AWBQ2009 Questionnaire_Final Version

Australian Workplace Barometer QUESTIONNAIRE AWBQ2009 INTRODUCTION Good …….. My name is ........ I’m calling on behalf of the University of South Australia who are conducting important research for the Australian Research Council. We recently sent you a letter concerning the Australian Workplace Barometer study – did you receive this letter? (Single response) 1. Yes 2. No 3. Don’t know [If respondent did not receive the letter, interviewer to offer to either read the letter out over the telephone or to send out a copy in the mail.] Could I please speak to a person in the household aged 18 years or over, who was the last to have a birthday and is currently in paid employment or self employed? (Single response) 1. Respondent Paid or Self employed Go Intro 2 2. No Someone else Go to Intro 1 then Intro 2 3. Refused Go to Terminate 1 4. Not in paid employment Go to terminate 2 Teminate1 Thanks anyway, I hope I have not adversely interrupted your day Terminate 2 Thanks anyway, but for this survey we need to speak to wage and salary earners, or self-employed people. Intro 1 Good ……… My name is ........ I’m calling on behalf of the University of South Australia Go to Intro 2 28/06/2022 1


AWBQ2009 Questionnaire_Final Version

Transcript of AWBQ2009 Questionnaire_Final Version

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Australian Workplace Barometer


INTRODUCTIONGood …….. My name is ........ I’m calling on behalf of the University of South Australia who are conducting important research for the Australian Research Council.

We recently sent you a letter concerning the Australian Workplace Barometer study – did you receive this letter?(Single response)1. Yes2. No3. Don’t know

[If respondent did not receive the letter, interviewer to offer to either read the letter out over the telephone or to send out a copy in the mail.]

Could I please speak to a person in the household aged 18 years or over, who was the last to have a birthday and is currently in paid employment or self employed?

(Single response)

1. Respondent Paid or Self employed Go Intro 2

2. No Someone else Go to Intro 1 then Intro 2

3. Refused Go to Terminate 1

4. Not in paid employment Go to terminate 2

Teminate1 Thanks anyway, I hope I have not adversely interrupted your day

Terminate 2 Thanks anyway, but for this survey we need to speak to wage and salary earners, or self-employed people.

Intro 1 Good ……… My name is ........ I’m calling on behalf of the University of South Australia

Go to Intro 2

Intro 2 We are conducting a study of a range of work related health issues we call the Australian Workplace Barometer Survey.

Your phone number has been randomly selected from the White Pages telephone directory, and this study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Privacy Act.

In this study we will be asking about your job, your working conditions, and your health.

Whilst your input to the survey is very important to us, participation is voluntary and you can choose not to answer any particular question or any section and you are free to withdraw from the survey at any time.

You will be able to tell us that you want to stop at any time during the interview and can re- schedule if necessary. I can assure you that all information given will remain confidential.

The answers from all people interviewed will be gathered together and presented in a report. No individual answers will be passed on.

The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, but may take longer depending on the number of questions that are relevant to you.

This call may be monitored by my supervisor for quality control purposes.

Are you happy to continue with this interview?

1. Yes – continue2. No – Make Appointment 3. Refused – selected respondent refused to

continue GO TO TERMINATE 1

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Interviewer note: If more information is required please read this…

The study aims to find out more about various aspects of job stress (such as high job demands and low control over how you do your work, and certain psychological and social risk factors within the work environment) to investigate how these factors may be related to your health and work outcomes.

Professor Maureen Dollard for the University of South Australia is conducting the study with funding from the Australian Research Council.

A. Demographics

Could you please tell me…

A.1 Which year where you born? (Single Response. Interviewer note enter 998 Don’t know, 999 refused)

1. Enter year ___

2. Don’t know

3. Refused

4. Not stated [999]

A.2 Are you a male or female? (ask if unsure)

1. Male

2. Female

A.3 Including yourself how many people aged 18 or over, who are currently in paid employment or self employed, live in this household?

(Single Response.  Enter number of people 18 years or over who are employed)

1. Enter number2. Not stated

A.4 How many children under 18 years live in your house/household?(Single Response. Enter number of people under 18 years. Enter 0 if none.)

