Beginner Lessons -1

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  • 8/2/2019 Beginner Lessons -1



    Some General Derivations


    This is a document for beginners of practical astrology. Even if you

    learn this much only in astrology, you would be better than 50% of the

    so-called astrologers. So learn and memorize the quotes present in this

    document. This is the first stepping-stone for you in practical astrology.The rule to be followed always is - if some rule of quote that does not

    help you to arrive at definite results, then that rule or quote is not worth

    your precious time wasting on it. Note that the results given here are

    just general, learning to be specific, and arriving at clear and accurate

    results demands more study and effort from your part. Start being prac-

    tical in the study and application of astrology - and TRUST in its ability

    to show us the future possibilities and trustworthy results. It is just the

    BEGINNING to that goal. Remember the following rules -

    1. Apply these results to ANY chart in a general manner and

    expect at least 60% accuracy in predicting general results. Use it

    and note the results.

    2. Emphasis the results ONLY WHEN the dasa or antara matches.

    3. DONT INSIST that all the results mentioned by you would

    be true - because these are just simplified general derivations.

    OK, now we are ready to take up the challenge of correct predic-

    tion for any chart with minimum study. The path begins......

    Basic Knowledge

    Most of us are already aware that there are 12 Signs, 9 Grahas

    (Sun, Moon, 5 planets, 2 nods), and 12 houses starting from Lagna


    Planets are ascribed degrees of exaltation,, own signs, friends signs,

    neutral signs, enemy signs and debilitation. The strength of a planets

    decreases in order in these signs.

    Signs starting from Lagna are termed houses. 6-8-12 houses are

    known as Dustana (malefic houses) and the remaining Sustana (ben-

    efic houses).

    If you have this much basics clear, then you can read through the

    following write-up and start applying them in natal charts. But always

    remember, that these generalized derivations are given here only to

    serve as a starting point for study of practical astrology; the definite

    and specific results may vary. The general understanding about the

    possible results helps us much in correcting our derivations and thus in

    arriving at correct specific results. Never ever ignorantly start arguingthat these result should be like these only etc - because these gener-

    alizations for the weak brains are not even part of the basic 7-

    fold system, but only a very simplified version of the same. But

    definitely this could serve as a very good starting point to have a taste

    of the usefulness and practical application of predictive astrology.

    Another definite point to remember is that - the results mentioned

    here can be expected to truly materialize only in the Vimsottari

    dasa period of the planet concerned. Of course it can be applied in

    other scenarios and as general prediction as well, but I wont suggest

    the beginners to do the same as of now.

    As always generalization means simplification - which essentiallycauses lose of specificness. Anomalies and corollaries would be al-

    ways necessary to derive or pinpoint the exact results. Simplified gen-

    eralizations have only one purpose - to serve as a good starting point -

    to understand the approach, methodology and improve ourselves, in the

    art of prediction - and to maintain the interest, with some fruits for


    Planets with Place-strength (Generalization)

    Generalization always demands the use of general terms. In this

    section the general terms used are - exaltation, own house, friendly

    house, neutral house, enimical house and debilitation, which may applyto the same related to any planet.

    1. Exaltation

    Exaltation of any planet in general gives good results. (Of course

    bad results also can be derived based on the same - which is not dealt

    within here)

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    O i xVSSM i ix Mv{ {iEiiiix{n&=nMhi Vi GE l x G ih vi E**

    - n{E

    [If a planet is in its exaltation, (in the dasa of that planet) the native

    would be bestowed with many auspicious results and ownership of

    prosperous land and property. He would be so wealthy that even kings

    will appreciate his wealth. He would be very kind and compassionateand will win the appreciation of others and will help them. Like the

    great King Vikramaditya (Remember Chandra gupta Vikramaditya of

    4th century AD), he would be very famous for his tactics, good quali-

    ties, courage, donations and tactful intelligence]

    2. Own house

    Planets in own house also usually give good results - but the ques-

    tion is what good results?. This is answers in the following verse.

    xnMi O |{Oni | i{ OiiS\S |{x

    x xIi{ i E E Vx i {x& E x]ix{**- n{E

    [If a planet is in its own house, (in the dasa of that planet) the native will

    get many rewards and respect from the wealthy and well-respected

    people. He too will be wealthy; otherwise he will have a stable and

    good family life (with wife, children and having good relation with many

    relatives). In the period of that planet (in its own house), he will con-

    struct new house, purchase new property, or may even gain them from

    some one (i.e. not purchasing but instead gaining due to heredity etc).

