BbfisWinter t Sff95V- U1 rlt r - Chronicling America

ct 1- Ii L IIi f hj i r iIi1 J H = aBBiBr gaag gaawi t > u y y- T > w wr < i rr 7 trJ e- L tdI1 < i f yY i f > i Z l J f r ih t51T 7 o V V f EN WORLDD4 Y DECEMBER 1907 t1di1dr A c H E E V ING j j r OUR BOYS H- OF < FLED PESTHOUSE I f ARE STILL FRE- EJ tgfj Suffering From Diphtheria n- iB Malignant Form They Es- cape t in Their Rajamas fu > MAD FI1NDSOUTS1D- Ex j x i i Quartet Were Froi House of t M r tfef Uge Where Disease MJ4t Y I Has BeenRaging i i It Ttouchithe police iave Ktarched tf nUr city1 no true had ben rty todmj of sour toy f < jattent who CBpd 6y lettltur them fflfif eheL down from a window with rop made ot b eaoti from the Wli m iizd Parker Hospital for Contarfoui- Bt teaet th foot of ait SlxttmttJ- UMt W It U btler Nl thy wr Intb- Trl conf a ratef and eur1edanlu th- rlvtr ID A boat Tbhadbeenit nt i + to tha tO ptii from the Hous of- IUfu d t < on Randall Iiltnd whir tt i tbiTsre rWtir 8 Tb pi1iefA4Dg run away are J HajnUton Whlf tjrhteen of Jfo U- SWxl OB Hundred and Tw ntyipsrtht- reet 1 TVnlUnj < n n lv niqt It- fi Flu hlnt XKto Sohtnall tOUrtnotJ I No 1271 1Jrookityu the Bronx and WDHam Button iUtftn of N wbunf- Thj i wear ot th1a4iwa clerjir and f < fitriiTh8TWjAOfilrthoUlrtItJla J i ivsaut furnlihed to patient In thoa- pltal and Ui1i their friendx brit tJi timm wirjotbei mutt IhaviitUt g feird terercly from th cold i Their con li nlhAid becn rtout na thedjltromwhlcbtbeyutreridd- eVl p id1U a malignant form The id i dootori Bar they took their llyei in their J c hand irtiisn thry ventured out In tlif nl1t TV u1 < tOt IxyJlKW y t riUy the lad qulotly opcneil a window In the hospital latIIlto thcJtNUild A current pf air wecDlrte tliroaish the hospital cailiett tU ntirow to lnvetl Cite iindnndth l ouartet cflno The police wtr caitfl Rnd tht t rvf- tliroB J thrlnnn about nwirby bloptcv without nndtneii Irfrc j Botne other boyi II rrtlctiM ulth dtptt thriAil the Jo hat had eli nic for escape lant ijfeht VUt the ruarda- trtrt al rrL l4UJ jtxrflcemfn r eit bY Ciot IfcDermatt suard J th roiind- whU another tbrouich ih f baltn- ot the loiplti 7l wa riVMid by the r capcnf 1Ji boyathat dlphtbert > tti rftfti- amonc tlx hundred lads In Use flduie of tlttuxt If brcan tt wek- kgvwttyWioC ajro th prlMtt- nt rsfr4 < to tJioIPIILI for IfoUtien And ireU i it und tim et lat nlc1n el1ick on IslAhd Of dill il twe all havfl U n tnt 1 L th- Jliueo Hrfuso fc ccfiit t t- PLEDoECFdttH QfES- Vlieh tlwBlevnth A mbIr Pl- Ilej Icf > ublcuin orjronlraUcn of Uniocln- roit 1 al nlpht to drjimt tOt the coin Ins ypor tVefnbilnW KWaM It rnawi4l pKifcntcd i rewlutlon In dorilns llJtI eAt rtthn t and pjfdirlnif t MV orgnulUtonii 11111 hrrelnlutjon was car- ried port tohlra I fcy lI w to oLrss to L- ParkTilfOd f i r aw i 4 HOLIDAY WINES Among the Winesof choic ¬ f estVmtagenndthcgre t vaetyosimpk delightfully- Pure Winessbld in all Park Tilford totcSyo can elect ilyfgreachindi- Y I uatgifLOr or yeryag W all i occasions 7fhenwe also have the aromatic fragrant Liqueurs 10 appreciable 1o i many pricesi for lI these H favorably economical Catalogue Will tieimaDe <l promptly j < < i J 1 I STEIGERWALD PACKING CO l e- f i WCArc1LOokIng1Or Your Sunday Dinner Order The wUe housekeeper studIes cosniyi1ntimes like this Order your iii W Sunday Dinner from lUt ki Every Is of highest quality o fresh nnd tender Notice the prices Wcsavoyou J from 15 to 20- oo 11 II purchases j = Island Fowl frrrm 15C per Ib tr Large Sirloin and Porterhouse Steaks 15c per Ib A Lags o f Canada Mutton 12G per IbJ Legs ci Spring Lamp T4c per Ib t Pine Young Ducks 1 8c psr Ib Large Freh Killed Rabbits t 40c per pr y Choice Cuts Prime Rib 1 Roast Beef 14p perTh t Roast Beef Boned and Rolled lOc and 12C per Ib- t4- iI < Special Prices to Large Consumers 223 FIRST Ave Beuutntcuthju i Orohara PHONE 1 20DEADTiAKEWFiHlMMINE I SEARCH HALTS FOR TIME i l Number Missing in Monongah Ex- plpsJon l Total 338bul Deith- LfstPrW3btYGtttler MOXOXQAH Vf VILD C 11 Stat M1n Inittr lml it tlri1113f is mnklnc a thoriWRh examination ol Mine otllrllnlrl Iit tottv tnt- il Mr IBufconcluiWW1 Invalidation all otlwr ork at the mtrn tim biui tipnie4x- poration were wNIl nIgti I at whl lt time ft l IMQr HHs ha4- brii lt1pttd p rPMtIJ O- fUit I h- iMIM irt1MJ tIkn b > qk pmt11Y- 1I KB men ar mJUig- n Wftii PII It UtirKnvpil bjr th P ofJlrJMs ttint thiitgurii constitute thft- iKMuil tlmbr of nilnrrs Jellied in lid- illtlim Ijnvver tbre nr > a number of I eimwtors nnd men hlrpd by ttt a- fnnimctara tioltevtti tomv jbsen In tfctrrrtlucji whrn the cxntastwt bccurr- i 1 tl wKI ti veral dajr bftfor tho ut- lie n alh ttwiii t knwpn Coroner K JkBio announce inday that the- iruftat iTOuld bcKln TuciUy Many ex i IIcrlIIFs1lettUnlon > anil the In tllanIf Jnot a week k c > < jfranhtin Simon do J- S > Fifth Avenue 3 37th38th Sts > t < < Ji r fd > < r i < GREAfLYREDUcED PRICES SATURDAY ig i i rt > r Overcoats F 2 f0Effr- i > 4 t BbfisWinter iStYllst1witerO 1coIJ1s S ShiartWinter Overcoats i inirortej wool lined r 3 to Iff- y of illwhol drrthsft0ot llnsdj 5 to 1 9 75 > 2ft Heretofore 575 to < l2jo U1 3r Hcrrtofore it250 to flUSi Imported Chinchilla Ovprcpatst- o dustol1itulloredOVercoaf < griy Mayy eorrt J 850 Of imported iiHtjrizlS 9 to 20 tin IlL L 75 3 to 10 yeirs heretofore Jiz50 Heretofore l6lto t9 7- vs r j < < JBo Salts With Extra Knickerbockers r sr > Of all woo clothe with silk wear gilaranteed Norfolk and OoubleBreasted Suits Custom Tailored Norfelfc Suits plain colon and nitxluresj extra knlck s 7 j Imported cloths extri knlckerboskerin n 7i5 erbockersj 8 to 17 years Heretofore 975 O iU S to 17 years lUrfibforelliSO to > i37i3- lMisses S a U i and Girls Dresses Girls Wool Dresses = Misses Wool Dresses i Imported nutcrials L 6 to14ein ImrorteJ r 5IHt 20 yeari ifiS- i po- J < SJj to 125o 500 Heretofore 350 to 534JO l Misses and Girls Goats < Rich Caracul Cloth Coats Misses Fur LlnedCoats fullJenitfhmo4doffrrrporttdbllCk Imported Broadcloth shawl collu of- grty cincul 16IO4iyn squirrel river mink lining- S i tiIvJ 5 Heretofore MJO litJUUN- nvy n to 13 yeirs Heretofore 5J45O- Drejwy j i Jucc Jnchlllac Coats BroadclothiC6at- In length mo Imported Chin lndukJOit IhhtshJdesrs1tlnHI1td chllli wool H d4to 12 years i 975 wool Interlined 4 to id years < ilSOO Heretofore JH50 i Heretofore J2950 v u > i Misses Dressy Tailored Broadcloth Suits i REDUCED TO 2sOO HERETOFORH 49JO f v Z- i i- J f < q I Womens Fur and Fur Lined i Goats Womens Pony Skin Coats Squirrel Fur LlneclConts 1 26lnclf model of wellnutched fflne broidcloth Hick ami OI9r m7 skins sh wl collar and cuffs J5l 1 collar of sibleJ or natural 5qulrrdi i4e50 Heretofore flSOO J Heretofore J3950 Special Sale Women Lace Waists Net and Lace Waists ii High Class Lace W aisis- of of ecru net trimmed with embroidery 1rio ulms and embroidered nets nd filet lice over Chmi Silk combined with other laces T 450He- retofort 975He- rdofore S3a iS7S- r J i H il == 7tT j r- 7rForced T Sale ol Entire i Stocki- t p MENSandSUJTS and OVERCOATSW- alk e Into Any of Our Sgores Select the ClothesYou Want and Pay IL Us 7 cents on the DOllar F11ifadthatourprlcesarere ularlYone4hlrdloW r than the I I Jpw fyr6sohof our greit nnntifiltirint lIy1D g s makes this2S7ci Oil tctulHya5da- Ymg j i I 1MlL1NTC Suits and i Heres Why25 011 BOYS CLOTHING Overcoats At Walker Strct flTId Lirookiyn Store3 Only Suit rL 2 222o- rOvercoat I 575 F d- i > e495 Suit o- r115O 1 71 n IS Suit Qg Overcoati S V or Overcoat Suits or- l S n WELOSE 47 Overcoats 1 ril3 