1. Enter number 2. Not stated (999)

A.5 What is the Postcode of the house? (Single Response. If postcode is not known enter 9999)

1. Enter number 2. Not stated

(Sequence Guide: If A.4 9999 go to B)

A.6 What town or suburb do you live in?(Single Response. Enter town/suburb)

1. Enter town/suburb2. Not stated

SECTION 2 – Employment B. EmploymentTo begin with we would like to ask you some questions about your work. These questions relate to your main job, that is the one in which you work most hours

B.1 Are you employed or self–employed?(Single Response)

1. Employed

2. Self employed

3. Refused(Sequence guide: If B.1 = 2 go to B.7)

B.2 What is your employment status?(Read options. Single Response)

1. Permanent full-time2. Permanent part-time3. Casual/temporary (no annual/sick

leave)4. Fixed-term contract5. Other (specify)

6. Refused

B.3 Are you on a contract, that is are you employed for a specific period of time?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Refused

(Sequence guide: if B.3 >1 go to B.5)

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B.4 How long, in total, is the contract period?(Single Response)

1. Enter years2. Enter months3. Indefinite

4. Refused

B.5 Do you work for a labour hire agency? That is are you employed by an agency that hires you out to work in different places?

(Single Response) (Interviewer note: If yes prompt for how employed)

1. Yes, employed by a labour hire agency and hired out

2. Yes, employed by a labour hire agency (but work directly for the agency)

3. No

4. Other (specify)

5. Refused

B.6 About how long have you been working for your current employer?(Single Response)

1. Enter years2. Enter months3. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to B.8)

B.7 How long have you been running this business?(Single Response)

1. Enter years2. Enter months3. Refused

B.8 What is the main business, industry or service of your business (or your employer)?(Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. Accommodation, cafes and restaurants

2. Agriculture, forestry and fishing

3. Communications services

4. Construction

5. Cultural and recreational services

6. Education

7. Electricity, gas and water supply

8. Finance and insurance

9. Government administration and defense

10. Health and community services

11. Manufacturing

12. Mining

13. Personal and other services

14. Property and business services

15. Retail trade

16. Transport and storage

17. Wholesale trade

18. Other (specify)

19. Refused

B.9 Is your business or your employers business a…..?(Read options. Single Response)

1. A commonwealth, state or local government department or agency

2. A not-for-profit, religious, or community organisation

3. A private sector business, or4. Something else (specify)

5. Refused

B.10 With regard to number of employees – what size organisation do you work in?(Read options. Single Response)

1. MICRO = less than 52. SMALL = 5-193. MEDIUM = 20-2004. LARGE = 200+5. Don’t know

6. Refused

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B.11 Thinking of your own workplace location, how many people in total are employed there? Would it be approx?(Single Response)

1. Work alone2. 2-53. 6-194. 20-495. 50-996. 100-4997. 500+ 8. Don’t know

9. Refused(Sequence guide: If B.1 = 2 go to B.14)

B.12 Are you a member of a union or employee organisation that looks after employees interests (e.g., Nursing Federation, Police Association)?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

4. Refused(Sequence guide: If B.1 = 2 go to B.14)

B.13 Do you work under the terms of a collective or enterprise bargaining agreement?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

4. Refused

B.14 Over the past month, how many hours did you work, on average, in your main job?(Single Response)

1. Enter average number of hours2. Don’t know

3. Refused

B.15 Are you paid for any overtime you do? (Read options. Single Response)

1. Always2. Sometimes3. Never4. Don’t do any overtime

5. Refused

B.16 Which time period do you usually work?(Read options. Single Response)

1. Day2. Evening3. Night4. Rotating shifts5. Other (specify)

6. Refused(Sequence guide: If B.1 = 2 go to D.1)

B.17 Do you receive paid sick leave?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

4. Refused

5. Not Applicable

B.18 Do you receive paid holiday leave?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

4. Refused

5. Not Applicable

B.19 Do you receive an employer contribution to superannuation?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

4. Refused

5. Not Applicable

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C. Employment – Workers Compensation Claims

C.1 Have you ever put in a worker’s compensation claim? (Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Refused

(Sequence guide: If C.1 > 1 go to D.1)

C.2 Was this claim for a stress or psychological injury related problem?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Refused

(Sequence guide: If C.2 > 1 go to D.1)

C.3 Did you lodge this stress claim in the last 12 months?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Refused

SECTION 4: Job Demands

D. Job Demands – Psychological

I will now read out some statements about your work. Could you please tell me if you disagree or agree and to what level…

D.1 My job requires working very fast.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

D.2 My job requires working very hard.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

D.3 I am not asked to do an excessive amount of work.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

D.4 I have enough time to get the job done.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

D.5 Some demands I face at work are in conflict with other demands at work.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

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D.6 I have to work through my breaks and lunch/dinner in order to catch up at work.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

E. Job demands – Physical

E.1 My job requires lots of physical effort.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

