Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle...

Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services SAGE Computing Services Customised Oracle Training Workshops and Consulting Chris Muir Oracle Consultant and Trainer Oracle ACE Director - Fusion Middleware

Transcript of Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle...

Page 1: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Back to Basics:Simple Database Web Services

SAGE Computing ServicesCustomised Oracle Training Workshops and


Chris Muir Oracle Consultant and Trainer

Oracle ACE Director - Fusion Middleware

Page 2: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Photo thanks to spackletoe @ under CC

Page 3: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.


• Part I: Understanding web services

• Part II: Consuming web services from the database

• Part III: Publishing web services from 11g

Page 4: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.


• Part I: Understanding web services

• Part II: Consuming web services from the database

• Part III: Publishing web services from 11g

Page 5: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.


• Part I: Understanding web services

• Part II: Consuming web services from the database

• Part III: Publishing web services from 11g

Page 6: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Part I: Understanding Web Services

SOAP, WSDL, RPC Style, Document Style, XML, XML

Namespaces, HTTP request/response .

... blah blah blah blah blah blahPhoto thanks to dalvenjah @ under CC

Page 7: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Photo thanks to B.G. - Oodwin & Andrea Fregnani @ under CC

SOAP vs REST Web Services

Page 8: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

SOAP Web Services DefinedHost:


Web Service /bookings



InternetHTTP Request/Response



Web Service

Web Service

Page 9: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

SOAP Web Services Defined






XML Namespace:




Uniquely identified in an XML


Page 10: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

SOAP Web Service API Styles:

1.Remote Procedure Call (RPC)2.Document

Photo thanks to Phil Romans@ under CC

Page 11: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) StyleHost:



Operation: getName

In: integer employeeNumber

Return: string name

In: string nameCase


<sage:getName xmlns:sage=""> <employeeNumber>1234</employeeNumber> <nameCase>U</nameCase></sage:getName>


<sage:getName xmlns:sage=""> <name>CHRISTOPHER MUIR</name></sage:getName>

Photo thanks to redjar @ under CC

Page 12: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Style


<sage:getName xmlns:sage="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <employeeNumber xsi:type="xsd:integer">1234</employeeNumber> <nameCase xsi:type="xsd:string">L</nameCase></sage:getName>

Photo thanks to redjar @ under CC


<sage:getName xmlns:sage="http://" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <name xsi:type="xsd:string">christopher muir</name></sage:getName>

Page 13: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Document StyleHost:



Operation: getName

In: XML-Schema getNameInput

Return: XML-Schema getNameOutput

Photo thanks to ARS

Page 14: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

<xsd:schema xmlns=" targetNamespace=""> <xsd:element name="getNameInput"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="employeeNumber" type="xsd:integer"/> <xsd:element name="nameCase" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element></xsd:schema>

Document Style "In" XML SchemaXML Schema:

Photo thanks to redjar @ under CC


<sage:getNameInput xmlns:sage=""> <employeeNumber>1234</employeeNumber> <nameCase>M</nameCase></sage:getNameInput>

Page 15: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

<xsd:schema xmlns=" targetNamespace=""> <xsd:element name="getNameInput"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="employeeNumber" type="xsd:integer"/> <xsd:element name="nameCase" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="getNameOutput" type="xsd:string"/></xsd:schema>

Document Style "In + Return" XML SchemaXML Schema:

Photo thanks to redjar @ under CC


<sage:getNameOutput xmlns:sage="">Christopher Muir</sage:getNameOutput>

Page 16: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

SOAP Envelope


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header/> <soap:Body> ... Request XML payload ... </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env=""> <env:Header/> <env:Body> ... Response XML payload ... </env:Body></env:Envelope>

Page 17: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Web Service Description Language (WSDL)

Photo thanks to redjar @ under CC

• De facto standard for describing web services• XML based + W3C standards based• Publish web service API

• Assists consumer in assembling request• Not actually required in web service calls

• Port types = grouped operations• Bindings = data exchange protocol (eg. SOAP over HTTP)• Ports = endpoints/services

Page 18: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

WSDL example

Page 19: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

01 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

02 <definitions targetNamespace=""

03 xmlns=""

04 xmlns:sage=""