5Qs T 1013 TillS HALF orOvercoat i u Overcoats j 1500 Suit 1 U aU n tfO gs U sOr 21LJ I t or Overcoat I Overcoats I 0- S1313 OELEVCOS1UT fl 12 i9SS1it90r 9 72 i d Qycrcoats- K50J 20 0O Suit Si oo MEl rS FURNISHINGS- er 4 iI IrtI 1r en iii I i3T ii IT- L w r ui Ctrr I h AtI Lea titan 25 T III I CTt TIn P jj JfEJcr i I I > Suit Si ig r SHIRTS Imported 5- d t bri Overcoat l IP1 RC2Hort5U sCiU alt itc7tti BATH ROBES lcuttsCluell Ma ii or flu Hnest fnncV c t 2500 Suit 1 c oat 111118 00- or bllln kcLcWlII cwouldmnke II Overcoat 1 J Ij I oilier 1 ir- tCOMBINATION 295 good makes < r 30i00 Suit 1 GnONES1 yercoat- pfi SET O lirante U 5 Value lK i lil 1 r l 1 3a0 lJIDCItI ClAn CWtlliln Se 400 p Im1 Alm lJd npe OOi 1IR ft OltwolIbaud I J I Oyercoatj pclal 1ft tioxf L 1 conipletofor s ji- W Here stJle Stile Iezis tJ and a VIi SIiowIn how Muchol- Our Salker Street Stur Building < Ve Lose r f i ef Lr itJil if U S t ii- 1 ALJAT 411 ny n 011 rI p IIC CHRTultJ11I If I t 1457Broadway j W25 lprls reejt ll439 BrOadWay 3 80 SFtiitpi iSlreetH- iarWthi t ur 2d Sireet 111 Jllink5Eat Streei Cornet Smllh Simt NEW YORK i NHW YORK NIW YORK ROOKLYN L j- iWi 1f J I1 L r I Leadiof Saccialty House n 7 1 j1 i d 1- 1n Store Bulletin IloSttNbllirnetialhl 1 lti nowadays for mcni 1IkcIL- Eullr no rot tholil store RGB Broiulwrxy IB dc1 vote t jto men1 furrjJililnK Finest In the city now a eeo t notour new atore i p A wotunn carries value in- W tycNtetter than a man and she buys boiler i Rich Xinaa gifts and x- ccpflonsd novrlie for men J at the bcnslblc moderate j pcR1 women prefer to raY John ForsythjB I i T t- d SuggestionsF- or gifts rlt puctlcit sensible and ipprbpriate lt1I can btiy Jar I very moitest sum 1llhe jfsl lirou ft EeothtiiK Is good Special Holiday Prices IMPORTED LEATHER GOODS AltnrliITmporte with ute touchtt of jurop < n THAVELUNO lASKSu 225 I Aloo < 031 UOOa i 4 up ItAI1 ISO 8KTS 750- Jlff oL I I AND BnriMTO EItT2 L50 cAl S4 75 TSO an d up MKMO rfhTSll booltK 4251 Aloo 5O KSrt IIOW and up SKWISTI iiASKirra 7 I j A3si no12o lSOOaup S U- JIVKLIIY CASES 3 Abo 320 ooomoollt up 751 V rlou otfur thIiiMIIItrr I tnd lloie 4 Tollrt IJai Auto Flnk i Ac 0 at rorrcsiHinllntlj low prlCtt GIFTS FOR MEN Gloves In our Mon Portion atlr floor ot our old fM nro dw r uMujy- ni nr thIn plorDctblit tbe r appr clalc and ill brand ow- rOKSYTHiE WALKING tJIJVK All dlotrfI SIoSOj iluCOO Jt Wt S IJv j 200 Aim W J W50 and MS- Onnras OIOVES r 2i 00 Mio roIOOl1d WM- onivixn i ILOVKS IhSu AIM I2W KW 1300 aad up VOOh 1LOVE5 I- OKNUINK 50 Imported < ANOORA GLOVES WO- DNU1KG coos OLOVESt 450 i HANDKERCHIEFS KxcluilTO norrltlm from FranCf and Inlind Knneh lyle Irt h Linen AH Silk Silk 5nil Linen lt l Baadanuftc PLAIN HEMSTITCHED 25C Uo 75 a nd JIOO JfSM r INITIALLED 5QC AUo 74 and up > 1UU lIUci LINEN m I KAND 11 1 SOC Uoo dUO NEGKWEAR Ttpncb ana Cnxltih NortKln Inti ib > quAro and fourlnbsnil TRKNCJI KOUHINHAND- SttM Sbc Al and I1W- AUo U IIS K 11 > 11 CLn 1I 5 2 00 S3 SO ad J3UO- rOLUEO KOIKI MANDS rLJSO i Alto liW nod KSO- KVITTHl MorOlt SCARFS All our iUki i3Ui- A 1I1IL111- LzicIh llk- Al 0 0 o lraprlrd noTfItl lii Hon I Holxv Hath nob11 Silk HaW How Srarf Pins Cuft Llnkj Umbrelbu 111JlnltlcluIcct modoraUprlert GIFTS FOR WOMEN Gloves For Strrft Drn Rldlnx Drlrlnn and Rdiimtl Wrar In OIACeSue4 Jtunt lii Silk Wool OJi Ao YItiYrll1 AS A L KING GLOVES All i dr ftD Pl OU- PUIUI hnwv CLovna Alu KW and IJrA 1 OU- ELllOW LKXGTH mack White and colors OOU EIGHT nUTTOV HUrrlunoS- IXTKKN nlnl Q BUTTON Black Whlto and Tin 4OlfM- OUSOURTAIRI GLOVES i 2lO button i Our trad nrk on a ilove lib solute tcurlly HANDKERCHIEFS The most attractlr J kind and for e erri tlon Initialled Embroidered trlintmHl IDU M all over Embroidered etc 1 FINK HllSll LINEN Hand ic embroidered Initial