve the balance.

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Agricultural Benefits  

Just as after self-realization in Sahaja Yoga, the Kundalini energy gets activated in the human body leading to the connection of human consciousness with the omnipresent paramchaitanya, that takes care of the complete existence and which is addressed in different forms and different languages across the world, leading to a higher quality of living, similarly if this divine energy is channelised in agriculture, the benefits are enormous. Farmers are especially the biggest beneficiaries of this gift by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as they expend much physical effort and have to face many unforeseen natural calamities.

 Sahaja yoga has been successfully tried and tested to provide extraordinary agricultural production and livestock quality in various countries. Through the harmonization of individual with paramchaitanya, many Sahaja yogis associated with agriculture have shown, that it is possible to achieve:  

        Higher food production

        Better growth of plants

        Protection against natural calamities

        Improved quality of cattle feed

        Robust health of cattle

        Increased milk production

 And all this has happened without any extra money being invested. Sahaja yoga, the gift of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to this earth, is not only limited to the prosperity of the mankind but to living forms of all kinds.

Research on benefits of Sahaja yoga in agriculture has been performed by Maharana Pratap Agriculture & Tech University , Udaipur . Senior research scientists have successfully proved that by using seeds invigorated through vibrations, usage of vibrated water for irrigation and other Sahaja yoga methods, the plant quality & food production has been much higher than the normal yield

Extensive research is also being undertaken by co-operative milk producers and the university to explore the possibility of utilizing the benefits of Sahaja yoga, for increasing milk production.

Bhogpur Village : an agricultural island of excellenceNear the holy city of Haridwar , in Bhogpur village, a Sahaja yogi has been using the grace of Shri Mataji to continuously produce extraordinary agricultural output through simple Sahaja yoga methods. In fact, the whole village has adopted his methods and has become quite popular in surrounding areas for its high food grain productivity. The vegetable and cattle feed size and quality is also much higher than that in surrounding villages. The effects have also been extended

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by its initiator, Jagpal Singh, in dairy sector, as a result of which the quality and quantity of milk of the dairy has shown very high improvements. This has also resulted in the dairy being awarded for having Highest Purity and Quality in the whole district.


Medical Benefits

The New Frontiers of Medical Science 

The past century has seen tremendous progress in medical science. The causes and cures of many diseases have been discovered and utilized for the benefit of the mankind. Cures for polio, leprosy, TB and many types of early stage cancers have been found and the terror of death they used to evoke earlier is now eradicated. But it seems that as medical science progressed, so did the diseases.  

New and previously uncommon ailments have now replaced the earlier killers. Common diseases of the present era like Essential Hypertension (High blood pressure), Diabetes, Asthma, etc have displayed a resilience to cure and are proving very difficult to be eradicated. What medical science has offered are temporary measures to ease out the pain and advise on eating low calorie food, leading a stress-free life…even worship, as they have discovered that such positive changes in lifestyle have had beneficial effect on the person. What they have failed to address is why these changes work and how can these changes be made a part of person's daily life? Why does faith heal?

Is there some way where it can be discovered how these positive changes create beneficial effect and the source of all such changes found out?

Medical researchers have been traditionally used to the Cartesian view of the human body as a machine. They have now found themselves facing a totally unchartered territory as they discover that the origin of modern diseases lies not only in the organ where the disease inflicts itself, but also in the psychological, biological & social environment phenomenon of man. The triad of mind – matter – spirit has emerged as the ultimate cause and everlasting solution of the medical sufferings of humans. New studies are focused on their interplay to discover a sustainable cure for our modern diseases and they have discovered that a balanced mind-matter-spirit triad leads to a more healthy body and brain.

Healing effects of Sahaja Yoga

The effects of yoga (originating from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj' and meaning to yoke or to unite as one or to join) on healing human body have been extensively discussed. But the medical profession has always associated it with alternative medicine, and has thus not paid enough attention to the significant benefits it has bestowed to its believers. 

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Yoga in real sense means union of the primordial energy (called Kundalini by ancient sages, and situated in the triangular bone called sacrum, at the base of spine) with the All Pervading Cosmic Energy. Yoga has been traditionally practiced for thousands of years in India and the east but its procedures were believed to be very difficult.