05 xmlns:xsd=""

06 xmlns:soap=""

07 <types/>

08 <message name="getNameInput">

09 <part name="employeeNumber" type="xsd:int"/>

10 <part name="nameCase" type="xsd:string"/>

11 </message>

12 <message name="getNameOutput"><part name="name" type="xsd:string"/></message>

13 <portType name="employees">

14 <operation name="getName" parameterOrder="employeeNumber nameCase">

15 <input message="sage:getNameInput"/>

16 <output message="sage:getNameOutput"/>

17 </operation></portType>

18 <binding name="empSoapHttp" type="sage:employees">

19 <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>

20 <operation name="getName">

21 <input><soap:body use="literal" namespace=""

22 parts="employeeNumber nameCase"/></input>

23 <output><soap:body use="literal" namespace=""

24 parts="name"/></output>

25 </operation></binding>

26 <service name="employees">

27 <port name="empSoapHttpPort" binding="sage:empSoapHttp">

28 <soap:address location=""/>

29 </port>

30 </service>

31 </definitions>

Page 20: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Photo thanks to Dominic@ under CC

Part II: Consuming Web Services from the



Page 21: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Consuming Web Servicesfrom the Database

• Database provides 2 packages for accessing web services– utl_http – low level http assembler– utl_dbws – high level web service package

• 3rd (alternative) method:– Load Apache Common's Java HttpClient into db– Write Java program in db– Generate PL/SQL wrapper

Page 22: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

utl_http• Available as of 8.0.5• Send/receive raw HTTP request/responses to external servers• Advantages:– Simplistic– Installed (completely) in the database– Passed and returns a VARCHAR2 XML payload– Very easy if you know the XML payload structures– Doesn't require a WSDL at publisher's site– Good examples available on the internet– 3rd party PL/SQL wrappers available (Tim Hall: soap_api)

• Disadvantages:– Low level with no smarts to support web services– Cryptic HTTP error messages– Oracle documentation is less than useful

Page 23: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

utl_http example

Page 24: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

01 PROCEDURE call_web_service(i_payload IN VARCHAR2, o_response OUT VARCHAR2) IS

02 v_http_req utl_http.req;

03 v_http_resp utl_http.resp;

04 v_part_response VARCHAR2(32767);


05 utl_http.set_proxy('cmuir:[email protected]:80 ');

06 utl_http.set_wallet('file:/oracle/owallets/', 'pwd'); 07

08 v_http_req := utl_http.begin_request(

09 '', 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1');

10 utl_http.set_authentication(v_http_req, 'cmuir', 'pwd', 'Basic', TRUE);


12 utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, 'Content-Type' ,'text/xml');

13 utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, 'Content-Length' ,length(i_payload));

14 utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, 'SOAPAction' ,'getName');


16 utl_http.write_text(v_http_req, i_payload);


18 v_http_resp := utl_http.get_response(v_http_req);

19 -- Add handler for HTTP error v_http_resp.status_code >= 500 <= 599



22 utl_http.read_text(v_http_resp, v_part_response);

23 o_response := o_response || v_part_response;


25 EXCEPTION WHEN utl_http.end_of_body THEN

26 NULL;

27 END;

28 utl_http.end_response(v_http_resp);

29 -- Add exception handler

30 END call_web_service;

Page 25: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

01 DECLARE02 v_request VARCHAR2(5000);03 v_response VARCHAR2(5000);0405 v_soap_req VARCHAR2(5000);06 v_soap_resp VARCHAR2(5000);07 08 v_xml_resp XMLType;0910 BEGIN11 v_request := '<sage:getNameInput xmlns:sage="">'12 || '<employeeNumber>1234</employeeNumber>'13 || '<nameCase>M</nameCase>'14 || '</sage:getNameInput>';1516 v_soap_req := '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>'17 || '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">'18 || '<soapenv:Header/>'19 || '<soapenv:Body>'20 || v_request21 || '</soapenv:Body>'22 || '</soapenv:Envelope>';23 24 call_web_service(v_soap_req, v_soap_resp);2526 -- Strip the SOAP XML envelope from the response27 v_xml_resp := XMLType.createXml(v_soap_resp);28 v_response := v_xml_resp.extract(29 '/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/child::node()'30 ,'xmlns:soap=""').getStringVal();3132 END;