C- AhoOO 7S and 1100 < HAM KMIIHOIDKKKI NKIIP SOc Al0 76 IIIOndol1- 60lUAIIIIUjIIH E UE D gixt4 12 5 AIIIOS200 ano ln tCllslmA ANDSLINEN- Si In oxU50 All cclo i 2S Ci and color drultn- iNECKWEAR iMoit > x qulilta aodLdalnlT atloa- ToVe aol Cuff SrIJR1LiicNore- ltleFrencbldnetc 1I00VSOFI ILK LACE AND LINGERIE i i iC Able 71 Qn4fIOO- LlNIrCOliVAli8iirmbroold f iSOC Ire < 1 TURNOVERS 25c AIolIandl3 COLLAR uCIfPSITIi hOO HSUana V- JAIT 11 11 French NoTIU a- Tbli 00 AlOiL10 n4 I200 rtrV lcWrtlng ana com- plete ¬ 4ifi FURS e < f SeU and teporaUaplecci Right fur at right prlCM at rouUI sea 8QU1RRBL- 11LACK 4cAltF- vt j 5 Ow iatch if7 1050f- I > 11000 ITXSCARI- Al 2800 and IJSOO iIO OOi MUFFS rODI lXTCH AIoIoo IWOOiaod li3Ool5UUM- INK ii Tea BCARFH MUFJSfTO ann MATCH fi > Alw Chinchilla lErplIMd1 idiOzl Sable Haum 4n Ponlan imli and rotbt r iK > rlklnat corns pondlniljr low figure SUITS AND COATS Best Values of the Season oj riiRU1r iI jjle hr1C2 Prlc MW nil IM 00 SO I H UIICiJJ 60 T lUltuUf < Prce i 4 I 6 1S 0 ImtLSllTlt8n 100 l Prlco- WOM13NSJ 3 S COATS Regular IrlCe > WM- HIKHFS Ir 1 SO COATS Resnlsr Prlct li3S0 lIZ0 iJlItIH COATS RoKUlar Prlfa- JU7S 8SO f i LllV i i l All arc lallorninilc ruruic ni Iii- dAIIelrlu LI jeplcndlillr nilnplid to a rarloty ot tiic thlAonwtlklnr 1lr K IIH5lnc5 etc John Forsytha Bwayi Jiith t- t JI iF1J c t i Womens i j DepT 8 J m f Broadway at Thirteenth Street I Radical Clearance Lal- eGiF1S I t i Coats I Tremendous Reductions Full length chcvot coats mannish 95 f Cl1tJlllCdtl1OUhO11 nlsor efcrl S3 Jengths prettily trmmed pr fancy mixtures Sires 6tql11 Yn e7SO v Furry mitatibh bearskin full length 1 coats jAll colors Sues 3 to 12lMnn i rush flannel lined of warm cams l cloth Sizes 6 to 16 t Sff95V- que luilllenitth tlieviot cents stormhcollnf r bra d trimmed All colors 6 toHt Fancy mixture coats lull length vel S12 Vet and braid trlmm dSizeS8to14 v Interlined jancy trimmed tovclty coats for little g rlsf 3toB Mannish coats of fancy mixtures lion 1- ncfcrVeneinl1Hn f rigs i Ho 1 Kersey coats full length velvet or j 5n plain collars Brard trimmed cheviot coatsr storm 1 colbr in solid colors j Vaue ss j Full length flannel lined coats velvet i coUarsSIzes6to 16 J t Tailored Junior Sii tSJ j For Girls Misses ffSrila1t Wpmen Prince Chap model velvet colla- rcoatsath1incd I and interlined full 50 ajde plaited skirt with fold The 11 2 materials arenovelty mixtures in r stripes invisible checks and plain Value 19 75 color broadcloths Sizes 12 to 16 A large variety of girls dr SACS Sizes 8 to 14 olIlues850TocloJeout395 NEW PLJDLICATION8 NEW PUBLIC- ATIONSMoreAbout iJ r f fl J d The RoOsevelt Bears u TEDDYB and TEDDYO S Mr Seymour Eatons l- I lt- NEW f EDiDT BEA- RBOOKm ll t t r- il f The biggest success of all childrens > books Cleans wholesome fun Iotat6f exciting mischief and adventure arid I picture on everyp ijmany In colohu- j Be iure to ask for Mr Eatons Teddy Beirl There ao mary cheap imlutiona on the r markeL i I i Iii J It- a 1 4- I I r < oVi 1d- I yJld t 186 pages offunny Picto r 8bYR K Culver sixteen of iL- them in colors Size of book 83 x 11 inches List Price 150i- 8entprcpaldtoiany addrcs3on1receiptofi price by EDWARD STERN Cr CO h Inc i PUBLISHERS > PHILADELPHIA J f Kuruiv b > Juhu UaJUuuiiXjr K A O ihwar Ufsl t rho4r K tchullc Ju A lfarn Aon Co Crawford Co Jli J Iloth Jno lXnl llBonii On fcdw V Hrokiw A pro Ilr nUin < llf Foraalin1Jroo I n PrKl rlck Ixxior A Co AtJ MalUitwi Soil tram nn r < J L i 1 Let1T H- r lifke the Iliorse World V Vaiit- V Ads J 1r1an 011 hiS I 1 hI buyell1 rent Let iHicinl tel ycljJ- J Ibdayip- ier1 iit cmh iiisertiph nnd nr n r ti itc iiiX1ii T1 > i I i ii ffihl1 << iiH j j J J1i oi0 tii1Ji ti 1i Wi Jiiit5 m w W5Ji1ii y f Mjym jiAAjr 1iI f jii- J 4 ii t t i