Sahaja Yoga, discovered by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, has shown that it is very easy to practice Yoga and achieve all the benefits associated with it, without any discomfort. Various researches have been done on its medical benefits, especially by the Department of Physiology, Lady Hardinge Medical College and associated hospitals, New Delhi . They have consistently shown the beneficial effects of Sahaja Yoga on the general health of individuals, various lifestyle related diseases, many psychosomatic diseases and even some forms of cancer.

Essential Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) – Relax & Enjoy:

Much attention has been devoted to this disease, most prevalent in urban establishments. It is a silent killer as no symptoms occur in the early stages of this disease. The progressive increase in the incidence of hypertension in urban areas has been related to the increasingly difficult environment being faced by the individuals. Multiple activities now clamour for attention & energy of the individual, leading to a deteriorating lifestyle. These conditions of psychological stress accumulate over a period of time, causing high blood pressure.

In the research done at Lady Hardinge Medical College , New Delhi , it was found that, antihypertensive drugs, when coupled with Sahaja yoga, considerably increased their efficiency. Once the blood pressure was brought to normal, it was kept within control by practicing only Sahaja yoga. 

Sahaja yoga practice modulates the activities of the autonomic nervous system, and also decreases the activities of the sympathetic nervous system that is especially active during psychological stress conditions. Thus it achieves a deep feeling of relaxation, both mental & physical, causing beneficial effects on hypertensive individuals. Moreover, if Sahaja Yoga is made a part of everyday life, by people who are prone to develop hypertension, it could also prevent the onset of the disease as well.

Bronchial Asthma – Breathe Free:

Asthma, once a relatively uncommon disease, is now spreading fast with rising pollution levels and increasing levels of mental strain. As the sufferers have painfully experienced, emotional stress has an escalating effect on the severity of asthma.

Regular practice of Sahaja yoga meditation has the effect of reducing emotional strain and eventually completely evaporating it. The person experiences a feeling of security and thereby the anxiety factor is negated. Sahaja yoga effects on the autonomic nervous system aid the individual to actually avoid the asthmatic attack. Thus Sahaja

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yoga meditation has highly beneficial effects for asthmatic sufferers – whether done in conjunction with drugs or practiced as a complete remedy.

For One & for All

Besides the above common diseases, Sahaja Yoga has been very successfully employed for considerable improvements in curing many types of cancers, heart disease, epilepsy & psychosomatic diseases. Many personal experiences of its practitioners have shown that Sahaja yoga meditation leads to a highly positive mental and physical state. It has also been associated with many so-called ‘miraculous' cures, but the only miracle has been the activation of the Kundalini energy – the divine mother, in the individual and his/her complete faith in it & Sahaja Yoga. It is ultimately the work of the Kundalini energy that nourishes and heals the energy centres in the body and awakens the super-consciousness of the individual. The positive psychological platform that is sustained with Sahaja Yoga practice leads to strengthening of moral values, which is also useful in combating AIDS. 

The unique gift of Sahaja yoga by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to the whole mankind can be felt and actualized on the nervous system. Its healing effects transcend race, religion, class, age or any such barriers. It does not charge for healing because in Shri Mataji's words, no individual can be charged for what he/she already possesses. It is for us all to realize our self and awaken the potent source of healing power through which we can heal ourselves and even help others.


Stress Management

 What is stress:Stress is anything that brings mental and emotional pressure that leads to fear, anxiety, worry, apprehensions, anger and even excitement and the body responds in a prompt, speedy and inefficient way. According to medical professionals, 90-95% of illnesses in modern era can be blamed on psychological forces; 98% headaches originate due to stress and stress also manifests itself into many other physical ailments like indigestion, acidity and life-killers like heart attacks.

How stress develops?Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has become so pervasive, that it seems to permeate everything and everybody. Stress and Tension occur because of the uncontrolled flow of thoughts relating to our future or past that keep our mind in constant turbulence. These thoughts deviate us from working in the present - which only is the reality. It is usually these thoughts related to our excessive thinking of future and past which makes us tired and not the hard work.

Effects of stressStress causes real "wear and tear" on our bodies as we adjust to our continually changing environment and so it has numerous physical and emotional effects on us.

 Physical Symptoms:  

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        Change of facial expression and bodily postures         Withdrawal from social relationships         Low task performance (sometimes its opposite also manifests –i.e. high

productivity but which is highly detrimental for our physical and mental health)         Impediment of speech         Sighs & continuous fidgeting          Nervous laughter


All the above symptoms originate because of stress but their causes are also described by their sufferers & medical experts as:

        Anxiety         Worry         Sleeplessness         Emotional Disturbances         Aggression         Tension         Phobic Disorders, etc.