    The public will respect him (and he will become popular in his native

    place). What ever he lost in previous bad dasa periods will come back

    to him (i.e. his life will again become study, peaceful and happy)]

    3. Friendly house

    Planets in friends house also usually give good results - but here

    again the amount of good results becomes less, compared to own house

    or exaltation. Again the question is - what good results? The answer


    OIjMii& E r xn S{ jV vxvxM nni VxxE**

    - n{E

    [If a planet is in friendly house, (in the dasa of that planet) the native

    will have beneficial effects and results due to friends and relatives. He

    will get many new friends, relations and connections. He will live a

    good life with good wife, affectionate children and good wealth. Hewill be appreciated by all and will get good public support in everything]

    4. Neutral house

    Just like the word suggests, if the planet is in neutral house, then

    neither too much good results nor too much bad results can be ex-

    pected, the life would be neutral - a mix of good and bad. Or better the

    planet in neutral house, just maintains the previous status co. The fol-

    lowing quote clarifies this.

    Il& J] x Ei EJ n &J Vxi l{S**

    - n{E[If the planet is in neutral house, it does not generate any special result.

    Whether it be happiness or sadness - the results of previous period will

    continue (i.e. if it was more sadness in the previous dasa then the same

    condition will continue, if it was more happiness in the previous dasa

    then the same will continue)]

    5. Enimical house

    Planets in enemys house gives bad results, even though not as bad

    as a planet in debilitation. Again the question is what results? - a usual

    doubt which gets clarified by the following quote-

    Mi O jM xE]i {zk {xnli+E\Sxi {{bx n xMv(+){ ii{i{x**

    - n{E

    [If the planet is in the enimical house, (in the dasa of that planet) the

    native will have a tough time with all kinds of bad conditions. He will

    have to suffer in many ways, will have to live by the food provided by

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    others (i.e. depending on others), may live in rented house or others

    house. Poverty, troubles and suffering caused by enemies etc will also

    be present. Even the loved ones will become enemies or the native

    may start considering even the friends as enemies (during this period)]

    6. Debilitation

    The planet in debilitation certainly gives many bad results. (Of course

    good results also can be derived based on the same - which is not dealt

    within here). Again the question is - what results? The answer follows-

    xSO(+)v&{ix k nx nSh{i&xS EE]n iivxxilE**

    - n{E

    [If the planet is in debilitation, the native will suffer degradation in sta-

    tus and profession due to his own doings. He will be miserable, and will

    develop bad habits. Debt, dependence on bad people, living in a dirty

    place (a place about which the native is not at all feel satisfied), becom-

    ing servant to others, the hardships due to long travels etc all would be

    present (If the native goes abroad during this period, he will sufferabroad and the journey will not be fruitful at all in terms of benefit)]

    Planets in various houses (Generalization)

    The following gives the results for the placement of malefics and

    benefics in houses starting from Lagna. By the word malefics natural

    malefics such as Ma, Sa, Su, Ra, Ke, Me with malefic and weak Moon

    are denoted. All the other grahas such as Ju, Ve, strong Moon, Me

    alone or with benefic are denoted by the word benefics. With this un-

    derstanding about the terms malefics and benefics read the read and

    apply the following general derivations - and observe how much they


    As you might have understood already, the general terms used in

    this section are malefics and benefics.


