
Born in the town of Pyrewood, Gilneas, to Sean and Eleonora Dempsey tend years before the third war. Born of humble birth, Ithaeriel was raised with no higher asperations than to work the land as his forefathers before him. At age 5 he would spend most of his time helping his father in the fields, his free time spent off wandering the woods or fishing. By age 10 all hell had broken loose. The country at civil war between the liberation front (Crowley’s Rebels) and Greymane's Loyalists. He'd seen the corruption of the nobles with the building of the Northgate Wall, effectively cutting his land off from the safety and protection of the southern empire. Enraged by this he made his way to the local tavern and enlisted claiming his age to be 14, his father a proud man of the people full heartedly approved. Ith would be assigned to the infamous Gilneas Brigade, assigned with the task of helping with Lady Proudmoore's evacuation of Kul Tiras. Ten Years Pass: No longer the bright eyed boy on a quest to right the wrong of the world. Young Ith spent his most of his youth helping with the construction of Theramore Isle, his days spent learning of engineering from the Gnomes who would come visiting, his night spent learning the ways of the blade. Upon reaching the 18 he left his new home, setting sail for Stormwind to enlist with the Stormwind Guard, to be stationed in Northshire Abbey. Two Years Pass: Continuing his service with the Stormwind Guard, Ithaeriel was sent with his regiment through the Dark Portal. He would spend the next two years stationed in Honor Hold Hellfire Peninsula on rare occasions being sent out to Shattrath City for supplies. Two Years Pass:


RP Backstory

Transcript of Backstory

Page 1: Backstory

Born in the town of Pyrewood, Gilneas, to Sean and Eleonora Dempsey tend years before the third war. Born of humble birth, Ithaeriel was raised with no higher asperations than to work the land as his forefathers before him. At age 5 he would spend most of his time helping his father in the fields, his free time spent off wandering the woods or fishing.

By age 10 all hell had broken loose. The country at civil war between the liberation front (Crowley’s Rebels) and Greymane's Loyalists. He'd seen the corruption of the nobles with the building of the Northgate Wall, effectively cutting his land off from the safety and protection of the southern empire. Enraged by this he made his way to the local tavern and enlisted claiming his age to be 14, his father a proud man of the people full heartedly approved. Ith would be assigned to the infamous Gilneas Brigade, assigned with the task of helping with Lady Proudmoore's evacuation of Kul Tiras.

Ten Years Pass:

No longer the bright eyed boy on a quest to right the wrong of the world. Young Ith spent his most of his youth helping with the construction of Theramore Isle, his days spent learning of engineering from the Gnomes who would come visiting, his night spent learning the ways of the blade.

Upon reaching the 18 he left his new home, setting sail for Stormwind to enlist with the Stormwind Guard, to be stationed in Northshire Abbey.

Two Years Pass:

Continuing his service with the Stormwind Guard, Ithaeriel was sent with his regiment through the Dark Portal. He would spend the next two years stationed in Honor Hold Hellfire Peninsula on rare occasions being sent out to Shattrath City for supplies.

Two Years Pass:

Enlisting under the newly formed Argent Crusade, due much to the fact of his childhood dream of living out the tales of glory, honor, and all such chivalrous ways of the Paladin. Ironically enough this dream would never be fulfilled but at least he was able to live through his dreams of knighthood for a time...until the Wrathgate. Though sheer luck or stupidity Ith's regiment was held back, forced to hold the line whilst the crusade pushed forward. They would arrive a few days later to a scene of unimaginable carnage. The young 24 year-old would never be the same. An intense hatred for the Forsaken for their apparent betrayal would stay with him for the rest of his life, a cool seething rage tempered only by the fact his mentors kept a close eye on him and the reminder of his few encounters with the overzealous forces of Scarlet Crusade.

One Year Passes:

Page 2: Backstory

After the events of Wrathgate :

Journal Entry: What... what was the point of all of it; the bloodshed, the loss? How long has it been since I thought of home. Of my kinsmen, of my mother roasting a fowl over a spit fire, of my father working the field? Have I become so steeped in blood and battle that it stains my very bones, perhaps my very soul? I think not, Highlord Fordring says to trust in the holy light, that we shall press on and achieve our goal. I...I am not certain, as a child I always dreamed of the glorious life of a paladin...even now I still dream, alas it appears it will never be so. I have never heard the call of the light no matter how I pray. I have never felt the light's grace upon me...the Highlord says the light loves us all. I however wonder if I am damned...can a man so soiled in blood commune with perfection... No, no I think not, my blood sings for battle, for the revenge of those I lost, for justice for all the wrongs in my life. The Highlord councils patience, that the light will come in time...but tell me then, how does the light justify the Nobles who built a wall though our homeland? How is it this powerful light let my comrades die...? No when this is over I will return home. I shall see my father again and hope he is proud of all I've done. I shall find land and settle down...

Two Years Pass:

Journal Entry:

Week 1:

Home, how I longed to see make my way back to the land of my birth... A fool's hope, a fool's dream. Time as they says changes all things. Upon my return from Northrend we were dubbed heroes...Bah, a hero has something to be proud of, what is there to take pride in? The fact that we stopped the lich no I fear we've only delayed it further...if the rumor's from the troops are true another sits on his, I set my eyes and mind to home. I found a mage willing to send me there via portal...and for what, to find my father incarcerated, branded as a traitor to the realm, my mother dead during the defense of Pyrewood? What hell has Greymane rot on our nation? The Forsaken at our door, beasts who feed on us, no I fear that I will not be able to lay down my blade and pick up the plow. No, even if it means joining with the bastards responsible for all of this madness, I will not see my homeland fall.

Week 2:

How strange it hollow I find myself as I write this father dead at the hands of the beasts...monstrous things, like wolves on two legs. How strange it is to think as I look at my hand, no claw, that I've become one of these abominations...still if it allows me to rend these Forsaken bastards limb from limb, then a monster I shall more than willingly become. It's curious, I wonder if this is how Arthas felt staring at that damned blade?

Two Years Pass:

Journal Entry:

Page 3: Backstory

Thanks to the Elves I've managed to learn to control my rage...though I still feel it, the monster lurking beneath the surface waiting to burst forward and slake its thirst with blood. I...I won't deny that I've found it useful...truth be told I find myself more comfortable in that form, changing only back to the man I was when it is demanded of me. I wonder perhaps am I going mad. To reenlist after the cataclysm, to hunt down those damn Twilight Hammer bastards, and now this...a rescue mission...I fear I am no longer a sane man. Still it's a cause be it just or not it must be seen through. I suppose that on the bright side it's a chance to see new sights that man has never laid eyes on before...perhaps, perhaps it will not be as haunting as past campaigns. I am stationed to ship out with the Oathsworn Vanguard...I only hope this will go as smoothly as this Mac said it would be...

Two Years Pass:

Journal Entry: just had to be feckin Draenor...the only plus to this nonsense being that at least it's not the hell hole I remember. Truth be told it's beautiful...though I'm not sure if that more due to the women of the Vanguard or the land itself. We've set up shop in Shadowmoon Valley, honestly not much to say other than it's always feckin dark here...always light forsaken night.'s better than the last gig...Pandaria was hell...we...we shouldn't have been there. I can't believe it was all for not. *Sighs* Truth is should I get my hands on Hellscream I will tear out his damn throat...though I fear Thrall may have dibs on the matter...still...there's work to be done. Battles to fight, people to save...perhaps war never changes. Still, as my father would say, "Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem?"