Banking Law Pp

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  • 8/12/2019 Banking Law Pp


    Raffles International College

    Hanoi, 2011

  • 8/12/2019 Banking Law Pp



    Analytical Description

    Conclusion and


    Answering questions

  • 8/12/2019 Banking Law Pp



    Civil law Passed by French

    colonization in 1859.

    The combination ofConfucianism from China,Napoleonic Code (France),and Marxism-Leninism.,


    Civil law Influenced by Chinese law.

    After the Second World War,American law was thestrongest influence.

    Essentially a hybrid ofcontinental and Anglo-American legal structures,with strong underlying"flavors" from indigenous

    Japanese and Chinesecharacteristics.
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    Vietnam The target of money laundering system

    The value of cash transactions must bereported as 200 million vnd (or in goldand foreign currency value equivalentor 500 million vnd to savings).

    In suspicious casesfreeze the

    account, stop all transactions until thedetermination of the source property., Nguyen Dang Hong, Deputy Chief Inspector,Inspection Department under the State Bank of Vietnam

    Japan Banks will identify and verify customers when

    they open a new account and/or perform largecash transactions, domestic cash transfers ofmore than 100,000 yen and overseasremittances.

    Banks are also required to report transactionsthat are suspected of being related to criminal

    proceeds by the Act.

    Banks are required to report all currencytransactions in excess of 30 million yen, andthe international currency transactionsexceeding 5 million yen.

    In cases related to narcotics, the court maycondemn bank and credit institutions onmoney laundering.
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    According to current regulations

    (Circular 22/2009/TT-NHNN) onanti-money laundering, before

    establishing a relationship or provide

    banking services to customers,

    especially the command transfer of

    payments abroad, the organization

    reports (credit institutions, foreign

    exchange dealer, an organizationproviding payment services) to

    review customers and stakeholders

    the warning list.




    The major sources of money

    laundering proceeds include drugtrafficking, fraud, loan-sharking

    (illegal money lending), remittance

    frauds, the black market economy,

    prostitution, and illicit gambling.

    In the past year, increase in financialcrimes by citizens of West African

    countries, such as Nigeria and

    Ghana, who are resident in Japan.,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html
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    Attention to large transactions, complex,unusual, and suspicious transactions such as:

    Insurance companies often pay compensationor insurance with a large amount for the samecustomers;

    The sudden change in the amount oftransactions on accounts such as deposits intoand withdrawn quickly from the account;

    Transactions move small amounts of moneyfrom several different accounts of a large sumof money, or through many different accountsof an account in a short time.



    Focus on substantial risk of moneylaundering by organized crime(including Boryokudan, Japansorganized crime groups, and Iraniandrug trafficking organizations),extremist religious groups, and otherdomestic and international criminalelements.,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_32250379_32236869_34354899_1_1_1_1,00.html
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    Following the article 251 of the Penal Code

    provisions on money laundering in Vietnam: "Those who commit one of the following acts,

    shall be sentenced from one to five years:

    a) To participate directly or indirectly in financial

    transactions, banking or other transactions related

    to money, property which are known they were the

    crimes, in order to disguise the illegal origin ofmoney or property ;

    b) Use the money and property known as the crime

    on the doing business or other activities;

    c) Concealing information on the origin and true

    nature, location, the process of moving, or

    ownership of money, property known as the crimeor hinder the verification of information

    d) Do one of the acts specified at Points a, b and c

    of this paragraph, for money or property that is

    clearly derived from the translation, transfer,

    convert money and assets from criminal.


    Money laundering is defined in the Law

    on the Prevention Drugs and Law, maypunish organized crime in Japan, allows

    punishing acts of money laundering of

    the offender when the object sources

    continue to perform acts conceal, hide

    the origin of property crime which is it

    appropriate. Specifically, in article 10 of

    the Law on the punishment of organized

    crime to punish anyone concealing facts

    relating to the acquisition or disposition

    of the proceeds from crime, criminals of

    the proceeds themselves and the relating

    to the origin of criminal proceeds by

    imprisonment not exceeding five yearsor pay not over JPY 3,000,000, or both.

    The other regulation in Japan is

    punishing any person who knowingly

    receives proceeds of crime by

    imprisonment not exceeding five years

    or a fine not exceeding 1,000,000 Yen,

    or both.(Article 11 of the Law on the
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    Da Nang , 10/2008, the culprit is Baggio Carlitos Linska

    (from Mozambique)

    Open trade at the same time 2 accounts.

    Upon opening the account, more than 4.1 billion

    were transferred into.

    After that he made transaction for withdrawal with

    all money.

    investigation verify the amount of the payment,which the criminals stealing from a foreign account.

    From May 4 /2004 to March 7/2006, James Edmund


    Opened the USD current account at some banks in

    Ho Chi Minh, Through these accounts, received more than 3.2

    million dollars from abroad into Vietnam,

    Then in turn transferred to a company in Vietnam

    and abroad.


    In Saitama District Court on

    October 26, 2006, the operators

    of illegal gambling proceeds

    sending illegal money into a

    bank account.

    To avoid foreclosure of deposit,

    manager has created a debt is

    camouflage for a third party.

    One lawyer accused of helping

    managers to develop and

    implement plans to speak on the

    proceeds from illegal gambling

    will be transferred to third


    Then, court decided lawyer isconvicted
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    Vietnam Ways to launder money: securities trading,

    fraud, bank credit, using false documents to

    the transaction, pretending investment realestate, etc.

    To prevent accidents, Vietnam is only definedseven groups to buy houses in Vietnam, thoseare:

    Individual foreigners to invest directly inVietnam, or businesses operating inVietnam lease hold the managerial

    positions in enterprises; Individuals and foreigners have

    contributed to the country, or who hasserved as Ambassador, Consul General ofthe diplomatic missions abroad;

    He has led international organizations inVietnam;

    The cultural activities, scientists areworking in Vietnam or Vietnam of foreignacademic titles and degrees;

    Foreign nationals married to Vietnamese.


    Japan Article 6 Law on Prevention of Transfer

    of criminal proceeds. The following

    records: Names and other matters sufficient

    to identify the person identified wasconducted;

    Name of customer identification andthe name of the person preparing thecustomer identification records,

    Date and time the documentidentified customers has beenpresented in the case of customeridentification is done face to face;

    When the registered letter was sentin the absence of face-to-facetransactions, the date and time it wassent or received; the types of

    transactions customers perform. http://www.anti-
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    Using the same system in law: Civil law

    Members of APG

    Transaction regulation

    Method to avoid money laundering.


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    Weak law system

    keep trying to build the goodsystem

    The weakness: currentlyinspecting, monitoring, accountingsystem, level of use of cash flows,and transfer large unofficialtransactions, the payment becomesdifficultmakes hard to control.

    The first step, the relevantministries: improving, refreshing,instead of the other tradingsystems in banks.


    Stronger (more experiences;

    more clear, and strict. )

    Difficult : natural disasters

    organizations could use to

    invest money unfair to Japan,

    aimed at money laundering,

    stay alert.

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