DAILY COMMERCIAL BALTIMORE, MD. SATI BOAT NORNIIVe, FEB. 7, 15866. To ('OM'OspoHipnts. No notice ran be takennf anonymous conimuniuations. Whatever is intended for insertion in net he authen- ticated by the name and address of the writer?not necessarily for publication, but as a guaranty for his 9?°'i r not to h considered rc*£>on*i- 11*for the opinion* expressed by correspondents. 81AKR1ES). lILT&ON?AM BO KG. ?On the 12th iustniii, by Kev. Jiuues Curns, Mr. William 11. Huts on anil Mrs. Mary Ainbors:, both of this city. IIENSHAW?F< *111).? r, i tho 15th instant, by Rev. James tuniß, Mr. John Hens haw anil Miss Margaret A. Ford, both of Anno Arundel county, Md. t ?\u25a0ELK?BROWN. ?On the 14 < h instant, by tlie He v. John H. Dashiell, Thomas B. Bell to Miss Kiniua J. Brown, both of this citv. T WARNER?SMITH.?On the 17th Januarv. by the llov. S. 11. C. Smith, J. Philip Warner and Mollio A. Smith, all of Baltimore. DIED. HOWARD.?On the 16th in?'ant, Deborah Ridgcly Howard. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral on Sunday, tho at hall-past ten A. jl., from her late residence, 2lK> W. Riddle street. OOUCII.?On the l*th instant. Mary Agnes daugh- ter of Agnes and Richard Couch, aged 15months. JONES.?Ou the Vth iii.Uui, liOvln Jones, in the 56th years of ago. . BODE.?On the 15tli instant. Dr. >\ m. Bode, aged 63 years. jOND.?On the 15thinstant, Mrs. Anna Bond, wife of tho late Daniel C. Bond. CARROUL,?On Feb. 13th, Mary Madgaien, wife of John Carroll, in tho 31th year of her ago. IIOLUINS.?On tho 13th instant, Maria Sterett, oldest daughter of Commodore George N. Hollin*. in the 19th year of her ago. THRUSH.?On Feb. 10th, Elijubeth. wife of Win. 11. Thrush. TURNER.?On instant, Baltimore county. Benedick Turner, in his 23th year. SPECIAL NOTICES. r. -xTHIe'"WII.I. BE V.' INTEBMF.OJ- ATE LOYEFEAST at the Sailor's City Lethal. TO-MORROW ai 3 o'clock. Members of the M. 10. Chnrch are invited <0 attend r,--=i,SOI!TH It ILTIb OP.KSTATIOJi 51. f\ iky CHURCH, Revival still continues; Preach ing SUNDAY, 18th. at 11 o'clock A.M., and at, o'clock P. M. Reception of members before the even- ing service. Public cordially invite!. K. BK.MPLE HOWE, Pastor. r r v^n>TIIK TENTH ASKITCKSAKT OF lkg>' THE MARYLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION Tvill be bold in the Charles Street M. K. Church, on MONDAYEVENING, tho i'.'ih inst., at 714 o'clock. Tile public arc invited to attend. It rp-JriKEV., HAMOSiI will preach in IkS** the Aletliodist Protestant Church, eorner nt' Broadway and Monument streets. TO-MORROW MORNING, at 11 o'clock. Tho annual Home Mis- sionary collection will be lifted. The public arc most respectfully invited to attend. It _ P. L. WILSON. Pastor. (--SrRUV. J. W. 51. WII.IJAMS. of the LT£/ First Baptist Church, corner of Sharp ami Lombard street will preach the Sth of the series on the Ten Commandments, on next SABBATH MORN- ING at. 11 o'clock. Subject?"Thou Shalt not Com- mit Adultery." Seats for all who will comc. Bap- tism in the evening. Services at T'Ao'clock. rr-SCIIRISTIAIV CUT HAH. corner Paca and Ire, Lombard sireeta. Rev. D. S. BURNET will preach to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 7}A P. M. The evening's discourse will be on the NEW JERUSA- LEM, the fifth of tho scries ou the destiny of our globe. r FIRST i i> >iiilEiiA TIO NA f CHURCH, 2-4 Plica street ?Preaching to-mor- row. by tho llev. Edwin Johnson, at 11 A. M. and P.M. Sunday schot lat - ? A.AT. _ ]? OP PRATER rOKCOELEGCS lrs£/ AND YOUTHS.?Tho Presbyterian Churches will observe tho Week <f Prayer for the Young by a D.aily Prayer Meeting in the Central Church <Dr Smith's) EVERY AFTERNOON NEXT WEEK, at 454 P.M. On THURSDAY, the Day of Prayer for Colleges, Seminaries and Schools. Ageneral meet- ing will be held inthe same Church at 7Va o'clock P. M. fl7-s,in,th-3t OH. MISSION" was organized as nn auxiliary to the "American Union CommtSfioA," located in New York. The Constitution adopted by the * Commitio.x" declared tho humane objects for which it wa organized. Recently the '* Amariein Union Commits ion" sub raitted to tho 44 Maryland I nion Commission" rv proposition to unite witli the 44 Notional Fr*tdmetC* Aid Society." embracing the object? of both organi- zations. After duo deliberation, tho 44 Maryland Union Commission" declined to recommend the propo.-ed uiijon, believing that it would be injurious to both Associations. At a meeting held m tho city of New York, tho union of t'.'e "National Freedmen's Aid Society" and the "America n Union Commission." was nevertheless consummated. This action separiTted the " Maryland Union mission" from the "American Union Coinmi**in ,i.' as tho latter ceased to exist a3 a separate organiza- tion without the concurrence of the former. The design of the "Notional I re'linen's Aid AV l- ety" withwhich the "American Union Commissi has united, is humane and praiseworthy; and will be liberally sustained by a* generous public, providing for the proper relief and education of the freed men of our common country. There is, however, ample room for both associa- tions, and all matters calculated t<> embarrass or hinder the operations of either should be carefully avoided. The "Maryland Union Commission" will hereafter bo a distinct organization, and prosecute the benev- olent work heretofore commenced upon the basis of industry. Education, Freedom, end Christian Moral- ity. in tho Sta<63 impoverished by the war, without regard to caste or color, relying upon a generous public for support. Tho aid of neighboring Stales, cities and towns if earnestly solicited, by the formation of auxiliary " Union Ciommietfio,)*," and forwarding their receipt? to the "Maryland Union Commission," Offico No. '.l West Baltimore stroet, Baltimore. Md. The extent and importance of the work now being accomplished through the Union Commission, r not sufficiently known to thosdoutsido of the Associa- tion. Since the Maryland Union Commission was organized, in May, 1865, eleven thousand dollars have been received in money, and over ten thousand of this amount expended in goods, farming implements, food, medicine?, and for educational purposes. Tho value of nine thousand dollars has also come to hand in clothing, provisions, books, and other useful ma- terial, and distributed by tho Commission in those districts impoverished by the war. Also, 4,044 books, including Bibles and Testaments, making an aggre- gate of over S2O. r OO distributed. Two hundred and twenty-three individuals have been assisted a* the office, and one hundred and five families. Notwithstanding all the good which has been done hero and elsewhere-, theie is yet much to do to alio viate the unparalleled suffering in those desolated districts. The people are left in utter destitution with no local Samaritan Societies to relieve their wants, but with haggard poverty and torturing fain ino on their trock. In Virginia, East Tennessee, North Carolina, and other portions of the South, dwellings, stock, farming implements, and personal effects, have been consumed or destroyed by the dreadful consequences of War. Lottcrs are continually received from ministers, offi- cers, and other responsible men, asking help, plead- ing for just enough to keep tho people from starva- tion. Patriots, Philanthropists and Christians, the widows and orphans piteously plead your aid, they .;all for bread; tho cry comes to you personally, who enjoy peace, prosperity aud safety: Give us your generous support! lond us your hearty co-operation! The Union Commission struggles hard to benefit all who have suffered through the fearful ravages of war. 'Tie that hath pity upon the poor lendeth to tho Lord, and that which be hath given will He pnv him again.' Will not ministers of the Gospel make an appeal to their congregations in bt-b-lf of our work, and send us some generous contributions? All money and goods go directly to tho suffering people. Tho entire work of the Commission is conducted with trifling expense. All goods are convoyed South by Adams & Co.'s Express, free of charge, through the generosity of one of the members of the Board, Samuel M. Shoemaker, Esq. The rooms of the Com- mission are granted free of rent by the President of the Association, who, together withother officers and local agents, devote their time and services gratui- tously to tho success of its operation. We have agents appointed at different points to re- ceive and distribute our goods, freo of charge. They are wise, judicious men, well qualified for the office and well acquainted with the wants of the peoole in their several districts. All donations will be thank- fully received and faithfully applied directly by these agents. Send Food. Clothing. Grain and other articles to the care of G. S. GRIFFITH, No. VI W. Baltimore street, and Money to J. N. BROWN, corner Calvert and Baltimore streeu. OFFICERS. G. S. GRIFFITH, President; Rr,v <j DICKSON i) D.. Vice Presidont; J. C. BRIDGES,2d Vice Pr'eA dent: J. M. FRAZIER, 3d Vice President) N BROWN. Treasurer; W. A. WtSONG, C"r. Secre- tary; Itov. E. K. ESCHBACH, Recording Secmdry. BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE MAKVLAXD PSION" COM- MISSION. REV. CYRUS DICK sox, DD:U. W. DRAKELY, W. A. KODEXMAYER, REV. FIELDER ISRAEL. GIDEONBASTZ, Frederick, lßEV. I. I". COOK, Md., IW. A. Wisoxo, REV. H. Duxxixo, R. 11. WILLIAMS, Freder- HON. J. M. FRAZIKR, 1 iek, Md., REV. J. S. FOULK, i REV. GEO. P. NICE, G. S. GRIFFITH, IREY.SAM'L BARNKS, J. C. BRIDGES. I WM. BRIDGES, WM. B. CAXFTELD, JESSE TYSON*. TV. F. CAREY, [R. M.JANNY, REV. JSO. KILLING, ISASI'L. M. SHOEMAKER, J. HKNBY GIESE, I HEY. GEO. P. II WS REV. E. R. ESCHBACIJ. REV. J. 0. MiLLKH.York, Jxo. L. RKID, I Penn., REV. J. G. WAP.F, | A. M. CARTER. JOHN N. BROWX, , feblT-eoSt Chg6NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY CO CALVERT STATION. A,>AI t0.,. BALTIMORE. January 25. 1866 DIVIDEND NO. b.?The President and Director? of this Company have declared a Quarterly Dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT., clear of National and State Taxes, payable on 20TH OF FEBRUARY NEXT to Stockholder? residing in Philadelphia at the Office of GEORGE TABER. Transfer Agent, No. 234 S. Third street, and to ail other Stockholders, as heretofore, at this Office. The Transfer Books wilt he closed from Sth to 22d of r ebruary inclusive. ? S y o or i.°/V v, d. S. LEIB. jol&-uiwtfcb20 Treasurer. (Kg 1 AND WATER STREETS.?Wo have for re- pairing or n atclics the best European aDd American watch makers: also, jewelers, engravers and watch case makers ou the premises. Apply to GABRIEL D. CLARK, corner ol Water and Culvert streets, agent for William Dixon s London Watch and Jules Jurgenson's Copenhagen Watch. fels-2mo TO RHC FTCAM . UVJY ship ISABELLA, Captain WAMREBSIF i withdrawn from the Charleston and Havana Line' HENRY M. WARFfKLD, Agent, fe!4-lw 16 Spear's wharf. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO h-y, THE CAPITAL STOCK of the "BALTI- MORE LEVER BEATER PRESS COMPANY," ?!! ttt "TO eonnting room of P. DF Mi'll- GUIQNDC, NA>. 87 Second street, on the TIIIR- -lEKNTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 18)6, and remain open for ten days. By order of the fol3-10t COMMISSIONERS. IRTX* OFFICE OP TUB HAKTI.AIFI LWr INEBRIATE ASYLUM, BALTIMOBF, August 11. 1865. To tu Public: WM. COLTON, TWSU£ P A°I 5 2- TE? O^ E TR6''/ NT I .0F LHE MARYLAND IrtPcrDTOrr/vvc "r th Pttrpoee of soliciting SUBSCRIPTIONS on account of the buildings ncceasary to accommodate patients who are con- stantly applying for admission. Hc is earnestly recommended to our leliow citizens, by whose l beral oontnbutiona we hope to be able to accommodate ap- plicants for the reformatory advantages of the fnflt!- The exercises will be resumed or. MONDAY' NEXT, September 4th, at 8 o'clock A. M., on which icy new scholars will be admitted. Three higher classes exclusively intended for young ladios, wore formed last January, and are in succor - '?J11 operation at present. Parents sending boarders, are roqnssted to provM" ; thrir punctual arrival. If. KNAPP. ? A N6PEUOS RKMBlvr.-Wc csneon- '-"<£/ soicntiously recommend to those suffer'mrtroir a distressing cough, Dr. Strickland's filellifiuou, ' 'ough Balsam. It gives relief almost instanta:;eou: and is withal not disagreeable to the D to. There i-- no doubt that the Mellifluous Cough Balsam is ooe o! cue best preparations in use, and is all that it rro- prietor claims for it. Y'-'o have tried it during iter past v. cek and found relief from a most distress!:*- v.ugh. Itis prepared Dr. Strickland, No. 159 Sycamore street, (fincinnati: Ohio, and for sale by .Tuggis's. YY'holosale agents Tomsen & Block, r.ud ' . .-.-I. - X lvfL.'ir B TXilt'.tt STA'HW i lliE ASB MARIS!: INSURANCE COMPAQY OF BALTIMORE. INCORPORATED IS6B. OFFICE NO. 171 BROADWAY, in the building formerly occupied by the Second National Bank. This Company will commenco business 011 the l!ffli February, and is now prepared to insure a gains Moss or by Fire and to take Marine and Inland Risks. > Application for Insurance to be made to JAMBS T. RANDOLPH, Vice President. DIRECTORS. R. Iv. Ilawlcy. 'John J. Abraham?, .) tines T. Randolph, Wm. H. Cat heart, J a mo- G. Ramsay, .George A. Coleman, Charles T. Morris, Thomas Booz, JohnS.Gilman. 'd< b S. Hynes. fl7-6t JOHN W. RANDOLPH, President SASUE. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court ol Baltimore city, the undereiiniod, Trustee, will offer at public sale, on MONDAY, the 12th day of Ma#h next, at the Exchange Salesrooms, in the city of Bai- t-more, at 1 o'clock P.M., two undivided thirds in one-half of that Jot of ground lying in said city on iho northeast side of High street. Beginning at th e distance of 13d feet 6 inches, southenstw.irdlj* from Bow street, having a front of 21' feet G inches on High rect, and extending back of that width parallel with Low street 165 feet. The terms of sale pre- scribed by the decree are one-half cash and the bal- rtncn in Ax months from the day of sale, to be secured by note with interest with satisfactory endorsement. JOiIICA MATTHEWS, felT 1a w Ads-It* Trust ee. IfHIS In TO GIYEKOTICE, That the sub- SL Bcriber has obtained from ine Orphans' Court 0- Baltimore city, letters of administration on the e tate of MAItY ANN POOLE, late of said <?hy. deceased. All person-: having claims against said deceased are Hereby warned io exhibit the same, with vouchers, to the subscriber on or before the 17th day of Au- gust next; they may otherwise, by law, bo excluded 1-om ;U1 benefit of raid estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to nuke immediato payment. Given under my hand this 16th day of February, IfifG JOHN S. POOLE, felT-lawit* Administrator. gj S. UOIJICH NOSH, HARDWARE, ENGINEER AND MACHINIST SUPPLIES. COKXKR or PRATT AND FREDERICK STREETS. Vessels' and Steamers' Signal Lanterns, Gum, Hemp and Lubricating Packing, Hose, Gum and Leather Belting, Side and String Lacing, Files. En- gine Oilers, Wrenches, Steam Whistles, Gongs, Screw Bolts. Nuts and Washers, etc.: and a full assortment of Builders' Hardware and Tools?allot which we oii'er at factory prices. Orders lor Brass \\ ork at- tended lo promptly. fel6-6mo fSIIIK AMERICAN l'S FAINT CO., ® AND WHITE LEAD WORKS, for the manufacture of BUTCHER'S PATENT INDIA II I' BRER I* AIS T. PAINTS OF EVERY COLOR, From the Finest White to the Deepest Black, ground in pure Linseed Oil, and DISSOLVED RUBBER. Manufactory, S. E. cor. Twentieth and Filbert sis., Philadelphia. GUSTIN Jr FLEMING, 15 S. Gay street, Baltimore, _. Goneral Agents. Circulars and references sent upon receipt of a postage stump. fel6-lw ANDERSONVILLE! A LIST OF UNION SOLDIERS BURIED AT Andersonville; GIVING NAME, REGIMENT AND Grave?Number of Each. HO PAGES. 23 CENTS. Published by TUE TRIBUNE, NEW YORK. For sale by all Newddoalcrs. felG-2t HOITSE. fcHIP AND STEAMHO AT SAA£ T i^£\T IMITATIONB 0F ALLKINDS ur WOOD MACHINE GRAINING, at 25 per cent, below old prices. Having sober and competent workmen in his employ, the subscriber is prepared to have all work commit - * u charge executed with promptness and des- patch, at reasonable rates. Materials furnished at market prices. All orders through tho Post willre- ceive prompt attention. JOHN WELCH, I?!?-® l.Sh Thame* wtr<w>t- STEIN WAY & SON'S PIANO FORTES, MASOS A HdSILIB'S CABINET Orgaas. PIANOS FOR RENT. PIANOS REMOVED. CHAB. 8. BESTEES, dlB 3K, Si> W. Fayette &I, jj. Fharle. \u25a0> 8 AFES. ZL. |<Hgj CHILLED IRON BURGLAR PROOFS WITH com IN A TION LOOKS, A. PROSEUS. General Southern Agent. 57 WEST LOMBARD STREET, fe'-'-tf Opposite Poatoffice. 'S3RE UHJERSl©3fKl>,havingbeen appoint- -sr,^ 3:el!t fnr E!t ' e °f "O'NEILL'S PHILA- DELPHIA ALE," ia prepared to furnish dealers in quantities reunired. Tkw Air aur.reulird to nm wsde ?-* the oounirv. Order, nolioitod. No oharge cor dfltveiy, CosetaS'; Hepply on hand. JAB. If. LTPPINO3TT, N". 12 BaMnreton rtreoL vP'l' "Mwwln Prnlt :i,I Lnmhard FISII CIASO. Contaiug 10 per cent, of AMMONIA. 