E.2 I am often required to move or lift very heavy loads on my job. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

E.3 My work requires rapid and continuous physical activity, (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

E.4 I am often required to work for long periods with my body in physically awkward positions. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

E.5 I am required to work for long periods with my head or arms in physically awkward positions.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

F. Job demands – Emotional

F.1 My work is emotionally demanding.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

F.2 My work places me in emotionally challenging situations. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

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F.3 My work requires suppressing my genuine emotion. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

F.4 I have to act the way people think a person in my position should act(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable(Sequence guide: If B.1 = 2 go to H.1)

SECTION 5: Organisational Characteristics – Demands

G. Organisational Change

The next set of questions concerns things that you may or may not experience in your work.

G.1 In your company/organisation, there have been changes such as restructuring, downsizing, and layoffs that have significantly affected your job.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

G.2 In your company/organisation, you have had some influence over change processes. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

G.3 In your company/organisation, new policies and procedures designed to cut costs are constantly being introduced where you work. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

G.4 In your company/organisation, there is frequent management turnover. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

G.5 My workplace is constantly introducing new technology. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

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H. Organisational Harassment

Sometimes in your workplace you may experience or witness harassment from your manager/supervisor or colleagues.

Can you please answer with the best response to these statements…

H.1 I have experienced unwanted sexual advances.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Very rarely/never2. Rarely3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Very often/ always 6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

H.2 I have experienced discomfort listening to sexual humour.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Very rarely/never2. Rarely3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Very often/ always6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

H.3 I have experienced unfair treatment because of my gender.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Very rarely/never2. Rarely3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Very often/ always6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

H.4 Negative comments have been made regarding my ethnic or racial background.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Very rarely/never2. Rarely3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Very often/ always 6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

H.5 I have been sworn at and or yelled at.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Very rarely/never2. Rarely3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Very often/ always 6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

H.6 I have been humiliated in front of others. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Very rarely/never2. Rarely3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Very often/ always6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

H.7 I have experienced being physically assaulted / threatened.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Very rarely/never2. Rarely3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Very often/ always 6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

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I. Organisational Bullying

Bullying is a problem at some work-places and for some workers. To label something, as bullying, the offensive behaviour has to occur repeatedly over a period of time, and the person confronted has to experience difficulties defending him or herself. The behaviour is not bullying if two parties of approximate equal “strength” are in conflict or the incident is an isolated event.

I.1 Have you been subjected to bullying at the workplace during the last six months?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Refused(Sequence guide: If I.1 > 2 go to J.1)

I.2 How often were you exposed to these bullying behaviours overall? (Read Options. Single Response)

1. Daily2. At least once per week3. At least once per month4. Rarely5. Never6. Refused

I.3 How long were you exposed to these bullying behaviours overall? (Read Options. Single Response)

1. Less than one month2. 1-6 months3. 7-12 months4. 1-2 years5. More than 2 years6. Refused

J. Work – Family Conflict

I will now read out some statements about how work can affect your home and personal life.

Can you please select which answer best suits.

J.1 The demands of my work interfere with my home and family life.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly Disagree4. Neither Agree nor Disagree5. Slightly Agree6. Agree7. Strongly Agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

J.2 The amount of time my job takes up makes it difficult to fulfil family responsibilities.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly Disagree4. Neither Agree nor Disagree5. Slightly Agree6. Agree7. Strongly Agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

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J.3 Things I want to do at home do not get done because of the demands my job puts on me.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly Disagree4. Neither Agree nor Disagree5. Slightly Agree6. Agree7. Strongly Agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

J.4 My job produces strain that makes it difficult to fulfil family duties.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly Disagree4. Neither Agree nor Disagree5. Slightly Agree6. Agree7. Strongly Agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

J.5 Due to work-related duties, I have to make changes to my plans for family activities.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly Disagree4. Neither Agree nor Disagree5. Slightly Agree6. Agree7. Strongly Agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable(Sequence guide: If B.1 = 2 go to L.1)

SECTION 6: Psychosocial Safety Climate

K. Psychosocial Safety Climate

The questions and statements in this section are about the psychological health and safety at your workplace.

Can you answer with the best response that I offer.