Page 26: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Oracle 11g utl_http Security Caveats

• New: Network Access Control Lists (ACLs)

• Purpose: Fine grained host access

• Affects: utl_tcp, utl_http, utl_smtp, utl_mail, utl_inaddr

• Documentation: Oracle Database Security Guide 11gR1 Chapter 4

• Simple Workaround: Metalink Note 453786.1

Photo thanks to |m Le' chArt @ under CC

Page 27: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

utl_dbws• Available as of 10gR1• PL/SQL Java wrapper on oracle.jpub.runtime.dbws.DbwsProxy• Part of JPublisher

• Advantages:– High(er) level web service handler

• Disadvantages:– Not completely installed by default (bah!)– Poor error reporting (in particular HTTP)– Queries external WSDL each request– Oracle documentation is dismal– Use of HttpUriType does not support wallets or proxies– Minor bugs in 10gR2 version with external authentication– Minor issues on calling .Net web services– Uses database JVM

Page 28: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

• Source: Tim Hall's blog



Extract: dbwsclientws.jar + dbwsclientdb11.jar -> ORACLE_HOME/sqlj/lib

Execute: ORACLE_HOME/sql/lib/loadjava -u sys/password -r -v -f -genmissing -s -grant public dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb11.jar

utl_dbws Installation

Photo thanks to cervus @ under CC

• Slow to install & will produce class loading errors at end

• Consider reinstalling in separate schema from sys as per Metalink note: 469588.1

Page 29: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

utl_dbws example

Page 30: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.


02 v_namespace VARCHAR2(1000) := '';

03 v_service_qname utl_dbws.qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(v_namespace,'employees');

04 v_port_qname utl_dbws.qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(v_namespace,'employeesSoapHttpPort');

05 v_operation_qname utl_dbws.qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(v_namespace,'getName');


07 v_service utl_dbws.service;

08 v_call;


10 v_int_type utl_dbws.qname;

11 v_string_type utl_dbws.qname;


13 v_request_params utl_dbws.anydata_list; -- RPC style only

14 v_response_anydata AnyData; -- RPC style only


16 v_request_xmltype XmlType; -- Document style only

17 v_response_xmltype XmlType; -- Document style only



20 v_service := utl_dbws.create_service(

21 HttpUriType(''), v_service_qname);


23 v_call := utl_dbws.create_call(v_service, v_port_qname, v_operation_qname);


25 utl_dbws.set_property(v_call, 'SOAPACTION_USE', 'TRUE');

26 utl_dbws.set_property(v_call, 'SOAPACTION_URI', 'getName');

27 utl_dbws.set_property(v_call, 'ENCODINGSTYLE_URI',

28 '');

29 utl_dbws.set_property(v_call, 'OPERATION_STYLE', 'rpc');

29 utl_dbws.set_property(v_call, 'OPERATION_STYLE', 'document');Pick one

Page 31: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

29 utl_dbws.set_property(v_call, 'OPERATION_STYLE', 'rpc');


31 v_int_type := utl_dbws.to_qname('', 'int');

32 v_string_type := utl_dbws.to_qname('', 'string');


34 utl_dbws.add_parameter(v_call, 'employeeNumber', v_int_type, 'ParameterMode.IN');

35 utl_dbws.add_parameter(v_call, 'nameCase', v_string_type, 'ParameterMode.IN');

36 utl_dbws.set_return_type(v_call, v_string_type);


38 v_request_params(0) := AnyData.convertNumber(1234);

39 v_request_params(1) := AnyData.convertVarchar('M');


41 v_response_anydata := utl_dbws.invoke(v_call, v_request_params);

42 dbms_output.put_line('Result = ' || v_response_anydata.accessVarchar2);


44 utl_dbws.release_call(v_call);

45 utl_dbws.release_service(v_service);

46 END;

47 /

Result = Christopher Muir

Page 32: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

29 utl_dbws.set_property(v_call, 'OPERATION_STYLE', 'document');


31 v_string_type := utl_dbws.to_qname('', 'string');