The eventual result of all the symptoms or their causes (as defined by our modern-day terms) leads to many physical problems like:

        Stomach ulcers         Bad heart conditions         Loss of appetite or overeating         Sweating         Headache         Obsessive behaviour such as heavy smoking and drinking and many other


How to overcome stress?Medical science has nothing to offer to combat the dreadful effects of stress except tranquilizers, habit forming toxic drugs, etc. Every & any event we face can bring us into a challenging and a threatening situation. Thus stress is an inner reaction rather than an outer phenomenon. To be really stress free we have to develop SELF-AWARENESS – The knowledge of our self: Its likes and dislikes, its harmony and conflicts. The key for gaining self-awareness lies in a process of shifting one's focus from the external environment to internal makeup, including physical, emotional and spiritual system.

How to achieve Self-Awareness to overcome stress?Meditation – is the best relaxation technique and the accepted solution all over the

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world to combat stress effectively. Sahaja Yoga a highly developed and unique system of meditation that enables the person to reach onto a level of complete self-awareness.

Help through Sahaja Yoga to overcome stressSahaja-Yoga works on awakening of primordial energy within us called Kundalini. When the Kundalini rises and crosses the sixth energy centre, it brings us into a state of thoughtless-awareness - no distracting thoughts from future or past are bombarding the mind. All conflicts residing in the mind that create stress, evaporate. We enter into a state of peace within, remaining completely in the present and aware of everything around us.

Sahaja-Yoga meditation brings us into balance.As mentioned about the human subtle system, we have a subtle body within us that consists of seven energy centres and three channels. In our daily life, either one of these channels can be more active leading to a certain state of our behaviour. If we move to the right channel, we become overactive, restless, stressed and tense. If we move to the left channel, we become depressed and lethargic. But if we remain in the centre channel, we become dynamic, energetic, moral – all leading to an integrated personality. The regular practice of Sahaja-Yoga helps us to activate the centre channel.

Finally, Sahaja-Yoga connects us to the All Pervading power. We become one with the energy source, which creates, manages and nourishes the nature and is the primal spring of the energy that is called Kundalini. As we are always connected to the source of the energy, our energy centres are constantly nourished by this All Pervading power. So we always remain fresh and cheerful and do not get fatigued, tired and stressed out and completely enjoy every activity we are involved in.

Medical Research on effects of Sahaja Yoga on HypertensionMedical Research conducted by physiology department of the Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India and Sucheta Kripalani Hospital on varied groups of individual Sahaja-Yoga meditators has revealed that the practice of Sahaja-Yoga is accompanied by a decrease in tension, stress, anxiety, depression and hypertension.

These studies were conducted upon 10 people in the age group of 35 to 50. They were from the department of Physiology and had no previous training in any form of yoga, meditation. They were given two days training by a qualified Sahaja-Yoga teacher in the physiology department. Thereafter they practiced it 20 minutes daily, for a few weeks, under the watchful eyes of the tutor

At fixed intervals doctors studied the effect of Sahaja-Yoga on the heart rate, blood pressure, the level of the blood lactic acid, VMA in urine, which indicates secretion of adrenalin by the body and the galvanic skin resistance (GSR), which shows whether the patients were tensed or relaxed. All 10 were patients of hypertension; some of them were on drugs. As the Sahaja-Yoga practice progressed, the medicines were reduced and finally stopped. In the 12 weeks the diastolic blood pressure dropped from the 100

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to 80 and the adrenalin flow, also dropped. The GSR in the group changed from 43.9 kohms to 164.7 kohms; Mean level being 103.9 kohms

Many people practicing Sahaja Yoga regularly had already reported empirically what has now been confirmed by medical research. The outcomes of the research have shown that practice of Sahaja yoga has had various healing effects on the mind and body leading to improvements in quality of life. Various other benefits of Sahaja yoga on all living things including plant growth etc are being considerably researched around the globe. Man is the culmination of evolutionary process that has been at work for thousand of years, and has been given extraordinary powers compared to other living organisms, to regulate and control the environment around him. But the ultimate frontier, and one which acts as the source and suffers as the receptor of stress, is the human mind. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given the mankind a unique gift in form of her discovery of Sahaja Yoga, which should be utilized fully by the being for achieving peace and harmony in his/her daily life while remaining free from stress and tensions.


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