K.1 In my workplace senior management acts quickly to correct problems/issues that affect employees’ psychological health. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.2 Senior management acts decisively when a concern of an employees’ psychological status is raised. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

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K.3 Senior management show support for stress prevention through involvement and commitment.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.4 Psychological well-being of staff is a priority for this organisation.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.5 Senior management clearly considers the psychological health or employees to be of great importance.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.6 Senior management considers psychological health to be as important as productivity. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.7 There is good communication here about psychological safety issues which affect me(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.8 Information about workplace psychological well-being is always brought to my attention by my manager/supervisor. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

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K.9 My contributions to resolving occupational health and safety concerns in the organization are listened to. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.10 Participation and consultation in psychological health and safety occurs with employees’, unions and health and safety representatives in my workplace. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.11 Employees are encouraged to become involved in psychological safety and health matters. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

K.12 In my organization, the prevention of stress involves all levels of the organisation. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Neither disagree or agree4. Agree5. Strongly Agree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

SECTION 7: Resources – Control & Support

L. JCQ - Skill Discretion

The next set of questions concerns some characteristics of your work. Please answer with the best response that suits your workplace.

L.1 My job requires that I learn new things.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

L.2 My job involves a lot of repetitive work.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

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L.3 My job requires me to be creative.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

L.4 My job requires a high level of skill.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

L.5 I get to do a variety of different things in my job.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

L.6 I have an opportunity to develop my own special abilities.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

M. JCQ - Decision AuthorityM.1 My job allows me to make a lot of

decisions on my own.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

M.2 In my job, I have very little freedom to decide how I do my work.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

M.3 I have a lot to say about what happens in my job.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

M.4 In my job I must supervise others. (Read options. Single Response)

1. No2. Yes, 1-4 People3. Yes, 5-10 People4. Yes, 11-20 People5. Yes, more than 20 People6. Other (Specify)

7. Refused

8. Not Applicable

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N. JCQ- 2.0 Macro-Decision Latitude

N.1 In my company/organisation, I have significant influence over decisions made by my work team or department.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

N.2 In my company/organisation, all parties are represented for major decisions.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

N.3 In my company/organisation, we are always informed well in advance about major decisions. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

O. JCQ - Support Supervisor Social Support

O.1 My supervisor/manager is concerned about the welfare of those under him/her.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. I have no supervisor/manager

6. Refused

7. Not Applicable (Sequence Guide: If O.1= 5 go to P.1)

O.2 My supervisor/manager is helpful in getting the job done.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

O.3 I am treated with respect by my supervisor/manager.

(Read options. Single Response)1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

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P. JCQ – Co-worker Social Support

P.1 People I work with are friendly.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. I have no co-workers

6. Refused

7. Not Applicable(Sequence Guide: If P.1= 5 go to Q.1)

P.2 People I work with are helpful in getting the job done.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

P.3 I am treated with respect by my co-workers.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

Q. Resources – RecoveryQ.1 I never have enough time between work

periods to recover my energy completely.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly disagree4. Neither agree nor disagree5. Slightly agree6. Agree7. Strongly agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

Q.2 Even if I’m tired from one work period, I’m usually refreshed by the start of the next work period.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly disagree4. Neither agree nor disagree5. Slightly agree6. Agree7. Strongly agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

Q.3 I rarely recover my strength fully between work periods(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly disagree4. Neither agree nor disagree5. Slightly agree6. Agree7. Strongly agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

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Q4. Recovering from work fatigue between work periods isn’t a problem for me.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly disagree4. Neither agree nor disagree5. Slightly agree6. Agree7. Strongly agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

Q.5 I’m often still feeling fatigued from one work period by the time I start the next one.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly disagree2. Disagree3. Slightly disagree4. Neither agree nor disagree5. Slightly agree6. Agree7. Strongly agree8. Refused

9. Not Applicable

SECTION 8: Organisational Characteristics – Resources

R. Organisational Justice

R.1 In my company/organization, procedures are designed to hear the concerns of all those affected by the decision.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

R.2 In my company/organization, procedures are designed to collect accurate information necessary for making decisions. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

R.3 In my company/organization, procedures are designed to provide opportunities to appeal or challenge the decision. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

R.4 In my company/organization, procedures are designed to generate standards so the decisions can be made with consistency. (Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

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S. Organisational Rewards

S.1 Considering all my efforts and achievements, I receive the respect and prestige I deserve at work.(Read options. Single Response)

1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

S.2 Considering all my efforts and achievements, my job prospects are adequate.(Read options. Single Response)1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

S.3 Considering all my efforts and achievements, my salary/income is adequate.(Read options. Single Response)1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

6. Not Applicable

S.4 My Job security is poor.(Read options. Single Response)1. Strongly Disagree2. Disagree3. Agree4. Strongly Agree5. Refused

T. Engagement – Vigour

We also need to know about your levels of engagement in your work.

