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Letter from Bella on Mars to her family Entry for letter writing contest for kids 10-12 years old.

Transcript of Bella

Page 1: Bella

Dear Family,

Guess what?This is Bella and you may be wondering where i am, I am on the planet mars! I am the first known person to land on mars!! can you believe it? i can! Mars has a a red dusty almost powdery ground and it has a very strong trashy smell the stench is so strong that I can smell it through my space suit! I was bored and was digging a hole and like 7 inches under the ground there is water, So make sure you tell scientists their theory's are correct. I have been on mars for 17 hours and 33 seconds and there is not one single sign of life, and if there was life they would be nothing like us since earth is the only planet with all the "Goldilocks conditions" and mars only seems to have one of the Goldilocks conditions. Honestly i am surprised that i am still alive, I wonder how much longer i will live? well since i am not sure i am sending you this letter saying that i love you guys so much and you guys are the best family. well at least i will die a important person in history!