    {{ MxMi {V Mn&J nEk& lx vxIJ l n&Jxi&**

    MxMi Jli VMil x{k&Eklx vi S Y {SUi**

    - |xM

    [If malefics are in lagna - failure, diseases related to head, sadness, bad

    fame, loss of position or migrating to other places distant from native

    land, loss of wealth, body pain and health problems etc result. If benefics

    are in lagna - happiness, success, good health, wealth and property,fame and popularity, gain of power and position (promotion) etc re-


    2nd House

    {{ kMi {xSpI CjM-k nIhEV n] H {jIi&**

    kMi {VVivxx vn&{j{ih\VxJ |] i **

    - |xM

    [If malefics are in 2nd house - lose of own money and to the moneyacquired by the forefathers and family, diseases related to face (eyes,

    nose, ear, teeth, tongue, throat etc), diseases or problems to people

    working below the native or the people under the control of the native

    (like the family, children, servants etc), eye diseases especially related

    to the right eye, use of bad or hurting words, loss or destruction of

    vessels used for food preparation (such as pressure cooker, frying panes,

    cup, saucer, plate, pot, decorative items, glass etc) etc results. If benefics

    are in 2nd house - improvement of wealth accumulated by the forefa-

    thers (strengthening of hereditary property and wealth), gain of vessels

    and decorative items, happiness in own family (with wife and children),

    happiness to people working below the native and under the control ofthe native etc results. In short if benefics are in 2nd house all such good

    results follow]

    3nd House

    {{ iMi M& nMnEI& ExvnIhhMvn]vI&**

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    iMi nMnEr nS viii {SUi**

    - |xM

    [If malefics are in 3rd house - lack of help from help providers (follow-

    ers, relatives, friends etc), diseases and troubles to brothers/sisters (es-

    pecially younger coborns); diseases related to chest, shoulders, right

    ear etc; bad or wrong thoughts and intellect going in wrong direction

    giving rise to cruel and crooked thoughts related to cheating forgery

    and so on, cowardice etc results. If benefics are in 3rd house - coborns,

    help from coborns, help from everywhere, good health, courage etc

    results. (Prasnamarga tells us that these results should be told to the

    qurent in prasna, but since these are general results these can be ap-

    plied anywhere if such a combination is present)]

    4th House

    i iMx n M x-

    Ijh{ x S {n-qE SJ**E{tnh JMi {{, xIj Mxxx Ji **

    - |xM

    [If malefics are in 4th house - danger to relatives - such as mother,

    uncle, sisters son or daughters husband or sons wife, friends etc -

    results. Destruction or damage to properties - such as cattle, building,

    house, furniture, land property, vehicles etc is also a possibility. Acci-

    dents, heart or chest related diseases, sadness, water born diseases

    caused by contaminated water present in wells or ponds in own prop-

    erty etc are also possibilities. In short damage to everything that is

    signified by 4th house results. If benefics are in 4th house - happiness

    due to vehicle, land property, cattle, furniture etc or the gain of all such

    items results]

    5th House

    {{ {\SM(+) Mi fnx Ri- {i {h{h t x&Eh i**

    GviMnE il { j (+)l-M v |inS xi ]S {hn&**

    - |xM

    [If malefics are in 5th house - disease or death of children (especially if

    the combust planet etc is present in the house), loss of acquired Punya,

    agitated mind (and thus less interest in work), anger, disease to the

    immediate subordinates etc results. If benefics are in 5th house - gainof children (childbirth), health and happiness to children, creative intel-

    ligence, improved creativity and intuition, happiness, gain of Punya etc


    {{ Mi i xilM hi-Sx S x E]MPx& E&**{{ S nMn&, S jIMh& i ix |]& ni**

    - |xM

    [If malefics are in 6th house - he will have wounds (or wound scars) in

    the limbs or organs ascribed to the 6th house (i.e. naval portion). Sad-ness due to theft, enemies, disease related to naval portion and hips,

    break or problems in profession, diseases ascribed to the malefic in 6th

    house (caused by Air, Bile or Phlegm as per the Ayurveda dictums) etc

    results. If benefics are in 6th house - destruction of enemies, good

    health, cure to the current diseases etc results]