Please answer with the best response that I read out.

T.1 At my work, I feel bursting with energy.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 times per year or less3. Once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

T.2 At my job, I feel strong and vigorous.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 times per year or less3. Once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

T.3 When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 times per year or less3. Once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

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U. Engagement – Dedication

U.1 I am enthusiastic about my job.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 per times year or less3. Once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

U.2 My job inspires me.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 times per year or less3. once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

U.3 I am proud of the work I do.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 times per year or less3. Once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

V. Engagement – Absorption

V.1 I feel happy when I am working intensely.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 times per year or less3. Once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

V.2 I am immersed in my work. (Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 times per year or less3. once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

V.3 I get carried away when I am working.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never 2. 1-3 times per year or less3. once a month4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

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SECTION 10: Mental Health We also need to know some information about your mental and physical health.

Please answer as best you can by selecting the best option I offer.

W. Mental Health – Emotional Exhaustion

W.1 I feel emotionally drained from my work.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never2. A few times a year or less3. Once a month or less4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

W.2 I feel used up at the end of the workday.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never2. A few times a year or less3. Once a month or less4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

W.3 I feel tired when I get up in the morning and have to face another day on the job.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never2. A few times a year or less3. Once a month or less4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

W.4 Working all day is a strain for me.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never2. A few times a year or less3. Once a month or less4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

W.5 I feel burned out from my work.(Read options. Single Response)1. Never2. A few times a year or less3. Once a month or less4. A few times a month5. Once a week6. A few times a week7. Every day8. Refused

X. Mental Health – Psychological Distress

X.1 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel tired out for no good reason?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

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X.2 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel nervous?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused (Sequence guide: If X.2 = 1, 6, 7, go to X.4)

X.3 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel so nervous that nothing could calm you down?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

X.4 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel hopeless?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

X.5 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel restless or fidgety?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

(Sequence guide: If X.5 = 1,6 or 7 go to X.7)

X.6 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel so restless you could not sit still?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

X.7 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel depressed?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

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X.8 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel everything was an effort?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

X.9 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

X.10 In the past four weeks, about how often did you feel worthless?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. None of the time2. A little of the time3. Some of the time4. Most of the time5. All of the time

6. Don’t know

7. Refused

Y. Mental Health – Depression

Y.1 During the last month, how often were you bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days4. Nearly every day5. Refused

Y.2 [During the last month, how often were you bothered by] feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days4. Nearly every day5. Refused

Y.3 [During the last month, how often were you bothered by] trouble falling or staying asleep OR sleeping too much?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days4. Nearly every day5. Refused

Y.4 [During the last month, how often were you bothered by] feeling tired or having little energy?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days4. Nearly every day5. Refused

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Y.5 [During the last month, how often were you bothered by] poor appetite or overeating?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days4. Nearly every day5. Refused

Y.6 [During the last month, how often were you bothered by] feeling bad about yourself-or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days4. Nearly every day5. Refused

Y.7 [During the last month, how often were you bothered by] trouble concentrating on things, such as reading a newspaper or watching television?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days4. Nearly every day5. Refused

Y.8 [During the last month, how often were you bothered by] moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed OR – the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days 4. Nearly every day 5. Refused

Y.9 [During the last month, how often were you bothered by] thoughts that you would be better off dead or thoughts of hurting yourself in some way?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. Several days3. More than half the days 4. Nearly every day 5. Refused

SECTION 11: Physical Health

Z. Physical Health – General Health

Z.1 During the past 7 days how much were you bothered by headaches?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

Z.2 [During the past 7 days] how much were you bothered by back or neck pain?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

Z.3 [During the past 7 days] how much were you bothered by pain in your arms, legs, or joint areas like your knee or hips?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

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Z.4 [During the past 7 days] how much were you bothered by muscle soreness?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

Z.5 [During the past 7 days] how much were you bothered by watery eyes, a runny nose or a stuffy head?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

Z.6 [During the past 7 days] how much were you bothered by a cough or sore throat?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

Z.7 [During the past 7 days] how much were you bothered by a fever, chills, or any other cold or flu symptoms?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

Z.8 [During the past 7 days] how much were you bothered by constipation, loose bowels, or diarrhoea?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

Z.9 [During the past 7 days] how much were you bothered by nausea, gas or indigestion?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Some 4. A lot 5. Refused

Z.10 In general, would you say your health is….?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Excellent2. Very good3. Good4. Fair5. Poor6. Refused