30 per cent, of BONE PHOSPHATE OF OF LIME, ft! per cent of animal matter, pronounced lo be coual to PERUVIAN GUANO. For sale by ROMULUS R. GRIFFITH, mhl2-tf No. 10'Donnell's Wharf. C O - PA RTNERSHIPS. THE XTKTXDEIR, Ssl Gr INTEID Have this day formed a copartnership under the name and style of E. & CO., For the purpose of conducting a YVHOLIIfiALE ASH RETAIL COAL BUSINESS. E. MERP.IFIELD. C. F. MANNING. Baltimore, Jan. 17,1866. Wo are permitted to refer as follows, viz: Messrs. Johnston Brothers & Co., " Hayward, Bartlett & Co., ' " Horace Abbott & Son, " E. L. Parker St Co., " Cnshings A Bailey, Hugh Sisson, Esq. YYo are prepared to fill orders promptly for all kinds and sizes of Anthracito and Bituminous Coal, including Pittston, Baltimore Company's, George's Creek, Cumberland, Lorberry, &o? Ac., screened in tho best manner, and guaranteed 2240 lbs. per ton. To largo consumers or others, purchasing by the cargo or car load, we offer most liberal inducements. Best quality Oak and Pine Wood, Sawed and Split by machinery, sold at lowest rates. Office at Hutchinson Bros, No. 14 Light street. 3a2fi-lm ' E. MERRTFIELD & CO. OFRG 51UK! k- PURE MILK 11 PURE MILK!!! PURE MILK!!!! THE BALTIMORE CONDENSED MILK COM- PANY beg leave to lay before the public the follow- ing document, for which they ask a general and im- partial perusal. Prof. AIKEN, one of the most emi- nent Chemists and'Pharmaecutists of the country, at the solicitation of several citizens, has made a thorough analysis of the MILK,which tho Company prepares and now furnishes to thousands in our city, and his professional opinions and conclusions have been kindly furnished us for publication. The sub- j -ined is tho document: UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, JAXCABY 22D, 1866. To THR CITIZENS OP BALTIMORE: In accordance with tho request of several families who are now using Condensed Milk, and others who desire to adopt it,if found pure, I have visited tho YVorks of the BALTIMORE CONDENSED MILK COM- PAN Y , near York, Pa., and now give the results of lay observations there, confiined by subsequent ex- aminations of tho Milk in my Laboratory. The Milk received at the Factory door was carefully ex- amined, all not absolutely fresh was rejected, and the sweet puroMilk was put in clean brass kettles, stand- ing in a vat of hot water. Thero it remained a brief time, sufficient to accomplish the coagulation of the casein. It was then passed through a metal filter into a large copper kettle, when it was again moder- ately heated by steam, and then transferred by ex- haustion to the vacuum pan for final concentration. This concentration was carried on ina nartial vacuum at a temperature not exceeding 190° Far. thermome- ter. From the vacuumpan it was discharged in to cans, which were rapidly cooled by immersing them in a vat of ice water, and the Milk was then ready for distribution. By thi3 simnlo process, in a few hours, while I stood watching each successive step, some 500 gallons of sweet, pure country Milk,fresh from the cows, without dilution or adulteration, was reduced to about 125 gallons of the condensed article. 'The Condensed Milk thus produced containing of necessity everything originally present except the very small per centage of casein left adhering to the ;--rido of tho brass kettles after tho preliminary heat- ing and the seventy-five per cent, of water expelled in the vacuum pan. This almost self-evident truth was cor,armed by subsequent chemical examination. One of the articles removed, the casein, is the one constituent of Milk most prone io change, most readily decomposed, and when undergoing change italways acts like a ferment, and brings about that chemical change in the sugar by which lactic acid is produced. This partial removal of tho casein from the Con- densed Milk must then diminish it 3 tendency to be- come sour, and at the samo time must prevent that objectionable constipating action that so often fol- -1 ws tho habitual uso of coagulated casein as an ar- ticlc of food, whether taken ; n tho form of cheese or in ordinary boiled Milk. The Condensed Milk is not only chemically pure, but inanothor sud an equally i important sense it is absolutely pure iu being abso- J lutely clean. No one can visit the factory without being struck with tho extreme cars taken and the f efficiency of tho means employed to insure the most perfect cleanliness, livery utensil, from the smallest cup to the vacuum pan, shone iiko a mirror, while boiling water and high steam wis lavishly used to rcrnovo from the premises every thing that might act as the slightest cause of contamination. From tho moment tho Milk is received at the door of the fac- tory until it is passed out again to the consumer, it is never touched by the human hand. It is not only clean, but it is also undiluted, and in this rcspeot differs widely from our City Milk supply. During numerous examinations of Milk'from various sources I havo never mot with any containing less than one-fourth and sometimes found one-third water. This affects the question of cost. Twelve cents for a quart of Milk containing half a pint of water makes tho Milk cost lti cents a quart. But one quart ofCondensed Milk at 48 cents, with four quarts ? of cold water, will givo five quarts of Milk better than any ordinary Milkthat I can find, and will cost I than 10 cents a quart; with three quarts of water to one quart ot Condensed Milk tho cost becomes 12 cents a quart, and the product tastes like cream. Even were tho cost greater, it would be worth some- thing to bo free from all risk of swallowing stale Milk kept until ou tho very verge of decomposition, or i swiii Milk from stall fed and diseased cows. It would ho worth somathing to get rid of the annoyance of I discovering a deposit of mud in the bottom of the I Milk vessel from which, perchance, wc have just been helped. is worth something to have responsible parties standing between us and the farm i j~rd pump to guarantee that we shall never be called j on to buy pump water at tho rate of good Milk. I need hardly add that all that I have said in relation ' to tho Condensed Milk applies with equal force to j the preserved Milk,as that is manufactured in pre- cisely- tho camo way, and differs only in containing a a large percentage of granulated white sugar. Respectfully, Ac., YVILLIAM E. A. AIKIN. M. D., Prcf. Uhem. and I'harui. Univ. Md. j YY'e need only add, in full corroboration of the above, that all physicians who havo given the Coa- d nsed Milk a fair trial and examination, fully con- i cur in the opinion of Prof. Aikin. Persons desirous of trying this Milkcan leave their orders at the depot, or send their address through the Post olSes boxes established at tho street corners. For furlher information apply lo NUMSEN, CARROLL it CO., Gen. Agents. JAMES BURNS, Manager, _ to 7-tf Ollice, No. 18 Light street. OROSPEfTUS \u25a0- OP THE BENTLEY SPRINGS COMPANY. , A first-class establishment, to which the citizens of Baltimore could retreat in the heat of summer, was sought for invain during the past season. To supply that want and to present at the saino time a profit- able investment to subscribers, attention is called to tins Prospectus. Bcntlcy Springs is situated at the distance of about \u25a0Sh macs from the city J(600 feet above tide-water.) on Cue i\ ortnern Central Railway, which, with it 3 double track and present facilities, renders access to the sprints easy nndfrequout. The location is one of the most neaithy in the United {States, and tho fconery in scarcely surpassed anywhero inbeauty and romance of character. Magnificent trees, an abundance of the purest water, beautiful ravines, dear mountain streams and lofty hills contribute to make this spot attractive, and to point it out as admirably adapted for a large Summer Hotel. The surrounding neigh- borhood abounds in pleasant walks, shady drives and delightful prospects. It is proposed to profit by these natural advantages by the erection on one of the most eligible sites, and within view oftho Depot, of a first-class Hotel, under the direction of the Bentley Springs Company, of Baltimore County. The amount of Capital is fixed at One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in Shares of One Hundred Dollars each, and tho undersigned are the Officers and Dircotor3. It is believed that, in asking the citizens of Balti- more to subscribe to this project, we axe advancing -hci: individual interests as well as that of the eiiy itself. Our citizens will be waited on by tho Directors of tho Company for the purpose of soliciting subscrip- tions to the stock. Application may also be made to the Socretary, at the office of the Company. No. 21 8. Charles street. BOARD OF DIRECTORS; E. A. ABBOTT. Proa't. John E. Oilman, W. T. Markland, Flavward M. Hu'.oMnaon, Oliver A. Parker, A. L. Knight, Isaac Ccalo, Jr., 0. W. Burton, Isaao B. George, Hugh Sisson, Dr. C. E. Coatas, Woodward Abrahams, C. W. Bentley, E. W. Robinson, Chas. Webb, Treasurer. T. R Knight. fbwetarv. onSS-tf OFFICE OF THE v ~ ATLANTICMUTUALINSURANCE CO., [ _ M NEW YORK, January 27. 1866. J The Trustees, in conformity to the Charter of the Company, submit tho following statement of it? af- fairs on tho 31st December, 1865: Premiums roceived on Marine Risks, from Ist January, 1865, to 31st Decem- ber, 1865 $6,933,146.80 Premiums on Policies not marked off Ist January, 1865 12,019.324.73 Total amount of Marine Premiums $8,952,471.53 No Policies have been issued upon Life Risks, nor opon piro Risks disconnected with Marine Risks. Premiums marked off from Ist January, 1865, to Slst December, 1865 $6,764,146.38 Losses paid during the sa me period 3,659,178.45 Returns of Premiums and Expenses 992,341.44 Tho Company lias the following assets, viz: United States and State of New York Stock, City, Bank Rnd other Stocks $4,828,585.00 Loans secured by Stocks and otherwise.. 3,330,350.00 Real Estato and Bonds and Mortgages.. 221 260 ijo Dividends on Stocks, Interest on Bonds and Mortgages and other Loans, sun- dry notes, rc-iniiuranco and other claims due tho Company, estimated at 141964 43 Premium Notes and Bills Receivable 5283 801*96 Cash inBank?Coin ' go Cash in Bank?U. S. Treasury Note Cur- ' ncy ... 310.551.78 Total amount of Assets $12,199,975.17 Six per cent, interest on tho outstanding certificates of profits will be paid to the holders thereof, or their legal representatives, 04 or after Tuesday, the 9th of February next. Fifty per cent, of the outstanding certificates of the issue of 1891 will be rodoemed and paid to tho holders thereof, or thoir legal representatives, on and after Tuesday, tho 6th of February next, from which date interest on the amount so redecniablo will eease. The certificates to be produced to the time of payment and cancelled to the extent paid. A dividend of thirty-five por cent, is declared on tho net earned premiums of the Company for tho year ending 31st December, 1865, for which certificates v ill be issued on and after Tuesday, the 3d of April next. By order of the Board, J. H. CHAPMAN, Secretary. .TBL'STKRS. John D. Jones, Win Sturm's, Charles Dennis, Henry K. fSorert, W, H. H. Mooro. Joshua J. Henry, Henry Colt, Dennis Perkins,* Wm. C. Pickersgill, Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Lewis Curtis. J. Henry Burgy, Charles H. Russell, Cornelius Grinncll, Lowell Holbrook, C. A. Hand, i; , a tr en Weston, B. J. llowland, n°/P®. Bcnj. Babeock, Caleb Baretow, Fletcher Westray, u ; TT, i' -n J 'i Robert B. Minturn. Jr., A S°L ge ' Gordon W. Burnham, Dav'iipLime, lZv Vvm !i Daniel B. Miller. * H * Webb- wif 11 jig orpV? v re? ' deilk- J. D HBWI F'rr aa\X lce 7 Pre ?l<ient * r ati ° n ® u A" d^ c ?P tt °n^^AßlNß RISKS received and forwarded to the ah ,v wll- Ms 11 . Company by J AS. CAREY COALE 1 Kxohanga Place. TRI'ST FtTNON TO LEIVD.? S2,OOO for three years secured by mortgage on city property ?u?wli°- rphani fU!Kl ;\'ir ,rp ear 'y application, aiso $14,990 in one sutn, $8,909 in another, to lend for five years; to be amply secured by mortgage on eity or Baltimore county property. JOHN L. HAMMOND. li " tt : 36 Saratoga street. MIBC EL L ANEOUS. A PPIICATIOX will be made to the City Coun- at the present session, for Demission to erect a steam engine at .No. 8 N. Liberty street, fel? lOt* CtO]!VHl<jtNl2E&' NOTlCE.?Consignees or own- i ers of 4 boxes and 1 trunk, marked Nowton, U. S.A.; also 2 trunks marked A. M. N.; also 1 trunk marked J. N., per steamship Cumberland, from Charleston. S. C., will please call and reccivo the same, as they are stored at their expense and risk. PENDERGAST, FEN WICK & CO., leii -4t 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs. <?SI-~"OO0 bbls. Primo ROSIN, from Charles- * ? , *O,l steamships Cumberlan, Eliio Knight and Sea (lull, now landed and for sale by PENDERGAST, FENWJCK & CO., f fi '~ 1 1 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs. A GREAT Sn:( ILAHO\ i x REAL ESTATE. L6OO ACRES OF VALUABLE TIMBER LAND In Morgan County, VIRGINIA, near the BAL- TIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD; has upon it a large uweiling and a valuable \u25a0 JB The Cacapon River runs through this Property, making it very convenient to get the Timber to Market. YYe are authorized to sell this property at the low price of FIVE DOLLARS per acre. Title indis- putable and guaranteed. Apply to SUTTON & GE.MMELL, fc!6-lw 56 Exchange Place, Bait. 810 THING OX ICE." A policy of insurance against accident.s in the TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hart- ford. YVe have one claimant now in Baltimore, drawing ?2o a week, from a fall which sprained the wrist while skating. Policy was issued at 63 Second street, Bal- timore. where many arc issued daily by YV. B. LOUNSBURY, fcl6-2t State Agent. fJUEE HJXCII EVERY SIORXIXG, (e x- XL cept Sunday. Also, Boarding and Lodging, at moderate rates, at 75 R. CHARLES ST., near Pratt St., red sign, NEYY' BAGATELLE. felolm* fifGARIi ~ AND AT ILETDTJCEID PRICES. Choice English Island SVGA 11, 14 and 15 cts.: Nice do do 13 ct.; Wh to Sugar 17 and 18 cts. Patapsco Family FLOUII, sls; Extra do., $13.25 per bbl.; Lingamore Family (a superior FLOUR) sl3 per bbl.; Good Extra FLOUR, sll. For sale by , D. SULLIVAN, felo-tml Corner Lexington and Pine sta. 'AftHICE. Axi Bills for YYator Rentand Tax for the year 1866. paid during the present month (February} will be subject to a discount of It) per rent. The City Ordinance requires the water to be shut ofi from all houses whero bills for YY'ater Rent for former years have not been paid. This provision will bo enforced after the 28th of the present month. Those interested willregard this as sufficient notice. GEORGE MERRY MAN, He-St Registrar. ACCIDENTS" NATIONAL LIFE AND TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COM- PANY. OF NEYY YORK. CA PITAL $500,900. BALTIMORE OFFICE. 56 EXCHANGE PLACE. Issues General Accident Tickets from One to Twenty Days. these Tickets insuro against Accidents of every de- scription fur in case of death, or 525 per week compensation for disabling accident. TARIFF OF RATES. 1 day 25 cents] 5 days $1 25 2 days 50 cents] 8 days 2 00 S days 75 cents 12 days 3 oo 120 days 4 00 Insurance on above tickets commence at 6 o'clock A. M., 12 o'clock M., 6 o'clock P. M. Remember that 25 cents per day insures for $5,000. t' EU'CII " i<! ®fflco of tho Company, No. PHILIP I). SUTTON, General Agent. ... SUTTON St OEMMELL, fcio-tf Associate Agents. ELECTION. I OFFICE NORTHERN CENTRAL I RAILWAY COMPANY. > BALTIMORE, Feb. 8. 1866.) Ageneral meeting of the Stockholders of this Com- pany will he held at Calvert Station on THURSDAY, tho22d instant, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, for the purpose of electing TWELVE DIRECTORS for the ensuing year. The transfer books will bo closed on the Bth instant until after tue election. By order, ROBERT S. lIOLLINS. fcß-tL Secretary. nrusE progressive Evi:si.wcnoi, Iw at Professor KNAPP'S Institute, Nos. 29, 21 and 33 Ilolliday street, opens each evening at 7 o'clock. Pupils will plea-se be punctual at t'no hour. Circu- lars can bo obtained at the institute. feb-tf jpROSPECTUS. HARDAWAY'S BOLT, SPIKE AND Rivet Manufacturing Company, OF BAITI3IOEI. The enormous profits resulting from the manufac- ture of BOLTS, NUTS, SPIKES and RIVETS, and tho unlimited demand for those articles, renders any improvement in machinery for making them worthy of the attention of capitalists. While many bolts are made by machines construct- ed for that purpose, all bolts, that are designed to be perfect throughout, of equal strength and uniformity, have heretofore been made by hand, and at great ex- pense. The best Bolt Machines tha.t have been used make on an average less than 1,000 bolts per day, nor are the bolts so made perfect inshape or strength. The great desideratum has been to get a machine that would make a bolt uniform and equally strong throughout , with head of any shape and perfect, and turn theni out with great rapidity. MOORE HARDA- WAY, Esq., one of the oldest and most thoroughly practical mechanics in tho country, has invented a machine which fills all tho requirements mentioned above, as it makes a perfect bolt, of any length, with head of any shape, and will make three times as many, in a given time, as any other machine inuse. Ike advantages this machine possesses over all others will enable the Company using it to control the bolt trade of tho country. The justness of theso claims to superiority over other Bolt Mach'nes, has been submitted to the best mechanics in the country, and they have all, unhesi- tatingly, pronounced the machine unequalled, and a perfect success inevery particular. We append the certificates of a few of the most practical mechanics of this city, who have made a careful examination of the machines, and put their work to tho severest tost. In a few words, it is claimed for Hardaway's Spike ar.d Rivet Machines, that for cheapness, simplicity, durability, quantity, and quality of work turned out, they are unequalled. It is proposed to organize a STOCK COMPANY, under the name and style of "THE JIARDAWAY BOLT, SPIKE AND 111 VET MANUFACTURING COMPANY OF BALTIMORE,"with a capital stock of Throe Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of One Hundred Dollars each. Messrs. White ,fc Buttcrworth are to grant to said Company the sole and exclusive right to manufac- ture, use, and sell, Hardaway's Patent Bolt, Spike and Rivet Machines in the States of Maryland. Vir- ginia, Wcst Virginia, Kentucky. Tennessee, Missis- sippi. Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. In addition to the vast superiority of tho Compa- ny's Machines over others, there aro othor obvious reasons, aside from geographical location, thatwouid seeure for the Baltimore Company control of the Southern trade. Tho demand for all kinds of Bolts. Spikes, Rivets, Nuts, Ac., which tho Company will manufacture, is, and must continue to bo unlimited, and the Company will undoubtedly be able to pay a 25 per cent, dividend the first year; that it can do so is capable of demonstration. The business of tho Company may be enlarged and extended, as circumstances may render it expediont. If it is thought best, any part of tho territory granted to the Company can be sold, and the proceeds paid out as dividends. The operations of tho Company will commence at once. Twelve hundred shares of the stock remain to be taken. For any further information apply to BALTIMORE, 23d January, 1860. Messrs. WniTK A BCTTERWORTH : Dear Sirs: ?Having seen the operation of your Bolt and Spike Machines, it gives me pleasure to say I think itfully merits all that is claimed for it. I hope to see an establishment for the manufacture of these indispensable articles in our city, equal to the present and growing demand. Yours truly. J. H. II AYWARD, Of Hayward, Bartlett & Co. BALTIMORE, Jan. 23, 1866. Messrs. WHITE A BUTTKRWORTH: Gentlemen; ?W e have examined ycur "Hardaway'a Improved Patent Bolt, Spike and Rivet Machines," and tho work they turn out. We could suggest no improvement in the bolts you make. They are per- fect in all their parks?have no weak point. They are superior to any machine made bolts we have ever and are equal, if not superior to any made by hand. The machine is simple in construction, and so made that it is durable, and not likely to get out of repair. We regard it as a perfect success ineverv particular, inc rnpidity with which you make bolts. derend3 solely upon your facilities for feeding. From seeing the machine work, we suppose three thousand bolts per ton hours to be rcasunablo work for one feeder. As the demand for bolts is unlimited, we regard the invention as a most valuable ono. Vi r e regard the Spike and Rivet Machines as being superior for the work they are intended todo, as they make the best of spikes and rivets, and turn them them out very rapidly. Truly yours, jrc? ER WARD NORWOOD, WM. H. MILLER & CO., TREGO, THOMPSON A CO. OFFICE OK TIIKMERRILL'S PATENT ") FIRP.-ARM MANUFACTORY, > BALTIMORE, Jan, 20, 180(5. ) Messrs. WHITE & BUTTERWORTH: Gentlemen? Having -watched the operation of your Bolt Machine, as well as the Spike and Rivet Ma- chines since they have been in operation, I take pleaeure in saying that they perform admirably, making Bolts of the most perfect kind, at the rate of three hundred per hour. The Strike and Rivet Ma- chines turned out Spikes and Rivets of the most superior finish at the rate of from forty-five to fifty per minute. The great economy in the use of fuel, together with the cheapness, simplicity and durability of the Machines, ana the large and growing demand for them and the superior work they turn out, cannot mu. to insure success to any company engaged in their manufacture and use. Respectfully, J. H. MERRILL, Jl-tl v President. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO MASTER COHF.R. BAI.TIMORK. February 14,1886. _ Having understood that Master Richard Coker is about to leave this country for a tour in Europe, the undorrigned propose that the citizens of Baltimore extend to him the compliment of a grand Qirewelt testimonial, to take place at CONCORDIA MUSIC HALL, on SATURDAY, tho 17th inst. . YVe feel that so extraordinary a musical wonder thould not pass from ourmidst withoutsomoendorse- ment, and wc cordially invite all to assist to make this occasion enc of the grandestjib at has ta,teu place ill veer-- K C. HAbTON. Inyeßr " ISAAC SOLOMON. A. C. WALSH, 0. A. KIRK LAND, J. BICKERTON, 11. it. BURNETT, JOHN T, TREGO. H. HOFFMAN, jt And many othei-3. ! tlie IMPROVEMENT OF THE CONDI- TION OF THE POOR. A stated meeting of the Board of Managers will beheld inthe Centra! Officii, No. 2! Fayette street, est of Holliday, on MON- DAY' EVENING next, Feb. Id, at 714 o'clock. The wards will i lease eomplctetheireollection? and make a full report the same evening. fcl6-"t D. BRASH EARS, Sec'y. rr3HAI,I,'S VEtiETABEK NrU 11.1 AJf tks/ HAIR RENEYVER, its effect is miraculous.? The old, the young, tho middle aged, unite to praise HALL'S VEGETABLE Strii.iiv II UK P.KXKWF.B. Itis an entirely new scientific discovery, combining many of the most powerful and restorative agents iu the vegetable kingdom. YVe have such confidence in its merits, and are so sure it will do all wo claim for it, that wc offer tll,OtlO ttgWARD if the Sicilian lhir Renevter does not. give satisfaction in ali caseswben used in strict accordance with our instructions. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian llair Ronewer has prove,! itself to be the most perfect preparation for the Hair ever ottered to the public. Itis a vegetable compound, and contains no injurious properties whatever. It is not a Dye, it strikes at the Roots and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. IT YVILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp, and makes the hair soft, lustrous, and silken. It is asplendid hair-dress- ing. No person, old or young, should fail to use it. It is recommended and used by the first Medical Authority. Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewcr and tako no other. If notsoM by Druggists in your town, atria! bottle will bo sent to you by express, upon receipt of one dollar by mail?thus giving you an opportunity at once for testing its excellent virtues. Orders for trial bottles must be addressed to R. P. HALLSt Co., Proprietors. Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Druggists.. Wholesaled by i'HOMSKN & BLOCK and S. S. HA'NOE. Baltimore. iaJj-d.t-weoiy \u25a0,r"SP>TWO BAH C'AHEN ©F PIUIS ( l'Kb uky BY DP.. STRICKLAND'SPILE P.EMED Y ?Mr. Glass, of Janesvilie, YVisconsin, writes for the benefit of all who sufi'er with tho Piles, that he has been troubled for eight years with an aggravated case if Piles, and his brother was discharged from the wmy as incurable, (he being quite paralysed with the Piles.) Both theso distressing cares were cured A-ith one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy.? The recommendation of these gentlemen, beside the daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to convince those suffering that the most aggravated i ronic cases of Piles are cared by Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. It 13 sold by Soth o. Jlanec, 108 Bait! more street, and by Druggists everywhere. VVi;cJ3ale Agents, THOMSEN & BLOCK and A. VOGELER & CO: SE'TH S. RANGE, iy.'l-ly Agent. irs JF. KSAPPU iNHTJTiJTR. IJ-# '' BALTIMORE DAILY COMMERCIAL-"SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1866. AMUSEMENTS. H '.JULIBAY STREET THE ATRE. GROVER'S 611 ASD 6KSHAV nprp t LEONARD GROVER... MUF-TOR THTS ISATURDAY) EVENlNG"'Fcbruarvl7 GALA FAREWELL NIGHT AND CLOSE OF THE OPEN AT JLALF-PAST 6, TO COM- MFACE AX 7 O'CLOCK. SH KlimTwi i ,? i Company having to 'leave TO- the 10 clock P M. train for Buffalo.whcre they will appear on Monday next, the management mcntioned t hourI OUUCO th° I,crforluanc< > at th above Mozart's immortal master-work, in 3 acts JJOX UIUVANNI, MME. JOHANNSEN, MME. RorrFlt*' C MLLE DZIUBA. HABKLMAN, STEINE'CKF llElt" MAN'S. YY'EINLICH. " UK". 11Mt Conductor.... ADOLPII NEUENDORF fo give eclat to the lust performance of Grand Ger- man Opera which will probably ever take place under tins management, aSOUVENIR of the occasion will bo distnbuled to tho ladies, A BEAUTIFUL PERFUMED WHITE SATIN PROGRAMME, fAiliN IN CRIMSON AND GOLD. It JPROKT STREET THEATRE. THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. Last Day Performance of tho Great AMERICAS (UMTS, For tho accommodation of Families and Children with a splendid entertainment, in which the entire company of Star Equestrians. Horses, ponies. Comic Mules and Educated Dogs will appear. In tho evening, benefit oi DAN GARDNER, And positively Last Night of the Season, INSTITUTE. OPEN TO-NIGHT And Every Night Hereafter until Further Notice. GRAND MATDIKE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. For the accommodation of Families. TheGreal Original MILTONIAN TABLEAUX of PARADISE LOST. From London, England. Admission only 25 cents. No half price at Night. Admission to Matinee ?f.'ete Children I.ict" Doors open iu the Evening at GU o'ciock.' Curtain rises at eight. poors open in the Afternoon at VA o'clock. Cur- tain rises at 3 ocloek. A. M. BORLAND, Burials Manag T erf rol,riot °r * _M±jt F. C. GARDNER. Agent. BANKING. E. WATERS A EASIER, BANKERS ANDBROKERS, N. YY. CORNER BALTO. AND CRARLE3 SIS. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. EXCHANGE. BONOS. SIGCKS, GOLD \ND SIL VER, Bought and sold. Ordors from Banks and Brokers willreeeivo prompt attention and at as l'avorabie rates as offered else- where. Deposits received and money advanced on collateral. . Purchase and sell Stocks for cash, or on margins, in this and other market !, e.rclusivcty an commission. Collections promptly made on all parts of the coun- try reliable correspondents. fel4-6m EXCHANGE OS SAX FBAXCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Also, on LONDON and DUBLIN, in sums to suit purchasers. For sale by PENDERGAST, FEN- WICK & CO., 77 Smith's wharf, Agents for WELLS. FARGO Sr. CO.. Now YnrV. diCLO-ff FURNITURE. HEXRV 8. SHRVOCK. W3t. HEMRY BHEYOOE K. S, SHRYOCK dt SON, Cabinet, Chair and Sola MAN' ©FACT ' RE StS, No. o SOUTH CALVERT STREET, Three doors south ofBaltimore street, Baltimore. A largo assortment of CABINET apMSfrWARE, CURLED HAIR,HUSK. AND jmif SPRING MATURATES,' Ac., always on hand and made to order. Ships' Cabins and Steamboats furnished on the bast terms. oc2-tf ~ FURNITURB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. S. S. STEVEM3 & SON, EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS or CABINET FUBNITUHE. YY'AREIIOUSE NO. S SOUTH CAT,VERT STREET, (East side, second door below Saltimore street.) FACTORY, NO. G I,OW STREET, WW (Opposite Front Street Theatre.) gt f u ;* mai-sMtsiii it t; fm FURNITURE. pb* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE WAREKOOMS, No. 27 Ilaneve? Street, between Lombard and Ger- man sts? Factory Nos. 13 and 15 Granby sts., Bait. \r e have now in Store and keep constantly onhand a large variety of ORNAMENTAL, PLAIN and Black Walnut COTTAGE SETS, HALL. PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE of every description. All made of the most fashionable patterns, and tnoroughly seasoned wood. Being in the lumber trade, and having a large Steam Factory, we are thus possessed of every facili- ty to sell for cash, at cheaper prices than any other house of the kind in the city. Wc invito the atten- tion of housekeepers, and ask an examination before purchasing elsowhere. We respectfully solicit the patronage of tho trade. A. ALLEN. A CO., oc2tl Lumber Yard. 56 IVest Falls avenue. . i~ A&biiksuar ~~ Furniture Wa?erconi3, NOT. I b and 32 SECOND STREET. One Block East of the Post Office. Splendid Parlor and Chamber sets. On hand one of the largest stocks of , , . FURNITURE inthe City. All persons wanting Furniture will nissee "Mi,- Read's Cough Syrup. / \ V '"OR Coughs and. Colds. A SIMPLE COUGH, which is a mere nothing in its incipient form, will soon terminate in an incurable consumption, and thi3 is the sad experience of thou- sands. For the rolief and cure of all affections of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, we know of no preparation ever offered to the public so effectual as BEAD'S COUGH SYR IP OF LIVERWORT, Wo give a fow certificates, and couldgivo hundreds but deem it unnecessary : FROM REV. JAS. H. BROWN, Of East Baltimore Conference. I have used W. H. Read's Cough Eyrup with happy effects, and from my knowledge ofits remedial ingre- dients recommend it as a most valuable medicine. JAB. A. BROWS. FROM REV. A. A. REESE, D. D. Chaplain at Fort McHenry. To my friends suffering with Coughs Colds and Hoarseness. I recommend W. 11. Read's Syrup of Liverwort as a valuable remedy. FROM REV. ANDREW MANSHIP,** B*' 8 *' Of Philadelphia Conference. W. H. READ? Dear Sir : Iused your Syrup of Liv- erwort, and take pleasure in saying it was of great service to my Throat, and recommend it to clergy- men and public speakers. A. MAX-SHIP FROM REV. SAMUEL A. WILSON. Having suffered from a severe Cold, and used W. H. Read's Cough Syrup of Liverwort, I found from its use speedy relief. _ , SAMUEL A. W ILSOH. We hove certificates from: Rev. JM. S. MoMurray, Rev. Wm. R. Miil, Rev. Wm. A. Snively, Rev. Wm. W. Hicks, Rev. Geo. Biidt, Rev. E. J. Way. All from experience recommending it to their friends and the public in tho highest terms, as one of tho most valuable and speedy Cough Syrups ever brought before their notice. Sold by all the druggists, at 50 cents, READ'S SORE THROAT POWDER. READ'S SORE THROAT POWDER, READ'S SORE THROAT POWDER, is one of the most effectual remedies for Bore Throats and Cold in the Head wo have over known. Try it onoe, and yon will never be without a box in your FAMILY. JCJS UMtB-lB! LV.HiU.U:i US.' 31 itlilt; I! ATTHS OLD ESTABLISHED YARD, No. 76 WEST FALLS AVENUE, Baltimore, Md, We have on hand in lots to suit purchasers, at very reasonable rates. Seasoned Yellow and White I'inc Flooring, dressed and ready for nso, Undressed Yel- low Pine Flooring Boards. White Pine Cuttings Picks, and Selects. Assorted Walnut, Poplar, Ash' Oak, Mahogany, Biroh, Hickory. Maple and Hem- lock. W s would also invite Attention to our S'eair Saw and Plaining Mill, Nos. 13 and 15 Grant street Lcmber Dressed, Tongncd and Grooved, Split Ripped, &o? in the best possible manner, and at ven moderate prices. Box and Trunk Makers. Carpenters, Builders, an 2 all others desirmg Lumber dressed or made ready foi use inany manner, trill find Jr to their advantage bj kiviug us a call. Shriving sr..] Split Lumber for sale ** tue Miu. 41.T.15W J ty 235 BAIiTXaiOHH 3T. 235 FRANCIS BEEHLER, WHIPS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, CANES , and CRUTCHES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. \u25a0Repairing Neatly and Promptly Ex. eeute-d. YTUE IS* KEKEHV GIVES, That appli- Lw _ cation will bo made to tho City Council of Baltimore, at its present session, for permission to erect COAu OIL WORKS with steam machinery on the east side of Russell street, south of Stockholm street, and on the west side of Russell, north of Stockholm street. fH-lOt* Portable Steam Engines. ."oVwMANN? aPP ° iiltod M ° at f° r 4116 CELEBRATED PORTABLE STEAM EN- GINES, From four to thirty-fivehorse-power oaoh. These Engines are well adaptod to out door work Baohas threshing-, sawing wood, driving mills and piles, pumping oil and other wells, and for all MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Full particulars as to their efficiency, etc.. mav he had on application at No. 57 SOUTH GAY STREET whore a stx hors-i>owr engine can be seen ?AtC-tf CHifi T. nxl[>lP--V.TTVR CORNER NORTH AND MONUMENT STS., MONUMENTS, gIUVB STONES, MANTELS. TABLE TOi sS. TILES for floors. ? and GARDEN STATUARY, M-l HUGH SISSON. JEWELRY, &c, 1866 WATOHES. 1866 I.AKMOI'K & Co. I.UiiST STKEEI. Have just opened their splendid stock of HOLIDAY PBESEXTB. consisting of Enameled and Diamond WATCHES, Patent "4-scconds Timing Watches, Diamond, Poar! and Mosaic JKWKLRY, Ooera Glasses, Table Cutlery. Gold i>ens and Pencils, Solid Silver VI" ARK Triple Plated Albata WASK, CLOCKS. FANCY GOODS, ETC., A.ll Nev) and Beautiful Pattern?. &3~We would especially invite persons wishing to purchase HOLIDAYPRESENTS, to call and examine our stock. They will 2nd Bar- gains. dels-tf 283 WEST H.iLi'JJIOSS STREET', 282 QL*= Opposite Sharp Street. 