    7th House

    {{ {iM Ejh M M i Mxxi =n j ESUh{**

    {iM P]x x]il& o-

    M M{i ninxnE **nx {{i nnE{ M &SUH MEh SS &**

    - |xM

    [If malefics are in 7th house - death or disease to wife, separation from

    wife, death or disease to husband (for women), separation from hus-

    band (for women), obstruction to pre-planned journey, urinary diseases

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    etc results. If benefics are in 7th house - marriage, gain of lost wealth,

    sexual pleasures with beautiful women, coming back of friends from

    abroad etc results. If malefics are in 7th house - wifes house (mater-

    nal) catching fire or fire dangers (at wifes home) can also happen. If

    benefics are in 7th - wife may build a new house]

    8th House

    {{ xwMi inVxE |i MEOh vxnh Sx{&**MSS{E& { S SU Ex i&, xwMi iM nP il S&**+{n {k{ {{]li

    t {k{ ESUjM&**- |xM

    [If malefics are in 8th house - disease and hardships to servants, vene-

    real diseases, quarrels, theft, troubles caused by enemies and govern-

    ment, losing taste or interest in food, fear of death etc results. If benefics

    are in 8th house - health and longevity results. If malefics are in 8thhouse - bad rumors, destruction or damage to small buildings associ-

    ated to the main building etc can also result. If benefics are in 8th house

    - extra small buildings or special building for worship or meditation, gain

    of buildings etc results]

    9th House

    {{ vli n MVx{i{jnMMx-t vxOEii{x xE{i** vli n M{ixSh |nr M v S i{p i {jJ**

    - |xM[If malefics are in 9th house - disease to father, childrens children,

    teachers, or guru; less luck or unluck etc results. It should be under-

    stood that Punya, meditation, Sukrita, blessings of fore fathers, bless-

    ings of god etc are less or moderate. That means the individual would

    be generally unlucky. If benefics are in 9th house - blessings of fore

    fathers, blessings of gods, Punya, meditation, Sukrita (results good

    deeds done earlier manifesting); kindness, compassion and cooperation

    from others; interest in religious activities, happiness etc results]

    10th House

    {{ EMi iEi nEkYIi nxxx{ VVx C|h**

    {rihb{Mt{nx Eh-Yx S r{ n{i EinM&**- |xM

    [If malefics are in 10th house - obstructions to profession or job, bad

    fame, non-obedience from others, servants and dependents forsaking

    the native, disease to knees, going abroad leaving the native place out

    of frustration etc results. If benefics are in 10th house - construction of

    roads, temples, auditorium or anything else beneficial to the public by

    the native; gain of good servants and followers, ruling power, strength

    of words, good dependents, fame etc results]

    11th House

    {{ lii iV tVPhMHin&** n&J|xi{i{iil&Yvn in ni{ Mt**

    - |xM

    [If benefics are in 11th house - diseases to relatives such as children,

    elder coborns etc; diseases related to limbs such as knees, left ear etc;

    gain of copper or similar metals etc results. If malefics are in 11th

    house - sadness becoming less and happiness emerging, desires fulfill-

    ing, gain of wealth etc results. Based on the descriptions given about

    the significance of every sign, house and planets - loss or gain of thingscan be predicted based on the placement of every planet (malefics or

    benefics) in every house]

    12th House

    {{ unM i n{nRQIE- {i& {{i |ri H {SUi**

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    unM ih| x n]&{{x I +{x SinE **

    - |xM

    [If malefics are in 12th house - unnecessary expense or extravagance;

    loss of position, demotion, change of residence or change of place of

    residence; diseases related to legs, left eye etc; mistakes; much sins

    being committed etc can be predicted. If benefics are in 12th house -expense for good deeds, no extravagance or no expense for unneces-

    sary things, loss of sins and gain of Piety, curing of diseases etc results]

    House lords in malefic/benefic houses (Generalization)

    The 6-8-12 houses are known as Dustana (malefic houses) and the

    remaining Sustana (benefic houses). If the house lord of any house

    goes to Dustana (malefic houses) the following results apply. The gen-

    eral terms used in this section are malefic houses and benefic houses.

    House lords in Malefic Houses

    Dustana or Malefic houses means 6-8-12. These houses are alsoknown by the name Trika (3 malefic houses).