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AA. Physical Health – Cardio-Vascular

AA.1 In the past two years have you had your blood pressure taken by a health professional or used a self-administered machine?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Refused

(Sequence guide: If A.A1 >1 go to AA.3)

AA.2 What was your blood pressure?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Low2. Normal3. High4. Don’t know

5. Refused

AA.3 In the past two years have you consulted a health professional with regard to chest pain, or any other cardiovascular related health problem – such as myocardial infraction; angina; stroke; or hypertension?(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

4. Refused

(Sequence guide: If AA.3 >1 go to BB.1)

AA.4 What was the diagnosis?(Read Options. Single Response. Enter


1. Myocardial Infraction

2. Angina

3. Stroke

4. Hypertension

5. Other (specify)

6. Don’t know

7. Not Stated

BB. Work Outcomes – Job Satisfaction

Now some questions about your satisfaction with your job and your levels of attendance and productivity at work.

BB.1 Taking everything into consideration, how do you feel about your job as a whole?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. I’m extremely dissatisfied2. I’m very dissatisfied3. I’m moderately dissatisfied4. I’m not sure5. I’m moderately satisfied6. I’m very satisfied7. I’m extremely satisfied8. Refused

CC. Work Outcomes – Intention to Leave

CC.1 Over this year I intend to leave this organisation.(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Strongly agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly disagree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

CC.2 I’d like to work in this company for at least the next 5 years.(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Strongly agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly disagree6. Refused

7. Not Applicable

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DD. Work Outcomes – Productivity

DD.1On a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is the worst job performance anyone could have at your job and 10 is the performance of a top worker, how would you rate the usual performance of most workers in a job similar to yours?(Single Response)

1. 0

2. 1

3. 2

4. 3

5. 4

6. 5

7. 6

8. 7

9. 8

10. 9

11. 10

12. Refused

13. Not Applicable

DD.2Using the same 0-to-10 scale, how would you rate your usual job performance over the past year or two?(Single Response)

1. 0

2. 1

3. 2

4. 3

5. 4

6. 5

7. 6

8. 7

9. 8

10. 9

11. 10

12. Refused

DD.3Using the same 0-to-10 scale, how would you rate your overall job performance on the days you worked during the past 4 weeks (28 days)?(Single Response)

1. 0

2. 1

3. 2

4. 3

5. 4

6. 5

7. 6

8. 7

9. 8

10. 9

11. 10

12. Refused

DD.4Using the same 0-to-10 scale, where 0 is no affect and 10 is the most affect, during the last 4 weeks (28 days) how much did your health problems affect your productivity at work? (Single Response)

1. 0

2. 1

3. 2

4. 3

5. 4

6. 5

7. 6

8. 7

9. 8

10. 9

11. 10

12. Refused

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EE. Work Outcomes – Absenteeism

EE.1 About how many hours altogether did you work in the past 7 days?(Single Response. Enter hours – Number of (00-97). If more than 97 enter 97)1. Enter hours (00-97)2. None

3. Refused

EE.2 How many hours does your employer expect you to work in a typical 7-day week?(Single Response. If it varies, estimate the average. Of more than 97, enter 97.)1. Enter hours

2. None

3. Refused

4. Not Applicable

EE.3 In the past 4 weeks (28 days), how many days did you, miss an entire work day because of problems with your physical or mental health? (Please include only days missed for your own health not someone else’s health?(Single Response)1. Enter number of days (0-28)

2. None

3. Refused

EE.4 [In the past 4 weeks (28 days), how many days did you] miss an entire work day for any other reason (including vacation)?(Single Response)1. Enter number of days (0-28)2. None

3. Refused

EE.5 [In the past 4 weeks (28 days), how many days did you] miss part of a work day because of problems with your physical or mental health? (Please include only days missed for your own health, not someone else’s health?(Single Response)1. Enter number of days (0-28)

2. None 3. Refused

EE.6 [In the past 4 weeks (28 days), how many days did you] miss part of a work day for any other reason (including vacation)?(Single Response)1. Enter number of days (0-28)2. None 3. Refused

EE.7 [In the past 4 weeks (28 days), how many days did you] come in early, go home late, or work on your day off?(Single Response)1. Enter number of days (0-28)2. None

3. Don’t know

4. Refused

EE.8 About how many hours altogether did you work in the past 4 weeks?(Single Response) (Interviewer note: 40 hours per week for 4 weeks = 160 hours35 hours per week for 4 weeks = 140 hours40 hours per week for 4 weeks with 2 8-hour days missed = 144 hours40 hours per week for 4 weeks with 3 4-hour partial days missed = 148 hours35 hours per week for 4 weeks with 2 8-hour days missed and 3 4-hour partial days missed = 112 hours1. Enter number of hours2. None

3. Don’t know

4. Refused

SECTION 11: Employment Section (Continued)

FF. Employment (Continued)

FF.1 Could I ask, how many jobs are you currently working at?

