Backwater valve Toronto and Frozen water pipes

Frozen Pipe Struggles – Tips to De-Freeze Frozen Pipes from Expert Plumbers During winters, frozen water pipes in Toronto are encountered often by residents. Water pipes freeze when the temperature suddenly drops. The water inside the pipes freeze and when ice doesn’t get enough space to expand, it leads to bursting of the pipe. Burst pipes can cause a lot of damage and even flood to your home. Garden area, basements, garages, kitchen sink pipes and other drainage pipes are often found frozen in extreme cold season. How To Recognize Frozen Pipes? No Running Water – If there’s lack of running water in the faucet then, there are high chances that your water supply pipes have frozen. Outside Temperature is Extremely Low – Usually pipes freeze when the temperature is below 32 degree Fahrenheit. You should start looking after the pipes when temperature decreases.

Transcript of Backwater valve Toronto and Frozen water pipes

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Frozen Pipe Struggles – Tips to De-Freeze Frozen Pipes from Expert Plumbers

During winters, frozen water pipes in Toronto are encountered often by residents. Water

pipes freeze when the temperature suddenly drops. The water inside the pipes freeze and

when ice doesn’t get enough space to expand, it leads to bursting of the pipe. Burst pipes

can cause a lot of damage and even flood to your home.

Garden area, basements, garages, kitchen sink pipes and other drainage pipes are often

found frozen in extreme cold season.

How To Recognize Frozen Pipes?

No Running Water – If there’s lack of running water in the faucet then, there are

high chances that your water supply pipes have frozen.

Outside Temperature is Extremely Low – Usually pipes freeze when the

temperature is below 32 degree Fahrenheit. You should start looking after the pipes

when temperature decreases.

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Prevention is Better than Cure – In winters, Toronto and other GTA areas bear

extreme cold climate. Instead of panicking later, it’s better to start looking for ways

that can prevent pipe freezing before winters strike.

Preventive Measures and Tips for De-Freezing Frozen Pipes

To reduce all frozen pipes, it is crucial to take effective prevention methods that could

minimize the risk. Following are some pipe thawing steps that can help you reduce risks:

1. Allow Heat Circulation: Sinks and drainage pipes freeze due to excess cold and

lack of heat. In winters, it’s essential to keep the cabinets open for sometimes to let

the heat pass through them.

2. Insulating Solutions: You can insulate those areas like garage and basements

where heat’s reach is minimum. There are various insulating solutions available like

heat tapes that could be applied to maintain balance in temperature. Applying

insulating solutions yourself can be a little dangerous. Thus, it is advisable to seek

assistance from an expert plumber for this.

3. Seal the Leaks: Don’t let cold breeze enter your place from any leak or hole. Seal

all leaks in winters, as that can decrease your inside temperature and make the

pipes freeze.

4. Keep the Room Temperature Slightly High: Portable heaters must be used to

raise the inside temperature. Infrared lamps can be used for thawing the frozen


5. Propane Torches – This can be dangerous and must be done with extreme care.

These flame torches provide focused flame that can be targeted at certain pipe

regions to de-freeze them instantly.

6. Hot Water: Running hot water through the pipes may help in thawing the frozen


7. Call the Plumber: If you couldn’t find effective solution for your frozen pipes then

call a local professional plumber immediately before your pipes burst.

Above are some solutions that would assist you during winter when the pipes freeze. But

don’t wait for winters rather start preparing yourself for those odd situations.

Relocate pipes if possible.

Add effective insulating solutions.

Have contact details of a certified plumber for professional solutions. provides professional plumbing and drain services across

Toronto. Backwater value Toronto would not allow the drained water flow back to your

place even in heavy rains during winters. We provide you professionals who would make

sure your drainage system works well.