Ba322 team 7_presentation

Brought to you by: Lynn Siwek Patrick Sun Megan Vansach Naysn Varghizadeh

Transcript of Ba322 team 7_presentation

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Brought to you by:Lynn SiwekPatrick Sun

Megan VansachNaysn Varghizadeh

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How Far Would You Go to Get

What You Want??

* Greed, back-stabbing, and doing whatever ittakes to get what you want. What do all of thesethings have in common? They are all driving forcesbehind many of the business people of Wall Street.We have seen on the news brokers and bankers beinginvestigated and businesses going under because ofcorrupt individuals. Through this film we are able tosee some of the things that people have done and arewilling to do in order to achieve their goals.

Wall Street Money Never Sleeps is a film that showsus what it is like to work as a stock trader and givesus an idea as to what some of these stock traders arewilling to do in order to get what they desire.*

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After a long stint in federal prison,

Gordon Gekko finds himself on the

outside looking in on a world he

once dominated. Hoping to make

amends and repair the broken

relationship with his daughter

Winnie, he finds himself forming an

alliance with her fiancé Jacob

Moore, a broker employed with

Keller Zabel Investments. Louis

Zabel, a long time trader finds

himself having trouble with the way

times are changing and seems

unable to adjust to the new ways of

the trade. Louis Zabel is not only

Jacob’s mentor, but he also sees

him as a father figure. Untrue

rumors are spread and Zabel’s

company goes under so he chooses

to take his own life. As important as

Zabel was to Jacob he decides to

make sure he destroys the person

responsible. Gordon Gekko helps

uncover the information that helps

Moore succeed in bringing down

the man responsible for the

downfall of Keller Zabel

Investments and the demise of

Louis Zabel. Goals accomplished,

people hurt along the way, and all

the while we see how the saying

“Greed is Good” can really come

into play.

“Greed is Good”

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Key Characters

Gordon Gekko Winnie Gekko Bretton James

Jacob Moore Louis Zabel Jacob’s Mom

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Important Scenes:We have included 4 different scenes of negotiation from the film. Each selected by a member of our team that seemed to show different types of negotiation, techniques, and tactics of which we learned throughout our course this semester.

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The Crucial Scene that started it all:

This scene set the story for Wall Street Money Never Sleeps. Louis Zabel’s

company Keller Zabel Investments was under financial stress. They needed help and help was not being offered. Bretton

James took advantage of this situation and through distributive bargaining

offered Zabel an incredibly low number on a purchase price for Zabel’s

companies stock shares. Zabel was not happy with his offer and refused. With

that James decided to walk away. Last minute, Zabel called out a counter offer

and negotiations started. James anchored his offer with a low number

and adjustments were made until a number was decided on.

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A Negotiation Full of Tension

The negotiation here was a win-lose situation. James had no real intention of giving Zabel a fair number and he had a government official to back him up claiming that the government would never justify a high price for his firm. Through hardball tactics, insults, high emotions, anchoring and adjustment, and most notable the very effective walk away technique James and his partner were able to take everything that Keller Zabel Investments had become for $3.00 per share. This was very unsettling for Zabel and shortly after he took his life.

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Meeting With Mom

Jacob meets with his mother at a property she has up for sale a negotiation occurs. Jacob’s mother flips real estate even though she used to be a nurse. However, through the course of the scene several things are revealed. The first revelation is that while Jacob’s mother has done well in real estate she needs money and while this house is on the market for sale, the real estate market itself is dry (even though Long Island always sells). We learn here Jacob’s father is not in the picture and his mother looks down at his father for his father’s failures; it is also revealed that Jacob sees his father as someone who took a chance and failed but Jacob looks up to him for this. It becomes evident through the course of the scene that the roles of parent and child have somewhat been reversed.

