Balara Statistical Report

Balara Maynilad Clinic 61% 39% Gender of All the Employees that Sought Consultation in Maynilad's Clinic at Balara, Quezon City Male Female Interpretation: As it is illustrated in the pie graph above, majority of Maynilad’s employees who sought consultation at the company’s clinic were males which accounts for 61% (109), compared to the female population which only accounts for 39% (69).



Transcript of Balara Statistical Report

Balara Maynilad Clinic


As it is illustrated in the pie graph above, majority of Maynilads employees who sought consultation at the companys clinic were males which accounts for 61% (109), compared to the female population which only accounts for 39% (69).


As it is presented in the pie graph above, among the top 5 health problems, being overweight is the leading health problem experienced by Maynilads employees which accounts for a percentage of 27% (17), followed by hypertension (Controlled = 12; Uncontrolled = 4) with a percentage of 26% (16), followed by hyperuricemia (Asymptomatic) with a percentage of 19% (13), followed by diabetes mellitus type 2 (Controlled = 7; Uncontrolled = 2) with a percentage of 15% (9), followed by hypertensive cardiovascular disease with a percentage of 13% (9).

Other Existing Health Problems Identified Among Maynilads Employees Upon Their Consultation in Maynilads Clinic at Balara, Quezon City for the Whole Month of January Year 2015

Disease/Health ProblemNumber of Maynilad Employees Who Have the Disease/Health Problem


Upper Respiratory Infection7



Refractive Errors of the Eye5

Urinary Tract Infection5

Hypertensive Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease4


Pulmonary Tuberculosis4

Superficial Venous Insufficiency4

Acute Gastroenteritis3

Contusion Hematoma Secondary to Trauma3

Coronary Artery Disease3


Lumbar Strain3

Peptic Ulcer Disease3

Acute Rhinitis2

Allergic Rhinitis2

Acid Peptic Disease2

Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease2

Dental Caries 2

Hypersensitivity Reaction 2

Impaired Fasting Glucose 2

Muscle Strain 2

Osteoarthritis 2

2nd Degree Burn 1

Acute Bronchitis 1

Acute Laryngopharyngitis 1

Acute Pharyngitis 1

Acute Rhinopharyngitis1

Acute Tonsillitis1

Acute Tonsillopharyngitis 1

Anterior Shoulder Instability 1

Arthroscopic Meniscectomy 1

Bronchial Asthma in Acute Exacerbation1

Cervical Lymphadenitis 1

Cervical Radiculopathy Secondary to Disc Herniation 1

Chicken Pox 1

Cholelithiasis 1

Chronic Glomerulonephritis 1

Colds 1

Dyspepsia 1

Frozen Shoulder 1

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease1

Hepatitis C Virus1

Headache 1

Hemorrhoids 1

Hyperlipidemia 1

Hypothyroidism 1


Insect Bite1

Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer 1

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy1

Nasal Polyp 1

Nephrolithiasis 1

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver 1

Orodental Fistula 1

Papule Secondary to Insect Bite 1

Pharyngitis 1

Proteinuria 1

Pulmonary Nodule 1

Rheumatic Arthritis 1

Sinus Bradycardia 1

Sinus Tachycardia 1

Skin Tag 1

Slight Dizziness 1

Traumatic Head Injury1

Viral Exanthem1

Wrist Spasm1

R/O Nephrolithiasis2

R/O Carpal Tunnel Syndrome1

R/O Gallstones1

R/O Hernia1

R/O Soft Tissue Injury1

R/O Thyroid Disorder1

S/P Anterior Cruciate Ligament1

S/P Thyroidectomy Secondary to Papillary Carcinoma1

S/P Curettage & Edulectomy1

T/C Dyslipidemia8

T/C Nephrolithiasis3

T/C Diabetes Mellitus3

T/C Hypertension2

T/C Urinary Tract Infection2

T/C Gallstones2

T/C Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding1

T/C Refractive Errors of the Eye vs. Muscle Spasm1

T/C Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease1

T/C Hernia vs. Muscular Pain1

T/C Hyperthyroidism1

T/C Impaired Fasting Glucose1

T/C Peripheral Neuropathy1

T/C Pulmonary Tuberculosis1

T/C Sinusitis1

T/C Soft Tissue Injury1

T/C Breast Mass1

T/C Cerebral Concussion Secondary to Vehicular Accident1