(Single Response)

1. Enter number of jobs

2. Don’t know

3. Refused

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The next questions are about your main job, that is the one in which you work most hours.

FF.2 What is your occupation in this job – what are your main duties? (Read Options. Single Response)

(Interviewer note: Try to fit into categories listed)

1. Managers or administrator2. Professional work3. Technician or associate professional4. Tradesperson or related work5. Advanced clerical, sales or service work6. Intermediate clerical, sales or service

work7. Intermediate plant operator/transport8. Elementary clerical, sales or service

work9. Labourer or related work10. Other – please enter job type (specify)

11. Refused (Sequence guide:If FF.2 = 1 go to FF.3If FF.2 = 2 go to FF.4If FF.2 = 3 go to FF.5If FF.2 = 4 go to FF.6If FF.2 = 5 go to FF.7If FF.2 = 6 go to FF.8If FF.2 = 7 go to FF.9If FF.2 = 8 go to FF.10If FF.2 = 9 go to FF.11If FF.2 = 10 go to GG.1If FF.2 = 11 go to GG.1

FF.3 What best describes this work?(Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. General Managers and Administrators

2. Miscellaneous Generalist Managers

3. Resource Managers

4. Engineering, Distribution and Process Managers

5. Sales and Marketing Managers

6. Miscellaneous Specialist Managers

7. Farmers and Farm Managers

8. Other

9. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to GG.1)

FF.4 What best describes this work?(Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. Natural and Physical Science Professionals

2. Building and Engineering Professionals

3. Accountants, Auditors and Corporate Treasurers

4. Sales, Marketing and Advertising Professionals

5. Computing Professionals

6. Miscellaneous Business and Information Professionals

7. Medical Practitioners

8. Nursing Professionals

9. Miscellaneous Health Professionals

10. School Teachers

11. University and Vocational Education Teachers

12. Miscellaneous Education Professionals

13. Social Welfare Professionals

14. Miscellaneous Social Professionals

15. Artists and Related Professionals

16. Miscellaneous Professionals

17. Other

18. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to GG.1)

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FF.5 What best describes this work?(Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. Medical and Science Technical Officers

2. Building and Engineering Associate Professionals

3. Finance Associate Professionals

4. Miscellaneous Business and Administration Associate Professionals

5. Shop Managers

6. Hospitality and Accommodation Managers

7. Miscellaneous Managing Supervisors (Sales and Service)

8. Enrolled Nurses

9. Welfare Associate Professionals

10. Miscellaneous Health and Welfare Associate Professionals

11. Police Officers

12. Miscellaneous Associate Professionals

13. Other

14. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to GG.1)

FF.6 What best describes this work? (Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. Mechanical Engineering Tradespersons

2. Fabrication Engineering Tradespersons

3. Automotive Tradespersons

4. Electrical and Electronics Tradespersons

5. Structural Construction Tradespersons

6. Final Finishes Construction Tradespersons

7. Plumbers

8. Food Tradespersons

9. Skilled Agricultural Workers

10. Horticultural Tradespersons

11. Printing Tradespersons

12. Wood Tradespersons

13. Hairdressers

14. Textile, Clothing and Related Tradespersons

15. Miscellaneous Tradespersons and Related Workers

16. Other

17. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to GG.1)

FF.7 What best describes this work?(Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. Secretaries and Personal Assistants

2. Advanced Numerical Clerks

3. Miscellaneous Advanced Clerical and Service Workers

4. Other

5. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to GG.1)

FF.8 What best describes this work?(Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. General Clerks

2. Keyboard Operators

3. Receptionists

4. Intermediate Numerical Clerks

5. Material Recording and Despatching Clerks

6. Miscellaneous Intermediate Clerical Workers

7. Intermediate Sales and Related Workers

8. Carers and Aides

9. Hospitality Workers

10. Miscellaneous Intermediate Service Workers

11. Other

12. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to GG.1)

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FF.9 What best describes this work? (Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. Mobile Plant Operators

