Ben Howard Advertisement analysis

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Transcript of Ben Howard Advertisement analysis

Characters: The only character which is shown in this advertisement is Ben Howard, the artist, diving into what seems like the ocean. I think that this image has been chosen as a representation of Ben Howards genre of music. The artists music is overall folk based which tends to be very calm and peaceful. The photograph of him diving into the ocean may represent the peaceful/calmness of his music, reflecting that this type of music will be heard in his album which is what the magazine advertisement is promoting. Also, through my research I looked into Ben Howard's music and found that his first album was named 'These Waters,' which was released in 2009. This makes me think that Ben Howard diving into the ocean could represent that this album, being released in 2011, is a follow up from the last album, the ocean symbolising the 'water.' Setting: The setting shown in this advertisement looks as though it is an ocean. This could be a reference to his music as the ocean shown on the image is shown so large however it seems calm for the character diving in the image, representing Ben Howard's calm folk music. This setting could have also been chosen in reference to the music in the album as it is a natural environment, featuring natural colours. This is relevant as in most on Ben Howards music videos, they are located in natural environments, a lot of the time using water.Iconography: The main image's setting could be seen as iconic to Ben Howards music as they are chosen to represent his genre of music. The colour blue is used predominantly which is iconic to the idea of calmness and tranquillity. Narrative events: The narrative shown in this advertisement is of Ben Howard diving into the ocean. This could represent his style of music or the idea that he is 'diving in head first' and showing the public his music and capability as an artist. However, the diving in the ocean could also be to represent peacefulness and tranquillity within his style and genre of music.Technical and Audio Codes: The font used is a simple sans serif font in white. This has been used to stand out and to be eye catching but not too bright against the darker background so that the viewer will notice it instantly. 'Ben Howard' has been written in bolder writer in comparison to the rest, showing how it is the artist which is being advertised and is the most important part; along with the 'out now' being bold to emphasise how you can buy his new album straight away. The lighting which has been used for this advertisement starts as the top as quite high key, then goes down to darker and lower key lighting as the ocean is getting deeper and deeper. The colour scheme, being mostly blue with green, has been chosen to represent the natural environment theme within the advertisement and in reference to his music.