Transcript of BbfisWinter t Sff95V- U1 rlt r - Chronicling America

Page 1: BbfisWinter t Sff95V- U1 rlt r - Chronicling America


IiL IIi f hj i r iIi1 J H

=aBBiBrgaag gaawi t > u y y-

T> wwr




trJ e-


< i f yY i

f > i Z l J f r ih t51T 7


V V f EN WORLDD4 Y DECEMBER 1907t1di1dr A c H E E V ING j






tgfj Suffering From Diphtheria n-

iBMalignant Form They Es-


in Their Rajamas


Exj x


i Quartet Were Froi House oft

M r tfefUge Where Disease


Has BeenRaging ii

It Ttouchithe police iave Ktarched tfnUr city1 no true had benrty todmj of sour toy

f < jattent who CBpd 6y lettltur them

fflfif eheL down from a window withrop made ot beaoti from the Wli

m iizd Parker Hospital for Contarfoui-Btteaet th foot of ait SlxttmttJ-

UMtW It U btler Nl thy wr Intb-

Trlconf a ratef and eur1edanlu th-

rlvtr ID A boat Tbhadbeenit nt

i + to tha tO ptii from the Hous of-

IUfud t < on Randall Iiltnd whirtt itbiTsre rWtir8 Tb pi1iefA4Dg run away are

J HajnUton Whlf tjrhteen of Jfo U-SWxl OB Hundred and Tw ntyipsrtht-reet1 TVnlUnj < n n lv niqt

It-fi Flu hlnt XKto Sohtnall tOUrtnotJI No 1271 1Jrookityu the Bronx and

WDHam Button iUtftn of N wbunf-Thji wear ot th1a4iwa clerjir andf< fitriiTh8TWjAOfilrthoUlrtItJla

J i ivsaut furnlihed to patient In thoa-pltal and Ui1i their friendx brittJi timm wirjotbei mutt IhaviitUt

g feird terercly from th coldi Their con li nlhAid becn rtout na

thedjltromwhlcbtbeyutreridd-eVl p id1U a malignant form The

id i dootori Bar they took their llyei in their


hand irtiisn thry ventured out In tlifnl1t TVu1 < tOt IxyJlKW y t riUy

the lad qulotly opcneil a window In

the hospitallatIIlto thcJtNUildA current pf air wecDlrte tliroaish the

hospital cailiett tU ntirow to lnvetlCite iindnndth l ouartet cflno Thepolice wtr caitfl Rnd tht t rvf-


thrlnnn about nwirby bloptcvwithout nndtneii Irfrc j

Botne other boyi II rrtlctiM ulth dtpttthriAil the Jo hat had eli nicfor escape lant ijfeht VUt the ruarda-trtrt al rrL l4UJjtxrflcemfn r eit bY

Ciot IfcDermatt suard J th roiind-

whU another tbrouich ih f baltn-

ot the loiplti7l wa riVMid by the r capcnf 1Ji

boyathat dlphtbert > tti rftfti-amonc tlx hundred lads In Use

flduie of tlttuxt If brcan tt wek-kgvwttyWioCajro th prlMtt-


< to tJioIPIILI for IfoUtien And

ireU i it und tim et lat nlc1nel1ick on IslAhd Of dill il

twe all havfl U n tnt 1 L th-

Jliueo Hrfuso fc ccfiit t t-

PLEDoECFdttH QfES-Vlieh tlwBlevnth A mbIr Pl-


>ublcuin orjronlraUcn of Uniocln-roit 1 al nlpht to drjimt tOt the coinIns ypor tVefnbilnW KWaM It

rnawi4l pKifcntcd i rewlutlon Indorilns llJtI eAt rtthn tand pjfdirlnif t MV orgnulUtonii 11111

hrrelnlutjon was car-riedport tohlra I

fcy lI w to oLrss to L-

ParkTilfOdf i

r aw i 4

HOLIDAY WINESAmong the Winesof choic¬


estVmtagenndthcgre t

vaetyosimpk delightfully-

Pure Winessbld in all ParkTilford totcSyo can

elect ilyfgreachindi-YI uatgifLOr or yeryag W

all i occasions7fhenwe also have the

aromatic fragrant Liqueurs10 appreciable 1o i many

pricesi for lI theseH

favorably economicalCatalogue Will tieimaDe<l promptly


<< iJ 1


f i WCArc1LOokIng1Or Your Sunday Dinner OrderThe wUe housekeeper studIes cosniyi1ntimes like this Order your

