Bangladesh Factory-Safety Agreements

INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO NACIONAL ESCA UNIDAD TEPEPAN Bangladesh Factory-Safety Agreements By: Maldonado Hernández Javier & Sánchez González Israel Eduardo



Transcript of Bangladesh Factory-Safety Agreements



Bangladesh Factory-Safety Agreements

By: Maldonado Hernández Javier & Sánchez González Israel Eduardo

In April 2013, more than 1,100 workers in a Dhaka-area garment factory were killed when the building collapsed.

Bangladesh Factory-Safety Agreements

Negotiation Process

The agreement was created in the immediate aftermath of the Rana Plaza building collapse. In June 2013, an implementation plan was agreed leading to the incorporation of the Bangladesh Accord Foundation in the Netherlands in October 2013.

Is a comprehensive and independent agreement designed to make all garment factories in Bangladesh safe workplaces.

• Poor economic situation. • It is difficult looking for a job. • Lack of laws to regulate and support the worker


While there were many differences on interests and issues, the dominant common theme was the importance of developing and implementing a meaningful plan of action to dramatically improve worker safety in the garment industry in Bangladesh.

Negotiation Process

The agreement was designed by Bangladeshi and international unions together with other labour groups, making it unique in being supported by all key labour rights stakeholders.

Negotiation Process

The lead negotiators of the European agreement could have decided to water down their agreement to keep the Americans in the fold. Instead, they chose to stand by their core principles, and the Americans splintered off. In your own talks, weigh the pros of an all-inclusive, more diffuse agreement against the benefits of a smaller, more targeted one.

Negotiation Process

The Accord has been signed by over 200 apparel brands, retailers and importers from over 20 countries in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia; two global trade unions; and eight Bangladesh trade unions and four NGO witnesses.

Parties Involved

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has agreed to act as an independent chair to the steering committee.

Close Of NegotiationA unique aspect of the Accord is legal enforcement, explicitly outlines the process of dispute resolution, in which the outcomes can be reinforced in the court of law.

Close Of NegotiationMany US companies refuse to sign the Accord based on this legal enforceability, fearing lawsuits. However, in essence the Accord's legal obligations do not differ much from other business contracts companies routinely close

• American retailers does not in according with the plan that the European companies have to solve the problem.

• The American companies want to establish his own Agreement and satisfy only his own concerns.


Experts from the three groups—the Accord on Fire and Safety in Bangladesh, which is led by mostly European retailers; the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, led by Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Gap Inc.; and the government's own National Tripartite Action Plan—reached the deal last week. It would prompt the groups to adopt unified standards to simplify inspections and avoid duplication, officials with the three programs said.


Begining Exchange : WIN – WIN • Government and Companies

• The companies could be work in Bangladesh

• The Government will have a economy activitie


Balance of power

European companies above U.S reatailers

Why? Because the U.S doesn’t want to contribute to pay

At present… June 8th 2015

The Rana Plaza Coordination Committee are delighted to announce that the $30million target required in the Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund has been met, following a large anonymous donation received in the last few days.