7W- W .F. HISSING. feV9Dealer in AMERICAN. ENGLISHB H %Ss?and GENEVA WATCHES, JEWEL- R\, OPERA GLASSES, Ac., &e. novll-dm Canfield Bro. & Co., 22S BALTiaCKE ST., COB. OF CHARLES. Have a Fine Stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Plamossls, Rich Jewelry. FANCY SIL VER GOODS FOR PRESENTS. Silver Plated Forks, Spoons, Castors, Waiters, Tea Sets, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery: Fins Fancy Goods, Clocks, Bronzes and iiitiax-y Groods,| FOR ARMY AND NAVY. ocl7-tf & A. B. MILLER. gT* SUCCESSOR TO John H. Ham. 161 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, Has jast received a Cne lot of PLATED WARE, consisting oi? ICE PITCHERS, CASTORS, , , 'TEA SETTS, <tc., Ac., of the nnest stylo and finish. Also on hand. WATCHES JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE of every grade and stylo, to which ho invites attention, myl/j-ly New and Rich Jewelry, SILVEB WAEE, Silver Plated Ware, A. E. WARNER, GO3, i> A IV it Kif.VKR SMITH, No. 10 N. GAY STREET. Is adding daily to his varied assortment of new Styles and pattern? of RICH JEWELRY, suitable for presents; Diamond Pins. Ear Rings, Finger Rings. Pearl do.. Enamelled do., Coral do., Garnet and Plain Gold do.. Jet Cross do.. Ladies' Gold Chains, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, Cuff But- tons and Studa, bec.rf Pins, Signet and Plain Gob' and Set Rings, Ac., £O. Also, a variety of SILVER PLATED WARE, Baskets, Castors, Waiters, Butter Stands, Fruit do.. Spoons, Forks, Ladles. Ac., all of which will bo solo on the most accommodating terms. de6-tf BT&W3&BS S2&VSR WOES. ALBATAPLATED WARES. In grsat variety, on hand and for sale to order .? GABRIEL D. CLARK'S, iy2fvtf comer of Calvert and Water rt MERCHANDISE. I E EEKIXG? In store and for sale, OtJ bbls. Shore s Split Herring. BIG SLOW A-SARGENT. fcl2-tf cor. Smith's wharf and Pratt St. tJAS.T ?fiA.LT?3,oooSwolfß Wilmington's and Jcf- s "frey's ami Davey's lise; 5,000 Sacks Liverpool Ground: 10,000 bushels Turks Island, for sale in lots by ALEX. KERR a BUG., ies-2w* 13 Commerce street. &JTARfn. I,oooboxes Fox's Refined Pearl Starch, for sale by KOI!I!IS OWENS & CO., fl-tf 37S W. Baltimore street. 5 9 000 ' NORMS OWENS & CO., fl-tf 378 W. Baltimore street. mtiA. -B. 50 half chests fine Oolong Ten, for sale by NORRLS OWENS & CO., fl-tf 378 W. Baltimore street. W,TE7"F.NTEHJJ WIIISRY. v HIGH AND LOW PROOF WHISKY in prime packages. Fr sale by JOHN HENDERSON A CO., ja3l-tf Pratt and Commerce ste. lAwtm J? CHOICE BRANDS FAMILY and EXTRA FLOUR. For sale by JXO. HENDERSON & CO.. ja3l-tf Pratt and Commerce sfs. BUTTER. 50 Packages Prime NEW YORK STATE DAIRIES. Packed for family use. For sale by JOHN HENDERSON & CO., ia3i-tf ? Pratt and Commerce sts. IjllGS. ?1,000 drums and 20 casos, in cartoons and bags, for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER & CO., Ja2T-tf No. 15 Hmvly's wharf. OS4AIVGEB. ?200 boxes, landing and for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER .t CO., ja27-tf No. 15 Bowly's wharf. PE.VN'I TN.?2OO bags Wilmington and Virginia, instore and for sale by EDWARD L. PALMER & CO., ja27-tf _ So. 15 Bowly's wharf. fiiEEDS, EEC. \u25ba3 CLOVER AND TIMOTHYSEED, ROSENDALE CEMENT AND CALCINED PLASTER. Constantly for sale in quantities to suit, by J. HENRY GIESfc, _ja22-3m-2n 21 Spar's wharf. yillll'Sl- CHOICE, PRIME, GOOD, and common, for Bale by J. A. RICHARDSON A CO., ja!Btf Calvert and Lombard stg. yt'iiAK \u25ba3 CHOICE, PRIME AND GOOD, for sale by J. A. RICHARDSON & CO., jalß tf Calvert and Lombard sts. CtOFfr'EK. > 200 bags good low priced COFFEE, for ?r.lo by J. A. RICHARDSON A CO., Jal3-tf Calvert and Lombard Bt9. fAVA i'offke. ?iut)~B;igs Prime Government Java. Also, Java in ting mats. Imitation Java, Ceylon, Ac. For sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A Co., jail-if Calvert and Lombard. #IIUAItN, FISIIF.R BROTHERS A CO., IMPORTERS. No. 52 South Gat Stuekt, Offer lor stilo a large assortment of . CHOICE HAVANABRANDS, and I n made to order in Cuba. jail y a hKUI.IOtt.tS, WiSdi i S-FSCHNAI'PS, FLASKS, Ac. For sale by SEIM A EMORY, de23tf 29 Hanover street. PR! SIE littllWHKVl' A>l COBS MEAL.?AIso, choice brands Family and Ex- tra Flour. For sale by A. L. BOGUS, Jr. A CO., HI North Howard street. nov29-tf wsu F/ ' l'K'l'ttiMKl.ti ?Superior bottled ITS LASER and WHITE BEER, ALE and PGR TER. likewise "RUSSIAN CAVIAR,"for Family t!3c and Shipping. To be bad at the Brewery. No lit PRBT'FRfcir BTRWET OTARHL t3 SUGAR, COFFEE GROCERIES. (5,0* to SI OX Kb* Dt'RYEA'S STARCH. 100 Ii,StItKS,W SVKI l>. 50BARRSLS HOMINY "GRITS." PRIME RIO AND JAVA COFFEE. ' Choice P. R. and ENGLISH ISLAND SUGAR for sale by HULL I NS A BURNETT, jan2S-tt " 5 West Pratt street. II k"i ASKS t'.l SSi KS PEAUIKST sWvlf 100 eases Green CORN, 400 oases TOMATOES. 100 do. STRAWBERRIES. 100 do. COVE OYSTERS. 100 do. DRAKE'S BITTERS. 100 do. 'WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS. 360 do. CATAWBA BRANDY. FINE OLD HENNKSSY BRANDY. " BOURBON WHISKY. :? SCOTCH " JAMAICA RUM. In wood and glass. For sale by GREEN Si YOB, 88 West Baltimore street, HniHdav ~~ VVI NE7 l C O lis, ETC. jpEKUISS, NTEKN A tWsT CALIFORNIA WINES. The increasing popularity o our brand? of thest fine Wines bas induced their extensive imitation.? All desiring genuino and pure Wines should see that our copy-righted label, bearing our name, place oi business, and the State Seal of California, is upon each bottle. The following Wines are now offered by us, with our guarantee of their entire purity. WHITE, OR HOCK WINE, Of a light straw color, vory delicate, fine flavored and superior as a dinner V- ine to Hock or Rhine ANGELICA. A rich and naturally sweet Wine, much admired by ladies, and valuable in the sick chamber, as it makes line wheys and jellies. It is a fine dessert Wine, and well adapted for Communion purposes. MUSCATEL. This superb Wine is made frotu solected grapes. It is very delicate, and will rank with the very highest sweet Y, ines of Europe. PORT. This a deep red color, of good bodv and fine flavor It is becoming very popular where a slightly astring- ent and delicate stimulant is desired. Being entirely a natural _ W ine, it will agroo with the most delicate organization. WINE BITTERS. These are mado in our own eeilars, from our owr Wines, and will be found agreeable and pleasant . GRAPE BRANDY. Distilled from the second pressing of the grape and ts a pure and desirable article. J. K. BARNES, the Surgeon General of tho United states, assisted by Assistant Surgeon WOODWARD, after a searching and careful analysis of our Wines pronounces thein all pure, and admirably adapted for the use of tho siok and debilitated. Dr. JACKSON, the well-known Chemist of BostoD. coincides with this opinion. Ibe Boston Journal, Transcript, Traveller, Satur- day Evening Gazette, New York Evening Post, Tri- bane, and a large portion of tho press throughout the country, have, in leading articles upon American Wines, extolled the superior merits of these Wines. The Wine Convention, held at Cleveland, Ohio, where our Wines c&ine in competition with all the leading brands of Western Wines, awarded five premiums out of six to our Wines. . . The Indiana State Fair, endorsing the opinion ex pressed at Cleveland, awarded as a Diploma ana Oli- ver Medal. ? G. W. PIEB i CO., No, 47 South Charles street, Baltimore. Let Americans support American industry. oa-tfc 11 BOOKS, PAPER, ETC. p ° V * * gift % BOOK STOKE, 7 3 BALTIMORE ST. THIS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST LIBER- ALLYCONDUCTED ESTABLISHMENT OF THIS KIND EVER OPENED IN BALTIMORE. The Stock consists of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPHIC BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS. POETS AND PROSE WRITERS, DICTIONARIES, And all the POPULAR and STANDARD WORKS of the day, includinga large assortment Juvenile Books. BOOKS AT PUBLISHER'S PRICES; And each person purchasing a bock will receive a present valued at 50 cents to SSO. The presents consist of SILVER PLATED PITCHERS, CASTORS, CAKE BASKETS, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOBLETS, SPOONS, FORKS, CUPS, NAPKIN RINGS, LADIES' SETTS JEWELRY, BRACELETS, RINGS, BREAST PINS, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS. PICTURE FRAMES, CLOCKS, And a large variety of other useful and valuable articles. GEO. GRATTOJf, ja3-tf Proprietor. CUSHINGS k BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS, Stationers, Rlank Rook nlkcin rera, 262 BALTIMORE-ST,, OPPOSITE HANOVER STREET MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, CLASSICAL BOOKS. MEDICAL BOOKS, LAV/ BOOKS, THEOLOGICAL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, STATIONERY. XSS LARGEST AND MOST VAKIRDSTOCK TO BR FOUND IK THIS CITY. * PAGED ACCOUNT BOOKS, Made of Superior LIKES PAPER, at short notice ruled and bound to order in any style. BAKES. INSURANCE COMPANIES, CORPORATIONS AND MERCHANTS, furnished at reasonable prices. oc2-tfl PAl'Kii WARRMOUSE. , NO. 31 HANOVER STREET, pnuersigncd offer for sale a full assortment of STRAW and BINDERS' BOARDS, suitable for all branches of Paper Box Making and Book Binding. Manilla, Straw and other Wrapping ' '. t t ? . RUDOLPH & JENNESS. s- Highest Lash Prices Paid for Rags and waste PRPer. noR-ly ?&?Ea WAEznouss. Mo. HiSonf h t'iiarlisNirect, BALTIMORE. MO. fgT'IE SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale a large and .a general assortment of WRITING and WRAP- PING PAPERS, viz: Flat Caps, Demys. Folio Post, Mediums, plain and ruled: Letter and Notes. Also. Manilla and all other WRAPPING PAPERS, all sines; Binders' and Box Boards, Printers' Cards and Lard Boards. Envelopes. Grocers' Paper Bags, &c., to which we call the attention of eaah dealers. ? _ ? u WILLIS A ADAMS. N. B.?Cash paid for RAGS and CUD PAFERB. IBl.h-tf FACTORIES, ETC. WAASHEITKTG- TSjffiLrm.JMJSJEJ JES.rSk.SBW. READ TH I S!?T R Y !T! One Customer says: "My trade is now altogether in your Soaps. The Washerwomen won't have any other kind." Another: "My Cook has gone frantio about your Excelsior Soap." Another ?"THE EXCELSIOR makes a Beautiful Lather: does not injure the Clothes, and now I am never troubled on Mon- days for five cents' worth of soda to waah with." THC" SSiSUW Kur* SA TISFA CTION G UARANTEED. Remember, every bar of our SOAP is Btamped "axcßiaioa." If your Grooer has not got it, call at'the Excelsior Soap Works, Eo. 4 I.OVEI.T IASE, H022-tf Kfr Paiveir!. App. - * FROM O v F 1 * ~o \u2756 \u2756 O W Commerce St. O Q B.A. LT I dvc ORE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DKALRRS IN Cider Vinegar, Dried Fruit, Beans, &c j3O-tf WANTS. \VV Vr . eD KENT.-A COTTAGE in the T /-°H ntr - v with a few a'jf M of land attached; must bo m good order, and not more than a i ill* uour s drive from the Postofl-..- Anyone having i?r k,P ?? e , **l* a ff°od tenant by addressing Jiox ?>-!. Baltimore, Md. fcl6-4t* WT . oTIr *, KKMT.-A CtIMFORTABLE ciiitnKii i' LLI,, N(J with modern improvements, p'm of .'I r " 9 ."' n, l family, in tbn northwestern sor- nfliee the Cltv - Address MORGAN, Commer. ~,1 \u25a0 c' felfi tit* {fSfi§ v V*;AST 'Kt.-DWELLI NO HOUSES in the ?? Northwest for purchasers and tc iLnnv-rp ui, Business Property on Baltimore, lianor er and North 'harles streets. AIso?GROUND RENTS and .MORTG AGES. e GEO. w. TINGES i- S! N; _ i* 3 St. Paul street. W^t tT w"7 A v\N acquainted with \u25bc \u25bc the iiulcsale and Retail tirocery trade of this eity and State. Addres- P.O. Box .New fork, giving age, references, a-id name of last employer. il;14 i,t ©ft T<> , bl '!, E ; ? ;? t ... l *l3 ergetic AGENTS everywhere (men or women! to whom wo offer extraordinary inducements in eu gage ina light, genteel and profitable business. Sam- ple will be forwarded upon application with stamp t> pay return postago. Address BRADLEY. (I!AD- WICK & CO., 116 Broadway, New York. teßd t Vw-lm lion. WOOD. HOOD.- WAN TED.? Everybody to know that we nro still selling WOOD cheaper than any other place in the city, at the corner of Centre and Central avenues, near the Philadelphia depot. lVMtn* PIRSOML a JL vccdings of the c urta on Saturday, the 10th, is not Hugh Watson, at present one of the police force of the middle district, and formerly Ist Lieut. Co. G, and Bvt. Captain Co. K, Ist Md. Yet. \ "is. 11 roRSAL^i ySIAIJ, CLANS FARMSL 143 Aere3 near Magnolia Station. 110 50 112 " " Cockcysvillo. 106 " " Poplar Spring?. Md " " Ml Airy Station. 132 " " Chase's do. Apply to STANSRUP.V, JaaSrtf , 61 South Broadway. YWMNASVIA-TWO FALL.-- I\ 1N;..-,""; Je COUNTY, tv.a in Anna Arundel, and a country feat within six mile? of iho eity, and several M,.: .1 houses in different parts of the city, ear. be bo:); lit a great bargain if applied for immediately, at No. 12 Law Buildings, to jat-tf NATHAN HARBISON. gNou siL!N-TWLvn".i:iGUr nr. '. >. N? OF PRINTING PAPER of a good anality and 23x30 inches in size. Apply at the of the COMM KRCIAL." Atffc SAUE.? The Bam J. E. BHA %a>B9 tuns register, or about l'o tons bur ben, .. ,7f 171 be sold low. Apply at once t<> h. :\u25a0]. HDyLiIN, Northwest corner Pratt and Ibty .-!r-. ; j. jftT , A very snperi'U i . IELLEK of 15tt Tons old all ll tent ? built i the strongest and substantial manner and of the best a? 2no 'f; .. j materials and,of very light draugrit ..r "..iter, tlie hull and machinery is nearly a.- good as r.i ,v. t. a . \u25a0 . beer, inactual service not n:uiv. than six m. :, has just been put in complete order and is n- w r- ..o for service. For further particulars eoouire at the bhtp \sru of Messrs. JOHN T. i' ARD\ A LRO eourh Side of the Basin. m: . 1 gggggjgggjjjgj " TNTin SiBL. FOR RENT. EV>R REHT, hy tb© year, month, or oth< £/ a largo roe 65 I't. by 33. olcgumb iitted up. tviiti siae rooms attached. Enquire at No. 21* North <Liy m COAL. * riOAh! w COAL!! At the Lowest Market priie. Oi the very best quality, hard and free burning, o he had a* the oliice of the WYOMING MUTUAL COAL COMPANY, No. 13 South Calvert street, . .. coi n< rto rely Lane, fel-3m2dp E. LAKRACEE. Presid ?. #B.OO ~ #B.OO COAL. XKBVOKTOK NTT COAL (SAME iTT All ACTKli AS LYK&NS V A LLKY) Knit I'DURING PURPOSES. SB.OO. Also for sale?Baltimore Company, Sunburv n i the Tre\orton It. A. SOFT COAI.,Nus. 1 '.n i ;' best CUMBERLAND COAL, all at lowest mark.;, prices, lor Bale by J. HENRY OIESE, Office No. i) South street. VIRUS: ? ?? Spear's wharf and on North street. 3-e-Lhe SAV.'KO and SPLIT WOOD hr c'.-at "auitl. ____ fc'T-lui2u ttOAL, ' COAI,, COAI.. THE HAMPSHIRE AND BALTIMORE COAL CO. Are now prepared to receive orders for their superior semi-bituminous Coal, either by scow load or cargo. Shippers, manufacturers, and tho various steam I.ip lines, are invited to givo this their special attention. SUTTON & G EMMELL, Shipping and Sales Agents, fcl-tf 10 Exchange Plnco. Anthracite and Bi i ti.n i ,\oTs ('<!. 1.. BALUMORE COMPANY - WHITE ASII ?all sizes. 111 (vory superior) Do Do LORBERRY (Freeliurnine) RED ASH Do OEORUK'S CREEK BITUMINOUS COAL, from the Franklin, George's Creek Mining Company and Hamniil Mines. JAMES BOYCF. i No. 30 Second street. COAL AT COS T\ BAI.TIKOBE ANA LtiRIiEKRT HUiTAI, GOAL COMPANY. 2,240 lbs. Per r £cn, Delivered TO SCBSCRIBF.ES TO KCN-SCB3CEIBKBS This Company will furnish to its SUBSCRIBERS for the present, COAL at s*?"> per ton. and to NDNI SUBSCRIBERS at $11.50 per ton TheLorbcrry Coal sells forone dollar per ton over all other Anthra- cites in the Eastern markets, and has the advantage cf transportation both by railroad and canal. Stock- holders are entitled to one ton of Coal, uer annum, at cost, for each share of stock. Price of shares sin Subscription Books now open at. the office of the Company, No. SB SECOND STREET, Baltimore no3U-:;m P. 11. SULLIVAN. President. |TAI,I COAI. I COAI. ) BALTIMORE COMPANY. CRAY'S. LEE'S, and DIAMOND WHITE ASH, LYKENK VALLEY, LORBERRY, and SUN BUT Y RED 'MI. / GEORGE'S CREEK, CUMBERLAND, "ro.d LE- HIGH COALS. For sale at the mines, hy the car ro, car load or single ton, delivered in the city. hi. STABLER, ,JK? & CO. Office?7 Sun Iron Buildings. V.'hari and Yard? Corner York and William its. Pier No. 4--L a?t oct-ly QUCKSUB A OKAY, Dealers in the beet Vfirieties nf ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL WfiKBSBVR y. Pi TTS'TON, And other White Ash Coals. , /{£ VALLEY, SONBUHY, lied Ash Coal a and GEORGE'S CREEK. CUMBERLAND COAL wnich we are prepared to deliver to consumers \u25a0 i,- lowest cash prices. h OFFICE AND Y " HB?Comer Fremont and Mul- TOBACCO. 6. W. GAIL. OUKiSTIAJI \S. % G. W. GAIL & AX, Manufacturers of all kirt'in of HOiiiikltlAi GiV."- M.iil ( Iti'tt asid Sis nit. ALSO* Importers of Pipes, Sttuif Eoaas, &c., &c., &e. NO. 28 BARRE STREET. Between Okarlet arid Cieht Utreete, BALTIMORE, .MD. a. W. GAIL. CHRISTIAN aX. OBOgCh J. KUCBLUa, Baltiuoie. Batiinure, Acta York, GAIL, AX & KTCHLEB, Tobacco ana Commission Houso. MtroT o? 9. W. QA.IL <£\u25a0 AJTB MANUBA CfUk. K.% BALTIMORE. ITS and ITS WATER STREET, near Maiden Lai a. tEW tEW V'ivi< PIANOS. W.ll. Si. SSKilSIii U V .N SUPERIOR PIANO FORTE. if &Tp TIIE BEST PIANO NOW MAN, - FACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY. Testimonials of excellence from the most renowned artists in this country, as:, \Vm. Mas, i, Sanderson, and many others, can be examined at the >V areroom. ? , , A. F. TRITON A CO'S. Good substantial Piano Tories, embracing all tho modern improvements, at prices within the means of all. George A. Princo .fc Co's improved patent prize medal Melodcons and automatic Parlor Organs. Every instrument fully warranted. Pianos rented, tuned, repaired and moved. WM. COLTON, Sole Arent, 82 TV. Payette Street, ja22-ly Throe doors above Charles. _ ttli.lT 111 HNAIiKA (U'h CELEBRATED fTfrft GOLD MEDAL PiANOS. GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Theso instruments have been for thirty years be- fore the public, m competition with othor instru- ments of first-class makers They have, throughout hf. rfA\ e ""d ;.? 1 ; i ,! nta, ?.T d the i r reputation among the and tho public a3 being unsurpassed in every qualityfound in a first-class Piano. VARKKOOMB, No. 350 W, BALTIMORE STREET. Near Entaw. Every instrument guarantied for flvo years. Jol-ly VAlj.-The MARY LANDFIREINSUR- ANOi COMPANY of Baltimore has removed or the Present to tho Northwest corner of Second \u25a0tree,, as 4 Xrtpolett's alley, near their new Mnrbt* building opposite the PcstoPUe. ? ?? JQSXTH K. MILHGR. aw'.

