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  • 7/28/2019 BCCD


    BuildingConstructionCost Data 2012

    The 70th edition of this bestselling cost guide has

    been updated and expanded to provide you with the

    information you need to:




    Exploredetailedconstructioncosts,arrangedintheCSIMasterFormat2010system,andleveragetheresources available in the reference section to

    construct a winning estimate.

    What youll fnd inside:








    Catalog#60012 Price:$177.95

    Whats New for 2012?






    7 0 t h A N N U A L E D I T I O N

    C O S T D A T A F R O M T H E M O S T Q U O T E D N A M E I N C O N S T R U C T I O N

    RSMeansBuildingConstructionCost DataMore than 23,000 completely updated unit price lines


  • 7/28/2019 BCCD


    0010 TEST PITS

    0020 H and digging, light soil 1 Clab 4.50 1.778 C.Y. 62.50 62.50 96

    0 10 0 H ea vy s oi l 2.50 3.200 112 112 173

    0120 Loader-backhoe, light soil B-11M 28 .571 23.50 13 36.50 50

    0 13 0 H ea vy s oi l 2 0 .80 0 32 .5 0 18 .2 0 5 0. 70 69 .50

    1000 Subsurface exploration, mobilization Mile 6.25 7.85

    1010 Difficult access for rig, add Hr. 240 300

    1020 Auger borings, drill rig, incl. samples L.F. 23 28

    1030 Hand auger 29 36

    1050 Drill and sample every 5, split spoon 29 36

    1060 Extra samples Ea. 35 44

    02 41 Demolition02 41 13 Selective Site Demolition02 41 13.15 Hydrodemolition

    0010 HYDRODEMOLITION R024119-100015 Hydrodemolition, concrete pavement, 4000 PSI, 2 depth B-5 500 .112 S.F. 4.33 2.63 6.96 9.50

    0120 4 depth 450 .124 4.81 2.92 7.73 10.55

    0130 6 depth 400 .140 5.40 3.29 8.69 11.85

    0 41 0 6 00 0 P SI , 2 depth 410 .137 5.30 3.21 8.51 11.60

    0420 4 depth 350 .160 6.20 3.76 9.96 13.60

    0430 6 depth 300 .187 7.20 4.38 11.58 15.85

    0 51 0 8 00 0 P SI , 2 depth 330 .170 6.55 3.99 10.54 14.45

    0520 4 depth 280 .200 7.75 4.70 12.45 16.95

    0530 6 depth 240 .233 9 5.50 14.50 19.85

    02 41 13.17 Demolish, Remove Pavement and Curb

    0010 DEMOLISH, REMOVE PAVEMENT AND CURB R024119-105010 Pavement removal, bituminous roads, 3 thick B-38 690 .058 S.Y. 2.30 1.71 4.01 5.40

    5050 4 to 6 thick 420 .095 3.78 2.82 6.60 8.85

    5100 Bituminous driveways 640 .063 2.48 1.85 4.33 5.80

    5200 Concrete to 6 thick, hydraulic hammer, mesh reinforced 255 .157 6.25 4.64 10.89 14.60

    5300 Rod reinforced 200 .200 7.95 5.90 13.85 18.60

    5400 Concrete, 7 to 24 thick, plain 33 1.212 C.Y. 48 36 84 113

    5500 R einforced 24 1.667 66 49.50 115.50 155

    5600 With hand held air equipment, bituminous, to 6 thick B-39 1900 .025 S.F. .94 .11 1.05 1.55

    5 70 0 C on cr et e t o 6 thick, no reinforcing 1600 .030 1.11 .13 1.24 1.84

    5800 Mesh reinforced 1400 .034 1.27 .15 1.42 2.11

    5 90 0 R od r ei nfo rc ed 765 .063 2.32 .27 2.59 3.86

    6000 Curbs, concrete, plain B-6 360 .067 L.F. 2.55 .93 3.48 4.92

    6100 Reinforced 275 .087 3.34 1.21 4.55 6.45

    6200 Granite 360 .067 2.55 .93 3.48 4.92

    6 30 0 B it um in ou s 528 .045 1.74 .63 2.37 3.36

    02 41 13.33 Minor Site Demolition

    0010 MINOR SITE DEMOLITION R024119-10

    0015 No hauling, abandon catch basin or manhole B-6 7 3.429 Ea. 131 47.50 178.50 2540020 Remove existing catch basin or manhole, masonry 4 6 230 83.50 313.50 4 40