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We Win Some & We Lose SomeThis is a distributive negotiation. For Jacob’s mother there is clearly a win/lose proposition. If she get Jacob to give her the money she wins, but if she doesn’t she loses. Jacob has money, his mother needs the money, and as such, Jacob is purely a means to an end. In the very next scene it becomes apparent that Jacob feels some sense that he has lost and it is implied he gave her the money because she is his mother. He knows giving his mother the money was probably what was not best for her, and he gave it to her really without conditions. While he made suggestions about going back to work to his mother, he really did not negotiate for her to make the change or even use his suggestions as conditions

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If Things Were Only DifferentIf Jacob had changed his attitude and become more forceful he could potentially have turned this distributive negotiation into an integrative negotiation. If Jacob did not eventually cave but rather, offered conditions on the money such as becoming her partner or on the condition that she goes back into nursing, a dialogue may have been opened for Jacob to achieve his goal of getting his mother out of the real estate flipping business and back into nursing or something more meaningful. Jacob could have also leveraged his power of having the money to help steer this negotiation from distributive negotiation to integrative negotiation.

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The Turning Point: Hardball

In this scene we both Gekko and Jacob both wanting more from their relationship. Gekko wanting another opportunity with his daughter and Jacob wanting more insider information regarding Bretton account called “Locust.”

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The Turning Point: The Deal

We see in this scene the type of negotiation being displayed is that of

collaborative. Gekko asks of Jacob to get him a seat at the charity event at

$10,000 a seat, in turn his will research and get back to him on the “locust”

account. Jacob in turn delivers receiving the insider information on Bretons

insider trading. This was the type of negotiation of collaborative because each or receiving something at a cost of their own. For Gekko is the leaking of insider

information, for Jacob its his relationship with Winnie.

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The Ultimate Deal: Give Back The Money And Be Part of Winnie's Life Again

In this scene Jacob makes a deal with Gekkothat if Gekko returns the $100 million back to Winnie, that he will let Gekko back into the family and let him be a part of his grandson's life. The negotiation style used by Jacob Moore was that of an integrative win-win negotiation. The reason why it is considered an integrative win-win negotiation is because Gekko truly does want to be part of Winnie’s life and also be part of his future grandson's life as well. During the negotiation in Gekko'soffice in London, Gekko is watching a sonagram of his grandson in Winnie's womb. Jacob tries to convince Gekko to agree to the offer by saying, "That's your grandson. You said the most valuable commodity I know is time. You are looking at time. Not money. This is time Gordon." Gekko then says, "I'm sorry Jake. This is simply a trade I cannot make." Jacob then finally replies, "You're a sad man Gordon."

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Narcissism, Self-Love, and Greed

Gordon Gekko's narcissism, self-love, and the love of money made him turn down Jacob's initial offer to be part of Winnie's life if he would return the $100 million.

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Change of Heart: It’s Never Too Late

After having made over $1.1 billion with his own hedgefund-like financial company in London, Gekkorealizes that he wants to be part of Winnie's and his grandson's life and so he decides to take the offer and return the $100 million.

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GreedGreed can lead to motivation and motivation at times can benefit humanity. Our greed is what motivates us to reach the heights of success. It acts like fuel to us for which we toil to achieve. Greed can not only be for money and power, but also for knowledge that brings development and prosperity to the society. Finally, greed is a human characteristic and must be applied positively to avoid hardship.

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In this movie, we have seen Bretton James's as sort of a Gordon Gekkojunior as how Gekko was trading back in the 1980s. Bretton's greed leadhim to do some unethical acts such as double-dipping and Bretton findshimself under intense legal scrutiny by the government at the end of themovie.

On the other hand, we've seen Gordon Gekko change his ways slightly.Good ol' Gekko shows us that he still has what it takes to compete with thebig boys in Wall Street and make a handsome profit as evidenced with hisability to turn $100 million into $1.1 billion. We also see that Gekko hasbecome less egotistic, less narcissistic, and more generous towards the endof the movie when Gekko realizes that he doesn't have much time left onearth and so he wants to build a better relationship with Winnie and hisgrandson. And so, is Greed Good? We think it's good when it's doneethically, morally, and for the betterment of humankind. We have great rolemodels such as Warren Buffet and Bill Gates who would seem to appeargreedy with their massive wealth yet they give back so much to societythrough their charitable organizations.