Transcript of BALTIMORE DAILY COMMERCIAL-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY DAILY … · iky CHURCH, Revival stillcontinues;...

Page 1: BALTIMORE DAILY COMMERCIAL-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY DAILY … · iky CHURCH, Revival stillcontinues; Preach ing SUNDAY, 18th. at 11 o'clock A.M.,and at, o'clock P. M. Reception of members



To ('OM'OspoHipnts.No notice ran be takennf anonymous conimuniuations.

Whatever is intended for insertion in net he authen-ticated by the name and address of the writer?notnecessarily for publication, but as a guaranty for his9?°'i r not to h considered rc*£>on*i-11*for the opinion* expressed by correspondents.


lILT&ON?AMBO KG. ?On the 12th iustniii, byKev. Jiuues Curns, Mr. William 11. Huts on anil Mrs.Mary Ainbors:, both of this city.

IIENSHAW?F< *111).? r,i tho 15th instant, by Rev.

James tuniß, Mr. John Hens haw anil Miss MargaretA. Ford, both of Anno Arundel county, Md.t ?\u25a0ELK?BROWN. ?On the 14 < h instant, by tlie He v.John H. Dashiell, Thomas B. Bell to Miss Kiniua J.Brown, both of this citv.

T WARNER?SMITH.?On the 17th Januarv. by thellov. S. 11. C. Smith, J. Philip Warner and MollioA. Smith, all of Baltimore.

DIED.HOWARD.?On the 16th in?'ant, Deborah Ridgcly

Howard.Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her

funeral on Sunday, tho at hall-past ten A. jl.,from her late residence, 2lK> W. Riddle street.

OOUCII.?On the l*th instant. Mary Agnes daugh-ter of Agnes and Richard Couch, aged 15months.

JONES.?Ou the Vth iii.Uui, liOvln Jones, in the56th years ofago. .

BODE.?On the 15tli instant. Dr. >\ m. Bode, aged63 years.

jOND.?On the 15thinstant, Mrs. Anna Bond, wifeof tho late Daniel C. Bond.

CARROUL,?On Feb. 13th, Mary Madgaien, wifeof John Carroll, in tho 31th year of her ago.

IIOLUINS.?On tho 13th instant, Maria Sterett,oldest daughter of Commodore George N. Hollin*. inthe 19th year of her ago.

THRUSH.?On Feb. 10th, Elijubeth. wife of Win.11. Thrush.

TURNER.?On instant, Baltimore county.Benedick Turner, in his 23th year.


ATE LOYEFEAST at the Sailor's City Lethal.TO-MORROW ai 3 o'clock. Members of the M. 10.Chnrch are invited <0 attendr,--=i,SOI!TH ItILTIb OP.KSTATIOJi 51. f\iky CHURCH, Revival stillcontinues; Preaching SUNDAY, 18th. at 11 o'clock A.M., and at,

o'clock P. M. Reception of members before the even-ing service. Public cordially invite!.

K. BK.MPLE HOWE, Pastor.rr v^n>TIIK TENTH ASKITCKSAKT OFlkg>' THE MARYLAND SUNDAY SCHOOLUNION Tvill be bold in the Charles Street M. K.Church, on MONDAYEVENING, tho i'.'ih inst., at714 o'clock. Tile public arc invited to attend. It

rp-JriKEV., HAMOSiI will preach inIkS** the Aletliodist Protestant Church, eorner nt'Broadway and Monument streets. TO-MORROWMORNING, at 11 o'clock. Tho annual Home Mis-sionary collection willbe lifted. The public arc mostrespectfully invited to attend.


P. L. WILSON. Pastor.

(--SrRUV. J. W. 51. WII.IJAMS. of theLT£/ First Baptist Church, corner of Sharp amiLombard street willpreach the Sth of the series onthe Ten Commandments, on next SABBATH MORN-ING at. 11 o'clock. Subject?"Thou Shalt not Com-mit Adultery." Seats for all who will comc. Bap-tism in the evening. Services at T'Ao'clock.rr-SCIIRISTIAIVCUT HAH. corner Paca andIre, Lombard sireeta. Rev. D. S. BURNET willpreach to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 7}A P. M. Theevening's discourse willbe on the NEW JERUSA-LEM, the fifth of tho scries ou the destiny of ourglobe.

r FIRST i i> >iiilEiiATIO N A fCHURCH, 2-4 Plica street ?Preaching to-mor-

row. by tho llev. Edwin Johnson, at 11 A. M. andP.M. Sunday schot lat - ? A .AT.


lrs£/ AND YOUTHS.?Tho Presbyterian Churcheswillobserve tho Week <f Prayer for the Young by a

D.aily Prayer Meeting in the Central Church <DrSmith's) EVERY AFTERNOON NEXT WEEK, at

454 P.M. On THURSDAY, the Day of Prayer forColleges, Seminaries and Schools. Ageneral meet-ing will be held inthe same Church at 7Va o'clock P.M. fl7-s,in,th-3t

OH.MISSION" was organized as nn auxiliary to

the "American Union CommtSfioA," located in NewYork.

The Constitution adopted by the*

Commitio.x"declared tho humane objects for which it waorganized.

Recently the '*Amariein Union Commits ion" subraitted to tho 44 Maryland I nion Commission" rvproposition to unite witli the 44 Notional Fr*tdmetC*Aid Society." embracing the object? of both organi-zations.

After duo deliberation, tho 44 Maryland UnionCommission" declined to recommend the propo.-eduiijon, believing that it would be injurious to bothAssociations.

At a meeting held m tho city of New York, thounion of t'.'e "National Freedmen's Aid Society" andthe "America n Union Commission." was neverthelessconsummated.

This action separiTted the "Maryland Unionmission" from the "American Union Coinmi**in,i.'as tho latter ceased to exist a3 a separate organiza-tion without the concurrence of the former.

The design of the "Notional Ire'linen's Aid AV l-ety" withwhich the "American Union Commissihas united, is humane and praiseworthy; and willbeliberally sustained by a* generous public, providingfor the proper relief and education of the freed menof our common country.

There is, however, ample room for both associa-tions, and all matters calculated t<> embarrass orhinder the operations of either should be carefullyavoided.

The "Maryland Union Commission" will hereafterbo a distinct organization, and prosecute the benev-olent work heretofore commenced upon the basis ofindustry. Education, Freedom, end Christian Moral-ity. in tho Sta<63 impoverished by the war, withoutregard to caste or color, relying upon a generouspublicfor support.

Tho aid of neighboring Stales, cities and towns ifearnestly solicited, by the formation of auxiliary"

Union Ciommietfio,)*," and forwarding their receipt?to the "Maryland Union Commission," Offico No. '.lWest Baltimore stroet, Baltimore. Md.

The extent and importance of the work now beingaccomplished through the Union Commission, r notsufficiently known to thosdoutsido of the Associa-tion. Since the Maryland Union Commission wasorganized, in May, 1865, eleven thousand dollars havebeen received in money, and over ten thousand ofthis amount expended in goods, farming implements,food, medicine?, and for educational purposes. Thovalue of nine thousand dollars has also come to handin clothing, provisions, books, and other useful ma-terial, and distributed by tho Commission in thosedistricts impoverished by the war. Also, 4,044 books,including Bibles and Testaments, making an aggre-gate of over S2O. r OO distributed. Two hundred andtwenty-three individuals have been assisted a* theoffice, and one hundred and five families.Notwithstanding all the good which has been donehero and elsewhere-, theie is yet much to do to alioviate the unparalleled suffering in those desolateddistricts. The people are left in utter destitutionwith no local Samaritan Societies to relieve theirwants, but with haggard poverty and torturing fainino on their trock.

In Virginia, East Tennessee, North Carolina, andother portions of the South, dwellings, stock, farmingimplements, and personal effects, have been consumedor destroyed by the dreadful consequences of War.Lottcrs are continually received from ministers, offi-cers, and other responsible men, asking help, plead-ing for just enough to keep tho people from starva-tion.

Patriots, Philanthropists and Christians, the widowsand orphans piteously plead your aid, they .;all forbread; tho cry comes to you personally, who enjoypeace, prosperity aud safety: Give us your generoussupport! lond us your hearty co-operation! TheUnion Commission struggles hard to benefit all whohave suffered through the fearful ravages of war.'Tie that hath pity upon the poor lendeth to thoLord, and that which be hath given willHe pnv himagain.'

Willnot ministers of the Gospel make an appeal totheir congregations in bt-b-lf of our work, and sendus some generous contributions? All money andgoods go directly to tho suffering people.Tho entire work of the Commission is conducted

with trifling expense. All goods are convoyed Southby Adams & Co.'s Express, free of charge, throughthe generosity of one of the members of the Board,Samuel M. Shoemaker, Esq. The rooms of the Com-mission are granted free of rent by the President ofthe Association, who, together withother officers andlocal agents, devote their time and services gratui-tously to tho success of its operation.

We have agents appointed at different points to re-ceive and distribute our goods, freo of charge. Theyare wise, judicious men, well qualified for the officeand well acquainted with the wants of the peoole intheir several districts. All donations willbe thank-fullyreceived and faithfully applied directly by theseagents.

Send Food. Clothing. Grain and other articles tothe care of G. S. GRIFFITH, No. VI W. Baltimorestreet, and Money to J. N. BROWN, corner Calvertand Baltimore streeu.

OFFICERS.G. S. GRIFFITH, President; Rr,v <j DICKSON i)D.. Vice Presidont; J. C. BRIDGES,2d Vice Pr'eAdent: J. M. FRAZIER, 3d Vice President) NBROWN. Treasurer; W. A. WtSONG, C"r. Secre-tary; Itov. E. K. ESCHBACH, Recording Secmdry.






A,>AI t0.,.

BALTIMORE. January 25. 1866DIVIDEND NO. b.?The President and Director?of this Company have declared a Quarterly Dividendof TWO (2) PER CENT., clear of National and State

Taxes, payable on 20TH OF FEBRUARY NEXT toStockholder? residing in Philadelphia at the Office ofGEORGE TABER. Transfer Agent, No. 234 S. Thirdstreet, and to ail other Stockholders, as heretofore,at this Office.

The Transfer Books wilthe closed from Sth to 22dof r ebruary inclusive.

? S yoori.°/V v, d. S. LEIB.jol&-uiwtfcb20 Treasurer.

(Kg 1 AND WATER STREETS.?Wo have for re-pairing or n atclics the best European aDd Americanwatch makers: also, jewelers, engravers and watchcase makers ou the premises. Apply to GABRIELD. CLARK, corner ol Water and Culvert streets,agent for William Dixon s London Watch and JulesJurgenson's Copenhagen Watch. fels-2mo


UVJY ship ISABELLA, Captain WAMREBSIF iwithdrawn from the Charleston and Havana Line'

HENRY M.WARFfKLD, Agent,fe!4-lw 16 Spear's wharf.

FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS TOh-y, THE CAPITAL STOCK of the "BALTI-MORE LEVER BEATER PRESS COMPANY,"?!! ttt "TO eonnting room of P. DF Mi'll-GUIQNDC, NA>. 87 Second street, on the TIIIR--lEKNTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 18)6, and remainopen for ten days. By order of the


I.0F LHE MARYLANDIrtPcrDTOrr/vvc " r thPttrpoee of solicitingSUBSCRIPTIONS on account of the buildingsncceasary to accommodate patients who are con-stantly applying for admission. Hc is earnestlyrecommended to our leliow citizens, by whose l beraloontnbutiona we hope to be able toaccommodate ap-plicants for the reformatory advantages of the fnflt!-

The exercises will be resumed or. MONDAY'NEXT, September 4th, at 8 o'clock A. M., on whichicy new scholars will be admitted.

Three higher classes exclusively intended for youngladios, wore formed last January, and are in succor -'?J11 operation at present.Parents sending boarders, are roqnssted to provM"; thrirpunctual If. KNAPP.

? A N6PEUOS RKMBlvr.-Wc csneon-'-"<£/ soicntiously recommend to those suffer'mrtroira distressing cough, Dr. Strickland's filellifiuou,' 'ough Balsam. It gives relief almost instanta:;eou:and is withal not disagreeable to the D to. There i--no doubt that the Mellifluous Cough Balsam is ooe o!cue best preparations in use, and is all that it rro-prietor claims for it. Y'-'o have tried it during iterpast v. cek and found relief from a most distress!:*-v.ugh. Itis prepared Dr. Strickland, No. 159Sycamore street, (fincinnati: Ohio, and for sale by.Tuggis's. YY'holosale agents Tomsen & Block, r.ud' . .-.-I. - X lvfL.'ir



formerly occupied by the Second National Bank.This Company willcommenco business 011 the l!ffli

February, and is now prepared to insure agains Mossor by Fire and to take Marine and InlandRisks. >

Application for Insurance to be made to JAMBST. RANDOLPH, Vice President.

DIRECTORS.R. Iv. Ilawlcy. 'John J. Abraham?,.) tines T.Randolph, Wm. H. Cat heart,J amo- G. Ramsay, .George A. Coleman,Charles T. Morris, Thomas Booz,JohnS.Gilman. 'd< b S. Hynes.

fl7-6t JOHN W. RANDOLPH, PresidentSASUE.

By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court olBaltimore city, the undereiiniod, Trustee, will offerat public sale, on MONDAY, the 12th day of Ma#hnext, at the Exchange Salesrooms, in the city of Bai-t-more, at 1 o'clock P.M., two undivided thirds inone-half of that Jot of ground lying in said city oniho northeast side of High street. Beginning at th edistance of 13d feet 6 inches, southenstw.irdlj* fromBow street, having a front of 21' feet G inches on High

rect, and extending back of that width parallelwith Low street 165 feet. The terms of sale pre-scribed by the decree are one-half cash and the bal-rtncn in Ax months from the day ofsale, to be securedby note with interest with satisfactory endorsement.