    Lagna lord in Dustana

    nl Mx{i xvx{iYi vvxiGMx lxSi S{n**

    - n{E

    [If the lagna lord is in Dustana - prison life, hiding from authorities,

    court cases and warrants, fear, diseases, agitated mind, indulging in

    unnecessary things, loss of position or change of location, accidents etc


    2nd lord in Dustana

    Vb n CE]Sx n{jE oOVMn ph x{ nl uiv{**

    - n{E

    [If the 2nd lord is in Dustana - lack of knowledge, becoming a laughing

    stock to the audience in committees or meetings, family problems es-

    pecially due to the use of bad words or quarrels, committing mistakes in

    legal documents or writings and trouble due to that, eye disease, troubles

    caused by the use of words, expense, fear from government etc re-


    3rd lord in Dustana

    nSiEv{i ni E nSx-

    xnjx{bx { inMM n**- n{E

    [If the 3rd lord is in Dustana - death of coborns, thought going in crooked

    and wicked directions - criminal thoughts, trouble caused by enemies,

    opposition, loss of ego due to failure etc results]

    4th lord in Dustana

    iC]]n IjO{{i {nxx V {ixl(+)**

    - n{E

    [If the 4th lord is in Dustana - health problems to mother, problems for

    relatives; loss or destruction of buildings, land, cattle etc, fear from

    water (falling in pond, lake etc or the same) results]

    5th lord in Dustana

    x |i{i ii r \Sxvxn x{i & E{ HI**

    - n{E

    [If the 5th lord is in Dustana - death of children, madness, extra effort,

    diseases related to belly or stomach, government actions against the

    native, loss of power or weakness etc results]

    6th lord in DustanaSiixiln\S nx Mx xnEiii i(+)x& n h**

    - n{E

    [If the 6th lord is in Dustana - fear of theft or theft, bad incidents, loss

    of position, various diseases, sin, becoming servant to someone, loss of

    pride due to defeats, bad fame, wounds etc results]

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    7th lord in Dustana

    Vi x Ej jixilMtx xii M S]x**

    - n{E

    [If the 7th lord is in Dustana - sadness to daughters husband or sons

    wife, separation from wife, troubles or problems due to women, inter-

    est in prostitutes, venereal diseases, too much travels etc results]

    8th lord in Dustana

    xw EnxiSUSUinp h nn{vxY i**

    - n{E

    [If 8th lord is in Dustana - sadness, all types of trouble due to desire and

    sexual desire, poverty, wandering, bad fame, diseases, death etc re-


    9th lord in Dustana

    {{inE{ VixV{nnEi M& {iS xvx nx n**- n{E

    [If 9th lord is in Dustana - troubles caused by the anger of deity wor-

    shiped earlier by the native, inauspicious results, danger to wife and

    children, bad deeds, death of helplessness to father or guru etc results]

    10th lord in Dustana

    t EE i ikn xxM x- nMhi | nk{zi**

    - n{E

    [If 10th lord is in Dustana - all the efforts will go waste. Loss of nameand fame, disgrace, amplified bad qualities, life abroad, inauspicious

    results, sinful deeds, dangers etc results]

    11th lord in Dustana

    hS iE] ii{ nx \Sx EhM**

    - n{E

    [If 11th lord is in Dustana - hearing bad words or news, death of elder

    brother, loss or death of children, helplessness, cheating, ear disease

    etc results]

    12th lord in Dustana

    V{x xvx x{-I{ i &n**

    - n{E

    [If 12th lord is in Dustana - various diseases, disgrace, prison life etc

    results. Like the moon of dark fortnight all kinds of his wealth will start


    House lords in Benefic Houses

    The houses other than 6-8-12 houses are known as Sustana (ben-

    efic houses). Thus benefic houses are 1-2-3-4-5-7-9-10-11 houses. If

    the house lord of any house goes to Sustana (benefic houses) the fol-

    lowing results apply.

    Lagna lord in Sustana

    Mx ] VMi |i Jli n SS&={{n r |{xi xnn Vi&

    - n{E

    [If Lagna lord is in Sustana - fame, health, wealth, radiance etc results.