2. Intermediate Stationary Plant Operators

3. Intermediate Textile, Clothing and Related Machine Operators

4. Miscellaneous Intermediate Machine Operators

5. Road and Rail Transport Drivers

6. Intermediate Mining and Construction Workers

7. Miscellaneous Intermediate Production and Transport Workers

8. Other

9. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to GG.1)

FF.10 What best describes this work? (Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. Elementary Clerks

2. Sales Assistants

3. Miscellaneous Elementary Sales Workers

4. Elementary Service Workers

5. Other

6. Refused

(Sequence guide: go to GG.1)

FF.11 What best describes this work?(Single Response. Prompt if necessary)

1. Cleaners

2. Process Workers

3. Product Packagers

4. Mining, Construction and Related Labourers

5. Agricultural and Horticultural Labourers

6. Elementary Food Preparation and Related Workers

7. Miscellaneous Labourers and Related Workers

8. Other

9. Refused

GG. DemographicsNow to finish with some general questions.

GG.1What is your marital status?(Single Response)1. Married

2. Living with partner

3. Separated

4. Divorced

5. Widowed

6. Never married

7. Refused

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GG.2 In which country were you born?(Single Response)

1. Australia

2. Austria

3. Bosnia-Herzegovina

4. Canada

5. China

6. Croatia

7. France

8. Germany

9. Greece

10. Holland / Netherlands

11. Hong Kong

12. Iran

13. Italy

14. Japan

15. Malaysia

16. New Zealand

17. Philippines

18. Poland

19. Slovenia

20. Spain

21. U.K. and Ireland

22. USA

23. Vietnam

24. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

25. Former Yugoslav Republics of Serbia & Montenegro

26. Other country (specify)

27. Refused(Sequence guide: If GG.2 = 1, go to GG.4)

GG.3What year did you arrive in Australia?(Single Response)

1. Enter year 2. Don’t know [99]

(Sequence guide: go to GG.5)

GG.4Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?(Single Response)

1. No

2. Yes

3. Aboriginal

4. Torres Strait Islander

5. Both

6. Not stated

GG.5What best describes the highest educational qualification you have obtained?(Read options. Single response)

1. Still at school2. Left school at 16 years or less3. Left school after age 164. Left school after age 16 but still

studying5. Trade / Apprenticeship6. Certificate / Diploma7. Bachelor degree or higher8. Other (specify)

GG.6We are interested to know if there is any relation to income levels and job stress risk. Before tax is taken out, which of the following best describes your income from your main job in the last 12 months?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Up to $12,0002. $12,001 - $20,0003. $20,001 - $30,0004. $30,001 - $40,0005. $40,001 - $50,0006. $50,001 - $60,0007. $60,001 - $80,0008. $80,001 - $100,0009. More than $100,00010. Not stated/refused

11. Don't know

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GG.7How many residential telephone numbers, including mobile phones, can be used to speak to someone in this household?

(Single Response.  Interviewer note: do not include Internet or fax numbers)

1. Enter number                  ____2. Don’t know                      [999]

GG.8 How many times do these numbers appear in the White Pages?(Single Response.  Interviewer note: do not include Internet or fax numbers. Total number of entries includes numbers that are listed more than once.)

1. Enter number                  ____2. Don’t know                      [999]

That was the final question I had to ask you for the survey.

Thanks for time – we really appreciate it.

During this interview I have asked you to think of some negative and positive experiences you have had at your work.

I have also asked you some questions concerning whether you have experienced any levels of depression.

Included in the letter we sent you was some information with contact details for counselling services, if you feel distressed.

Alternatively, I can offer you some telephone numbers now if you feel that you need to discuss some of these concerns with a qualified professional.

[University of South Australia - Psychology Clinic: 8302 2170Life Line: 131114Youth Line: 1300 131719Assessment and Crisis intervention: 13 14 65Beyond Blue Info Line: 1300 224636] GG.9Did the respondent accept the number?

(Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No

In order for us to make really good use of your answers it would be of great benefit to ask you the same questions again at a later date.

Would you be willing to be re-contacted about doing this survey again in about a year’s time?

You are not obliged to say yes if we call. You can decide then.

GG.10 Are you willing to be re-contacted? (Read Options. Single Response)

1. Yes

2. No(sequence guide: If GG.8 = 2, go to terminate 3)

Could I just confirm the number I called you on?

Display and edit as necessary

Do you have an alternative number we can also contact on ….a mobile number?Record number

Could I confirm that we have the right address for you?(Read Options. Single Response)

1. Yes (address conf)2. Different address (specify)3. Refused

Terminate 3: Thanks again for your support for the Australian Workplace Barometer project.


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