Ayurvedic Medicine Online in India

4 Easy Home Remedies for Morning Stiffness in Joints The situation of uneasiness felt in the joints the moment one feels when one wakes up in the morning or after being seated for a longer duration in the same position is known as MORNING STIFFNESS. It makes one feel uneasy and unable to move the joints comfortably. It makes one restrained to move comfortably as it creates an obstruction in the movement.


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Transcript of Ayurvedic Medicine Online in India

Page 1: Ayurvedic Medicine Online in India

4 Easy Home Remedies for Morning

Stiffness in Joints

The situation of uneasiness felt in the joints the moment one feels

when one wakes up in the morning or after being seated for a

longer duration in the same position is known as MORNING

STIFFNESS. It makes one feel uneasy and unable to move the

joints comfortably. It makes one restrained to move comfortably as

it creates an obstruction in the movement.

Page 2: Ayurvedic Medicine Online in India

Let us have a look at the various symptoms that indicate a person

is suffering from joint pains or morning stiffness.

Uncomfortable to move legs and hands

Usually seen in arthritis patients

Redness, swelling, and warmth in the joints

Pain in the neck and back

Uneasiness in the body movement

Listed below are a few of the quick solutions one can adapt in their

daily routine to get a healing effect from pain.

Place an electric heating pad under the blanket during winters

Practice some simple knee exercises in the morning

Bath with hot water

Give some warmth to the areas to the painful areas to ease the


Let us have a look at the various simple and easy to prepare 4

home remedies which helps one to eradicate knee and joint pain.