iii W Sunday Dinner from lUt ki Every Is of highest qualityo fresh nnd tender Notice the prices Wcsavoyou J from 15 to 20-

oo11 II purchasesj =

Island Fowl frrrm 15C per Ibtr Large Sirloin and Porterhouse Steaks 15c per Ib

A Lags of Canada Mutton 12G per IbJLegs ci Spring Lamp T4c per Ibt Pine Young Ducks 1 8c psr IbLarge Freh Killed Rabbits t 40c per pr

y Choice Cuts Prime Rib 1 Roast Beef 14p perTh

t Roast Beef Boned and Rolled lOc and 12C per Ib-t4-



Special Prices to Large Consumers

223 FIRST Ave Beuutntcuthju i OroharaPHONE




lNumber Missing in Monongah Ex-

plpsJonl Total 338bul Deith-

LfstPrW3btYGtttlerMOXOXQAH Vf VILD C 11 Stat

M1n Inittr lml it tlri1113f

is mnklnc a thoriWRh examination ol

Mine otllrllnlrl Iit tottv tnt-

il Mr IBufconcluiWW1 Invalidationall otlwr ork at the mtrn tim biui

tipnie4x-poration were wNIl nIgti I

at whl lt time ft l IMQr HHs ha4-

brii lt1pttd p rPMtIJ O-


I h-

iMIM irt1MJ tIkn b > qk pmt11Y-1I KB men ar mJUig-


WftiiPII It UtirKnvpil bjr th P

ofJlrJMs ttint thiitgurii constitute thft-iKMuil tlmbr of nilnrrs Jellied in lid-

illtlim Ijnvver tbre nr > a number ofI eimwtors nnd men hlrpd by ttt a-

fnnimctara tioltevtti tomv jbsen Intfctrrrtlucji whrn the cxntastwt bccurr-



tl wKI ti veral dajr bftfor tho ut-lien alh ttwiii t knwpn Coroner

K JkBio announce inday that the-

iruftat iTOuld bcKln TuciUy Many exi IIcrlIIFs1lettUnlon > anil the In

tllanIf Jnot a week

k c

> <

jfranhtin Simon doJ-

S > Fifth Avenue 3 37th38th Sts >

t << Ji r fd > <


ig i i rt>

r OvercoatsF

2 f0Effr-i

> 4

t BbfisWinteriStYllst1witerO 1coIJ1s S ShiartWinter Overcoats i

inirortej wool lined r 3 to Iff-

yof illwhol drrthsft0ot llnsdj 5 to 1 9 75

> 2ft Heretofore 575 to < l2jo U1 3r Hcrrtofore it250 to flUSiImported Chinchilla Ovprcpatst-

odustol1itulloredOVercoaf <

griy Mayy eorrt J 850 Of imported iiHtjrizlS 9 to 20 tin IlL L 753 to 10 yeirs heretofore Jiz50 Heretofore l6lto t9 7-



< JBo Salts With Extra Knickerbockers rsr > Of all woo clothe with silk wear gilaranteed

Norfolk and OoubleBreasted Suits Custom Tailored Norfelfc Suitsplain colon and nitxluresj extra knlck s 7 j Imported cloths extri knlckerboskerin n 7i5erbockersj 8 to 17 years Heretofore 975 O iU S to 17 years lUrfibforelliSO to >i37i3-



a U

i and Girls DressesGirls Wool Dresses = Misses Wool Dresses i

Imported nutcrials L 6 to14ein ImrorteJ r 5IHt 20 yeari ifiS-i


J< SJj to 125o 500 Heretofore 350 to 534JO l

Misses and Girls Goats <

Rich Caracul Cloth Coats Misses Fur LlnedCoatsfullJenitfhmo4doffrrrporttdbllCk Imported Broadcloth shawl collu of-

grtycincul 16IO4iyn squirrel river mink lining-S

i tiIvJ 5Heretofore MJO litJUUN-nvy n to 13 yeirs Heretofore 5J45O-


i Jucc Jnchlllac Coats BroadclothiC6at-In length mo Imported Chin lndukJOit IhhtshJdesrs1tlnHI1tdchllli wool H d4to 12 years i975 wool Interlined 4 to id years < ilSOOHeretofore JH50 i Heretofore J2950 v



Misses Dressy Tailored Broadcloth Suitsi





<qI Womens Fur and Fur Lined iGoats

Womens Pony Skin Coats Squirrel Fur LlneclConts 1

26lnclf model of wellnutched fflne broidcloth Hick ami OI9r m7skins sh wl collar and cuffs J5l 1 collar of sibleJ or natural 5qulrrdi i4e50Heretofore flSOO J Heretofore J3950

Special Sale Women Lace WaistsNet and Lace Waists ii High Class Lace W aisis-

ofof ecru net trimmed with embroidery 1rio ulms and embroidered netsnd filet lice over Chmi Silk combined with other laces

T 450He-retofort

975He-rdoforeS3a iS7S-






j r-


Sale ol Entire iStocki-t p MENSandSUJTS and OVERCOATSW-


Into Any of Our Sgores Select the ClothesYou Want and PayIL Us 7 cents on the DOllar F11ifadthatourprlcesarere ularlYone4hlrdloW r than the