JOiIICA MATTHEWS,felT 1a wAds-It* Trust ee.

IfHIS In TO GIYEKOTICE, That the sub-SL Bcriber has obtained from ine Orphans' Court

0- Baltimore city, letters of administration on thee tate of MAItY ANN POOLE, late of said <?hy.deceased.

Allperson-: having claims against said deceased areHereby warned io exhibit the same, with vouchers,to the subscriber on or before the 17th day of Au-gust next; they may otherwise, by law, bo excluded1-om ;U1 benefit of raid estate.

Allpersons indebted to said estate are requested tonuke immediato payment. Given under my handthis 16th day of February, IfifG

JOHN S. POOLE,felT-lawit* Administrator.




Vessels' and Steamers' Signal Lanterns, Gum,Hemp and Lubricating Packing, Hose, Gum andLeather Belting, Side and String Lacing, Files. En-gine Oilers, Wrenches, Steam Whistles, Gongs, ScrewBolts. Nuts and Washers, etc.: and a full assortmentof Builders' Hardware and Tools?allot which weoii'er at factory prices. Orders lor Brass \\ ork at-tended lo promptly. fel6-6mofSIIIK AMERICAN l'S FAINT CO.,


WHITE LEAD WORKS,for the manufacture of


PAINTS OF EVERY COLOR,From the Finest White to the Deepest Black, ground

in pure Linseed Oil,and


Manufactory, S. E. cor. Twentieth and Filbert sis.,Philadelphia.GUSTIN Jr FLEMING,

15 S. Gay street, Baltimore,_. Goneral Agents.Circulars and references sent upon receipt of a

postage stump. fel6-lw





Grave?Number of Each.HO PAGES. 23 CENTS.

Published by



For sale by all Newddoalcrs. felG-2t


SAA£Ti^£\T IMITATIONB 0F ALLKINDSur WOOD MACHINEGRAINING, at 25 per cent,below old prices.

Having sober and competent workmen inhis employ,the subscriber is prepared to have all work commit -

* ucharge executed with promptness and des-

patch, at reasonable rates. Materials furnished atmarket prices. Allorders through tho Post willre-ceive prompt attention. JOHN WELCH,

I?!?-® l.Sh Thame* wtr<w>t-





CHAB. 8. BESTEES,dlB 3K, Si> W. Fayette &I,jj.Fharle.\u25a0> 8 AFES. ZL.



A. PROSEUS.General Southern Agent.

57 WEST LOMBARD STREET,fe'-'-tf Opposite Poatoffice.

'S3RE UHJERSl©3fKl>,havingbeen appoint--sr,^ 3:el!t fnr E!t ' e °f "O'NEILL'S PHILA-

DELPHIA ALE," ia prepared to furnish dealers inquantities reunired. Tkw Air aur.reulird tonm wsde ?-* the oounirv. Order, nolioitod. No ohargecor dfltveiy, CosetaS'; Hepply on hand.JAB. If. LTPPINO3TT,N". 12 BaMnreton rtreoL

vP'l' "Mwwln Prnlt :i,ILnmhard

FISII CIASO.Contaiug 10 per cent, of AMMONIA.30 per

cent, of BONE PHOSPHATE OF OF LIME, ft! percent of animal matter, pronounced lo be coual toPERUVIAN GUANO.


mhl2-tf No. 10'Donnell's Wharf.



Have this day formed a copartnership under thename and style of

E. & CO.,

For the purpose of conducting a



Baltimore, Jan. 17,1866.

Wo are permitted to refer as follows, viz:

Messrs. Johnston Brothers & Co.," Hayward, Bartlett & Co.,

'" Horace Abbott & Son,"

E. L. Parker St Co.," Cnshings A Bailey,

Hugh Sisson, Esq.

YYo are prepared to fill orders promptly for allkinds and sizes of Anthracito and Bituminous Coal,including Pittston, Baltimore Company's, George'sCreek, Cumberland, Lorberry, &o? Ac., screened intho best manner, and guaranteed 2240 lbs. per ton.

To largo consumers or others, purchasing by thecargo or car load, we offer most liberal inducements.Best quality

Oak and Pine Wood, Sawed and Split

by machinery, sold at lowest rates.

Office at Hutchinson Bros, No. 14 Light street.

3a2fi-lm ' E. MERRTFIELD & CO.



THE BALTIMORE CONDENSED MILK COM-PANY beg leave to lay before the public the follow-ing document, for which they ask a general and im-partial perusal. Prof. AIKEN, one of the most emi-nent Chemists and'Pharmaecutists of the country, atthe solicitation of several citizens, has made athorough analysis of the MILK,which tho Companyprepares and now furnishes to thousands in our city,and his professional opinions and conclusions havebeen kindly furnished us for publication. The sub-j -ined is tho document:UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, JAXCABY 22D, 1866.

To THR CITIZENS OP BALTIMORE: In accordancewith tho request of several families who are nowusing Condensed Milk, and others who desire toadopt it,if found pure, I have visited tho YVorks ofthe BALTIMORE CONDENSED MILK COM-PAN Y , near York, Pa., and now give the results oflay observations there, confiined by subsequent ex-aminations of tho Milk in my Laboratory. TheMilk received at the Factory door was carefully ex-amined, all not absolutely fresh was rejected, and thesweet puroMilk was put in clean brass kettles, stand-ing ina vat of hot water. Thero it remained a brieftime, sufficient to accomplish the coagulation of thecasein. It was then passed through a metal filterinto a large copper kettle, when itwas again moder-ately heated by steam, and then transferred by ex-haustion to the vacuum pan for final concentration.This concentration was carried on ina nartial vacuumat a temperature not exceeding 190° Far. thermome-ter. From the vacuumpan itwas discharged in to cans,which were rapidly cooled by immersing them in avat of ice water, and the Milk was then ready fordistribution. By thi3 simnlo process, in a fewhours, while Istood watching each successive step,some 500 gallons of sweet, pure country Milk,freshfrom the cows, without dilution or adulteration, wasreduced to about 125 gallons of the condensed article.'The Condensed Milk thus produced containing ofnecessity everything originally present except thevery small per centage of casein left adhering to the;--rido of tho brass kettles after tho preliminary heat-ing and the seventy-five per cent, of water expelledin the vacuum pan. This almost self-evident truthwas cor,armed by subsequent chemical examination.One of the articles removed, the casein, is the oneconstituent of Milk most prone io change, most readilydecomposed, and when undergoing change italwaysacts like a ferment, and brings about that chemicalchange in the sugar by which lactic acid is produced.This partial removal of tho casein from the Con-densed Milk must then diminish it 3 tendency to be-come sour, and at the samo time must prevent thatobjectionable constipating action that so often fol--1 ws tho habitual uso of coagulated casein as an ar-ticlc of food, whether taken ; n tho form of cheese orin ordinary boiled Milk. The Condensed Milkis notonly chemically pure, but inanothor sud an equally

i important sense itis absolutely pure iu being abso-J lutelyclean. No one can visit the factory without

being struck with tho extreme cars taken and thef efficiency of tho means employed to insure the most

perfect cleanliness, livery utensil, from the smallestcup to the vacuum pan, shone iiko a mirror, whileboiling water and high steam wis lavishly used torcrnovo from the premises every thing that might actas the slightest cause of contamination. From thomoment tho Milk is received at the door of the fac-tory until itis passed out again to the consumer, itis never touched by the human hand. It is notonly clean, but it is also undiluted, and inthis rcspeot differs widely from our City Milksupply.During numerous examinations of Milk'from varioussources I havo never mot with any containing lessthan one-fourth and sometimes found one-thirdwater. This affects the question of cost. Twelvecents for a quart of Milkcontaining half a pint ofwater makes tho Milk cost lti cents a quart. But onequart ofCondensed Milkat 48 cents, with four quarts

? of cold water, will givo five quarts of Milk betterthan any ordinary Milkthat I can find, and willcost

I than 10 cents a quart; with three quarts of waterto one quart ot Condensed Milk tho cost becomes 12cents a quart, and the product tastes like cream.Even were tho cost greater, it would be worth some-thing to bo free from all risk of swallowing stale Milkkept untilou tho very verge of decomposition, or

i swiii Milkfrom stall fed and diseased cows. Itwouldho worth somathing to get rid of the annoyance of

I discovering a deposit of mud in the bottom of the

I Milkvessel from which, perchance, wc have just beenhelped. is worth something to haveresponsible parties standing between us and the farm

i j~rd pump to guarantee that we shall never be calledj on to buy pump water at tho rate of good Milk. Ineed hardly add that all that I have said in relation

' to tho Condensed Milk applies with equal force toj the preserved Milk,as that is manufactured in pre-

cisely- tho camo way, and differs onlyin containing aa large percentage of granulated white sugar.

Respectfully, Ac.,YVILLIAME. A. AIKIN. M. D.,

Prcf. Uhem. and I'harui. Univ. Md.j YY'e need only add, in full corroboration of the

above, that all physicians who havo given the Coa-d nsed Milk a fair trial and examination, fully con-i cur in the opinion of Prof. Aikin.

Persons desirous of trying this Milkcan leave theirorders at the depot, or send their address through thePost olSes boxes established at tho street corners.

For furlher information apply loNUMSEN, CARROLL it CO., Gen. Agents.

JAMES BURNS, Manager,_

to 7-tf Ollice, No. 18 Light street.


THE BENTLEY SPRINGS COMPANY., A first-class establishment, to which the citizens ofBaltimore could retreat in the heat of summer, wassought for invain during the past season. To supply

that want and to present at the saino time a profit-able investment to subscribers, attention is called totins Prospectus.

Bcntlcy Springs is situated at the distance ofabout\u25a0Sh macs from the city J(600 feet above tide-water.) onCue i\ ortnern Central Railway, which, with it 3 doubletrack and present facilities, renders access to thesprints easy nndfrequout. The location is one of themost neaithy in the United {States, and tho fconery inscarcely surpassed anywhero inbeauty and romanceof character. Magnificent trees, an abundance of thepurest water, beautiful ravines, dear mountainstreams and lofty hills contribute to make this spotattractive, and to point itout as admirably adaptedfor a large Summer Hotel. The surrounding neigh-borhood abounds in pleasant walks, shady drives anddelightful prospects.

Itis proposed to profit by these natural advantagesby the erection on one of the most eligible sites, andwithin view oftho Depot, of a first-class Hotel, underthe direction of the Bentley Springs Company, ofBaltimore County. The amount of Capital is fixedat One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in Shares of OneHundred Dollars each, and tho undersigned are theOfficers and Dircotor3.

Itis believed that, in asking the citizens of Balti-more to subscribe to this project, we axe advancing-hci: individual interests as well as that of the eiiyitself.

Our citizens willbe waited on by tho Directors oftho Company for the purpose of soliciting subscrip-tions to the stock.

Application may also be made to the Socretary,at the office of the Company. No. 21 8. Charles street.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS;E. A. ABBOTT. Proa't.John E. Oilman, W. T. Markland,

Flavward M. Hu'.oMnaon, Oliver A. Parker,A. L. Knight, Isaac Ccalo, Jr.,0. W. Burton, Isaao B. George,Hugh Sisson, Dr. C. E. Coatas,Woodward Abrahams, C. W. Bentley,E. W. Robinson, Chas. Webb, Treasurer.T. R Knight. fbwetarv. onSS-tf



NEW YORK, January 27. 1866. JThe Trustees, in conformity to the Charter of theCompany, submit tho following statement of it? af-fairs on tho 31st December, 1865:Premiums roceived on Marine Risks,

from Ist January, 1865, to 31st Decem-ber, 1865 $6,933,146.80Premiums on Policies not marked off IstJanuary, 1865 12,019.324.73

Total amount of Marine Premiums $8,952,471.53No Policies have been issued upon Life Risks, noropon piroRisks disconnected with Marine Risks.Premiums marked off from Ist January,

1865, to Slst December, 1865 $6,764,146.38Losses paid during the sa me period 3,659,178.45Returns of Premiums and Expenses 992,341.44

Tho Company lias the following assets,viz:United States and State of New YorkStock, City, Bank Rnd other Stocks $4,828,585.00Loans secured by Stocks and otherwise.. 3,330,350.00Real Estato and Bonds and Mortgages.. 221 260 ijoDividends on Stocks, Interest on Bonds

and Mortgages and other Loans, sun-dry notes, rc-iniiuranco and otherclaims due tho Company, estimated at 141964 43

Premium Notes and Bills Receivable 5283 801*96Cash inBank?Coin ' goCash in Bank?U. S. Treasury Note Cur- 'ncy ... 310.551.78

Total amount of Assets $12,199,975.17Six per cent, interest on tho outstanding certificatesof profits will be paid to the holders thereof, or theirlegal representatives, 04 or after Tuesday, the 9th ofFebruary next.Fifty per cent, of the outstanding certificates of the

issue of 1891 willbe rodoemed and paid to tho holdersthereof, or thoir legal representatives, on and afterTuesday, tho 6th of February next, from which dateinterest on the amount so redecniablo willeease. Thecertificates to be produced to the time of paymentand cancelled to the extent paid.

A dividend of thirty-five por cent, is declared ontho net earned premiums of the Company for tho yearending 31st December, 1865, for which certificatesv ill be issued on and after Tuesday, the 3d of Aprilnext.

By order of the Board, J. H. CHAPMAN,Secretary.

.TBL'STKRS.John D. Jones, Win Sturm's,Charles Dennis, Henry K. fSorert,W, H. H. Mooro. Joshua J. Henry,Henry Colt, Dennis Perkins,*Wm. C. Pickersgill, Joseph Gaillard, Jr.,Lewis Curtis. J. Henry Burgy,Charles H. Russell, Cornelius Grinncll,Lowell Holbrook, C. A. Hand,i; ,atr en Weston, B. J. llowland,n°/P®. Bcnj. Babeock,Caleb Baretow, Fletcher Westray,u;

TT, i' -nJ'i Robert B. Minturn. Jr.,A S°L ge ' Gordon W. Burnham,

Dav'iipLime,lZv Vvm !iDaniel B. Miller. * H* Webb-

wif 11 jigorpV? v re? ' deilk-

J. D HBWI F'rr aa\X lce7 Pre ?l<ient*

rati °n ®

u A" d c ?P tt°n^^AßlNßRISKS received and forwarded to the ah ,v wll-Ms11. Company by J AS. CAREY COALE1 Kxohanga Place.

TRI'ST FtTNON TO LEIVD.? S2,OOO for threeyears secured by mortgage on city property

?u?wli°-rphani fU!Kl;\'ir ,rp ear 'yapplication, aiso$14,990 in one sutn, $8,909 in another, to lend for fiveyears; to be amply secured by mortgage on eity orBaltimore county property.JOHN L. HAMMOND.

li"tt : 36 Saratoga street.

MIBC EL LANEOUS.A PPIICATIOX willbe made to the City at the present session, for Demission to erecta steam engine at .No. 8 N. Liberty street, fel? lOt*

CtO]!VHl<jtNl2E&' NOTlCE.?Consignees or own-i ers of 4 boxes and 1 trunk, marked Nowton, U.S.A.; also 2 trunks marked A. M. N.; also 1 trunkmarked J. N., per steamship Cumberland, fromCharleston. S. C., will please call and reccivo thesame, as they are stored at their expense and risk.

PENDERGAST, FEN WICK & CO.,leii -4t 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs.

g® <?SI-~"OO0 bbls. Primo ROSIN, from Charles-*

? , *O,l steamships Cumberlan, EliioKnight and Sea (lull, now landed and for sale byPENDERGAST, FENWJCK & CO.,

f fi '~ 1 1 77 Smith's wharf, up stairs.




TIMBER LANDIn Morgan County, VIRGINIA, near the BAL-

TIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD; has upon it alarge uweiling and a valuable

\u25a0 JB

The Cacapon River runs through this Property,

making it very convenient to get the Timber toMarket.

YYe are authorized to sell this property at the low

price of FIVE DOLLARS per acre. Title indis-

putable and guaranteed. Apply toSUTTON & GE.MMELL,

fc!6-lw 56 Exchange Place, Bait.


A policy of insurance against accident.s in theTRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hart-ford.

YVe have one claimant now in Baltimore, drawing?2o a week, from a fall which sprained the wrist whileskating. Policy was issued at 63 Second street, Bal-timore. where many arc issued daily by

YV. B. LOUNSBURY,fcl6-2t State Agent.

fJUEE HJXCII EVERY SIORXIXG, (e x-XL cept Sunday. Also, Boarding and Lodging, atmoderate rates, at 75 R. CHARLES ST., near PrattSt., red sign, NEYY' BAGATELLE. felolm*




Choice English Island SVGA 11, 14 and 15 cts.:

Nice do do 13 ct.;Wh to Sugar 17 and 18 cts.Patapsco Family FLOUII, sls; Extra do., $13.25 per

bbl.; Lingamore Family (a superior FLOUR) sl3 per

bbl.; Good Extra FLOUR, sll.

For sale by,

D. SULLIVAN,felo-tml Corner Lexington and Pine sta.

'AftHICE.Axi Bills for YYatorRentand Tax for the year 1866.paid during the present month (February} will besubject to a discount of It)per rent.The City Ordinance requires the water to be shutofi from all houses whero bills for YY'ater Rent forformer years have not been paid.

This provision will bo enforced after the 28th ofthe present month.Those interested willregard this as sufficient notice.





56 EXCHANGE PLACE.Issues General Accident Tickets from One to Twenty

Days.these Tickets insuro against Accidents of every de-

scription fur in case of death, or 525 per weekcompensation for disabling accident.

TARIFF OF RATES.1 day 25 cents] 5 days $1 252 days 50 cents] 8 days 2 00S days 75 cents 12 days 3 oo

120 days 4 00Insurance on above tickets commence at 6 o'clockA. M., 12 o'clock M., 6 o'clock P. M.