    0030 Catch basin or manhole frames and covers, stored 13 1.846 70.50 25.50 96 137

    0 04 0 R em ov e a nd r es et 7 3.429 131 47.50 178.50 254

    0100 R oadside delineators, remove only B-80 175 .183 6.90 3.82 10.72 14.75

    0 11 0 R em ov e a nd r es et 100 .320 12.10 6.70 18.80 26

    02 32 Geotechnical Investigations02 32 19 Exploratory Excavations

    02 32 19.10 Test Pits CrewDailyOutput

    Labor-Hours Unit Material

    2012 Bare CostsTotal

    TotalIncl O&PLabor Equipment

    How RSMeans DataWorks (continued)Sample EstimateThis sample demonstrates the elements o an estimate, including a tally o the RSMeans data lines, anda summary o the markups on a contractors work to arrive at a total cost to the owner. The RSMeansLocation Factor is added at the bottom o the estimate to adjust the cost o the work to a specifc location.

    This estimate is based on an interactive spreadsheet.A copy o this spreadsheet is located on the RSMeans website athttp://www.reedconstructiondata.com/rsmeans/extras/546011.You are ree to download it and adjust it to your methodology.

    Work Performed: The body o the estimate shows the RSMeansdata selected, including line number, a brie description o eachitem, its take-o unit and quantity, and the bare costs o materials,labor, and equipment. This estimate also includes a column titledSubContract. This data is taken rom the RSMeans column TotalIncl O&P, and represents the total that a subcontractor wouldcharge a general contractor or the work, including the subsmarkup or overhead and proft.

    Bonds: Bond costs should be added to the estimate. The fgureshere represent a typical per ormance bond, ensuring the ownerthat i the general contractor does not complete the obligations inthe construction contract the bonding company will pay the cost orcompletion o the work.

    Location Adjustment: RSMeans published data is based onnational average costs. I necessary, adjust the total cost o theproject using a location actor rom the Location Factor table orthe City Cost Index table. Use location actors i the workis general, covering multiple trades. I the work is by a singletrade (e.g., masonry) use the more specifc data ound in theCity Cost Indexes.

    General Requirements: This item covers project-wide needsprovided by the general contractor. These items vary by project,but may include temporary acilities and utilities, security, testing,project cleanup, etc. For small projects a percentage can be used,typically between 5% and 15% o project cost. For large projectsthe costs may be itemized and priced individually.

    Project Name: Pre-Engineered Steel Building Architect: As Shown

    Location: Anywhere, USA

    Line Number Description Qty Unit Material

    03 30 53.40 3950 Strip footing, 12" x 36" 33.33 C.Y. $4,699.53

    03 30 53.40 3940 Strip footing, 12" x24" 14.8 C.Y. $2,175.60

    03 31 05.35 0300 Concrete ready mix, 4000 psi, for slab 185.2 C.Y. $19,631.20

    03 31 05.70 4300 Placing concrete, slab on grade 185.2 C.Y. $0.00

    03 11 13.65 3000 Concrete forms 500 L.F. $190.00

    03 22 05.50 0200 WWF 150 C.S.F. $3,975.00

    03 39 23.13 0300 Curing 150 C.S.F. $787.50

    03 35 29.30 0250 Concrete finishing 15000 S.F. $0.00

    03 35 29.35 0160 Control joints 650 L.F. $84.50

    Division 03 Subtotal $31,543.33

    08 33 23.10 0100 10' x 10' OH Door 8 Ea. $14,000.00

    08 33 23.10 3300 Add for enamel finish 800 S.F. $1,216.00

    Division 8 Subtotal $15,216.00

    13 34 19.50 1000 Pre-Engineered Steel Building 15,000 SF Flr.

    13 34 19.50 6050 Framing for doors, 3' x 7' 4 Opng. $0.00

    13 34 19.50 6100 Framing for doors, 10' x 10' 8 Opng. $0.00

    13 34 19.50 6200 Framing for windows, 3' x 4' 6 Opng. $0.00

    13 34 19.50 5750 PESB doors 4 Opng. $1,740.00

    13 34 19.50 7750 PESB windows 6 Opng. $2,100.00

    13 34 19.50 6550 Gutters 380 L.F. $2,679.00

    13 34 19.50 8650 Roof vent 15 Ea. $382.50

    13 34 19.50 6900 Insulat ion 25,000 S.F. $12,750.00

    Division 13 Subtotal $19,651.50

    Estimate Subtotal $66,410.83

    Gen. Requirements 4,648.76

    Sales Tax 3,320.54

    Subtotal 74,380.13

    GC O & P 7,438.01

    Subtotal 81,818.14

    Contingency @5%


    Bond $12/1000 +10% O&P


    Location Adjustment Factor

    Grand Total

    Building Construction Cost Data 2012

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