I I Jpw fyr6sohof our greit nnntifiltirint lIy1D g s makes this2S7ci Oil tctulHya5da-Ymg



1MlL1NTC Suits andiHeres Why25 011 BOYS CLOTHING

Overcoats At Walker Strct flTId Lirookiyn Store3 Only

Suit rL 2 222o-

rOvercoatI 575 F d-

i> e495 Suit o-

r115O1 71n ISSuit Qg Overcoati

S Vor Overcoat Suits or-

lSn WELOSE 47 Overcoats 1

ril35Qs T

1013 TillS HALForOvercoati u Overcoatsj 1500 Suit 1

U aUn

tfO gs U sOr 21LJI

t or Overcoat I Overcoats I 0-

S1313 OELEVCOS1UT fl 12 i9SS1it90r 9 72i

d Qycrcoats-


20 0O Suit Si oo MEl rS FURNISHINGS-er 4 iI IrtI 1r e n iii I i3T ii IT-

L w r ui Ctrr I h AtI Lea titan 25T IIII CTt TIn P jj JfEJcr i



> Suit Si ig r SHIRTS Imported 5-



briOvercoat lIP1 RC2Hort5U

sCiU alt itc7tti BATH ROBESlcuttsCluell Ma ii or flu Hnest fnncV

c t 2500 Suit 1 coat 111118 00-or

bllln kcLcWlIIcwouldmnke II

Overcoat 1 J IjI oilier 1 ir-


295good makes < r

30i00 Suit 1 GnONES1yercoat-


SET O lirante U 5 ValuelK i lil1 r l 1

3a0 lJIDCItI ClAnCWtlliln Se400 p Im1 Alm lJd npe OOi

1IR ft OltwolIbaud I JI Oyercoatj pclal 1ft tioxf


1 conipletofor s ji-

W Here stJle Stile Iezis tJ and a VIi SIiowIn how Muchol-Our Salker Street Stur Building < Ve Lose


ief Lr itJilif U S t


1 ALJAT 411 ny n 011 rI p IIC CHRTultJ11I If I t1457Broadway j W25 lprls reejt ll439 BrOadWay 3 80 SFtiitpi iSlreetH-iarWthit ur 2d Sireet 111 Jllink5Eat Streei Cornet Smllh Simt




J I1



Leadiof Saccialty House n7




d 1-

1nStore BulletinIloSttNbllirnetialhl 1 lti

nowadays for mcni1IkcIL-

Eullr no rot tholilstore RGB Broiulwrxy IB dc1vote t jto men1 furrjJililnKFinest In the city now a eeot notour new atore i

p A wotunn carries value in-

W tycNtetter than a manand she buys boiler i

Rich Xinaa gifts and x-

ccpflonsd novrlie for menJ at the bcnslblc moderate

j pcR1 women prefer to raY

John ForsythjB



T t-


or gifts rlt puctlcit sensible

and ipprbpriate lt1I can btiy JarI very moitest sum 1llhe jfsllirou ft EeothtiiK Is good


AltnrliITmporte with utetouchtt of jurop < n

THAVELUNO lASKSu 225I Aloo < 031 UOOa i 4 up

ItAI1 ISO 8KTS 750-Jlff oL I

I AND BnriMTO EItT2 L50cAl S4 75 TSO an d up

MKMO rfhTSll booltK 4251Aloo 5O KSrt IIOW and upSKWISTI iiASKirra 7 I

jA3si no12o lSOOaup S U-

JIVKLIIY CASES 3Abo 320 ooomoollt up 751V rlou otfur thIiiMIIItrr I

tnd lloie 4 Tollrt IJai Auto Flnk i

Ac 0 at rorrcsiHinllntlj low prlCtt


In our Mon Portion atlr floor otour old fM nro dw r uMujy-ni nr thIn plorDctblit tbe r apprclalc and ill brand ow-rOKSYTHiE WALKING

tJIJVK All dlotrfI SIoSOjiluCOO

Jt Wt S IJv j 200Aim W J W50 and MS-Onnras OIOVES r 2i00

Mio roIOOl1d WM-onivixn


ILOVKS IhSuAIM I2W KW 1300 aad up



50Imported <


DNU1KG coos OLOVESt 450 i

HANDKERCHIEFSKxcluilTO norrltlm from FranCf and

Inlind Knneh lyle Irt h Linen AHSilk Silk 5nil Linen lt l BaadanuftcPLAIN HEMSTITCHED 25C


AUo 74 and up >1UUlIUci LINEN m

I KAND 11 1 SOCUoo dUO

NEGKWEARTtpncb ana Cnxltih NortKln Inti ib

> quAro and fourlnbsnilTRKNCJI KOUHINHAND-

SttM SbcAl and I1W-

AUoU IIS K 11 > 11 CLn 1I 5 2 00S3 SO ad J3UO-


All our iUki i3Ui-A1I1IL111-

LzicIh llk-Al

00o lraprlrd noTfItl lii Hon I

Holxv Hath nob11 Silk HaW HowSrarf Pins Cuft Llnkj Umbrelbu111JlnltlcluIcct modoraUprlert