Remember that25 cents per day insures for $5,000.

t' EU'CII" i<! ®fflco of tho Company, No.

PHILIP I). SUTTON,General Agent.

... SUTTON St OEMMELL,fcio-tf Associate Agents.


BALTIMORE, Feb. 8. 1866.)Ageneral meeting of the Stockholders of this Com-pany willhe held at Calvert Station on THURSDAY,

tho22d instant, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock,for the purpose of electing TWELVE DIRECTORSfor the ensuing year.

The transfer books willbo closed on the Bth instantuntil after tue election.By order, ROBERT S. lIOLLINS.fcß-tL Secretary.

nrusE progressive Evi:si.wcnoi,Iw at Professor KNAPP'S Institute, Nos. 29, 21 and

33 Ilolliday street, opens each evening at 7 o'clock.Pupils willplea-se be punctual at t'no hour. Circu-lars can bo obtained at the institute. feb-tf




Rivet Manufacturing Company,


The enormous profits resulting from the manufac-ture of BOLTS, NUTS, SPIKES and RIVETS, andtho unlimited demand for those articles, renders anyimprovement in machinery for making them worthyof the attention of capitalists.

While many bolts are made by machines construct-ed for that purpose, all bolts, that are designed to beperfect throughout, of equal strength and uniformity,have heretofore been made by hand, and at great ex-pense. The best Bolt Machines tha.t have been usedmake on an average less than 1,000 bolts per day, norare the bolts so made perfect inshape or strength.

The great desideratum has been to get a machinethat would make a bolt uniform and equally strongthroughout , with head of any shape and perfect, andturn theni out with great rapidity. MOORE HARDA-WAY, Esq., one of the oldest and most thoroughlypractical mechanics in tho country, has invented amachine which fills all tho requirements mentionedabove, as it makes a perfect bolt, of any length, withhead of any shape, and will make three times asmany, in a given time, as any other machine inuse.Ike advantages this machine possesses over all otherswillenable the Company using it to control the bolttrade of tho country.

The justness of theso claims to superiority overother Bolt Mach'nes, has been submitted to the bestmechanics in the country, and they have all, unhesi-tatingly, pronounced the machine unequalled, and aperfect success inevery particular. We append thecertificates of a few of the most practical mechanicsof this city, who have made a careful examination ofthe machines, and put their work to tho severest tost.In a few words, it is claimed for Hardaway's Spikear.d Rivet Machines, that for cheapness, simplicity,durability, quantity, and quality of work turned out,they are unequalled.

It is proposed to organize a STOCK COMPANY,under the name and style of "THE JIARDAWAYBOLT, SPIKE AND 111 VET MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY OF BALTIMORE,"with a capital stockof Throe Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, inshares of One Hundred Dollars each.

Messrs. White ,fc Buttcrworth are to grant to saidCompany the sole and exclusive right to manufac-ture, use, and sell, Hardaway's Patent Bolt, Spikeand Rivet Machines in the States of Maryland. Vir-ginia, Wcst Virginia, Kentucky. Tennessee, Missis-sippi. Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, NorthCarolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

In addition to the vast superiority of tho Compa-ny's Machines over others, there aro othor obviousreasons, aside from geographical location, thatwouidseeure for the Baltimore Company control of theSouthern trade. Tho demand for all kinds of Bolts.Spikes, Rivets, Nuts, Ac., which tho Company willmanufacture, is, and must continue to bo unlimited,and the Company will undoubtedly be able to pay a25 per cent, dividend the first year; that it can do so iscapable of demonstration.

The business of tho Company may be enlarged andextended, as circumstances may render itexpediont.Ifitis thought best, any part of tho territory grantedto the Company can be sold, and the proceeds paidout as dividends. The operations of tho Companywillcommence at once. Twelve hundred shares ofthe stock remain to be taken.

For any further information apply to

BALTIMORE, 23d January, 1860.Messrs. WniTK A BCTTERWORTH :

Dear Sirs: ?Having seen the operation of yourBolt and Spike Machines, it gives me pleasure to sayI thinkitfully merits all that is claimed for it. Ihope to see an establishment for the manufacture ofthese indispensable articles in our city, equal to thepresent and growing demand. Yours truly.

J. H. IIAYWARD,Of Hayward, Bartlett & Co.

BALTIMORE, Jan. 23, 1866.Messrs. WHITE A BUTTKRWORTH:Gentlemen;?W e have examined ycur "Hardaway'aImproved Patent Bolt, Spike and Rivet Machines,"

and tho work they turn out. We could suggest noimprovement in the bolts you make. They are per-fect in all their parks?have no weak point. Theyare superior to any machine made bolts we have ever

and are equal, if not superior to any made byhand.

The machine is simple in construction, and so madethat it is durable, and not likely to get out of repair.We regard it as a perfect success ineverv particular,inc rnpidity with which you make bolts. derend3solely upon your facilities for feeding. From seeingthe machine work, we suppose three thousand boltsper ton hours to be rcasunablo work for one feeder.As the demand for bolts is unlimited, we regard theinvention as a most valuable ono.

Vir e regard the Spike and Rivet Machines as beingsuperior for the work they are intended todo, as theymake the best of spikes and rivets, and turn themthem out very rapidly.



BALTIMORE, Jan, 20, 180(5. )Messrs. WHITE & BUTTERWORTH:

Gentlemen? Having -watched the operation of yourBolt Machine, as well as the Spike and Rivet Ma-chines since they have been in operation, I takepleaeure in saying that they perform admirably,making Bolts of the most perfect kind, at the rate ofthree hundred per hour. The Strike and Rivet Ma-chines turned out Spikes and Rivets of the mostsuperior finish at the rate of from forty-five to fiftyper minute.

The great economy in the use of fuel, togetherwith the cheapness, simplicity and durability of theMachines, ana the large and growing demand forthem and the superior work they turn out, cannotmu. to insure success to any company engaged intheir manufacture and use.

Respectfully, J. H. MERRILL,Jl-tl v President.


BAI.TIMORK. February 14,1886. _Having understood that Master Richard Coker is

about to leave this country for a tour in Europe, theundorrigned propose that the citizens of Baltimoreextend to him the compliment of a grand Qirewelttestimonial, to take place at CONCORDIA MUSICHALL,on SATURDAY, tho 17th inst. .

YVe feel that so extraordinary a musical wonderthould not pass from ourmidst withoutsomoendorse-ment, and wc cordially invite all to assist to make

this occasion enc of the grandestjib at has ta,teu placeill veer-- K C. HAbTON.Inyeßr "


jt And many othei-3.!

tlie IMPROVEMENT OF THE CONDI-TION OF THE POOR. A stated meeting of theBoard of Managers will beheld inthe Centra! Officii,No. 2! Fayette street, est of Holliday, on MON-DAY' EVENING next, Feb. Id, at 714 o'clock. Thewards will i lease eomplctetheireollection? and makea full report the same evening.

fcl6-"t D. BRASH EARS, Sec'y.

rr3HAI,I,'S VEtiETABEK NrU 11.1 AJftks/ HAIR RENEYVER, its effect is miraculous.?The old, the young, tho middle aged, unite to praiseHALL'S VEGETABLE Strii.iiv II UK P.KXKWF.B. Itisan entirely new scientific discovery, combining manyof the most powerful and restorative agents iu thevegetable kingdom.

YVe have such confidence in its merits, and are sosure it will do all wo claim for it, that wc offer tll,OtlOttgWARD if the Sicilian lhir Renevter does not. givesatisfaction in ali caseswben used in strict accordancewith our instructions.

Hall's Vegetable Sicilian llairRonewer has prove,!itself to be the most perfect preparation for the Hairever ottered to the public. Itis a vegetable compound,and contains no injurious properties whatever. It isnot a Dye, it strikes at the Roots and fills the glandswith new life and coloring matter.

IT YVILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITSORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair fromfalling out. It cleanses the scalp, and makes the hairsoft, lustrous, and silken. It is asplendid hair-dress-ing. No person, old or young, should fail to use it.

It is recommended and used by the first MedicalAuthority.

Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewcrand tako no other.

If notsoM by Druggists in your town, atria! bottlewillbo sent to you by express, upon receipt of onedollar by mail?thus giving you an opportunity atonce for testing its excellent virtues.

Orders for trialbottles must be addressed toR. P. HALLSt Co., Proprietors.

Nashua, N. H.Sold by all Druggists..Wholesaled by i'HOMSKN & BLOCK and S. S.

HA'NOE. Baltimore. iaJj-d.t-weoiy

\u25a0,r"SP>TWO BAH C'AHEN ©F PIUIS ( l'Kbuky BY DP.. STRICKLAND'SPILE P.EMED Y?Mr. Glass, of Janesvilie, YVisconsin, writes for thebenefit of all who sufi'er with tho Piles, that he hasbeen troubled for eight years withan aggravated caseif Piles, and his brother was discharged from thewmy as incurable, (he being quite paralysed withthe Piles.) Both theso distressing cares were curedA-ith one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy.?The recommendation of these gentlemen, beside thedaily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, oughtto convince those suffering that the most aggravated

i ronic cases of Piles are cared by Dr. Strickland'sPile Remedy. It 13 sold by Soth o. Jlanec, 108 Bait!more street, and by Druggists everywhere.

VVi;cJ3ale Agents, THOMSEN &BLOCKand A. VOGELER & CO:

SE'TH S. RANGE,iy.'l-ly Agent.







Company having to 'leave TO-the 10 clock P M. train for Buffalo.whcrethey willappear on Monday next, the management

mcntionedthourIOUUCO th° I,crforluanc< > at th above

Mozart's immortal master-work, in3 actsJJOX UIUVANNI,



Conductor.... ADOLPII NEUENDORFfo give eclat to the lust performance of Grand Ger-man Opera which willprobably ever take place undertins management, aSOUVENIR of the occasion willbo distnbuled to tho ladies,A BEAUTIFUL PERFUMED WHITE SATINPROGRAMME, fAiliN


JPROKT STREET THEATRE.THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, at 3o'clock.Last Day Performance of tho GreatAMERICAS (UMTS,

For tho accommodation of Families and Childrenwith a splendid entertainment, in which the entirecompany of Star Equestrians. Horses, ponies. ComicMules and Educated Dogs willappear.In tho evening, benefit oi

DAN GARDNER,And positively Last Night of the Season,


And Every Night Hereafter until Further Notice.GRAND MATDIKE

ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON.For the accommodation of Families.TheGreal OriginalMILTONIANTABLEAUX


From London, England.

Admission only 25 cents. No half price at Night.Admission to Matinee ?f.'eteChildren I.ict"Doors open iu the Evening at GU o'ciock.'Curtain rises at eight.poors open in the Afternoon at VA o'clock. Cur-tain rises at 3 ocloek.A. M.BORLAND, Burials Manag

Terf rol,riot°r *

_M±jt F. C. GARDNER. Agent.






GOLD \ND SIL VER,Bought and sold.

Ordors from Banks and Brokers willreeeivo promptattention and at as l'avorabie rates as offered else-where. Deposits received and money advanced oncollateral.. Purchase and sell Stocks for cash, or on margins,in this and other market !, e.rclusivcty an commission.

Collections promptly made on all parts of the coun-try reliable correspondents. fel4-6m


Also, on LONDON and DUBLIN, in sums to suitpurchasers. For sale by PENDERGAST, FEN-WICK & CO., 77 Smith's wharf, Agents for WELLS.FARGO Sr. CO.. Now YnrV. diCLO-ff


K. S, SHRYOCK dt SON,Cabinet, Chair and Sola


Three doors south ofBaltimore street,Baltimore.

A largo assortment of CABINETapMSfrWARE, CURLED HAIR,HUSK. ANDjmifSPRING MATURATES,' Ac., always

on hand and made to order.Ships' Cabins and Steamboats furnished on the

bast terms. oc2-tf~





NO. S SOUTH CAT,VERT STREET,(East side, second door below Saltimore street.)



WW (Opposite Front Street Theatre.)

gt f u;*mai-sMtsiii itt;


No. 27 Ilaneve? Street, between Lombard and Ger-man sts? Factory Nos. 13 and 15 Granby sts., Bait.\r e have now in Store and keep constantly onhanda large variety of ORNAMENTAL, PLAIN andBlack Walnut COTTAGE SETS, HALL. PARLOR

and CHAMBER FURNITURE of every description.All made of the most fashionable patterns, and

tnoroughly seasoned wood.Being in the lumber trade, and having a largeSteam Factory, we are thus possessed of every facili-ty to sell for cash, at cheaper prices than any otherhouse of the kind in the city. Wc invito the atten-tion of housekeepers, and ask an examination beforepurchasing elsowhere. We respectfully solicit thepatronage of tho trade. A. ALLEN. A CO.,

oc2tl Lumber Yard. 56 IVest Falls avenue.. i~ A&biiksuar ~~

Furniture Wa?erconi3,NOT. Ib and 32 SECOND STREET.

One Block East of the Post Office.Splendid Parlor and Chamber sets. On hand oneof the largest stocks of

, , . FURNITUREinthe City. Allpersons wanting Furniture willnissee"Mi,-

Read's Cough Syrup.

/ \V '"OR

Coughs and. Colds.A SIMPLE COUGH, which is a mere nothing in

its incipientform, will soon terminate inan incurableconsumption, and thi3 is the sad experience of thou-sands. For the rolief and cure ofall affections of thoThroat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Croup, Asthma,Hoarseness, Bronchitis, we know of no preparationever offered to the public so effectual asBEAD'S COUGH SYR IP OF LIVERWORT,

Wo give a fow certificates, and couldgivo hundredsbut deem itunnecessary :FROM REV. JAS. H. BROWN,Of East Baltimore Conference.

Ihave used W. H. Read's Cough Eyrup with happyeffects, and from my knowledge ofits remedial ingre-dients recommend itas a most valuable medicine.


Chaplain at Fort McHenry.To my friends suffering with Coughs Colds andHoarseness. I recommend W. 11. Read's Syrup ofLiverwort as a valuable remedy.


Of Philadelphia Conference.W. H. READ? Dear Sir : Iused your Syrup of Liv-

erwort, and take pleasure in saying it was of greatservice to my Throat, and recommend it to clergy-men and public speakers. A. MAX-SHIPFROM REV. SAMUEL A. WILSON.

Having suffered from a severe Cold, and used W.H. Read's Cough Syrup of Liverwort, I found fromits use speedy relief.


We hove certificates from:Rev. JM. S. MoMurray, Rev. Wm. R. Miil,Rev. Wm. A. Snively, Rev. Wm. W. Hicks,Rev. Geo. Biidt, Rev. E. J. Way.All from experience recommending it to theirfriends and the public in tho highest terms, as one oftho most valuable and speedy Cough Syrups everbrought before their notice.Sold by all the druggists, at 50 cents,


is one of the most effectual remedies for Bore Throatsand Cold in the Head wo have over known. Try itonoe, and yon will never be without a box in yourFAMILY. JCJS

UMtB-lB! LV.HiU.U:i US.' 31 itlilt;I!ATTHS


We have on hand in lots to suit purchasers, at veryreasonable rates. Seasoned Yellow and White I'incFlooring, dressed and ready for nso, Undressed Yel-low Pine Flooring Boards. White Pine CuttingsPicks, and Selects. Assorted Walnut, Poplar, Ash'Oak, Mahogany, Biroh, Hickory. Maple and Hem-lock. W s would also invite Attention to our S'eairSaw and Plaining Mill, Nos. 13 and 15 Grant streetLcmber Dressed, Tongncd and Grooved, SplitRipped, &o? in the best possible manner, and at venmoderate prices.

Box and Trunk Makers. Carpenters, Builders, an 2all others desirmg Lumber dressed or made ready foiuse inany manner, trillfind Jr to their advantage bjkiviug us a call. Shriving sr..] Split Lumber for sale** tue Miu.

41.T.15W J ty

235 BAIiTXaiOHH 3T. 235



CANES ,and



\u25a0Repairing Neatly and Promptly Ex.




cation will bo made to tho City Council ofBaltimore, at its present session, for permission toerect COAu OIL WORKS with steam machinery onthe east side of Russell street, south of Stockholmstreet, and on the west side of Russell, north ofStockholm street. fH-lOt*

Portable Steam Engines.

."oVwMANN? aPP °iiltod M°at f° r 4116


From four to thirty-fivehorse-power oaoh.These Engines are well adaptod to out door workBaohas threshing-, sawing wood, driving mills andpiles, pumping oil and other wells, and for allMANUFACTURING PURPOSES.

Full particulars as to their efficiency, etc.. mav hehad on application at No. 57 SOUTH GAY STREETwhore a stx hors-i>owr engine can be seen?AtC-tf CHifi T. nxl[>lP--V.TTVR






Have just opened their splendid stock ofHOLIDAY PBESEXTB.

consisting of Enameled and Diamond WATCHES,Patent "4-scconds Timing Watches, Diamond,

Poar! and Mosaic JKWKLRY, OoeraGlasses, Table Cutlery. Gold i>ens

and Pencils, Solid SilverVI"ARK

Triple Plated Albata WASK, CLOCKS.FANCY GOODS, ETC.,

A.ll Nev) and Beautiful Pattern?.&3~We would especially invite persons wishing to


to call and examine our stock. They will2nd Bar-gains. dels-tf

283 WEST H.iLi'JJIOSS STREET', 282QL*= Opposite Sharp Street. 7W-W .F. HISSING.feV9Dealer in AMERICAN. ENGLISHB H%Ss?and GENEVA WATCHES, JEWEL-R\, OPERA GLASSES, Ac., &e. novll-dm

Canfield Bro. & Co.,22S BALTiaCKE ST., COB. OF CHARLES.