33 utl_dbws.add_parameter(v_call, 'Request', v_string_type, 'ParameterMode.IN');

34 utl_dbws.set_return_type(v_call, v_string_type);


36 v_request_xmltype := XmlType('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'

37 || '<getNameInput xmlns="' || v_namespace || '">'

38 || '<employeeNumber>1234</employeeNumber>'

39 || '<nameCase>U</nameCase>'

40 || '</getNameInput>');


42 v_response_xmltype := utl_dbws.invoke(v_call, v_request_xmltype);


44 dbms_output.put_line('Result = ' || v_response_xmltype.getStringVal());


46 utl_dbws.release_call(v_call);

47 utl_dbws.release_service(v_service);

48 END;

49 /

Result = <ns0:getNameOutput xmlns:ns0="">CHRISTOPHER MUIR</ns0:getNameOutput>

Page 33: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Photo thanks to Nicki's Pix @ under CC

Page 34: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Photo thanks to Daquella manera @ under CC

Page 35: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Part III: Publishing Web

Services from the Database

Native Web Services

Photo thanks to The Dilla Lama @ under CC

Page 36: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

11g Native Web Services• Available as of RDBMS 11gR1 • Provided through Oracle XML DB feature set• Publishes:

– SQL & XQuery query facility– Stored PL/SQL procedures and functions including packages

• SOAP 1.1 compliant, WSDL automatically generated

• Advantages:– Simple, no application server required

• Disadvantages:– No control over WSDL naming conventions and payload

structures– Security concerns as web services are exposed directly from

database layer

Page 37: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

11g Native Web Services Installation

Photo thanks to makelessnoise @ under CC

Page 38: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Native PL/SQL Web Services• Publish any procedure, function or package module• Support for parameters using most primitive datatypes and object

types, not %rowtype• Endpoint format:



• WSDL format:http://<host>:<port>/orawsv/<schema>/<methodname>?wsdl


• Example:

• Schema/package/module names must match database case name• Requires HTTP basic authentication with schema username/pwd

Page 39: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Native PL/SQL Web Service "Example"

FUNCTION get_name(employeeNumber IN NUMBER, nameCase IN VARCHAR2)


CURSOR c_name IS

SELECT decode(nameCase,'U',upper(name),'L',lower(name),initcap(name)) name

FROM employees

WHERE emp_no = employeeNumber;

v_name VARCHAR2(100);


OPEN c_name;

FETCH c_name INTO v_name;

CLOSE c_name;

RETURN v_name;

END get_name;

Page 40: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Native PL/SQL Web Service "Request"


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:get="">









Page 41: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Native PL/SQL Web Service "Response"


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">


<GET_NAMEOutput xmlns="">





Page 42: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Native Query Web Services• Queries & DML supported on any objects accessible via schema• Endpoint format:


• WSDL format:http://<host>:<port>/orawsv?wsdl

• Example:

• Requires HTTP basic authentication with schema username/pwd• Takes a basic SQL string with bind parameters• Returns XML structure containing data• Number of parameters to influence result

Page 43: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Native Query Web Service "Request"


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:oraw="">




<oraw:query_text type="SQL">

<![CDATA[SELECT * FROM employees WHERE emp_id = :vEmpId]]>


<oraw:bind name="vEmpId">1234</oraw:bind>




Page 44: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Native Query Web Service "Response"


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">


<queryOut xmlns="">




<NAME>Christoper Muir</NAME>






Page 45: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.


Page 46: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

SAGE Computing ServicesCustomised Oracle Training Workshops and


Questions and Answers?

Presentations are available from our

[email protected]

Page 47: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

utl_http ReferencesTim Hall's blog

ConsumingWebServices9i.php miscellaneous&file=soap_api.sql

Oracle documentation


Page 48: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

utl_dbws ReferencesTim Hall's blog

Marc Kelderman's blog


Stellan's blog


Henry Cortez on the OraFAQ forum

Oracle 10g documentation


Page 49: Back to Basics: Simple Database Web Services How to consume and publish web services with an Oracle database without getting a headache using an Application.

Native Web Services ReferencesTim Hall's blog


Paul Gallagher's blog


Marc Thompson's blog


Oracle 11g documentation