For Strrft Drn Rldlnx Drlrlnn andRdiimtl Wrar In OIACeSue4 Jtuntlii Silk Wool OJi Ao

YItiYrll1 AS A L KINGGLOVES All i dr ftD Pl OU-

PUIUI hnwv CLovnaAlu KW and IJrA 1 OU-

ELllOW LKXGTH mackWhite and colors OOU



BUTTON BlackWhlto and Tin 4OlfM-


Our trad nrk on a ilove libsolute tcurlly

HANDKERCHIEFSThe most attractlr J kind and fore erri tlon Initialled EmbroideredtrlintmHl IDU M all overEmbroidered etc 1

FINK HllSll LINEN Hand icembroidered Initial C-

AhoOO 7S and 1100 <


Si In oxU50 All cclo i 2SCiand color drultn-

iNECKWEARiMoit > x qulilta aodLdalnlT atloa-

ToVe aol Cuff SrIJR1LiicNore-ltleFrencbldnetc1I00VSOFI ILK LACE AND

LINGERIE i i iCAble 71 Qn4fIOO-


iSOCIre <



11 French NoTIUa-

Tbli00AlOiL10 n4 I200

rtrV lcWrtlng ana com-plete

¬4ifiFURS e <


SeU and teporaUaplecci Right furat right prlCM at rouUI sea8QU1RRBL-



j 5Ow

iatch if7 1050f-I

> 11000ITXSCARI-


AIoIoo IWOOiaod li3Ool5UUM-INK ii Tea


Alw Chinchilla lErplIMd1 idiOzlSable Haum 4n Ponlan

imli and rotbt r iK> rlklnat cornspondlniljr low figure


Best Values of the Seasonoj riiRU1r iI jjle hr1C2Prlc MW nil IM 00 SO I


T lUltuUf<

Prcei 4

I 6 1S 0ImtLSllTlt8n

100l Prlco-


COATS RegularIrlCe >WM-


Ir 1 SOCOATS Resnlsr Prlct li3S0lIZ0

iJlItIH COATS RoKUlar Prlfa-JU7S 8SOf i LllV ii lAll arc lallorninilc ruruic ni Iii-dAIIelrluLI jeplcndlillr nilnplid to a

rarloty ot tiic thlAonwtlklnr1lr K IIH5lnc5 etc

John ForsythaBwayi Jiith t-


JI iF1J c t iWomens i j

DepT 8 J m f

Broadway at Thirteenth Street I

Radical Clearance Lal-eGiF1S



i CoatsI Tremendous Reductions

Full length chcvot coats mannish 95 fCl1tJlllCdtl1OUhO11 nlsor efcrl S3Jengths prettily trmmed pr fancymixtures Sires 6tql11 Yn e7SO

vFurry mitatibh bearskin full length 1

coats jAll colors Sues 3 to 12lMnni rush flannel lined of warm cams l

cloth Sizes 6 to 16 t Sff95V-

queluilllenitth tlieviot cents stormhcollnf rbra d trimmed All colors 6 toHtFancy mixture coats lull length vel S12Vet and braid trlmm dSizeS8to14

v Interlined jancy trimmed tovcltycoats for little g rlsf 3toB

Mannish coats of fancy mixtures lion 1-


rigs i Ho 1Kersey coats full length velvet or j 5nplain collarsBrard trimmed cheviot coatsr storm 1

colbr in solid colors j Vaue ss j

Full length flannellined coats velvet i

coUarsSIzes6to 16 J t

Tailored Junior Sii tSJ jFor Girls Misses ffSrila1t WpmenPrince Chap model velvet colla-rcoatsath1incd


and interlined full 50ajde plaited skirt with fold The 11 2materials arenovelty mixtures in rstripes invisible checks and plain Value 19 75color broadcloths Sizes 12 to 16

A large variety of girls dr SACS Sizes8 to 14 olIlues850TocloJeout395








The RoOsevelt Bearsu



Mr Seymour Eatonsl-I







fThe biggest success of all childrens >books Cleans wholesome fun Iotat6fexciting mischief and adventure arid Ipicture on everyp ijmany In colohu-

j Be iure to ask for Mr Eatons TeddyBeirl There ao marycheap imlutiona on the rmarkeL i I






II r

< oVi 1d-I yJld

t 186 pages offunny Picto r 8bYR K Culver sixteen of iL-them in colors Size of book 83 x 11 inches

List Price 150i-8entprcpaldtoiany addrcs3on1receiptofi price by



f Kuruiv b > Juhu UaJUuuiiXjr K A O ihwar Ufsl t rho4r K tchullcJu A lfarn Aon Co Crawford Co Jli J Iloth JnolXnl llBonii On fcdw V Hrokiw A pro Ilr nUin <

llf Foraalin1Jroo I n PrKl rlck Ixxior A Co AtJ MalUitwi Soil tramnn

r< J



1 Let1T H-

r lifke the Iliorse World VVaiit-V

Ads J

1r1an 011 hiS I

1hI buyell1 rent

Let iHicinl tel ycljJ-

J Ibdayip-



cmh iiisertiph nnd nrn


ti itc iiiX1ii T1> i I i ii

ffihl1 < < iiH j j J J1i oi0 tii1Ji ti1i Wi Jiiit5 m w W5Ji1ii y f Mjym jiAAjr 1iI

f jii-J 4 ii t t i