Have a Fine Stock ofGold and Silver Watches, Plamossls, Rich


FANCY SIL VER GOODS FOR PRESENTS.Silver Plated Forks, Spoons, Castors, Waiters,

Tea Sets, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery: FinsFancy Goods, Clocks, Bronzes and

iiitiax-y Groods,|FOR ARMY AND NAVY. ocl7-tf



Has jast received a Cne lot of PLATED WARE,consisting oi?ICE PITCHERS,


,'TEA SETTS, <tc., Ac.,

of the nnest stylo and finish. Also on hand.WATCHES JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE ofevery grade and stylo, to which ho invites attention,


New and Rich Jewelry,SILVEB WAEE,

Silver Plated Ware,


No. 10 N. GAY STREET.Is adding daily to his varied assortment of newStyles and pattern? of RICH JEWELRY, suitablefor presents; Diamond Pins. Ear Rings, FingerRings. Pearl do.. Enamelled do., Coral do., Garnetand Plain Gold do.. Jet Cross do.. Ladies' GoldChains, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, Cuff But-tons and Studa, bec.rf Pins, Signet and Plain Gob'and Set Rings, Ac., £O.

Also, a variety of SILVER PLATED WARE,Baskets, Castors, Waiters, Butter Stands, Fruit do..Spoons, Forks, Ladles. Ac., all of which will bo soloon the most accommodating terms. de6-tf


In grsat variety, on hand and for sale to order .?

GABRIEL D. CLARK'S,iy2fvtf comer of Calvert and Water rt


IE EEKIXG? In store and for sale, OtJ bbls. Shores Split Herring.BIG SLOW A-SARGENT.fcl2-tf cor. Smith's wharf and Pratt St.

tJAS.T ?fiA.LT?3,oooSwolfß Wilmington's and Jcf-s "frey's ami Davey's lise; 5,000 Sacks LiverpoolGround: 10,000 bushels Turks Island, for sale in lots

by ALEX. KERR a BUG.,ies-2w* 13 Commerce street.

&JTARfn.I,oooboxes Fox's Refined Pearl Starch, for saleby KOI!I!IS OWENS & CO.,

fl-tf 37S W. Baltimore street.

5 9000'NORMS OWENS & CO.,

fl-tf 378 W. Baltimore street.

mtiA.-B. 50 half chests fine Oolong Ten, for sale by

NORRLS OWENS & CO.,fl-tf 378 W. Baltimore street.


prime packages. Fr sale byJOHN HENDERSON A CO.,

ja3l-tf Pratt and Commerce ste.


JXO. HENDERSON & CO..ja3l-tf Pratt and Commerce sfs.

BUTTER.50 Packages Prime NEW YORK STATEDAIRIES. Packed for family use. For sale by



Pratt and Commerce sts.

IjllGS.?1,000 drums and 20 casos, in cartoons andbags, for sale by

EDWARD L. PALMER & CO.,Ja2T-tf No. 15 Hmvly's wharf.

OS4AIVGEB. ?200 boxes, landing and for sale byEDWARD L. PALMER .t CO.,

ja27-tf No. 15 Bowly's wharf.

PE.VN'I TN.?2OO bags Wilmington and Virginia,instore and for sale by

EDWARD L. PALMER & CO.,ja27-tf


So. 15 Bowly's wharf.fiiEEDS, EEC.\u25ba3 CLOVER AND


AND CALCINED PLASTER.Constantly for sale in quantities to suit, byJ. HENRY GIESfc,

_ja22-3m-2n 21 Spar's wharf.

yillll'Sl-CHOICE, PRIME, GOOD, and common, for

Bale by J. A. RICHARDSON A CO.,ja!Btf Calvert and Lombard stg.

yt'iiAK\u25ba3 CHOICE, PRIME AND GOOD, for sale by

J. A. RICHARDSON & CO.,jalß tf Calvert and Lombard sts.

CtOFfr'EK.> 200 bags good low priced COFFEE, for ?r.lo byJ. A. RICHARDSON A CO.,

Jal3-tf Calvert and Lombard Bt9.

fAVAi'offke. ?iut)~B;igs Prime GovernmentJava. Also, Java in ting mats. Imitation Java,Ceylon, Ac. For sale by J. A. RICHARDSON A Co.,

jail-if Calvert and Lombard.#IIUAItN,


No. 52 South Gat Stuekt,Offer lor stilo a large assortment of

. CHOICE HAVANABRANDS,and I n made to order in Cuba. jaily


For sale by SEIM A EMORY,de23tf 29 Hanover street.

PR! SIE littllWHKVl' A>l COBSMEAL.?AIso, choice brands Family and Ex-

tra Flour. For sale by A. L. BOGUS, Jr. A CO., HINorth Howard street. nov29-tf

wsu F/ ' l'K'l'ttiMKl.ti?Superior bottledITS LASER and WHITE BEER, ALE and PGRTER. likewise "RUSSIAN CAVIAR,"for Familyt!3c and Shipping. To be bad at the Brewery. Nolit PRBT'FRfcir BTRWET


(5,0* to SI OX Kb*



jan2S-tt " 5 West Pratt street.



In wood and glass. For sale byGREEN Si YOB,

88 West Baltimore street, HniHdav


VVINE7 l C O lis, ETC.



The increasing popularity o our brand? of thestfine Wines bas induced their extensive imitation.?Alldesiring genuino and pure Wines should see thatour copy-righted label, bearing our name, place oibusiness, and the State Seal of California, is uponeach bottle.

The following Wines are now offered by us, withour guarantee of their entire purity.

WHITE, OR HOCK WINE,Of a light straw color, vory delicate, fine flavoredand superior as a dinner V- ine to Hock or Rhine

ANGELICA.A rich and naturally sweet Wine, much admiredby ladies, and valuable in the sick chamber, as itmakes line wheys and jellies. It is a fine dessert

Wine, and well adapted for Communion purposes.MUSCATEL.

This superb Wine is made frotu solected grapes. Itis very delicate, and will rank with the very highestsweet Y, ines of Europe.

PORT.This a deep red color, of good bodv and fine flavorIt is becoming very popular where a slightly astring-

ent and delicate stimulant is desired. Being entirelya natural _ W ine, itwill agroo with the most delicateorganization.

WINE BITTERS.These are mado in our own eeilars, from our owrWines, and willbe found agreeable and pleasant

. GRAPE BRANDY.Distilled from the second pressing of the grape and

ts a pure and desirable article.

J. K. BARNES, the Surgeon General of tho Unitedstates, assisted by Assistant Surgeon WOODWARD,after a searching and careful analysis of our Winespronounces thein all pure, and admirably adaptedfor the use of tho siok and debilitated.

Dr. JACKSON, the well-known Chemist of BostoD.coincides with this opinion.

Ibe Boston Journal, Transcript, Traveller, Satur-day Evening Gazette, New York Evening Post, Tri-bane, and a large portion of tho press throughout thecountry, have, in leading articles upon AmericanWines, extolled the superior merits of these Wines.

The Wine Convention, held at Cleveland, Ohio,where our Wines c&ine in competition with all theleading brands of Western Wines, awarded fivepremiums out of six to our Wines. . .

The Indiana State Fair, endorsing the opinion expressed at Cleveland, awarded as a Diploma ana Oli-ver Medal. ?

G. W. PIEB i CO.,No, 47 South Charles street,

Baltimore.Let Americans support American industry.oa-tfc 11


*°p °

V *

* gift %





The Stock consists of




And all the POPULAR and STANDARDWORKS of theday, includinga large assortment Juvenile Books.

BOOKS AT PUBLISHER'S PRICES;And each person purchasing a bock will receive a

present valued at 50 cents to SSO.The presents consist of







And a large variety of other useful and valuablearticles.

GEO. GRATTOJf,ja3-tf Proprietor.



Rlank Rook

















Made of Superior LIKES PAPER, at short notice

ruled and bound to order inany style.


MERCHANTS, furnished at reasonable prices.oc2-tfl


NO. 31 HANOVER STREET,pnuersigncd offer for sale a full assortment of

STRAW and BINDERS' BOARDS, suitable for allbranches of Paper Box Making and Book Binding.

Manilla, Straw and other Wrapping

' '.t t ?

. RUDOLPH & JENNESS.s- Highest Lash Prices Paid for Rags and wastePRPer. noR-ly

?&?Ea WAEznouss.Mo. HiSonf h t'iiarlisNirect,

BALTIMORE. MO.fgT'IE SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale a large and.a general assortment of WRITING and WRAP-PING PAPERS, viz: Flat Caps, Demys. Folio Post,Mediums, plain and ruled: Letter and Notes. Also.Manilla and all other WRAPPING PAPERS, allsines; Binders' and Box Boards, Printers' Cards andLard Boards. Envelopes. Grocers' Paper Bags, &c., towhich we call the attention of eaah dealers.


? u WILLISAADAMS.N. B.?Cash paid for RAGS and CUD PAFERB.IBl.h-tf





One Customer says:

"My trade is now altogether in your Soaps. The

Washerwomen won't have any other kind."

Another:"My Cook has gone frantio about your Excelsior


Another ?"THE EXCELSIOR makes a BeautifulLather: does not injure the Clothes, and

now I am never troubled on Mon-

days for five cents' worth of

soda to waah with."



Remember, every bar of our SOAP is Btamped


Ifyour Grooer has not got it, call at'the

Excelsior Soap Works,


H022-tf Kfr Paiveir!.


- * FROM O

v F 1 *

~o \u2756 \u2756O

W Commerce St. OQ

B.A. L T Idvc ORE.


Cider Vinegar, Dried Fruit, Beans, &cj3O-tf



eD KENT.-A COTTAGE in theT /-°H ntr-v witha few a'jf M of land attached;

must bo m good order, and not more than a i ill*uour s drive from the Postofl-..- Anyone havingi?r k,P ?? e, **l* a ff°od tenant by addressingJiox ?>-!. Baltimore, Md. fcl6-4t*

WT . oTIr*, KKMT.-A CtIMFORTABLEciiitnKii i' LLI,,N(J with modern improvements,p'm of .'Ir " 9 ."'n, l family, in tbn northwestern sor-nfliee the Cltv - Address MORGAN, Commer. ~,1\u25a0 c'

felfi tit*

{fSfi§ v V*;AST 'Kt.-DWELLI NO HOUSES in the?? Northwest for purchasers and tc

iLnnv-rp ui, Business Property on Baltimore,lianor er and North 'harles streets.AIso?GROUND RENTS and .MORTG AGES.e GEO. w. TINGES i- S! N;

_ i* 3 St. Paul street.

W^t tTw"7A v\N acquainted with\u25bc \u25bc the iiulcsale and Retail tirocery trade ofthis eity and State. Addres- P.O. Box .Newfork, giving age, references, a-id name of last

employer. il;14 i,t

©ft T<> ,bl '!,E; ?

;? t...


*l3 ergetic AGENTS everywhere (men or women!to whom wo offer extraordinary inducements in eugage ina light, genteel and profitable business. Sam-ple willbe forwarded upon application with stamp t>pay return postago. Address BRADLEY. (I!AD-WICK & CO., 116 Broadway, New York. teßd t Vw-lm

lion. WOOD. HOOD.- WANTED.?Everybody to know that we nro still selling

WOOD cheaper than any other place in the city, atthe corner of Centre and Central avenues, near thePhiladelphia depot. lVMtn*


a JL vccdings of the c urta on Saturday, the 10th,is not Hugh Watson, at present one of the policeforce of the middle district, and formerly Ist Lieut.Co. G, and Bvt. Captain Co. K, Ist Md. Yet. \ "is. 11


143 Aere3 near Magnolia Station.11050

112 " " Cockcysvillo.106 " " Poplar Spring?.Md " "

Ml Airy Station.132

" "

Chase's do.Apply to STANSRUP.V,


61 South Broadway.

YWMNASVIA-TWO FALL.-- I\ 1N;..-,"";Je COUNTY, tv.a in Anna Arundel, and a countryfeat within six mile? of iho eity, and several M,.: .1houses in different parts of the city, ear. be bo:); lit agreat bargain if applied for immediately, at No. 12Law Buildings, to

jat-tf NATHAN HARBISON.gNou siL!N-TWLvn".i:iGUr nr. '. >.

N? OF PRINTING PAPER of a good anality and23x30 inches in size. Apply at the of theCOMMKRCIAL."

Atffc SAUE.? The Bam J. E. BHA%a>B9 tuns register, or about l'o tons bur ben,.. ,7f 171 be sold low. Apply at once t<> h. :\u25a0].

HDyLiIN, Northwest corner Pratt and Ibty .-!r-. ; j.

jftT, A very snperi'U i. IELLEK of 15tt Tons old all

ll tent ? built i the strongest andsubstantial manner and of the best a? 2no 'f; ..j

materials and,of very light draugrit ..r "..iter, tliehull and machinery is nearly a.- good as r.i ,v. t. a . \u25a0 .beer, inactual service not n:uiv. than six m. :,

has just been put in complete order and is n- w r- ..ofor service. For further particulars eoouire at thebhtp \sru of Messrs. JOHN T. i' ARD\ A LROeourh Side of the Basin. m: . 1gggggjgggjjjgj

"TNTin SiBL.

FOR RENT.EV>R REHT, hy tb© year, month, or oth<£/ a largo roe 65 I't. by 33. olcgumb iitted up. tviitisiae rooms attached. Enquire at No. 21* North <Liy


COAL. *riOAh!w COAL!!

At the Lowest Market priie.Oi the very best quality, hard and free burning, ohe had a* the oliice of the

WYOMING MUTUAL COAL COMPANY,No. 13 South Calvert street,

. ..coi n< rtorely Lane,fel-3m2dp E. LAKRACEE. Presid ?.




PURPOSES. SB.OO.Also for sale?Baltimore Company, Sunburv n ithe Tre\orton It. A. SOFT COAI.,Nus. 1 '.n i ;'

best CUMBERLAND COAL, all at lowest mark.;,prices, lorBale by

J. HENRY OIESE,Office No. i) South street.

VIRUS:? ??

Spear's wharf and on North street.3-e-Lhe SAV.'KO and SPLIT WOOD hr c'.-at"auitl.



THE HAMPSHIRE AND BALTIMORE COAL CO.Are now prepared to receive orders for their superiorsemi-bituminous Coal, either by scow load or cargo.

Shippers, manufacturers, and tho various steam I.iplines, are invited to givo this their special attention.

SUTTON & G EMM ELL,Shipping and Sales Agents,

fcl-tf 10 Exchange Plnco.

Anthracite and Bi iti.n i ,\oTs('<!. 1..


WHITE ASII?all sizes.111 (vory superior) Do DoLORBERRY (Freeliurnine) RED ASH DoOEORUK'S CREEK BITUMINOUS COAL, fromthe Franklin, George's Creek Mining Company andHamniil Mines.

JAMES BOYCF.i No. 30 Second street.


GOAL COMPANY.2,240 lbs. Per r £cn, Delivered


This Company will furnish to its SUBSCRIBERSfor the present, COAL at s*?"> per ton. and to NDNISUBSCRIBERS at $11.50 per ton TheLorbcrryCoal sells forone dollar per ton over all other Anthra-cites in the Eastern markets, and has the advantagecf transportation both by railroad and canal. Stock-holders are entitled to one ton of Coal, uer annum, atcost, for each share of stock. Price of shares sinSubscription Books now open at. the office of theCompany, No. SB SECOND STREET, Baltimoreno3U-:;m P. 11. SULLIVAN. President.|TAI,I COAI. I COAI. )


GEORGE'S CREEK, CUMBERLAND, "ro.d LE-HIGH COALS. For sale at the mines, hy the car ro,car load or single ton, delivered in the city.

hi. STABLER, ,JK? & CO.Office?7 Sun Iron Buildings. V.'hari and Yard?

Corner York and William its. Pier No. 4--L a?toct-ly

QUCKSUB AOKAY,Dealers inthe beet Vfirieties nf



lied Ash Coal a andGEORGE'S CREEK. CUMBERLAND COALwnich we are prepared to deliver to consumers \u25a0 i,-lowest cash prices.

hOFFICE AND Y " HB?Comer Fremont and Mul-


G. W. GAIL & AX,Manufacturers of all kirt'in of

HOiiiikltlAi GiV."- M.iil ( Iti'ttasid Sis nit.


Importers of Pipes, Sttuif Eoaas,&c., &c., &e.

NO. 28 BARRE STREET.Between Okarlet arid Cieht Utreete,


a. W. GAIL. CHRISTIAN aX. OBOgCh J. KUCBLUa,Baltiuoie. Batiinure, Acta York,

GAIL, AX & KTCHLEB,Tobacco ana Commission Houso.

MtroT o?

9. W. QA.IL <£\u25a0 AJTB MANUBACfUk.K.%


tEW V'ivi<

PIANOS.W.ll. Si. SSKilSIii UV .N



FACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY.Testimonials of excellence from the most renowned

artists in this country, as:, \Vm. Mas, i,Sanderson, and many others, can be examined at the>V areroom.

? , , A. F. TRITON A CO'S.Good substantial Piano Tories, embracing all tho

modern improvements, at prices within the means ofall.

George A. Princo .fc Co's improved patent prizemedal Melodcons and automatic Parlor Organs.

Every instrument fully warranted.Pianos rented, tuned, repaired and moved.

WM. COLTON, Sole Arent,82 TV. Payette Street,

ja22-ly Throe doors above Charles._ ttli.lT 111 HNAIiKA (U'h




Theso instruments have been for thirty years be-fore the public, m competition with othor instru-ments of first-class makers They have, throughouthf. rfA\e ""d;.?1 ;i,! nta, ?.Td the ir reputation among

the and tho public a3 being unsurpassed inevery qualityfound in a first-class Piano.VARKKOOMB,

No. 350 W, BALTIMORE STREET.Near Entaw.

Every instrument guarantied for flvo years. Jol-ly

VAlj.-The MARYLANDFIREINSUR-ANOi COMPANY of Baltimore has removed

or the Present to tho Northwest corner of Second\u25a0tree,, as 4 Xrtpolett's alley, near their new Mnrbt*building opposite the PcstoPUe. ?