    The grace and wealth and all such good results to the native will in-

    crease day by day like the moon of white fortnight]

    2nd lord in Sustana

    {E(+)ilxl E] r { jE{i JVx\S

    |{xi MVE in H vxx H n |i**- n{E

    [If 2nd lord is in Sustana - good family life, good daughters, good food,

    supports from judiciary, support from all directions through good words,

    gain of wealth due to the mastery over words (through teacher, oratory

    etc), fame in committees and public due to mastery of the native over

    words etc results]

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    3nd lord in Sustana

    VxE xii h S x{ii i(+)x Vx nMhVxi**

    - n{E

    [If 3rd lord is in Sustana - help from brothers, good news, courage,

    group leadership, pride, reputation from all directions, public depen-

    dence on the native, all good qualities etc results]

    4th lord in Sustana

    xv{E EE r jM xiIj M xixil r lx|i\SJ n**

    - n{E

    [If the 4th lord is in Sustana - help from relatives, interest in agriculture,

    sexual pleasure (good family life with a loving wife), gain of vehicle,

    purchase or gain of new land property-buildings or houses, purchase of

    new furniture or decorative items, gain of good position etc results]

    5th lord in Sustana{ j|{i xv x{ix S vn x|VV ]xi nni E VVxi nv**

    - n{E

    [If the 5th lord is in Sustana - birth of children, happy good life with

    relatives, gain of ministerial position (or becoming personal assistant to

    people in power and position), respect, great enjoyment of good foods

    and drinks, serving meals and drinks to others out of hospitality and

    kindness, having good qualities and ethic appreciated by good people


    6th lord in Sustana{zxi i+Minivii**

    - n{E

    [If the 6th lord is in Sustana- defeating enemies adventurously and

    destroying them, absence of disease, kindness, fearlessness, boldness

    and courage out of valorous nature, well being etc results]

    7th lord in Sustana

    x{t jhx |i h i(+)i&E i Ehinx xij\Sn n**

    - n{E

    [If the 7th lord is in Sustana- cloths, ornaments, bed and beddings, love

    of spouse, greatly indulged sexual pleasures and related enjoyment,

    conducting pleasant festivals and participating in them, tours to pleas-ant picnic spots etc results]

    8th lord in Sustana

    @hSxU iix& EEixk{i &{ViVxM xw{ix&**

    - n{E

    [If the 8th lord is in Sustana- freedom from debt, promotion or gain of

    higher position and status, pleasant end to quarrels-fights-court cases,

    benefits from servants-cattle-milk-vehicles-followers etc results]

    9th lord in Sustanaj{j{j xvMM \SxiV Ehx{V M n uVnH**

    - n{E

    [If the 9th lord is in Dustana- luck from women-wife-children-rela-

    tives, happiness-wealth-luck-benefit from all directions, interest in spiri-

    tuality-good deeds-religious things-social work, respect from govern-

    ment and authorities, devotion to saints-sages-deities-god-divine litera-

    ture etc results]

    10th lord in Sustana

    iEv{ix x i r JVx S Ei |i E| k x zi E{in**

    - n{E

    [If the 10th lord is in Dustana- professional success, success in all

    deeds without obstruction, happy and successful life, fame-good deeds-

    respect and reward etc results]

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    11th lord in Sustana

    B i]xvM iVx S nx MnS i v{in**

    - n{E

    [If the 11th lord is in Sustana- well-being without obstructions, gain of

    wealth and happiness, success in every field, return or meetings with

    relatives, many servants-followers-helpers-well wishers, all kinds ofworldly success, rise of supreme luck etc results]

    12th lord in Sustana

    i i E i VVx+P Pxx G xi **

    - n{E

    [If the 12th lord is in Sustana- expense for good people and for good

    deeds, visit to devotional pilgrim places which can cause destruction of

    sins, conducting devotional rituals (such as yaga, homa etc), respect

    from government and authorities etc results]

    These are the general primary understanding and conclusions to be

    made in any horoscope when you first receive the horoscope itself.

    If some one is unable to convey at least this much general un-

    derstanding about the chart to the client, better not to say that he

    is even a student of astrology.

    Hope that this document would be helpful to the beginners who

    sincerely want to learn and apply practical astrology. s

    - 000 -